
Healthier Lifestyle Thread 30th June till 6th July

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Aug 23, 2005
Hey guys!

I''m super-late to the thread, but wanted to thank Lorelei for such a wonderful opener!
Marcy, you are indeed an incredible source of inspiration. Thanks for sharing your insight and experiences. They are invaluable!!

I need to do some work tonight (groaaaaaaaaaaaan), so I''ll save my personal hellos for tomorrow. Did want to update any who were following my 10K training.

I didn''t race on Sunday, as planned!
My beloved mother-in-law wrecked my car two days beforehand, and that threw a wrench into, well, everything.

Fortunately, it was a parking accident rather a driving one. She borrowed my car (long story) and forgot to put it in gear or use the e-brake when she parked. (I think I''m the only person in America to drive a stick shift!) Anyway, it rolled almost two blocks into a brick wall!
Thank goodness no one was hurt and no other cars were involved. The speed of the collision really did a number on my car. Because it''s nearly 20 years old, insurance wants to total it.

Anyway, I''m still running and not too bummed about missing the race. The idea was to train and get fit, not wow anyone with my stellar 11-minute mile.

Hope everyone is having a good week. I''ll write a real post soon.


Feb 27, 2007
Hi everyone. I am going to try and catch up with everyone’s posts. Today was great. We drove over the top of the pass in Glacier as they just opened the road. We saw many wonderful things. Tomorrow we are taking a helicopter ride. I am very excited for that. It is great just getting in and out of the truck, walking down the paths to take photos. Life is good! Okay, so was the cheesecake, blueberry / peach cobbler but I just ate ½ of them.

Tacori, I started my new lifestyle on September 1, 2006 so it took me almost 2 years to get here. Good luck with your goal and we are here for you as your cyber friends.

Lorelei, again I thank you for celebrating in my excitement and joy in my new lifestyle. This trip would never have been possible for the old Marcy and I am having a blast.

Dragonfly, thanks for the kind words. Good luck PS dust coming your way for the possible job.

Appletini, thanks. How cool the teacher wanted to recruit you for his class.

Thanks Somethingshiny. I appreciate that. I am sure you’ll look great in that cute little skirt on the 4th of July.

Skippy, rats to hear you knee is bothering you. I have been taking many “skippy’s” this week in the park. Some wine with dinner and spending time with your friend sounds like a great time.

Chrono, are you eating several times a day? I spread my calories out over 5 or 6 times so I never get really full but I never get really hungry. I am glad you liked my photo. At least if you eat cupcakes for breakfast you can work on burning them off all day.

Coati, thanks for the kind words about me. Yay for acing your diamond final. Have fun with those colored stones. I saw some Montana sapphires in a gift shop today but quickly lost interest when I saw how included they were. Yuck!

Kimi, thanks for thinking I am a champion. It is sad how easy it is to put back on a few pounds but no worries they’ll go away too. Have fun on your trip this weekend.

Steph, glad you had a great time at the wedding. Thanks for the nice compliment.

Hi Mara. It’s great to hear from you. I swear I will submit my story to a few magazines when my goal is officially met. How fun would that be to be in a magazine? Thanks for the great photo of you and diver grrl.

Linda, glad to hear you had blue skies and went for a walk with Mazie. Woo hoo for getting to go camping. Have a great time my friend.

Miscka, I love fresh pineapple too. Thanks for the kind words about my photo.

Ellen, I’ll look forward to you being back and bugging me. Have a great vacation.

DeeJay, LOL at everyone staring at you. I like Linda’s suggestion. Tell them the water’s warm – come on in and join you.

Rod, glad to hear your second day of work was a bit more comfortable for you. I get up at 6:15 and trust me I feel your pain. I hope you sleep well tonight. Do you get Friday off?

Wow, I just a guy out the window that must be bigger than I was. I am WALKING down to the office to mail postcards now.

Take care my HLT friends.


Feb 27, 2007
Kathy, I am so sorry to hear about your car. I am glad no one was hurt. Thanks for the nice compliment.


Apr 30, 2005
Glad you are having a good time Marcy! And you are most welcome!

I am plodding on as usual!


Apr 9, 2007
Hi everyone! Hope you all have a fantastic holiday weekend.

Today I am trying to learn that just because I slipped a little, doesn't mean I should give up. It is so easy to get discouraged after one mistake, and think "well, I ruined it, might as well have some (fill in the blank)." I am trying to teach myself that it was one mistake, and tomorrow is another day and another chance to do better. Sigh.

ETA: On a better note, I managed to avoid the Dunkin Donuts in the office this morning!


Jun 15, 2006
Morning All!

Kathy, I am so sorry about your MIL and the accident. I, too, drive a stick shift! DH hates it because he never learned how to drive one. Hope all is well now.

Marcy, hope you''re enjoying your trip.

Rod, returning to work is a tough adjustment. I remember when I started subbing after taking 8 months off to focus on school. It was no easy feat.

Hi everyone else!

So I''ve lost 2.6 of the 4 pounds I''ve gained, which makes me feel better about going on vacation. I had started eating sandwiches for lunch instead of my normal and I wonder if the extra carbs had something to do with the gain as I''ve stopped doing that and I''m now headed back where I belong. I was eating whole grain bread, but maybe my body just wasn''t too fond of the switch. At least I''ve found some solution.

We''re leaving early this afternoon and will be back Sunday evening. Have a great weekend, everyone. And happy Fourth of July.



Apr 30, 2005
Date: 7/3/2008 10:44:44 AM
Author: Miscka
Hi everyone! Hope you all have a fantastic holiday weekend.

Today I am trying to learn that just because I slipped a little, doesn''t mean I should give up. It is so easy to get discouraged after one mistake, and think ''well, I ruined it, might as well have some (fill in the blank).'' I am trying to teach myself that it was one mistake, and tomorrow is another day and another chance to do better. Sigh.

ETA: On a better note, I managed to avoid the Dunkin Donuts in the office this morning!
Absolutely! I have learned to roll with it now, difficult days come to us all, and it is what we do afterwards which matters, just put it behind you and keep going!


Feb 27, 2007
Miscka, I think that is a lesson that is hard to learn but it sure makes it easier to deal with every day life. I used to get really down on myself if I ate something over my calorie limit especially if I put on a pound or two but I finally realized I am doing this for the rest of my life and it doesn''t matter how fast I get there, just that I continue to work towards it.

Kimi, woo hoo for loosing 2.6 pounds. I was glad to see my new Dockers fit fine this morning after all my "foodfoolery" this week.

Lorelei, I am starting to think the weather in Glacier National Park is always pants.

Have a great day!


Apr 30, 2005
Date: 7/3/2008 11:07:37 AM
Author: marcyc
Miscka, I think that is a lesson that is hard to learn but it sure makes it easier to deal with every day life. I used to get really down on myself if I ate something over my calorie limit especially if I put on a pound or two but I finally realized I am doing this for the rest of my life and it doesn''t matter how fast I get there, just that I continue to work towards it.

Kimi, woo hoo for loosing 2.6 pounds. I was glad to see my new Dockers fit fine this morning after all my ''foodfoolery'' this week.

Lorelei, I am starting to think the weather in Glacier National Park is always pants.

Have a great day!


Mar 26, 2006
Hello all! Today I went over to the pool and swam twice as much as I did the other day. It is actually a little cool (only about 70ish) which made the water feel very warm, but toward the end it was pretty windy and the waves were splashing me in the face, even when I was doing the backstroke, so that wasn't a ton of fun. I tried to talk myself into 50 laps but the wind and waves did me in at 40. Oh well, it's better than 20, right?

I have to bolt off and pick some stuff up from a client, and then try to find a new house to live in because I might have... um... accidentally sold mine out from under me...

Will check in more later!


Feb 27, 2007
Hi. We just got back from the helicopter flight. It was awesome. We sure got CLOSE to some peaks but luckily Marty was facing that direction.

An interesting side note a guy on the ride with us today was a very large man. He had to buy 2 seats and really had trouble getting in and out of the helicopter. I told Marty that would have been me. Thank goodness for motivation and determination.

Lorelei, the sun did finally come out here.

DeeJay, yay for getting in a nice swim.

Have a fun and safe 4th of July!

Take care.


Nov 24, 2006
I thought I would post this link regarding the 100 cal packs; sort of interesting. This has happen to me before. What works for one does not work for other but thought the article was interesting and we should do what works for each person. Just food for thought

I will go on a much needed walk tonight. It seems like my week was not as planned, those things happen!!! Have a great Thursday all
After my walk I will come back and post

Marcy, your trip sounds fab. Will add more later.


Mar 16, 2005
Date: 7/3/2008 4:22:34 PM
Author: Skippy123
I thought I would post this link regarding the 100 cal packs; sort of interesting. This has happen to me before. What works for one does not work for other but thought the article was interesting and we should do what works for each person. Just food for thought

I will go on a much needed walk tonight. It seems like my week was not as planned, those things happen!!! Have a great Thursday all
After my walk I will come back and post

Marcy, your trip sounds fab. Will add more later.

Skippy, thanks for the article. I feel like that too. I always go, wow that small amount was 100 cals? Should have had an apple instead b/c that did nothing to fill me up. I do buy them for Andrew though to have an occasional snack. They are good for on the go and then he doesn''t get too many calories from junk.


Feb 11, 2008
dee*jay, 40 laps!?
Wow. I did only 16 today and I was exhausted!!! Ok, I have a new inspiration, if you don''t mind

I''ve read your other thread about your house. I hope it gets sorted out soon...

Miscka, I''m trying to tell myself that this weekend is going to be okay too...At least I''m going to try not to go overboard. Yay for resisting doughnuts! I can never do it!


Dec 28, 2005
Hey........It wasn''t a bad day and that''s good. I got up at that god-awful time of 6:30 and I guess a lot of people took today off because I left at the same time, but I was at work at 7:45, ugh............We only had to stay in the office until noon today, so Charlie made me a sandwich and we met at Starbucks for lunch and we split a blueberry scone from Panera, like the "good old day''s" when we could do that daily. Ah, the memories of our leisurly life on unemployment.........LOL Then I had to come home as I had a training class to attend from 3:30 to 4:30, but was off after that. So, I headed to the gym and was able to enjoy a quieter workout as I was well ahead of the evening rush. We had nice healthy salads for dinner. I''m so looking forward to sleeping in tomorrow morning.......Ah, sleeping in is such a treat!! Charlie has to work tomorrow, and I have absolutely nothing, zip, zero - nadda, planned for the day. I am buying lobsters to celebrate the fact that tomorrow, we will have been together for 28 years!

Marcy, I''m glad you enjoyed the hellicopter ride. I''m sure it was just spectacular and it''s nice it wasn''t pants and the sun chose to come out, just for you! I''m sure when you see someone who is that overweight, it really hits home and you recognize your amazing accomplishment. You should always be proud of that!

Kathleen, I''m so sorry to hear about your car. I hope you''re looking forward to getting a new one. At least, like you said, no one was hurt and no other cars damaged. I know you must have been disappointed to miss the race. I''m glad you''re looking at it positively and like you said, you certainly benefited from preparing for it.

Miscka, we all fall off the wagon. It''s something that will happen again. The trick is realizing it''s OK and getting right back on, which, from what you wrote, is exactly what you did. SO CONGRATULATIONS! Well done!

Yay for losing 2.6 pounds Kimberly. The rest is pure muscle, I''m telling you!! Have a great vacation this weekend!

DeeJay, you just crack me up!! You need to find a place for you and Bill to live, because you um, sort of likely sold your house. Too funny. I hope Bill saw the humor it that too!! And 40 laps??........GO DEEJAY!!

I hope you had a great walk Skippy and thanks for the article. Like Steph said, I''d rather have an apple. Those 100 calorie treats, just don''t do it for me........

OK....enough from Rod. I hope everyone''s looking forward to a wonderful and safe 4th of July. We''ll be able to sit on our terrace after dinner tomorrow night and watch the fireworks over the bay. They usually put on a really good show. I hope you get to see some fireworks where you are as well..........


Nov 24, 2006
Hi all, I had a super busy day today, a little tiny bit of stress but nothing that one can't handle!!! hehe I needed a good workout and then rain poured so I waited and the sun came out just in time for my nice walk, a gorgeous sky and beautiful pink clouds!!!!
I walked about 40 mins and at the end of the walk I stopped to talk to neighbors as the sun was setting. We are planning another block party this fall and since I am always on the planning committe they were filling me in on the details and when we should have a meeting. heehe I love planning things, I think that is how I end up on the committee!
Happy 4th of July friends!!!

Marcy, I heard Glacier National Park is absolutley gorgeous!!! A little pie isn't bad; I bet you are doing lots of walking and enjoying some romantic time with hubby.
Yay for one seat on the helicopter!!!!!
Please post pics when you get back!

Lorelei, glad you have a Who's Who thread; I loved reading it!!

Miscka, kudos on avoiding the donut!!!

Kimi, good for you!! Have a wonderful trip!!

Dee, glad you had a great workout and did double! How was the wedding???

Steph, certain snacks I can't have or I want to eat more so I am like you I want more bang for my calorie buck! Steph, I have to say I love all your posts, you are very kind and I was reading a post of yours recently that was just soo nice!!!

Choro, hi there!!!

Rod, your lunch sounds wonderful!!! Enjoy your weekend off; I think the 1st few weeks are tough soaking all the info overload in, it is just mentally exhausting! hehe Have a wonderful one! Enjoy the front seat view of the fireworks, sounds wonderful!
ETA: forgive me for not mentioning it earlier!!! HAPPY ANNIVERSARY to you and Charlie


Nov 18, 2004
Just dropping in to wish Rod and Charlie a happy anniversary, that''s quite a milestone.


Mar 20, 2003
Forgive me for not greeting others individually but DH is asleep beside me and I want to limit the clack-clack of the keys. Hello all.

I''m still at the beach. I think the reality of the loss of my dad is sinking in more, but I still often think about what he would do if he were with us. Today was my nephew''s first birthday and it was really sad to think about driving with my dad when we got the call that he had been born. My dad seems so close and yet so far away.

I''ve kept up my moderate exercising, with a minor kink that running barefoot on the beach caused me to develop a blood blister. After three 2 or 3 mile runs, it became pretty bad. No wonder all the other beach runners wore shoes! I just thought it would be fun, which really it was.

We''ve also decided to turn the ten day trip we were going to take with my parents to the south of France into a long weekend in Paris for the two of us (nonrefundable tickets, but we at least negotiated away the changing fee although we still had to pay the price difference, grrr). We''ll get to see the finish of the Tour de France again. Since I''d given up on going on the trip at all, it''s a nice treat to have it to look forward to. I thought I wouldn''t want to take the trip at all without my dad, but it is what it is, and I''d either be in Paris thinking of what would have been, or be at home thinking of what would have been, so I''m going with Paris.

Happy fourth if you''re in the US, and happy Thursday if not.


Aug 23, 2005
Hi all!

Marcy, sounds like you are having a wonderful time! The helicopter ride sounds divine. We have family who have been to Glacier and raved about it. Sounds amazing!

Hi Lorelei, Steph and Choro!

Miscka, I could so relate to what you were saying about learning to live with slipups. I''ve been working really hard on my all-or-nothing thinking. It''s so dang hard. Kudos on skipping Dunkin''!

Hey Kimberly! Cool that you drive a stick also. I''m just now realizing how few manual transmissions are out there now. Great job losing 2.6 pounds!!
Have a fab time on vacation.

Dee*Jay, yowza for 40 laps!! That''s awesome!

Skippy, great article on those snack pack thingies. Goes to show how important the big picture on healthful eating is. Sounds ilke you had a lovely walk. An autumn fall party sounds fun!

Rod, happy anniversary to you and Charlie!
Best wishes for another happy 28 years. Enjoy the lobster! Sounds like work is going well so far.

Not too much to report here. Not much running this week, but hope to get in some miles over the weekend. Planning on seeing my dad, which should be nice. He gets a big kick out of his grandkids.

Looks like insurance will let me repair my ancient car after all. I''d like to get new-to-me wheels eventually, but for now, I do love my 4Runner. It''s a tank. Other than maintenance, we haven''t done a thing to it!

Have a great 4th!


Aug 23, 2005
Hey phoenixgirl, glad to see your post. I''ve been wondering how you''re doing. Glad you''ll have Paris to look forward to. That''ll be a nice change of pace.

Hope your blisters are better soon!


Nov 24, 2006
Prayers and hugs outgoing for you PHX; have a wonderful and safe trip.

Kathleen, sorry about your car and not making the race! Glad the ins is paying for it! You have such a positive outlook in general!! Kudos for staying healthy!!!

Hello Miss Kaleigh!

Have a great 4th all!


Feb 27, 2007

Hi Everyone. I hope you have a fun and safe 4th of July. Tomorrow is our last day in Glacier National Park then we will be heading home. It’s been really fun.

Skippy, I hope the link to the 100 calorie snack isn’t bad news – I use them almost daily. Of course, maybe I could be their spokesman and get rich too. I’ll have to check it out if my internet connection lasts that long. I hope you had a fabulous walk. I will post several photos when we get back. Marty took one he wants me to post by a chocolate candy store.

Steph, your comment is making me hopeful Skippy’s link isn’t bad news. I think they would be a good idea for snacks for children.

Chrono, yay for 16 laps today.

Rod, Happy Anniversary with Charlie tomorrow. Woo hoo! 28 years is awesome!!! That man has been in my thoughts all day. We went to dinner tonight and I mentioned to Marty almost every table in the restaurant had at least one overweigh person. These small tourist towns probably don’t have much to do in the winter.

DeeJay, you sold your house? I hope you at least get a great commission. Oooh and you should buy the new place from yourself and save big as well.

PhoenixGirl, I have been thinking about you. I think the trip to Paris will be nice. Take care.

Kathy, I would very much recommend a trip to Glacier. It is so gorgeous. Glad to hear your insurance will pay on your car.

Hi Lisa.



Mar 16, 2005
Hey, guys. Well, it is 1 am here and I cannot sleep. I had a glass of coke tonight and I think that is what is keeping me up. Anyway, we had a great day today. We went up to the pool for a few hours. Andrew is such a little fish in the water now since he''s had swimming lessons. It is so much fun watching him. Adam has been out of town off and on for the past few weeks, so I wanted to make a really good home-cooked meal for him. I ended up making pan-seared scallops with mushroom risotto. This was the first time I made risotto and it turned out soooo yummy. It was from cooking light, although I think I added a little more butter than it called for. Anyway, hope everyone has a wonderful 4th tomorrow

Rod, congrats on your anniversary. That is so wonderful. That means you guys have been together since I was a year old! That is amazing! Enjoy your lobster!

Skippy, sorry for the stressful day today. You are so sweet too, friend...thank you for saying that about me

Hi, Kaleigh

Phoenix, you are in my thoughts. Hugs to you.

Kathleen, have fun seeing your dad!

Marcy, sounds like you are having a great time. Enjoy your last day!


Nov 24, 2006
Marcy, I guess in USA Today it just said those 100 cal packs sometimes cause people to not feel satisfied and sometimes crave more. I like them once in awhile but certain ones cause me craving more and more snack packs. You are doing great so you can prove that article wrong that is why I said these things work for some but not others. I just thought I would post it in case anyone had cravings after eating them then they know about the study. Glad you are having a great time. Are the stars awesome?!?!?! Yay, can't wait to see your pics!!!

Steph, caffeine does that to me too!! I hope you can sleep, you are such a sweetie pie. When I can't sleep I notice I had caffeine after 1pm. Sweet dreams, thanks friend!

I don't know why I am up. I need to go to bed because I am getting up early!!!


Feb 11, 2008
skippyHi back at ya!
phoenix, yikes, running at the beach with no shoes!? Give those poor feet some rub and lotion
I realized that just walking on the beach is exercise for me. Walking in sand is hard! I''m such a wuss...
Marcy, thanks for your yay!
steph mmmm risotto! Make me some purty please!

Seem like a lot of ladies are up when they need to be resting...


Mar 16, 2005
Good morning. Well, I just did an hour routine from FitTV that was a combo of cardio and core work. It was great and I really worked up a sweat. I have no idea how I have the energy to do it considering I only got about 4 hours of sleep. I just cannot have caffeine at night or it will keep me up all night long. Anyway, I think we are going to the pool in a bit, then I am coming home to make some of my artichoke spinach dip to have with chips and burgers tonight before we head out to see fireworks. Hope everyone is having a great day!

Skippy, hope you were able to get some sleep last night!

Hi, Choro! Sure, come on down to Florida and I will make you some risotto


Apr 30, 2005


Mar 26, 2006
Happy 4th everyone!!!

Went to the gym and did 65 mins on the elliptical, but I was annoyed the whole damn time. This woman brought her son, who I imagine is about 8 or 9 years old, and he was pretty good for a while, but then some kids out in the pool area saw him in the gym and came in too. They were playing on the machines with enough weight to have gotten themselves hurt, and they even had a "race" on the treadmills that sent one of them flying off the back and onto his butt on the floor. (They, of course, found that to be hysterical.) The mother who was there with her son evetually said, OK, we're leaving, but who knows where the parents of the other two kids from the pool area were. I try not to say anything in situations like this becuase maybe I truly don't "get it," not having kids of my own, but I GLARED at them from my elliptical the whole time. Nothing like a little anger to burn 750 cals by!

The HH is just back from his run. 19 miles along the lakefront. And he's not even training for anything--he just *enjoys* it.

Happy anniversary Rod and Charlie!!!

And Rod, I forgot to give you the trashy vamp novel info. It's an author named Laurell K. Hamilton. I picked up her latest book when I was in the airport a few weeks ago, but then I realized it was the last on in a long string of them so now I'm going back and reading the rest. Honestly, I've read four of them now and the one I got in the airport was the best in my opinion, but maybe because I kind of "know ahead" at this point so the others aren't as suprising to me. So my advice would be either read them in order or just read the last one. (Be careful; she's written books other than vampire novels, so look for some wording like "An Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter Novel" on the cover or you could be getting one of her other things.)

Stephi, I LOVE those 100 cal packs. Especially 3 or 4 at at time!

Marcy, I can't wait to see your photos from the park!

Steph, the HH is making mushroom risotto tonight too. I hope his turns out as well as your's did (sometimes his first try at a recipe can be a little... um... grim.)

Kathy - I'm glad to hear that your insurance will take care of your car.

PG, I am impressed you can run on the sand! Take care of that blister.

Chrono, I hope I didn't make my swim sound better than it was!!! Our pool is not olympic size or anything like that, so really my 40 laps was probably less than your 16.
Kimi, the HH just yelled down that he's going to take a shower and then he'll be "ready for whatever the day may bring." Ha ha -- the day is going to bring a drive in Printers Row and the South Loop.

Miscka, good for you and skipping DD!

Lorelei, our weather here today is just perfect. If you're still having pants there just come and stay with me for a little while!


Mar 16, 2005
Date: 7/4/2008 1:15:33 PM
Author: Dee*Jay
Happy 4th everyone!!!

Went to the gym and did 65 mins on the elliptical, but I was annoyed the whole damn time. This woman brought her son, who I imagine is about 8 or 9 years old, and he was pretty good for a while, but then some kids out in the pool area saw him in the gym and came in too. They were playing on the machines with enough weight to have gotten themselves hurt, and they even had a ''race'' on the treadmills that sent one of them flying off the back and onto his butt on the floor. (They, of course, found that to be hysterical.) The mother who was there with her son evetually said, OK, we''re leaving, but who knows where the parents of the other two kids from the pool area were. I try not to say anything in situations like this becuase maybe I truly don''t ''get it,'' not having kids of my own, but I GLARED at them from my elliptical the whole time. Nothing like a little anger to burn 750 cals by!

The HH is just back from his run. 19 miles along the lakefront. And he''s not even training for anything--he just *enjoys* it.

Happy anniversary Rod and Charlie!!!

And Rod, I forgot to give you the trashy vamp novel info. It''s an author named Laurell K. Hamilton. I picked up her latest book when I was in the airport a few weeks ago, but then I realized it was the last on in a long string of them so now I''m going back and reading the rest. Honestly, I''ve read four of them now and the one I got in the airport was the best in my opinion, but maybe because I kind of ''know ahead'' at this point so the others aren''t as suprising to me. So my advice would be either read them in order or just read the last one. (Be careful; she''s written books other than vampire novels, so look for some wording like ''An Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter Novel'' on the cover or you could be getting one of her other things.)

Stephi, I LOVE those 100 cal packs. Especially 3 or 4 at at time!

Marcy, I can''t wait to see your photos from the park!

Steph, the HH is making mushroom risotto tonight too. I hope his turns out as well as your''s did (sometimes his first try at a recipe can be a little... um... grim.)

Kathy - I''m glad to hear that your insurance will take care of your car.

PG, I am impressed you can run on the sand! Take care of that blister.

Chrono, I hope I didn''t make my swim sound better than it was!!! Our pool is not olympic size or anything like that, so really my 40 laps was probably less than your 16.

Kimi, the HH just yelled down that he''s going to take a shower and then he''ll be ''ready for whatever the day may bring.'' Ha ha -- the day is going to bring a drive in Printers Row and the South Loop.

Miscka, good for you and skipping DD!

Lorelei, our weather here today is just perfect. If you''re still having pants there just come and stay with me for a little while!

DJ, sorry about your experience with the kids at the gym. I think it is rude to take kids in with you when it is supposed to be an adult only area. That is why I work out at the ungodly hour of 6am if I go to the gym so I can go before my hubby leaves for work. I would never think about taking my son with me while I worked out at the gym unless they have a babysitting area. Hope your hubby''s risotto turns out well. It is actually really easy, but you just have to keep stirring it for 30 mins straight!


Dec 28, 2005
Happy 4th Everyone!!

I slept in until 9:15. WOO HOO. I just love not getting up in the morning! Why couldn't I have some distant uncle who just loves me and who is dripping in money and who decided to give me enough to never have to worry about getting up early ever again.......LOL Unk, are you out there. Huh?? Huh??

I really haven't done much of anything today. I did do a little work this morning. Then had lunch at home, before heading out to Sbucks. It's a sunny and warm, but not blistering hot day in Tampa. I decided to treat myself to a Mocha Frapuccino. Calories be damned!! I bought the lobster and fresh Silver Queen corn for tonights dinner and will just wait patiently for Charlie to get home.

Thanks so much Skippy! Yay for the sun coming out just in time for your walk. I hope things are way less stressful for you today. Have fun planning the neighborhood block party. We had them in our last neighborhood and they were lot's of fun.

It's so nice to hear from you Lisa! Thanks for the anniversary wishes! Charlie and I were talking this morning about how I've now spent more of my life with him than without him. I'm no spring chicken anymore.........At least as I've aged, I've become a better chicken.....LOL

I'm glad you're having a fab time at the beach Phoenix. I'm sure it's hard without your dad. I love love love Paris, so I'm jealous of your weekend there. It's the best eating city on the planet. Throw caution to the wind and eat everything and anything you heart desires!!

I hope it's a good thing the insurance company will repair your car kathleen! I've never had a car that long. I think there's a law against it or something - LOL Thanks for the anniversary wishes too!

I know what you mean when you think about your larger days when you see someone who is uncomfortably large Marcy. It always makes me so glad I worked so hard to take the weight off. Enjoy your last day of vacation and drive home safely. Thanks for the anniversary wishes my friend!

Gee, thanks for making Rod feel like an OLD OLD man Steph!!! LOL,
. But thanks for the well wishes anyway!! One year old when we got together?? Oh my
. Sorry the coke kept you awake. I haven't had a coke in over 3 years. I used to drink more than I can count each day. I'm sure it helped contribute to the formerly much larger Rod!!

Thanks so much Lorelei!!! I hope your weather is not pants today. I don't know how you handle so much pants weather? I find cloudy, rainy days depressing. Charlie on the other hand finds them energizing. Go figure........

Oh Thank You DeeJay! Bill ran 19 miles???
Are you serious?? That's some serious miles. I would be incapable of walking if I ran that distance. It takes a toll on my aging knees - LOL. Good for you doing an hour on the elliptical too!! I hate interruptions when I'm at the gym. Our gym at least has a kids center, so they're not running around. But, I find adults often just as annoying as kids. Yesterday this young guy was on the elliptical next to me and he took call after call on his cell phone. It was very disconcerting and rude, IMHO. Thanks for the trashy vamp author. I love anything vampire......

OK.....time to go start getting things ready for dinner. Thanks again for the anniversary wishes. I'm sure we'll have a very nice dinner, get some coffee, then watch the fireworks from our balcony. I hope you all have exciting, but safe plans for the evening yourselves!
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