
Healthier Lifestyle Thread 23rd June till 29th June

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Jun 25, 2007
Hey everyone! How''s the day?! Today I''m feeling ok. The knee is still out of service, and my ankle is feeling a bit of strain from taking on the brunt from the knee. This morning I did 45 mins of floor based moves including bicycles, reverse crunches, leg lifts, russian twists, some other abdominal moves from Self magazine, bridge, side leg lifts, and some upper body work while standing and 100''s. I also did downward facing dog to stretch my hips and keep them supple, and cat bow and cat lift and child''s pose at the end. Hopefully the knee will get better. I''ve let go of the work thing. I''m ready to find another job, but I"m not going to be miserable in the meantime. B this morning was eggs with tea. Lunch is a salad again. not sure about D yet.
cj- HOLY CRAP That''s a lot of food!!!! How did you like it?
Rod - I''m glad to hear that you let your past job go, and are relaxing. That dinner sounds delicious, can I come visit and have you cook for me? And check out 101cookbooks for a grilled pizza recipe YUMMO
DeeJay - good luck with the trainer
PG - I''m glad you are feeling a bit better today. I listen to knew age when I''m doing yoga, it''s out there sometimes, but usually quite relaxing. I hope all keeps getting better.


Nov 24, 2006
Good afternoon Friends; today I went to Weight Watchers and I lost a 1lb, yay!!!
I was stuck these past couple weeks and now the scale budged, yippee! Tonight my hubby and I are meeting some friends for dinner; I am hoping we get home in time to meet my cousin for a walk. It is hot out here!!! I hope everyone is staying cool.

Coati, darn, I thought you got to keep the colored stones. Thanks for the kudos at the dentist. hehe
Tell Mr. Coati I say happy birthday!!! I have seen red velvet cupcakes but never tried one; they sound yummy, enjoy!

Marcy, whooooo hooooo for losing some more weight!!! I bet you are so proud and excited!! You skinny minnie!

Rod, glad your meatloaf was yummy and same with the veggies. Enjoy your workout! How was work for Charlie??

DeeJay, yay for getting a workout in and finding an awesome PT, kudos!!!

Apple, I like getting my teeth cleaned too, except the last time when they didn't give me a kudos since I might be getting a cavity. I liked the kudos this time. hehe Have fun at the dentist tomorrow!!! Enjoy your PT today, yay!

Kimi, I got to watch lifetime tv last evening so it was a nice little break. hehe I should have been reading instead. I am sorry those little kids can't express themselves, you are a very good and patient teacher! I bet they adore you. Enjoy your haircut!!

Linda, how are you feeling? I have had you in my prayers honey!

PHX, I hope you find a good counselor, take care honey, too bad the other one is busy. Good job on keeping active.

Dragon, I hope you go see the doctor with your knee like that; it doesn't sound good. I hope you feel better soon. Yay for the yoga and muscle workout!

Bee, glad you had a day off after a super busy day!! Have a wonderful day visiting your sis and shopping!

CrownJewel, you are so cute; all of us wish we were w/you!!! Enjoy yoga; I love it when I go!!


Apr 9, 2007
Hi everyone!

Marcy, you are amazing! How very incredible, I cannot even imagine what an amazing feeling you must have when you think of your accomplishment. Sorry if you have said this, but any fun rewards planned after that 9/10 of a lb?

I am doing ok, going to cook some Salmon and rice for dinner. I need to expand my repertoire for sure! I only eat fish, no other meat, so sometimes it is hard to find easy things. I did have a little ice cream, someone brought it into work...but I had about 1/3 of what I used to eat and I feel satisfied.

I have been feeling pretty hungry these last few days, which bums me out since I know I am eating plenty. Does anyone know, is it true that you can stretch your stomach out? So that it takes more to make you feel full?


Apr 30, 2005
Date: 6/26/2008 3:43:30 PM
Author: Miscka
Hi everyone!

Marcy, you are amazing! How very incredible, I cannot even imagine what an amazing feeling you must have when you think of your accomplishment. Sorry if you have said this, but any fun rewards planned after that 9/10 of a lb?

I am doing ok, going to cook some Salmon and rice for dinner. I need to expand my repertoire for sure! I only eat fish, no other meat, so sometimes it is hard to find easy things. I did have a little ice cream, someone brought it into work...but I had about 1/3 of what I used to eat and I feel satisfied.

I have been feeling pretty hungry these last few days, which bums me out since I know I am eating plenty. Does anyone know, is it true that you can stretch your stomach out? So that it takes more to make you feel full?
I find it helpful to eat small meals frequently Miscka, maybe you need to up your protein if you are still hungry? I know I feel less hungry now I have increased mine, so I just thought it would be worth mentioning.


Nov 29, 2004
I had my PT today, it was a good workout, but our trainer had us doing som unique exercises that I''ve never done before, but it was nice to try some different things.


Nov 24, 2006
Date: 6/26/2008 3:54:49 PM
Author: Lorelei

Date: 6/26/2008 3:43:30 PM
Author: Miscka
Hi everyone!

Marcy, you are amazing! How very incredible, I cannot even imagine what an amazing feeling you must have when you think of your accomplishment. Sorry if you have said this, but any fun rewards planned after that 9/10 of a lb?

I am doing ok, going to cook some Salmon and rice for dinner. I need to expand my repertoire for sure! I only eat fish, no other meat, so sometimes it is hard to find easy things. I did have a little ice cream, someone brought it into work...but I had about 1/3 of what I used to eat and I feel satisfied.

I have been feeling pretty hungry these last few days, which bums me out since I know I am eating plenty. Does anyone know, is it true that you can stretch your stomach out? So that it takes more to make you feel full?
I find it helpful to eat small meals frequently Miscka, maybe you need to up your protein if you are still hungry? I know I feel less hungry now I have increased mine, so I just thought it would be worth mentioning.
I do the same thing as Lorelei, small meals more frequently, more protein and sometimes a healthy fat like 1/2 avocado, nuts or cheese which helps me.


Nov 29, 2004

I snack throughout the day is my weekday schedule if this helps...everyone kind of has their own thing...

6:30am breakfast #1: slice of wheat toast with peanut butter
9am breakfast #2: special k vanilla almond cereal with skim milk
12:30pm lunch: homemade chicken noodle soup
1pm snack#1: cinnamon wheat thins
2pm snack #2: banana
3pm snack #3: kashi granola bar
5:30pm snack #4: fruit popsicle or baked chips
~7-7:30pm dinner: varies, but try to keep it on the healthier side (splurge on the weekends), try new Ellie Krieger recipe


Feb 11, 2008
Waa, I can''t believe I''ve missed this weekly topic here!
Hi, I''m choro72, and I have a food-loving problem. I''m trying to maintain my healthy lifestyle, but I have no will power. I love dessert too much! I hope that I will be able to use this topic to gain more perspective in "What I want" and "what my body needs".


Jun 15, 2006
Hi All,

CJ, your tasting sounds DELICIOUS!

Phoenix, you remain in my thoughts.

Skippy, the kids were better today, thanks for the kind words.

So hair is cut, no workout. Dinner is BBQ tri-tip, brocolli rabe, salad.

Have a great evening.


Dec 28, 2005

We had a nice day. Nothing out of the ordinary. Just our normal routine, including breakfast on the terrace, lunch at home (meatloaf with melted swiss cheese sandwiches - YUMM), coffee at Sbucks and then a really long and productive workout at the gym. For dinner, we baked chicken thighs and had steamed brocolli. Since Charlie has to work tomorrow all day, he didn''t want to go out for coffee, so I went out and got us a cup and we sat on the sofa with Sakai glued to our shoulders. She certainly didn''t mind us not going out. Tomorrow is a day off from the gym for me and since Charlie will be working all day, I''m not sure what I''ll get into. I do need to get a new alarm clock, so that may be the project for the day - LOL

I haven''t mentioned much about our condo still being on the market. Mainly because it hasn''t been shown in weeks. The housing market down here has gone to H@!! and a Handbasket (never really understood that phrase, but it sounds good), but our place was shown yesterday and supposedly, the people really liked it and will be making a final decision within the next two weeks. So, please send some dust our way to get our place sold. Even with jobs, we can''t afford the mega-monthly payment, so if we sold it, we''d be completely debt free, which would be a wonderful thing indeed!

Marcy, sounds like I was right and you will have hit your goal by the weekend and before your vacation!!!! I''m so proud of you!!!
I got on the evil scale monster this morning. I''m not sure why as I rarely do these days, but once in a while it just whispers my name in such a seductive way that I climb on up. I was pleased to see my weight is exactly where it was a couple of weeks ago! Also, I don''t know if you''ve ever seen Tony Little before. He''s the guy who does infomercials and was really famous for a machine called the Gazelle and his catch phrase is......."You Can Do It! Anyway, he works out at our gym and he got on the elliptical next to me today and just started talking to me and commented that he''d been watching me work out and thought I was inspirational and he thought the weight I had lost was terrific. Can you imagine how good it made me feel to have a celebrity, especially one tied to fitness, tell me I''m inspirtional??!!

I hope you had a wonderful time shopping for furniture bee*!!

Linda, you didn''t say how you''re feeling? I hope you''re getting over your bronchitis. Sorry there''s still smoke in the air. We''d gladly send you some of the rains we''ve been getting EVERY SINGLE AFTERNOON, like clockwork.

I''m glad you''ve found someone compatible to help you work through your pain Phoneix. My thoughts are still with you.......

Dragon, sure come on over. I''m not sure we''re terrific cooks, and we don''t do overly complex meals, but what we do fix, usually turns out pretty darn good!

YAYAYAYAY for having lost a pound Skippy!!!!!! It''s hot out here too, but our afternoon rains are keeping things cooler in the evenings. I hope you had a great dinner with your friends and got to enjoy your walk afterward!

Miscka, your dinner sounds great. If you are experiencing extra hunger, you might want to make sure you''re getting enough protein in your diet. Protein really does make you feel full longer. Oh, I see Lorelei also made that suggestion. (Great Minds!!!)

Good for your trainer getting you to do things you''ve never done Apple!

Welcome choro! I think you''ll find much support with our healthy family. One thing many of us do is write in daily, as a sort of daily confessional (even if our eating choices weren''t the best). It helps keeps us accountable. So, stick around.

I''m sure your haircut is super fab Kimberly!! Yummm - BBQ!

Have a great night everyone!

Linda W

Feb 15, 2006
Evening all.

Another boring day staying inside. We are so tired of the smoke. We heard it is supposed to clear by this weekend and we sure hope so. It is all over the area, including San Francisco to Carmel. I can''t even open our windows to get some fresh air, so I leave the air conditioner on, to cool the house down.

Rod and Skippy and all, thank you for asking. My bronchitis is gone, thanks to the antibiotics, but my asthma is so so, due to the smoke still. Andrew and I still cough, but it isn''t as bad as it was.

Rod, PLEASE send us your rain.
Everyone talks about, how much we wish it would rain in California. This is the worse fire season ever here. We never see the sun, just gray gray gray out.

Well, I guess I better stop whining now. Our dog Mazie won''t even go outside either, except to do her business.

Kimmy: LOVE bbq tri-tip. DH bbq''s that frequently, it is soooooooooo yummy.

Have a great evening all.



Feb 27, 2007
Hi everyone. I hope I burned off that last pound tonight. I went to the grocery store and picked up some food for our trip. Then came home and started packing things out to the trailer.
I picked up my midterm check for my internet class today. It was funny when I walked in to school I noticed my shadow from the side – it was about 11 am so the shadow wasn’t very elongated and I couldn’t believe how skinny I looked. I never think I am that skinny but I decided “the Shadow knows”. Tee hee. Then at the bank the teller asked for a photo ID for my cash back and I said well I don’t look a thing like my photo and she said “whoa”. I told her how much I’d lost and that I wanted to loose more and she said “you look great – you don’t need to loose anymore weight.” What better compliment could I get?

Thank you so much for the congratulations Kimi, Linda, Dragonfly, Skippy and Miscka.
Linda, sorry to hear the smoke is still bad so you haven’t gone on vacation yet. I hope you get to go soon. I am glad your bronchitis is gone but sorry to hear you asthma is getting your attention. I hope you get over the coughing soon.
Phoenix Girl, I am glad you had a more positive experience with the councilor. My thoughts have been with you.
Dragonfly, sorry to hear the knee is still hurting. Good plan to not let your job make you miserable. Good luck finding another job.
Skippy, congratulations for loosing a pound. Woo hoo! We were in the 90’s here today so I think summer is maybe finally here. I hope you had a nice dinner with your friends.
Miscka, I actually bought my 160 pound reward about a month ago. They are diamond dangle earrings. I couldn’t wait to wear them though; I’ve worn them quite a bit. Here is the link to them. I eat raw veggies or a few almonds when I am really hungry. It helps curb the hunger pains for me. I also eat 6 times a day just a little bit each time. That way I rarely get super hungry.
Lorelei, I find that protein keeps me full longer too.
Appletini, I am glad you got to try some new exercises today.
Choro72, welcome to the HLT! I love sweets too.
Kimi, yay for a hair cut. I hope you like it.
Rod, mega PS dust coming you way hoping you get a great offer on your condo. I certainly hope you are right that I’ll reach my goal before we head off on vacation. That is wonderful the evil scale was kind to you. That is awesome that Tony Little paid you such a great compliment. You should be very proud of what you’ve accomplished!

Have a great Friday. I''ll check in tomorrow. My last day of work – it’s going to be ROUGH. Bye!



Feb 11, 2008
Congratulations Marcy!! That must have felt so good...Ooo, you should take bikini pictures to celebrate


Nov 24, 2006
Morning all. My hubby wants to lose weight too so he rode his bike to work which is 7 miles one way but there is lots of traffic for part of the ride so I hope he makes it there in one piece (I am a worry wart about loved ones) and we have bad drivers here.

Yesterday we went to dinner with our friends and their daughter who is a cutie at a salad place. There were so many people that I couldn''t hear our friends too well, it was fun though but maybe next time we will go somewhere a little quieter; it was good to see them though.

I got home in time to walk with my cousin; it had been raining earlier so it was nice and cool for our walk. They only thing bad that happened was this car came with 5 dogs and let them out (they had their leashes) on and one pit bull ran toward me. I froze and the owners were trying to wrangle the dogs up. I was angry and scared; I carry mace with me but I never pulled it out. I hate when owners are reckless; sorry for the vent!!!

Today I am running around doing errands. Have a wonderful day and TGIF!!

Chrono, welcome!!! Glad you joined us!

Kimi, glad you had a good day w/your kiddos. Yum, barbq tritip!

Rod, sending you lots of PS dust to sell your condo!!! Woooo hoooo for the Tony Little comment, you should be proud!!! Thanks for the kudos

Linda, I hope the smoke goes away soon, I will keep you in my prayers. Glad the bronchitis is gone.

Marcy, yay for a skinny shadow and thanks for the kudos! You are doing awesome!!!


Jun 25, 2007
howdy all. Well the knee is feeling a bit better. It still has a little twinge but not nearly what it was. This morning I got up, did the beginner part of Core Rhythms, then walked with gma (half hour brisk) and did some abdominal moves. Last night SO came down sick so he''s at home wallowing in self pity and trying to feel better haha. He''ll be ok. B this morning was egg and tea. L is going to be Morning star "chicken" nuggets and steamed veggies. Dinn who knows.
Hope all is well with everyone


Sep 26, 2006
Marcy we need more photos! Congrats on all the hard work and the resulting compliments. What happens after you reach your goal weight? I should submit your story FINALLY to a bunch of magazines and whatnot. Your story is truly inspiring.

Skippy, my FI used to ride his bike around NYC when we were dating in college. I was a total wreck whenever he went out. I''m a worry wart too. So his brilliant mother brought his bike from college to our new apartment. We are still in NYC - what is she thinking?!!!! I don''t get it because she''s even more of a worrier than me. The only biking I do is on a stationary bike. Sad, I know.

I brought a pint of blueberries to work as a snack. Is it overload if I eat the whole thing by myself?


Sep 26, 2006
Marcy we need more photos! Congrats on all the hard work and the resulting compliments. What happens after you reach your goal weight? I should submit your story FINALLY to a bunch of magazines and whatnot. Your story is truly inspiring.

Skippy, my FI used to ride his bike around NYC when we were dating in college. I was a total wreck whenever he went out. I''m a worry wart too. So his brilliant mother brought his bike from college to our new apartment. We are still in NYC - what is she thinking?!!!! I don''t get it because she''s even more of a worrier than me. The only biking I do is on a stationary bike. Sad, I know.

I brought a pint of blueberries to work as a snack. Is it overload if I eat the whole thing by myself?


Mar 26, 2006
Just a quick fly by before I have to bolt off and run a thousand errands, including picking up the bridesmaid''s dress for the wedding I''m in tomorrow. All fingers and toes crossed please that that seamstress was able to work a miracle with the V front of the dress and I am no longer going to shock people with the girls on display for all the world to see, LOL.

I did an hour on the bike this morning. I don''t think I''ve ever managed a full hour on there before but it just FLEW by because I''m reading this ridiculously trashy fantasy novel. Maybe that''s the key to me working out more consistently--romance novels, ha ha!

Gotta run. Happy Friday all!


Dec 9, 2007
Happy Friday!

Did a half hour on the treadmill, and...Passed my diamond final! WooHOO!

On to colored gems!

Have a great night everybody!


Jan 20, 2006
Congrats Marcyc what an achievement!
You are an inspiration to all of us. Well done!


Feb 27, 2007
Hi everyone. I lost 6/10 of a pound so 3/10 more a pound to go. Aargh!
Thanks Choro – I wouldn’t want to scare anyone including myself in a bikini. Tee hee. I’ll stick to regular clothes.
Skippy, how rotten of those people to let their dogs loose like that especially a pit bull. I would have been scared and angry too. Did they at least apologize to you? Yay for hubby wanting to loose weight too.
Dragonfly, glad to hear the knee is better today.
CJ, thanks for reminding me to take pictures. Tomorrow is the day I take photos each month. I already have my camera packed but it’s not far. I will have to take one in the morning before Marty puts them in the trailer. I swear I will submit my photos and story to a few places and I still toy with writing a book.
DeeJay, I am sure you’ll be lovely in the wedding tomorrow.
Coati, congratulations for passing your diamond final! Fun for you to move on to colored gems.
Thanks, Katebar. I thought of you yesterday. I saw a lady at the Hallmark store with a pretty and huge marquis diamond. She said it was a little over 2 carats.
Well, it’s past my bedtime. We are getting up at the normal time tomorrow to meet the in-laws for breakfast then I have school.
Have a great Saturday.



May 14, 2006
Sorry for the lack of posts recently-I''ve been doing lots of overtime since I''ve been back so have been going to bed early enough. Have to go get more furniture now so just a quick fly by post.

Marcy-WOW!!!! Can''t believe that you only have 3/10 of a pound to go-that''s amazing! I''m so thrilled for you.

Rod-keeping my fingers crossed for you for the condo!

Will post more when I get back later.


Dec 28, 2005
Hey, never got a chance to post yesterday. It wasn't an eventful day as Charlie worked his first full day (poor thing, was exhausted). Then we met for sushi, froyo and coffee. When we got home afterwards, we got all comfy on the sofa with Sakai and Charlie fell asleep around 9. He was supposed to be off today, but they called early this morning and asked if he could possibly work 12 - 5, so he just left for work. I guess I'll go the gym this afternoon, then we'll likely just go to our diner for dinner. I'm not sure he's going to love retail hours, but at least he's got something interesting to do for the time being.

If I could, I surely would send you some rain Linda. I need to have my car washed after all the rains this week. It's so dirty and Rod does not like to drive a dirty car!! I hope the smoke has cleared for you and I'm glad you're feeling better.

I hope hubby rode his bike safely Skippy. I too would worry. Drivers are so unobservent with all the distractions they have these days in cars. I hardly ever see anyone driving anymore without a cell phone glued to their ear. I think it should be illegal to use cell phones in cars unless they are bluetooth and don't require a hand held unit. Glad you got your walk in and had fun with your friends.

Glad the knee is feeling better Dragon!

CJ, I had to laugh about FI's mother dropping the bike off. Chances are having it out of her house, giving her more storage space, motivated that generous gesture - LOL I think it's OK to eat all the blueberries your heart desires. They're good for you and high in antioxidents to boot!

I hope the "girls" are appropriately contained at the wedding today DeeJay. Too Funny!!! You go for riding the bike for a full hour!!

Yay for passing your diamond final Coat!!!!

YOU GO MARCY!!!! Only 3/10's of a pound will melt away and you'll have hit that magic goal. YAYAYAYAYAYAYAY!!!!

Thanks bee* and don't work too hard!

Will do my best to check in later. Have a great Saturday!


Apr 30, 2005
YAY COATIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Rod, I hope you have fun washing your car, I well know how you hate to drive a dirty car LOL- you should see mine!

Everyone is doing well, I just had a cheese omelette for dinner which made a pleasant change, cardio is going well.

Linda W

Feb 15, 2006
YAY COATIE!!! Way to go!!!

Rod: I can imagine how tired Charlie is. I am sure he will get used to it, it will just take time.

It is still smokey here, they don''t know when it will clear up. My asthma is acting up again, but I take my meds, so I am fine. I want so much to go for a walk and get some nice FRESH AIR, geez Louise. Hey Rod, can I come and stay with you and Charlie, tee hee.
My lungs need some good old ocean air.

Skippy: I bet those dogs scared you, I know they would me.

Have a great day everyone, will check in later.

Hi Bee, Hi Marcy


Tacori E-ring

Aug 15, 2005
Hello all! I am finally ready to join *looks around nervously*. I am at my breaking point so to speak. I really need to lose my baby weight!!! I gained 50+ lbs. She is almost 8 months and I still have 10 lbs to go (though ideally I want to lose 15 lbs to be at my wedding weight). Might not sound like a lot but at 5''1" it makes a difference. I just feel so depressed about it. I have been going to the gym 3x a week for the past few weeks. Now it is time to work on my diet. My SIL is on WW and loves it. She has convinced me to keeping a food journal. So I will take in all of your advice. I am so impressed with everyone''s weight loss!
You are all an inspiration!


Dec 9, 2007
Thank you so much Marcyc, Rod, Lorelei, and Linda!
I think I'm going to get some exercise walking around the jewelry district.

Linda I'm so sorry about your asthma and the air up there. You and Mazie come on down to Venice, and walk with me and Gary!
I hope the air clears soon.

Lorelei that omelette sounds yummy. Glad your cardio is going well!

Marcyc YAY

Rod I hope Charlie gets a chance to get some rest this weekend.

Have a great weekend everyone!

Hi Tacori!
You can do it!


Nov 29, 2004
DH joined me for the walk/jog today, but it was so hot I had to revert to 3 min of each. Then once we were done with that part we continued walking for awhile and stopped by our friends house, they have a pool...I so wish we had one, so I have a feeling we will back at their house later this afternoon.

DH and I also cooked a fabulous dinner last night...Bon Appetite had some great cherry themed recipes since they are in season, so it was great salad with cherries, lamb chops with a cherry sauce, and a cherry pie--completely made from scratch. However I feel asleep on the couch while the pie was baking so DH had to finish it for me, so it was my breakfast this morning.

Welcome Tacori! Try to get out and walk as much as possible, even if its just 30 min a day, the cardio will really help to melt off the pounds. In addition to keeping a food journal, try to plan out a menu for the week with healthy recipes (check out Ellie Krieger on the food network, she has great ones).


Nov 24, 2006
Hi all, I hope everyone is having a Wonderful weekend! I am babysitting my sisters sweet dog Trevor; the bad thing about babysitting Trevor is that I want to keep him afterward.

Well last night hubby and I had a big spinach salad and he made Steak Florentine on the grill and we had a glass of wine; it was nice and cloudy out so we ate outside on the patio and just relaxed, ahhhhh. Oh and hubby made it home fine; I am glad others can empathize with me. hehe

I might get hubby to go for gelato this evening before my walk. My cousin and I will probably go walking or if I not I will do some sort of cardio and a few weights. Have a wonderful weekend everyone

Apple, how was the dentist? I bet your teeth feel great! Great on the walk and have fun swimming!!! I want a pool too!!!

Dragon, glad your knee is getting better, take care of it. Good for the cardio and core! I love those chickenless nuggets!

CrownJewel, I can't believe his mom sent his bike; I too would be nervous about him riding in NY too, at least it is good exercise. Well the stationary bike can be fun if you watch a movie or read a book! Yum I love blueberries and a pint is great!

DeeJay, haha that is funny about the romance novel; good for the workout!!

Coati, awesome girl, you rock, congrats!!!! Also great on the workout!

Marcy, you are almost there, yay! Are you going to buy something pretty? hehe
Those people totally didn't apologize for their dogs, it was awful!!

Bee, hope all is great and give Amber a hug from Trevor!!! hehe

Rod, you are right, drivers are horrible when it comes to bikers; they need to learn to share the rode! Hope you get to wash your pretty car!!! Enjoy your workout! Are you getting excited about Monday? hehe They will love ya!!!

Good job Lor!

Linda, my neighbor is out in Berkley and she said the smoke is horrible; I heard it is in Big Sur too. That is so awful; I pray the fires stop soon! I also pray you all get rain soon. Those dogs did scare me and I love dogs, just horrible owners!!

Tacori, welcome it is great to see you!!! Kudos on working out and I agree a food journal is great; it keeps me in line!!! I hate writing down I ate something not so good for me so it helps and then if I lose weight that week I star that week so I can go back and see how well I did and maybe repeat my food choices are do similar! Great job; you will get there soon!!! I agree with Apple on Ellie recipes, yum!

eta: KIMI your meal sounded yummy. That is sweet of you to make lasagna, hope your friend son gets better soon.


Jun 15, 2006
Morning All!

Welcome, Tacori, we''re glad to have you join us! No need to be nervous, we don''t bite, we just eat carrot cake on occasion. I''m a big advocate of calorie counting. It really helps me stay accountable. I have weaned off of it, but when I start to feel uncomfortable about my weight I pick it up again for a bit and wind up right back on track. WW is a great program, but it was a bit too food focused for me. My issue is that I like food too much, so sitting around talking about it for an hour once a week wasn''t so great for me, but I know it works for a lot of people.

Linda, I''m so sorry you''re having such a difficult time. Stupid fires, we were there not too long ago.

Skip, how''d hubby do on the bike ride?

We went out to dinner last night. SD restaurant week was scheduled to run until yesterday and we made reservations, and the restaurant we went to ended up not having the menu we thought it would; apperantly they do a Seafood Soire every Friday and they ended their participation a day early. So we had a seafood buffet for dinner, which isn''t exactly my cup of tea but wound up being quite good.

This morning I made a lasagna for a friend whose son is in the hospital. I exercised, am going to head to the library, we''re having ribs for dinner. Tomorrow we''re going to an art festival in La Jolla and probably out to dinner.

Have a great Saturday all.
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