
Healthier Lifestyle Thread 16th June till 22nd June

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Nov 24, 2006
Yesterday, I went walking late as the sun was setting, it was quite the treat to see all the pinks in the sky. Good news is that my dear mom will come out of the hospital on Monday; I am super happy for her as she has been working hard on her Physical therapy and occupational therapist.

Tonight my cousin and I will be walking. I am not sure what I will being making for dinner, maybe I should go over and eat at Coati's house as her meal sounds yummy!!!
I will probably will warm up a veggie soup and boca burger with avocado which is ripe. Have a great evening all

Rod, prayers continued for your brother. Can't wait to hear about which job you choose; awesome you have so many choices, see you are a super smart cookie you are in demand!!!

Marcy, I did a thread awhile back ago in shopping on laptops since I bought a laptop in Oct 07. Here is the thread I just bought something at Costco. hehe Hope you find what you need for your laptop. Your hubby is funny! Did you see the moon last night?

SS, yay for your trip!!! How exciting; prayers for JT!

Coati, yay for the GG program, that is wonderful!!! I might come over for dinner.
How did you make the sweet potatoe fries? YUM

Bee, I got over missing my man. hehe I am excited to have the tv and house to myself.
He comes home tomorrow night so it is the perfect amount of time to miss him. Wow, moving is hard work! Where are your pics? I guess we will patiently wait till you are moved. hehe

Steph, yay for 3 lb loss!!!!!! Yes, I would love to see new pics of little Andrew, what a cutie making friends!!! You are a good mom! Glad you had fun swimming and meeting friends! Best wishes at your appt! Glad Adam gets home tomorrow!

Apple, good for the jog/walk!

PW, good to see you!!! Good for keeping up on the cardio, any ice skating??? Sorry about your bf, prayers for a successful surgery, honey!

Good workouts Dragon and Lorelei!!


Dec 28, 2005
Today has certainly been one of the more intense day's I've had in a long time. I had the call at 11 this morning with Indian owned company #4. I was screened for 1.5 hours by two of the companies highest ranking executives. What they desperately need is a skill I have developed in my last job over the last 16 years, so I'd say the call went very well. Then they asked for high level client references and since they were aware they had to provide an answer by tomorrow, they called early this afternoon to say they spoke with the clients who all had glowing things to say about me. So, at 2 PM they gave me an assignment to create a high level project plan for the project they'd want me to run and I had one hour to do that before heading out to my 4 PM interview with company #3. Of course when they called, I was at Sbucks sitting under the oak having coffee with Charlie and I had to immediately head home and create something really quick. I did what they asked, sent it and headed out for my 4 PM meeting. The meeting with company #3 went really well and this is the company I had decided I wanted to work for, but I had heard the manager was concerned about how much management experience I had. Turns out, he wasn't concerned about that, but was just out of town and this was the earliest he could meet with me. At the end of our meeting he told me they'd extend an offer in the morning. The Indian company called while I was meeting with company #3 and asked me call them when I was out of my interview. So, they think I'm perfect for this high level project managemet role. And they're going to make me an offer tomorrow too. And it's probably going to be for an amazing amount of money. And I'm probably going to turn it down. At the end of the conversation with company #4 this evening, he mentioned that for the first three months they decided I would need to be at their corporate headquarters in NJ, with occassional trips back home. Ugh, living in a hotel for 3 months doesn't sound like much fun at this stage of my life. Then after the project is completed, they would reevaluate what I might be able to do from their offices in Tampa. So, the reality as I'm reading between the lines is I would have a good opportunity as long as I'm willing to live in a hotel and work in NJ. Once the project is completed, it would be too easy for them to simply not offer anything further in Tampa. I just don't want to move away for 3 months and have any chance that I'll be unemployed three months later. Now, company number 3 isn't a big corporation. Doesn't have big corporate benefits. And the base pay is the lowest. But, I think my quality of life will be much better. I like all the people at company #3. The work location is fantastic. And I'd be home every day of the week without any need to travel. And I would be able to workout at the gym like normal. And have Sushi with Charlie on Monday's and Fridays. And since the compensation is really base plus commission, there is the opportunity to make excellent money over time.

So, there you have it. Even if you didn't want it. Can you say Too Much Information (TMI)?? Obviously I can!! But putting my thoughts in writing was cathartic and reallly helps me put this all in perspective. So, thanks for being there for me!

Enough Already!! Man, I'll be so glad to have this all over. And once I make my final decision tomorrow, we're going to go to the movies and see Sex and the City!

Apple, yumm - Pasta Class. I hope it was fun!

Sounds like you're doing well PW and I hope your BF's knee doesn't require surgery and heals quickly. LOL about you thinking about Scrapple's ingredients. I guess I just do my best to not think about it. I hadn't had it in years, but must admit that I thoroughly enjoyed it. I've had natural peanut butter and while it takes some getting used to is really good and good for you too.

Thanks dragon. When they inserted the tube to drain the infection, they didn't tell him they took a sample for biopsy. He just found this out today, so we may have some answers tomorrow. In the meantime, he's been in the hospital a full week now and is getting depressed about it all.........

And thank you as well Lorelei. You showed great restraint at dinner for sure. Such a good girl!!

Steph, fingers crossed that your insulin level is great! I hope your mom decides to do something fun. Life is too short to be miserable, that's for sure. That's why I'm probably going to turn down the high level lucrative position I wrote about above. Sure, I'd make great money, but what good is it if I have live in a hotel in NJ and miss everything that is near and dear to me?

I'm glad you're having a nice time without hubby Skippy! Thanks for well wishes on both the job front and my brother. It's certainly been a stressful week to say the least. Good for your mom getting out of the hospital and for doing so well with the physical therapy. My mom had rotator cuff surgery two years ago (which I begged her not to have) and she did not do well with the PT and has very limited use of that arm as a result. Of course my mom is in her mid-80s, so they shouldn't have performed such surgery on her to begin with. The doctor benefited ($$$$), but my mother certainly did not.

You guys are going to get tired of my 'uber' rambling posts. Sorry for TMI too! But thanks for being there for me!

Have a great night everyone.........


Nov 24, 2006
Back from my walk!

Rod, I am happy for you honey, company #3 sounds like the best for you, congrats!!! Sweet dreams!

Linda W

Feb 15, 2006
Rod: You are so popular and I can see why. I think Job #3 will be the best for you also. I do hope your brother starts to feel better soon

We are leaving for vacation tomorrow morning and will be back on the 29th. I woke up this morning feeling worse, I think I am getting bronchitis or some bug. We have to go camping, as we can''t disappoint the boys. I am sure they have a medical center near where we are going, if I need to get antibiotics. Nuts, it figures I pick something up from the boys.

I have to finish packing, so I will check in early in the morning.

Have a great evening all.



Dec 28, 2005
Oh thank you Skippy and Linda!

Don''t congratulate me just yet. They still have to make the official offer, but I feel pretty confident they will.

As to my popularity Linda? I''m not so sure about that, but I must say that after 5 months of job hunting it is really nice to finally be wanted. I had begun to think no one would ever want me again.

I''m so sorry you''re coming down with something just in time to go camping. Isn''t there a way you can get some antibiotics before you leave town? I hope you get to see a doctor. It can be damp outside and that just might not mix well with bronchitis. Take care, feel better and enjoy your trip.

Linda W

Feb 15, 2006
Rod, I called my doctor''s office and they didn''t have any openings

It is supposed to be 97 tomorrow and the upper 80''s next week.
I don''t like hot weather. Thank you for the get well wishes.

I will be anxious to read how things go for you and Charlie when we return.



Apr 19, 2004


I haven''t checked in for a while, and have not read every entry, but it seems everyone is busy/doing well.

Rod--when it rains, it pours! You''ll choose the job that is right for you--glad to have choices!!
Bee--congrats on passing your exams!
Hey to LL, Skip, CJ, Steph, Marcy and anyone else I missed....

I have been walking/running/biking daily and I seem to be AOK. My knee gives me only a minor amount of grief so I must be doing just the right amounts of stuff. I actually enjoy running, something I thought I''d never say! And finally the weather is cooperating, but I am looking forward to our month in California for vacation in July, nonetheless.



Dec 28, 2005
Gee Linda, you'd think that since you are going out of town, the doctor would be accommodating enough to prescribe antibiotics without having to see you in-person. Most of us know when we have an infection. I've had bronchitis many times in my life and everytime I've had it, I could taste it and knew exactly what it was. I wish our pharmacies were more like they are in France. In France, you can just get antibiotics from the pharmacist without a prescription. And while I was there, I managed to get a sinus infection and it was really nice that I could get something without having to see a doctor. When you think about it, we're not the most progressive country in many ways.

Anyway, take care and thanks for caring enough to see the final episode of "As Rod and Charlie's Employment Options Turn!" Stay tuned for the next and (hopefully) final episode, airing conveniently and daily, exclusively on Pricescope!

Linda W

Feb 15, 2006
Rod: Yes, you would think that wouldn''t you? He knows my history too. My dr. is on vacation, so he is taking her patients too. I will go to a medical center in Morgan Hill or San Jose if I have to.

You are so sweet, thank you so much.



Feb 27, 2007
Hi everyone.
This will be quick and probably no proof read for typos. We went out for supper, went shopping then I had to come home put together a slide show for our astronomy meeting tomorrow evening, print out labels for the newsletter, grade papers and work on laundry. Our slide project is ancient and definitely smarter than I am. The bulb was burned out but Marty fixed it then he patiently went through and turned the slides upright for me (after my 3rd attempt at getting them right).
Somethingshiny, yay for loosing 3 inches. Your trip will be fun. Good luck with JT’s tonsils.
Bee, moving has got to burn calories. I know many people that love Mac’s but Marty would definitely veto going that way.
Steph, yay for loosing 3 pounds. Sorry to hear about your mom loosing her job.
Appletini, the pasta cooking class sounds like fun.
PW, I’ve heard good things about the Wii Fit, I am glad you are enjoying it. Sorry to hear about your FI’s knees. I hope it gets better.
Dragonfly, I am glad you had a lovely job to start off your day. No worries on the scale going up – it will go down again as well.
Lorelei, I am glad you enjoyed going out to dinner.
Coatimundi, I think being a gemologist would be awesome. I am so excited for you.
Skippy, that is great news your mom gets to go home Monday. She will be happy to get home. Thanks for posting the link on the laptop. I will go read through it. The moon was awesome, did you see it?
Rod, what a day you had on the job front. Good luck and job #3 sounds like a great deal for you.
Linda, I hate to hear you might be getting bronchitis again. Have fun camping and I hope you don’t feel too bad to enjoy your trip.
Sharon, yay for being able to get in some great workouts. Sorry to hear the knee bothers you now and then. I can very much identify with that.
My dryer is buzzing. I’m off!

Take care and have a great Friday.


Nov 24, 2006
Linda, I hope you feel better, how are you feeling today?

Sharon, I am so glad your knee is doing better! Yay for all the running!!!

Marcy, I did see the moon, it was pretty cool!!!! I love when the moon looks huge! Have fun at your astronomy meeting tonight!

I will be meeting a friend for lunch today. She got a new Audi Convertible so of course we will go for a spin in it after lunch. hehe My hubby comes home tonight so I will be making him pizza for dinner and hopefully get a walk in tonight again! Have a great day Friends and TGIF


Nov 29, 2004
The pasta class was great, and there were only 4 of us, so it was a great opportunity to ask the instructor a lot of questions about other non-pasta things as well. At some point when I have time I''m going to experiment with using wheat flour, he said the wheat flour absorbs a lot more liquid so not as much as needed. I also bought an electric knife sharpener while I was there, I''ve had my set for two years and they need it, so now I won''t have any more expenses to put it off.

I had little time in between the class and picking up DH at the airport, so I went to Banana to take advantage of their amazing sale, well I was between sizes on everything I tried on, so I guess its actually a good thing or I would have spent a lot of money.

I''m planning to go to TBT during lunch today, it will be good to get a good workout.

Rod, Good Luck today. I know you will make the best decision for you, and I agree quality of life is way to important, I wouldn''t want to leave your beautiful morning breakfast on the terrace either.


Apr 30, 2005
Rod, thinking of you, and we would never get tired of your posts!!!


Dec 28, 2005
Date: 6/20/2008 9:21:11 AM
Author: Lorelei
Rod, thinking of you, and we would never get tired of your posts!!!
Oh, I''m sure you could, but you''re such a dear friend for saying you wouldn''t!

Nothing so far this morning. Am waiting for the call from company #3 and will just go ahead and accept if they formally offer the position. In the middle of the night Charlie woke me up and simply said......."Don''t go to New Jersey!" While my mind has always believed I should have the high powered title and ''uber'' responsibilities, I believe I''d be making a mistake to do that this time around. So, I''m not very likely going to NJ.

Planning on seeing SATC this afternoon. I''m looking forward to it very much. I''ll have popcorn too!

To our resident astronomer, Marcy, I''ve got a question. Last night, we had the most beautiful red moon. It was incredibly red and the only thing I could think caused that was alignment with the sun? As the moon continued to rise above the horizon, the red turned to an orange, then yellow before looking ''normal.'' What causes a really red moon?

Enjoy your ride in your friend''s Audi convertible today Skippy! It''s a bit too hot down here to put the top down on my BMW, except after the sun sets.

Thanks Apple and I''m glad you enjoyed pasta class!

Linda W

Feb 15, 2006
Hi all,

We decided to leave on Sunday instead, I am really sick this morning. The boys are disappointed, but I would be useless helping Rick taking care of them. It is supposed to be 106 here today ICK and 103 at the place we are going camping at. double ICK.

I am going to call my Dr.s office at 9:00 to see again, if he can squeeze me in. If not, I am going to call my daughter''s dr. and see if I can get in there. I don''t care if I have to pay. Geez.

Rod: I''ll check back to see how you are doing.

Hi Skippy, Marcy and everyone


Dec 28, 2005
I''m glad you''re going to delay the trip and get in to see a Dr., Linda. Temps like that, with an infection would be the ingredients for a horrible trip and could be really bad for your health.

Company #4 called and made the offer. The money was ok, but not nearly as good as I would have expected for such a high level position and for a position that would require me to livie in a hotel in NJ for 3 months. I didn''t turn it down, but will as soon as company #3 calls to make the offer. I just need to have this over with.


Apr 19, 2004

Take care of yourself LInda--bronchitis is a drag to be sure.

How exciting Rod!

Off to ride the bike, sans running. Very warm outside already! Yum!

Hello to all the rest of the gang



Apr 30, 2005
Date: 6/20/2008 11:40:56 AM
Author: Rod
I''m glad you''re going to delay the trip and get in to see a Dr., Linda. Temps like that, with an infection would be the ingredients for a horrible trip and could be really bad for your health.

Company #4 called and made the offer. The money was ok, but not nearly as good as I would have expected for such a high level position and for a position that would require me to livie in a hotel in NJ for 3 months. I didn''t turn it down, but will as soon as company #3 calls to make the offer. I just need to have this over with.
Hang in there my friend - almost there!!


Mar 16, 2005
Hey guys

Andrew and I just got back from the park. A few weeks ago, I took Andrew up to eat at chick-fil-a and he was playing outside on the playground with this cute little girl. Well, the mom and I got to talking and we had sooo much in common. So we exchanged numbers and she called to set up a playdate for the kids. It was lots of fun for Andrew to meet new kids and for me to meet new moms. This is starting to feel more like home now
. We didn''t stay that long though because it is soooo hot here. It is 95 degrees and very sunny. I think we will go up to the pool to cool down in a little while. I am getting prepared to go out of town to Georgia. My friend is getting married next week, so we are going up early and spending time with friends and family.

Rod, crossing my fingers you will get the offer from company number 3. Sounds like the best option. Have fun at SATC. My friends from GA were all waiting until I get in town to see it together, I cannot wait!

Linda, hope you get better dear...take care of yourself!

Sharon, good to see you and good job on all your cardio.

Marcy, you sound busy. Hope you get to relax this weekend!

Skippy, have fun with your friend.

Apple, glad the class was fun!

Hi, Lorelei


Nov 29, 2004
I had a great TBT class today, the workout was extra tough and just what I needed.


Jun 15, 2006
Hey WWTers!

Rod, I''ve got my fingers crossed for you today!

CJ, I thought of you while we were in Central Park yesterday.

Marcy, it sounds like you''re doing amazing as always.

Skippy, how''s the tummy?

Steph, it sounds like you''re settling into your new home so nicely, I''m glad.

Apple, the pasta class sounds like so much fun! I keep saying I''m gonig to take cooking classes, someday I''ll actually do it.

Monnie, I''m still throwing fairy dust at you.

We are home and I''m officially done with school. Our trip was so wonderful we ended up extended our stay until Thursday. We took the train to Philadelphia on Saturday and saw Jimmy Buffett, it was such a great time. Philadelphia is such a beautiful city, it''s not at all what I pictured. We were there for less than 24 hours and I wish we had more time. We''ll definitely be going back. We also saw Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers at Madison Square Gardens, and what may be the best play I''ve ever seen, August: Osage County along with visiting The Tenament Museum, and spending hours upon hours just walking around. We ate lots of delicious food at: Bouley, Del Posto, Gotham Bar and Grill, Bull and Bear and The Bread Bar. We walked

I am super sleepy and plan to spend the day recouperating. I am also chewing on how to politely turn down a very strange offer I recieved from a woman who was sitting across from me in the airport. We got to talking and her son is autistic and she wants to send me to a training program (it''s a legitimate program that is highly aclaimed in some education circles) and then work with her son, intensively, as a tutor. I am not prepared to make the time commitment, on top of my part time summer school job and babysitting/tutoring I already do for another family and a possible second part time job that I''m interviewing for next week, but she seemed so desperate I''m having a hard time saying "no", even though I don''t know her. I am considering writing her an email, as I have her business card, stating that I would be happy to work with her son, but the commitment of the training and tutoring would be too much. I hate not knowing how to say "No." Anyways, this is all totally non-workout related, but I needed to share with someone.

Anyways, have a great day all.


Jul 22, 2007
Hi, all!

We took JT to the specialist this am. We had a really long wait and JT became quite miserable trying to stay still and quiet, but he was a trooper and just kept giving me sad eyes. We waited for an hour and a half in the lobby, and then another 20 minutes in the dr's room. (ridiculous!) Anyway, JT will be on antibiotics for the next 2 weeks (at a really high dose) and then we'll go back to the dr in 6 weeks. If after this round of antibiotics he gets tonsilitis again, we'll know they have to come out. Although, it looks like they will be coming out either way. He's always had sleep apnea and I always attributed it to him being a big boy, he was born big and is just now leveling out a bit. I assumed that it was something he would grow out of. But, on a 1-4 scale (4 severe), JT is a 3 for the swelling of his tonsils. And, that's today when he's healthy and just got off a round of antibiotics. So, basically the dr wants me to do a count of how long JT quits breathing and approximately how many times in any given night. Then at his checkup, we'll probably schedule the tonsilectomy. He doesn't talk quite as well as he should, at least not understandably, so they also checked his hearing. He's already lost hearing because of the severity of these infections (they get into his ears eventually). I know in the grand scheme of things, tonsils aren't a big deal, so I'm not worried or anything. More just wanting to get through it so JT can feel better.

We put our deposit on our trip yesterday. Then we (my friend and I) decided to have lunch down the travel agent's block. It was a little diner, mmm diner food...not so much. I got a bit of food poisoning or something. Literally 5 bites into my food, I turned to my friend and said we gotta go. My stomach was miserable, I WANTED to up-chuck but didn't. (sorry for TMI)

One of my favorite yoga sessions is coming on tomorrow, I'm so excited!! (I can't believe I just said that!)

Well, that's all for now. I hope you're all doing well and have a great weekend!!

ETA- I forgot to mention we got a big boy bed! I assembled it after DH went to work today and just as I was sliding the crib out of JT's room, I realized that it doesn't fit. I can't get the door off the hinges by myself because it's solid wood. But, JT still seems very excited about the new bed. We had settled on a Cars bed, but then JT changed his mind. We got a little sleigh bed that looks very similar to the crib so I think that's why he wanted it, a little more familiar looking.

Linda W

Feb 15, 2006
Hey all,

It is so darn HOT here today.

Rod: The Dr. said I have a nasty case of bronchitis and my asthma is out of control again. He gave me a breathing treatment in the office and I felt better afterwards. I am on antibiotics, cough meds, 5 days of prednisone and a stronger dose of Advair for 30 days for my asthma, geez what fun. He doesn''t want me going out of town, until Sunday.

My grandson''s are disappointed, but they swam for an hour today and were happy. I didn''t want them out in the pool too long, as it is too hot, 106 here. I slathered sun screen on them and made them get out quite often and sit in the shade. Today was their last day of school. I am making them root beer floats for dessert tonight, so they are happy about that, ha ha ha ha.

I''ll email again later. Skippy: How is your mom today??

Love, LInda


Feb 27, 2007
Hi everyone.
Marty played with my computer and said he thought a memory upgrade would really help so we got 2 GB of RAM and stuck in my laptop and it is working so much better. Woo hoo! That means more of my teaching check for jewelry. Life is GOOD.
Linda, I am so sorry to hear how sick you are. Rest up and feel better soon. I hope you are up to leaving on Sunday. Many hugs coming your way.
Somethingshiny, so sorry to hear JT is so miserable. I hope they get him all fixed up. How is your husband’s hand holding up?
Kimi, I am so glad you had a marvelous time on your trip and got to see and do so many wonderful things. I think an email to that lady turning down the training and tutoring is fine. I know you are good hearted and want to help everyone but sometimes you just can’t.
Appletini, that’s terrific you had a hard workout today. I can spend a lot of money at Banana too.
Steph, I am delighted to hear you are feeling more at home and finding friends to spend time with. I’ll be teaching this weekend and next Saturday and then I’m done with my weekend classes.
Hi Lorelei!
Sharon, I hope you had a great bike ride today.
Rod, hoping you hear from company #3 soon. The moon appears red due to dust and particles in the atmosphere – sometimes there is just more out there that makes it appear red. After fires the sunsets and moon rising will appear quite red. BTW the really bright star by the moon last night was Jupiter. And I agree – we would never get tired of your posts.
Skippy, have fun in the Audi convertible. I sat in a red one a few months ago and asked Marty if we could get it. He’s way too tall for it but I told him I sure looked good in it. Ha Ha. He want to get the A5 when we trade cars.
Well, we are leaving for our meeting shortly. Take care and sleep well.


Jun 15, 2006
SS, I''m so sorry about all of medical troubles your family has been dealing with. Not fun.

Linda, I hope you are resting and healing so you can go on your vacation.

Marcy, I haven''t noticed a weight update lately (could be the jet lag) are you weaning away from the scale? As for the job opportunity, I sent her an email this afternoon explaining that while it''s a great opportunity I don''t think I could give her son, and her, what they need from me, but I''d be happy to ask around at summer school and see if anyone I''m working with is available. The commitment is simply too much for me, but saying no is so hard. Thanks for the encouraging words, I''ve been fretting about this most of the day. Hooray for more MBs!

John made BBQ chicken, beans, and fruit salad for dinner. I''m still sleepy and will probably be snoring way too early for a Friday night.


Dec 28, 2005
I finally heard from company #3. The manager just doesn't feel he can make a decision right now and feels he needs to interview additional candidates before hiring someone (I was the first person he's seen). For whatever reason, he just doesn't see me as the resource he needs at this time, or he would have offered the job. Since I really had decided to go with them if they offered the position, it was an extremely disappointing day. So I'm going to have to take one of my other offers on Monday morning. Now I'm confused again and I have the weekend to decide between the other offers (at least I have others) and will likely go with one of the nations largest executive search firms which has an office in Tampa and really seems to want me. They were company #1 and have been very patient as I sorted all through these offers. I must say that the managing partner in Tampa is really nice and someone I would likely work well with. Still, it's not my ideal job, but I can't continue looking for work any longer. Charlie was offered the job at Restoration Hardware, but the best they could offer initially was part time. That was disappointing as well, but since unemployment will be running out soon, he's going to take the job and just have to keep looking for something more permanent. Oh well, what can I say other that today was disappointing..........

After getting the news about my preferred job, we did go see Sex and the City and thought it was a terrific movie. I'm not sure I was able to fully disengage and just enjoy it as my mind was pretty unsettled. Still it was a good movie and if you're a SATC fan, I highly recommend it.

Linda, I'm glad you got to see the doctor and got some medicine. I hope your family will reconsider the camping trip if you're not better by Sunday. You take care.

SS, I'm glad the specialist appointment went well for JT. Sounds like he really needs to have those tonsils removed for sure.

Welcome back Kimberly. I'm glad you had such a nice celebratory trip!


Nov 24, 2006
Rod, I am so sorry about company no. 3; it is there loss for sure!!! Sounds like company no. 1 really likes you and that is what is most important, hugs friend!!!

Kimi, I missed you. Glad you are back! Any pictures to share??? If so I would love to start a thread for you!!!

Sharon, yay for the workout!

SS, yay for the trip!

Linda, HUGE HEALING HUGS beautiful friend; I hope you feel better soon! I am glad you are home and didn't leave! You heath is what is important! The only worrying thing is the one leg is longer on my mom, she had her staples taken out so she was hurting a bit today. I didn't have a chance to see her today for the 1st time but my sister went over. Hubby and I will go over tomorrow.

Marcy, yay for memory!!! What is the A5??? My neighbor has the A6 but I never heard of the 5? I don't know audi too well though.

Steph, wow, that is hot! Like your new project.

My friends car is pretty cool it made me want a new car but I love not having any car payment so no new car for me plus we are saving for the new car. hehe it was a fun spin though.
Nothing exciting; I picked up hubby and we are just relaxing! Does anyone get headaches when a thuderstorm comes through??? It always happens to me; I hope I am not alone in this
Well, I am tired for some reason I got up at 5 two days in a row and went to bed late so I hope to hit the hay soon. hehe
I babysit my nephew tomorrow so I better get some sleep so I have energy to chase him around


Dec 28, 2005
Date: 6/20/2008 11:08:10 PM
Author: Skippy123
Rod, I am so sorry about company no. 3; it is there loss for sure!!! Sounds like company no. 1 really likes you and that is what is most important, hugs friend!!!

Does anyone get headaches when a thuderstorm comes through??? It always happens to me; I hope I am not alone in this
Thanks Skippy. Still very disappointed, but we don''t always get what we want, right?

I get headaches when thunderstorms come through, so you''re not alone. It''s caused by the dramatic changed in barometric pressure, which puts pressure on your sinus cavities. Sorry you have that problem too........

BTW, the A5 is Audi''s new two door coupe and is really designed to compete with the BMW 3 series coupe. It''s an absolutely beautiful car, BTW. Glad you enjoyed being in the A4 Cabriolet!


Nov 24, 2006
Date: 6/20/2008 11:24:00 PM
Author: Rod

Thanks Skippy. Still very disappointed, but we don't always get what we want, right?

I get headaches when thunderstorms come through, so you're not alone. It's caused by the dramatic changed in barometric pressure, which puts pressure on your sinus cavities. Sorry you have that problem too........

BTW, the A5 is Audi's new two door coupe and is really designed to compete with the BMW 3 series coupe. It's an absolutely beautiful car, BTW. Glad you enjoyed being in the A4 Cabriolet!
Okay, thank you!!! I thought I was alone, that makes sense. Ah honey, they are dorkheads and don't know what they are missing, seriously!!!! Later they will realize they made a big mistake, giant hugs friend!!! p.s. thanks for the info on the A5.


Feb 27, 2007
Kimi, I lost another pound last weekend so I’ve lost 157 pounds now with 3 more to go before reaching my BIG goal. It has become painstakingly slow
but I have recently lost more inches which is always a plus. I am glad you contacted that lady to get it over with, I always stress about things like that too.
Rod, I am so sorry to hear about your disappointing news from company # 3. Company # 1 sounds like a great bunch of people to work with and they sound very interested in you. Also since Charlie will be working part time he’ll have the ability to continue looking for a full time job. My continued best wishes for both of you finding what you want.
Skippy, the A5 is new this year. We have an A6. Marty says the A5 is smaller, cheaper and stiffer than the A6 so it’s more of a sports car than the A6 which is a sedan. Marty liked it for taking corners at lets just say – not exactly the speed limit.
I like the A4’s but he doesn’t fit in them very well. I am glad you enjoyed the spin in the convertible. Woo hoo for you husband being home. Have fun babysitting your cute nephew tomorrow. I definitely get headaches from high pressure systems. Sorry to hear you and Rod do as well.
Good night to all!
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