
Healthier Lifestyle Thread 11th August till 17th August

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Apr 30, 2005
Happy new week all!

My toof is healing up now, so hopefully I can get a workout in today. I was thinking with reading one of Skipper's posts last week about the frustrating weight plateau and what to do about it...

I definitely find that a jolt to the routine can get things going again if I get stuck. I tend to tackle it by increasing my cardio, and definitely upping the protein, lowering the carbs, and making sure to drink plenty of water, this seems to work well for most people. It is frustrating, but having some tools at your disposal is very useful for when you need them to help you through.

Hitting plateaus used to be commonplace for me back in the eighties, as I used to go on so many " diets" which averaged 900 - 1000 calories, and go above 1000 at your peril, otherwise it served you right for not losing an ounce!!
Yes I lost weight, but equally when you were encouraged to lose a considerable amount of weight on 1200 to 1000 cals a day, you had nowhere to go when you did plateau, unless of course you wanted to drop to 800 or 900 cals as you could do if you were stuck

I am so glad that things have moved on in a more positive direction, I used to feel such a failure for always being hungry and unable to stick to these ' diets' and I am very glad that nowadays the focus is on eating clean and healthy with room for an indulgence occasionally, rather than those harmful ( I feel ) and sometimes wacky food plans. Nowadays I am very thankful that I am able to keep in decent shape and enjoy life without feeling guilty or being hungry! And that some tweaks to the diet can often be all that is needed to get things moving again.

Have a great week


Feb 27, 2007
Lorelei, great opener my friend! Plateaus are difficult and discouraging but I think changing things up a bit will often help break that plateau. The important thing is we keep trying to eat healthy and keep working out.

Have a great day!



Mar 16, 2005
Lorelei, great opener. I have been stuck at the same weight for months now and felt like I need to loose just that last 10 pounds, but then I thought I am working out and eating right most of the time, maybe this is just where my body is supposed to be. And then my doctor told me that I am at a perfectly healthy weight. So I have to remember that I''m doing the right things, and if my body wants to loose a few more lbs great, but if not I''m okay with this healthy weight for the rest of my life as well. I do think your suggestions are really good too and work for most people when they are still in the weightloss process.

Hi, Marcy!


Feb 27, 2007
Hi Steph! Woo hoo for a doctor telling you that you are a healthy weight. That''s a nice thing to hear.


Apr 30, 2005
Thanks Marcy and Steph!


Sep 16, 2007
Happy Monday All!
Sorry I''ve been MIA - I''ve been terribly busy these last two weekends. I really should add these to those threads but I don''t want to bump them or post there when the timeline for the thread has long passed. I did read everyone''s posts though, and it sounds like everyone is still "on the wagon," despite some minor bumps in the road. Good work all!

Two weekends ago my mother''s whole side came to visit us in Indiana for my maternal grandparents'' memorial days. In Vietnamese culture you honor the anniversary of an elder''s death by coming together as a family, cooking, burning incense, visiting the gravestone, etc., etc. It was so much fun but having an extra 30 or so people at your home is tiring! I didn''t get to post at all that weekend but I did think of you guys everytime I made food choices...kind of an "WWHLTD?" (What Would the Healthier Lifestyle Thread Do?) Haha There was amazing food with no hope of an accurate calorie count, so I just controlled the portion sizes and drank a lot of water.

This weekend we took a family trip to Niagara Falls! It was BEAUTIFUL and my dear mother spoiled me rotten at the Coach & Burberry outlet! I would go there just to shop...*sigh* Although our diets consisted of places on the road and near the Falls, I actually LOST weight because of all the walking, climbing, and yes, SHOPPING, we were able to do!

So anyway, I''m back now and even though I might not be able to write as much everyday because of school starting in a couple weeks, I will try my best!

Lorelei - Great opening! Plateaus can be so discouraging, especially after an initial large drop in weight because of the radical changes in diet/exercise that occur during the first stages of a lifestyle change. Thanks for the words of encouragement and sound advice! I definitely need to start drinking more water...I have found that drinking cool, not ice cold, water helps me to drink more. I learned that people drink more when the liquid is not ice cold (reason we would make sure the water/Gatorade for the athletes wasn''t too cold despite their pleas), I just never thought to apply it to myself!

Steph - Great news about being a healthy weight! I think everyone could pick out something that they want to lose/nip/tuck/enlarge/etc., but it must be a great feeling to be at a point in your life where you would be happy for the rest of your life if you stayed that way. Yay!

All for now...sorry for the long back later!


Mar 26, 2006
Hey kids!

This weekend Dee was BAD BAD BAD (as evidenced by the all the food reported in my posts LOL!), but this a new week. Today I am going to start to tackle the age old problem of a closet full of clothes and nothing to wear. I seriously have a closet that is bigger than my first studio apartment and it is just PACKED full of things I either can''t wear or wouldn''t wear even if they did fit, so OUT they go! I did give one bag of stuff to the cleaning lady a few weeks ago, but that was just the tip of the iceberg. I am going ot literally try on EVERYTHING. And if it doesn''t fit it doesn''t stay. I did ask one of my friends who is always so well put together about this process, especially the part aobut "Oh, this will fit me again some day... " And she said CHUCK IT. When I get to *that* size again (whatever that might be!) I can just buy whatever I want at that time and be done with it. Some part of me (the *cheap* part, ha ha!) cringes at the idea of getting rid of all these clothes, but I''m gonna do it.

(Sorry for giving myself a pep talk there at every other reader''s expense but I needed to hear myself say it!)

Lorelei, I''m glad to hear your toofers if getting better!

Marcy, did you get out of bed this morning and say "I AM the skinny girl in the pink shirt?!"

Steph, congrats on being a healthy weight!

Indy, I love the outlet stores by Niagara! Sounds like you had a great shopping adventure!


Apr 30, 2005
Thanks Indy, it sounds like you did great!

Miss Dee, methinks you deserve some new clothes!!


Apr 19, 2004

HIya gang! No stuff for me today, had some cramping last night. Better eat a banana.

My question before tht week''s thread was closed, was, what brand/shoe are people wearing on their feet? My present runners are Air Nikes and I need new footwear. Marcy siad she had New Balance, and they were my second choice last time I was buying. I tend to pronate, and I found the AN just a tad more comfy. BUt there are new products out there all the time.



Mar 26, 2006
Sharon, New Balance all the way! When I was in physical therapy for my knee the PT said that they are absolutely the best shoe. I haven''t worn anything else since and I love them! I wear one that "stabalizes" by the way; maybe that would be good for you too since you pronate? If possible I would go to an actual New Balance store and ask their advice on which model is best for you because they do have some training in that area. Another option might be a store where they cater specifically to runners. We have one called Fleet Feet and they and GREAT. They will even take you out on the sidewalk and watch your gait as you try the shoes out.

Thank Lorelei!


Apr 19, 2004
Date: 8/11/2008 11:47:11 AM
Author: Dee*Jay
Sharon, New Balance all the way! When I was in physical therapy for my knee the PT said that they are absolutely the best shoe. I haven't worn anything else since and I love them! I wear one that 'stabalizes' by the way; maybe that would be good for you too since you pronate? If possible I would go to an actual New Balance store and ask their advice on which model is best for you because they do have some training in that area. Another option might be a store where they cater specifically to runners. We have one called Fleet Feet and they and GREAT. They will even take you out on the sidewalk and watch your gait as you try the shoes out.

Thank Lorelei!

Thanks DJ. I bought runners two years ago from a specialty place--The Running Room--and you are right, those places that cater to runners are the best. They even helped lace me up "properly"

I need to do my Yoga CD today--my arthritic neck is giving me he**!



Jul 22, 2007
Lorelei~ Great Opener! Thanks to similar advice in a past thread, I''ve lost another 3 lbs. I plateaued for a couple weeks and couldn''t figure out why. Switch it up a bit and I started losing again! Currently I''m down 19 lbs! WAHOO!!

btw- bought 2 new pairs of pants yesterday!


Jun 24, 2008
Hey everyone. So I am still biking to work everyday (2.1 mi each way). This past weekend I biked to my parents house which is 8.3mi one way. I could have made it back home but I decided to hang out at my parents. Once ya do that and ya cool down, it''s hard getting motivation to go back :) lol


Dec 29, 2006
Good afternoon all!

My sneakers are New Balance. I like them, but I have trouble doing the treadmill for very long because my feet hurt a lot. I don''t think it''s necessarily the shoes'' fault though. I tend to have issues with one of my feet in particular (my foot begins to hurt, then it feels heavy, then it kind of um, goes numb [as if I had pins and needles, only without the pins and needles pain -- hard to explain]). I do have orthodics but they haven''t helped. Anyway, sorry to go on and on. I like my sneakers, I really do.

This weekend I was pretty good, considering that we went to a BBQ yesterday. Our friends made grilled pizzas, and they were so yummy. We had homemade brownie sundaes for dessert, and I enjoyed every last bite. That was really the only indulgent thing I had. I went back to counting everything I ate after we got home, so I''m back on track.

I met with my trainer today and worked out for an hour. It was a good workout -- not too strenuous but just strenuous enough. I wish I could do more on the treadmill though, because I had intended to stay for at least 1.5 hours and get in some good cardio after my session. After 10 minutes on the treadmill though, my right foot had had enough, so I left. I''m going back in the morning and I''m either going to swim or try the elliptical and see how my foot feels.


Apr 30, 2005
Miss Sharon, I have just bought some Skechers trainers, so I will see how those go, I don''t know if they are actually an althletic brand, but they were comfortable so I thought they might be ok for what I do.

SS - WOO HOO on your weight loss!

LT2, great job on the cycling!!

Zoe, I hope your foot is ok, I tend to get that on the elliptical with the numbness. Sounds like you are doing great also!!!


Jun 25, 2007
Hey all - so this weekend I wasn''t a saint, but I wasn''t horrible either. Back on track today. I got up and walked for the last time with gma, and tonight I plan to do some cardio (kick boxing, or alternates of jumping jacks with sculpting). Tomorrow and from here on out, I''m going to be jogging in the mornings after I feed horses. Gma is going back to work, so I''m taking up her post in the mornings on the home front. I want to get LOTS of cardio in coming up, to get the rest of this weight off, so any advice would be great. I''m going to start dancing a lot, and I have to replace my jump rope.


Dec 29, 2006
Lorelei -- I forgot to thank you for the great opener. So, thanks!

I''m on a roll today! I just did 100 sit ups on my new exercise mat. I have to work on not straining or pulling my neck up too far, but I could definitely feel it in my abs, so I must have still been doing them correctly. There''s no way I can actually sit up and touch my knees, but I think I''ve heard that the way I''m doing the sit ups is okay too.

One of my fears is that once school begins again, I''ll go back to making more excuses about working out ("I''m too tired," etc.). I think I have changed my attitude though, and I *feel* differently about the way I''m approaching the whole weight loss and exercise thing. So that''s good. Hopefully I won''t lose sight of that when I go back to school in a few weeks.

Dee*Jay -- good for you for throwing out old clothes. I need to do that but I keep finding reasons not to. Bad Zoe.

SS -- congrats on losing 19 lbs!! That''s great!


Nov 24, 2006
Hi All, I walked last night and just when I walked in the house and it poured rain last night, just in the nick of time! hehe Well, I got the portion of my project done that was due today. I am nervous about my Aug 28 deadline; I will do it though. hehe Well come October I decided to go back to work in the private sector of accounting, hopefully I will find a job.
I think I lost .6 lb; it was driving me nuts there for awhile being stuck!!!
I plan to walk with my cousin tonight. Have a great evening and tonight we will be grilling chicken on the grill for dinner.

Lorelei great opening; I agree w/you no eating under 1200 calories for sure! Great reminder!!!!

Steph, glad you are back w/us; I missed ya and yay for a healthy weight!

Sharon, I went to one of those shoe stores where they have you walk on a treadmill and tell you the type of shoe perfect for your type of foot. I wear the Ascis Cumulus 9. My sister loves NB and I love Ascis. hehe Good to see you! Glad you are enjoying your summer!

Marcy, is tonight/tomorrow when we are suppose to look for meteors?

Indygirl, yay for burberry!!!

Hi Dragonfly and Zoe and Loves to Travel!

SS, yay for new pants!!!

DeeJay, I learned to stay calm; it is weird what use to trigger my migraines, it all had to do with my emotions, now when I start to feel tense I practice breathing, it has really helped me. I started getting them when I was 7 yrs old. Noise usually bothers me and light when I get them. I am sorry and I hope you don't have a rebound, also hormones has a lot to do with them (closer to that ttom, higher fat foods or higher caffeine, etc)


Nov 29, 2004
DH and I went for a walk last night and I went to TBT today.


Feb 22, 2008
Hello all! I too was no saint this weekend. No real workouts but I didn''t eat like a pig so I think I''m about where I left off except I don''t think I drank near enough water so I''ve got a little extra water weight to start the week. I was all geared up to get back to the gym tonight and then I scheduled a job interview for 7:30....and well I really need a new job so the workout will have to wait until tomorrow.

Lorelei - Great opener as usual
I think I''m going to be proactive and keep changing up my cardio so maybe I won''t hit a plateau until I''m where my body just needs to be. Besides I get bored easily I need change.
Steph - That''s a great attitude! I can''t wait until reach that point where I''m just health and happy the way my body wants me to be.
Indy - Sounds like you''ve had some great family time and good for you for keeping those portions in check and managing to lose weight even with family in town. That''s great!
Dee - I was right there with you this weekend. BAD BAD BAD. Thanks goodness for a new week! I''m going to do the whole closet clean-out too. I have clothes I that date back to high school, and the new house (if it ever closes) doesn''t have big closets so some of them have to go. That''s a great idea if it doesn''t fit or I haven''t worn it in a year it''s outa here! Ooooo that''s going to be tough.

SS - Keep up the good work!
L2T - I wish I lived that close to work. Riding to and from work sounds like it would be a good stress reliever. Not to mention the gas I''d save.
Zoe - Sounds like you had a good session. Smart not to push the foot though, swimming may be a great option I wish I was a lap swimmer but alas I''m just no good at it. Good job on the sit ups I don''t think I could do that many in one day, bot am I out of shape. LOL
Drangonfly - That cardio sounds like a good workout. Hmmm I''ll have to see if the gym by our new home has a kick boxing class I''ve always wanted to try those.


Mar 26, 2006
Well the closet cleaning was *quasi* successful... I do have two shopping bags full of stuff to give to the cleaning lady (she and I are pretty much the same size and sometimes when she shows up I think, oh, look at that cute thing she has on -- and then I realize *I* gave it to her!) but there are still A LOT of things in my closet I couldn''t bring myself to give up. I have put myself on a deadline though: If I don''t wear the things that I''m clinging to by spring they GO. By the end of the week I''m going to tackle the heard of sweaters that''s been breeding in the armoire and all the stuff on the other shelves and in the drawers of my closet. Ug!

I did do 65 mins on the elliptical at a higher resistance than usual in an effort to pay some penance for last weekend. As soon as I was done of course the HH called to say he was grilling some big juicy steaks for dinner and he has some new fab potato recipe that he wants to try out.


Mar 16, 2005
Well, quite the funny story. I am trying to get back into working out after being sick for 2+ weeks, so I was going to take it easy and go for a nice walk. Well, I decided to try a different way in our neighborhood and ended up getting lost! Our neighborhood is huge...our house was built in 2001 and they are still building new houses if that tells you anything. So I eventually found my way back, but I must have done at least 5 miles....way to ease back into things, haha. At least I discovered a new section with soccer fields, a baseball field and a huge playground area for Andrew, so that was good.

Hi, Indy....Niagara Falls sounds great!

Dee, I''m with you on the full closet thing. I had clothes in 5 different sizes! Haha, I finally am donating the bigger sizes b/c I never want to be that large again! I also kept 1 pair of tiny jeans from college just to see if I ever will get into them again, but I''ve pretty much given up on that!

Sharon, I also love new balance...they are very cushiony

Shiny, yea for down 19lbs

Love2travel, yea for biking to work!

Zoe, yea for a great workout!

dragonfly, good plan on jogging in the mornings. I plan to get back on track with that myself.

Skippy, yea for going back to work that will be exciting. I am actually thinking of going back to work myself (at least part time) when Andrew starts school in a few weeks.

Apple, great job your workouts

KCCutie, good luck on the new job!


Feb 27, 2007
Hi everyone!
I hope you had a great day. Marty had an eye appointment this afternoon so he came home early and had supper waiting for me when I got home. What a treat! We had chicken and rice with a dish of slow churned. I sure eat well for eating smart.

IndyGirl, what a houseful you had. LOL at “WWHLTD?” That’s a great idea to keep in the back of your mind. That’s interesting about ice cold drinks. That’s about the only way I’ll drink things. I will even put red wine on ice sometimes. I bet Niagara Falls was beautiful.
DeeJay, good idea to get rid of some clothes. LOL at the sweaters breeding. No, I didn’t say that to myself when I got up this morning but I will work on that. Thanks.
Sharon, go to and see their recommendations for your footprint (flat, high arch, etc.). I need motion control shoes and have had really good luck with Brooks, Saucony and New Balance. As DeeJay mentioned to the athletic stores have people that know what kind of shoes will work for you.
Somethingshiny, congratulations for being down 19 pounds.

Love2travel, good job riding your bike so much. It’s a great workout.
Zoe, the brownie sundae sounds marvelous. I love brownies. Sorry to hear about your right foot, take care of it so you don’t do further damage to it. It sounds like you have the right attitude about food and exercise so you should do fine once school starts.
Lorelei, I hope you love your new Skechers. Are you feeling better tonight?
Dragonfly, sounds like you have plans for some great workouts. Have fun with them.
Skippy, we are like twins today. I just got home before the rain completely dirtied up my clean car, we had chicken for supper and I also started the day down .6 of a pound. Congratulations to you for breaking your plateau!
Yes, tonight / tomorrow morning is when to watch for meteors. Good luck finding a job this fall.
Appletini, glad to hear you started the week with a session with your PT.
KC, good luck with the job interview.
Steph, your easy walk turned out to be quite an adventure. I hope you don’t feel sore from walking so much.
Have a great evening.


Dec 28, 2005
Hey Everyone.........It was a looong day as usual, but a good and productive one, so no complaints from me. After work, I met Charlie for Sushi (favorite sushi place #2) and the owner came over and chided us for having the same things every week, so he made us try some different rolls and appetizers and it was just incredible. I guess we get caught in a rut when it comes to our favorite sushi rolls and just like life, we need to shake things up now and then. So, WOO HOO to trying new things. At least for us on the sushi front it was terrific. Tomorrow will be a really long day as it wll be a gym night for me. I''ll do my best to check in, but it will be late.

Lorelei, I so appreciated your opener this week. I''ve hit plateaus, but I know I''ll pass them and I do try to mix things up to get there. My brother has always been a crash diet kind of guy. He''s a big boy (aka FAT) and every couple years he goes on some kind of major league diet, loses huge amounts of weight, then when the diet''s all over, puts it all back on and then some. He just told me his cholesterol is in the 400 range (YIKES), so hopefully, this time he''ll take some advice from his little brother and make the kinds of life long changes that I have that will last me forever. Anyway, thanks as alwasy for your opener. I''m glad your toof is doing so much better too!

Hey Marcy, thanks for your sympath on the loss of my favorite tart cherry scone and my favorite specialty grocer. Sometimes, change can be a not so good thing too...........

Steph, I''m glad you''re comfortable with your weight. Sorry you got lost in your neighborhood, but glad you found some new things to see!

Hey Indy, sounds like you''ve been quite busy lately. Charlie''s twin brother and his family live in Buffalo and sometimes when Charlie''s up there visiting, they go to the falls. Woo Hoo for losing weight while having fun too!

It''s OK DeeJay....we enjoyed your pep talk vicariously for sure!! You crack me up! Honest you do!! When I lost all my weight, I got rid of ALL MY FAT clothes. Every single article of clothing I owned, which was hard as most if not all of it came from Nordstrom.......(Can you say boatloads of money out the door - I can!!). But Charlie also lost weight when we began working out and I kept many of his pants which were now too big for him and low and behold over time, I continued to lose inches around my waist and can wear many of those pants today. So, here''s my thought. If it''s too big, get rid of it. If you keep clothes that are too big, you''re giving yourself license to gain weight and fit back in them. BUT, it it''s too small, keep it and give yourself something to work towards getting back into. Just my .02 worth my friend........

Sharon, I meant to respond to your question about shoes in last week''s thread. Honestly it''s such a personal thing. While each of us can tell you what shoe we personally like (for example, I''m am a HUGE Asics fan). For me, Asics (which can be pricey, but hey a good fitness shoe can make all the difference) were the best for my feet. But''s that my feet and they might not work best for your feet. So, what I really recommend you do, is for you to go to a real athletic footwear store (not like Sports Authority where the kid selling shoes likely worked at McDonalds last week) and let a real professional measure your feet and determine if you pronate or supinate and really find the shoe that will work best for your particular needs and shape of your feet. They should watch you walk and run in a shoe to make sure it''s really the right fit. That''s what I did and it truly made all the difference in the world. Again, just my .02 worth!

SS, YAY for 3 more pounds!!! You go SS!!

Good for you still biking so much Love!! That''s great dedication for sure!

Zoe, if your feet hurt on the treadmill, the New Balance shoes are likely the wrong shoe for you completely. Please read the advice I wrote for Sharon above and get thee to a specialty running shoe store and have them do the same thing for you. Your feet should not hurt after a run either outside or on the treadmill. No offense, but I don''t take advice from anyone on what shoe they like because everyone''s feet are so different.

Hey dragon!! You don''t have to be a siant makes life boring to be one......LOL

Hey there dear Skippy. I''m glad you got your walk in before it started to pour! Congrats on getting your portion of the project done too!! Yumm to grilled chicken on the grill.......

KC, ditto my comment to dragon on being a saint........LOL

OK....enough blathering from Rod for one day. Have a great Tuesday everyone........


Nov 24, 2006
Rod, glad you had an uber productive day!!!

Marcy, talk about twins for sure
LOL I hope I wake up at 4am to watch the meteor shower!!!

Steph, wooo hooo for your walk and finding soccer fields, you go girl! Yay for a job too!

KCCutie, good luck on the job interview, dust dust!!!

Dee, yay for cleaning out the closet!

Apple wooo hoo for TBT!

IndyGirl, yay for the Olympics being inspiring; they are very cool!!!

I had a great walk 4 miles and the grilled chicken was fab!
After my cousin and I walked we looked at the progress on their new swimming pool; it should be done in time for Labor day. I better pull out my floaties and start blowing them up!!!


Sep 16, 2007
Almost Tuesday all!
I didn''t work out today because it is my off day, but watching the Olympics just makes me want to run out and do something! ALL of those athletes are so inspiring.

DeeJay - I totally know what you mean about having so much clothes but nothing to wear! I feel so bad about throwing ANYTHING away, let alone clothes! I always get close to throwing something out or giving something away, but then I think "what if" and come up with some crazy scenario where I would wear it again. Sounds like you have a good plan, though. Maybe I''ll throw away all the snug clothes (save a few for motivation) so I can buy a whole new wardrobe when I get to my ideal weight.
The shopping was amazing...we had seven people already packed in an SUV on the way there...I have some hilarious pictures of my mom and I literally sleeping on Coach bags on the way home because there was no room for them anywhere else!

Lorelei - Thanks! I''m glad your teefs are feeling better.

Canuk-gal - I''m a Nike Shox girl, but I haven''t ever worn anything else, so I''m sure there are much better out there. I have heard great things about NB as far as people who need extra support or have specific problems with their mechanics. Maybe I''ll buy a pair to try it out; my arches are non-existent!

Somethingshiny - YAY for another 3 lbs! That''s huge!

Loves2Travel - YAY for bike rides! That''s awesome! Keep up the good work!

Zoe - The BBQ sounds fun...sometimes you just have to stop counting calories and go for it!
Swimming or elliptical sound like amazing cardio alternatives to the treadmill. Crunches are great!

Dragon - I think you''re doing great. It sounds like you''re switching things up with your cardio and sculpting, so that should help your body to keep losing weight. I''m not an expert though, maybe some other PSers can help you out with suggestions.

Skippy - YAY for .6
Any weight lost is awesome! I will be coming to you for accounting help this Fall!

KCCutie - Thanks! It was so much was difficult not to eat everything because one of the nights we had a potluck and there was so much amazing food, but it was worth it and I didn''t feel bad afterwards. I don''t think I lost any weight that weekend, but Niagara definitely gave me a good workout!

Steph - LOL @ getting lost! That''s SOOO me! I have the worst sense of direction and when presented with a 50/50 choice I''ll always turn the wrong way. It was kind of a blessing in disguise in your case, though!

Marcy - Yes, it''s always loud and fun times when everyone comes over. I''ve cut out most everything but water from my liquids, but when I do drink something I do want to have it cold as well. I''ve been trying to make the water not TOO cold though, and I have found I drink more. Niagara was so pretty, it was almost hard to believe I was still in the US. How cute about Marty having dinner waiting! Yummy!

Rod - That''s funny about being so well-known at a restaurant that they know what you order & have you try other things haha I was very busy and felt bad about not contributing to the thread, but I did read everyone''s posts and they were quite entertaining. I didn''t really feel like I was in NY when I was there...the only other part of NY I had been to was NYC, so it was much different.
Have a great Tuesday!


Feb 27, 2007
Guess what? No I didn’t get any new bling today. I started my book tonight. It seems like all I did was babble on but hey I started it.
Skippy, I hope you see some wonderful meteors at 4 in the morning. If I wake up I might go look but I doubt I’ll set my alarm. Of course I could call in sick to work and go watch for meteors all night. That is great the pool will be ready so soon. Get those floaties inflated.
Rod, woo hoo for trying new things. I don’t tend to venture much out of my comfort zone but hey I discovered cheesecake that way so sometimes it is a good thing. Good luck with your long day tomorrow. Great advice on buying shoes from someone who knows how to figure out what your feed need. I had a lady help me when I had a stress fracture and every time I need new shoes I go back to her.
IndyGirl, glad you had a nice day off and enjoyed watching the Olympics. It sounds like you had a great shopping trip. LOL sleeping on coach bags coming home. Water is pretty much all I drink as well. I drink easily 8 glasses a day whether it’s ice cold, cool or room temperature. Glad you found Niagara Falls to be so pretty. I went there when I was in grade school so I don’t remember it too well.
Have a great Tuesday!
Sweet dreams.


Mar 20, 2003
DeeJay, that''s funny, I''m going to go through old clothes again in the next couple of days. I already did a major purge a few months ago, but I still kept way too much stuff that I don''t even like, so why keep it?

This has been brought on by the fact that we have offered to let a friend stay with us for a few months. She and her husband moved away a year ago because they felt stuck -- renting forever, didn''t like their jobs, not near family. So they moved to a family vacation home (that is not insulated for the winter and is far from civilization), got jobs almost an hour away, had to buy a second car, spend all their time driving and haven''t even been able to save any money.
He''s committed to his job through December but she is really set on moving back, and if they wait for both of them to find jobs when he is not teaching, well, that probably won''t happen, so we''ve told her to plan on staying with us if she finds something. So I was thinking, you know, do I really need the closet in the guest room full of stuff, as well as drawers in the guest room and a drawer in the hall closet? What the heck am I keeping in there? Do I really wear those clothes? Some of it is cold-weather storage, but mostly no, I don''t think I do. And even if she doesn''t move in with us, I still don''t need that stuff and can really survive just using my closet in our bedroom and the drawer built into the hall closet.

I''ve gained a few pounds (3 or so). And it''s not just in my head; my shorts are tight. I haven''t been doing anything differently except exercising more, but I''m sure it''s not just muscle mass (unless it''s all in my glutes
). Ah well. We will be TTC shortly, so perhaps my body is storing up fat in anticipation (now there''s a positive spin, right?). Anyway, I''ve had some indulgences here and there but have mostly been eating the way I normally do, so perhaps this is just where my body wants to be.

I''m back to only one break day a week. It makes my schedule easy to remember: Firm, run, Firm, run, Firm, run, break. Today is a running day, so I''m off to get ready for that. Then it''s grocery shopping for more EatingWell recipes. So far I''ve got chicken thighs with leeks and shiitakes and chicken cassoulet on the menu, and probably a vegetarian dish.


Jul 22, 2007
Thanks, all, for the "YAYs" on the weight loss. I''m so happy I get to be one of "those" people! For several years I felt like I wasn''t one of "those", the ones who could lose weight. I can''t believe how much my body has changed by starting the BC pill. Finally, I feel like I''m not fighting the cysts every day! And, being able to lose weight is great!

Sorry I still haven''t read all the posts, but I hope all is going well.

JT''s appt is Thursday and hopefully we''ll find out if he''ll be having a tonsillectomy. And, of course, he''s sick again.

See y''all later!


Apr 19, 2004

Thanks for the news of shoes
; I actually look forward to a new pair, since I have been doing a fair amount of running lately and want the best footwear for the occasion.

Speaking of running--I think I should be off.............

Keep well gang!

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