
Full National Lockdown in the UK. Again.


Jul 7, 2013
As mentioned in another thread, UK's death from C19 reached 100k+ today!

And the nearest large hospital with an A&E has been declared as a critical incident as ambulances were queuing up to offload their patients due to lack of suitable high dependency beds!

Very worrying indeed!

DK :eek2:

Ally T

Oct 24, 2012
As mentioned in another thread, UK's death from C19 reached 100k+ today!

And the nearest large hospital with an A&E has been declared as a critical incident as ambulances were queuing up to offload their patients due to lack of suitable high dependency beds!

Very worrying indeed!

DK :eek2:

It's horrendous. I have an appointment on the 25th at Whiston Hospital (over in Liverpool) for nerve stimulation testing, and it's currently hitting local news due to being a covid pit & on the verge of declaring an emergency. Have to be tested each week due to my job in a school & have happily been negative so far. I'm a bit worried!


Jul 7, 2013
It's horrendous. I have an appointment on the 25th at Whiston Hospital (over in Liverpool) for nerve stimulation testing, and it's currently hitting local news due to being a covid pit & on the verge of declaring an emergency. Have to be tested each week due to my job in a school & have happily been negative so far. I'm a bit worried!

I have an appointment on 08 Feb for a routine mammogram and suspect it may be cancelled if the situation does not improve by then. It is in a different part of the hospital, however, they may need to divert their staff to other departments to cope with the influx of C19 cases.

DK :(2

Daisys and Diamonds

Apr 30, 2019
I beleave the only reason why NZ had such a harsh and successful lock down was because the govt knew the public health system would come tumbling down under the weight of covid

That is why Samoa has been so successful
They have something like 2 respirators for the entire country
they just cannot afford covid


May 23, 2016
We are seriously clutching at straws here when this is pitched as a good thing. Maybe I’m being unfair, but it reads to me as some kind of justification for allowing the virus to rampage through the population. Somewhere between 85,000 and 100,000 people have died here (depending on how you classify), but hey it saved us having to vaccinate some people, and those who didn’t die stand a decent chance of being immune... (I know that’s not quite what they’re saying but some government lackey is pitching it that way I bet.) :roll2:



Jan 9, 2015
It's horrendous. I have an appointment on the 25th at Whiston Hospital (over in Liverpool) for nerve stimulation testing, and it's currently hitting local news due to being a covid pit & on the verge of declaring an emergency. Have to be tested each week due to my job in a school & have happily been negative so far. I'm a bit worried!

I'm keeping you in my thoughts, @Alex T !!!


Jan 9, 2015
As mentioned in another thread, UK's death from C19 reached 100k+ today!

And the nearest large hospital with an A&E has been declared as a critical incident as ambulances were queuing up to offload their patients due to lack of suitable high dependency beds!

Very worrying indeed!

DK :eek2:

I reluctantly "liked" to acknowledge, but really wanted to "hug"...
I'm sorry @dk168 and I know this feeling...we were at 97% capacity in September and I still know how that felt.


Hope everyone is keeping safe.

OK, here's a WWYD for you all.

If you were to get a nice piece of jewellery during this time, say an extremely belated anniversary ring, that you couldn't wear to work and aren't going anywhere else, and don't like wearing rings around the house, would you

(a) wait until after lockdown to actually receive it as part of a special event (dinner out?), so it's something to look forward to, associated with happy memories and can immediately be worn out and enjoyed, or

(b) just get it now and look at it in its box

Asking for a friend... :oops::lol: I am just not feeling very celebratory and worry that I will always associate it with this horrible time.

Hugs to all of you who are awaiting important hospital appointments. We are trying very hard at mine to maintain a normal service, with separation of Covid / non-Covid areas, rather than the first lockdown when things were cancelled wholesale. It is different staff groups and areas on the whole. So I expect and really hope your appointments will go ahead (safely).


May 23, 2016
For me, I’d get it now and have the enjoyment of something new and pretty during lockdown. I know you say you don’t wear rings around the house, but would you snuggle down on the sofa of an evening and wear a new ring for the pure enjoyment of it once your chores are finished? The best relationships to reap rewards are those we invest a lot of time in - you could make a serious investment of time during lockdown getting to know and appreciate the character of your new stone! :geek2:


Jul 7, 2013
I have not stopped spending money on blings, even though I do not have anywhere to go to wear them.

However, I have been taking them out from time to time just to admire them, especially the 9mm Rubellite ring, as it makes me happy,

TGIF, however, the days are kind of blurred especially for a part-timer like me.

Have a good weekend everyone, and stay safe!

DK :))

Ally T

Oct 24, 2012
@MillieLou Another vote for getting your bling now. It will definitely cheer you & remind you of the good, brighter days to come. And they will come. And you will be ready to dazzle!

And thanks for your reassurance about upcoming hospital appointments & concerns. And more than that, THANK YOU for putting yourself in the hospital environment every day.


@MillieLou Another vote for getting your bling now. It will definitely cheer you & remind you of the good, brighter days to come. And they will come. And you will be ready to dazzle!

And thanks for your reassurance about upcoming hospital appointments & concerns. And more than that, THANK YOU for putting yourself in the hospital environment every day.

Aw thanks Alex. We have to send our inpatients across to other departments, scans etc quite frequently, and there is a big difference across the board now compared to first lockdown, even for routine things. So fingers crossed for you and dk168.


Sep 17, 2008
Really worried for you guys across the pond, but hang in there!


Jan 2, 2014
Earlier this week we had an email from our very easy going and tolerant headteacher requesting proof of key worker status and asking parents to keep their children at home if there was a parent there. Basically they are running out of staff to be able to do the home schooling because so many parents are sending their kids in. Beggars belief.

Ally T

Oct 24, 2012
Earlier this week we had an email from our very easy going and tolerant headteacher requesting proof of key worker status and asking parents to keep their children at home if there was a parent there. Basically they are running out of staff to be able to do the home schooling because so many parents are sending their kids in. Beggars belief.

It's the same at our school. One example is we have siblings in because their dad is a key worker. Parents are divorced, dad sees children only at weekends, mum works in a beauty salon. Which is closed. But because the kids qualify due to dad, she's sending them in rather than having them "under her feet". I asked one of them last week, rather casually, what mum was up to whilst she was in lockdown, to which the child said "probably just meditating. She's always meditating." I passed the info on, but our Head cannot act because the rules state 'one parent must be a key worker'. It needs ammending to say both parents or the primary carer in a single parent household. However in fairness, we still only have a total of 31 children across the school, many of which are only attending on certain days, so we are coping well juggling those attending with live online classes.


Feb 23, 2017
Hope everyone is keeping safe.

OK, here's a WWYD for you all.

If you were to get a nice piece of jewellery during this time, say an extremely belated anniversary ring, that you couldn't wear to work and aren't going anywhere else, and don't like wearing rings around the house, would you

(a) wait until after lockdown to actually receive it as part of a special event (dinner out?), so it's something to look forward to, associated with happy memories and can immediately be worn out and enjoyed, or

(b) just get it now and look at it in its box

Asking for a friend... :oops::lol: I am just not feeling very celebratory and worry that I will always associate it with this horrible time.

Hugs to all of you who are awaiting important hospital appointments. We are trying very hard at mine to maintain a normal service, with separation of Covid / non-Covid areas, rather than the first lockdown when things were cancelled wholesale. It is different staff groups and areas on the whole. So I expect and really hope your appointments will go ahead (safely).

Option B but wear the hell out of it while doing the ironing. That's what I've been doing!


Aug 27, 2011
PS thank you for the fabulous enabling @lissyflo @dk168 and @Alex T :appl:

I've just thought of something to celebrate next Wed 20th Jan, not UK specific, I dare not mention it here, but that would be a nice memory associated with the new ring ;-)

There’s always Burns night, 25th? Get your new ring while eating haggis, drinking whisky, and reciting poetry. So memorable!

Oh, and we really, really need some photos :D


Oct 24, 2012
Here in Sydney, Australia we had another case spike. So we are now to wear face masks anytime inside etc etc.
While most of us are complying, we have people supposed to be in quarantine caught not once but three times defying the rules and going out to socialise.
we had a “red” restrictive zone around the Northern Beaches so a Bride and her family left their Northern Beaches abode anyway and went to the City to celebrate their wedding.
Another wedding, 600 people inside a venue, not allowed but they didn’t care.
There are fines for people who don’t follow the restrictions.
Some people are just being selfish and irresponsible.
I even read on a wedding blog that a bride and groom “to be” were “factoring in the costs of fines” IN CASE they get caught!
im sorry that people are having their wedding, 21sts, other milestone celebrations cancelled, postponed or with very onerous conditions but PEOPLE ARE DYING. People are having their livelihoods ruined, their savings eaten up, jobs lost. People are unable to visit relatives, friends. Parents are going insane having to “home school” kids while working from home.
If ALL people would just follow the rules and restrictions then can ALL go back to our normal way of lives sooner.

That is just APPALLING. How about factoring in the deaths it will cause...

Daisys and Diamonds

Apr 30, 2019
Here in Sydney, Australia we had another case spike. So we are now to wear face masks anytime inside etc etc.
While most of us are complying, we have people supposed to be in quarantine caught not once but three times defying the rules and going out to socialise.
we had a “red” restrictive zone around the Northern Beaches so a Bride and her family left their Northern Beaches abode anyway and went to the City to celebrate their wedding.
Another wedding, 600 people inside a venue, not allowed but they didn’t care.
There are fines for people who don’t follow the restrictions.
Some people are just being selfish and irresponsible.
I even read on a wedding blog that a bride and groom “to be” were “factoring in the costs of fines” IN CASE they get caught!
im sorry that people are having their wedding, 21sts, other milestone celebrations cancelled, postponed or with very onerous conditions but PEOPLE ARE DYING. People are having their livelihoods ruined, their savings eaten up, jobs lost. People are unable to visit relatives, friends. Parents are going insane having to “home school” kids while working from home.
If ALL people would just follow the rules and restrictions then can ALL go back to our normal way of lives sooner.

Sorry i missed this

im sure the Australian federal govt can make a few places available in Christmas island or Nauru for these blatant rule breakers


May 17, 2014
Sorry i missed this

im sure the Australian federal govt can make a few places available in Christmas island or Nauru for these blatant rule breakers

I'm not sure about this specific case but you generally get a nice feature in the news with your place plastered everywhere if you pull this kind of sh#t in Australia.

Our Premier shamed two people who were fighting with police about masks a few days ago.


Jul 7, 2013
The amount to be fine for illegal indoor parties of 15+ people is due to be increased to 800 GBP person.

There was a report of a wedding attended by 400 people in North London recently.

The big Glastonbury Festival in June has been cancelled for 2021, and more events are likely to follow suit, with some beer festivals already announced their cancellations.

I am getting more and more bitter by the selfish attitudes of the rule breakers. In the past, I would just ignore them and mind my own business However, I find myself cheering for them being fined.

Even worse, I would hope some of them would catch C19 and pass it onto their friends and families so that they too would suffer. Not something I had done in the past, and I don't like it.

I need to snap out of it and wish for karma, and what goes round comes around etc...

DK :roll2:

Ally T

Oct 24, 2012
The amount to be fine for illegal indoor parties of 15+ people is due to be increased to 800 GBP person.

There was a report of a wedding attended by 400 people in North London recently.

The big Glastonbury Festival in June has been cancelled for 2021, and more events are likely to follow suit, with some beer festivals already announced their cancellations.

I am getting more and more bitter by the selfish attitudes of the rule breakers. In the past, I would just ignore them and mind my own business However, I find myself cheering for them being fined.

Even worse, I would hope some of them would catch C19 and pass it onto their friends and families so that they too would suffer. Not something I had done in the past, and I don't like it.

I need to snap out of it and wish for karma, and what goes round comes around etc...

DK :roll2:

Karma is a b!tch. They'll definitely get theirs.....

A friend of mine has lost both inlaws within 6 days of each other & is now arranging a double funeral for early Feb. She has been exhausted this last week & I told her she was trying to do too much with homeschooling under immense stress & needed to take more care of herself. At dinner on Wed eve she suddenly realised she couldn't taste anything, not even her wine, so started about the herb & spice jars with a teaspoon in panic! But nothing, so she booked a test, which has come back positive today. How, we're not quite sure given she hasn't left their property - their shopping is even delivered?

We can only assume that her husband picked it up on his only trip out, to drive to the County his parents are in & arrange the funerals. He was gone just for 10 hours & isn't displaying any symptoms.

It all feels so terribly unfair, not just for them, but for everyone finding themselves in similar situations through no fault of their own.

Reckless people should be locked away, not fined.

In other news, the UK R-rate has officially fallen today to between 0.8 and 1. Infections definitely in decline.


Aug 1, 2011
Karma is a b!tch. They'll definitely get theirs.....

A friend of mine has lost both inlaws within 6 days of each other & is now arranging a double funeral for early Feb. She has been exhausted this last week & I told her she was trying to do too much with homeschooling under immense stress & needed to take more care of herself. At dinner on Wed eve she suddenly realised she couldn't taste anything, not even her wine, so started about the herb & spice jars with a teaspoon in panic! But nothing, so she booked a test, which has come back positive today. How, we're not quite sure given she hasn't left their property - their shopping is even delivered?

We can only assume that her husband picked it up on his only trip out, to drive to the County his parents are in & arrange the funerals. He was gone just for 10 hours & isn't displaying any symptoms.

It all feels so terribly unfair, not just for them, but for everyone finding themselves in similar situations through no fault of their own.

Reckless people should be locked away, not fined.

In other news, the UK R-rate has officially fallen today to between 0.8 and 1. Infections definitely in decline.

Great that the rate is declining.
I'm so sorry to hear about your friend.It's hard enough to lose one, let alone both. And hopefully hers will be a light case. I found it interesting that on one of the morning programs this morning that a Doctor was saying that the newer Covid variant so prevalent in the UK right now, is so transmissible that a simple cloth mask does not work. That people need the N95 or at least need to double mask! Since they also say Covid can spread thru the eyes does this mean that we need goggles now, too. And I wonder if this variant stays on surfaces longer? If so your friend could have even picked it up from goods that were delivered. When does this all end? sigh...


May 23, 2016
Karma is a b!tch. They'll definitely get theirs.....

A friend of mine has lost both inlaws within 6 days of each other & is now arranging a double funeral for early Feb. She has been exhausted this last week & I told her she was trying to do too much with homeschooling under immense stress & needed to take more care of herself. At dinner on Wed eve she suddenly realised she couldn't taste anything, not even her wine, so started about the herb & spice jars with a teaspoon in panic! But nothing, so she booked a test, which has come back positive today. How, we're not quite sure given she hasn't left their property - their shopping is even delivered?

We can only assume that her husband picked it up on his only trip out, to drive to the County his parents are in & arrange the funerals. He was gone just for 10 hours & isn't displaying any symptoms.

It all feels so terribly unfair, not just for them, but for everyone finding themselves in similar situations through no fault of their own.

Reckless people should be locked away, not fined.

In other news, the UK R-rate has officially fallen today to between 0.8 and 1. Infections definitely in decline.

Your poor friend and her family. So many unnecessary illnesses and deaths driven by selfish idiots, on top of those that can’t be prevented.


Feb 24, 2017
I’m with you @dk168, I’m so peed off with people flouting the rules. 400 people at a wedding, the height of selfish stupidity. We’d all like to be able to do normal things, my son is getting married next week, and we can’t be there. We’re OK with it, they can’t put their life on hold forever, but I’m sick to death of reading about all these people just carrying on like they’re the only ones affected by this. Last weekend the police broke up an illegal gathering, and the people actually said they didn’t know there was a pandemic because they don‘t read the papers or watch the news :angryfire:

Your poor friend @Alex T, what a terrible loss, and now testing positive on top of it. I hope she doesn’t have a severe case and gets over this easily.


Jul 7, 2013
Sorry, my mistake, the number at the illegal wedding party was 150 and not 400, significantly lower, however, still exceeded the current limit of 6 people!!!

Worrying news this evening that there is evidence the UK-variant may be more deadly and not just more easily transmittable.

However, R value is going down, so there is something positive to be thankful.

DK :confused2:
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