
Full National Lockdown in the UK. Again.

Ally T

Oct 24, 2012
Schools are being closed (they were due to open in the morning, so, ya know... bit short notice) until after February half term (22nd) & will be reviewed then.

Stay at home. Only leave for food, medical reasons & exercise. Blah, blah, blah......

I am lucky as i work in a school & will continue on full pay, as well as be here whilst the girls learn remotely, plus Mr T doesn't take a financial hit either. But there are many, many parents & friends at a loss right now, about to watch the businesses they have built, then re-built after the first lockdown, about to go down the pan. My heart aches, not to mention the aching for all the loss of life this has caused.

Wish this pandemic would bog off now.

It's killing too many people & wrecking too many lives.


I do understand the rationale, but am like this right now --> :wall::wall::wall:

My son gets to go under keyworker provision but it really isn't the school that he knows and loves, just reluctant childcare, so I hate to send him in.


Feb 24, 2017
You just know the people who’ll be complaining the loudest @Alex T, will be the ones who just wouldn’t stay home, or wear their mask when out, and refused to give up their ‘freedom’, so now we’re all suffering. Did you read about all the NYE parties the police were called to? What’s wrong with these people?

I never thought I’d wish I was older so I could get vaccinated quicker. Looks like DH might have his next month, they said the top 4 tiers, and he’s over 70 now.

Ally T

Oct 24, 2012
I do understand the rationale, but am like this right now --> :wall::wall::wall:

My son gets to go under keyworker provision but it really isn't the school that he knows and loves, just reluctant childcare, so I hate to send him in.

I was in on rota for the key worker chiidren last time & it was soul destroying, though I wasn't in often due to the number of total staff. Some of them cried every single day. It wasn't school, it was all 22 of them, from ages 4 to 11, in the school hall, working out of plastic wallets, eating the same packed lunch in a brown paper bag for weeks on end, not learning anything of note at all.

On a positive note, it gave them structure & consistency, which some of them desperately needed & they absolutely would have been worse off staying at home.

I don't think there is a win for you whichever way you look at it, but THANK YOU for being a key worker & keeping the wheels turning. Big hugs.

Ally T

Oct 24, 2012
You just know the people who’ll be complaining the loudest @Alex T, will be the ones who just wouldn’t stay home, or wear their mask when out, and refused to give up their ‘freedom’, so now we’re all suffering. Did you read about all the NYE parties the police were called to? What’s wrong with these people?

I never thought I’d wish I was older so I could get vaccinated quicker. Looks like DH might have his next month, they said the top 4 tiers, and he’s over 70 now.

Couldn't have said it better myself.

l lost my shit at a woman in the supermarket last time, who was moaning & refusing to wear a mask. I can't recall much of what I said (security were challenging her at the time & i just butted in) but i do remember saying that if my kids have missed 12 weeks of school AND THIS DOESN'T WORK, it will be because of idiots like her.

And look where we are, almost a year later.......

Hoping you & your husband BOTH get vaccinated soon, dear Austina.

Daisys and Diamonds

Apr 30, 2019
Take care and stay safe dear UK freinds
i read today they have 100 million doses of the vacine for you all
i just wish your first lockdown had been tougher and more successful
I know some people will be in dire finacial straits but no body can make money if they are dead


Feb 24, 2017
Thanks @Alex T, I‘ll be glad when DH get’s his, he’s been having a few heart issues, nothing too serious, but he’ll worry less. I’m in group 7, so will have quite a wait after he’s had his, but as we’re together 24/7, it won’t make too much difference. Before this, we had hoped to at least be able to visit DS and future DIL sometime soon, but that’s not happening, could end up being nearly 2 years since we last saw them at this rate.

Honestly @Daisys and Diamonds, the problem then and now has been because of people who still think this is all a hoax. Just last week an ER doctor was leaving one of the big London hospitals after his shift, and there were hundreds of unmasked morons outside shouting that it’s all a hoax. I honestly don’t know how you get through to people like that.


Jan 9, 2015
Sorry @Alex T ! I'm relieved that your family is doing OK , though!

At least the UK seems to be really fast at the vaccine front. That's a silver lining. Here it's ridiculous. They make people have a pre appointment and give them four days to "think it over". I think we vaccinated like 100 people per day or so. :wall:

Keeping my fingers crossed for my UK friends!!! Hang in there!

@Austina - spot on as always.... Those irresponsible people got all of us in that situation... I'm tired of that!!

Ally T

Oct 24, 2012
Sorry @Alex T ! I'm relieved that your family is doing OK , though!

At least the UK seems to be really fast at the vaccine front. That's a silver lining. Here it's ridiculous. They make people have a pre appointment and give them four days to "think it over". I think we vaccinated like 100 people per day or so. :wall:

Keeping my fingers crossed for my UK friends!!! Hang in there!

@Austina - spot on as always.... Those irresponsible people got all of us in that situation... I'm tired of that!!

Thanks gorgeous. It's just getting tiring. If everybody had done what they should, which us sensible bunch obviously did, whilst we wouldn't be through this yet, there would be SO fewer deaths & businesses would still be operating. Because people would be standing back, distancing, masked up & waiting their turn.

But seemingly huge parties & dickhead conspiracy theories are all the rage these days :x2


Jan 9, 2015
But seemingly huge parties & dickhead conspiracy theories are all the rage these days :x2

I personally think they should ramp up the fines for parties. Make the rules very very clear: only people living in one household allowed together. Curfew after 8p.m. (this is in place already here). Fines should start around 1000€ or £ / person. Et voilà, more money to compensate those who lost their income.


Jul 31, 2014
I personally think they should ramp up the fines for parties. Make the rules very very clear: only people living in one household allowed together. Curfew after 8p.m. (this is in place already here). Fines should start around 1000€ or £ / person. Et voilà, more money to compensate those who lost their income.

Where I live in california, all gatherings (outside of ones household) arent allowed, yet my horrible neighbors have loud parties daily.....

Ally T

Oct 24, 2012
Where I live in california, all gatherings (outside of ones household) arent allowed, yet my horrible neighbors have loud parties daily.....

Are the police not concerned?? That's awful!


Jul 31, 2014
Are the police not concerned?? That's awful!

Our disastrous local law enforcement is run by a man who thinks that the economy should reopen and that lockdowns are unnecessary. He reduces to enforce the rules. Because he is a total moron.

Ally T

Oct 24, 2012
Our disastrous local law enforcement is run by a man who thinks that the economy should reopen and that lockdowns are unnecessary. He reduces to enforce the rules. Because he is a total moron.

Whaaat??! I'd be knocking on his door & giving him more that I gave the stupid woman in the supermarket! He shouldn't be allowed to work in his role if he's got that attitude.


Jan 22, 2014
Here in Sydney, Australia we had another case spike. So we are now to wear face masks anytime inside etc etc.
While most of us are complying, we have people supposed to be in quarantine caught not once but three times defying the rules and going out to socialise.
we had a “red” restrictive zone around the Northern Beaches so a Bride and her family left their Northern Beaches abode anyway and went to the City to celebrate their wedding.
Another wedding, 600 people inside a venue, not allowed but they didn’t care.
There are fines for people who don’t follow the restrictions.
Some people are just being selfish and irresponsible.
I even read on a wedding blog that a bride and groom “to be” were “factoring in the costs of fines” IN CASE they get caught!
im sorry that people are having their wedding, 21sts, other milestone celebrations cancelled, postponed or with very onerous conditions but PEOPLE ARE DYING. People are having their livelihoods ruined, their savings eaten up, jobs lost. People are unable to visit relatives, friends. Parents are going insane having to “home school” kids while working from home.
If ALL people would just follow the rules and restrictions then can ALL go back to our normal way of lives sooner.


Aug 27, 2011
It’s just miserable. My son has exams this year and will now be getting online teaching- last time around this consisted of very little, I really hope things are better this time around. It’s so hard to keep them motivated when they don’t have the routine of school to go to. So, so worrying.


May 17, 2014
Big hugs and lots of luck!!! I look forward to you guys smashing it!

They've mandated masks in Sydney and it's kind of funny in the suburb where I live. You will see ONE person in a shopping centre without a mask. Everyone will pause, stare at them as if to say "What is wrong with you? You must be some sort of undesirable" and then go on with their business.

You can see the person look really uncomfortable (one headed for the exit) even though no one is saying anything to them. Everyone just pauses and looks!!!

Daisys and Diamonds

Apr 30, 2019
Sorry @Alex T ! I'm relieved that your family is doing OK , though!

At least the UK seems to be really fast at the vaccine front. That's a silver lining. Here it's ridiculous. They make people have a pre appointment and give them four days to "think it over". I think we vaccinated like 100 people per day or so. :wall:

Keeping my fingers crossed for my UK friends!!! Hang in there!

@Austina - spot on as always.... Those irresponsible people got all of us in that situation... I'm tired of that!!

100 people a day ?
How many people live in France?
I read in an article somewhere (the telegraph maybe ?) That the EU paperwork/ process is slowing the vacine down and that's why the UK are ahead


Aug 18, 2013
I had 2 teenage boys (probably between 18 and 20) standing hard up behind me in a line at my local diner today, without masks. I told them they needed to step back and asked them to put their masks back on.

One of them told me to calm down and suggested that I shouldn't leave the house if I was so at risk.

I told him to shut up and f*ck off and come back when he knew anything about anything, which he clearly didn't. I told him he was just the type who'd be asymptomatic, spreading a virus around, while other people died. And that that would be his contribution to society.

They went somewhere else to eat.

My DH, who was standing next to me, gave me that "They messed with the wrong old lady" look.

ETA Pls excuse the language - but that really was what I said. And, frankly, I'm so over these idiots, they're lucky that's all I said.

Daisys and Diamonds

Apr 30, 2019
I had 2 teenage boys (probably between 18 and 20) standing hard up behind me in a line at my local diner today, without masks. I told them they needed to step back and asked them to put their masks back on.

One of them told me to calm down and suggested that I shouldn't leave the house if I was so at risk.

I told him to shut up and f*ck off and come back when he knew anything about anything, which he clearly didn't. I told him he was just the type who'd be asymptomatic, spreading a virus around, while other people died. And that that would be his contribution to society.

They went somewhere else to eat.

My DH, who was standing next to me, gave me that "They messed with the wrong old lady" look.

ETA Pls excuse the language - but that really was what I said. And, frankly, I'm so over these idiots, they're lucky that's all I said.

On behalf of the rest of us
thank you Mrs B


Jan 9, 2015
100 people a day ?
How many people live in France?
I read in an article somewhere (the telegraph maybe ?) That the EU paperwork/ process is slowing the vacine down and that's why the UK are ahead
Roughly 60 Mio people......

It's definitely not the EU paperwork. Media likes to blame it on the EU... It is true that it took slightly longer to approve the vaccines (which is Ok by me, those rules are generally there to protect us).

The vaccine has been approved and is here.

But in France people are very demanding regarding "the state".
I'd like to remind them that " the government" are not our parents. "The government" is elected officials who represent you and me. So it's time to take one's responsibilities.

Don't want to get vaccinated?

No problem. Move over for the roughly 40 million people who are desperate to get it. And move over FAST without hindering everyone else.


Jan 9, 2006
I had 2 teenage boys (probably between 18 and 20) standing hard up behind me in a line at my local diner today, without masks. I told them they needed to step back and asked them to put their masks back on.

One of them told me to calm down and suggested that I shouldn't leave the house if I was so at risk.

I told him to shut up and f*ck off and come back when he knew anything about anything, which he clearly didn't. I told him he was just the type who'd be asymptomatic, spreading a virus around, while other people died. And that that would be his contribution to society.

They went somewhere else to eat.

My DH, who was standing next to me, gave me that "They messed with the wrong old lady" look.

ETA Pls excuse the language - but that really was what I said. And, frankly, I'm so over these idiots, they're lucky that's all I said.

You rock. Seriously, big time. I wish more people had the gall to stand up to turds like them. Power to you!


Jan 9, 2015
It’s just miserable. My son has exams this year and will now be getting online teaching- last time around this consisted of very little, I really hope things are better this time around. It’s so hard to keep them motivated when they don’t have the routine of school to go to. So, so worrying.

Hugs to you @Snowdrop13 !

We've done it and I am 100% with you: online is no substitute for in person learning....

France has a different approach: hard measures for everything early on (like no going out at all except medical and groceries and work and school). But schools remain open.

People are sometimes insinuating it's only to keep the economy going.

I night be naïve, but I think it's because our first lady is a former teacher.
It is clear that our first total lockdown was hard on kids, did widen the gap between privileged households and everyone else significantly and did result in a surge of domestic violence (without any possibility to escape or report for kids).

So far there were no mass spreading events reported from schools.

There were single school closings reported - like it was to be expected. But there have been offices closed , too and all sorts of establishments have had Covid cases. Which is , again, as expected.

The only thing is that one has to show a minimum of common sense.

If your kid has the privilege to be in school, limit all unnecessary contacts to ZERO.
Which evidently we've been doing, personally. But I can clearly see it's not the case for everyone.
School's not the problem. The lack of common sense is. As we've said ten thousand times by now " the masses are asses".

(Thanks @missy for the song !!)
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Ally T

Oct 24, 2012
Hugs to you @Snowdrop13 !

We've done it and I am 100% with you: online is no substitute for in person learning....

France has a different approach: hard measures for everything early on (like no going out at all except medical and groceries and work and school). But schools remain open.

People are sometimes insinuating it's only to keep the economy going.

I night be naïve, but I think it's because our first lady is a former teacher.
It is clear that our first total lockdown was hard on kids, did widen the gap between privileged households and everyone else significantly and did result in a surge of domestic violence (without any possibility to escape or report for kids).

So far there were no mass spreading events reported from schools.

There were single school closings reported - like it was to be expected. But there have been offices closed , too and all sorts of establishments have had Covid cases. Which is , again, as expected.

The only thing is that one has to show a minimum of common sense.

If your kid has the privilege to be in school, limit all unnecessary contacts to ZERO.
Which evidently we've been doing, personally. But I can clearly see it's not the case for everyone.
School's not the problem. The lack of common sense is. As we've said ten thousand times by now " the masses are asses".

(Thanks @missy for the song !!)

Our first lockdown in March was this, the same as France. Everything closed, even the Dentists. It was really hard & I cried for my kids. It was for 12 weeks, but still here we are.

And the ridiculous 'relaxing' for 5 days over Christmas is now, as predicted, biting everyone on the arse. Including me & my very large family, who all did the right thing & met over Zoom as we decided the relaxing was a stupid idea. But stupid is what stupid does & we all pay the price. Urgh!

Ally T

Oct 24, 2012
It’s just miserable. My son has exams this year and will now be getting online teaching- last time around this consisted of very little, I really hope things are better this time around. It’s so hard to keep them motivated when they don’t have the routine of school to go to. So, so worrying.

Did I hear right that all exams were going to be cancelled this year? And if so, where does that leave your son? Do they get to sit them at a later date, or do they get predicted grades?? My heart is aching for all the kids. Big hugs to you & your son.

Daisys and Diamonds

Apr 30, 2019
Roughly 60 Mio people......

It's definitely not the EU paperwork. Media likes to blame it on the EU... It is true that it took slightly longer to approve the vaccines (which is Ok by me, those rules are generally there to protect us).

The vaccine has been approved and is here.

But in France people are very demanding regarding "the state".
I'd like to remind them that " the government" are not our parents. "The government" is elected officials who represent you and me. So it's time to take one's responsibilities.

Don't want to get vaccinated?

No problem. Move over for the roughly 40 million people who are desperate to get it. And move over FAST without hindering everyone else.

Stay safe Kipari

i read this thing recently that we elect the govt to make the unpopular descions we don't want to mske ourselves

Daisys and Diamonds

Apr 30, 2019
Our first lockdown in March was this, the same as France. Everything closed, even the Dentists. It was really hard & I cried for my kids. It was for 12 weeks, but still here we are.

And the ridiculous 'relaxing' for 5 days over Christmas is now, as predicted, biting everyone on the arse. Including me & my very large family, who all did the right thing & met over Zoom as we decided the relaxing was a stupid idea. But stupid is what stupid does & we all pay the price. Urgh!

Its like did the powers at be not look across the pond and learn from thanksgiving ???


Feb 24, 2017
The problem is @Daisys and Diamonds that the Govt rely on people to comply and act sensibly. THAT’S the mistake, not necessarily that they should’ve done this then, or that then, it’s that they think that people will actually comply. You know the saying about giving someone and inch and they’ll take a mile? Yep, when you tell people they can mix with their bubble, the morons take that to mean, OK, I can go out and have a party, mix with as many people as I want and act like a complete and utter selfish butthole. The Christmas bubble was supposed to be that after having a hard year not being able to see your loved ones, this was an opportunity for you to ensure you were careful before seeing your loved ones, still practice distancing on the day, washing your hands, and taking all necessary measures to keep you and them safe. How the morons take that to mean do whatever you want is beyond me.
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