
ehh news vs. great news!!!

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Mar 29, 2005
Well everyone, I talked to my friend last night and tried to get as much out of her as I could. I explained that I love Jon and that's not going to change. I explained to her that with this new commitment coming up, that I need to to know if she has a valid reason for her dislike towards him. This is what she had to say: "Don't worry Leah, I don't have any dirt on him or anything like that. In fact, he's a really great guy and treats you well. It's just that.. he has you" that's all I could really get out of her, she admits he's a nice guy but then changed the subject by saying "Okay, enough about Jon," ... sigh. I just don't understand, she loved my ex b/f and he treated me like dirt!!! I hate to think that my friend really has a crush on me, how hard would that be to deal with? She's not refusing to accept the fact we're going to be together, just refusing to be happy for me. I decided that even though it would be great to have someone so close to me share in the moment, I have Jon, and I'm happy. So if she wants to give us the cold shoulder, then that's how it must be. Hopefully eventhough I didn't get through much to her, in time she'll realise how important this is to me. At least now I can say I've tried, the rest is up to her.

Now for some better news, THE RING CAME TODAY!!!
It's beautiful!!! (1.04 princess solitiare) I went and read some of Jon's posts, and yes he seemed really worried about the band width, but it's perfect, the whole ring is just perfect!!! More than I ever imagined!!! But I don't get it yet, he already hide it from me
The diamond looks so big to me, and it sparkles like crazy... I can just imagine what it'll look like on my hand once my nails are done!
I'll have to post pics as soon as I get it, Jon said he tried to take a couple while I was at school today but they didn't work out, sorry ladies :.(


Mar 6, 2005
I am soo happy for you!!!!
I cant wait to see the ring! I am also glad that your friend didnt have any dirt on your soon to be fiance. Give her some more time, it is on her now and if yall are meant to stay friends she will come around and be uber happy for you! Until keep up the good spirits while you ransack the house trying to find the ring.
When are you going to do your nails?...there was a thread awhile back about nails that you may want to check out.NAILS

Buena Girl

Feb 25, 2004
Aaackk! No pictures yet
? Can''t wait to see them, especially since you said you love
the ring!!!

Best wishes! I hope your friend finally chills out and helps you celebrate your engagement (when it happens, which will hopefully be soon or I''m sure Jschreck could possibly receive a few PM''s from anxious ladies wanting to see the gorgeous ring
) !


Sep 27, 2004
Sweetngh, hi. Your friend doesn't like him b/c she wants more than friendship with you. Didn't you mention that in your initial post? She's having a hard time being happy for you b/c she's feeling sorry for herself (which doesn't make it right at all). I think the reason she "loved" your ex, who didn't treat you well, is b/c she knew eventually you two would break up. Honestly, it really doesn't sound like a healthy relationship/freindship to me at all. If your boyfriend treats you how you deserve to be treated (which is wonderfully), then a TRUE friend will be happy for you. Any friend that "loved" an ex who treated you like dirt is questionable. Seriously. Good friends want and hope for the best for people they call "best friends". OK? They don't hate their friend's boyfriends for no reason. AND let me add that her saying "Don't worry, I don't have any dirt on him or anything...." is super condescending and manipulative. I'm sure it's hard, but this is one friend who doesn't really deserve your friendship. Focus on those who want the best for you..... I'm not trying to sound harsh, I'm just being honest, and I don't get a good feeling about this "friend" at all. Sounds pretty selfish to me.

Congratulations on your ring! Sounds beautiful! Post pictures when you are able to.

Congratulations to you and your fiancee!


Oct 10, 2004
I think this is better news than you realize. Assuming of course that you intend on keeping this girl as a friend, I think given time everything will be fine. It really does seem like she is jealous and feeling left out, and wants you all to herself. But given time (and maybe her getting involved in a relationship herself) I think she will warm more to the two of you once she has something else in her life besides just you. It''s a pity that she can''t separate what''s best for you and makes you happy from what''s best for her, but that''s people, and if you''re still friends with her she must have redeeming qualities. I think, in the end, it will all be okay and she will be embarassed about not being happier for you. She just needs a life (and a relationship!) outside you and once she does I think things will be better. All is not bad ...


Mar 29, 2005
Once again, thank you everyone for your input and congrats. I can always count on you ladies to bring up some very good points! I''ve tried to distance myself from her before, but it never really works out. To be honest even thought I''ve been getting really annoyed with her lately I still care about her, therefore I tired to space our phone conversations out more. Thinking if we didn''t talk as much I''d have more tolerance for this new found personalty of hers, well she just ended up getting even more upset because we weren''t talking as much. Somtimes I wish I could just be totaly blunt and say all the things that are on my mind, but she''s not the type that would listen and understand. Anyways, for the past couple days she''s been seeing this new girl, so she''s been really happy and just going on and on about the dates they''ve been on. So this is good.... really good. As Indecisive pointed out her getting into a new relationship could really help out with her comeing to grips with everything. Indecisive, are you physic or something?
Today when we talked I let her tell me ALL about this new girl... then I snuck in the fact that Jon took my ring to have it looked at and examined by a few diffrent jewerlers today, and it was exactly what he payed for and she actually said "I''m glad, now both your minds can be at ease." PROGRESS?!?! Could it be?!?!

Other than her... like I just mentioned... Jon went to a few diffrent jewelery stores today (Just to make sure everything was A-okay) and luckily it was! The reason he did this was because last night he was examining the stone over and over and thought he saw a scratch, so needless to say first thing this morning he was getting it checked... turns out it was just a fuz! lol, silly man. Better safe than sorry!

The only problem I have now is that I''m bored, I was all excited because I had to visit with family all day and then we invited this newly engaged couple we''re friends with up to watch some movies, but to my dismay, the guy is bring a new ps2 game... so now I guess the movie idea is out the window, cause you all know where the guys will be all night! Do they ever grow out of this? lol. Oh well, I guess this is the price you pay for a beautiful ring...

p.s. Matatora: thanks for the great link... however my nails suck! I use strengthner on them all the time, but they still insist on peeling and breaking :.( My only choice is fake ones... I dont know if i should go get them done and just keep it up until I get the ring, or if I should wait until I get the ring to go get them know, show it off a bit... hmmm....


Oct 10, 2004
Hehe, yes I am psychic ... and I look into my crystal ball and predict that you will receive a wonderful shiny surprise in the near future.


Mar 29, 2005

Now THATS the prediction that I wanted to hear!!!




Mar 6, 2005
If they peel even after having the fake nails off for more then 4 or so months you may want to go a to a dermatoligist. They can give you things that you simply cannot buy at Wal-Mart and can usally tell you what is causing your nails to peel. Good Luck!


Mar 29, 2005
I usually have fake nails on most of the time. I always take them off every 4-5 months to let all the damage grow out of my nails, get them a litte more healthy, then I put them right back on. What happens is they usually grow back fine, but they can''t grow long at all, that''s the part that peels. I usually just keep them short... mainly because I have a bad habbit of biting my nails, which is another reason why I get arcrylic (sp?) I never knew the determoligst was a option for unhealthy nails! Thanks for that suggestion, that may just be the route for me, thanks so much! I''ll have to look in to it :.)
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