
Do you find Australian Covid rules overly drastic?


Sep 25, 2008
I was reasonably happy with the way it was dealt with initially (in 2020 & early 2021) the measures were sensible and I happily complied (& still do obviously) and I genuinely felt grateful not to be in the same situation as many other countries suffering badly.

Lately however I feel the state Premiers have too much authority, too much free reign. They’ve frankly been on a ridiculous power trip ever since, actively feeding fear & scare tactics in the media to suit their own agenda (usually funding related).

I feel State & Federal government aren’t on the same page and some (cough QLD & WA) are holding us back from being a united country which we should be. ;(

Our economy has suffered vastly not to mention everyone’s mental health & our children’s education. My own family has been separated for many months, my BIL cannot even see his kids as his job keeps him stuck in QLD. :angryfire:

We need to keep pushing everyone to get vaccinated ASAP & pushing our leaders to reopen. Sorry for the rant but it’s been a lonely tough year and I’m 10000% over it by now….


Jun 8, 2008


May 17, 2014
I was looking at the vaccination statistics for my suburb plus surrounding suburbs and I have to say there is something very comforting about knowing that it's likely in every ten adults you pass, 8 or 9 are probably vaccinated.

I'm compliant but I'm living my life normally when it's legal to do so!!!!

Says the girl who has a massive playdate booked tomorrow, date night next week and another play date next weekend!

Cracks me up that we don't put a foot wrong in lockdown but when they release us..... we're off!!!!!

My sister has been out 3 times this week and they only released us from jail on Monday!!!!! :lol:

She who didn't even go to the grocery store because Dr Chant (our Chief Health Officer) told us not to be picky and visit multiple grocery stores during the height when we were logging 1000 cases a day! We even ate supermarket bread because Dr Chant said don't go to squishy bakeries!


Aug 4, 2008
i think Karl, regarding your last point, you certainly hit the nail on the head for my country (NZ)
and governments have had all this time to get their sh*t in order, increase ICUs, get us vacinated (well done ACT by the way Aussies) but we have both had painfully slow vacination rates

Gary's daughter's cancer is catching up with her, its in her lungs, she sounds dreadful
they sent her home from hospitals without oxygen ????????
they said they didn't have any spare for her
are they saving it for when the covid
dam bursts ???
She lives in greater Wellington, so its a big important hospital servicing a large population
Same thing is happening in Canada.
People are mad that they did nothing to expand capacity while the cases where down.
The lack of skilled help is part of it.

To a lesser extent in some areas of the US needed surgeries are being delayed on a hospital by hospital bases but if its something that is really badly needed ways can be found ecept in a few tragic cases where time runs out that made the news..


Aug 29, 2014
First, regarding the animals, I find it laughable that Americans are up in arms over this. Somewhere between 1-3 MILLION animals are killed in american shelters each year, so jumping on a high horse over a handful in one small town seems inappropriate.

Second, regarding the actual lockdowns, I don't think they were that bad. Yes strict, but well taken care of due to the type of government. This wouldn't have worked in many other countries, but it WAS extremely effective. At the end of the day Aus had a much much much lower infection rate, ICU admittance rate and death rate. It's hard for me to hear people argue against saving peoples lives because "freedom".


Nov 2, 2020
I was looking at the vaccination statistics for my suburb plus surrounding suburbs and I have to say there is something very comforting about knowing that it's likely in every ten adults you pass, 8 or 9 are probably vaccinated.

I'm compliant but I'm living my life normally when it's legal to do so!!!!

Says the girl who has a massive playdate booked tomorrow, date night next week and another play date next weekend!

Cracks me up that we don't put a foot wrong in lockdown but when they release us..... we're off!!!!!

My sister has been out 3 times this week and they only released us from jail on Monday!!!!! :lol:

She who didn't even go to the grocery store because Dr Chant (our Chief Health Officer) told us not to be picky and visit multiple grocery stores during the height when we were logging 1000 cases a day! We even ate supermarket bread because Dr Chant said don't go to squishy bakeries!

My hairdresser who knew I was double vaxxed had me booked in for Monday afternoon at 5.30 as soon as our business closed for the day then she booked my 16yo in for yesterday afternoon - our daughter was doubled vaxxed in the morning. Needless to say my lovely hairdresser was gifted 3 dozen homemade cookies, a box of chocolate plus a bottle of bubbles.

I did also get my nails done Thursday and an having two friends over this morning for morning tea.

Even my double vaxxed 74yo Mother went out last night for the first time since 20 July to have dinner with her friends - we lost my Dad 10mths ago so this lockdown was more difficult for her.


Jun 30, 2014
Overly drastic but they've managed to keep numbers low as they waited for vaccinations to get out. Not sure if it's better/worse than living in a country where people don't understand that personal freedom comes with social responsibility. I am relieved that we vaccines were made available to all who wanted in a way other countries couldn't.


Jun 27, 2014
138,720 infections with 1,450 people lost or 59.41 per million for Australia
44,560,346 infections with 723,000 lost or 2187.61 per million for the US.
So far.

Drastic? Mayhaps, but it's keeping them from infection/death in a way very few of us can match; and in the end at least here there are many, many, families that would do it gladly if it meant theirs would've lived.
So, weighing that as I do, I don't know how to answer that.


Jun 2, 2018
Re the animal incident:

1. It has been reported in the local media, at least if you are in Sydney/NSW;
2. It was a one off incident by one rural local Council, not a widespread practice;
3. I think it is fair to say most Australians are outraged by what happened;
4. There is presently an enquiry by the Office Of Local Government into the circumstances and I wouldn’t be surprised if it either leads to a prosecution or legislative reform, if that is required.


Nov 9, 2018
not strong enough
in some cases also not soon enough
and we now seem to be following you down the same path unfortunatly

just read about that fu*king idiot who escaped quareteen and went to Tassie then tested positive for covid
want to run him over with a front end loader

Oh my…. I know we would be great friends in real life!!

I live in Tassie … & yes he is an idiot (that is beyond polite!!)
We only have 50 ICU beds in this state & one of my best friends mothers in one bed now. If they were full of covid cases she wouldn’t be alive (should make a full recovery).

We had another case in the North (where I am a few weeks) ago where a 15 year old boy didn’t adhere to quarantine…. and yes I think he & his parents should be fined for being selfish!

Half the state went into a snap lockdown due to the last idiot (my sister is in that area ). None of us (sensible) people care…..

One of my best friends lives in Melbourne as an essential worker & she has nothing but praise for the leadership on that state. And they have been in lockdown on & off forever!

I also support our leadership in this state.
I don’t want hundreds of people passing away unnecessarily.

I’m sick of hearing about peoples “rights” about masks, vaccinations…. Etc etc. I honestly think it should be made a legal obligation that we all have to have the vaccination.

As soon as it is possible for my child to have it (she is under 12). She will be going.


Nov 9, 2018
Wow, I'm in Australia and didn't even know about the animal thing. Talk about blown out of proportion!

I've hated lockdown as much as anyone, but our Covid death rate is miniscule compared to other countries, so risk vs benefit I suppose. Our vax rate is acceptable, so hopefully we'll see the end of lockdowns now!

I haven’t heard anything about animals either…. And I’m not googling because google is not always correct….

But I do know the uptake of animals went through the roof during covid because people wanted a companion at home!

So what ever the story is…. I’m assuming rot…


Oct 23, 2011
I think they are too drastic and unrealistic and actually are impeding you guys from adapting to the new normalcy. I have been living a normal life by adapting since our lockdown ended in late May of 2020. My loved ones who were considered essentials and didn’t have the luxury of locking themselves up—someone has to keep America running—well, thankfully we all adapted and are five. I’ve been teaching since mid August. We adapted. We get tested weekly now. Most of us are vaccinated. Besides the masks and plexi glass—school is business as usual. And I’m glad. I would have succumbed to depression otherwise.


Nov 9, 2018
I think they are too drastic and unrealistic and actually are impeding you guys from adapting to the new normalcy. I have been living a normal life by adapting since our lockdown ended in late May of 2020. My loved ones who were considered essentials and didn’t have the luxury of locking themselves up—someone has to keep America running—well, thankfully we all adapted and are five. I’ve been teaching since mid August. We adapted. We get tested weekly now. Most of us are vaccinated. Besides the masks and plexi glass—school is business as usual. And I’m glad. I would have succumbed to depression otherwise.

I have been living a normal life throughout this entire time. I am an essential worker at a school so work has been normal for me - our school has never been shut. I’ve only worn a mask at the hospital because that’s the rule.
The reason I’ve been able to do that is because of strict restrictions. We have only had two cases here in over a year & both did the wrong thing.
People who need to come to our state have been able to come if they have a reason & follow the rules (isolate if necessary). A friends husband flies in & out for work. He isn’t complaining about isolating when home but the last few times he hasn’t come back from a “hot spot” so no restrictions. If you are a resident you can come home. Other states have had other rules which have been very unkind (not being able to see dying loved ones etc). A friend of mine had her sister down last year to see her mother who was dying under compassionate grounds.
People are still having holidays but they are spending their money in our state or doing renovations at home instead of flying off to spend their money overseas or in another state.


Apr 12, 2012
I'm living inside the steel fish bowl of rules known as Metro Melbourne, Victoria.

Unfortunately I'm not objective enough to answer this after spending something like 270 days of the last 18 months in a strict lockdown.

Almost out :) many sympathies... If only people out here had the same sort of impetus to get vaccinated. We've become too complacent out west.

Daisys and Diamonds

Apr 30, 2019
Oh my…. I know we would be great friends in real life!!

I live in Tassie … & yes he is an idiot (that is beyond polite!!)
We only have 50 ICU beds in this state & one of my best friends mothers in one bed now. If they were full of covid cases she wouldn’t be alive (should make a full recovery).

We had another case in the North (where I am a few weeks) ago where a 15 year old boy didn’t adhere to quarantine…. and yes I think he & his parents should be fined for being selfish!

Half the state went into a snap lockdown due to the last idiot (my sister is in that area ). None of us (sensible) people care…..

One of my best friends lives in Melbourne as an essential worker & she has nothing but praise for the leadership on that state. And they have been in lockdown on & off forever!

I also support our leadership in this state.
I don’t want hundreds of people passing away unnecessarily.

I’m sick of hearing about peoples “rights” about masks, vaccinations…. Etc etc. I honestly think it should be made a legal obligation that we all have to have the vaccination.

As soon as it is possible for my child to have it (she is under 12). She will be going.

hello Tassie :kiss2:

im glad your best freind's mum is on the improve
I'm happy and releaved your state is covid free
we were ment to be having a travel bubble and direct flights to Hobart by now but i think maybe Tassie and The South Island should have done one together
they are also covid free and at the mercy of the North Island

i think the under 12's wont have to wait long, once the American FDA approves it they will push it through here so the politicians can achieve their vacination targets and hopefully open up safely

i dont want the flood gates to open and then have people die when we have done a pretty good job keeping our people safe till now

the free rights activists/ illegal sh*t stirers are pi**ing me rigjt off:angryfire:
like they get their ideas from watching the international news, when people (Auckland, Sydney, Melbourne etc) just had to stay home for a short while and be good for the sake of everyone but some people are too selfish to trully think of others, too busy worring about issues that arnt actually here and then but us all and our economy at risk

before covid i had hoped to visit Tasmania, on a cruise
my great grandparents on mum's side came from Launceston
your ialand looks very beautiful

stay safe and bewear the rest of us
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Nov 9, 2018
hello Tassie :kiss2:

im glad your best freind's mum is on the improve
I'm happy and releaved your state is covid free
we were ment to be having a travel bubble and direct flights to Hobart by now but i think maybe Tassie and The South Island should have done one together
they are also covid free and at the mercy of the North Island

i think the under 12's wont have to wait long, once the American FDA approves it they will push it through here so the politicians can achieve their vacination targets and hopefully open up safely

i dont want the flood gates to open and then have people die when we have done a pretty good job keeping our people safe till now

the free rights activists/ illegal sh*t stirers are pi**ing me rigjt off:angryfire:
like they get their ideas from watching the international news, when people (Auckland, Sydney, Melbourne etc) just had to stay home for a short while and be good for the sake of everyone but some people are too selfish to trully think of others, too busy worring about issues that arnt actually here and then but us all and our economy at risk

before covid i had hoped to visit Tasmania, on a cruise
my great grandparents on mum's side came from Launceston
your ialand looks very beautiful

stay safe and bewear the rest of us

Thank you. You stay safe as well. Your family is from my home town!!

Daisys and Diamonds

Apr 30, 2019
Thank you. You stay safe as well. Your family is from my home town!!
im thinking its changed quite a lot since that got married in 1900 and then moved their growing family to Timaru (South Canterbury) of all placee

Daisys and Diamonds

Apr 30, 2019
@GoldenTouch are you guys ok in Tassie ?
i had no idea you were under lockdown till i watched some lady's cricket last night and the rather lovelly ground was empty of spectators


Nov 9, 2018
@GoldenTouch are you guys ok in Tassie ?
i had no idea you were under lockdown till i watched some lady's cricket last night and the rather lovelly ground was empty of spectators

Hi!! Thanks for thinking of us.
Southern Tasmania has restrictions (lockdown) until 1800 tonight & I think masks are required there until 1800 Friday (& if you have been there you need to wear them until then.)
No new cases from what I’ve heard so we have been very lucky.

Daisys and Diamonds

Apr 30, 2019
Hi!! Thanks for thinking of us.
Southern Tasmania has restrictions (lockdown) until 1800 tonight & I think masks are required there until 1800 Friday (& if you have been there you need to wear them until then.)
No new cases from what I’ve heard so we have been very lucky.

best of luck your for your island to return to its covid free status asap


May 17, 2014
Good old Australia. We are getting a $250 voucher as a thank you from the government for dealing with our kids in lockdown for 4 months. I think it's hilarious but pretty sweet. Going to take my little man out to a buffet lunch (he loves buffets, like his mother) and the games arcade!

Daisys and Diamonds

Apr 30, 2019
Good old Australia. We are getting a $250 voucher as a thank you from the government for dealing with our kids in lockdown for 4 months. I think it's hilarious but pretty sweet. Going to take my little man out to a buffet lunch (he loves buffets, like his mother) and the games arcade!

i guess it will give some sectors of the economy a wee boost like othet countries have done so i hope your son enjoys himself


May 17, 2014
i guess it will give some sectors of the economy a wee boost like othet countries have done so i hope your son enjoys himself

Yes we also get Dining vouchers and Discovery vouchers (non food entertainment).

It's actually pretty funny because no one I know actually needs the vouchers but we get super excited about them and always end up spending a fortune out anyway. I think it just feels festive and reminds us to go out and support businesses.

Daisys and Diamonds

Apr 30, 2019
Yes we also get Dining vouchers and Discovery vouchers (non food entertainment).

It's actually pretty funny because no one I know actually needs the vouchers but we get super excited about them and always end up spending a fortune out anyway. I think it just feels festive and reminds us to go out and support businesses.

then its doing its job !
you guys all need a bit of cheering up over there

stay safe my freind


Jun 8, 2008

Australia is released into freedom​

After running one of the most hardcore Covid containment strategies in the world, Australia is finally reopening—and it’s dizzying.

For the 107 days to Oct. 11, Sydney’s more than 5 million residents were back in lockdown as authorities tried to wipe out an outbreak of the delta variant that dashed the virus-free idyll we’d enjoyed for much of 2020. We weren’t allowed more than 5 kilometers (3.1 miles) from our homes, and non-essential retail was shuttered. Kids were back to e-learning.

Then Sydney’s New South Wales state hit a 70% vaccination rate among people 16 and over. It was like a switch was flipped—freedoms were restored at a breakneck pace for the vaccinated. Bars and stores opened. We can eat indoors at restaurants, freely shop and get haircuts. Large weddings are back. And now that the inoculation rate has hit 80%, office workers no longer need to wear masks at their desks.


A person sits near a digital Covid-19 public notice sign at Bondi Beach.

Photographer: Lisa Maree Williams/Getty Images AsiaPac

Every day brings with it promises of new freedoms as the vaccine rate climbs (more than 90% of adults in New South Wales have now had at least one shot). Melbourne, which endured one of the world’s longest periods in lockdown at more than 260 cumulative days, reopened Friday as it reached its own inoculation milestones.

One of the biggest surprises, though, came when New South Wales said it would abolish quarantines for vaccinated travelers within weeks. Mandatory quarantines were the bedrock of Australia’s success at not just containing Covid, but wiping it out internally for long periods. Delta changed that and forced an at-times messy shift in strategy. After being barred from leaving the country for most of the pandemic, Australians will be able to travel abroad starting in November too.

It’s a lot to get used to, especially considering that two weeks ago we weren’t even allowed to walk outside without a mask. And not everyone has been quick to embrace their new freedoms. Sydney’s central business district is slowly coming back to life, but its streets are nowhere near as busy as before the pandemic. Going from no cases to living with them is disconcerting and even frightening for some.

Still, the massive surge we were warned to expect after reopening is yet to materialize. After a bleak Southern Hemisphere winter, we’re hopeful of a brighter summer.—Ainslie Chandler

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