
Do you feel entitled to know if others are vaccinated?

Do you ask others if they are vaccinated for Covid!

  • A. None of my business bc HIPAA

    Votes: 43 44.8%
  • B. Of course! I have to stay safe!

    Votes: 53 55.2%

  • Total voters


Oct 23, 2011
Covid vaccine—just to be clear. In real life, not just here in our online forum. Do you ask all of your acquaintances? Coworkers? Family? Where do you draw the line? Do you engage in debate? What do you do?

Daisys and Diamonds

Apr 30, 2019
in a few months time when the stupid govt has pulled finger i will have no hesitation asking anybody

Dancing Fire

Apr 3, 2004
I know who is or who isn't vaccinated among my close friends so I don't need to ask. I don't care who sits next to me when we go out for coffee, lunch or dinner.

To answer your Q ...No, it is none of my business.
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Jul 7, 2013
When one is able to make one's decisions, that includes decisions relating to personal safety and well-being.

Therefore, IMHO, whether an individual's prerogative is vaccinated or not is none of my business.

I shall do what I can to protect myself against getting Covid-19, and to prevent myself from being a source of C19.

Don't care what others may think or do, just don't try and jam it down my throat with your beliefs and opinions, as I have my own, thanks!

DK :))

Made in London

Sep 11, 2020
When one is able to make one's decisions, that includes decisions relating to personal safety and well-being.

Therefore, IMHO, whether an individual's prerogative is vaccinated or not is none of my business.

I shall do what I can to protect myself against getting Covid-19, and to prevent myself from being a source of C19.

Don't care what others may think or do, just don't try and jam it down my throat with your beliefs and opinions, as I have my own, thanks!

DK :))

My thoughts exactly


Jun 8, 2008
I assume people I don't know are not vaccinated and I never ask.

In an ideal world I do feel it is my right to know if I have to spend time with you.

But I always assume no, they are not vaccinated and treat them as such.
I mask, I social distance and I try not to be in the company of people I do not know. If at all possible.

I feel strongly that those not vaccinated (for whatever reasons) should make it clear to anyone they spend time is the right thing to do. But I know most people (who are not vaccinated) won't share that info and I act accordingly. Defensive strategy.


Feb 24, 2017
I don’t feel entitled to know, but we ensure that the people with socialise with are. We’ve had lockdowns here in the UK, so our main topic of conversations with friends during those times, was when we’d get vaccinated.

All of the companies we’ve had to deal with have had rigorous protocols in place if they’ve had to come in to our home to do work. Their employees were masked and gloved, we were in another room while they were here, and after they left, we used our UV Ozone zapper in the room they were in.

We’ve recently sold our house, and whilst we couldn’t say only vaccinated people could view, we had all the photos and video done, and insisted it was shown to people prior to an in person viewing. The agent also had to ensure that only genuine buyers (those with the wherewithal to actually afford the house) could view. When they arrived, they had to mask up, take off their shoes and not touch anything in the house whilst looking around.

We can only do what’s within our control to remain safe and illness free, and obviously, whilst we hope others do the same, we have no control over them.


Jan 22, 2014
I wouldn’t ask.
It is my vaccination status that matters to me. I’m doing my bit by having been fully vaccinated.
I still wear a mask anytime outside, I still avoid wherever possible any trips to shops. I still physically distance.
I choose to treat everyone as if they have Covid. Even with full vaccination it is possible to get Covid though the illness will be milder and the viral load (for spreading around) is lower. I don’t want to contract even a mild case because of the inevitable time delay between being contagious and knowing you’re contagious.
I might be fine with my vaccination status and good general health but the people I might infect might not be vaccinated (for any reason) and/or have underlying health conditions.
better to be safe than sorry.


Dec 5, 2017
I really never thought about this until I was invited to a friend's house this weekend for a Labor Day party. She and her family were very vocal early on that they would never take the vaccine. My daughter and her daughter are school friends and when their age group became eligible for the vaccine I know daughter's friend did not get it. So I'm pretty sure they are not vaccinated along with a lot of people invited to this party.

A few months ago, I would not have cared. I'm vaxxed as is my whole family. Even if I get a breakthrough case, it would likely be mild. But I also need nasal surgery next month and do not want to risk having to postpone it because I got sick.

So my short answer is no, I'm not entitled to know, but I'm entitled to treat you as if you're not vaccinated and opt not to see you.

ETA: I AM entitled to know if any healthcare provider taking care of me when I have surgery is unvaxxed and I will be asking.
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Jun 27, 2014
I will make the assumption that everyone (including myself) is a potential walking disease vector and respond accordingly with appropriate hygiene practices while in public. My family follows suit. The people around me may have young children/grandchildren. They may not be able to be fully vaccinated themselves.
Purely social visits are still mostly curtailed with the advent of Delta.
Only if I were forced to be in prolonged repetitive contact then yes, I would want to know. More for their safety than mine, if unvaccinated. Luckily our coverage is pretty good, I live in a high vaccination state where people have been really respectful that I've seen. Mask compliance is high. It does make things easier. I'm grateful for it.


Aug 14, 2018
I didn’t vote bc it’s somewhere in between. I am not “entitled” to know, but if I am going to spend time with someone, I sometimes ask and I hope they wouldn’t be offended. I want to work with a personal trainer for example, and I asked. And the main reason is bc of the Delta variant - before that I wouldn’t have asked.


Aug 16, 2007
It depends (and HIPPA doesn't mean you can't ask about vaccination status:
The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA) is a federal law that required the creation of national standards to protect sensitive patient health information from being disclosed without the patient's consent or knowledge.)

I have small children who can't be vaccinated. If someone invites us to their home, wants to hold the baby, wants to come to our home, etc. I absolutely ask.


May 1, 2009
Covid vaccine—just to be clear. In real life, not just here in our online forum. Do you ask all of your acquaintances? Coworkers? Family? Where do you draw the line? Do you engage in debate? What do you do?

People I know like family and friends and even co-workers, I do ask because I care about them. People I’m not familiar with, no unless I will be in close contact with them - like hair stylist and I need to know for my personal safety.

We don’t have as much vaccine hesitancy in my part of the world so luckily almost everyone I’ve asked has said yes.


Feb 23, 2017
I am not entitled to know and I would not ask. As far as I am aware those who are vaccinated can still pass on the virus; I don't consider the unvaccinated to present any more of an immediate risk to me than the vaccinated. I do what I can to protect myself and those around me. I'm double vaccinated, I wear masks inside and take care with hand washing.


Sep 16, 2009
We ask if we’re planning a group get together or hosting people at our home.

We had 12 people meet up for drinks recently and it was like “Hey mind if Jen and Steve tag along? They’re fully vaccinated.”

All of our friends do the same.

I hosted a family reunion on Sunday and we just said in the invite that everyone over 12 would needed to be vaccinated.

Luckily all of our friends and family are vaccinated so it doesn’t seem to matter for us.

I wouldn’t ask a stranger.
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Dec 17, 2008
I dont feel "entitled" but if I'm going to be spending a lot of time near someone I'd like to know. I usually volunteer
my status with the hope that they will let me know theirs. If that doesn't work then I assume they are not vaccinated.


May 1, 2007
The word entitled suggests something negative, however I do feel comfortable asking/confirming if someone is vaccinated in certain situations: if I, or my kids, will have visits with someone, if someone is coming into my home/onto my property, or if any of us is invited to someone else's home. I have asked repair people coming into my home if they are vaxxed, as well as people I or my kids might hang out with. In those instances, I believe I have the right to gain an understanding of the risk level they present so that I may adjust accordingly. (I have also felt comfortable asking repair people to put on a mask upon discovering they were not vaxxed or only had one shot so far.)

Out and about I don't feel it is okay to ask random people, servers, retail workers, etc. I take the precautions I need to take to feel protected as best as possible (and to protect others) with the understanding that the risk is there, period.
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Sep 17, 2008
I don't ask random strangers if they are because thats none of my business. I DO ask my close family. They can tell me or not but Imma ask. I do ask my close friends (they're all vaccinated). I don't pull a vegan and tell everyone on the street, especially down here because while you still see lot of the population masking up, there are the wackdoodles who talk about "mah freedums". Until they get sick... then they start believing in some kind of science :roll2:


May 15, 2014
If someone is coming into my home I do think I’m entitled to ask and know. I’m entitled to decide who I want in my home and under what circumstances. This is not a HIPPA issue as I’d be asking the person and they would be disclosing.

I know vaccinated people can still transmit the virus but I think it’s somewhat less likely. But really I feel that a vaccinated person probably takes the virus more seriously than an unvaccinated person who can get the vaccine but won’t (I’m not referring to those who shouldn’t for medical reasons). So I want the people who come into my home to take it seriously and be vaccinated.

of course I wouldn’t ask random people like a store clerk or restaurant worker.
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Apr 2, 2006
If someone is coming into my home I do think I’m entitled to ask and know. I’m entitled to decide who I want in my home and under what circumstances. This is not a HIPPA issue as I’d be asking the person and they would be disclosing.

I know vaccinated people can still transmit the virus but I think it’s somewhat less likely. But really I feel that a vaccinated person probably takes the virus more seriously than an unvaccinated person who can get the vaccine but won’t (I’m not referring to those who shouldn’t for medical reasons). So I want the people who come into my home to take it seriously and be vaccinated.

of course I wouldn’t ask random people like a store clerk or restaurant worker.

We do occasionally have unvaccinated family members in our home, but when we do we join them on the front porch, or make sure to open windows and provide for good ventilation. As others have mentioned, I assume most people I don’t know are unvaccinated and act accordingly.


May 15, 2014
We do occasionally have unvaccinated family members in our home, but when we do we join them on the front porch, or make sure to open windows and provide for good ventilation. As others have mentioned, I assume most people I don’t know are unvaccinated and act accordingly.

You're nicer than I am. I haven't let my unvaccinated adult daughter into my home. I've had her visit outside on the deck, staying a fair distance away. She has now started the vaccination process and will get her second shot next week, so once she is past her 2 weeks, post vaccine, I'll let her in, assuming she hasn't been to places where folks congregate indoors.


Apr 2, 2006
You're nicer than I am. I haven't let my unvaccinated adult daughter into my home. I've had her visit outside on the deck, staying a fair distance away. She has now started the vaccination process and will get her second shot next week, so once she is past her 2 weeks, post vaccine, I'll let her in, assuming she hasn't been to places where folks congregate indoors.

Not really. It’s a long story, but we need to interact with them for other reasons and having them over for meal is a good way to keep the discussion of other, more difficult issues manageable. But they’ve never taken the pandemic that seriously, so last winter when we invited them to join us for Christmas dinner at Mom’s house* we said that if they carpooled with us we’d all have to have masks on and the car windows open. They declined the invite ;-)

* dinner was Mom and her partner indoors, and us and one other small family outside in a drafty party tent, all conversing through a mostly open window.


Apr 21, 2010
I don't feel entitled, no.

HIPAA is not applicable so that's a non-issue to me.

If family want to visit inside my home, they do have to be vaccinated -- they disclose and/or I will ask/verify -- but my 84-year-old immuno-suppressed mother lives with me and we are vigilant about taking all precautions since she is so vulnerable -- she is adored, so family members are doing the right thing.

With strangers and inside markets/banks/post offices, I don't ask and I wear a mask (as do 90% of people I see indoors).


Jul 18, 2015
in a few months time when the stupid govt has pulled finger i will have no hesitation asking anybody
I thought of this post when I read this article and thought you might find it interesting given the comment re supply and speed of vaccination.

Daisys and Diamonds

Apr 30, 2019
I thought of this post when I read this article and thought you might find it interesting given the comment re supply and speed of vaccination.

year i read that today too
thanks for thinking of me though =)2
im not saying everything our govt has done is wrong - far from it, initially they did very well
we have certainly managed to keep most of our population alive and well which is the most important thing

but im going back to work on Saturday and im not vacinated so i am feeling vulnerable
Im worried they might run out of vaccine before they get to my appointment even though i booked in as soon as my age group was allowed to
i realize there is plenty on order and its scheduled to arrive every week but
they just seem to keep pushing back the vacination goal posts for me as im not the demographic in Auckland hospital covid wards nor do i live in Auckland

Gary might be vacinated but it would still not be nice for me to bring it home to him


Jul 18, 2015
year i read that today too
thanks for thinking of me though =)2
im not saying everything our govt has done is wrong - far from it, initially they did very well
we have certainly managed to keep most of our population alive and well which is the most important thing

but im going back to work on Saturday and im not vacinated so i am feeling vulnerable
Im worried they might run out of vaccine before they get to my appointment even though i booked in as soon as my age group was allowed to
i realize there is plenty on order and its scheduled to arrive every week but
they just seem to keep pushing back the vacination goal posts for me as im not the demographic in Auckland hospital covid wards nor do i live in Auckland

Gary might be vacinated but it would still not be nice for me to bring it home to him
definitely agree! I didn’t realise you were unvaccinated.
You’re in Whangarei or Wanganui from memory?
Are there options of walk-in clinics so you could get vaccinated sooner?
I’m in Christchurch and have my (over-40) slot booked for next week. I had to try a number of times to get one sooner which is very frustrating and pretty stupid. I held onto my original booking then dropped it once I got the earlier one.

Daisys and Diamonds

Apr 30, 2019
definitely agree! I didn’t realise you were unvaccinated.
You’re in Whangarei or Wanganui from memory?
Are there options of walk-in clinics so you could get vaccinated sooner?
I’m in Christchurch and have my (over-40) slot booked for next week. I had to try a number of times to get one sooner which is very frustrating and pretty stupid. I held onto my original booking then dropped it once I got the earlier one.

we are in Wanganui but i was proudly born and breed in Dunedin and my heart will always be blue and gold
In between i / we lived in Wellington Gary grew up in Naenae out the Hutt
My sister is in Chch

i hope you can get vacinated without any delay too
mine is tomorrow
im only a week away from a big milestone birthday that would have put me into an earlier vacination group

i think it was you who said its a lottery and it really is
we have no pop up clinics here or drive throughs but mostly we have only had good experiences with the hospital services here

i know its not fare on the South Island being dragged into lockdown because of Auckland but the stupidity of that university of Otago student the other day is an example of how none of us are safe untill we all get vacinated


Jul 18, 2015
we are in Wanganui but i was proudly born and breed in Dunedin and my heart will always be blue and gold
In between i / we lived in Wellington Gary grew up in Naenae out the Hutt
My sister is in Chch

i hope you can get vacinated without any delay too
mine is tomorrow
im only a week away from a big milestone birthday that would have put me into an earlier vacination group

i think it was you who said its a lottery and it really is
we have no pop up clinics here or drive throughs but mostly we have only had good experiences with the hospital services here

i know its not fare on the South Island being dragged into lockdown because of Auckland but the stupidity of that university of Otago student the other day is an example of how none of us are safe untill we all get vacinated
OMG I was reading that article today and was SO mad! who says "oh I didn't realise I shouldn't travel" just because the system didn't put bright red signs up and stop them from booking? FFS! personal responsibility people.
Happy vaccination day for tomorrow. I hope it doesn't knock you around too much. And Happy Birthday for milestone birthday :)
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