
Do not buy from Shenoa and Co

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Nov 18, 2004
I said that I have only read negative comments HERE on Pricescope about Shenoa and CO. Do a search with your company name and you can see what I am referring too.


Mar 6, 2005
People come to PriceScope looking for information. The forum is run by two very nice people Leniod and Irina whose names I hope I am spelling correctly. Since I have been on this forum no one has tried to sell me anything. When I wanted to see a compairson betwen two diffrent brands of stones Miss Irina PMed me links to help me find the information I was looking for.
John, or JQ has answered a ton of my questions about cut and how it effects what you see in the stone.
Just yesterday I asked a questions about what to look for in a appraiser and one answered me with a fabulous link which included information about the tons of appraisers listed on PS.
People here all have jobs, otherwise who could afford a computer and internet hook up? Please stay and learn what this site is really about, you might find you enjoy getting to talk to others who love diamonds.


Jan 3, 2005
Date: 8/4/2005 1:44:47 PM
Author: Pricescope
Shenoa_and_Co, welcome to the forum. Hang around here and it will be good for your company and your clients.


I agree with Leonid. I hope you will stick around and get to know us and give us the opportunity to know you.


Sep 3, 2000
Not everyone on Pricescope sells diamonds. Not everyone on Pricescope is a raw consumer. Some of us really know what goes on in the diamond business and in retailing.

It is extremely difficult to get an objective, third party opinion of quality or value from an potentially angry or potentially biased retailer who might be jealous and who did not make a sale. It is human nature for the loser to tell you that they could have been more helpful or priced something better. It puts doubt in your mind and maybe later on you'll shop with them instead. It is easy enough to see that this can and does happen every day.

It also is pretty obvious that most friends, relatives and other folks who look at what you buy really are not in any way "qualified" to express a VALID opinion about quality or value when it comes to diamonds. Some people do know something, but few know enough to become trusted advisers. It takes years, not days to be able to do appraising correctly and to serve everyone involved fairly.

Now, that you've made it this far in my message, here is the other side:

Retailers know exactly how the game is played. Being pushy, defensive, boastful and uninformed does not make for immediate credibility. Accusing Pricescope of being owned by a diamond dealer is not what we believe to be true. From what I can see, Leonid is a highly educated man who is into the tech world, the Internet, but not diamonds as a business or as an expert. I don't believe Pricescope owners are selling diamonds. Leonid will correct me if I am wrong, but I don't believe I am. Also, I am not an owner, if someone might think that my extensive participation here indicates such. I have made thousands of postings to assist people and to build my business interests. Nothing gives me more pleasure than to help a person I will never meet, or to make the world better for people. It is a truly worthy goal which Leonid has allowed me and others to achieve by his creation of this site.

Leonid's offer to Shenoa to stick around and see what's going on makes a lot of sense to me and it is typical of his fairness. It wasn't given as a challenge, but as an opportunity. It is what YOU make of it, however.

Retailers are undergoing pressure from every side. Consumers are tougher than ever. Profits are hard to make. It is a time of short fuses and heightened tempers.....

It does now sound as if the problems of one consumer were totally settled. A settlement often leaves both parties slightly upset and feeling abused. A settlement does not mean everything is PERFECT, but that the parties have agreed to end a dispute by mutual consent. It does NOT mean they love each other or are totally happy. All settlements are like that, so you ought to get used to this as a working concept for future reference. Settlements end disputes, but often leave ill feelings.

I hope both sides to this see a reasonable conclusion of this matter. Pricescope should be a place that is friendly to all comers and not hostile to any particular class of participant. You get so much more out of a fair and friendly environment. I hope you all will agree.


Apr 17, 2002
Dave, you''re always the voice of peace and wisdom. Were you a judge or a rabbi in another life?


Dec 31, 2004
I have read many articles that David Atlas has published and I respect his opinion and integrity. I also appreciate his honesty as to who comprises the members oin this site. I personally was refered to someone on this site that stated that they "did a lot of business" from it. Time is valuable, and internet exposure is invaluable !

I do believe that the response to the buyers post was negative and hostile. I also believe I explained my position fairly and accurately. In business it is not legal to make accusations that could harm or are intended to harm ones reputation.

I intend on accepting the invitaion to stick around. Should be intersting.


Apr 19, 2004
Date: 8/4/2005 3:26:02 PM
Author: Shenoa_and_Co
I have read many articles that David Atlas has published and I respect his opinion and integrity. I also appreciate his honesty as to who comprises the members oin this site. I personally was refered to someone on this site that stated that they ''did a lot of business'' from it. Time is valuable, and internet exposure is invaluable !

I do believe that the response to the buyers post was negative and hostile. I also believe I explained my position fairly and accurately. In business it is not legal to make accusations that could harm or are intended to harm ones reputation.

I intend on accepting the invitaion to stick around. Should be intersting.

And, perhaps, educational?



Sep 3, 2000
I think we have done something good here. A positive turn has been made. Let''s see how we can make a newcomer feel respected and welcomed.....

I don''t think I have returned from any previous life, sorry to say. My mother was an attorney and my dad a graduate of U of P Wharton Business school. My mother gave up her career to raise me and I ended up at a fancy prep school where bad English or a sloppy haircut was sufficient for corporal punishment. My mother taught me how to debate and to argue a point, just like a lawyer might do. I apologize for being that way sometimes, but it has served me well. Since I don''t enjoy pain, I learned a degree of self-discipline at my tough school in spite of my own independent ways. Army training and 6 years in the Reserves furthered the discipline and leadership parts of my personality.....That''s the way I am, and I can''t change it now. Although I wouldn''t wish going to war on anyone, nothing was better for me than Army boot camp. The opportunity to interact with all sorts of people, to compete and learn in a team unit. Nothing in my life was so important. I sort of wish a lot of people could serve in the military as a training and discipline learning experience, but not to go to war.... Only to be able to live a life with little fear and self confidence that you can do things you didn''t think you could until you forced yourself to attempt them and succeeded. In the early 1990''s I passed the NY State Mediation Training Program along with RockDoc. Both of us think that training was also well worth the effort.

However, if I ever come back to another life, I really would like to be a Shih-Tzu in a loving home with great and kind owners who let me run around the house, rest anywhere I want and give me treats and attention. It isn''t really much to ask for, so maybe if I''m real good this time around one of you will have me as a little house guest someday many years from now.....


Nov 1, 2004
Your store is lovely so that''s why your business is succesfull, however the aggressive tone in your posts is not helping you. As more and more people research online your reputation will become more well known. I have heard complaints from friends who have gone to your store-it''s not just your online ebay customers.

You state that most of the postings are from sellers that have their own interest at heart but I have not heard complaints about the pricescope vendors and I have bought from one that has bent over backwards for me.

I notice you did not respond to the last complaint where you "mistakenly" sent an ebay customer a 1 ct marquis instead of a 3 ct emerald which you conveniently "lost". You insult our collective intelligence. I seriously suggest you rethink your business practices. Maybe your practices are common on 47th street which is why more and more people are buying on line. Also. unlike your B&M store, the pricescope vendors have a return policy.


Aug 24, 2006
See this is why I frequent PS. There are so many level-headed and fair-minded people who are part of the PS community, which helps in trying to resolve situations like this. I do hope the rep from Shenoa will stick around and maybe gain some additional insight with regard to consumers.


Nov 15, 2004
Methinks he doth protest too much:

"ONE MORE THING ! This site and most of the people posting are JEWELERS that SELL diamonds. You need to get approved to be part of this community by the DIAMOND dealer that owns THIS SITE. Most of the postings are from sellers that have their own interest at heart, as clearly demonstrated in the other responses where they are recommending to purchase from other JEWELERS and trying to knock Shenoa & Co.

Notice that they hide behind fake names and logos and won't use the REAL NAMES or Business affiliations. The sole purpose behind this site is to drive Diamond Sales to the people and companies that run and participate in it. Don't be fooled."

Patently untrue and against the rules of PS. In fact, a long-time retailer/poster was recently banned for similar activity on the part of one of their employees. Leonid and Irina run a tight ship here.

It seems there ARE a lot of myths about PS, and I think it would do the Shenoas, Shane&Cos, Zales, etc. of the world a lot of good to see what we're up to over here. Educational and Interesting, indeed!!

I have been on PS for almost a year, and I have NOT ONCE been hassled, harassed, hard-sold, or unduly approached by one of the vendors here. NOT ONCE.

(Oh--and call me petty, call me a grammar snob--but I am far more likely to lend credence to a vendor's arguments--in the midst of vehement protestations--when said rebuttals are actually spelled properly.)


Aug 4, 2005
Damn, this looks like an exciting discussion.

First, the vendor is right. If the buyer thought it was a bait and switch, he should have taken it to an independant (not a diamond reseller) appraiser. If it was ebay crap, there are legal ways to take care of the issue:

Always communicate through certified USPS mail. It is the only way to make sure your communications stick in court.
Get communications notorized at your bank or credit union. CUs may offer this service for free.
Send a certified letter to your and their state attorneys general explaining the situation after you visit the appraiser if you get no or a disfavorablt response from the company.
Take it to court. The offender can get huge punitive damages in addition to all you have spent (including lawyer''s fees). Any lawyer would probably take a sure-fire case for free.

After these things are done should you post a disfavorable response, including all facts. A review with a case number could effectively shut down business for a vendor.

If you get a product that is not up to par, you should first try to resolve it with the company, though. Why this guy went back after he felt he got burnt is beyond me? Remember the old saying? "Fool me once..."


Jun 28, 2005
I feel that whenever a vendor gets a negative story posted here, they tend to post strong notes accusing us of being vendors hidden behind fake names and such. I am sure there are a few out there (prob not many left since Leonid keeps such a good eye on it
), but don''t come in here and say most of us are posers! Most of us are consumers that just like to hang out here and talk about jewelry. As for the vendors, they clearly state who they are in their signatures or names.

I''m glad you decided to stick around this site. It really is a wonderful forum with great people. It''s actually more like a community where we lean on each other for advice and information. Spend some more time here and it''ll be good for you and us.


Jul 7, 2004
Date: 8/4/2005 5:40:48 PM
Author: blueroses
Methinks he doth protest too much:

(Oh--and call me petty, call me a grammar snob--but I am far more likely to lend credence to a vendor''s arguments--in the midst of vehement protestations--when said rebuttals are actually spelled properly.)

Ok I almost pee''d my pants when I read this.


Nov 25, 2002
Date: 8/4/2005 3:09:16 PM
Author: oldminer

It does now sound as if the problems of one consumer were totally settled. A settlement often leaves both parties slightly upset and feeling abused. A settlement does not mean everything is PERFECT, but that the parties have agreed to end a dispute by mutual consent. It does NOT mean they love each other or are totally happy. All settlements are like that, so you ought to get used to this as a working concept for future reference. Settlements end disputes, but often leave ill feelings.

Dave......this is quite possibly one of the wisest passages I''ve ever read here. Thanks for taking the time to say it.


Apr 17, 2002
Someday some lucky family will have a very wise Shih-Tsu that can settle disputes. I hope that day is many, many, many years off, though.


Aug 4, 2005
I will leave a good comment about Shenoa & Co!
I did a lot of research before buying an engagement ring. ALOT.
I finally called up and bought one from Shenoa. Why? They had a large inventory, a setting I wanted, and, here''s the kicker, a 99.8% rating, with over 2000 positive feedbacks. Yes, I did notice the couple of negatives, and the retractions, but come on 2000.
That''s pretty darn good.
I got the ring, showed it to my friend''s brother (a high end jeweler- too high for me). Bingo I got a good diamond and a nice ring. No certification, but I don''t need one. Happy as a clam.

I recommended my best friend call them for a ring. He got a 1.8 ct round diamond. He got it and took it to an appraiser (I think it was an actual appraiser). Low and behold, it was exactly what he ordered. He is now engaged and happy.
I''m looking for a wedding ring which brought me to look at this site again for ideas. I like Shenoa, but they don''t have what I want. (cool , custom-made, matching wedding rings- that fit together to make a pattern- in case anyone has an idea)
Anyway, that’s two happy customers.

Noticing what Shenoa said, I must admit there is a lot of good advice here in pricescope, but I suspect that there ARE lot of jewelry people here also. So I took what I read with a grain of salt. I see a lot of "They stink, but heeeey, maybe you should call _fill in the blank__ "

I think most regular people just don''t hang around a jewelry site forum every day for months on end. What is it a Hobby? Collecting diamonds? Hey, I''m just saying. If you collect diamonds, I would like to hang around where you do.
The jewelers who identify themselves usually give decent advice though.

So in summation:
-Shenoa was good for my friend and I
-Looking for a place that makes cool custom-made matching wedding rings- that fit together to make a pattern- I''ll be checking back tomorrow for ideas
-Companies can''t make 100% of the people happy, and happy people don''t go around posting it on forums (guess I''m weird)


Apr 20, 2004
I frequent another forum, and the word on the street is that for settings, Shenoa is awesome, for stones- run away as fast as you can.

And to the gentleman from Shenoa- you need to look up the legal definition of slander.


Jul 7, 2004
Date: 8/4/2005 11:45:29 PM
Author: mark_j
I will leave a good comment about Shenoa & Co!

I did a lot of research before buying an engagement ring. ALOT.

I finally called up and bought one from Shenoa. Why? They had a large inventory, a setting I wanted, and, here''s the kicker, a 99.8% rating, with over 2000 positive feedbacks. Yes, I did notice the couple of negatives, and the retractions, but come on 2000.

That''s pretty darn good.

I got the ring, showed it to my friend''s brother (a high end jeweler- too high for me). Bingo I got a good diamond and a nice ring. No certification, but I don''t need one. Happy as a clam.

I recommended my best friend call them for a ring. He got a 1.8 ct round diamond. He got it and took it to an appraiser (I think it was an actual appraiser). Low and behold, it was exactly what he ordered. He is now engaged and happy.

I''m looking for a wedding ring which brought me to look at this site again for ideas. I like Shenoa, but they don''t have what I want. (cool , custom-made, matching wedding rings- that fit together to make a pattern- in case anyone has an idea)

Anyway, that’s two happy customers.

Noticing what Shenoa said, I must admit there is a lot of good advice here in pricescope, but I suspect that there ARE lot of jewelry people here also. So I took what I read with a grain of salt. I see a lot of ''They stink, but heeeey, maybe you should call _fill in the blank__ ''

I think most regular people just don''t hang around a jewelry site forum every day for months on end. What is it a Hobby? Collecting diamonds? Hey, I''m just saying. If you collect diamonds, I would like to hang around where you do.

The jewelers who identify themselves usually give decent advice though.

So in summation:

-Shenoa was good for my friend and I

-Looking for a place that makes cool custom-made matching wedding rings- that fit together to make a pattern- I''ll be checking back tomorrow for ideas

-Companies can''t make 100% of the people happy, and happy people don''t go around posting it on forums (guess I''m weird)


Nov 17, 2004
Date: 8/4/2005 11:45:29 PM
Author: mark_j
I will leave a good comment about Shenoa & Co!
I did a lot of research before buying an engagement ring. ALOT.
I finally called up and bought one from Shenoa. Why? They had a large inventory, a setting I wanted, and, here''s the kicker, a 99.8% rating, with over 2000 positive feedbacks. Yes, I did notice the couple of negatives, and the retractions, but come on 2000.
That''s pretty darn good.
I got the ring, showed it to my friend''s brother (a high end jeweler- too high for me). Bingo I got a good diamond and a nice ring. No certification, but I don''t need one. Happy as a clam.

I recommended my best friend call them for a ring. He got a 1.8 ct round diamond. He got it and took it to an appraiser (I think it was an actual appraiser). Low and behold, it was exactly what he ordered. He is now engaged and happy.
I''m looking for a wedding ring which brought me to look at this site again for ideas. I like Shenoa, but they don''t have what I want. (cool , custom-made, matching wedding rings- that fit together to make a pattern- in case anyone has an idea)
Anyway, that’s two happy customers.

Noticing what Shenoa said, I must admit there is a lot of good advice here in pricescope, but I suspect that there ARE lot of jewelry people here also. So I took what I read with a grain of salt. I see a lot of ''They stink, but heeeey, maybe you should call _fill in the blank__ ''

I think most regular people just don''t hang around a jewelry site forum every day for months on end. What is it a Hobby? Collecting diamonds? Hey, I''m just saying. If you collect diamonds, I would like to hang around where you do.
The jewelers who identify themselves usually give decent advice though.

So in summation:
-Shenoa was good for my friend and I
-Looking for a place that makes cool custom-made matching wedding rings- that fit together to make a pattern- I''ll be checking back tomorrow for ideas
-Companies can''t make 100% of the people happy, and happy people don''t go around posting it on forums (guess I''m weird)

haha, I agree with ame. I love how people come out of the woodworks in support of err.. lesser companies, when people post about problems.

You are sadly mistaken and confused about the people who hang around here though. Most of us stumbled upon this website in search of information on a new ring, and fell in love with diamonds and the knowledge we acquired. So we like to help the newbies find the perfect ring.


Nov 1, 2003
Date: 8/4/2005 11:45:29 PM
Author: mark_j

I think most regular people just don''t hang around a jewelry site forum every day for months on end. What is it a Hobby? Collecting diamonds? Hey, I''m just saying. If you collect diamonds, I would like to hang around where you do.
You want to hang around where people collect diamonds?
I have the perfect place for you:

My budget is more gemstone collecting but you will find that here too:

Now do you want to ask why Im here?
To learn as much as possible about diamonds and gemstones for free and make some friends and help some people along the way.
strmrdr is my internet name and learning is my game :}
I love to learn new things and dont like to spend a lot of money doing it and internet forums is the best way to do that be it guns, computers, diamonds or gemstones.
Eventualy ill get bored and move on to learning something new.

Madam Bijoux

Jul 15, 2005
"I think most regular people just don''t hang around a jewelry site forum every day for months on end. What is it a Hobby? Collecting diamonds? Hey, I''m just saying. If you collect diamonds, I would like to hang around where you do."

Hi! I''m a collector who visits jewelry websites every day. We collectors are unique - never regular people. When I''m out and about, I hang around downtown Philadelphia, the King of Prussia Mall and NYC.


May 16, 2004
"I think most regular people just don''t hang around a jewelry site forum every day for months on end. What is it a Hobby? Collecting diamonds? Hey, I''m just saying. If you collect diamonds, I would like to hang around where you do.
The jewelers who identify themselves usually give decent advice though."

Well, I consider myself a very "regular" person and I visit here almost daily even if I don''t post. According to my profile I''ve been hanging out here for 16 months now after I purchased my diamond. (I''ve purchased two more small ones for earrings since then and a few colored gems too) No, I don''t collect diamonds but I do like to see the new rings that people have gotten on the Show Me the Ring forum, I do like to offer a word of advice or two to those asking for the opinions of "regular" people who''ve been there and done that. I''ve also noticed that most of the vendors here limit their posting to advice when asked for without self promotion and for a little personal chit chat on some other forums . (There are other forums here that have nothing to do with diamonds BTW-- just socializing)

I''m glad that you had a good experience with Shenoa, and to be fair to them I guess it''s good that someone speak up and say as such. You had a very balanced prospective until the end of your post and then I started to get suspicious as to YOUR identity. To my knowledge there are no jeweler/vendors who DON''T identify themselves as such when responding to posts. I hope the same applies to you. If you are just a satisfied customer coming to the defense, then fine. We always get a little suspicious around here when newbies suddenly show up to share their wonderful buying experiences with a company that another member is unhappy with.


Dec 31, 2004
I am thoroughly enjoying my time here. I would have never thought that one sale or one comment could cause such controversy. I am so glad I checked in.


Apr 14, 2004
However, if I ever come back to another life, I really would like to be a Shih-Tzu in a loving home with great and kind owners who let me run around the house, rest anywhere I want and give me treats and attention. It isn''t really much to ask for, so maybe if I''m real good this time around one of you will have me as a little house guest someday many years from now.....
We''d take you if you could assure us you house broken


May 16, 2004
Date: 8/5/2005 11:30:25 AM
Author: Shenoa_and_Co
I am thoroughly enjoying my time here. I would have never thought that one sale or one comment could cause such controversy. I am so glad I checked in.
I''m glad you''re enjoying your time here too. Nothing like stirring the pot and then watching it boil, eh?


Oct 30, 2002
Jeez Louise what a thread! I go away for 2 days and see what I miss!

It sucks that the OP had a bad experience but I also agree that they should have SEEN AN INDEPENDENT APPRAISER or at least gotten an appraisal from somewhere other than the mothers' boyfriend. Shenoa was actually being quite nice sending out a new ring/stone the first time and refunding the money the second time around considering that there was never any actual paperwork from the OP contradicting what the stone was or cert said. Nothing official that is, someone who 'knows diamonds' doesn't really count.

But then again, just in general if someone buys off eBay, what do you expect? You don't get something for nothing and you get what you pay for. Perceived value. I have gotten a few good eBay deals on some lower cost stuff, aka 10 stone RHR and my diamond circle pendant which both are nice and sparkly, but I would never buy an engagement stone on there. Call me picky...whatever but that's thousands of your money that you are tossing off to someone sight unseen. People come on here and say they wouldn't buy from online vendors here on PS with all the hundreds of accolades that they get and yet they still go to eBay and throw money at vendors on there on stones that have what 1/10 of the info? A diamond picture and cert which are stock most of the time? Absolute Silliness.
But hey a sucker is born every minute right?

The funny thing is that there IS a decent amount of negative feedback on Shenoa on PS and elsewhere, I wouldn't think they'd be so concerned with one eBay feedback that's negative. Also, I think it's BAD PRACTICE to ask an eBay consumer to retract feedback for money. I also think it was a bad idea to accept the money and take off the feedback. Unsuspecting customers on eBay look at feedback to help them make a decision. If everyone took $$ to retract negative feedback, eBay's feedback system would be quite useless. Actually I would report THAT to eBay...that S&C asked you to do this. I'm sure that is against eBay rules....forget selling funky diamonds, since that part can't be proven due to the fact that there's no actual external appraisal.


Jul 30, 2005
Date: 8/5/2005 11:30:25 AM
Author: Shenoa_and_Co
I am thoroughly enjoying my time here. I would have never thought that one sale or one comment could cause such controversy. I am so glad I checked in.
Dare I say that I sense sarcasm in your statement? Of course you thought it would cause controvery because you started it. You came on here defending your practices in an ill manner. I agree that you are more then welcome to your side of the story because as a purchaser when well feel "dupped" we get angry and lash out, sometimes exaggerating, which I''m not saying that is the case here. For that reason, if you feel you need to explain your side of the transaction then so be it, we want to hear it but be professional, you run a business. We welcome you here as you were told, I am new posting here myself, but you should take this opportunity to learn.

As the other convienient post (1st post) that praised your store is fine, however, to say that he/she thinks there are jewlers on here for their own gain and he takes the info they give with a grain of salt clearly seems that the motive was also to discredit the forum. Note to poster, if you feel that way about the people on this forum then don''t post on here. You have no foundation for your comments. I am new to this forum but I''ve been reading for a few months and all have given sound and expert advice, never trying to manipulate or sell anyone.

Remember Shenoa, any negative can wipe out 2000 positives, but if the negative is legit, then you need to re-evaluate why that happened and deal with it internally so that it will not happen again. No offense, but the fact that you offered "compensation" for the gentleman to remove the negative feedback in mind speaks volumes about your tactics and professionalism. I would stay far far away from your business.


Dec 31, 2004

Just to clarify the practice of compensating a buyer financially for the aggravation, expenses, shipping, or appraisal cost in return for agreeing to withdraw negative feedback or withhold posting negative feedback: eBay and its subsidiary, Square Trade, advocates that process. As part of their mediation services, Square Trade and their mediator ask both buyer and seller, what would settle (as Dave would say, settle not satisfy) the case. They specifically offer choices of Full Refund, Partial Refund, Exchange, etc. These choices are regardless of whether the customer has paid for, kept, or returned the item.

Ebay’s feedback philosophy is simple; the financial aspect of the transaction usually WILL settle the case. Both the buyer and seller might not be satisfied, and could be left bitter, but they did choose to settle the matter. eBay also changed the functionality of the Feedback system about two years ago. No longer can feedbacks be removed through mediation or mutual agreement. Then only can be withdrawn, with the feedback being left in the public forum. So it is not Shenoa & Co. that made the policy, we are merely adhering to eBay’s guidelines.

Furthermore we are extorted on a regular basis by eBay buyers who demand “free” this or a “better” that or a “refund” of my shipping charges. If we don’t comply they threaten a negative feedback. So again, there are two sides to the story.

We also have a full time Loss Prevention specialist who sole job it is to prevent fraudulent transactions perpertrated on the Buy side. Counterfeit checks, money orders, fraudulent wire transfers, stolen shipments, packages claimed they we not received, stolen credit cards. Special order items that are simply returned that we are now forced to stock in unusual sizes. Cubic Zirconia’s that are returned in lieu of the diamond that we sent them.

Please understand eBay is a world of its own. So is the internet business. I highly recommend that when in doubt, spend the extra money, and buy a diamond with a GIA diamond grading report. There will then be no doubt as to what the customer is buying. No controversy that the local jeweler claims the quality is different than described.

That’s all for now folks !
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