
Do not buy from Shenoa and Co

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Aug 3, 2005
I am posting this in hopes that someone will learn from my mistake in the future. I read these forums before I bought from Shenoa and Co, and I am going to post a message that I wish I could have seen before I bought a ring from them.

In the beginning of July I bought a ring from these guys with the following specs on EBay. Yea I know, ring on EBay, shame on me. The diamond looked like a great bargain, and I loved the setting. I ordered the diamond and also opted for an National Gemological Laboratories cert to come with it. I did not know who NGL was, but I figured for 45 bucks, I had some ammo in case things went wrong.

Princess cut Diamond 1.01 CT in the center.
- Color: F
- Clarity: SI-2
14 Round brilliant cut Diamonds 0.10 CT and 12 Princess cut Diamonds 0.68 CT total weight on sides.
- Color: F
- Clarity: VS-2
- Setting: 18 K White gold

I got the package sent to my mom''s house so that my fiancée would be none the wiser. My mom''s boyfriend knows diamonds pretty well, so he looked at the diamond before I saw it. He told me that the setting looked great but the center stone was crap. After looking at it myself, and also taking it to Jared for a second opinion, I decided too that the diamond was worth maybe $500, and I am guessing at these specs:

- Color: M (very yellow in contrast to the side stones)
- Clarity: I2 (Jared pointed to me a HUGE crack that the found with a 10x, but was visible with the eye if you knew where to find it)
- The cut pattern on the cert did not match the diamond at all
- The measured dimensions on the ring were all off, which means that the cert was describing another diamond

After this I called the company, because I was still within my return window, and arranged to send it back to have the right diamond set. He told me it must have been a mistake, and would work to get the right diamond set. Through this whole process I worked with a gentleman named Rudi, and he has given me the best customer service I could ever ask for.

I returned the ring and the cert via UPS, and got a call about 2 days later from Rudi telling me that the new ring was on its way with a new cert. I received the new ring, and this one was of the same quality, and the cert was the exact same as the last, but with a different date. I estimated the new diamond as

- Color: H (still some color visible)
- Clarity: I3 (2 inclusions visible with the naked eye, and 3 if you looked with a loupe)
- Again, the cut pattern on the cert did not match the diamond at all
- Again, the measured dimensions on the ring were all off, which means that the cert was describing another diamond

Naturally I called them back, but this time I asked for a refund, which they agreed to do. After nearly a month of dealing with them, I left negative feedback on their EBay profile stating that the diamond was misrepresented, and that the certificate did not match the diamond provided on the ring.

The next day, I received 3 phone calls from Shenoa & Co where they were outraged that I left them negative feedback on EBay. I had a conversation with Rudi’s manager saying that they did not deserve the negative feedback I gave them, and it was “hurting their sales” and he would “have to let people go” over the matter. After talking with him about half an hour, I told him that they give excellent customer service, but that does not make up for shoddy product. Eventually he offered to pay me $150.00 to remove my negative feedback on EBay. I told him I would think about it.

He called my twice the next day and twice the day after that, constantly badgering me to retract my feedback. I eventually submitted, not because he paid me to do so, but simply because I value my privacy, and it was becoming harder to hide the fact that I was diamond shopping from my fiancée.

Today, I received my refund, but what I saw simply incensed me. The email he sent me confirming my refund reflected an amount $65.00 more than what I actually received. I could not believe that they were still trying to rip me off. I gave myself an hour and I composed this letter:


I received a credit on my American Express today, but the amount I received was $XXXX total; $XXXX for the ring and $150 for the retracted feedback. Why is there a discrepancy between the amount you promised to refund, and the actual amount you refunded?

I truly feel insulted. I left negative feedback on EBay, because that is the way the system works. I was dissatisfied with your product, and felt that it was misrepresented. I love Rudi''s service, he helped me every step of the way, and I applaud him for the wonderful customer service he provided me with. However, the product that I bought was not even close to what was advertised. This is misrepresentation and a classic bait and switch move. THIS is why I left you negative feedback on you EBay profile, and it is well deserved. I agreed to retract the feedback not because you guys were going to give me $150.00 to cover any expenses that I incurred with shipping, and the lame certificate that was sent with the diamond (which was also a laugh, the cut patterns did not match either oh the diamonds you sent, the color was wrong, the clarity was wrong, the dimensions were wrong, the inclusions mapped on the certificate were wrong; this leads me to believe that either NGL is not reputable, or the diamond was switched after being examined by NGL); I retracted my feedbacks simply because you guys were hounding me to do so, and I value my privacy much higher than $150.00.

I will share with you what your $150 dollars balances against what I have spent trying to get the ring to your advertised specifications:
1 NGL Cert: $45.00
Shipping from Shenoa to my mother''s house: $19.99
2 Round trips to my mother''s house: 200 miles ~ $35.00 in gas plus wear on my car, plus 3 hours of my time
More of my time taking the ring to Jared for a second opinion
Shipping the ring back to you, twice: $21.00 a pop

As you can see the $150.00 was not worth my retraction. I simply wished to cut my losses and to be left alone.

Let me remind you what an engagement ring is for, it is for the person you love in your life more than anything; I am trying to surprise this person with an engagement ring, and it is very difficult with you calling my phone twice a day hounding me to retract my feedback.

This brings all my frustration with your company to this point in time, when you do not honor your end of the bargain after I very kindly removed the feedback which you treasure so much. I would think that if you spent this much effort trying to satisfy your customers in the first place, then you would not have these problems of patching up your pathetic profile after the fact. I suggest you stop fooling honest people with crappy diamonds. I am going to contact EBay about your company, and I will also share my story with others including fraud agencies.



They responded back half an hour later and are issuing me the remainder of the refund.

Well that is the end of my story. I hope some of you find it entertaining, and more people find it useful.
If you are still in the market I recommend GOG and Whiteflash who are both very reputable vendors. I have purchased from Whiteflash myself and if we upgrade my stone it will probably be a GOG Solasfera.

I know for a fact you will get an incredibly great stone and a very fair price, and a very good experience with both.
I wish I hadn''t retracted my feedback either, but there a lot of retracted negatives on there. There are even people who left a positive, but gotten a refund due to bad diamonds. I also contacted Ebay and told them what happened, but I havent gotten a response yet.=|
From what I have heard about them I certainly hope ebay shuts them down once and for all. And it is a shame you retracted your negative feedback, but what is done is done. I too highly recommend GOG and WF. Please keep us posted on what ebay has to say about this and wish you good luck.
Wow, ridiculous. So sorry that you had to go through that! But at least you got your money back..

I wish you hadn''t retracted either- maybe you would have saved someone else the hassle that you are going through.
I''m sorry you had to go through this ordeal. From what I''ve heard about Shenoa your story is typical. What I can''t figure out is why they''re so successful. They''re one of the busiest shops on 47th street.
Wow. I have heard nothing but BAD BAD BAD about this company, and I have to say I am not at all surprised by your story, though I am sorry you had to endure it. There was a poster recently who also had a classic bait and switch move from Shenoa where the EC he purchased from them was "lost" somehow and they sent a far inferior MQ in its place. He got a refund and chose a far better product from Diamonds by Lauren, I believe.

Yeah, any time there are that many retracted negative comments.....not to mention defensive responses from Shenoa TO the negative''s just a bad scene.

Glad you stood up for yourself, and kind of wish you could still post negative feedback, but totally understand wanting your privacy!!! DEFINITELY report them to ebay with all of the detail you gave us. They are CROOKS and should get booted from ebay!

And, now that you''re here.....we EAGERLY look forward to hearing about the process and helping in any way we can!! Some GREAT vendors here. GOOD LUCK!!
Allium, I know!! I stopped by once to check it out and they were packed. And I was very underwhelmed with the whole attitude in there. They definitely talk a good game on their ebay store, so if one didn''t know any better, it''d be easy to be seduced!

I''m sorry you had to go through that! I dealt once with their other ebay company Global Bargain Hunters when I was looking for a tennis bracelet. I should have known it was too good to be true. There was no way those diamonds were SI1. I mean, some were blatantly opaque! I also dealt with Rudi and he was very nice and supportive and allowed me to return the bracelet although they did try to get me to exchange saying "oh we must have shipped the wrong one" mmmm hmmmmm. wow what kind of business ALWAYS seems to ship the wrong items out? it took a long time to get my refund too.

i am glad you got your refund!
You should tell your story to the BBB and the state attorney general''s office. Maybe you can save some folks from similar experiences.
Sad to say but I must agree.

What you have described is blatant fraud and it is the type of action that tends to give all jewelers a black eye. Mistakes happen, but two stones not matching the cert is more a pattern than a mistake.

Date: 8/3/2005 6:08:12 PM
Author: Grashoppa
I wish I hadn''t retracted my feedback either, but there a lot of retracted negatives on there. There are even people who left a positive, but gotten a refund due to bad diamonds. I also contacted Ebay and told them what happened, but I havent gotten a response yet.=|

I think it''s becoming a very common practice of seller''s on eBay demanding a positive feedback comment before they will give a refund. This has actually happened to me more than once and each time I''ve reported it to eBay. It makes me SERIOUSLY doubt the feedback system, as buyer''s are essentially being "forced" to leave positive feedback in order to get refunds on an unsuccessful transaction.

That''s something that really prevents me from using Ebay. There might be great sellers, the girl I bought my veil from for instance...but sellers like THIS are why I won''t use it.
Date: 8/4/2005 10:33:15 AM
Author: nutty

Date: 8/3/2005 6:08:12 PM
Author: Grashoppa
I wish I hadn''t retracted my feedback either, but there a lot of retracted negatives on there. There are even people who left a positive, but gotten a refund due to bad diamonds. I also contacted Ebay and told them what happened, but I havent gotten a response yet.=|

I think it''s becoming a very common practice of seller''s on eBay demanding a positive feedback comment before they will give a refund.

Is this more common with the dealers in jewelry or all areas of products? Will they not give a refund if you don''t retract your feedback?
Wait a minute - they offered to pay you $150.00 to retract your negative? This, in itself, is a serious violation. Do you have that offer in writing? When you received the money, was it noted on the receipt?
Fire & Ice: I am on the same page with you. How is it not some sort of violation to ofer $$$ for deletion of a negative post? However if the offer of money in exchange for deleting the negative post is not documented the allegation will be difficult to prove. I think Shenoa and others are able to stay in business because maybe people who buy from them and are unhappy are cajoled into not giving negative feedback, much like the original poster's situation. Or they never bother to get a second opinion on the quality of goods they are receiving and assume that they got a great deal.

Grasshoppa: hope everything works out for you!

I can empathize with this guy, but there is 2 sides to every story. We believe the diamond was graded accurately. We replaced it at the customers request and he still was not happy. What we believed happened is extremely common in the diamond business.

The buyer states that his mothers boyfriend “know diamonds”. How, why, what qualifications ? Most people who have ever spent some time going through the process of buying a diamond consider themselves very knowledgeable at the end. They believe that they did all the research that that could, that they got the best deal possible, and that they chose the best jeweler available. Everyone has there favorite Italian restaurant to recommend and so every diamond buyer has the best jeweler as well.

This guy’s mother’s boyfriend in Colorado takes one look at it and says its crap and its worth $500 ? Then the buyer agrees quickly its value. Huh ? Then he takes the next common step; take the ring to the local jeweler for an appraisal. Hey local jeweler, what do you think about this ring that I did not buy from you. Yeah the one I got on eBay or the internet site that is killing your business. What ? no good ? That’s what I thought because my mom’s boyfriend said the same thing. What ? You can sell me something better ? Oh great. Let me get my money back from Shenoa & Co., I know I have an unconditional money back guarantee from them, I then I’ll be back to you !

Negative Feedback ? Sure we asked him to remove it, we had done nothing wrong, we don’t guarantee he, his friend, or our local competitor will like it. We do guarantee that we will give him his money back if they don’t. We even gave him an additional $150 to compensate him for his time and effort. $65 mistake ? Yes, we are human and since the $65 was typed on a separate invoice for the shipping and NGL charges, my book keeper missed it. When the mistake was pointed out we rectified it.

Again, sorry he was unhappy but as always, we did our best to satisfy him as we do with all of our satisfied customers ! DON”T WORRY ! BE HAPPY !

See you all again soon.

Scott Cowan
ONE MORE THING ! This site and most of the people posting are JEWELERS that SELL diamonds. You need to get approved to be part of this community by the DIAMOND dealer that owns THIS SITE. Most of the postings are from sellers that have their own interest at heart, as clearly demonstrated in the other responses where they are recommending to purchase from other JEWELERS and trying to knock Shenoa & Co.

Notice that they hide behind fake names and logos and won''t use the REAL NAMES or Business affiliations. The sole purpose behind this site is to drive Diamond Sales to the people and companies that run and participate in it. Don''t be fooled.

One asks why is Shenoa & Co. one of the busiest stores on 47th Street ? Because of years of dedication, honesty, hard work, fine quality, great prices, and impecable service. Let the naysayers continue to hide behind their computers and not stand behind their accusations !

You are way off base and how dare you come here and make false accusations.

Do you have any comments regarding the certs not matching the diamonds they accompanied...twice?

How very unprofessional of YOU and your company.
I have yet to read one positive comment about your company. People come here with horror stories about Shenoa and Co.
We know its not true and he is totaly out of line.
Lets calm down and let Leonid take care of this please.

Date: 8/4/2005 1:03:42 PM
Author: Shenoa_and_Co
ONE MORE THING ! This site and most of the people posting are JEWELERS that SELL diamonds. You need to get approved to be part of this community by the DIAMOND dealer that owns THIS SITE. Most of the postings are from sellers that have their own interest at heart, as clearly demonstrated in the other responses where they are recommending to purchase from other JEWELERS and trying to knock Shenoa & Co.

Notice that they hide behind fake names and logos and won''t use the REAL NAMES or Business affiliations. The sole purpose behind this site is to drive Diamond Sales to the people and companies that run and participate in it. Don''t be fooled.
Ummm......why does false information come to mind.

The owner of this site is not a diamond dealer. He is a mathematician/web designer.

Also, I am a consumer. And your comments are quite laughable. Kinda like "redirecting when caught doing wrong"?
Shenoa_and_Co, welcome to the forum. Hang around here and it will be good for your company and your clients.

Guys, let's not make a big deal out of it. There are many myths circulating withing the trade about Pricescope. Shenoa_and_Co probably didn't had enough time to see what's going on here.

Let's not get personal and attack each other. The facts will speak for themselves.
Date: 8/4/2005 12:54:03 PM
Author: Shenoa_and_Co

Notice that they hide behind fake names and logos and won''t use the REAL NAMES or Business affiliations. The sole purpose behind this site is to drive Diamond Sales to the people and companies that run and participate in it. Don''t be fooled.

...and a lot of other crap not worth reiterating in a quote...
Ok, that''s a load of crap. And clearly you haven''t familiarized yourself with this site in the just over 7 months you have been a member here. If you had taken that time, you would *KNOW* that.

Every vendor on here posts his or her credentials and is very, very obvious and forthcoming with that information, and they aren''t allowed to sell or discuss selling on the forums. Those who violate that are banned, and there have been a few. The sole purpose of this site is NOT to drive diamond sales, it is to keep consumers informed on what makes a diamond good and how to determine quality, to offer advice on crappy situations, to praise/prod businesses who do good/bad business, and to be an open forum for diamond and gemstone lovers to post their pieces and their suggestions from their own experiences.

Regarding the situation with this poster....This is far from the first poster to have had the SAME PROBLEM with your company. It''s awful hard to play that "you don''t know our side of the story" game when so many other folks over the span of this board''s existence have have the SAME experiences this guy had.

Further, paying someone $150 for "time and effort" to remove the negative posted about their dealings with you, is a HUUUUGE Ebay violation, and to cover up apparently fraudulent dealings? Not helping your case. Considering nearly every OR every person who has bought from Shenoa has given you negative feedback because of their experience with you and been forced to or bought into retracting their negative comment, your "honest, fair, fine quality" definitions of your business hold no water.

TWO TIMES your company sent this guy misrepresented merchandise. Once, as a mixup, understandable. But twice, no way in hell was that an accident or miscommunication or mix-up. It was obvious to a naked eye, regardless of credentials, that the stone you sent him was clearly not what you represented it to be, crappy as it was called here. Who cares if it was another jeweler? It''s evident from the information given that the guy was not trying to SELL HIM SOMETHING.

Sure you "bent over backwards" to send this guy something in replacement, apparently also completely misrepresented, and "did somersaults" to refund his money, but when he did what he was SUPPOSED TO DO, as far as Ebay''s rules state, you threaten, pressure and harrass him begging him to remove a fairly placed NEGATIVE comment in your feedback because it will hurt your business? GOOD YOU DID BAD BUSINESS, YOUR BUSINESS SHOULD BE HURT. You refund incorrectly and blame a bookkeeper for that mistake? It''s someone else''s fault, again. Doesn''t ANYONE take responsibility in this company for ANYTHING?

You can BS us all you want in your posts trying to defend yourself, but your arguments are no more than hot air.
False accusations ? I left my opinion like you. The repsonses that were left to the orignal post could be considered salnderous.
The diamonds DID match the $45 reports that they purchased. We also sell GIA certified diamonds and depending upon peoples budgets, recommend them. Unprofessionally ? I have over 20 years experience in the diamond business and managed large data centers for Fortune 100 companies prior to joining this business. The slanderous, posts are what I consider unproffessional and unethical, but then again you all are consumers, and not professionals, so I guess those rules don't apply.

One of the post is also says something about anly hearing bad things. My customer serivice reps field hundreds of calls a day. Do you honestly believe that people call the business to say "thanks again", or do you think that they will call with a customer service issue. Are Positive Feedback score is always over 99 %, but I gues this is meaningless !

The judgemental attitudes are also quite transparent. I have never reacted to a situation without getting the facts like these posters have. Wow, talk about reactive and biased. eBay rules ? Now you guys also are going to act on their behalf. Great stuff. Sorry kids, would love to bicker with you children all afternoon, but I do have other things to do ! As I said before, don't worry, BE HAPPY !
People people! :)

If I received a stone after spending a large sum...and that stone was not as promised, I too would leave bad feedback. End of story. That''s the risk an ebayer makes when selling just make sure the items match the description. If they do, everyone is happy happy!

As for the rest, the stones speak for themselves...

Sorry you had a bad Grashoppa
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