
Crushed Ice Cushions...BAD???


Aug 17, 2010
ChunkyCushionLover: Thank you for the clarification. I did not know any of that information!!

That's really interesting that big designer houses do not employ the modern methods that would allow them to cut more beautiful diamonds, although you explained very well why they don't, when one of the first things they want to sell you on is how bright, fiery and eye catching their stones are because they are "HW" and employ the best diamond cutters etc. Obviously, they want to make the buyer feel like they are getting a superior diamond for the exorbitant price.

That being said, do you feel that they are unable to cut diamonds based on maximum light return, or that it would just make the price sky rocket even more if I were to request one?

Lyra: yes I definitely would love to have all the coveted qualities in my ER, especially if we were to ever go with a high end designer. You're so right about brining these concerns to the SA, but since I was not very educated re cushion cuts, I kind of wanted to gather a bit more info on PS so I felt like I knew what I was talking about and know what to ask for. They tend to treat all their items as high and mighty, although in a polite way! :)

One of the main reasons I was leaning towards a designer ring is to cut out all the work that goes into selection a desirable diamond. But it sounds like this may not be the case? :confused:


Jun 21, 2009
FuturePsyD said:
ChunkyCushionLover: Thank you for the clarification. I did not know any of that information!!

That's really interesting that big designer houses do not employ the modern methods that would allow them to cut more beautiful diamonds, although you explained very well why they don't, when one of the first things they want to sell you on is how bright, fiery and eye catching their stones are because they are "HW" and employ the best diamond cutters etc. Obviously, they want to make the buyer feel like they are getting a superior diamond for the exorbitant price.

Optimal light performance does not equal optimal beauty in everyone's eyes. A balance of brightness, scintillation, fire, spread, outline shape, symmetry, contrast, color, size of flash are all weighted by each person differently. That being said, do you feel that they are unable to cut diamonds based on maximum light return, or that it would just make the price sky rocket even more if I were to request one?

HW has high standards for beauty as judged by them by their in-house diamond selectors.
But IMO this standard is not nearly as high as someone who focusses on cutting diamonds with precision and light performance in mind.
You may be brainwashed a bit by their marketing and a brand name into thinking that they are supposed to be offering superior diamonds, their overall quality is very good but on a case by case basis you can't always expect a better or as good stone as other brands

Lyra: yes I definitely would love to have all the coveted qualities in my ER, especially if we were to ever go with a high end designer. You're so right about brining these concerns to the SA, but since I was not very educated re cushion cuts, I kind of wanted to gather a bit more info on PS so I felt like I knew what I was talking about and know what to ask for. They tend to treat all their items as high and mighty, although in a polite way! :)

The average salestaff won't be able to tell you anything. Are you prepared to purchase and use an ASET scope and have them pull in many diamonds for you? You seem to indicate wanting to do the work to educate yourself on the selection of a cushions for light performance, HW wouldn't be the only place I'd be looking at cushion cuts.

One of the main reasons I was leaning towards a designer ring is to cut out all the work that goes into selection a desirable diamond. But it sounds like this may not be the case? :confused:

You can still do as little or as much work and customization as you like. You could easily pair a brand name diamond with a brand name setting this requires no work.



Dec 10, 2004
I don't think any design house puts as much time into their rings as some of the PSers. I have spent countless hours making sure I found the "perfect" diamond and even more hours working with custom jewelers to make sure the settings are as "perfect" as possible. If they spent this much time on one ring, they will go broke.

Anyways, I think Modified Cushions are their best sellers because that is what they tend to show people that walk in the door. In my experience, HW has never explained the different types of cushions so the average seller wouldn't know to ask. They are simply picking from carat, color, and clarity thinking all else is equal. Any diamond will look great in their greatly edited marketing photography.

It will help if you are able to see some of GOG's cushions and then go to HW to see their cushions. I was very shocked when I saw some of the cushions they had on display. Some were very nice .. others not so much.

I went to look a the 3 HW rings posted on here in the past - 1 was a modified cushion brilliant, 1 was a chunky cushion and 1 was a modern cushion brilliant (but might be chunky .. couldn't really tell from the photos).

Now, I am curious - does HW charge the same for all types of cushions? In the outside world, modified cushion brilliants are usually the lowest in price.


Dec 10, 2004
RedRobbin said:
In that regard, I think Harry Winston rings are for the most part extremely beautiful and they are valuable as well. That isn't to say that Maytal Hannah rings aren't.

Although this response isn't directed to me, I just wanted to say that I am not sure what Maytal Hannah has to do with any of this (I would assume this has some reference to my ring). Usually, I would see a name like "Leon Mege" in the place of Maytal Hannah. Maytal is not necessarily known as a hierloom jeweller and I would not put her at the same level as Leon Mege and definetly not Harry Winston. There are reasons why she created this Leon Mege/Harry Winston inspired ring for me but I would rather not discuss them on a public forum.

I don't think anyone disagrees that beauty is in the eye of the beholder and for each of us want and crave something different. Just from this thread, we have seen people that like "crushed ice" and people that don't. I love colorless stones and other people like warmer stone. I need a VS1 and up while others are perfectly happy with SI1s and yet others feel visible inclusions add character. My point is that everyone is different.

I think sometimes people get upset because they are not seeing the two different topics that are being discussed.
Topic 1: "Light performance" is objective and is pure math and physics - light bounces at certain angles and nothing changes that.
Topic 2: "Beauty" is subjective and there are no rules. Beauty also includes our personal perception towards light performance. Some like tiny flashes while others like broader flashes. Some like leakage while others want most of the light reflecting back to them.


Aug 3, 2010
I was thinking of your ring, but not just yours. There are many gorgeous cushion rings. My remarks on light performance are meant to suggest that what one person craves in terms of light performance might not be the same for everyone. Purchasers who buy EC's or diamonds like the Tiffany Legacy aren't going for fire and scintillation. It's a different look, though just as beautiful. Not all cushions do the same thing and not everyone wants the same look to their cushion stone.


Dec 10, 2004
RedRobbin - I think we are in complete agreement and not saying anything different.


Dec 16, 2007
FuturePsyD said:
WOW so much great information! Thank you all for the links, the videos were really so, so helpful! I can't believe how much information there is out there on just 1 type of stone.

I'm really disturbed that, in general, Modified brilliants tend to have a lot more light leakage. My dream ring is the Harry Winston Micropave, and I believe I have spoken to some of you in a previous post, I believe Charmy, about the fact that HW tends to predominantly use Modified Brilliant Cushions in their popular Micropave. I have tried this ring on many times and have really enjoyed it.

I guess my main question is, why would HW use this type of cushion (in their most popular ring) if there are more superior types with greater light performance, fire, etc? I realize you can request a different type of cushion, but I have been told by more than 1 SA that the modified is their bestseller and the one that they use in all their ads.

When I first tried the ring on, awhile back, I was even less informed than I am now. Once I started to read posts on PS, I was very surprised to learn that the modified/crushed ice look is actually perhaps not the best choice. I'm really a novice and, recently when I was back in the store, I did not want to argue with them that I have heard that the crushed ice appearance is perhaps looked down upon. I simply asked if other types were available to which I was told that I could get a brilliant cut stone, but it was more difficult to find.

Of course I realize that it is all a matter of preference, and I tend to appreciate all cushions in their own way! Just curious why such a coveted ring tends to use a not so coveted cut stone?? :confused:

If you love the ring and have tried it on, and you have seen other diamonds and know your preferences, then who cares what is deemed the best by anyone here? Try to see some other styles of cut in person so that you can be sure of your own taste -- it is a large expense and to me it is best to make an informed choice -- but if the HW micro pave ring is your dream then get it and love and and don't give a darn.

If, when you look around, you still want a different type of cushion and the name HW is not your main draw to the ring, then you can also do what others have done and get a cushion elsewhere and have a repro made by Leon or similar.

As to why the ring has a "not coveted" stone, this diamond board is a particular microcosm of the diamond world. Obviously there are fans of that diamond or HW would not use it -- it sells right? Or, maybe their name is what people buy and because HW uses that cut it is popular :loopy: Circular but you get my drift.


Dec 10, 2004
Everyone - stop using me as an example :lol: (seriosuly not upset but find it a bit awkward that everyone is using me on this unrelated topic). I am one of 99% of other PSers who have decided to find their own cushion versus going to HW or another design house. I love brand names and I would have happily purchased a branded e-ring if I found exactly what I am looking for. I continue and will continue to purchase branded jewelery if I like them but I am finding more often that I need to customize. As an example, I am finding that the gemstones I get on my own kicks the butts of what I see in design houses (in my opinion) - every time I walk into a local T&CO .. they are oogling over my pieces but perhaps they are just trying to butter me up for a sale.


Jun 21, 2009
RedRobbin said:
I was thinking of your ring, but not just yours. There are many gorgeous cushion rings. My remarks on light performance are meant to suggest that what one person craves in terms of light performance might not be the same for everyone. Purchasers who buy EC's or diamonds like the Tiffany Legacy aren't going for fire and scintillation. It's a different look, though just as beautiful. Not all cushions do the same thing and not everyone wants the same look to their cushion stone.


Please first reread carefully the first paragraph in my post.

"Optimal light performance does not equal optimal beauty in everyones eyes. A balance of brightness, scintillation, fire, spread, outline shape, symmetry, contrast, color, size of flash are all weighted by each person differently"

Second it would be prudent to seperate a diamond's light performance from a setting they are independant from each other.

Third if you want to get into a debate about comparing branded diamonds like the Tiffany Lucida to the brands most reccomended here in an objective manner, I am willing to do it in other thread, but it is unrelated to Harry Winston diamonds as they do not have proprietary cuts.

Fourth disparaging comments about Maytal Hannah or Leon Mege pieces not being of heirloom quality are your own subjective opinion and would be an insult to Mr. Mege and those who own his pieces as he commonly uses that term in interactions with clients.


Dec 16, 2007
Charmy I edited my post 8) I used you because your ring is most recent and most stunning, but I have edited to be more general.


Dec 10, 2004
Dreamer_D said:
Charmy I edited my post 8) I used you because your ring is most recent and most stunning, but I have edited to be more general.

No worries - DD. Thank you so much for your compliments. PS - I will let you get away with anything :)


Jan 7, 2009
RedRobbin said:
ChunkyCushionLover said:
HW has high standards for beauty as judged by them by their in-house diamond selectors.
But IMO this standard is not nearly as high as someone who focusses on cutting diamonds with precision and light performance in mind.
You may be brainwashed a bit by their marketing and a brand name into thinking that they are supposed to be offering superior diamonds, their overall quality is very good but on a case by case basis you can't always expect a better or as good stone as other brands

You can still do as little or as much work and customization as you like. You could easily pair a brand name diamond with a brand name setting this requires no work.


Pardon me, but I think your remarks are a generalization as to Harry Winston's standards. It is just your opinion but you are writing it as if it is absolute fact. If they had anyone on here I am sure they would vocally disagree with you. Also, on a related note, I think that light performance is just one aspect to how a diamond ring looks in terms of its beauty. And one person's adequate light performance could be over the top to another. Not everyone assesses a diamond's beauty strictly in terms of light performance. And not everyone agrees on the best way to assess light performance, come to that, or what looks best. Some people care about color and clarity along with sparkle. In that regard, I think Harry Winston rings are for the most part extremely beautiful and they are valuable as well. That isn't to say that Maytal Hannah rings aren't. Perhaps you elevate cut, a certain cut style to be precise, as though it is always better. But it might not be better for everyone.
This is almost funny.
Let's see, who do we trust to judge beauty...... Tiffany's, Cartier, Harry Winston Inc, or some anonymous people on the Internet who claim to know better.

Tough one but I'll choose Winston.
I did work there- albeit many years ago, but I still have alot of intimate knowledge of the company
It's still a well run company with worldwide recognition.
The vocal posters here are ...well, they've read a lot online. internet cut experts, for what that's worth. With a clear and obvious bias for particular types of cut- and particular vendors. This is, of course their right- but DO NOT confuse it with any sort of established facts.

These are people's opinion, presented as facts.
I disagree with some vital parts of Jon's ( Rhino's) statement- but in fairness to an open conversation, I'd rather respond directly to him, as opposed to quotes taken from a thread that are out of context.

I "presponded" the the nonsense about false motivations for selling badly cut diamonds. IN many cases Winston buys polished diamonds ( as opposed to rough)- so there's absolutely ZERO motivation to cut badly to save money.


Dec 16, 2007
CharmyPoo said:
Dreamer_D said:
Charmy I edited my post 8) I used you because your ring is most recent and most stunning, but I have edited to be more general.

No worries - DD. Thank you so much for your compliments. PS - I will let you get away with anything :)

;)) I want your ring, can I get away with that?


Jul 27, 2005
CharmyPoo said:
Once you see beautiful stones, it's hard to go back to loving the "so so" stones. But if you haven't seen anything better .. you don't really know anything better.
This says it all. Research, research, research. Not in books or online -- in person. On your hand. Just because something is "Harry Winston" or "Tiffany" doesn't mean its will look the best to *you*. Or to others. Just the attitude of "I can't believe Harry Winston would sell anything less than the best" means you expect the brand to be some kind of quality shortcut that will insure you against all problems etc. Which seems * somewhat logical and *terribly naive at the same time. There are times when brand is a good shortcut. Depending on what your priorities are. If the priority is *recognizable setting* or *branded cut* -- it may be the way to go. If you're looking for the type of cushion that appeals most to your eye -- you'll probably be going elsewhere. SOMETHING HAS TO GIVE. In life it is very unlikely to get all the things you want in one convenient package.


Dec 10, 2004
My theory is "trust but verify". I will never blindly trust a brand name because of their name or rep - same applies to the recommended jewelers and vendors on PS.


Aug 3, 2010
CharmyPoo said:
RedRobbin - I think we are in complete agreement and not saying anything different.
Yes I think so too. BTW, at great risk of redundancy, I seriously love your ring. :love:


Aug 3, 2010
CharmyPoo said:
Everyone - stop using me as an example :lol: (seriosuly not upset but find it a bit awkward that everyone is using me on this unrelated topic). I am one of 99% of other PSers who have decided to find their own cushion versus going to HW or another design house. I love brand names and I would have happily purchased a branded e-ring if I found exactly what I am looking for. I continue and will continue to purchase branded jewelery if I like them but I am finding more often that I need to customize. As an example, I am finding that the gemstones I get on my own kicks the butts of what I see in design houses (in my opinion) - every time I walk into a local T&CO .. they are oogling over my pieces but perhaps they are just trying to butter me up for a sale.

Maybe a little of both. LOL


Aug 3, 2010
Dreamer_D said:
FuturePsyD said:
WOW so much great information! Thank you all for the links, the videos were really so, so helpful! I can't believe how much information there is out there on just 1 type of stone.

I'm really disturbed that, in general, Modified brilliants tend to have a lot more light leakage. My dream ring is the Harry Winston Micropave, and I believe I have spoken to some of you in a previous post, I believe Charmy, about the fact that HW tends to predominantly use Modified Brilliant Cushions in their popular Micropave. I have tried this ring on many times and have really enjoyed it.

I guess my main question is, why would HW use this type of cushion (in their most popular ring) if there are more superior types with greater light performance, fire, etc? I realize you can request a different type of cushion, but I have been told by more than 1 SA that the modified is their bestseller and the one that they use in all their ads.

When I first tried the ring on, awhile back, I was even less informed than I am now. Once I started to read posts on PS, I was very surprised to learn that the modified/crushed ice look is actually perhaps not the best choice. I'm really a novice and, recently when I was back in the store, I did not want to argue with them that I have heard that the crushed ice appearance is perhaps looked down upon. I simply asked if other types were available to which I was told that I could get a brilliant cut stone, but it was more difficult to find.

Of course I realize that it is all a matter of preference, and I tend to appreciate all cushions in their own way! Just curious why such a coveted ring tends to use a not so coveted cut stone?? :confused:

If you love the ring and have tried it on, and you have seen other diamonds and know your preferences, then who cares what is deemed the best by anyone here? Try to see some other styles of cut in person so that you can be sure of your own taste -- it is a large expense and to me it is best to make an informed choice -- but if the HW micro pave ring is your dream then get it and love and and don't give a darn.

If, when you look around, you still want a different type of cushion and the name HW is not your main draw to the ring, then you can also do what others have done and get a cushion elsewhere and have a repro made by Leon or similar.

As to why the ring has a "not coveted" stone, this diamond board is a particular microcosm of the diamond world. Obviously there are fans of that diamond or HW would not use it -- it sells right? Or, maybe their name is what people buy and because HW uses that cut it is popular :loopy: Circular but you get my drift.

I do agree with this. I have seen that ring in person, though I am not sure what style cushion it was. Very white and sparkled a lot was all I could say for sure. :love:


Aug 3, 2010
Rockdiamond said:
RedRobbin said:
ChunkyCushionLover said:
HW has high standards for beauty as judged by them by their in-house diamond selectors.
But IMO this standard is not nearly as high as someone who focusses on cutting diamonds with precision and light performance in mind.
You may be brainwashed a bit by their marketing and a brand name into thinking that they are supposed to be offering superior diamonds, their overall quality is very good but on a case by case basis you can't always expect a better or as good stone as other brands

You can still do as little or as much work and customization as you like. You could easily pair a brand name diamond with a brand name setting this requires no work.


Pardon me, but I think your remarks are a generalization as to Harry Winston's standards. It is just your opinion but you are writing it as if it is absolute fact. If they had anyone on here I am sure they would vocally disagree with you. Also, on a related note, I think that light performance is just one aspect to how a diamond ring looks in terms of its beauty. And one person's adequate light performance could be over the top to another. Not everyone assesses a diamond's beauty strictly in terms of light performance. And not everyone agrees on the best way to assess light performance, come to that, or what looks best. Some people care about color and clarity along with sparkle. In that regard, I think Harry Winston rings are for the most part extremely beautiful and they are valuable as well. That isn't to say that Maytal Hannah rings aren't. Perhaps you elevate cut, a certain cut style to be precise, as though it is always better. But it might not be better for everyone.
This is almost funny.
Let's see, who do we trust to judge beauty...... Tiffany's, Cartier, Harry Winston Inc, or some anonymous people on the Internet who claim to know better.

Tough one but I'll choose Winston.
I did work there- albeit many years ago, but I still have alot of intimate knowledge of the company
It's still a well run company with worldwide recognition.
The vocal posters here are ...well, they've read a lot online. internet cut experts, for what that's worth. With a clear and obvious bias for particular types of cut- and particular vendors. This is, of course their right- but DO NOT confuse it with any sort of established facts.

These are people's opinion, presented as facts.
I disagree with some vital parts of Jon's ( Rhino's) statement- but in fairness to an open conversation, I'd rather respond directly to him, as opposed to quotes taken from a thread that are out of context.

I "presponded" the the nonsense about false motivations for selling badly cut diamonds. IN many cases Winston buys polished diamonds ( as opposed to rough)- so there's absolutely ZERO motivation to cut badly to save money.

Interesting. I am glad you chimed in. I always like it when you pop by a thread to give your thoughts. Thanks.


Jan 7, 2009
FuturePsyD said:
WOW so much great information! Thank you all for the links, the videos were really so, so helpful! I can't believe how much information there is out there on just 1 type of stone.

I'm really disturbed that, in general, Modified brilliants tend to have a lot more light leakage. My dream ring is the Harry Winston Micropave, and I believe I have spoken to some of you in a previous post, I believe Charmy, about the fact that HW tends to predominantly use Modified Brilliant Cushions in their popular Micropave. I have tried this ring on many times and have really enjoyed it.

I guess my main question is, why would HW use this type of cushion (in their most popular ring) if there are more superior types with greater light performance, fire, etc? I realize you can request a different type of cushion, but I have been told by more than 1 SA that the modified is their bestseller and the one that they use in all their ads.

When I first tried the ring on, awhile back, I was even less informed than I am now. Once I started to read posts on PS, I was very surprised to learn that the modified/crushed ice look is actually perhaps not the best choice. I'm really a novice and, recently when I was back in the store, I did not want to argue with them that I have heard that the crushed ice appearance is perhaps looked down upon. I simply asked if other types were available to which I was told that I could get a brilliant cut stone, but it was more difficult to find.

Of course I realize that it is all a matter of preference, and I tend to appreciate all cushions in their own way! Just curious why such a coveted ring tends to use a not so coveted cut stone?? :confused:

Hi FuturePsyD,
"Light Leakage" is a phenomenon which is mischaracterized here constantly.
Kind of like misdiagnosing illness.
"With those angles there's going to be a lot of leakage under the table"- written by people not even looking at the diamond.
The phrase is used in a few gemological articles, and taken totally out of context here, and very frequently.
Leakage is part of a diamond's cut- all diamonds leak a certain amount of light. many times this aspect is integral to the look people love.
If you see dark areas in a stone, and they bother you, it's not a stone for you.

"Light Performance" is another misleading term. It's equivalent to Ford saying their cars have more "Zing" than Chevy. It's an advertising term disguised as some sort of fact.
No question buyers need to use their eye to decide if they feel that crushed ice is to their liking. No question you should look at a lot of stones before plunking down the money. Just because the store selling the stone has a great reputation does not guarantee you'll love it.

NO question that it's a damn shame that people here misusing terminology and concepts can cause shoppers to question what their eyes tell them- or to place doubt in people who already own "crushed ice" stones picked based on visual characteristics.

Personally, I feel that the design you've chosen looks amazing with a beautiful "crushed ice" cushion.

You're quite welcome RR :wavey:


Jun 21, 2009

There is plenty of information about the Lucida and other proprietary cuts from the PS search if you want to find it:

On the Lucida

Comprehensive explanations of diamond properties and the AGSL cut grading and light performance metrics

These sources will put into perspective what I mean by modern methods of diamond selection and cut design.


Dec 10, 2004
Rockdiamond said:
"Light Performance" is another misleading term. It's equivalent to Ford saying their cars have more "Zing" than Chevy. It's an advertising term disguised as some sort of fact.

Would you be happier if I used the term "light return" instead?


Apr 4, 2010
so when AGS grades 'light performance'...that is just advertising?


Aug 17, 2010

I am fascinated that you were employed at HW in the past. I do agree with you that the Micropave does look beautiful with the "crushed ice cushion." PS has about 4 posters with this ring, that I've seen, and from what I understand each has had a different type of cushion in their ring. However, my uneducated eye has not been able to see a big difference in their rings. :confused:

Are you able to give me any advice on what to ask my SA regarding the different types of cushions, so that I am able to make an educated decision? As others have posted, they do tend to show the Micropave with the modified cushion the majority of the time. Also, what is your opinion of the Micropave with a radiant stone? (I was told, by the SA, this was their 2nd best seller??)

I have to admit, I did want to take a short cut to getting a wonderful ring (stone, setting, craftsmanship, etc) by simply paying more and trusting that I will be purchasing a superior item. I don't believe I will be purchasing a perfect product by any means, but simply trusting the big designer more than I trust myself (given I know only the simple basics). I was willing to pay for expertise. But now, I realize that there are tricks to navigating my way, even in HW, in order to get what I want.


Dec 10, 2004
If you follow RockDiamond's posts, his motto is to trust your eyes and not listen to internet posters. His response is clear - go look at the diamonds and pick the one that appeals to you more. At this point, you have made up your mind so that is really the only thing left to do is to go pick one out. We can talk and tell you about the different types of cushions until the cows come home .. but I don't think it really matters at all.

You, like many others, want to buy a diamond that comes with a name you can trust and want the approval of others that you got a good diamond. Just forget all that and buy what pleases you - we are just a bunch of internet people and our opinion really means nothing at all as long as you are happy. My suggestion is that only post on Show Me the Bling after you get your ring so you won't get all the extra opinions that you might not want.


Jun 21, 2009
Rockdiamond said:
FuturePsyD said:
WOW so much great information! Thank you all for the links, the videos were really so, so helpful! I can't believe how much information there is out there on just 1 type of stone.

If you are really interested in comparing cushion cuts and comparing how they return light, perform a little research on your own, I had a lot of fun doing this before settling on my wife's diamond.

Grab a kit like this ASET + Light Tray + Tweezers, and go to stores like Harry Winston, Debeers, Cartier and take a look at their diamonds through a structured lighting reflector like the ASET scope. If they will let you take a picture through the scope so you can compare later. Using a handheld device like this helps to standardize the lighting from one store to the next.

Compare what you see inside the ASET with what you see in real life(under various lighting, natural, lowlighting, under strong jewelry lights etc) , with practice you will notice the correlation between brightness and the amount of red seen in the crown of the diamond as viewed through the handheld eyepiece.

Once you are comfortable with what the ASET is displaying take a look at online ASET images and compare the appearance of these as compared to what you saw in person.

You can then draw your own conclusions as to how the different diamonds compare in terms of brightness.
For more information on ASET you can read the links I provided in the post to RedRobbin above.


Mar 28, 2001
RedRobbin said:
Rockdiamond said:
Many people LOVE the "crushed ice look"- and I for one find the best cut Crushed Ice (Cushion Modified Brilliant) to be every bit as bright as an 8 Main Cushion brilliant which is favored by the most vocal posters here. With a lot more scintillation as the smaller flashes are...faster- almost tricking the eye- creating a bottomless pit sort of look- I love it. In the best cases, this texture covers the stone from stem to stern ( girdle to girdle)
It's almost funny how clear the bias is on this forum- in favor of "chunkier flashes"
I think your question is one that many readers have- the preferences are so strongly stated I honestly believe most people are afraid to ask.

Yes, there is only one right answer to certain questions as preordained by _________________. I left it blank because I don't honestly know the identity of who is deciding what the right answers are, but I can see that they have legions of enforcers. And I have seen when vendors disagree with the "right answer" what happens: Watch out. That's what.

Ouch. Apparently these posts are aimed at me. Hopefully Dave and RR you have read my post that CCL posted (thank you CCL) because there is a crushed ice appearance I do in fact like very much and am not disparaging all diamonds described with this nomenclature, (not that you are looking to find common ground with me) but wanted to clarify that I differentiate between a "bright crushed ice" appearance due to fine optics vs a "watery crushed ice" which is commonly found in the world of cushions cuts and many radiants (as Grossbard himself pointed out in a prior thread).

Dave, the "bias for chunkier flashes" have been happening on these forums for a very long time and is nothing new. Long before we began cutting our products. In case you haven't noticed there is a resurgence and demand for vintage faceted and antique type diamonds. People love their charm, their character and their personality, particularly the broad facet design, the tall crowns, small tables etc. I simply utilized what knowledge I had acquired in optical technologies to optimize this facet design and create a unique product to give what I feel these vintage facet designs can offer in way of light performance.

I would emphasize to you and RedRobin that this is not the only type of optics I am passionate about. I do not promote only one type of shape and one type of cutting style. I am particular about cut quality but I am not so limited in my scope that I do not enjoy (and in fact feature) the many varied appearances that different shapes and cutting styles offer so please do not paint me in that light. Hopefully my post that CCL posted here clarifies this for you.

Otherwise, hope this post finds you well Dave. We may differ on opinions from time to time but we've always been cool with each other unless you're holding some grudge on me I'm unaware of. :confused:

Kindest regards,


Apr 30, 2005



Aug 3, 2010

KENNY!!! LOL!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:

That's classic. What a great note to head off to bed on. Thanks and goodnight. :wavey:


Apr 4, 2010
RR-just to clarify, my diamond was not from GOG but I did use their videos and tutorials to help me make an informed decision. Nothing against GOG but we were able to find the diamond locally which worked for us.
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