
Coronavirus in Europe


Feb 24, 2017
Personally, I’d rather wear a mask and socially distance for however long it takes in order to protect myself and others, preferable to being hooked up to a ventillator with tubes coming out of every orifice, or beIng responsible for other people’s death by being cavalier about the virus. We’re in an area where new infections are not running rife, but because people in other areas haven’t been considerate enough to follow the guidelines, we’re in another lockdown. We haven’t seen our son since December 29h 2019, and have no idea when we’ll be able to see him again. We won’t be able to see our friends either for at least another month, probably longer.

Frankly if it takes forcing people to be responsible, I don’t care, we’ve abided by all the restrictions and are being penalised by others stupidity.

Ally T

Oct 24, 2012
We have been ruthless with precautions, masks, sanitiser, distancing etc, but I had to take my 11 year old for testing this morning. Yesterday she was complaining of not feeling well, but wasn't able to describe exactly how, just that she didn't feel right. By last night she had a nasty headache, a fever, sweating, shivering & a temp of 38.9. This is REALLY quite high for her as she is a lizard, generally having a temp of 35.8. This morning she was dizzy, still had the headache & a temp of 37.9, still high for her, which didn't come down any further. I suspect she just has a bug, as she spends every spare minute playing in the fields, in the cold & the wind. If I had a penny for everytime I've told her to put a coat on, then I'd be loaded. But anyway I had to chat to her about making the right, responsible decision to get tested, despite her being horrified at the thought.

I was dreading booking the test after all the horror stories a few months back of there not being any slots available anywhere, but we got a test for within the hour at a mobile unit in the nearest town. It was uncomfortable & the pushing in her nose made her cry, but over quickly. And now we wait 24 - 48 hours. We are all due back to school tomorrow, so I have contacted her High School & the Primary my youngest attends, which is also where I work, as we have to all have to isolate until we have the results. And now we wait............ And hope that she's negative!


Jun 30, 2014
Hoping for a negative test result and that she feels better soon @Alex T...and that the rest of your family stays healthy.

Daisys and Diamonds

Apr 30, 2019
We have been ruthless with precautions, masks, sanitiser, distancing etc, but I had to take my 11 year old for testing this morning. Yesterday she was complaining of not feeling well, but wasn't able to describe exactly how, just that she didn't feel right. By last night she had a nasty headache, a fever, sweating, shivering & a temp of 38.9. This is REALLY quite high for her as she is a lizard, generally having a temp of 35.8. This morning she was dizzy, still had the headache & a temp of 37.9, still high for her, which didn't come down any further. I suspect she just has a bug, as she spends every spare minute playing in the fields, in the cold & the wind. If I had a penny for everytime I've told her to put a coat on, then I'd be loaded. But anyway I had to chat to her about making the right, responsible decision to get tested, despite her being horrified at the thought.

I was dreading booking the test after all the horror stories a few months back of there not being any slots available anywhere, but we got a test for within the hour at a mobile unit in the nearest town. It was uncomfortable & the pushing in her nose made her cry, but over quickly. And now we wait 24 - 48 hours. We are all due back to school tomorrow, so I have contacted her High School & the Primary my youngest attends, which is also where I work, as we have to all have to isolate until we have the results. And now we wait............ And hope that she's negative!

Hopefully negative for covid 19 and on the mend soon


Dec 12, 2006
@Alex T I hope she is negative...I know the agony of waiting! I had to do that over the summer with my son, his was negative, so positive dust coming your way!


Jan 9, 2015
Fingers crossed @Alex T !!! We've had a similar scare. ALL symptoms of CV except loss of taste &smell. We self isolated and all and the test came back negative
. . The good old "cold" Is still out there!

But those were a LONG few days !!


Jun 8, 2008
@Alex T bucketloads of healing vibes and well wishes going your and your DD’s way. (((Hugs))).


Aug 27, 2011
My poor dad‘s just been admitted to hospital and because he has a temp they’re assuming COVID until proved otherwise :((. 2020 has been the biggest, suckiest rollercoaster EVER.

Ally T

Oct 24, 2012
Fingers crossed @Alex T !!! We've had a similar scare. ALL symptoms of CV except loss of taste &smell. We self isolated and all and the test came back negative
. . The good old "cold" Is still out there!

But those were a LONG few days !!

Feels like it's been ages already! And she's terrified she may have it & die, and pass it to me & daddy so that we die too. Children have been exposed to so much about this & become so fearful as a result - it breaks my heart. I've reassured her that if she HAS got it, then this is probably the worst it will be for her. We've chatted about if Covid didn't exist, would she feel so fearful about being a bit under the weather, and obviously she said no, she wouldn't be worried at all.

@Snowdrop13 Big hugs to you ((( ))) Healing dust & wishes for your dad.

Ally T

Oct 24, 2012
Thank you @Alex T and @Tartansparkles you are very kind. Fingers crossed he is ok, hate not being able to visit.

Remember that they can deal with this SO much better now. Can you phone him regularly? I'm sure you'd both appreciate being able to chat often.


Jan 9, 2015
My poor dad‘s just been admitted to hospital and because he has a temp they’re assuming COVID until proved otherwise :((. 2020 has been the biggest, suckiest rollercoaster EVER.

I'm sorry @snowdrop! Healing vines tow your dad!

Ally T

Oct 24, 2012
Hope's test results have just come through - NEGATIVE. (Wasn't expecting the system to process it that quickly :oops2:)

I actually went & woke her up to let her know, as she was very teary in her bed when she went up. She is SO relieved & says she's never been happier to be under the weather, bless her sweaty, cotton pyjamas.


Jan 9, 2015
Feels like it's been ages already! And she's terrified she may have it & die, and pass it to me & daddy so that we die too. Children have been exposed to so much about this & become so fearful as a result - it breaks my heart. I've reassured her that if she HAS got it, then this is probably the worst it will be for her. We've chatted about if Covid didn't exist, would she feel so fearful about being a bit under the weather, and obviously she said no, she wouldn't be worried at all.

@Snowdrop13 Big hugs to you ((( ))) Healing dust & wishes for your dad.

Poor girl! This situation is so hard for the children all around. I hope she's going to get the all clear FAST.
What's the typical delay for the results ATM? Here there used to be backlogs, but with the new ultra rapid tests etc it's mostly 24 h, 48 tops. Which is impressive given we do 2 m tests/week...
Did you get an appointment easily? We had to wait one day for an appointment. One can go without an appointment anytime, no problem, but we couldn't really imagine to have to wait outside with a sick person (fever, chills, sore muscles, headaches, fatigue..)... So we all isolated one day more in order to get an appointment with hardly any waiting...

We're going back to school tomorrow with a tightened covid protocol AND on highest terror alert possible.
It's going to be ... interesting for the kids.

Teachers are freaking out about Covid AND about the teacher who was killed over a free speech class.

So generally not in a good mood.
I'm worried, but keeping a cheerful face down the kids...


Jan 9, 2015
Hope's test results have just come through - NEGATIVE. (Wasn't expecting the system to process it that quickly :oops2:)

I actually went & woke her up to let her know, as she was very teary in her bed when she went up. She is SO relieved & says she's never been happier to be under the weather, bless her sweaty, cotton pyjamas.

:appl: :appl: :appl: :appl:

Great news!!! What a relief!!

Ally T

Oct 24, 2012
:appl: :appl: :appl: :appl:

Great news!!! What a relief!!

Thank you! I booked her appoint online & got a slot within the hour in the next town. It was drive through, so I loaded her up & off we went. So the test was at noon & results at 10pm same day. I am stunned at the efficiency if I'm honest, as the UK testing system has had really bad press. Couldn't fault today, though.


Jan 9, 2015

My doctor friends have rapid tests now. 45 minutes.

This is great news: the faster the testing is the more efficient and faster isolation will be.

Thank you! I booked her appoint online & got a slot within the hour in the next town. It was drive through, so I loaded her up & off we went. So the test was at noon & results at 10pm same day. I am stunned at the efficiency if I'm honest, as the UK testing system has had really bad press. Couldn't fault today, though.

Ally T

Oct 24, 2012
Poor girl! This situation is so hard for the children all around. I hope she's going to get the all clear FAST.
What's the typical delay for the results ATM? Here there used to be backlogs, but with the new ultra rapid tests etc it's mostly 24 h, 48 tops. Which is impressive given we do 2 m tests/week...
Did you get an appointment easily? We had to wait one day for an appointment. One can go without an appointment anytime, no problem, but we couldn't really imagine to have to wait outside with a sick person (fever, chills, sore muscles, headaches, fatigue..)... So we all isolated one day more in order to get an appointment with hardly any waiting...

We're going back to school tomorrow with a tightened covid protocol AND on highest terror alert possible.
It's going to be ... interesting for the kids.

Teachers are freaking out about Covid AND about the teacher who was killed over a free speech class.

So generally not in a good mood.
I'm worried, but keeping a cheerful face down the kids...

Good luck at school drop off tomorrow. The terror in France at the moment is horrible & is headline news here. Stay safe.


Feb 24, 2017
Thank goodness @Alex T, what a relief. Our friends went through this recently as they were contacted through Track & Trace, they were negative too. The press have a lot to answer for scaring people into thinking it’s all terrible. Hoping for good news for your Dad @Snowdrop13.

Daisys and Diamonds

Apr 30, 2019
My poor dad‘s just been admitted to hospital and because he has a temp they’re assuming COVID until proved otherwise :((. 2020 has been the biggest, suckiest rollercoaster EVER.

Oh Snowdrop that's no good
Poor Dad
Hooefully they'll have him right and he'll be back home soon

Daisys and Diamonds

Apr 30, 2019
Hope's test results have just come through - NEGATIVE. (Wasn't expecting the system to process it that quickly :oops2:)

I actually went & woke her up to let her know, as she was very teary in her bed when she went up. She is SO relieved & says she's never been happier to be under the weather, bless her sweaty, cotton pyjamas.

Oh thank goodness
Get well soon Hope
Its good the testing system was efficient


Jun 8, 2008
I live in what is supposed to be a free country. I did not agree to this. We are not 'guilty' of having Covid until we prove our innocence - that position is a fundamental and far-reaching reversal of our hard-fought 'innocent until proven guilty' ethos in this country.

@OoohShiny I don’t disagree. But only up to a point. As others have written once we become sick with Covid 19 we put others at risk. That isn’t ok. If only people could be trusted to “do the right thing” and quarantine if sick.

Unfortunately not all people are willing (for whatever reason) to play by the Covid rules so then the government steps in. It is shocking having one’s freedom to move about etc controlled by the government but it’s necessary because of the people who refuse to cooperate. So we all pay the price.

Of course, as it stands now in the USA the people refuse to have their rights curtailed. Unlike other countries. I am concerned about our future. Only time will tell.

I just wanted to reply to your post letting you know yes. I get how you are feeling. My first instinct is no. I too don’t want to be told I must stay home and have it forced upon me. But when I examine it further I realize it’s for the greater good and it will not be forever. That is something we should all focus on.

The measures taken now are temporary and hopefully they will work in minimizing Covid 19 new cases and we can resume lives as before once this pandemic is over or at least better controlled.
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