
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers


Mar 20, 2003
Amber, we've had a couple ant infestations in our house too. Can you find out where they are getting into the house by following the trail to its origin? In both cases ours were coming in through cracks in our wooden window frames (house is over 90 years old). First, I left out liquid Terro on little pieces of cardboard (you don't want to put it right on the floor/sill/whatever because it's sticky, and you don't want the kind where the ants have to crawl into a bait because they might not) right in the ants' path. This causes a giant swarm of ants to come and feast on the poison, which they will take back to the nest where it will kill the rest of them. Then, once you don't see any more ants, you caulk the area where they were getting in. No more ants for us! If you just use the Terro but don't seal up where they're getting in, they'll eventually regroup and come back, and you don't to have to keep reusing the Terro with pets and children around.

Meresel, glad you are feeling better!

Vizla, wow, I don't think I could wear my fat pants right now just because they wouldn't stay up (thankfully I don't think I've outgrown them in the thigh/butt, but I just don't think they'd be comfortable even unbuttoned with a bella band)!

drk, congrats on the house! So was it the city house or the suburban house? Congrats either way! I'm glad to hear the bleeding has stopped and that your doctors are so confident everything is fine. You should be too, seriously!

Ditto November on not buying too many maternity clothes ahead of time. It wasn't just my belly that grew -- butt and thighs and everything else. And some shirts are too short now. I've got 4 weeks to go, so everyone will have to forgive me for wearing my same outfits over and over. And pants are more comfortable than skirts, so I'm just going to alternate my two pairs of pants and hope no one notices/minds! (I wash them every time though.)

But actually, my sister gave birth to her baby girl today!!! She was induced, so this is not a surprise. She came in at 7 pounds, 5 ounces, the biggest of my sister's three children (but who can complain about 7 lb. 5 oz.?). An U/S around 36 weeks had projected that she would be more like 9 pounds, but you always hear people say, oh yeah, the U/S said my baby would be gigantic, then she was just 7 pounds . . .

So I'll be getting some maternity clothes from her this weekend and can mix up my tired wardrobe a little bit. She says she has medium petite Motherhood jeans I can have. I didn't want to spend the money when I have a pair of khakis already, but jeans will be nice for the next few weeks with the weather getting cooler. Yay!

Tomorrow I have the day off because I could only schedule my 36 week appointment and pediatrician meet and greet for odd times. I'm trying not to use my days off now but there was no way around it. At least I'll get a three day weekend out of it! We're having an U/S because of my uterus measuring 33 cm. at both the 32 and 34 week appointments. I've been warned that you don't get the same cute full body shots that you get earlier in pregnancy, but I am glad that we'll be making sure she's more vertical than transverse and checking on her size. But I'm prepared not to believe their estimates too much since everyone always says they're not very accurate.

DH and I have a date planned tomorrow night before we go up to meet my niece on Saturday. I think he's been getting the hint that I wish he were around more, but I know I'll just have to speak my mind when I think he's doing too much since toning things down for him still involves lots of errands and working out, so he can still be gone for a big portion of each night just doing those things.

Hmmm, I'm having the crampy feeling again. That's the third time this week. I guess this is normal for 36 weeks. It is a relief to know that if I were to go into labor now, there'd likely be few if any complications.

lover in athens

May 21, 2006
just de-lurking to add another story of PTL...
i started having BHs at around 17 weeks. at 26 weeks, they were happening about every 3-5 minutes. i went to L&D and had a couple shots of terbutaline as well. i went on weekly visits, and modified bedrest, until 28 weeks when i started dilating. my cervix never actually shortened significantly, but i was put on strict bedrest until week 36. coby arrive safe and sound at 36.5 weeks too! i continued to have TONS of contractions the entire 10 weeks of bedrest. ihad to go to L&D about 5 times to be monitored/get terbutaline/high dose motrin (which also can be used to stop PTL prior to 30 weeks), and IVFs (despite flooding myself with water constantly). NOT FUN...but we made it to almost full term as well...just wanted to echo the other ladies...GO TO L&D if you have cramping (esp with a short cervix!!!!)...



Mar 22, 2008
Sorry to make this post me-centered---hope everyone doesn''t mind

I''m 33 weeks today and we had two doctor''s appointments.

First we met with the nutritionist and my husband went on and on about any bad eating habits I had (even mentioning stuff I haven''t eaten in months!) which is fine---we were there for a reason after all and I wasn''t going to lie about anything. But he made himself sound so wonderful and in control when he is a million times worse than I am! So we had this huge blow up fight later on about that and some other things---my hormones finally reared their ugly head apparently. We are completely fine now though we talked things through.

At the second DA we did all the normal things--Heartbeat was 155, Measuring at 34 weeks which she said was fine. I might have a UTI though so she said she would let me know sometime tomorrow if I had one for sure. I have to do the Group B Strep test next appointment though...I gave my DH the heads up about it

Anyways, then we ran around all over town today buying up everything we needed to finish the nursery! It looks so fantastic and I can''t wait to get some pictures uploaded to show everyone. We bought the glider and a fake banana tree today and everything looks so clean and neat in the room---I seriously can not even leave the room at times I just sit in the glider and think about Evan.

Any advice on my two cats though? I know they are curious and I''d rather them look around now before the baby gets here---but my husband freaks if they even go near the room sometimes. I just caught one of my kitties in the crib (looking adorable as all get out!) and quickly scooped her up and out of the crib.

I''ll do a less me centered post later on! Hope everyone is doing well!


Mar 15, 2005
Thanks for all the stories about PTL - it gives me a lot of hope to see that lots of you have dealt with it and still gone to over 35 weeks. I''m just so scared that the contractions are starting at 16.5 weeks. Hopefully cutting work back to part-time and taking the first half of next week off will help everything settle down again. I''ll have to ask my second OB about ibuprofen to settle things down tomorrow when I''m asking about the scan. I think I''m starting to notice the tightenings more without feeling my belly, but I don''t know if that''s cause they''re getting stronger or because I''m just getting more sensitive to them. I''m turning into such a worry wart it''s unbelievable. And unfortunately I''ve been told that I can''t go to L&D until after I get past 20 weeks. Before that, I was told to go to the ER

Steph - I''m not really crampy, but I can kind of feel a change in pressure inside, and like snlee said, I notice them more when I lie down and gently feel my uterus.

Somehow I have a sinking feeling I''m going to end up on bedrest and meds. I hope it all works out! If I can make it past 30 weeks, I''ll be really happy. Only 13 to go if that''s my goal.

My belly''s also starting to feel a little weirder as things are growing in there. I''ve got a bit of a pulling feeling over on the left side by my hipbone. And things are starting to feel heavier. Ugh. I''m going to be freaking about every little symptom, I can tell!

snlee - did you notice any contractions earlier on (before 28 weeks)? How short was your cervix when they caught your PTL?

LIA - how often were your BHs coming early on? I''m occasionally having as many as 4-5 an hour, I think, and then they go away for a while. What was your modified bed rest like? How much motrin were you given to calm the waters?

Phoenix - it''s the city house. Couldn''t beat the location, size and cool factor in the end!

I''d better head to bed. Hopefully more sleep and more food and trying to relax will help things settle down. I''m anxious at home, and I''m anxious at work. I''m a wreck!


Nov 18, 2004
Hang in there!!! I am thinking all will be fine, I know you are worried about every twinge, every cramp.... I don''t blame you. But you''ve made it this far, so take a deep breath and try to relax. I know this is hard, but am thinking you are going to do just fine....


Jun 15, 2006
Drk, I''m sure this is so scary for you. Hang in there.

lover in athens

May 21, 2006
they were pretty frequent even when they started, but only when i was paying attention to them. it's funny...i have this VIVID memory of being in hawaii (for my 30th bday, and our 1st wedding anniversary) at 17 wks, and standing in front of the mirror in our hotel room, and just being so in awe of how hard my tummy could feel. but there was a BIG difference between those early ones, and the contrax that i had during the real PTL. the modified bedrest from weeks 26-28 was really just that i was supposed to be sitting/laying down as much as possible, and to really limit any activities. once i started was game over. STRICT bedrest the rest of the way.
given that you're in medicine, you'll appreciate the timing...i went on bedrest literally 3 days prior to my certifying board exams for dermatology. i live in arizona and was scheduled to fly to chicago on a saturday for the test on monday. i spent all day the preceeding tuesday and friday in the hospital, and needless to say, i didn't get to travel for the exam! i had taken 6 weeks off to study exclusively for the SUCKED!! and of course, it's only offered once a year, so i had to take it this august instead (MUCH more difficult to study while in practice and with a crawling kiddo around!!). :)

ok, enough blabbering. hang in there girl!!!

ETA: can't remember exactly how much, but i think it was only like 800mg?? but they don't like using it very often (i think that NSAIDs are cat C or even D)...they won't give them after 30 weeks (or maybe 32??) b/c of possibility of premature closing of the ductus... i don't know if they would use the ibuprofen regularly...i think it's more of a salvage type thing (i was always given it AFTER they had tried terbutaline...if that didn't work). HTHa


Oct 30, 2002
drk.. try to think positive sweetie, don't work yourself up. i know it is easier said than done, but it is so easy to mentally freak yourself out. i don't quite know your history but you are doing great...! steph...same to you... you gals just hang in there and try to stay calm. stress can definitely make your symptoms feel worse. just take one day at a time.

viz thanks for posting your registry..! i have most of the same things on mine... i did have friends tell me the sleep sack is great.

i hate that the bumpers are not safe anymore, so depressing. the mesh ones are not my fave.

tao can't wait to see the nursery.

i went to target today to see mat clothes, blah! nothing great. i just bought a few things in a size larger than i would from mossimo...but no bottoms, ugh. but omg they had the CUTEST little onesies from just one year. i restrained myself but had to come back and add them to my registry. hahaa.

peony hope your boys are getting bigger and stronger!

pg congrats to your sis! and yay for some extra mat clothes...hehe.


Oct 6, 2004
steph, hope the cramps stay away. Keep us posted. I''m interested in finding out what the measurement was that made your dr worry.

drk, a few times I felt my belly tighten into a ball. Aroud 16-17 weeks is when I first felt it I think. But it wasn''t anything very noticable or regular. I also wasn''t sure if it was round ligament pain from my urterus growing. My cervix was at 4cm at 20 weeks then down to 2cm at 28 weeks. Hang in there! It know it''s such a stressful time! Get lots of rest and try your best to relax. Keep us posted!

LIA, all this PTL talk is really bringing back memories of being on bedrest and a scary stressful time. UGH! I really hope we both don''t have to go through this with baby #2. I wonder if our doctors will monitor us more closely next time around since we had PTL. I haven''t asked my OB about that yet. Have you?


Nov 14, 2004
Been MIA. Have a sick, crabby baby. Pedi thinks she got the flu.

Drk & Steph
Hang in there ladies. Try to relax and take it easy. I''ll be thinking of you.

Glad you find the humor in MC and DJ... DH, not so much.

Our friend has the metoo chair; she loves it.
Glad you didn''t budge on the cool mist humidifier. It''s safer for babies, especially when they are mobile.

I am very moody with DH. I''ll just started getting mad over little things. I don''t really get irritating with other people too much, at least not to the point where I''ll start going off. hehe.

Love Olivia''s nursery, especially the little chandelier. I wanted one for Meena''s room, but our ceiling is no high enough.

Congratulations on the house. When are you guys moving in?

Congrats on your new house too.

Congratulations to your sister and the family.
Yay for date night. It''s good for you.

So funny about your DH telling the nutritionist your "bad" habits... b/c DH kept telling my OB that I''ve been eating a lot. But you know what, he''s the one who keeps offering me the food. Evil. hehe.
Evan''s nursery sounds lovely. Can''t wait for the pic.

I don''t like bumper period, but I ended up getting the mesh bumper when Meena became mobile. She was rolling around, and her arms and legs would get between the railing. She also started throwing her paci out of her crib. The mesh bumper kept her from doing all those things.

Sorry about that guy''s comment. People just think they can say whatever is on their mind to a preggo or something. This one guy at work kept telling me that I popped and how much bigger I got from the week before. And I was like "that''s the idea."

Sorry the maternity clothes didn''t work out for you. Maybe you can just buy regular tunics and baby doll type tops in stretchy jersey type materials or one size bigger instead of maternity clothes.
Thanks for the info on flu.


Apr 23, 2008
Happy Friday ladies! I look forward to all the BFP''s

I ran a fever last night, of about 100, and then spent the night sweating it out. I was convinced my poor baby was roasting in there, poor thing. Thankfully I drank lots of water and I had cough drops so I wouldn''t hack up a lung. I''m really hoping I''m not too sick.


Nov 13, 2007
Date: 9/25/2009 9:07:27 AM
Author: MonkeyPie
Happy Friday ladies! I look forward to all the BFP's

I ran a fever last night, of about 100, and then spent the night sweating it out. I was convinced my poor baby was roasting in there, poor thing. Thankfully I drank lots of water and I had cough drops so I wouldn't hack up a lung. I'm really hoping I'm not too sick.

MP- I'm glad you were able to get a handle on things last night. I hope it is just a 24 hour thing.

Well, I have exciting news! I called the doctor's office yesterday to double check my appointment time and agenda for Tuesday, and they said that it was only going to be a checkup.
I had thought it was a little too early to do my NT scan, and they agreed... so, I get to have an ultrasound on Tuesday, and a 20 minute one for the NT scan in 3 weeks!! Woo hoo!! We don't have to wait a month to see our baby again. I'm so excited!!

Happy BPF everyone!!


Jan 20, 2006
Amber, I can''t believe the guys said that to you. what an idiot. Congrats on finding a pediatrician!!!. The latte always makes me feel better!.

Steph and Drk...hang in there gals....I can''t imagine how stressful this is, but being informed and follow directions is really all you can do...

Drk, congrats on the house!!!!

Nov, what a lovely nursery!!! I love girls nurseries!!. I opened up a new thread for baby nurseries, you should post it there so the gals that don''t visit this thread often can take a peek too!

Tao, let''s see pics of your nursery too!!! Sounds beautiful and fun!

Qti, hope your LO feels better soon!!

MP, hope you feel better today!!!


Apr 23, 2008
Meresal, yay for ultrasounds! I am still anxiously awaiting my first one, lucky you!


Jan 20, 2006
here is my contribution...the boys are probably around 5 lbs each now.

Looking at this picture I realized I may be getting a double chin!!!

Seriously...double chin, eczema, huge feet/toes, most of my shirts no longer fit so I''m sporting the mid bare belly look when I don''t have to leave the house, need help getting up from the couch, apparently snoring big time now...and drooling at night!. -- Aren''t I sexy!!!???



Nov 13, 2007
Date: 9/25/2009 9:37:13 AM
Author: MonkeyPie
Meresal, yay for ultrasounds! I am still anxiously awaiting my first one, lucky you!
MP- I'm sorry, I don't remember reading this, but how far along are you? They haven't done a dating U/S yet?

Mandy- Those boys look almost ready!
Still looking great!


Apr 23, 2008
Date: 9/25/2009 9:40:13 AM
Author: meresal
Date: 9/25/2009 9:37:13 AM

Author: MonkeyPie

Meresal, yay for ultrasounds! I am still anxiously awaiting my first one, lucky you!

MP- I''m sorry, I don''t remember reading this, but how far along are you? They haven''t done a dating U/S yet?

Mandy- Those boys look almost ready!
Still looking great!

13 weeks today
I won''t get an ultrasound until week 20, unless they can''t find the heartbeat again next week. Eek.

Mandarine, I think you look awesome considering you have two big healthy boys in there! at least it took you this long to start snoring - according to DH I snore like a freight train now lol.


Jan 20, 2006
Thanks MP :)
and well, apparently I've snoring for a while since pregnant...but now I sound like a hibernating grizzly bear!
DH and I don't even sleep in the same room anymore (for the last 4-5 weeks)....I told him I'm ready to remarry again soon!

ETA: remarry HIM that is...hehe


Aug 23, 2005
drk - what a rollercoaster this week. however, congrats on the new house.. hopefully that provides a little bit of a distraction.

hello ladies. don't have much to post about today... the neighbor's daughter (DH has been doing work on their house) has H1N1. i'm pretty sure DH doesn't as he's super good at remembering to wash his hands, etc. and it's passed thru large droplets.. but also, he's high risk since he has a weakened immune system - so we're waiting to hear from his dr. if he should go on tamiflu or if i should contact my docs. hmmmm what else? woke up and stepped in a pile of dog barf.... and found 3 more piles in the hallway - great! so i had to clean that up this AM while DH continued to sleep. let's just say, that isn't going unnoticed. and apparently there is some doggie version of the flu going around.... yippeeeeeeee
i can only imagine what i'm going to come home to.

i guess that's all.... TGIF, but 5:30 can't come fast enough.

here is my contribution to BPF. i actually remembered to snap a picture at home before work to liven up my bathroom pictures :razz: although this one is the crappiest of them all, go figure.

viz 36 weeks, over and out! my belly has finally grown past my boobs... i guess that means it's public domain now



Jan 20, 2006
viz you look great as always!!!!

Sorry about the doggies and the possible flu scare!...hope it''s nothing!

Congrats on hitting 36 weeks!!...For twin pregnancies that''s a huge I''m counting down my days...and then counting down to 38!!. What''s your actual due date? we may end up sharing birthdays


Aug 23, 2005
i was just coming back to comment on how great you look girlie!
5lbs each is awesome! you look fantastic!

it really makes you shake your head at the woman who delivered the 20lb baby... that would be like having 4 of your LOs in there.... but just one baby! crazy! i don''t know what that actually has to do with you, but i just wanted to share my shock and awe at at 20lb NEWBORN!

tee hee.

it seems like week 37 (full term!) would never come, and now that it''s fast approaching i''m really really feeling less ready than i was a few weeks ago. i think it''s because if baby came now, *technically* everything would be OK and he would probably go home with me etc w/out any complications. however, as far as my psyche is concerned i''m no where near ready for him to come home. part of the reason is that i have a HUGE deadline at work on the 9th of october, so i''ve been busting to get thru all of my workload. my mind is completely occupied with everything BUT baby. i guess it helps that i have stayed super busy and active. aside from the general discomfort, i feel great - so i try not to complain too much.

anyhoodles, the due date is the 18th
- but my midwife is willing to let me go to almost 42 weeks. i''m thinking that is probably going to be the case -baby seems pretty content in there ;-) .. and just to jinx myself even more i scheduled my last ''official'' day of work for the 23rd. am i nuts? why yes, yes i am.


Oct 19, 2005
Love the beliies!!

Mandarine: My toes are sausages now. Seriously, they really look like the "This little piggie" nursery rhyme was based on my toes. The feel of them jiggling when I take a step is enough to make me vomit. What can we do about swollen feet? You should see the stretch marks across my belly, SO GROSS.

Viz: super cute belly! I'm sorry about the neighbor with H1N1, it just chills you thinking about it in such close proximity, doesn't it. I hope DH is okay, and you as well!

MP: I hear ya on the sickness. I'm totally feeling gross this morning, my breathing (asthma) is not well, but I suppose it could be worse. I am so sorry about the fever! Did you take tylenol? Plenty of fluids, rest, yadda yadda.

Meresal: I'm glad you get an ultrasound! The ones in the beginning are my (semi) favorite because you get to see just how much they have grown!

Gtie: I hope M is okay! Poor thing.

Here is my BPF contribution! 31 weeks ahoy! Do I really look gigantic? I feel pretty huge, but I am only five feet tall, so where else can my gigantic baby go?

ETA: I'm wearing a skirt, my butt isn't THAT flat.



Jan 20, 2006
haha! Yes, you are NUTS!!!

I looked at the huge baby too and it made me feel better about myself! hahaha. I said to DH I will try not to complain so much about feeling so least they are not 20 lbs each! hehe ;-)

I also have huge deadlines at work...but I can''t think of anything else other than babies! So i''m the complete opposite. I wish I could concentrate at work, it would make the days go by faster!!!. I need to finalize my yearly review and every time I open it I go blank.


Jan 20, 2006
Amber you look great!!!!!! cute round belly!!!!!

The only thing that helps my feet is putting them up. Thankfully I work from home so I can do this a few times a day while on conference calls...

I''m still managing to be stretch mark free. I have veins EVERYWHERE though..I hope those do go away!


Nov 18, 2004
Great belly pic Amber!!!!


Nov 14, 2004
You look great. Just two more weeks until you get to meet the boys.

Aww no bathroom shot this week. LOL. Very cute. Looks like you had a growth spurt this past week.

I love your belly. Yeah there''s nowhere else for your baby to go but out.

Yay for another u/s! My dr. also do u/s check up for the first few appt until around 11 weeks when you can hear the heartbeats on the doppler. My friend''s dr. does u/s every appt. I am so jealous.

Hope you feel better soon.

And here''s my contribution to BPF. I am 22w1d today. Still a bathroom pic... just at home.



Jan 20, 2006
aww Qti, you look so adorable and tiny!!!!. You''re going to have the cutest tiny bump!!

It''s actually four more weeks for me! 2 weeks until week 36 which is a huge milestone, but hoping for four more to get a couple of chubsters


Nov 13, 2007

Everyone looks great!

qtiekiki- You are still so tiny! Luckily my doctor does a u/s at every appt, but my appts are every 4 weeks. Which is why I was so excited that I will have another in the middle of my 10 week and 14 week. They grow so much in the first trimester, it has just been hard not being able to actually "see" the growth. I just google other people's pictures from the day I am at when I check... which admittedly is almost daily


Oct 30, 2002
31,003 look fab girl, who cares about the double chin and snoring...hahaa. cracks me up how tiny you are, I think my belly is surpassing my boobs now.
QT...omg your belly looks like mine when I just ate a big meal! Love it!
Amber...I love your skirt... it reminds me of the one I have one from AE. So the belly.
MP...actually meresal's comment reminded me that my first US was at 6 weeks (typically at 8 i think but i went in early) they can meausre and date the baby and confirm your conception and due date. i'm surprised that you never had that, and no US til 20 weeks is so far out..!! still boggles my mind.

Viz, curious, why would you want to go to 42 weeks? i am over here going 'boy week 38 would be great'...esp since we were both 8lb+ babies so i have no doubt this kid will be over 8. the longer he's in there the bigger he is when he comes out, yikes. and if he decides he doesn't want to come out i will be like let's schedule inducement as soon as possible. hahaa.

lol meresal, I google other people's pics as well. it's fun! and i would have hated to not see the nugget more often to see growth. it's actually crazily amazing how fast they grow in the first 15 weeks. from that point on he just seems to get 'bigger'.


Mar 20, 2003
I''m back from my doctor''s appointment, and everything with the baby is great.

The good news:

Baby is "still" a girl!
Fluid levels are good.
Baby is measuring 6 lb. 3 oz., or 47th percentile. The doctor thinks she''ll be 7-7.5 lbs.
Baby gave us the "I''m #1!" finger point.
Cervix is closed, and I''m 20% effaced.

The not so good news:

I have a "narrow" birth canal.
The doctor may pull me out of work after my next appointment because of H1N1 at my school.

The doctor is German and not the most effusive or congenial person, so she just said, "Oh wow, it''s tight in there. You''re very narrow. Hmmm. Well, we''ll have to see how that will go. It will be interesting." She held up two fingers pressed together and said that was all she was able to get inside of me. She said that since the baby wasn''t measuring huge, it might be ok, but again, we''d have to wait and see. I have really not wanted to go to the C section route if at all possible, but at this point, I feel much more open to the idea than when all of this was theoretical. I certainly don''t want to get my baby stuck in my apparently ridiculouslly narrow birth canal.

Re leaving work early: That would be fine with me except for the knowledge that time taken before the baby is born is time I can''t take after she is born. So if at my next appointment the doctor says I need to stay home at 37 weeks, then I''d be returning to work a week and a half earlier than planned (since I had built extra time into the equation). That''s not the end of the world, but still a disappointment. I''d rather that the time I''m at home be spent taking care of my little one, not hanging out by myself *just in case.* Still, better safe than sorry, and I trust my doctor. She''s very frank, and I like that about her.

The baby is doing great, and that''s the most important thing. I guess we''ll figure the rest out as we go along.
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