
Baby names you hate


Mar 8, 2009
mayerling|1310630719|2968607 said:
Listen to this: My friend's son has a teacher whose name is Mr Walker. He just named his newborn son Luke Sky :-o

For realz???


Nov 16, 2008
megumic|1310694274|2969301 said:
mayerling|1310630719|2968607 said:
Listen to this: My friend's son has a teacher whose name is Mr Walker. He just named his newborn son Luke Sky :-o

For realz???
Not gonna lie....I kinda think that's pretty badass.


Jan 26, 2003
LALove|1310667574|2968952 said:
Hmm.. I don't think I hate any name... oh I take that back. On a baby forum I'm on, a gal said she knew a little girl named Vaginya.

That goes beyond all bounds, if it is actually true. I couldn't believe that Sonny and Cher actually named their daughter, "Chastity". It was just beyond the pale. It was given as if it were one of the virtues like, "Faith", "Grace", and "Charity" that were traditionally given to girls. It was terribly suggestive and crude. I would far rather be given a name like, "Dweezil" or, "Moon Unit" by Frank Zappa than a suggestive one like, "Chastity" that Sonny and Cher so thoughtlessly doled out!



Feb 8, 2003
Wow, awesome thread. Love how my son's name is specifically mentioned as being hated by association. How can someone be so negative? So do you treat boys with that name like crap?


Mar 4, 2010
megumic|1310694274|2969301 said:
mayerling|1310630719|2968607 said:
Listen to this: My friend's son has a teacher whose name is Mr Walker. He just named his newborn son Luke Sky :-o

For realz???



Jul 30, 2007
I have never heard Nevaeh anywhere except PS! I guess we don't live in a very religious place?

I am not huge into super trendy names, although I do love the classics even if they're popular. I love nicknames, as well. I'm an Elizabeth personally but I go by Liz and my family and husband call me Lizzie.

I have to say that the thing that I really hate is when names get pop culture connotations. For example, I love the name Isabelle, but after twilight I would never use it.

This came up in a conversation with friends one time and within the space of 5 minutes one girl told us that she hated my middle name (Kaitlin, which is also my sister-in-law's name), my mother's name (Kathleen) and my husband's mother's name (Deborah) because they all sounded white trash. I was so astounded that someone would say that but I guess some people have really visceral reactions to some names.


Apr 21, 2010
mayerling|1310732150|2969542 said:
megumic|1310694274|2969301 said:
mayerling|1310630719|2968607 said:
Listen to this: My friend's son has a teacher whose name is Mr Walker. He just named his newborn son Luke Sky :-o

For realz???


That just made my day! :D

Guilty Pleasure

May 16, 2008
MC|1310706731|2969433 said:
Wow, awesome thread. Love how my son's name is specifically mentioned as being hated by association. How can someone be so negative? So do you treat boys with that name like crap?



Dec 18, 2007
MC|1310706731|2969433 said:
Wow, awesome thread. Love how my son's name is specifically mentioned as being hated by association. How can someone be so negative? So do you treat boys with that name like crap?

oh relax MC, for the most part people have been pretty courteous in this thread - no need to take it personally that someone dislikes a name that you like. Someone on this thread also specifically hates my husband's name by association, but who cares. I honestly think that everyone can remember someone from childhood or even adulthood who's name makes you cringe a little as a result of your experience. That doesn't mean they would treat other people with the same name poorly, just that they wouldn't use it for their own child. Your leap between the two ideas is reaching pretty far....

Just be glad you didn't name your child nevaeh and then come on here and read this thread!!!!


Mar 24, 2007
I bet there's at least ONE person on PS who named their daughter Nevaeh! :tongue: Come out, come out, whoever you are!


Aug 12, 2005
Jstarfireb: my grandmother's name was Neva. My mother's middle name is Neva. I have considered using the name "Neva" as a middle name if we have a daughter. Has nothing to do with "heaven" spelled backwards, but is close and apparently distasteful to some...

(Not that YOU were saying it was distasteful!)

We all have our likes and dislikes, connotations, positive or negative, etc. It's all good.

"Neva \n(e)-va\ as a girl's name is of Latin origin, and the meaning of Neva is "snow". From the word "nivis". Nevada, the name of the American state, means "snowfall". Actress Neve Campbell.

Neva has 4 variant forms: Nevada, Nevara, Neve and Nieves.

For more information, see also the related name Neiva. "


Apr 6, 2006
jstarfireb|1310789909|2970212 said:
I bet there's at least ONE person on PS who named their daughter Nevaeh! :tongue: Come out, come out, whoever you are!
Not me, but I know a young couple whose last name is Lee and they named their daughter Heaven. Ugh! :twirl:


Apr 2, 2006
swingirl|1310808502|2970297 said:
jstarfireb|1310789909|2970212 said:
I bet there's at least ONE person on PS who named their daughter Nevaeh! :tongue: Come out, come out, whoever you are!
Not me, but I know a young couple whose last name is Lee and they named their daughter Heaven. Ugh! :twirl:



Dec 14, 2007
violet3|1310778910|2970128 said:
MC|1310706731|2969433 said:
Wow, awesome thread. Love how my son's name is specifically mentioned as being hated by association. How can someone be so negative? So do you treat boys with that name like crap?

oh relax MC, for the most part people have been pretty courteous in this thread - no need to take it personally that someone dislikes a name that you like. Someone on this thread also specifically hates my husband's name by association, but who cares. I honestly think that everyone can remember someone from childhood or even adulthood who's name makes you cringe a little as a result of your experience. That doesn't mean they would treat other people with the same name poorly, just that they wouldn't use it for their own child. Your leap between the two ideas is reaching pretty far....

Just be glad you didn't name your child nevaeh and then come on here and read this thread!!!!
No need to be a drama queen MC. I think everyone has done a great job in this thread at being courteous and considerate of other people's feelings. I have a couple names in mind for our daughter that I've been reconsidering based on some of the (valid!) thoughts here (Will people know how to pronounce it? Will she get made fun of? What cruel variations can kids use to make fun of her with? What will her nickname probably end up being?). I'm actually grateful that this thread came up--a name is not something you get a do-over with unless you change it legally later in life. And there is always going to be someone out there who doesn't like a name. I don't like my own name!



Apr 2, 2006
MC|1310706731|2969433 said:
Wow, awesome thread. Love how my son's name is specifically mentioned as being hated by association. How can someone be so negative? So do you treat boys with that name like crap?

MC - taking your comment at face value - there are names I'm not crazy about, and there are name combinations that I just don't get (why on would Mr. and Mrs Phillips name their son "Phil", for example). But when I'm interacting with an individual that's just what I'm doing... I'm not interacting with their name. And the same is true (especially true) of kids and babies. Of course that doesn't mean the occasional "WHAT were his parents thinking" won't cross my mind... but I can assure you it would never pass my lips, or enter into how I feel about the recipient of that name.

But I agree that the naming of babies (like the naming of cats - t.s. eliot :wink2: ) is a very personal thing, a duty most often taken very seriously by new parents, so a thread like this has the potential to result in hurt feelings.

(I say "most often" because my brother and SIL still hadn't settled on a first name for their oldest son when he was born. Their doctor said "I've always liked 'Spencer'," and... Spencer he is! And as far as I know, the name has served him well!)


Jul 13, 2007
violet3|1310778910|2970128 said:
MC|1310706731|2969433 said:
Wow, awesome thread. Love how my son's name is specifically mentioned as being hated by association. How can someone be so negative? So do you treat boys with that name like crap?

oh relax MC, for the most part people have been pretty courteous in this thread - no need to take it personally that someone dislikes a name that you like. Someone on this thread also specifically hates my husband's name by association, but who cares. I honestly think that everyone can remember someone from childhood or even adulthood who's name makes you cringe a little as a result of your experience. That doesn't mean they would treat other people with the same name poorly, just that they wouldn't use it for their own child. Your leap between the two ideas is reaching pretty far....

Just be glad you didn't name your child nevaeh and then come on here and read this thread!!!!

Of course someone is going to take it personally, how could anyone think otherwise in a thread like this? Telling someone what to do or think, really? Relax, chill, don't be a "drama queen"? I always think it is those who cry "Drama queen!" that are the ones creating the drama.

Moms are always protective of their kids, in every area, including names. It's human nature and it's not a bad thing. We want to protect our kids because other kids (and moms!) are mean. Every kid is going to face cruelty at school. If you think your kid has safely made it through elementary school and middle school, just wait till high school. High school is where kids have the very worst time. It's a humbling experience for a parent to go through. Would be nice to think their teachers didn't just automatically dislike them because of their names, sheesh.


Mar 24, 2007
monarch64|1310796385|2970251 said:
Jstarfireb: my grandmother's name was Neva. My mother's middle name is Neva. I have considered using the name "Neva" as a middle name if we have a daughter. Has nothing to do with "heaven" spelled backwards, but is close and apparently distasteful to some...

(Not that YOU were saying it was distasteful!)

We all have our likes and dislikes, connotations, positive or negative, etc. It's all good.

"Neva \n(e)-va\ as a girl's name is of Latin origin, and the meaning of Neva is "snow". From the word "nivis". Nevada, the name of the American state, means "snowfall". Actress Neve Campbell.

Neva has 4 variant forms: Nevada, Nevara, Neve and Nieves.

For more information, see also the related name Neiva. "

I like Neva! It's a name with some history and meaning, not a novelty name. Totally different from Nevaeh in my book. I also know a woman named Nevada, and I think it's pretty.

Guilty Pleasure

May 16, 2008
The title of the thread is quite clear, and reading threads is not compulsory here on Pricescope, so I'm not sure why someone who would get offended would choose to open it and then post about it. My Granny used to say, "If you can't take the heat, stay out of the kitchen." :D

I hate extra apostrophes for no good reason. The rules concerning apostropohes in the English language are quite clear, and I shudder on the inside when they are just added into a name to "look cool"! If the apostrophe is not taking the place of a letter, it doesn't belong!


Feb 8, 2003
Yay, I'm a drama queen! Thought I had long lost my touch :) Lol!

I'll jazz things up a bit...there was a boy in my son's kindergarten class named Eli (this is for the gal who dislikes the name Ryan)... He was tranferred to another elementary school the following year. THEN this last 2010-2011 year, he was expelled from that new elementary school. We're talking about a kid who was in 4th grade. Can't possibly imagine what that kid to get booted out. Lol.


Feb 8, 2003
Guilty Pleasure|1310846964|2970478 said:
The title of the thread is quite clear, and reading threads is not compulsory here on Pricescope, so I'm not sure why someone who would get offended would choose to open it and then post about it. My Granny used to say, "If you can't take the heat, stay out of the kitchen." :D

I hate extra apostrophes for no good reason. The rules concerning apostropohes in the English language are quite clear, and I shudder on the inside when they are just added into a name to "look cool"! If the apostrophe is not taking the place of a letter, it doesn't belong!
Ugh, this is the most cliche attitude/response on ps that it makes me yawn. Lol


Feb 8, 2003
lyra|1310838670|2970397 said:
violet3|1310778910|2970128 said:
MC|1310706731|2969433 said:
Wow, awesome thread. Love how my son's name is specifically mentioned as being hated by association. How can someone be so negative? So do you treat boys with that name like crap?

oh relax MC, for the most part people have been pretty courteous in this thread - no need to take it personally that someone dislikes a name that you like. Someone on this thread also specifically hates my husband's name by association, but who cares. I honestly think that everyone can remember someone from childhood or even adulthood who's name makes you cringe a little as a result of your experience. That doesn't mean they would treat other people with the same name poorly, just that they wouldn't use it for their own child. Your leap between the two ideas is reaching pretty far....

Just be glad you didn't name your child nevaeh and then come on here and read this thread!!!!

Of course someone is going to take it personally, how could anyone think otherwise in a thread like this? Telling someone what to do or think, really? Relax, chill, don't be a "drama queen"? I always think it is those who cry "Drama queen!" that are the ones creating the drama.

Moms are always protective of their kids, in every area, including names. It's human nature and it's not a bad thing. We want to protect our kids because other kids (and moms!) are mean. Every kid is going to face cruelty at school. If you think your kid has safely made it through elementary school and middle school, just wait till high school. High school is where kids have the very worst time. It's a humbling experience for a parent to go through. Would be nice to think their teachers didn't just automatically dislike them because of their names, sheesh.

Thanks Lyra!


Dec 18, 2007
MC|1310852023|2970526 said:
lyra|1310838670|2970397 said:
violet3|1310778910|2970128 said:
MC|1310706731|2969433 said:
Wow, awesome thread. Love how my son's name is specifically mentioned as being hated by association. How can someone be so negative? So do you treat boys with that name like crap?

oh relax MC, for the most part people have been pretty courteous in this thread - no need to take it personally that someone dislikes a name that you like. Someone on this thread also specifically hates my husband's name by association, but who cares. I honestly think that everyone can remember someone from childhood or even adulthood who's name makes you cringe a little as a result of your experience. That doesn't mean they would treat other people with the same name poorly, just that they wouldn't use it for their own child. Your leap between the two ideas is reaching pretty far....

Just be glad you didn't name your child nevaeh and then come on here and read this thread!!!!

Of course someone is going to take it personally, how could anyone think otherwise in a thread like this? Telling someone what to do or think, really? Relax, chill, don't be a "drama queen"? I always think it is those who cry "Drama queen!" that are the ones creating the drama.

Moms are always protective of their kids, in every area, including names. It's human nature and it's not a bad thing. We want to protect our kids because other kids (and moms!) are mean. Every kid is going to face cruelty at school. If you think your kid has safely made it through elementary school and middle school, just wait till high school. High school is where kids have the very worst time. It's a humbling experience for a parent to go through. Would be nice to think their teachers didn't just automatically dislike them because of their names, sheesh.

Right, and what I said was it is quite a leap between not liking a name for your own child and treating other children with that name badly. It just doesn't add up. I understand that middle school and high school are tough times for kids - I personally hated both. I'm not creating drama at all, and I respect a parent's right to protect their child. But this thread was about names you like or dislike for your child.

My sister had quite a few names she or her husband did not want to use because they had bad memories of someone from either childhood or someone they worked with in adulthood. Does this mean they would be unkind to a person or child with that name? NO. It means they wouldn't name their own child that name. And as I said before, the leap between not liking a name, and treating someone else's child badly with that same name is a pretty far reach.

For the record, my sister hates her own name and doesn't really like mine either. Is she unkind in any way to people with both of our names? NO. It is, of course, a parent's right and responsibility to protect their child - I get that. But this is a theoretical thread about what names you don't care for, and the connection between treating your actual child in real life with disrespect just doesn't correlate.

I'm sure both of you (lyra and MC) can think of names you wouldn't have liked for your children. You might not have posted them here, but having said that, there must be names you don't care for. Would you in any way have allowed that bias to treat others' children badly just because they have that name? I'm hoping not. I'm also saying that most of the people answering this thread have the same rational capabilities.

Guilty Pleasure

May 16, 2008
I hate the name William, so every time I see a kid named William, I steal his toys and tell him it's because his parents don't love him. Also, if one of my students is named William, I automatically drop his grade a full letter. :twirl:


Jan 8, 2011
It's interesting that people have bad associations with a name based on one or two nasty people they've met. I don't link up names to specific people like that.

Case in point, the bully that terrorized me in grade school was named Hunter. What do I want to name my future son? Hunter. I hated the kid in the 2nd grade but I still like the name. :naughty:


Jun 18, 2010
One of my favorite names made the list of top 10 hated baby names. Oh well, I still love it :)


Jan 26, 2003


May 17, 2009
amc80|1311007391|2971466 said:
One of my favorite names made the list of top 10 hated baby names. Oh well, I still love it :)
I just looked up this list and my name is on there, hehe. I hope people don't start treating me different :-o


Feb 8, 2003
Guilty Pleasure|1310934227|2970910 said:
I hate the name William, so every time I see a kid named William, I steal his toys and tell him it's because his parents don't love him. Also, if one of my students is named William, I automatically drop his grade a full letter. :twirl:

Karma, babe. Better watch out! ;-) lol

Guilty Pleasure

May 16, 2008
MC|1311028188|2971729 said:
Guilty Pleasure|1310934227|2970910 said:
I hate the name William, so every time I see a kid named William, I steal his toys and tell him it's because his parents don't love him. Also, if one of my students is named William, I automatically drop his grade a full letter. :twirl:

Karma, babe. Better watch out! ;-) lol

haha, I picked that name because it's actually the name I want to use someday :D
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