
20 Questions!

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Aug 29, 2009
1. What is your user name and why did you choose it?
Parsley - my friends from uni have a joke about us being the Herbs, from the kids tv show. I''m Parsley the Lion :)

2. Where were you born?
Kent, UK. Rather boring.

3. Do you like to drive?
I love to, but alas, I have not passed my test. However, I have a driving test booked for the 7th May, wish me luck!!

4. Favorite type of food?
Poached eggs. With something decent to dip, I could eat them forever, H makes the best poached eggs I''ve ever had!

5. Favorite beverage?
Non alcoholic - Irn Bru. Alcoholic - Probably a nice rose wine.

6. If you could only eat one kind of cereal for the rest of your life, what would it be?
Hmm. Either Coco Pops or Raisin Wheats, or Crunchy Nut Cornflakes!

7. What book have you read the most times?
Any of the Harry Potter books, or Little Women.

8. Favorite TV channel?
Alibi. I''m a bit of a Murder She Wrote nut.

9. Favorite movies?
P.S I love you, Moulin Rouge, Beauty and the Beast.

10. What Hollywood star would play you in a movie about your life?
I''d love it to be Anne Hathaway!

11. Which single store would you choose to max out your credit cards?
Hmm. Lush!

12. Would you be willing to sing karaoke with me?
If I''d had the right amount to drink. I adore to sing, but I get crippling stage fright.

13. What is your dream vacation?
A cruise in Norway to see the Northern Lights.

14. What is your favorite article of clothing?
Jeans or pjs. I''m a student, so I absolutely live in pjs.

15. What is your favorite song playing on the radio right now?
I don''t really listen to the chart songs at all. I''m going through a bit of a phase of loving Songbird by Fleetwood Mac, and any rendition of The Rose.

16. Do you need coffee in the morning to be a tolerable human being?
Nope. When I worked I did, had about 4 before noon.

17. Can you cook? If so, what''s your best dish?
I can, and either a good old fashioned roast, or red pesto chicken. Yum.

18. What is your favorite sports team? What sports team do you hate the most?
I''m not really a big sports person, so I follow who my boyfriend does, so that will be Bath Rugby. Who do I hate? Umm...who is it he hates? The Wasps I think.

19: What is your favorite board game?
Cranium or Taboo.

20: How many more hours a day would you have if you had never discovered PS?
Altogether probably 3 hours? I generally lurk and browse on and off when I get a chance.

21: Dream Ring?
An artcarved floral three stone diamond ring. At the moment. Or an antique filigree style ring. I know I won''t get anything like it, and not for a long time. But a girl can dream! And maybe one day I''ll buy it for myself.


Jun 8, 2008
1. What is your user name and why did you choose it?
It's my nickname and my husband signed me up for PS using that username because I wanted to reset my ring (again LOL) and I had described to him what I wanted and he started looking online and found PS. So he found PS for me darling that he is...

2. Where were you born?
Brooklyn, New York at Maimonides Hospital.

3. Do you like to drive?
On the open highway but not so much in the city...too many crazy bad drivers.
So usually my husband drives and truthfully, I enjoy being driven LOL

4. Favorite type of food?
That's a tough one...I love food and I love eating...does ice cream count?
French food wins hands down for me. Mmmmm!

5. Favorite beverage?
Crystal light strawberry kiwi but if I still could drink soda sarsaparilla was my very favorite!

6. If you could only eat one kind of cereal for the rest of your life, what would it be?
I am not a cereal eater per se but I love steel oats oatmeal with cinnamon and wheat germ but if I had to pick a cereal I do like Nature's Path Organic Multigrain Oatbran flakes and honey nut cheerios.

7. What book have you read the most times?
Pride and Prejudice

8. Favorite TV channel?
HGTV in HD with the weather channel and Bravo coming in 2nd ;-)

9. Favorite movies?
Annie Hall, The Godfather, The Graduate, Gone with the Wind, The Sound of Music

10. What Hollywood star would play you in a movie about your life?
Penelope Cruz or Catherine Zeta-Jones (I wish LOL)

11. Which single store would you choose to max out your credit cards?
Cartier...if I had a lot to max out otherwise Barbara Parks Estate Jewels

12. Would you be willing to sing karaoke with me?
If I was drunk enough ;-)

13. What is your dream vacation?
Italy but since I have been there a lot my next choice would be Hawaii where we have never visited.
But honestly, and I know how terribly boring this makes me but I truly prefer our vacations at the Jersey Shore where we have a second home. My dh and I love to cycle by the ocean and all our vacations are spent there now. It has been a long while since we traveled anywhere else and truthfully I prefer it. I am a real homebody now and love my creature comforts and when we are at our shore house it is like being at home in NYC since we have the same mattress and all the other creature comforts that we have in our NYC home.
So never mind about Italy and least for now...sorry LOL

14. What is your favorite article of clothing?
My slim fitting black slacks...makes my body look much better than it really is.

15. What is your favorite song playing on the radio right now?
Haven't Met You Yet (Buble) followed closely by Hey Soul Sister (Train)
But I rarely listen to the radio...mainly I listen to my playlist from my ipod or XM radio.

16. Do you need coffee in the morning to be a tolerable human being?
It helps.

17. Can you cook? If so, what's your best dish?
No, but my dh can and he is a great chef. His vegetarian lasagna is drool worthy as well as his award winning apple pie and cheesecake!

18. What is your favorite sports team? What sports team do you hate the most?
I don't follow sports

19: What is your favorite board game?
Monopoly or Scrabble but we really prefer playing cards with Contract Rummy (aka May I) being our favorite.

20: How many more hours a day would you have if you had never discovered PS?
One to two but depends on the day really. On work days I am on much less (less than 20 min probably) but in my free time much more.

21. favorite dream ring
Wow that's a toughie as I love so many...
I would have to say my favorite dream ring is the black opal with diamond halo from Cartier that my dad gave my mom in 1972 and that she generously gave to me a couple of years ago. I had it resized at Cartier because she has tiny fingers. It is truly a drool worthy ring!
(I need to get a thread started with some of my jewels. I just am terrible at photographing everything but especially jewelry. We don't have a camera with a macro setting since we don't take any photos. Even during our honeymoon- didn't bring a camera).

Great thread sillyberry and great way to get to know everyone a bit better!! Thanks



Jan 30, 2010
Date: 3/25/2010 1:53:49 PM
It has been some time since we had a survey around here, so I'm posting one!

btw: brown.eyed.girl, if you read this, it might look familiar!


1. What is your user name and why did you choose it?

It is susimoo, a mixture of my first and last names. It was what i was affectionally known as at work! Before i became a sahm.

2. Where were you born? Glasgow!!!

3. Do you like to drive? Yes.

4. Favorite type of food? Italian.

5. Favorite beverage?Red wine, see above.

6. If you could only eat one kind of cereal for the rest of your life, what would it be? Cheerios.

7. What book have you read the most times? The Shining, Stephen King.

8. Favorite TV channel? QVC for beauty products and make up.

9. Favorite movies? Marnie - Alfred Hitchcock. The Godfather - see food and beverages above LOL

10. What Hollywood star would play you in a movie about your life? Sophie Loren or Joan Collins LOLOLOLOL

11. Which single store would you choose to max out your credit cards? Selfridges, it has all that I desire.

12. Would you be willing to sing karaoke with me? Of course, i am rubbish though, but not shy!

13. What is your dream vacation? Hong Kong!

14. What is your favorite article of clothing? A stylish but sexy dress.

15. What is your favorite song playing on the radio right now? Anything by Duran Duran.

16. Do you need coffee in the morning to be a tolerable human being? Nope. tea jennie here.

17. Can you cook? If so, what's your best dish? Pasta!

18. What is your favorite sports team? What sports team do you hate the most? CELTIC! It should be Rangers but no, its a yingyang thing.

19: What is your favorite board game? trivial Pursuits, cos I am goooood!

20: How many more hours a day would you have if you had never discovered PS?
At least 3!


Aug 20, 2008
1. What is your user name and why did you choose it?

misskitty -- after Miss Kitty from Gunsmoke (was watching it when I signed up for PS...there''s no real other story behind this)

2. Where were you born?

Tucson, AZ

3. Do you like to drive?

No! I''m an awful driver, and I really don''t enjoy it.

4. Favorite type of food?


5. Favorite beverage?

ruby red grapefruit juice (fresh squeezed, if possible) or ice water with a slice of cucumber

6. If you could only eat one kind of cereal for the rest of your life, what would it be?

Hmm...not really a cereal fan, so I''ll just say Cheerios because it''s the first one I can think of!

7. What book have you read the most times?

Besides my textbooks for school? Hitchhiker''s Guide to the Galaxy

8. Favorite TV channel?

The Food Network, although my little nerd heart loves G4, too.

9. Favorite movies?

There are way too many to name, but my favs are cheesy comedies like Bill & Ted''s Excellent Adventure!

10. What Hollywood star would play you in a movie about your life?

Zooey Deschanel...more for that quirky, indie vibe than for looks (the only celeb anyone''s ever said I look like is Claire Danes)

11. Which single store would you choose to max out your credit cards?

J. Crew

12. Would you be willing to sing karaoke with me?

You betcha. Are we doing a duet?

13. What is your dream vacation?

I''d love to see/attempt to climb Mt. Kilimanjaro!

14. What is your favorite article of clothing?

I''m in love with my navy pinstripe blazer, but my current fav is a slouchy, super-long, bright yellow cardigan.

15. What is your favorite song playing on the radio right now?

I have no shame -- I enjoy it when "Telephone" comes on

16. Do you need coffee in the morning to be a tolerable human being?

No, but that doesn''t mean I don''t drink a whole pot by myself.

17. Can you cook? If so, what''s your best dish?

Yes. I''m actually pretty good at it. If you ask SO, my best dish is a black currant and brown sugar crusted pork loin, but if you ask me, it''s my wine-braised beef tenderloin.

18. What is your favorite sports team? What sports team do you hate the most?

THE Ohio State Buckeyes = fav. Least fav, not surprisingly, is That School Up North (sorry, Michiganders!)

19: What is your favorite board game?

Settlers of Catan

20: How many more hours a day would you have if you had never discovered PS?

Actually...not that many. I can''t play on PS at work, so until I get a smartphone, I''m actually only on here sporadically


Jul 28, 2009
I cannot wait to karaoke with all my PS friends. I''m partial to "Son of a Preacher Man" and "The Shoop Shoop Song." But basically I''ll sing anything.

Preferably with a pot of soju!


Jun 4, 2008
SB, just saw this thread! We should grab sushi sometime and do some ring shopping

1. What is your user name and why did you choose it?

My user name is from the Van Morrison song Brown Eyed Girl. Back when BF and I first started dating, that was the ringtone he set for my calls

2. Where were you born?

Washington state

3. Do you like to drive?

Nope! I haven't driven in about 5.5 years and I'm actually way more comfortable just relaxing and being the passenger.

4. Favorite type of food?

Sushi! Also Korean food (especially when my mom makes it), Sichuan hot pot, Ethiopian food, steak, lamb, and creme brulee. Ooh and Vietnamese food too - I love pho!

5. Favorite beverage?

I'm addicted to coffee (especially Thai and Vietnamese iced coffee), and I love pineapple drinks. I think I had a pineapple shake every day when I was in Costa Rica. I also love guava juice but I can't really find it here.

6. If you could only eat one kind of cereal for the rest of your life, what would it be?

Hmm I'm not really a cereal person. I do like the honeycomb cereal - what's it called? It's been a while since I've had cereal!

7. What book have you read the most times?

The Harry Potter books. I reread those every 6 months or so - starting with Book 3, though I'll eventually circle back to Books 1 and 2.

8. Favorite TV channel?

I don't think I really have a favorite channel. I watch too many shows on too many channels (and I'm a sucker for reality TV - ANTM, Project Runway, American Idol, Survivor). I'm a big fan of HBO just because they have True Blood though!

9. Favorite movies?

Original Star Wars trilogy!

10. What Hollywood star would play you in a movie about your life?

After thinking about this, I think I'm going to go with Soo Ae, a Korean actress who was in my favorite Korean historical TV series

11. Which single store would you choose to max out your credit cards?

Amazon. I buy so many books, especially since I got the Kindle a year ago. BF's parents got me an Amazon gift card for Christmas and it's probably one of the best and most useful presents I've ever gotten

12. Would you be willing to sing karaoke with me?


13. What is your dream vacation?

I used to think my dream vacation would be a secluded island, good books, drinks, and just having a quiet and relaxing time, but after the last couple spring breaks (in New Zealand and in Costa Rica) I think my dream vacation is a mix of beachy relaxation and some adventuring too. I'd like to relax on a beautiful white sand beach for a few days, but then also go snorkeling, ziplining, horseback riding, visiting weird and cool sites (like glowworm caves!) and doing some touristy stuff too. A little of everything!

14. What is your favorite article of clothing?

My favorite jeans. I have the hardest time finding jeans that look good, so when I do find one, those become my treasured clothing possessions.

15. What is your favorite song playing on the radio right now?

I'm woefully out of touch with what's current right now. I am a big fan of Alicia Keys' Empire State of Mind though

16. Do you need coffee in the morning to be a tolerable human being?

If I have class to go to, definitely!

17. Can you cook? If so, what's your best dish?

I love to bake and I make some killer oatmeal raisin cookies. I'm cooking a bit more but I'm really limited on dishes to make. I do make great BBQ chicken and baked macaroni though!

18. What is your favorite sports team? What sports team do you hate the most?

Umm....I'm not that big into sports, but after going to college a stone's throw from Fenway Park, I can't stand either the Red Sox OR the Yankees. I'm from a state (not WA where I was born) that has no pro teams to speak of, so I adopted BF's favorite team (Braves)

19: What is your favorite board game?


20: How many more hours a day would you have if you had never discovered PS?

Many many more!

21: What is your dream ring?

A 2.5 ct. H&A in a classic Leon Mege 4 prong cathedral solitaire (with claw prongs, please!). A girl can dream


Apr 28, 2008
Date: 4/4/2010 8:38:53 PM
Author: Brown.Eyed.Girl

21: What is your dream ring?

A 2.5 ct. H&A in a classic Leon Mege 4 prong cathedral solitaire (with claw prongs, please!). A girl can dream

I was skimming through and I had to comment after reading this. IIRC, you have small fingers, a 3 or 4? A 2.5ct H&A on a size 3.5!


Jun 4, 2008
Date: 4/4/2010 11:35:52 PM
Author: IndyLady
Date: 4/4/2010 8:38:53 PM

Author: Brown.Eyed.Girl

21: What is your dream ring?

A 2.5 ct. H&A in a classic Leon Mege 4 prong cathedral solitaire (with claw prongs, please!). A girl can dream

I was skimming through and I had to comment after reading this. IIRC, you have small fingers, a 3 or 4? A 2.5ct H&A on a size 3.5!

All in the way you wear it, right?


Jan 17, 2009
1. What is your user name and why did you choose it?

hawaiianorangetree, my name is Alani and it''s hawaiian for orange tree.
2. Where were you born?

Western Australia
3. Do you like to drive?

Yes, in my Mazda 3, as long as it isn''t to work!
4. Favorite type of food?

Too many to list!
5. Favorite beverage?

Scotch and coke
6. If you could only eat one kind of cereal for the rest of your life, what would it be?

Probably porridge, don''t really get into cereal.
7. What book have you read the most times?

The Twilight series, i am fairly ashamed to say!
8. Favorite TV channel?

Don''t have one, free to air tv is pretty lame in Australia and we don''t have pay tv as we download all our shows straight from the US before they hit Australia.
9. Favorite movies?

Twilight, ha ha, so sad, i know.
10. What Hollywood star would play you in a movie about your life?

Jessica Alba
11. Which single store would you choose to max out your credit cards?

A big one.
12. Would you be willing to sing karaoke with me?

No sorry, no one should ever be subjected to hearing me sing, no matter how drunk they are.
13. What is your dream vacation?

A trip across the US and then down into South America would be pretty cool.
14. What is your favorite article of clothing?

Now that the weather is getting cooler.. a grey cardigan.
15. What is your favorite song playing on the radio right now?

I haven''t heard the radio for about a month so i wouldn''t have a clue!
16. Do you need coffee in the morning to be a tolerable human being?

No, but i do need tea.
17. Can you cook? If so, what''s your best dish?

Yeah i can cook, the proccutio wrapped asparagus dipped in boiled eggs for breakfast this morning was pretty nice!
18. What is your favorite sports team? What sports team do you hate the most?

Don''t do sports.
19: What is your favorite board game?

Don''t do board games either.

20: How many more hours a day would you have if you had never discovered PS?

OMG, i might have a life if it wasn''t for PS!



Aug 31, 2009
1. What is your user name and why did you choose it?
LONG STORY - lets see if I can cut it down.. MissChuckles.. My name is Rachael, my partner decided to split my name to Ray Charles, then he started calling me Charles, then Charles became Chuckles, and obviously I''m a Miss! Make sense?!?

2. Where were you born?
Melbourne, Australia

3. Do you like to drive?
Only sometimes, I''d prefer Nic to though!

4. Favorite type of food?

5. Favorite beverage?
Water and Wine - not mixed together

6. If you could only eat one kind of cereal for the rest of your life, what would it be?
Can never go wrong with Weetbix.

7. What book have you read the most times?
I don''t think I''ve read any book more than once..

8. Favorite TV channel?
hhmm, I love our new channel GO..

9. Favorite movies?
Dirty Dancing, Pretty Woman, Strictly ballroom (Australian movie)

10. What Hollywood star would play you in a movie about your life?
hhmm, my life is pretty boring, but because i''m currently a flight attendant Catherine Zeta Jones has some experience at that!!

11. Which single store would you choose to max out your credit cards?
Over here, probably Myer or David Jones.. Over there (U.S.A.), Nordstrom.

12. Would you be willing to sing karaoke with me?
OF COURSE.. I''d have to choose the song though.. Love Playstation Sing-Star!!

13. What is your dream vacation?
Bora Bora, or maybe some beautiful wine region in France..

14. What is your favorite article of clothing?
My new pretty dress LINK that I just bought for a friends wedding.

15. What is your favorite song playing on the radio right now?
hhmm, haven''t been listening to the radio lately, sad I know..

16. Do you need coffee in the morning to be a tolerable human being?
I''m more of a tea drinker!

17. Can you cook? If so, what''s your best dish?
Yeah, i''m not too bad.. I like a lovely piece of steak!

18. What is your favorite sports team? What sports team do you hate the most?
I kind of follow Australian Rules Football, so my team is the Carlton Blues, and our enemies are Collingwood Magpies!

19: What is your favorite board game?
Checkers or Monopoly

20: How many more hours a day would you have if you had never discovered PS?
Atleast one and a half to two.

21: What is your dream ring?
Standard Tiffany Six prong Brilliant Solitaire, stunning and classic.


Aug 17, 2009
1. Miss Mina was my cat
2. Minneapolis MN
3. When I have the road to myself
4. Japanese
5. Milk
6. Oatmeal
7. "The Door Into Summer" by Robert Heinlein
8. PBS
9. Street Scene by King Vidor, anything by Takashi Miike
10. Merrill Streep (That''s who people say I resemble)
11. Belks They have great sales
12. Gladly
13. Visiting Japan for an extended stay
14. My black and white striped leotard
15. Journey "Don''t Stop Believing"
16. Not coffee. but sometimes a Coke
17. Since I was seven Too many to list Meatloaf for sure
18. Minnesota Vikings, Chicago Cubs/ whoever they are playing against
19. Trivial Pursuit. I''m just chock full of trivia.
20. At the very least..... one


Aug 17, 2009
21. Dream Ring
Something from Erica Grace perhaps
Start with an OEC or OMC about 2 ct
Nothing too big
Excellent example of it''s type in cut and clarity
Some warmth is fine
Set in platinum filigree
Shank of 10 kt rose gold to maximize the red color
Definitely OOAK


Mar 31, 2010
1. What is your user name and why did you choose it?
The first time I tentatively brought up marriage, fearing my SO would freak and change the subject, he not only calmly explained that he had been thinking about it for a long time, but also had concrete ideas about a home, children, the wedding, and where he would like to spend our honeymoon—the black sand beaches of Hawaii.
2. Where were you born?
New Jersey
3. Do you like to drive?
There is nothing I loathe more. I am 29 and only began learning to drive about two years ago, when I moved away from the city.
4. Favorite type of food?
I like EVERYTHING. Middle Eastern and Indian food especially.
5. Favorite beverage?
Dark Belgian beer
6. If you could only eat one kind of cereal for the rest of your life, what would it be?
Cracklin’ Oat Bran rocks my socks.
7. What book have you read the most times?
My old Fromkin and Rodman Linguistics textbook from college.
8. Favorite TV channel?
9. Favorite movies?
Lawrence of Arabia and Out of Africa
10. What Hollywood star would play you in a movie about your life?
Maybe Alexis Bledel?
11. Which single store would you choose to max out your credit cards?
The pet store I shop at (that doesn’t sell live animals), or Bunny Bytes online. I will starve to death before I deprive the bunnies and guinea pigs of their toys and treats.
12. Would you be willing to sing karaoke with me?
13. What is your dream vacation?
See # 1…black sand beaches.
14. What is your favorite article of clothing?
My huge pink fuzzy robe.
15. What is your favorite song playing on the radio right now?
Does the classic rock station count?
16. Do you need coffee in the morning to be a tolerable human being?
I can get by without coffee, but I MUST eat breakfast before I even attempt to speak to anyone.
17. Can you cook? If so, what''s your best dish?
I do okay. I make awesome Turkish lamb stew and sultan’s delight.
18. What is your favorite sports team? What sports team do you hate the most?
So…I like figure skating and gymnastics….
19: What is your favorite board game?
20: How many more hours a day would you have if you had never discovered PS?
One or two.
21: Dream ring?
I try NOT to dream too much in case my SO surprises me with something other than what I envisioned…but…
Yellow gold, princess cut center stone, about a carat (less is fine, but not too much bigger), channel-set princess cut sidestones and a matching eternity band wedding ring.
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