
20 Questions!

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Jul 28, 2009
It has been some time since we had a survey around here, so I''m posting one!

btw: brown.eyed.girl, if you read this, it might look familiar!


1. What is your user name and why did you choose it?

2. Where were you born?

3. Do you like to drive?

4. Favorite type of food?

5. Favorite beverage?

6. If you could only eat one kind of cereal for the rest of your life, what would it be?

7. What book have you read the most times?

8. Favorite TV channel?

9. Favorite movies?

10. What Hollywood star would play you in a movie about your life?

11. Which single store would you choose to max out your credit cards?

12. Would you be willing to sing karaoke with me?

13. What is your dream vacation?

14. What is your favorite article of clothing?

15. What is your favorite song playing on the radio right now?

16. Do you need coffee in the morning to be a tolerable human being?

17. Can you cook? If so, what''s your best dish?

18. What is your favorite sports team? What sports team do you hate the most?

19: What is your favorite board game?

20: How many more hours a day would you have if you had never discovered PS?


Jul 28, 2009
Put up or shut up, right?


1. What is your user name and why did you choose it?

sillyberry - this name has followed me around since AOL circa 1995!

2. Where were you born?

Dallas - I heart Texas!

3. Do you like to drive?

See Question Two! Driving clears my head, although I much prefer to drive in places where the roads are wide and the sky is big.

4. Favorite type of food?

I love basically all food, but right now probably sushi. I constantly crave it, yet rarely manage to eat it.

5. Favorite beverage?

Non-Boozy: skim milk. Boozy: vanilla vodka and diet coke

6. If you could only eat one kind of cereal for the rest of your life, what would it be?

Probably Life. Works well with or without milk!

7. What book have you read the most times?

Close tie between either The Thorn Birds or The Time Travelers Wife. Both make me cry!

8. Favorite TV channel?

These days probably Fox. Lots of TV shows I watch, but Joe and Troy for Sunday Football!

9. Favorite movies?

Dirty Dancing, Notting Hill, Love Actually, The Departed, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind

10. What Hollywood star would play you in a movie about your life?

Sandra Bullock (pre-Jesse James tattooed biker chick drama!). We have a spunky brunette thing going.

11. Which single store would you choose to max out your credit cards?

Williams-Sonoma. I just love to touch everything there!

12. Would you be willing to sing karaoke with me?

I am me, but obviously. Drunk karaoke is one of life''s great pleasures.

13. What is your dream vacation?

Greek Islands, a captained yacht, good friends. I''m thinking of making that happen to the Caribbean though, as it seems a bit more realist in the short term!

14. What is your favorite article of clothing?

My Old Navy yoga pants from about 4 years ago...preferably paired with my speech team sweatshirt from 1998! My boyfriend HATES this combination!

15. What is your favorite song playing on the radio right now?

Is Party in the USA still on the radio? I (not so) secretly love that song. My law school boyfriend and I like to sing it to each other and shake our hips like yeah.

16. Do you need coffee in the morning to be a tolerable human being?

Nope - not being a coffee drinker is a great achievement of mine after my educational and work experience. I generally only drink coffee at fancy dinners.

17. Can you cook? If so, what''s your best dish?

I love to cook! Right now I''ve been rocking a brined roast chicken...have to be sure to air-chill the chicken after brining to ensure a crispy skin. Served with rosemary roasted potatoes...yum.

18. What is your favorite sports team? What sports team do you hate the most?

Since it is basketball season, the Dallas Mavericks! And I always hate the Yankees.

19: What is your favorite board game?

Trivial Pursuit! Always Trivial Pursuit! Preferably with a bunch of red wine to lubricate the answers.

20: How many more hours a day would you have if you had never discovered PS?

Depends on what is going on. Things have been a bit slow around here lately for me, so probably about an hour a day. There have been times when I''ve wasted probably 5 or so hours!


Nov 6, 2009
1. What is your user name and why did you choose it?
I have an asscher diamond with a pink sapphire and diamond halo

2. Where were you born?
Brockton, MA

3. Do you like to drive?
Yup, especially when I have the Infiniti

4. Favorite type of food?

5. Favorite beverage?

6. If you could only eat one kind of cereal for the rest of your life, what would it be?
Frosted Flakes

7. What book have you read the most times?
Catcher in the Rye

8. Favorite TV channel?

9. Favorite movies?
Walk the Line, The Godfather, Scarface, Donnie Darko

10. What Hollywood star would play you in a movie about your life?
Drew Barrymore. She''s my twin.

11. Which single store would you choose to max out your credit cards?

12. Would you be willing to sing karaoke with me?
Yes, after 15 years of voice lessons I love to sing in public!

13. What is your dream vacation?
Paris in the summer

14. What is your favorite article of clothing?
A great pair of sneakers

15. What is your favorite song playing on the radio right now?
Anything country

16. Do you need coffee in the morning to be a tolerable human being?
Yes, yes, and yes some more.

17. Can you cook? If so, what''s your best dish?
I make fantastic Mexican food.

18. What is your favorite sports team? What sports team do you hate the most?
Boston Red Sox. Yankees suck.

19: What is your favorite board game?

20: How many more hours a day would you have if you had never discovered PS?
Far too many. My daughter is a long napper, so I do all the housework at 6am and enjoy my PS time while she sleeps. Ahhhh... bliss.


Aug 22, 2009

1. What is your user name and why did you choose it? vc10um--My initials, my favorite number, and my university.

2. Where were you born? Cleveland, Ohio

3. Do you like to drive? LOVE IT. Windows down, radio up!

4. Favorite type of food? I''m on a Mexican kick right now.

5. Favorite beverage? Non-alcoholic: Iced Tea. Alcoholic: Sangria from Dominick''s in Ann Arbor

6. If you could only eat one kind of cereal for the rest of your life, what would it be? Maple and Brown Sugar Frosted Mini-Wheats

7. What book have you read the most times? Harry Potter!

8. Favorite TV channel? Discovery Channel

9. Favorite movies? The American President and When Harry Met Sally

10. What Hollywood star would play you in a movie about your life? Reese Witherspoon

11. Which single store would you choose to max out your credit cards? Nordies.

12. Would you be willing to sing karaoke with me? If it''s classic 80s rock, absolutely!

13. What is your dream vacation? Spending a year traveling the world at my own pace.

14. What is your favorite article of clothing? My running shoes.

15. What is your favorite song playing on the radio right now? "Hey, Soul Sister" by Train.

16. Do you need coffee in the morning to be a tolerable human being? Nope. But I do enjoy a cup with A every morning before we go to work.

17. Can you cook? If so, what''s your best dish? Yes! I love to cook. I make a pretty stellar Pot Roast.

18. What is your favorite sports team? What sports team do you hate the most? Fave: Univeristy of Michigan Wolverines! Least Fave: Pittsburgh Steelers

19: What is your favorite board game? Trivial Pursuit!

20: How many more hours a day would you have if you had never discovered PS? 10.



Sep 20, 2008
Date: 3/25/2010 1:53:49 PM
It has been some time since we had a survey around here, so I''m posting one!

btw: brown.eyed.girl, if you read this, it might look familiar!


1. What is your user name and why did you choose it? purselover, because I love purses and I had a really hard time thinking of one!

2. Where were you born? fabulous Poughkeepsie, NY

3. Do you like to drive? I actually don''t have my license my goal is within the next year

4. Favorite type of food? tough - I love dessert, mexican and chinese

5. Favorite beverage? depends on my mood, probably coffee

6. If you could only eat one kind of cereal for the rest of your life, what would it be? some type of granola

7. What book have you read the most times? Here on Earth, Happy Yoga

8. Favorite TV channel? probably Bravo
9. Favorite movies? Shop Around The Corner, Breakfast at Tiffany''s, The Breakfast Club

10. What Hollywood star would play you in a movie about your life? honestly not sure, I will ask over dinner tonight others opinions
11. Which single store would you choose to max out your credit cards? Neimans

12. Would you be willing to sing karaoke with me? Yes, especially if I''ve been drinking

13. What is your dream vacation? 4 Seasons Maldives

14. What is your favorite article of clothing? specifically or generally and do shoes count? If so my shoe and dress collections - specifically my black Chanel wedding shoes ....ohh but I really like my purses too. Too hard of a question!

15. What is your favorite song playing on the radio right now? Breakeven the Script

16. Do you need coffee in the morning to be a tolerable human being? No but I enjoy it

17. Can you cook? If so, what''s your best dish? A little - cookies and pies

18. What is your favorite sports team? What sports team do you hate the most? Not into sports

19: What is your favorite board game? Life

20: How many more hours a day would you have if you had never discovered PS? probably an hour sometimes 2!


Mar 25, 2010
1. What is your user name and why did you choose it?
AnneTossy - My two middle names are Anne & Tossy
2. Where were you born?
Grand Rapids, Michigan
3. Do you like to drive?
4. Favorite type of food?
Hm. A good cheeseburger!
5. Favorite beverage?
Water and juice. And booze-wise: vodka or wine
6. If you could only eat one kind of cereal for the rest of your life, what would it be?
yum, cinnamon toast crunch
7. What book have you read the most times?
The Art of Racing in the Rain
8. Favorite TV channel?
Bravo, TLC, or Oxygen
9. Favorite movies?
Dirty Dancing, Pretty Woman, Dirty Love, Goodfellas, and Taken.
10. What Hollywood star would play you in a movie about your life?
Probably Reese Witherspoon or Rachel McAdams. Just bc i love them
11. Which single store would you choose to max out your credit cards?
Hm. Probably some place like Nordstroms.
12. Would you be willing to sing karaoke with me?
No way.
13. What is your dream vacation?
Spending several weeks in Italy.
14. What is your favorite article of clothing?
Gonna have to say my new sequined leggings. They''re hot.
15. What is your favorite song playing on the radio right now?
Breakeven by the Script
16. Do you need coffee in the morning to be a tolerable human being?
Not a coffee drinker.
17. Can you cook? If so, what''s your best dish?
Um, no. But I recently learned how to make Velvetta. At age 22.
18. What is your favorite sports team? What sports team do you hate the most?
I''m big into Nascar (but I''m not a redneck!), so my favorite driver is Carl Edwards.
19: What is your favorite board game?
....don''t really have one?
20: How many more hours a day would you have if you had never discovered PS?
solid 2!

*******And why don''t we have any questions about diamonds?! I''m going to add one!***

21: What is your dream ring?
A round pave halo. beautiful.


Mar 18, 2007

1. What is your user name and why did you choose it?

princesss - Not sure why. I didn''t think I''d stick around long, so I didn''t really care.

2. Where were you born?

3. Do you like to drive?
As long as I can roll the windows down and turn the music up, yes

4. Favorite type of food?

5. Favorite beverage?
Sweet tea!

6. If you could only eat one kind of cereal for the rest of your life, what would it be?
Honey Bunches of Oats

7. What book have you read the most times?
The Time Traveler''s Wife or The Giver

8. Favorite TV channel?
Ack! No idea. I''m actually trying to tone down the TV watching.

9. Favorite movie?
Silence of the Lambs

10. What Hollywood star would play you in a movie about your life?
Natalie Portman or Liv Tyler

11. Which single store would you choose to max out your credit cards?
Does a travel agent count as a store?

12. Would you be willing to sing karaoke with me?
Can you carry a tune?

13. What is your dream vacation?
3 week trip around Southern Africa - Kenya, South Africa, Tanzania, Ethiopia...

14. What is your favorite article of clothing?
My Old Navy jeans. I have 4 pairs of jeans, but these are the only ones I wear. I pretend the other ones don''t exist. Seriously.

15. What is your favorite song playing on the radio right now?
I don''t listen to commercial radio. NPR for me!

16. Do you need coffee in the morning to be a tolerable human being?
Nope, I''m annoyingly perky without any caffiene.

17. Can you cook? If so, what''s your best dish?
Yes, but whether or not it''s edible is another story.

18. What is your favorite sports team? What sports team do you hate the most?
ALL BLACKS!!!! I don''t really hate any team.

19: What is your favorite board game?

20: How many more hours a day would you have if you had never discovered PS?
One or two...


Sep 20, 2008
21.) dream ring is either a 2.5ish rb twisted cable ring from David Yurman or a 2.5ish vivid yellow asscher from Graff


Mar 18, 2007
21 - (current) dream ring:

3ct J/K transitional in a Leon setting - all fluid platinum and double claw prongs.


Apr 20, 2009

1. What is your user name and why did you choose it?
Nickname from my boyfriend and also nickname from my dad (but in different languages).
2. Where were you born?
Palm Springs, CA.
3. Do you like to drive?
Nope! I like to be driven though.
4. Favorite type of food?
Home food cooked by my grandma.
5. Favorite beverage?
Tea - iced, hot, lukewarm. Love it.
6. If you could only eat one kind of cereal for the rest of your life, what would it be?
Multigrain cheerios.
7. What book have you read the most times?
Pride and Prejudice.
8. Favorite TV channel?
Bravo - loves me some trashy reality tv.
9. Favorite movies?
Pride and Prejudice, Amelie, others that I can''t think of but are probably very, very girly.
10. What Hollywood star would play you in a movie about your life?
Audrey Tatou.
11. Which single store would you choose to max out your credit cards?
A bigger name department store - Macy''s, Nordstroms, Bloomies, doesn''t matter as long as there''s different things to buy.
12. Would you be willing to sing karaoke with me?
Nope, sorry. But I will watch and clap politely at the end.
13. What is your dream vacation?
A permanent one! With enough funds to travel the world in any style I choose.

14. What is your favorite article of clothing?
Loose sleeveless cotton nightgowns or yoga pants.
15. What is your favorite song playing on the radio right now?
Erm. I don''t really listen to the radio, but my Pandora is currently rocking Yelle. Love French technopop!
16. Do you need coffee in the morning to be a tolerable human being?
Nope. Don''t need coffee ever. I just accept that I''m a horrible, horrible person first thing in the morning.

17. Can you cook? If so, what''s your best dish?
Yep. Erm. Not sure, you''d have to ask someone else who''s eaten my cooking.
18. What is your favorite sports team? What sports team do you hate the most?
19: What is your favorite board game?
Monopoly or Scrabble.
20: How many more hours a day would you have if you had never discovered PS?
If not Pricescope, some other website would occupy my time.

21. Dream Ring?
An engagement ring!


Dec 9, 2008

1. What is your user name and why did you choose it?
4ever- well diamonds are forever.....ok ok I''m crap and not very creative
2. Where were you born?
New Zealand
3. Do you like to drive?
Yes, but not in traffic, grrrr
4. Favorite type of food?
Cake! That''s a food group right?
5. Favorite beverage?
Sauvignon blanc wine.
6. If you could only eat one kind of cereal for the rest of your life, what would it be?
Maybe oats, because I could make porragie or toast it and make muesli or have it untoasted with cold milk....
7. What book have you read the most times?
Honestly? Probably the first Harry potter book. I re-read the series almost every time a new book came out.
8. Favorite TV channel?
TV3.....or maybe E! for the fluffy stuff.
9. Favorite movies?
Way to many to bother naming. I love movies, It''s too hard to pic favourates.
10. What Hollywood star would play you in a movie about your life?
If America Ferrera was white and ginger......
11. Which single store would you choose to max out your credit cards?
A decent jewlery store or my favorate shoe shop.
12. Would you be willing to sing karaoke with me?
It depends where and when, but probably. The liklyness is directly related to my level of alcohol consumption.
13. What is your dream vacation?
Several months touring Europe.
14. What is your favorite article of clothing?
Does shoes count? I can''t pick just one pair

15. What is your favorite song playing on the radio right now?
No flippin idea
16. Do you need coffee in the morning to be a tolerable human being?
I don''t drink coffee
17. Can you cook? If so, what''s your best dish?
I can cook, but my baking is better, so I will say my best dish is cake. I made some pretty epicly amazing white chocolate cup cakes last week.
18. What is your favorite sports team? What sports team do you hate the most?
The All Blacks, because I have to support them. Any chess team, because it''s not a sport, it''s a board game.
19: What is your favorite board game?
20: How many more hours a day would you have if you had never discovered PS?
At least one, sometimes more....


Mar 21, 2010
1. What is your user name and why did you choose it?
My AOL name from a long time ago.

2. Where were you born?
Montgomery, AL

3. Do you like to drive?
for the most part. Don''t like driving in heavy rain or snow.

4. Favorite type of food?
American for the most part and good mexican.

5. Favorite beverage?
Skim Milk and Pinot Grigio

6. If you could only eat one kind of cereal for the rest of your life, what would it be?
Honey Nut Cheerios

7. What book have you read the most times?
I''m not sure if I ever read the same book more than once.

8. Favorite TV channel?
ABC at the moment

9. Favorite movies?
Gone with the Wind

10. What Hollywood star would play you in a movie about your life?
Jennifer Aniston - have no idea why.

11. Which single store would you choose to max out your credit cards?
Williams Sonoma or

12. Would you be willing to sing karaoke with me?
Maybe, but it would require some drinks first!

13. What is your dream vacation?
Australia and New Zealand or a cruise around the Greek Islands

14. What is your favorite article of clothing?
T-shirt an yoga pants.

15. What is your favorite song playing on the radio right now?
Love Story - Taylor Swift

16. Do you need coffee in the morning to be a tolerable human being?
Need it - no. Prefer it - yes.

17. Can you cook? If so, what''s your best dish?
Yes. Chicken Cannelloni

18. What is your favorite sports team? What sports team do you hate the most?
Love Redskins, hate Cowboys.

19: What is your favorite board game?
Trivial Pursuit

20: How many more hours a day would you have if you had never discovered PS?



Dec 13, 2009
1. What is your user name and why did you choose it?
MayFlowers, well I have always wanted a May wedding, and May is my favorite month so I knew I wanted May in my name. But, the only other word to go with it that was coming into my head at the time was 'flowers' from the old saying "April showers bring May flowers".

2. Where were you born?
Louisville, KY

3. Do you like to drive?
Yes! At least most of the time.

4. Favorite type of food?
I'm pretty picky, but I love spicy mexican and classic comfort foods!

5. Favorite beverage?
Non-alcoholic-Sweet Tea and Alcoholic-Mike's Hard Lemonade

6. If you could only eat one kind of cereal for the rest of your life, what would it be?
Cinnamon Life

7. What book have you read the most times?
The Twilight Series

8. Favorite TV channel?
The Discovery Channel

9. Favorite movies?
The Notebook, and Dark Knight

10. What Hollywood star would play you in a movie about your life?
Drew Barrymore just bc I like her and she kind of looks like me.

11. Which single store would you choose to max out your credit cards?
Definitely Target!

12. Would you be willing to sing karaoke with me?

13. What is your dream vacation?
Two nice long weeks in Hawaii

14. What is your favorite article of clothing?
My Old Navy fleece sweatpants!

15. What is your favorite song playing on the radio right now?
Most anything country

16. Do you need coffee in the morning to be a tolerable human being?
Yes yes yes yes yes!

17. Can you cook? If so, what's your best dish?
I love to cook, but I'm still learning! My best dish is probably my chicken pot pie.

18. What is your favorite sports team? What sports team do you hate the most?
Indianapolis Colts and University of Louisville Cardinals. Least favorite is the University of Kentucky Wildcats!

19: What is your favorite board game?

20: How many more hours a day would you have if you had never discovered PS?
I'm going to guess and say about 2 or 3 hours. I would definitely have more time to do all my homework!

21: What is your dream ring?
Either a 1.3-1.5 carat round H&A solitaire (BGD truth solitaire specifically) in yellow gold or a 1.5 carat GOG August Vintage Cushion, slightly rectangular, in yellow gold solitaire!


Apr 25, 2008
Yay! I''m bored at work, I''ll play!

1. What is your user name and why did you choose it?
elledizzy5. elle = L(auren) dizzy=dizzle (L-Dizzle) 5 = favorite number
2. Where were you born?
Detroit, Michigan
3. Do you like to drive?
Depends, sometimes I enjoy it.
4. Favorite type of food?
Everything. I love food.
5. Favorite beverage?
Coke, Water, Green Tea.
6. If you could only eat one kind of cereal for the rest of your life, what would it be?
Honey Bunches of Oats
7. What book have you read the most times?
East of Eden
8. Favorite TV channel?
ABC Family? HAHAHA! I''m a nerd!
9. Favorite movies?
Back to the Future Trilogy, American Beauty, Ferris Bueller''s Day off, V for Vendetta, I Heart Huckabees... more!
10. What Hollywood star would play you in a movie about your life?
Selma Blair or Katie Holmes
11. Which single store would you choose to max out your credit cards?
12. Would you be willing to sing karaoke with me?
Depends on how many drinks you''ve poured into me!
13. What is your dream vacation?
A very long one across the world.
14. What is your favorite article of clothing?
My engagement sweatpants!
15. What is your favorite song playing on the radio right now?
I don''t listen to the radio, only Pandora! Ive been in a "Cigarettes and Chocolate Milk" phase.
16. Do you need coffee in the morning to be a tolerable human being?
Nope. I don''t drink it.
17. Can you cook? If so, what''s your best dish?
Nope. Hubby cooks!
18. What is your favorite sports team? What sports team do you hate the most?
Favorite is Detroit Red Wings.
19: What is your favorite board game?
20: How many more hours a day would you have if you had never discovered PS?

21. Dream Ring?
The one on my finger!


Feb 2, 2010
1. What is your user name and why did you choose it?
I love sapphires, I have since I was a child. And as I was trying to think of a way to incorporate sapphires into my screen name, I was listening to one of my favorite songs and the word "pulse" from the lyrics came into my head at that moment. Ta-da.

2. Where were you born?
Fort Walton Beach, Florida.

3. Do you like to drive?
I like to drive when it''s sunny and clear, on the country roads I know well, when there isn''t a lot of traffic. One of my favorite things in the world is driving home on a beautiful day with the windows down :)
Under most other types of road conditions, I prefer to be a passenger because it''s more relaxing.

4. Favorite type of food?
Italian. I adore pasta and all kinds of Italian desserts. (Tiramisu, cannoli - loove.)
I''m also starting to love Greek food.

5. Favorite beverage?
I pretty much just drink water. I do like sweet tea, especially in the summer, and hot chocolate in the winter.

6. If you could only eat one kind of cereal for the rest of your life, what would it be?
Honey Bunches of Oats.

7. What book have you read the most times?
Ella Enchanted, Jane Eyre or I Know This Much Is True.

8. Favorite TV channel?
Discovery, National Geographic or TLC, depending on the day.

9. Favorite movies?
Emma, Pride & Prejudice, My Big Fat Greek Wedding, Star Trek, The Count of Monte Cristo, Love Actually

10. What Hollywood star would play you in a movie about your life?
Rachel McAdams or Mandy Moore.

11. Which single store would you choose to max out your credit cards?
Either Sephora or Barnes and Noble.

12. Would you be willing to sing karaoke with me?
I have a paralyzing fear of making a fool out of myself in public.

13. What is your dream vacation?
Exploring Ireland. Spending the summer in Tuscany. Seeing the Swiss Alps. Island hopping in Greece. Visiting all the most famous national parks in the U.S.

14. What is your favorite article of clothing?
My PJ pants from my university, or the T-shirt I got at a mission trip last year.

15. What is your favorite song playing on the radio right now?
"Just Say Yes" by Snow Patrol. (LOVE them.)

16. Do you need coffee in the morning to be a tolerable human being?
Nope, I''m a morning person. I hop out of bed fully awake and cheerful ;P

17. Can you cook? If so, what''s your best dish?
I mostly bake desserts. I make cinnamon pecan bars that everyone at my work loves. I also make a REALLY good roasted broccoli with garlic (and believe me, I don''t like broccoli.)

18. What is your favorite sports team? What sports team do you hate the most?
Not big into sports. I have a soft spot for University of Alabama, because so many of my good friends go there and I almost did, too.

19: What is your favorite board game?
Monopoly, hands down. My BF''s roommate has a game called Betrayal at House on the Hill which is also really fun.

20: How many more hours a day would you have if you had never discovered PS?
Probably around one. I try to limit myself on PS since I have so much school work that needs attention at any given time :/

21: What is your dream ring?
I first fell in love with Moonlight from Niwaka. Whiteflash custom designed something similar to their Dawn ring that hopefully I''ll be getting soon ;P


Jul 28, 2009
Hey, I intentionally left out questions about diamonds!!!!

There are plenty of threads about sparklies!

eta: I'm trying to get my mind off diamonds!


Dec 29, 2006
1. What is your user name and why did you choose it?

I loved the show The West Wing and one of the characters was named Zoe Bartlett. I liked the name, so I chose it for my username.

2. Where were you born?

New Engand.

3. Do you like to drive?

Most of the time. I love going for drives, but I'm not a long road trip kind of girl. Short trips are okay, but I get car sick and bored if it's a long one.

4. Favorite type of food?

Probably Italian. I also love sushi and Indian food. My standard go-to choice meal is mostly Italian though.

5. Favorite beverage?

Lately it's flavored seltzer. I love diet coke but I'm trying to cut down, and I figure it's healthier than soda. Other than that, I usually just stick with plain ol' water.

6. If you could only eat one kind of cereal for the rest of your life, what would it be?

This is hard because I love all cereal. I guess it depends on what mood I'm in. Cheerios (plain) or Lucky Charms, probably.

7. What book have you read the most times?

I don't like rereading books. I can watch movies over and over again but I don't like reading the same book twice.

8. Favorite TV channel?

Probably HGTV. I suppose next up is either ABC and CNN. I sound like such a bore!

9. Favorite movies?

Most chick flicks like Serendipity, When Harry Met Sally, and Hope Floats, among others.

10. What Hollywood star would play you in a movie about your life?

Um, I'm not sure. Nikki Blonsky maybe, but I wouldn't call her a "star." She was in the updated version of Hairspray.

11. Which single store would you choose to max out your credit cards?

Crate and Barrel or Macy's.

12. Would you be willing to sing karaoke with me?

Sorry, but I have stage fright. I'd happily watch you though!

13. What is your dream vacation?

I have a few but one of them is definitely Hawaii. I've never been but it's on my list of places I want to see before I die.

14. What is your favorite article of clothing?

Yoga pants and a comfy t-shirt or sweats, if I'm lounging around at home.

15. What is your favorite song playing on the radio right now?

Can't think of one. The stations where I live kind of suck. ETA: I love the Fray, so probably something by them.

16. Do you need coffee in the morning to be a tolerable human being?

Nope. I like it but I try not to have it often.

17. Can you cook? If so, what's your best dish?

Kind of, meaning I can follow a recipe, but I'm horrible at shopping and whipping up something with what I've bought. I can make a good lasagna and a good pork tenderloin though. I didn't inherit great cooking skills, sadly.

18. What is your favorite sports team? What sports team do you hate the most?

I'm not too into sports but I'll plug the Boston/New England teams. In terms of what sports I like most, I like basketball because it's fast-paced and easy to follow/understand. I like the idea of watching football but I just don't get it. I can't stand boxing or wrestling. Did I actually answer the question?

19: What is your favorite board game?

Probably Trivial Pursuit.

20: How many more hours a day would you have if you had never discovered PS?

Many more than I have now!

ETA: 21. I love 3 stones, swoopy prongs, and trellis settings, and it's what I have now, actually. I'd probbly stick with that but I'd upgrade to larger stones. I also love the idea of the Tiffany jazz band or a cushion cut (maybe with pave, maybe not). So many choices though!! Oh wait, then there are sapphires! I'd probably choose a blue-violet/color change sapp.


Jul 28, 2009
PSers are awesome. I love hearing about everyone!

More! More!

::cracks whip::


Oct 19, 2009
1. What is your user name and why did you choose it?

It''s based on a nickname-"Cushie"- that my dad has called me since I was little. When I went off to college, he pretended to be in denial about it and started calling me "Baby Cushie" to sound like I wasn''t all grown up.

2. Where were you born?

Long Island, NY

3. Do you like to drive?

I HATE driving in Chicago, where I live. It seriously has given me anxiety since I moved here. But I love driving in the country, especially on the way to my parents'' house through beautiful rural Illinois.

4. Favorite type of food?

COOKIES!!! Chocolate chip cookies, specifically.

5. Favorite beverage?

I''m a water-drinker, with the exception of two cups of coffee a day.

6. If you could only eat one kind of cereal for the rest of your life, what would it be?

Well, I do eat Multigrain Cheerios every day, but I would eat Cinnamon Toast Crunch every day if they were equal in calories!

7. What book have you read the most times?

All of the Harry Potter books, but especially the 3rd- Prisoner of Azkaban. I''m a sucker for time travel.

8. Favorite TV channel?

I''m more loyal to programs than channels- I love "The Office", "ANTM", "How I Met Your Mother".

9. Favorite movies?

Back to the Future (the root of my fascination with time travel).

10. What Hollywood star would play you in a movie about your life?

Kate Winslet- very fair-skinned and womanly!
Sarah Jessica Parker for the hair only.

11. Which single store would you choose to max out your credit cards? and Barnes and Noble because my wish-list of medical books is endless. Also, Starbucks so I can sit and enjoy the aforementioned books.

12. Would you be willing to sing karaoke with me?


13. What is your dream vacation?

Laying on a secluded beach (under an umbrella so I don''t get a sunburn), reading my way through a huge stack of books.

14. What is your favorite article of clothing?

A gray sweater that I bought in Paris with my dad about 8 years ago. It''s very lightweight, has a little zipper up the front, and goes with everything! I usually wear it at least twice a week.

15. What is your favorite song playing on the radio right now?

I only listen to the classical station so... Bruch''s violin concerto?

16. Do you need coffee in the morning to be a tolerable human being?

Did I mention I would max out my credit card going to Starbucks every day?

17. Can you cook? If so, what''s your best dish?

I am a terrible cook, but I love baking. I make some mean chocolate chip muffins.

18. What is your favorite sports team? What sports team do you hate the most?

I''m a Tar Heel born, I''m a Tar Heel bred, and when I die I''m a Tar Heel dead!

19: What is your favorite board game?


20: How many more hours a day would you have if you had never discovered PS?

Maybe one? But scattered through the day.

21: What is your dream ring?

E-ring: 1.5ct Asscher cut solitaire in platinum. Drool.
Wedding ring: Tiffany "Signature" ring- the one with the big X covered in diamonds.


Mar 8, 2010
1. What is your user name and why did you choose it?
My user name is the nickname my bff gave me in high school

2. Where were you born?
Western NY

3. Do you like to drive?
Love it!!

4. Favorite type of food?

5. Favorite beverage?
Cherry vodka cranberries <3 Non alcoholic would be coke zero

6. If you could only eat one kind of cereal for the rest of your life, what would it be?
Cocoa pebbles

7. What book have you read the most times?
I''m not sure.... I can''t really remember re-reading any books.

8. Favorite TV channel?

9. Favorite movies?
Oh man, I could never pick just one!

10. What Hollywood star would play you in a movie about your life?
hhmmmm... Interesting. Not sure who I''d pick.

11. Which single store would you choose to max out your credit cards?
Anyplace with nice diamonds!!

12. Would you be willing to sing karaoke with me?
NNOOOOOOO! No one deserves to be subjected to me singing.

13. What is your dream vacation?
Anywhere warm!

14. What is your favorite article of clothing?
My levi''s

15. What is your favorite song playing on the radio right now?
I could never pick just one. It all depends on my mood.

16. Do you need coffee in the morning to be a tolerable human being?
Caffeine, yes, but not coffee.

17. Can you cook? If so, what''s your best dish?
I love cooking!! I''m still kind of learning, and I don''t really have a best dish yet, but I cook a lot of italian.

18. What is your favorite sports team? What sports team do you hate the most?
I''m a Sabres girl all the way!! I hate the Bills though. (Can you tell where I live??)

19: What is your favorite board game?

20: How many more hours a day would you have if you had never discovered PS?
HAHA at least an hour a day more, and without facebook, I''d have like 3 more hours a day!


Aug 10, 2009
1. What is your user name and why did you choose it?
I was trying to come up with a username I''ve never used anywhere else. I figured "cross my fingers" is something I say quite a bit in real life, and it implies that I''m waiting and wishing. I want to use it on other sites now, actually... Ha!

2. Where were you born?
The South... I like being vague on here about some things, sorry.

3. Do you like to drive?
I *LOVE* to drive!

4. Favorite type of food?
I like way too many foods. I don''t even know where to start. I know that''s a cop-out, but it''s so true.

5. Favorite beverage?

6. If you could only eat one kind of cereal for the rest of your life, what would it be?
Special K with strawberries, yum!

7. What book have you read the most times?
I don''t re-read books often.

8. Favorite TV channel?
Bravo or HGTV

9. Favorite movies?
American Beauty

10. What Hollywood star would play you in a movie about your life?
Natalie Portman

11. Which single store would you choose to max out your credit cards?
Sephora!!! Or, thanks to PS, Brian Gavin''s website!

12. Would you be willing to sing karaoke with me?
I''ve never sang karaoke other than at small gatherings... I would in front of a crowd if I was out of town, though.

13. What is your dream vacation?
Somewhere super tropical. Or Italy, for the food! :)

14. What is your favorite article of clothing?
Lately, this green shirt I just bought from the Gap.

15. What is your favorite song playing on the radio right now?
Telephone by Lady GaGa!

16. Do you need coffee in the morning to be a tolerable human being?

17. Can you cook? If so, what''s your best dish?
Yes, I love cooking! I''d say my best dish would be pretty much anything I do with potatoes.

18. What is your favorite sports team? What sports team do you hate the most?
I usually just cheer for whoever has prettier colors, or whoever my friends are cheering on. Don''t follow any particular teams in any sports. I''m going to try to keep up with baseball this year though.

19: What is your favorite board game?
Scattergories is so awesome!

20: How many more hours a day would you have if you had never discovered PS?
I don''t get on every day, I''d say maybe every 3rd day or so, for about 2 hours. So then... about .6 hours a day.


Mar 4, 2010
Ooh, fun! Can I play even though not an LIW?

1. What is your user name and why did you choose it?
It''s a castle and I chose it based on a movie I saw.

2. Where were you born.

3. Do you like to drive?
I adore it.

4. Favorite type of food?

5. Favorite beverage?
Strawberry juice.

6. If you could only eat one kind of cereal for the rest of your life, what would it be?
Golden Grahams.

7. What book have you read the most times?
Mallory Towers.

8. Favorite TV channel?

9. Favorite movies?
Notting Hill, Empire of the Sun, The End of the Affair.

10. What Hollywood star would play you in a movie about your life?
Elisabeth Shue.

11. Which single store would you choose to max out your credit cards?
White House Black Market.

12. Would you be willing to sing karaoke with me?

13. What is your dream vacation?

14. What is your favorite article of clothing?
I haven''t got it yet, but it''ll be my wedding dress.

15. What is your favorite song playing on the radio right now?
Hate pretty much everything on the radio right now.

16. Do you need coffee in the morning to be a tolerable human being?

17. Can you cook? If so, what''s your best dish?
Yes. A pasta dish.

18. What is your favorite sports team? What sports team do you hate the most?
Munster rugby''s my favourite. Don''t particularly hate any team.

19: What is your favorite board game?

20: How many more hours a day would you have if you had never discovered PS?


Feb 19, 2010
1. What is your user name and why did you choose it?

I think it''s super cute that his initials are MRS like Mrs. LOL!

2. Where were you born?


3. Do you like to drive?


4. Favorite type of food?


5. Favorite beverage?


6. If you could only eat one kind of cereal for the rest of your life, what would it be?

Peanut Butter Cap''n Crunch

7. What book have you read the most times?

Lots of John Grisham''s stuff

8. Favorite TV channel?


9. Favorite movies?

Coming to America, Star Wars series, Lord of The Rings series, and a bunch of other comedies

10. What Hollywood star would play you in a movie about your life?

Sanaa Lathan

11. Which single store would you choose to max out your credit cards?

Bloomingdales (clothes & shoes & jackets!)

12. Would you be willing to sing karaoke with me?

LOVE Kar-o-kay!

13. What is your dream vacation?

Definitely something warm and sunny...Mexico, Bahamas

14. What is your favorite article of clothing?

Pretty undies

15. What is your favorite song playing on the radio right now?

Rhianna''s Rude Boy (even though she irritates me)

16. Do you need coffee in the morning to be a tolerable human being?

Not to be tolerable...but it tastes soooo good

17. Can you cook? If so, what''s your best dish?

Yes! Chicken stir-fry...ooh, or sausage & pepper calzones

18. What is your favorite sports team? What sports team do you hate the most?

I hate the Yankees! BOOOOO! I was partial to the Pack before Brett went to the Vikings

19: What is your favorite board game?

Clue - the ''new'' one!

20: How many more hours a day would you have if you had never discovered PS?

I''m not on here too maybe an hour :)


Sep 20, 2008
10) according to DH there is no one famous as sassy as I am but if he had to pick then Sherri Sheperd is close, he also said I remind him of Alec Baldwin and Charlie Sheen (I just want to put it out there I have never been to rehab or hit my husband)


Mar 25, 2010
haha whoops! Sorry! I shouldn''t be thinking about them either, I CAN''T HELP IT! lol


Aug 22, 2009
Date: 3/26/2010 10:42:05 AM
Author: purselover
10) according to DH there is no one famous as sassy as I am but if he had to pick then Sherri Sheperd is close, he also said I remind him of Alec Baldwin and Charlie Sheen (I just want to put it out there I have never been to rehab or hit my husband)
All good things to know, PL.


Jul 21, 2008
1. What is your user name and why did you choose it?

Combination of my first name and my favorite Red Sox player.

2. Where were you born?

Salem, MA

3. Do you like to drive?

Sorta sick of it after 80 miles of commuting each day for almost two years. When its sunny and I can put the windows down, yes.

4. Favorite type of food?

Chicken green curry and jasmine rise... Thai I guess.

5. Favorite beverage?

Ice cold skim milk. I can go through a gallon on the weekend. Red wine.

6. If you could only eat one kind of cereal for the rest of your life, what would it be?

Honey Nut Cheerios

7. What book have you read the most times?

I rarely read books more than once but I do recall reading The All-of-a-Kind Family many times over as a young kid.

8. Favorite TV channel?

ABC- All of my favorite sitcoms are on that channel.
Bravo otherwise.

9. Favorite movies?

10 Things I Hate About You
Love Actually

10. What Hollywood star would play you in a movie about your life?

Renee Zelleweger because a lot of people think I look like her.

11. Which single store would you choose to max out your credit cards?

Probably some sort of department store since I would be able to buy clothes and jewelery. Either that or Pottery Barn/William Sonoma Home/Crate & Barrel

12. Would you be willing to sing karaoke with me?

Depends on how drunk I am.

13. What is your dream vacation?

Tough one. I've taken some really amazing trips. I'd probably like to go sailing again in the BVIs. Its still top of my list for amazing vacations.

14. What is your favorite article of clothing?

My black baggy sweatpants. DH hates them.

15. What is your favorite song playing on the radio right now?

I've been listening to a morning show during my commutes (live on the way there, podcast of what I missed that day on the way back) so this is tough.

16. Do you need coffee in the morning to be a tolerable human being?

No, but I love it so much!

17. Can you cook? If so, what's your best dish?

I make do... I think that my best dish is probably this chicken and veggie dish. I sautee up peppers, mushrooms, and onions with oregano, basil, pepper, and salt. Toss in a can of chopped tomatoes for a moment or two. Then spread it over boneless chicken breasts in a casserole dish. Top with crumbled feta and bake until the chicken is cooked through. My best friends' mother developed the receipe for a fish topping but I don't eat fish, so chicken it is! I always get a great reaction out of this dish.

18. What is your favorite sports team? What sports team do you hate the most?

New England Patriots

My sports hate list goes like this:

1. Indianapolis Colts
2. New York Giants
3. New York Yankees
4. New York Jets

19: What is your favorite board game?


20: How many more hours a day would you have if you had never discovered PS?

I spend much more time these days talking to people I know from PS on other sites than I do ON PS. If I don't count that time, I'd say an hour. I have my routine down by this point and spend less tiem aimlessly browsing.


Apr 13, 2008
Date: 3/25/2010 1:53:49 PM
It has been some time since we had a survey around here, so I''m posting one!

btw: brown.eyed.girl, if you read this, it might look familiar!


1. What is your user name and why did you choose it?
Tuckins- a mix of my maiden and married names

2. Where were you born?
Wayandotte, Michigan

3. Do you like to drive?
Absolutely! Especially my little stick shift...

4. Favorite type of food?

5. Favorite beverage?

6. If you could only eat one kind of cereal for the rest of your life, what would it be?
Lucky Charms

7. What book have you read the most times?
Harry Potter series....

8. Favorite TV channel?

9. Favorite movies?
Wizard of Oz, Annie, Goonies

10. What Hollywood star would play you in a movie about your life?
Drew Barrymore

11. Which single store would you choose to max out your credit cards?
Darakjian Jewelers.... (I would wear RAGS but be very sparkly!)

12. Would you be willing to sing karaoke with me?

13. What is your dream vacation?
European tour

14. What is your favorite article of clothing?
Besides my jewelry.... My pink converse all stars

15. What is your favorite song playing on the radio right now?
Don''t know, I listen to Howard Stern on satellite.

16. Do you need coffee in the morning to be a tolerable human being?
No, I actually don''t drink caffeine very much

17. Can you cook? If so, what''s your best dish?
Some stuff... The best thing I make is probably chicken and dumplings

18. What is your favorite sports team? What sports team do you hate the most?
Indianapolis Colts. I despise the Patriots. (Obvious rivalry)

19: What is your favorite board game?
None, I hate board games. My most hated is monopoly!!!!

20: How many more hours a day would you have if you had never discovered PS?
At least 1.... on a work day. Weekends or vacations....


Mar 14, 2009
1. What is your user name and why did you choose it?

The meanings of two characters (picked by a dear friend) that form my name in a foreign language

2. Where were you born?

Western Canada

3. Do you like to drive?

No! I've been in too many car crashes.

4. Favorite type of food?


5. Favorite beverage?

Tea - many many kinds

6. If you could only eat one kind of cereal for the rest of your life, what would it be?

Fruity Cheerios

7. What book have you read the most times?

Howel's Moving Castle

8. Favorite TV channel?


9. Favorite movies?

Ones directed by Wes Anderson or produced by Jerry Bruckheimer

10. What Hollywood star would play you in a movie about your life?

I neither look nor act like any hollywood starlet ... so some spunky bookish undiscovered talent.

11. Which single store would you choose to max out your credit cards?

Good old gold

12. Would you be willing to sing karaoke with me?

If we sing together - I'm too shy to sing on my own

13. What is your dream vacation?

A train trip across canada, down the US east coast, across the South and back up the West Coast, with stops at interesting places in between
or a year-long around the world cruise.

14. What is your favorite article of clothing?

My purple sweater - it's the perfect color of purple

15. What is your favorite song playing on the radio right now?

I'm listening to the murder mystery "Agatha Raisin and the Faeries of fryfan"

16. Do you need coffee in the morning to be a tolerable human being?

nope - very strong black tea (with milk)

17. Can you cook? If so, what's your best dish?

yes! chicken curry, sweet and sour pork, teriyaki chicken, vegetable peasant soup

18. What is your favorite sports team? What sports team do you hate the most?

Sorry just not into sports.

19: What is your favorite board game?

Settlers of catan, or Quelf depending on my mood and the players

20: How many more hours a day would you have if you had never discovered PS?




May 3, 2009
1. What is your user name and why did you choose it?
i was dubbed squirrel once
2. Where were you born?
in a hospital

3. Do you like to drive?
highway, yes. lots of traffic, no.
4. Favorite type of food?
edible? right now sushi.
5. Favorite beverage?
6. If you could only eat one kind of cereal for the rest of your life, what would it be?
since you never said it had to be prepared the same each time, oatmeal
7. What book have you read the most times?
i haven''t re-read a book (excluding for school) so far as i can remember
8. Favorite TV channel?
if i watch anything it''d be either HGTV or Food
9. Favorite movies?
while i enjoy watching them every now and then, i don''t really have favorites
10. What Hollywood star would play you in a movie about your life?
no clue, how about lassie

11. Which single store would you choose to max out your credit cards?
whichever one has the best sales at that point in time
12. Would you be willing to sing karaoke with me?
i''ll sing along in the crowd, but you might have a shot getting me on stage if you give me enough drinks
13. What is your dream vacation?
currently anything not involving wedding plans, but i''d love to travel the world and hit all 50 states too.
14. What is your favorite article of clothing?
i live in hoodies
15. What is your favorite song playing on the radio right now?
i bet the only ones i know on pop channels right now would be by lady gaga (that''s if bad romance is still playing)
16. Do you need coffee in the morning to be a tolerable human being?
nope, but i used to work at a place that gave those types of people coffee
17. Can you cook? If so, what''s your best dish?
i can, but i don''t very often right now. chocolate mousse
18. What is your favorite sports team? What sports team do you hate the most?
purdue! generally IU, but right now duke''s pretty high up there
19: What is your favorite board game?
clue unless apples to apples counts
20: How many more hours a day would you have if you had never discovered PS?
it varies, usually about 3

21: What is your dream ring?
my shiny FI got me
i am lusting for a certain sapphire though

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