
slightly reluctant to post but fishing for a compliment

Daisys and Diamonds

Apr 30, 2019
we don't seem to be getting hardly any modest pieces on PS of late ....

but since i got this piece its been my most worn necklace
they are made with some Wen potato pearls that didn't work out for another project
i felt they were too pretty to be left just lying around and it's too much hassle to send anything back from down here
the green beads are moss agate, ive been having a bit of a moss agate moment of late

as is my M.O. it's a cr* photo, i took it at work on the ipad thingy
the pearls do have a nice luster, not PS quality but better than the photo and at least as good as anything in the jewlers window here
i am dissapointed in the photo, its on the sandwich making bench at work on my apron

the catch is the one i get my guy to make out of SS, its a bit utilitarian but it means i can actually do it up and undo it without a huge drama
i'm in the process of getting them put on almost every thing
the N i got for xmas or maybe my birthday probably 40 plus years ago, my mother would be glad i'm still wearing it


another terrible photo from work but ive desided this length is my sweet spot
anyway ..sigh
i dont think it's too bad
but not one single person has commented on it
i know i am not surrounded by jewlery lovers in 'real life' but i did think it was worth some sort of honorable mention

inspiraton pix from etsy
my luster is at least as good as this

i cant do the knotting, but this jewler has a lady who works inhouse at the bench beside him, im actually beginning to think the trouble could be my disgraphia (why i cant spell) because i hold pencils and crochet hooks too tight and it becomes too painful and threading the pearls/beads and knotting is really painful
i was surpossed to be on ban island regrading new things but i decided to cheat and call this a repurpose of the N charm and also using up pretty left overs
i have never had a project materialize so quickly from conception to actually wearing a finished piece so i was feeling terrible proud of myself

of course nothing compaired to all the lovelies being purchased of late on the forum
i was kinda going for a @MakingTheGrade youthful vibe but on a budget :wavey:
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Feb 24, 2017
I like the combination @Daisys and Diamonds. I’ve got quite a few pearl pieces mixed with different agates, (green, red, blue), black onyx and carnelian. Gives pearls a new twist.


Jan 1, 2021
we don't seem to be getting hardly any modest pieces on PS of late ....

but since i got this piece its been my most worn necklace
they are made with some Wen potato pearls that didn't work out for another project
i felt they were too pretty to be left just lying around and it's too much hassle to send anything back from down here
the green beads are moss agate, ive been having a bit of a moss agate moment of late

as is my M.O. it's a cr* photo, i took it at work on the ipad thingy
the pearls do have a nice luster, not PS quality but better than the photo and at least as good as anything in the jewlers window here
i am dissapointed in the photo, its on the sandwich making bench at work on my apron

the catch is the one i get my guy to make out of SS, its a bit utilitarian but it means i can actually do it up and undo it without a huge drama
i'm in the process of getting them put on almost every thing
the N i got for xmas or maybe my birthday probably 40 plus years ago, my mother would be glad i'm still wearing it


another terrible photo from work but ive desided this length is my sweet spot
anyway ..sigh
i dont think it's too bad
but not one single person has commented on it
i know i am not surrounded by jewlery lovers in 'real life' but i did think it was worth some sort of honorable mention

inspiraton pix from etsy
my luster is at least as good as this

i cant do the knotting, but this jewler has a lady who works inhouse at the bench beside him, im actually beginning to think the trouble could be my disgraphia (why i cant spell) because i hold pencils and crochet hooks too tight and it becomes too painful and threading the pearls/beads and knotting is really painful
i was surpossed to be on ban island regrading new things but i decided to cheat and call this a repurpose of the N charm and also using up pretty left overs
i have never had a project materialize so quickly from conception to actually wearing a finished piece so i was feeling terrible proud of myself

of course nothing compaired to all the lovelies being purchased of late on the forum
i was kinda going for a @MakingTheGrade youthful vibe but on a budget :wavey:

I really like the half and half look of the necklace—dark and light. I admire your creativity! Did you string it yourself?

Daisys and Diamonds

Apr 30, 2019
I really like the half and half look of the necklace—dark and light. I admire your creativity! Did you string it yourself?

thank you=)2
saddly i cant knott despite trying
i do string it up though to play around with and so they see what i want i want it too look like, but that is a huge effort as it hurts my hands a lot

i do want to have a go using the two thread method on some ropes as they wont need a clasp but i know if i dont make it neat enough i wont wear it and im confused how to finish the ends


Nov 27, 2009
Consider me biting the bait xD That necklace looks pretty! I like that shade of green! :D


Jan 4, 2010
It's an interesting look.
I have a jade (nephrite, dark spinach green) necklace that belonged to my late mother which I just can't wear-- it's not flattering at all on me, not the way it is now. I am thinking of doing something with it to make it wearable. Not sure what, though.


Jan 1, 2021
thank you=)2
saddly i cant knott despite trying
i do string it up though to play around with and so they see what i want i want it too look like, but that is a huge effort as it hurts my hands a lot

i do want to have a go using the two thread method on some ropes as they wont need a clasp but i know if i dont make it neat enough i wont wear it and im confused how to finish the ends

I want to learn how, but it’s daunting.

Also! Don’t feel bad that no one noticed your necklace at work. So many people just don’t pay attention to jewelry! Sad fact of life. I only have a few people in my life who notice such things, and still not to the degree that I would be looking at someone’s new jewels.
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Jun 27, 2014
I think they're lovely and quite stylish Dais, and just because no one at work said anything, yet, doesn't make it not so. I just think they're a littler harder to see with the collar of your work shirt, is all.

Daisys and Diamonds

Apr 30, 2019
I want to learn how, but it’s daunting.

Also! Don’t feel bad that no one noticed your necklace at work. So many people just don’t pay attention to jewelry! Sad fact of life. I only have a few people in my life who notice such things, and still not to the degree that I would be looking at someone’s new jewels.

oh this lady came into work with a really beautiful two strand pearl bracelet yesterday, lovely luster, like difinatly PS worthy, i work in a part of town that is old money but its also a small provincal city where people still chat with strangers
i am always on the look out for pearls on customers, it cheers my heart to see young girls wearing pearls, dainty necklaces but also shonking big studs

if its just the one customer in the shop and they are friendly i will comment, that's actually how i found my present jewler (from his sister)

i usually wear a different shirt to and from work, i dont want to smell like a baking tray all the way home (think of the smell of an old not non-stick cake tin or tray)
even though our product is baked on the other side of town, that is what we smell like after our shift
one day i wore an olive top and mum's tiger eye rope (that i never saw her ever wear) and my boss Linda said it looked pretty, i just usually look like a sake of spuds and even more disheveled in this heat right now


Jan 30, 2013
Hello friend! Your necklace is lovely. It kinda reminded me of Ann Boleyn's B necklace. Wear it in good health, and may it bring you luck and happiness <3

Daisys and Diamonds

Apr 30, 2019
i think the trouble is, and please dont think im desperate or anything but i miss having a best girl friend
the ladies at work are all really lovely
and i mean Gary is my best friend but you know what i mean, and Borris and Fluffy are girls too :lol-2:
but i didnt grow up, up here, so there is no local connection to my southern roots, when you move as an adult especially over 30 it gets harder to make new friends, people here still have all the kids they went to school with

i was just saying on another thread i need a lady-in-waiting (or a Queen's companion as they are now known), not as a servent but someone to help do up my necklaces and bracelets would be helpful

i just wanted someone to say
hay, cool necklace and then i could say i made it myself (well with proffesional help)

Daisys and Diamonds

Apr 30, 2019
Hello friend! Your necklace is lovely. It kinda reminded me of Ann Boleyn's B necklace. Wear it in good health, and may it bring you luck and happiness <3

that your MrsBlue
you know i only learnt about that necklace the other day (as i often say -so much to learn, so much to learn)


Jun 20, 2020
I am really loving moss agate, too. I would never have thought of the half and half arrangement because I am very boring, but I love the idea. Lovely!

Daisys and Diamonds

Apr 30, 2019
I am really loving moss agate, too. I would never have thought of the half and half arrangement because I am very boring, but I love the idea. Lovely!

thank you @m-cubed
i would not have thought of it either if i hadn't seen it on etsy
it just happened in this case and for the first time in my life i had all the ingredient ready to go (very unlike me)


Feb 23, 2013
I like the look on you, @Daisys and Diamonds! You could even get "fancy" and experiment with wearing all one color on the front, depending on the top you're wearing. One day, all green on the front; another day, the pearls on the front, and then the options of green/pearls on the left or right. Lots of versatility! :)


Jun 26, 2007
It's a beautiful necklace @Daisys and Diamonds
I think the contrasting agate and pearls are edgy and cool!

I am out and about all day with my traveling retail job. I rarely get any comments on my jewelry.
"Regular" people just don't notice or care that I'm wearing my latest creation or cool vintage find.
But I still strut around like I'm hot stuff anyway!

Daisys and Diamonds

Apr 30, 2019
It's a beautiful necklace @Daisys and Diamonds
I think the contrasting agate and pearls are edgy and cool!

I am out and about all day with my traveling retail job. I rarely get any comments on my jewelry.
"Regular" people just don't notice or care that I'm wearing my latest creation or cool vintage find.
But I still strut around like I'm hot stuff anyway!
thank you Stracci
call in for a pie and a donut lunch (or a salad laiden sandwich) and i will deffinatly admire your beautiful creations

-its so hot here this week yet kiwi's still want a hot meat pie or a sussage roll for lunch

Daisys and Diamonds

Apr 30, 2019
I like the look on you, @Daisys and Diamonds! You could even get "fancy" and experiment with wearing all one color on the front, depending on the top you're wearing. One day, all green on the front; another day, the pearls on the front, and then the options of green/pearls on the left or right. Lots of versatility! :)

thank you SparkleBug some great syling idea
hmmm i should have had that N changed from a bail to a an enhancer,
however im not very origional so i may make another one in the future
i do have all that larimar coloured dyed quartz that is actually quite pretty if i forget i brought it as larimar

Daisys and Diamonds

Apr 30, 2019
i have to remember to pick the nicest of the left overs to make some matching earrings


Jan 22, 2014
It’s beautiful.
I don’t think people make compliments like they used to, shame. Like having a smile on your face and saying thank you. Not in fashion anymore.
I do lots of beading, I make my dangles and I’ve restrung / repaired many bead necklaces now. It’s not hard to do though you need some supplies. I use fishing line and knots which I cover with a bead. Fishing line doesn’t rot or stretch. I did buy some proper wire but prefer good o fishing line!
if you need more beads, let me know.

Daisys and Diamonds

Apr 30, 2019
It’s beautiful.
I don’t think people make compliments like they used to, shame. Like having a smile on your face and saying thank you. Not in fashion anymore.
I do lots of beading, I make my dangles and I’ve restrung / repaired many bead necklaces now. It’s not hard to do though you need some supplies. I use fishing line and knots which I cover with a bead. Fishing line doesn’t rot or stretch. I did buy some proper wire but prefer good o fishing line!
if you need more beads, let me know.

thank you lovely Bron
i have some fishing line somewhere


Jun 2, 2018
@Daisys and Diamonds, you have friends here! I do so enjoy reading your posts - your warm disposition really comes through.

Its a shame to say, but I think more and more these days people are afraid to compliment strangers for fear of being perceived as somehow not P.C. Don’t take an absence of in person compliments to heart. I do agree with @ItsMainelyYou, I think the polo shirt is impeding it’s full effect. I do think we need some more photos =)2


Jun 2, 2018
thank you Stracci
call in for a pie and a donut lunch (or a salad laiden sandwich) and i will deffinatly admire your beautiful creations

-its so hot here this week yet kiwi's still want a hot meat pie or a sussage roll for lunch

This Aussie had a meat pie for lunch today from the local bakery =)2


Mar 2, 2009
I love it!
I actually recently made a half and half look myself to wear with some charm pendants. I used some gold filled watch chain (a cheap but fun find on Etsy awhile ago) and some tiny 4mm akoya. Great minds think alike!


Jun 8, 2008
I love it Nicky! Thank you for sharing :love:


Jul 30, 2021
Wonderful necklace, Daisy! It's very creative and looks great. It's also really impressive that your idea came to fruition so quickly---I'd love to even finish one project. :)


Jan 4, 2010
I don't ever get compliments from strangers on my jewelry or my perfumes. I think New Englanders tend to mind their own business more.

But 10-15 years ago, before I began wearing progressive eyeglasses, I used to buy fancy, colorful OTC reading glasses. I got lots of compliments on those! I recall one day when I was wearing a reverse watermelon tourmaline pendant that my husband had made for me, on my mother's 18K gas pipe choker necklace. That was ignored and the reading glasses were complimented. Go figure!
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