
Now I really did it :((


Feb 27, 2007

@missy at least we keep the economy going. Our knives haven’t shown up yet. I guess we’ll move some of our current knives to the trailer. I bought the ones for it at the dollar store. They aren’t the best. I hope your asthma is better. The audio I recorded today for a video definitely sounds like I’m stuffed up. Your new flowers look great. I hate to hear about your rash and Pepsi and Fresca.

@Austina I rarely go through my photo albums either. I bet I’ve got close to 20, if not more. I used to take a lot of pictures. I’ll keep Stripe in mind for next year. Right now, I think I’ll finish the year doing what is missing by hand. Your yard sounds like it is really shaping up and will look gorgeous. Don’t you hate those people that try to sell you extras and warranties. We had a security company stop by recently and they were sure pushy. After telling them about 5 times we’re good and thank you anyway, I said I’ve got to go I’m working. Then they got a bit nasty. Yay for glorious weather. Trivia night sounds fun.

@canuk-gal I’m still wandering around in my down jacket too. I talked to my friend in Bozeman and she said they had snow up to their butt there. Editing that book has been keeping me busy. It has Greek letters, foreign words that don’t copy well. Some of the columns don’t copy right. It’s tedious work, reminds me of our old job - well less irritants.

I’ve been working, knitting and cleaning out the house. We got in to TBE this week and looked around. They might have it done in July. We will see.

I’m almost done with another hat and scarf set.

Here’s some pictures of the inside. Marty didn’t take any pictures of the basement.

Take care.



Jun 8, 2008
Good morning lovely ladies! Happy wet and windy (at the jersey shore) FriYAY!

@marcy lol yes. We are sure doing our part for the economy :lol: And I just bought another cycling jacket (pricey but on sale) so score another for doing what we can for the economy lololol

I sure hope your knives arrive soon. I am sorry you are stuffed up. Thanks for the well wishes. My asthma is still kicking my butt but at least I no longer have to nebulize every two hours so that is an improvement. I hope the Dupixent benefits keep increasing. And the adverse effects do not. I am worried because it must be temperature controlled between 36 and 46F and my fridge fluctuates. We have a thermometer in it and it goes between 34 and 46 so I am keeping the syringes in the fridge drawer which fluctuates between 43-46 but it makes me nervous. The manufacturer is quite clear it cannot be kept cooler or warmer and good luck with our electronics obeying that rule.

Beautiful layout of TBE! I love it! Speaking of houses we went to look at a house for my parents and it was lovely. But too big (my mom said) for them. What a shame. Great price and great house. Ranch all on one floor. Double garage. Room above the garage. Great kitchen. Six burner stove. Beautiful big backyard so private. It is at the end of a cul de sac and I just adore the location and privacy. It's only 10 minutes by car from us too. UGH. My mom is never moving here. In my heart I know this. Greg and I offered to lend them the money for the downpayment since the have no liquid cash and she said thank you but now she is saying no to everything. Double ugh.
Isn't this pretty?

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We went cycling earlier in the day and then saw this house and then Greg had a board meeting. I had a two hour conversation with one of the rescue people who had helped us over 10 years ago when we first started doing TNR here. Long story short she said likely Fresca is gone. When cats know they are dying they go off to die alone and the reason Pepsi is out of sorts is her routine was disrupted (because she and Fresca were always together) and also because yes, she is grieving. So hopefully once Pepsi is back to herself she will be back to letting me feed her every AM. But I am devastated about Fresca. Devastated is an understatement. We are feeding new ferals (always new cats coming) which means we have to start with TNR again. It's been a while. Not looking forward to it. Always super traumatic to the point I start becoming reluctant to continue. Ann (the rescue person) totally gets how I am feeling and also quit working at animal shelters because it was too upsetting. I used to work with an animal rescue group in Brooklyn when I was in my 20s and 30s. But after 15 plus years had to stop. It was just overwhelming. We do what we can but truly never enough. NEVER enough. Stupid insensitive narcissistic humans are responsible for the feral cat problem. People discarding their pets. People not spaying and neutering. Makes me so angry.

I will end on a sweet note. Ice cream from our cycling adventures yesterday. Today no cycling just rain and wind and miserable weather. I fed the cats this AM and one did venture out that I saw. But it's raining and so the food will be all wet if not eaten immediately.

Sweet treat
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And mid afternoon Rocco came to pay a visit. I told Ann and my sister about her and they both think she is either feeding her babies (because she is out during daylight) or she is pregnant. Either way she needs food. Which we gladly provide.

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@canuk-gal thank you. I hope you are enjoying a wonderful week and looking forward to an even more wonderful weekend...hope work went smoothly and easily and was not stressful in any way.

@Slickk @bling_dream19 @Austina @springerspaniel @mrs-b @MamaBee and everyone else. Hope your week is ending on a good note.
Have a good FriYAY lovely ladies. Be well. Enjoy. Stay dry.


Jun 8, 2008
OMG!!!! FRESCA is OK!!!!! Just saw her!!!!!!! And Pepsi!!! And Dr Pepper!!!!! YAY!!!!! It's raining but I kept putting out more wet food as it was disappearing fast and they all showed up!!!!!

Thank you everyone who sent good thoughts for them and for your support. I cannot thank you enough. You all helped bring her to safety!!! XOXO

From the quick video I took. It all happened so fast

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Mar 31, 2018
OMG!!!! FRESCA is OK!!!!! Just saw her!!!!!!! And Pepsi!!! And Dr Pepper!!!!! YAY!!!!! It's raining but I kept putting out more wet food as it was disappearing fast and they all showed up!!!!!

Thank you everyone who sent good thoughts for them and for your support. I cannot thank you enough. You all helped bring her to safety!!! XOXO

From the quick video I took. It all happened so fast

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This made my day @missy! ❤️


Jun 8, 2008
Wow! I’m so happy for you @missy

Thank you.:love: We just got home from running errands and I went out with more wet food and guess who showed? All three kitties!

Not the best photos as I was on the phone with the realtor at the time this all was happening and there were reflections from the window but here are the trio. They are super sweet and I am just so relieved they are OK. They are definitely not hungry as I fed them so much already today so they only ate a little bit more just now. Thank you all for sharing in my happiness at their safe return

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It just started raining hard now but at least they are well fed and hopefully remain safe and sound through this awful weather we are having

Sunrises Sunsets

Dec 14, 2021
Missy, I write this with the best intentions for I can tell you have the softest, sweetest heart for your parents. I've walked this path and I will share what my perspective is toward the situation and I do not want to offend you.

The house is very beautiful and I understand why you would like to have your parents closer. I have to agree with your Mom, though, it's way to much for them at this time in their lives. They have a routine where they live now and know all of the nuances of maneuvering through the house. Moving is an overwhelming ideation for them and to be honest, you and your sister would spend months of your lives making it happen. There would be closings, listings, sorting, distributing, change of addresses, personnel to line up for cleaning, repairs, painting, moving and so forth. And let's face it, they no longer need to have a home to maintain. The day may come and shortly, when being on their own is no longer an option and assisted care will be necessary.

I wish, when we faced these issues with our parents, along with checking and aiding their welfare, I would have spent more time enjoying the soft feel of their hands, looking in their eyes and talking about the paths we had traveled together and just listening. I would love to kiss my Mom's soft cheek again and hear about her life growing up and Dad's laugh even as he grew so weak. Don't miss any opportunities with them.

I wish your family well during this final transition in their lives. It's not a challenge we are used to navigating but patience, love and lot's of compassion will get one there. And you have all of those attributes.


Feb 24, 2017
Hello lovelies

Happy FriYay!!

:dance: The BEST of news @missy, I had a feeling they’d be back. I’ll bet the little monkeys have been out visiting other people who feed them, our cat Tig used to do that, and we wondered why he wouldn’t eat at home :lol: It’s a shame the house is too big for your parents, it looks really nice. I would carry on looking, because I think there may finally come a time when your Mum realises that they need a bungalow and people close by.

The house is looking absolutely great @marcy. How’s the decluttering going? I’m sure the next few months before you move will just whizz by, and then you’ll have the job of putting everything in its new place. Yep, we’re not going to take out the warranty, especially as we have 2 a/c units, so double the cost.

Yesterday was a glorious day, and we spent a lot of time in the pool, we only came in at 6pm. Then all of a sudden, the rain started, lightning, and hale stones battering the house. We were worried about the windows and solar panels, but when we checked this morning, everything looked fine. We got the new rose in at the front of the house, and spent this afternoon in the pool.

I hope all the lovely NIRDIs are doing well, and if the solar flare doesn’t wipe us out, have a great weekend!



Apr 19, 2004

NIRDI shout out!!!!

Good day cycling and eating out. My legs are tired! My DH was waiting on his new laptop delivery so I rode alone this AM. Saw the usual suspects. LOL. A nice elderly man asked me about my bike and showed me some pictures of crocuses on his phone. He was alone and wanted to chat. Random people always approach me to chat or ask for help. LOL. Like at Home Depot yesterday.

I love the comradery on the paths. Waiving and smiling and HELLOS. And thank you's for courtesy. And of course the cute pooches.

@missy glad the cats came back! I love that house, but that is a big leap for your parents. If they wanted to move I suspect they would have done it before this stage in life.
@Austina glad the hail didn't cause any damage--we are no stranger to that volatile weather. Stunning weather today here---but now the wind gusts have picked up. Any Mothers Day plans?
@marcy I think I can safely pack away the parkas. Truth be told I am SICK of them! I am really enjoying my new flip phone. It's a toy. LOL
@mrs-b enjoy your last bit of your pool!



Jun 8, 2008
Good morning lovely ladies! Happy Caturday Saturday!

I just finished feeding Fresca and Pepsi and a few other ferals at 5:30 this AM. They are early risers :) It is so wonderful having them greet me in the morning. Thank you everyone who commented/reacted/showed you cared. XOXO

@canuk-gal sounds like a perfect (puurrrrrfect day)...cycling, stopping to pet the furry babies and friendly faces. That is what I enjoy too. We do have a lot in common. It's such a wonderful way to spend the time. Thank you and if Greg and I didn't love our house so much I'd consider that one lol. But it's not on the water and that is one of my personal wishes so we will stay where we are. Also that house is a decent size but much smaller than our house and I barely have enough storage space here lol. Though I will add that house had awesome storage space. I mean so many closets and other storage areas plus a huge garage and sweet attic. But I digress :) My parents never intended to move but they also never intended to be in this position where my dad cannot care for himself. And no long term care plan. I spoke with the realtor and she agreed it would cost over 20K a month for the both of them to be in assisted living now. Well over for two so that is, unfortunately, not an option. We thought the next best option would to be there for them daily which we can only do if they live closer to us. But we all decided to stop the search for now. It's not a good situation with no perfect solution or truly even palatable solution. Sometimes we do the best we can under challenging circumstances knowing it is way less than perfect. I know you get it and for that I am sad. As my dad always one gets out of this alive. Ain't that the truth. Big hugs to you

@Austina thank you. Fresca has a bloody area below her nose and I cannot help but wonder if she got into a scuffle and was recovering and that is why we didn't see her. Definitely something more was at play because Pepsi wasn't around either but Dr Pepper's odd but I am relieved they are back and pray they remain safe. I know I really cannot continue this way because there are dangers all around and rationally I know we can only do the best we an do..but I have always been a results person and effort while important isn't the main thing. It's outcome. I know that is not always a good way to look at things but that is how my brain works. Anyway, thank you so much for caring and I think of our furry babies who are gone often. Dottie included. Sending you big hugs

@Sunrises Sunsets thank you and I would never be offended from something shared from the heart. Never. I appreciate it. The thinking behind this (and my mom agreed) was if we moved them closer we could be there daily to help with groceries, chores etc. But at this point we decided to call off the search though the realtor said if she finds anything suitable (small, ranch, close proximity to our house) she would text me. She is a sweetheart. So for now it seems unlikely we will move them closer to us. But that unfortunately also means we cannot see them as often as we would like. We wanted to give her not only emotional support but real life tangible support. We are just too far and we are busy with medical appointments and such ourselves. Appreciate you sharing your well intentioned thoughts, thank you. XO

@MamaBee thinking of you and sending you continued healing vibes and much love

@marcy gorgeous photos. Thank you for your support. Have a great weekend XOXO

@bling_dream19 happy weekend and thank you sweet friend. Hope you are doing well

@Slickk woohoo it's the weekend. Have a fantastic weekend and thank you for everything. Sending love and hugs

Thank you @finerthings @Garnetgirl @RMOO @stracci2000 @pearlsngems @seaurchin and everyone else who shares my joy at knowing the cats are OK.

Happy Caturday Saturday to all reading.
Speaking of which...

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And an aerial view LOL...a rare event where Gracie, Oliver and Tommy are hanging out together! Miracles never cease :)

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@Austina if you magnify this photo you can see what I mean about her face

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But the main thing is she looks to be fine and she is eating so knock wood it heals and she recovers fully. She always had a wonky right eye. The aperture never was the same size as the other eye and when she was young she must have had an eye infection. Trying not to worry about this and hoping it heals without consequence.

It's a cold and windy day today but we are debating going cycling...not sure yet. Whatever you do enjoy and be safe. XOXO


Aug 18, 2013
@missy - so glad your kitties are all doing well! How wonderful that Fresca came back! I have to say, they look unbelievably healthy - you really do have the best looking ferals I've ever seen! And I love the house you found for your parents. I agree with you, tho - the more time that passes, the less likely it looks that they will ever move. Nobody can say you didn't try, tho. ox

@canuk-gal - yesterday sounds like a wonderful day. Cycling and eating out is a wonderful way to spend any day! I find the same camaraderie when I walk. The pandemic - for whatever else it cost us - certainly gave my neighborhood a sense of unity. Every day we passed dozens and dozens of people out walking. Plenty of us gained weight - but a lot of us found muscles we didn't know we had! I hope your weekend is going well. :wavey:

@Austina - I love your newest rose! I love bi-color roses, just in general! Share photos when you're ready - I'll look forward to seeing them. ::) I'm scheduled to go back to Boston in 9 days and I'm *really* looking forward to seeing my garden. My house really comes into its own in the spring. Well done on the trivia night - and I'm glad the storm didn't cause you any damage! Did the newest rose survive ok?? And yay for time in the pool!

@marcy - the TBE is looking amazing! I can't believe the amount of progress! And - a July finish? That's incredible! I hope it's everything you wanted. <3 The layout looks clean and practical - which I love in houses. The more houses I look at as I get older, the more I see weird layouts and odd nooks and crannies that make no sense at all. TBE looks awesome, tho - so - great choice! And well done on the next knitting project!

Big hugs to @Slickk, @springerspaniel, @bling_dream19 and @MamaBee - I hope your respective weekends are peaceful and rejuvenating.

So it's a beautiful day here in So Cal, but things aren't going so well for me. Ever since my last dose of Entyvio was delayed and my Crohn's flared, things have been not so great, and over the last week or so have gotten markedly worse. I've talked to Tim twice about coming out to get me as I've felt so weak and tired that I'm not sure how I'll go flying alone. The pressure in a plane is horrible on one's gut when in a colitis episode, and my gut has been bleeding (sorry to be graphic), which has been making me anemic. I'm pretty white at the moment and trying to hold it together (particularly for Mother's Day tomorrow), but might not make it till Monday week to go back to Boston, and might end up departing earlier. I've resisted going to the ED here as I don't want to be admitted and get stuck in the hospital system over here. I've got a lot of pain at the moment, tho, and my gut is inflamed and bloated, which is putting pressure on my heart, making it pound and race, which I hate. Anyway, that's the rundown on that, and I'm hoping things improve after i get home and see my gastro dr (May 29th - <sigh>).

Much love to you all and wishing you all a wonderful weekend. <3


Apr 19, 2004

NIRDI shout out!!!!!!!!!!!

@mrs-b I am sad you are experiencing a flare--I hope you get the support you need. Healing vibes..... And I agree that @missy ferals appear to be the healthiest I've ever seen!

Had a great day cycling--fab weather and did a long loop! My DH was tired and did half and turned back for almond pistachio ice cream at the park. LOL Did some errands after and generally enjoyed the sunshine.



Jun 8, 2008
GM girls and happy Mother's Day Sunday!

@mrs-b I am so sorry you are suffering and I hope relief is yours soon. Sending you much love and many gentle hugs and happy Mother's Day

@canuk-gal yay for a great cycling day and wonderful weather. And yummm to pistachio ice cream lol. Happy Mother's Day XOXO

Happy Mother's day to all the moms! Furry and human...@MamaBee @Slickk @Austina @springerspaniel @marcy @bling_dream19 and everyone else. May your day be filled with love and joy and tranquility.

We went cycling yesterday and it turned out to be a nice day. Today is rain all day and I fed the ferals but the rain is keeping them away. I put the wet food on our porches which will keep it dry for a short while. So unfortunately it is not ideal weather for our feral cats.

Speaking of cats we are going to a cat place today. LOL don't ask. I will share more tomorrow. Wishing you all a special and sweet Mother's Day

Our feral kitties hanging out yesterday in the sun. Fresca is in the middle

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Our view as we are cycling down the shore

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Our sweet treat in the middle of our ride
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Sep 26, 2011
@missy - so glad your kitties are all doing well! How wonderful that Fresca came back! I have to say, they look unbelievably healthy - you really do have the best looking ferals I've ever seen! And I love the house you found for your parents. I agree with you, tho - the more time that passes, the less likely it looks that they will ever move. Nobody can say you didn't try, tho. ox

@canuk-gal - yesterday sounds like a wonderful day. Cycling and eating out is a wonderful way to spend any day! I find the same camaraderie when I walk. The pandemic - for whatever else it cost us - certainly gave my neighborhood a sense of unity. Every day we passed dozens and dozens of people out walking. Plenty of us gained weight - but a lot of us found muscles we didn't know we had! I hope your weekend is going well. :wavey:

@Austina - I love your newest rose! I love bi-color roses, just in general! Share photos when you're ready - I'll look forward to seeing them. ::) I'm scheduled to go back to Boston in 9 days and I'm *really* looking forward to seeing my garden. My house really comes into its own in the spring. Well done on the trivia night - and I'm glad the storm didn't cause you any damage! Did the newest rose survive ok?? And yay for time in the pool!

@marcy - the TBE is looking amazing! I can't believe the amount of progress! And - a July finish? That's incredible! I hope it's everything you wanted. <3 The layout looks clean and practical - which I love in houses. The more houses I look at as I get older, the more I see weird layouts and odd nooks and crannies that make no sense at all. TBE looks awesome, tho - so - great choice! And well done on the next knitting project!

Big hugs to @Slickk, @springerspaniel, @bling_dream19 and @MamaBee - I hope your respective weekends are peaceful and rejuvenating.

So it's a beautiful day here in So Cal, but things aren't going so well for me. Ever since my last dose of Entyvio was delayed and my Crohn's flared, things have been not so great, and over the last week or so have gotten markedly worse. I've talked to Tim twice about coming out to get me as I've felt so weak and tired that I'm not sure how I'll go flying alone. The pressure in a plane is horrible on one's gut when in a colitis episode, and my gut has been bleeding (sorry to be graphic), which has been making me anemic. I'm pretty white at the moment and trying to hold it together (particularly for Mother's Day tomorrow), but might not make it till Monday week to go back to Boston, and might end up departing earlier. I've resisted going to the ED here as I don't want to be admitted and get stuck in the hospital system over here. I've got a lot of pain at the moment, tho, and my gut is inflamed and bloated, which is putting pressure on my heart, making it pound and race, which I hate. Anyway, that's the rundown on that, and I'm hoping things improve after i get home and see my gastro dr (May 29th - <sigh>).

Much love to you all and wishing you all a wonderful weekend. <3

Oh @mrs-b I am so sorry you are having so much GI difficulty; it sounds like you are soldiering through, trying to avoid getting caught up in yet another medical machine in CA, but I know it takes such a toll on your body and mind. And I bet the anemia is not helping how you feel either. I am sending healing vibes out West, but I wish I could do more to help.


Feb 27, 2007
Hi NIRDI’s! Happy Mother’s Day to all the Mothers in NIRDI-land.

@missy it’s good we support the economy. I’m trying not to buy anything but Marty is making up for it. I’ll be forking out enough soon. That is an improvement not to do the nebulizer every few hours. I hope the frig temperature remains steady for you. I hope your mom decides moving near you and Greg is a good idea, but I remember it well how stubborn parents can be. Good thing they didn’t raise us to be that way. Ha Ha. I am so glad Fresca made an appearance. Look at all those kitties enjoying their dinner. Sweet. How was the cat place today?

@Sunrises Sunsets your words of wisdom ring so true for me. So it goes for most of us.

@Austina I bet our house and garage lost a ton of weight in the last few weeks. Marty worked on the garage most of yesterday. He has a stack of lumber that no one seems to want. He packed some stuff up in the RV. I still need to find something to pack up the rest of my teddy bears but I won’t do that until they are coming to take pictures. We got some rain today too. Speaking of solar panels, one of those controlling billionaires is putting a huge data center in near here and they are building a GIANT solar farm to power it. Good luck keeping that in one piece with all the large hail we get around here. Those aren’t recyclable either.

@canuk-gal you must have a kind face and smile that draws people looking for a friend. I am sure that guy enjoyed having someone nice listen to him. Yay for packing away your parkas. I had mine out twice last week. But I did just switch over to AC. It’s 77 in here. I am so glad you like your flip phone. LOL to calling it a toy. Marty always says I pick mine as a fashion accessory. Good deal you had some lovely rides this weekend.

@mrs-b send pictures of your pretty garden when you get back to Boston. I won’t be planting flowers for another month. There are a lot of weird places or wasted places in some floor plans. We have a huge entry way here that is certainly wasted space. It could be an auxillary dining room. I am so sorry you aren’t doing well, I hope you feel better and get some relief making the trip home easier on you.

Hi @springerspaniel

I worked most of the weekend. WTH? Guess I’m doing a livestream video in the morning. Great. Wish me luck on that.

Did any of you see the northern lights this weekend? It put on quite a show on Friday night. I went to bed and Marty headed out near TBE and got some great shots. He woke me up about 1:15 a.m. and said you want to see this. So I put on shoes over my slipper socks, bundled up and went outside. It was amazing from our deck and front yard.

I got my nephew’s hat and scarf done but I don’t have a single box in the house to pack them up and send him. I have some yarn coming from Michaels so hopefully it’ll be the perfect size.

Have a great week.


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Aug 18, 2013
@marcy - I would LOVE to see your live stream! If you see this before you do your stream, pls post the link here if that's possible?

Either way, good luck!


Jun 8, 2008
Good morning lovely ladies and happy marvelous (how did you get here so fast) Monday!

@marcy oooh I hope the livestream went well. How exciting. Gorgeous photos. Glad Marty is doing his part for the economy lol. And yes good thing we are not stubborn :lol: Sweet you finished your nephews hat and scarf and I hope you get a good box to send it in soon. The hard part is done though and hopefully the yarn box will be just the size you need. Speaking of lumber Greg got some lumber yesterday for a new build some sort of rain protection for the feral cats so I can feed them wet food even in the rain. For now I've been putting it on our front porch and side porch but it doesn't completely keep things dry. It's windy here so really unsure this can be accomplished but bless my dh for trying. The cat place was great yesterday. I'll share some photos below. Hugs

@Slickk hope you enjoyed a marvelous Mother's Day celebration yesterday..sounded like a lot of fun XOXO

@bling_dream19 hope you had a lovely family gathering for Mother's Day and all is going well XOXO

@mrs-b thinking of you and hoping you are feeling better and continuing well wishes and lots of love being sent your way

@MamaBee hope you enjoyed a good day yesterday...I know it was hard. Big hugs and lots of love

@Austina thinking of you and sending hugs and lots of love

Hello everyone else. We had a good day yesterday. It rained most of the day. Wen went to a non profit cat rescue and hung with the cats and of course I wanted to take them ALL home. They had recently rescued 43 cats from a hoarding situation but most were adopted and there were only a few cats left from that situation and they had a few other cats also ready for adoption...13 in total. Then we went to Home Depot so Greg could get lumber for his next (cat) project. Also had to run by Costco again as the produce I got the other day was no good and I needed to get some more. Today is cold but it's a cycling day woohoo. Have a great day lovely ladies. XOXO

Sharing some photos from yesterday...we were with the adult cats most of the visit as the kittens had plenty of company in the other cat room..we did go in to see the kittens for a few minutes and they were adorable. I didn't take any photos of the kittens..all these pics are of the adult cats looking for a home..let me know if anyone is interested!!!! They are all super sweet

This little girl was Greg's favorite and she is a very particular little lady..she doesn't like most people they told us but she stayed with Greg almost the entire visit. Her name is Myrtle

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This is Steff

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This little boy Andre got adopted and his new parents picked him up while we were visiting
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This is Ons...she was one of the cats from the hoarding situation. I wanted to take her home. I wanted to take them all home TBH
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This is Xavier

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This is JellyBean

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This is Miss Catherine

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And Myrtle again

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I hope you enjoyed the photos...and enjoy a marvelous Monday XOXO
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Aug 18, 2013
They're lovely, @missy! And what a great way to spend mother's day - mothering creatures! Time well spent. ::)

Well, I hung in there and went out for a Mother's Day brunch with David and Nathaniel. It was a stretch and after a few mouthfuls I was done with the food. But it was wonderful being with Nathaniel, and I loved our time together.

Here are a couple of photos from our day together.

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Sep 26, 2011
Nathaniel has grown up so much! What a handsome young man @mrs-b. So glad you were able to at least spend time with them, albeit simultaneously managing a colitis flare.


Apr 19, 2004
Nathaniel has grown up so much! What a handsome young man @mrs-b. So glad you were able to at least spend time with them, albeit simultaneously managing a colitis flare.

+ a billion


Feb 24, 2017
Hello lovelies

So much for the power outage due to the solar flare!

@missy, don’t go getting tempted to add another member of the family, although I must agree, they’re all beautiful, and it must’ve been hard not to! I agree with @mrs-b, your ferals are in such good condition. Someone here posted yesterday of a feral they’re feeding, beautiful smokey grey kitty, but in appalling condition. Hopefully she’ll continue to feed the poor little thing and it’ll get healthy.

Glad you were able to get out yesterday with David and Nathaniel, even if you couldn’t enjoy your meal :( I’m sure you’re eager to get back home. We’re already in full blown summer here, predicted temps of 90 degs+ this week in to next, phew, thank goodness for the pool. The roses are all doing really well, and I swear the Vinca and jasmine I put in the pots are getting bigger every day.

No plans yesterday @canuk-gal, how about you? Did you get spoiled? Our walks with Dottie always took twice as long because of stopping to chat to people, we do miss that.

We assumed that the solar panels must be robust enough to survive the weather here @marcy, fortunately we (so far) haven’t had baseball sized hailstones but it certainly sounded really loud. The photos are amazing, we didn’t see it here, but I understand some people did, we were asleep. Good job on the decluttering, glad it’s all going well, and wow, you knitted that gift for your nephew really quickly!

I hope you and the pups are doing well @springerspaniel and you’re not working too hard.

Thinking of you @MamaBee and hoping you’re doing better.

We’ve started the mammoth task of cleaning the windows, we can actually see out of them now :lol: We had no idea they were so dirty. My shoulder is groaning when I finish, but I do actually think it’s helping ease it up.

More rain today, although now it’s lovely and sunny, but too late to go in the pool, hopefully tomorrow will be brighter.

Hope all the lovely NIRDIs have had a good weekend



Jun 8, 2008
Good morning girls and happy terrific Tuesday! Off to a great start because first thing this AM both Fresca and Pepsi were on the porch waiting and when I went out with the wet food for them they did not run far. In fact, Pepsi was a foot away at all times! I was in shock but moved slowly as not to scare her. Fresca was not so brave but still she only ran about 8 feet away watching me. I went back in to the house quickly, shut the door and then looked out and they were both eating. Makes my heart happy to see them safe and content and well fed. :)

Speaking of new is one of our newest additions...we shall see if she keeps coming around and if so we will name her and attempt TNR. Sharing the only photo I have. Sorry it is so blurry but this was taken from a distance and I tried cropping it so you could see her better...More on TNR and ferals below in my reply to Austina

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@Austina oh no to that poor feral. I did not see the post and will not look for it. Feeding them is, IMO, the easy part. Doing TNR is the hard part and with new ferals come new cats we must TNR. Otherwise so many babies are born all year long. We are friendly with our mailman and he is an animal lover but he thought the city would send someone to TNR the ferals. Another neighbor blocks away has ferals and one of them just gave birth. I asked Jamie why didn't he do TNR and he said because the city wouldn't come. OMG. Why are people so irresponsible. Why would the city do it? Instead they will come and put them down. NO. Sorry to vent this early but it is just unconscionable that people don't take some responsibility and help the poor animals. So that neighbor's ferals will keep having babies and that is the problem. We will always have feral cats unless humans take responsibility to help. Thanks for caring and thanks for your compassion. Big hugs to you. I hope your week is going as well as possible. And be careful of your shoulder. Window cleaning is not easy and I hear you on how dirty they get...being on the water with all the salt air they get filthy here

@mrs-b yay... So happy you had a wonderful Mother's Day. Girl, after all you have been through you deserve that and more...and yes I agree with the others...Nathaniel is a handsome young is your daughter a beautiful young woman...big hugs

@Slickk good morning...hope you are having a wonderful week XOXO

@bling_dream19 hope everything is going super smoothly for you...big hugs

@marcy hope all is well and TBE soon complete... XOXO

@springerspaniel well, our tree is looking grand..I will take an updated photo for you soon... Hugs

@canuk-gal I hope you are enjoying some splendid weather and cycling. Today will be in the mid 70s F and sunny so looking forward to a lovely ride. Yesterday was windy and cooler but we did enjoy cycling. Any day we get to cycle is usually a good day and I think the same goes for you XOXO

@MamaBee thinking of you and sending you bucketloads of healing wishes

Hello everyone else. We cycled yesterday and it wasn't too cold but it was windy which is par for the course here. It is rarely not windy. Today is going to be warmer and sunnier and we are looking forward to a great ride. Tonight Greg is going to his alma mater to share his wisdom about the environment and life after graduation. I will stay home and catch up on things that need attending. I wish you all a lovely day filled with only good things. Sending love and healing vibes to all who need it. XOXO

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Jan 24, 2015
They're lovely, @missy! And what a great way to spend mother's day - mothering creatures! Time well spent. ::)

Well, I hung in there and went out for a Mother's Day brunch with David and Nathaniel. It was a stretch and after a few mouthfuls I was done with the food. But it was wonderful being with Nathaniel, and I loved our time together.

Here are a couple of photos from our day together.

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mrs-b, what handsome gentlemen you enjoyed Mother’s Day with. I’m sorry you were not able to enjoy your meal, but I’m sure having two Adonis’ smiling at you helped you, even if just a bit!
Hope you feel better soon!


Aug 18, 2013
mrs-b, what handsome gentlemen you enjoyed Mother’s Day with. I’m sorry you were not able to enjoy your meal, but I’m sure having two Adonis’ smiling at you helped you, even if just a bit!
Hope you feel better soon!

It didn't hurt, @Mcgregor. It didn't hurt at all. ::)


Feb 27, 2007

@mrs-b @missy can give you my cell phone to text or my email and I’ll send you a link to my livestream. I don’t know if I can post them on here. I was kind of nervous, but I think it went okay. My video is pretty blurry. I haven’t checked what internet plans our one and only provider here has, so I upgraded today and hope future videos will be clear. I’ll be doing another one on May 28. I am so glad you went out to celebrate Mother’s Day, sorry you couldn’t eat much. I enjoyed your pictures.

@missy the livestream went okay. Guess I’ll be doing more of them. I haven’t got a box yet to ship my nephews stuff, I’ve missed having something to knit on too. The yarn I ordered should show up this week. Good idea to build a rain shelter for the ferals. Too bad we aren’t neighbors, I think Marty’s stack would be more than enough to build it. I love all the sweet cat pictures. Those kitties trust you feeding them.

@Austina they’ve have some radio and shortwave outages off and on the last few days from big solar flares, but not much else. I hope your solar panels can survive hailstorms. The roof on TBE is supposed to be able to take 2” hail. That’s kind of light for around here. I bet window washing got your shoulder talking. We need to clean windows too.

Not much new with me. Our new knives showed up. I’ve used two of them. They are nice. And the box they came in is TOO BIG to send my nephew his stuff. Hopefully a yarn box shows up soon that’s perfect. I’m also sending him a book I found that was my dad’s. He wrote his name inside the front cover. it’s full of little tidbits of things you never knew about Wyoming. I am sure my nephew will be thrilled. The niece and her son I’m making my next knitting project will have a new addition to their family in November. I am so glad I find my tennis shoe baby booties pattern. I’ll be starting those soon too.

Take care.


Jun 8, 2008
GM girls and happy wonderful Wednesday!!

@marcy I will text @mrs-b with your number. Glad the livestream went well. Yay your new knives showed up...sweet. Oh no sorry about the box being too big. That is very generous you are also sending your nephew your dad's book. How exciting your niece is expecting and again very generous you are doing a knitting project for them. Aww you round your tennis shoe baby booties. Ha, I wonder if my mom still has ours

@canuk-gal, @Austina, @bling_dream19, @Slickk, @springerspaniel, @mrs-b and everyone else, hope all is well.

Yesterday we went cycling and it was even windier than the day before but it was worth it. Greg went to his alma mater last night and was disappointed how disorganized the event was. He took control and gave it some order and spoke much of the evening.

This AM despite the rain Pepsi greeted me and I gave her wet food on the porch where there is some rain protection but it is not purrrfect. She ate anyway thank goodness but no Fresca or Dr Pepper..they did not brave the rain and abysmal weather. Hope Greg gets that shelter built soon. Not sure how it will work due to our high winds though so we shall see.

Today is a busy day as we have medical appointments this AM then we plan on making the trip to see my parents. It's going to be a long (and very wet) day.

Enjoy a wonderful Wednesday sweet friends. XOXO
Speaking of sweet...

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Feb 24, 2017
Hello lovelies

It was a glorious day yesterday, we spent all afternoon in the pool, then mowed the grass in the evening.

Other than that, not much going on, apart from Colin trying to sort out why we’ve been locked out of one of our accounts :doh:

I hope your medical appts go well today @missy, and your visit to your parents finds them in good spirits. We have a saying here, I don’t know if you’ve heard it, but it’s “They couldn’t organise a p*$$ up in a brewery” to describe when something is a shambles. Good job Greg was able to bring some semblance or order to the meet up. Sorry your weather is wet and windy, we’re in for 90+ temps for over a week - from one extreme to the other! When I said here, I meant where we are, but fortunately a kind neighbour is feeding the poor kitty.

Hopefully your roof will be sturdy enough to withstand your weather @marcy. We assumed because they’re so prevalent here, that the solar panels and roof would be sturdy enough to deal with the weather we get. The little booties you’re going to knit sound really cute, please post a picture when you’re done. I can’t imagine babies here needing knitted garments. My Mum used to knit doll sized clothes for the preemies at the hospital.

Looks like it’s going to be more wall to wall sunshine today, so after I’ve done the cleaning, I’ll be in the pool.

Have a great day lovely NIRDIs. :wavey:


Feb 27, 2007

@missy I am not surprised Greg took charge of his Alma mater, too bad it was disorganized. I tend to do that too. I’m like okay, this isn’t going well, I’m jumping in here. I hope your appointments went well and nice to go visit your parents. Darn the wind and rain.

@Austina glad you had a lovely day. Oh no to being locked out of an account. I wondered that about knit clothes for my niece and her kids. She’s always cold like me, but some knit things are pretty warm. That’s why I like them. I’m sure they’ll visit Wyoming sometime and need warm clothes. When Marty and I got married, he was unemployed. He got a job right after the wedding, but we didn’t have much money. For both sides of our family, I made crochet slippers that looked like tennis shoes. It took me a long time, but it was the best I could do. The adult size don’t look as cute as the baby size. I will definitely get a picture when I make them.

The staging lady came to the house today. Most things she suggested make sense, some seem a bit over the top. Our realtor said do what you’re comfortable with. A few extra hangers was something she commented on in every closet. I knew I’d have to put up all my teddy bears. Our house is pretty roomy so I don’t get making it look more open. They are taking pictures on the 23rd and probably listing the house on June 1. We did get pictures today of the tile and flooring at TBE. We are next on the list for cabinets, interior doors and trim. She said they’d set the closing date then.

Take care.


Jun 8, 2008
Good morning lovely ladies! Happy terrific rainy rainy windy windy Thursday!

@marcy yes he really is the adult in the room if you kwim..I never felt like one lol. Our wind and rain continue darn it and this AM I went out to feed the ferals wet food and there was no one there. It's pretty wet out so I guess they are not venturing out for now. Hopefully it will stay dry where I placed it but with the wind it probably won't. Interesting the staging lady came. Honestly in NYC we do not need to stage I find...things go fast. Not sure about here but I do not remember staging our Sea Girt house when we sold it and I certainly did not stage my first Park Slope Co-op when we sold it. I don't know if you connected with Mrs B yet but info was sent yesterday AM..I also would love to see the video btw

@Austina I am glad you got to enjoy some gorgeous weather and relaxed in the pool. Our rain and wind continue. I feel like we are living in the pacific northwest with this weather and let's just say I am not a fan. I need the sun and so do our feral kitties. Speaking of which I'm sorry I misunderstood you. Thank your neighbor for trying to care for that cat and maybe there is a rescue group in the area who will assist her with TNR? Enjoy your sunshine girl. And I will live vicariously through you for this while.

Hi @Slickk @bling_dream19 @canuk-gal @mrs-b @springerspaniel hope you are enjoying a good week and all is well
Hi everyone else. Hope all is well.

We saw my parents yesterday and it was a good visit. Their cats are getting friendlier and friendlier even the "feral" ones they took inside. Today is another wet wet day so errands will be accomplished but sadly no cycling. Not sure when we will be cycling again with this wet windy weather. At least it's not snow lol

Sharing some kitty photos from our visit and the last photo is of our sweet Pepsi yesterday...she is so beautiful and can see it in her eyes :love:

This is shy Susie
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This is darling George
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This is precious Loki
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And dear Zoe
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And finally, when we got home, our very sweet Pepsi girl. She is a LOVE

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OK girls, enough kitty photos from me lol. Sorry for the recent barrage of photos. I cannot help myself and hope you are enjoying seeing the cats. Have a great day and be well. Lots of love


Apr 19, 2004

NIRDI shout out!!!!!!!!!!!!

Had a nice walk with ice cream for the DH. Got a giant Little Ceasars pizza since I am on the take-out bandwagon again. Sunny and warm, but looks like we could have a thunderstorm. It rained overnight. Tomorrow's weather not so nice.

@missy glad you had a good visit with your folks! How are things going there? And I love kitty pictures--so no apologies needed!
@marcy staging is a thing here. Part of the realtor fee. Sounds like things are moving along!
@Austina glad you are getting good use of your pool!
@mrs-b hope you are feeling as well as you can.

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