
Have you experienced sexual harassment at work? How did you handle it?


Feb 2, 2016
I'm dealing with a situation and I'm not sure how to handle it. Looking for advice but please be kind because this is a tough position to be in.

I've been working part-time at this company for almost two years (I left for four weeks and went back). My schedule is mostly nights, so I only see my managers on the weekends when I work during the day. There are two managers in my department and the female manager quit this week. The male manager started putting his arm around my waist soon after I started and I told the female manager about it and it stopped. Now she is gone and the first day I worked with the other manager (yesterday) he put his arm around my waist, I didn't say anything to him, I think I was in disbelief it was happening again.

This male manager has done the same thing to other female employees and forced one of them to hug him. Nobody has filed a formal complaint to my knowledge. The general attitude in the department is “well that’s just him and he doesn’t mean anything by it.” I have never said anything to this manager even though this touching makes me extremely uncomfortable, I can't explain why but maybe I just didn’t want to make waves being new. It’s obvious though that now the other manager is gone, this is going to start up again and I can't let this continue.

Quitting at this point is not an option, it’s not about money, I just don't want to leave, I've made friends there, enjoy my job and (apart from this touching) it’s good for my mental health. I am part of a union and there would be video evidence of this latest incident, I have considered getting the union involved but I’m wondering if just telling him to stop will be enough. I don’t really want to report him to HR because I think they may try to get rid of the problem (me) since they are now down a manager and I’m easily replaceable. I could change my weekend hours to work at night and completely avoid him but as itnia I only see my family for dinner once a week.

Just looking for any advice from people who have gone through this and successfully gotten it to stop.
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