


Feb 11, 2006

This morning I woke up with generally negative feelings and thoughts. Some thoughts on the diamond industry were on my mind and I planned to address those later in the day on Pricescope. Often the first thing I do is check the stock market through my brokerage account. When I went to the website, a warning advised me that my computer was locked as someone was trying to break-into it. In order to unlock it Microsoft gave their number to call. I did so and a Indian technical support person began to help me. At her direction I pushed buttons and was nervous as I am not computer literate at all, and worry I wont understand what to do. I finally had to tell her that I needed her to slow down as I can't see very well and use a magnifying glass as well as glasses, and I don't hear very well and am deaf in one ear. I then told her how old I am. I asked her to continue.

All of a sudden she hung up on me. I got a busy signal when I kept trying to call back. I could not get though again--busy busy busy.

I didn't know what to do. My computer was locked and my day was not going well. So I called the brokerage firm to see if they were having problems. They informe me they were having calls about this and it was a scam. The fellow told me what to do, and it worked. No more lockout.

I believe that the scammer that I spoke to, felt sorry for me and something inside her, maybe Karma, wouldn't allow her to continue to deceive me. She hung up. So, while my day began poorly, it has ended (not over yet) where I have been thanking that lady for not stealing from me. I believe she took pity on me, for I believe she may have been successful in the scam, as I believed Micrsoft would fix the problem.

So, I toast some criminals that have a conscience. She made my day.



Jun 23, 2005

This morning I woke up with generally negative feelings and thoughts. Some thoughts on the diamond industry were on my mind and I planned to address those later in the day on Pricescope. Often the first thing I do is check the stock market through my brokerage account. When I went to the website, a warning advised me that my computer was locked as someone was trying to break-into it. In order to unlock it Microsoft gave their number to call. I did so and a Indian technical support person began to help me. At her direction I pushed buttons and was nervous as I am not computer literate at all, and worry I wont understand what to do. I finally had to tell her that I needed her to slow down as I can't see very well and use a magnifying glass as well as glasses, and I don't hear very well and am deaf in one ear. I then told her how old I am. I asked her to continue.

All of a sudden she hung up on me. I got a busy signal when I kept trying to call back. I could not get though again--busy busy busy.

I didn't know what to do. My computer was locked and my day was not going well. So I called the brokerage firm to see if they were having problems. They informe me they were having calls about this and it was a scam. The fellow told me what to do, and it worked. No more lockout.

I believe that the scammer that I spoke to, felt sorry for me and something inside her, maybe Karma, wouldn't allow her to continue to deceive me. She hung up. So, while my day began poorly, it has ended (not over yet) where I have been thanking that lady for not stealing from me. I believe she took pity on me, for I believe she may have been successful in the scam, as I believed Micrsoft would fix the problem.

So, I toast some criminals that have a conscience. She made my day.


Glad this worked out for you. I am quite sure at some point in the exchange she was going to ask you for a credit card to charge you for the ‘fix’. It is a rather common scam. They want to get in and out with a credit card number and stopping to repeat herself probably wasn’t in her wheelhouse to do. At that point, she probably just hung up. At any rate, I am glad that she didn’t do any harm to you!


May 15, 2014
These scammers are tricky. Never call a number that you get from any of those notices on your computer or in an email. Find the number yourself another way, via an internet search or some other way, and then call that number directly. I'm glad things worked out for you. Please be careful.

Daisys and Diamonds

Apr 30, 2019

This morning I woke up with generally negative feelings and thoughts. Some thoughts on the diamond industry were on my mind and I planned to address those later in the day on Pricescope. Often the first thing I do is check the stock market through my brokerage account. When I went to the website, a warning advised me that my computer was locked as someone was trying to break-into it. In order to unlock it Microsoft gave their number to call. I did so and a Indian technical support person began to help me. At her direction I pushed buttons and was nervous as I am not computer literate at all, and worry I wont understand what to do. I finally had to tell her that I needed her to slow down as I can't see very well and use a magnifying glass as well as glasses, and I don't hear very well and am deaf in one ear. I then told her how old I am. I asked her to continue.

All of a sudden she hung up on me. I got a busy signal when I kept trying to call back. I could not get though again--busy busy busy.

I didn't know what to do. My computer was locked and my day was not going well. So I called the brokerage firm to see if they were having problems. They informe me they were having calls about this and it was a scam. The fellow told me what to do, and it worked. No more lockout.

I believe that the scammer that I spoke to, felt sorry for me and something inside her, maybe Karma, wouldn't allow her to continue to deceive me. She hung up. So, while my day began poorly, it has ended (not over yet) where I have been thanking that lady for not stealing from me. I believe she took pity on me, for I believe she may have been successful in the scam, as I believed Micrsoft would fix the problem.

So, I toast some criminals that have a conscience. She made my day.


OMG other countries are targeted by these lowlifes as well as ours ?
we had to get rid of our land line just to get rid of them

i am so releaved for you that you were not taken advantage of to the point where you were monatarly (is that even a word?) scammed
yes maybe that person had a momentary pang of morality


Feb 11, 2006
I admit I was like a lamb being taken to slaughter. I have thought about this woman. She not only cut off the call, but there was a busy signal to prevent me from calling back. I think maybe it was more serious than a CC. It was in front of my brokerage account. The brokerage rep said he was getting more calls on it and so he helped me. He informed me it was a scam. It looked so microsoft.

Well, you can see my leanings. I prefer to think the criminal was a decent human being underneath her crookedness. Yes, I will be more careful and alert. After the incident I was a little shook. Today is better.
Now I will see if I am up to discussing diamonds.

Thanks for listening all.



Aug 14, 2009
@smitcompton - Do you have any friends or family who can take a look at your computer for you?

The concern is that the scammer didn’t hang up because she found her heart - but because she got what she needed. Spyware installed into your computer to grab screenshots, track keyboard inputs, there are several insidious scams these days that aren’t as overt as demanding payment or gift cards.

Please have someone look at your laptop before you use it to check anything sensitive. It’s probably fine but just in case.


May 15, 2014
I admit I was like a lamb being taken to slaughter. I have thought about this woman. She not only cut off the call, but there was a busy signal to prevent me from calling back. I think maybe it was more serious than a CC. It was in front of my brokerage account. The brokerage rep said he was getting more calls on it and so he helped me. He informed me it was a scam. It looked so microsoft.

Well, you can see my leanings. I prefer to think the criminal was a decent human being underneath her crookedness. Yes, I will be more careful and alert. After the incident I was a little shook. Today is better.
Now I will see if I am up to discussing diamonds.

Thanks for listening all.


I wonder if your broker's site was hacked? Sounds like it wasn't just your computer. Thankfully it sounds like nothing bad happened and you will be more suspicious in the future. But @yssie is right, you should have someone check out your computer just to make sure.


Mar 3, 2018
I believe that the scammer that I spoke to, felt sorry for me and something inside her, maybe Karma, wouldn't allow her to continue to deceive me

I hate to say this but I don't think that's it. She has been calling me and everyone else all day long to eek out this tiny victory. I suspect the call got dropped or (worse) she got what she needed -- she was able to get you to the link that would get that piece of code on your computer that would permit her coconspirators to leisurely extract the rest of what they need without having to resort to further "social engineering." She's on to the next mark.

I agree with @yssie -- if there is an IT-savvy friend or relative, have them take a look. Change your financial account passwords (using another computer). All the worst data breaches have been stealthy -- in this instance, you dropped your guard and are assuming that it's OK whereas, if you had been forced to witness the follow-through, you would be in a panic to change everything.

Yes, I am a cynic. And, yes, it steals a little joy from my (and my spouse's) life. And, yes, it has saved us many times.

Daisys and Diamonds

Apr 30, 2019
I admit I was like a lamb being taken to slaughter. I have thought about this woman. She not only cut off the call, but there was a busy signal to prevent me from calling back. I think maybe it was more serious than a CC. It was in front of my brokerage account. The brokerage rep said he was getting more calls on it and so he helped me. He informed me it was a scam. It looked so microsoft.

Well, you can see my leanings. I prefer to think the criminal was a decent human being underneath her crookedness. Yes, I will be more careful and alert. After the incident I was a little shook. Today is better.
Now I will see if I am up to discussing diamonds.

Thanks for listening all.


people all over the world are being scammed by these bas*ards every day
dont feel bad
you had a lucky escape and a lesson learned


Feb 11, 2006

The crooks are back. A newly designed pop=up is now in front of the brokerage telling me to call a telephone number. So much for nice criminals. I think the woman couldn't get the voice of the first pop=up to stop talking for thats when she hung up. I thought about it and I didn't push any buttons. She just kept asking me to look for certain buttons on my computer, but not to push them. She said, let s stop the noise, and did ask me to push escape button. The voice kept on speaking. Thats when she hung up.
Called the brokerage again. No-one got in my account and this person said his scam is going around big-time. She told me how to get around it.

My faith in human nature has been lessened Why are the skeptics always right.?



Jun 8, 2008

The crooks are back. A newly designed pop=up is now in front of the brokerage telling me to call a telephone number. So much for nice criminals. I think the woman couldn't get the voice of the first pop=up to stop talking for thats when she hung up. I thought about it and I didn't push any buttons. She just kept asking me to look for certain buttons on my computer, but not to push them. She said, let s stop the noise, and did ask me to push escape button. The voice kept on speaking. Thats when she hung up.
Called the brokerage again. No-one got in my account and this person said his scam is going around big-time. She told me how to get around it.

My faith in human nature has been lessened Why are the skeptics always right.?


I'm very sorry Annette. Unfortunately many (maybe most) people suck. It's a fact. A very sad fact


Mar 3, 2018
My faith in human nature has been lessened Why are the skeptics always right.?

I'm not sure why you would have less faith. You thought this person was awful at the outset and then thought that they were merely slightly less awful for a brief instant but you could easily surmise that they would go on and be awful to plenty of other people. My perspective is that this person is a professional thief (scammer) and I expect them to act accordingly.

It would be different if it were someone who found a wallet with lots of cash and then momentarily thought about keeping it before ultimately turning it in. I'd b wrong to be too cynical about that person; we all have base instincts and generally elect to do the right thing.

I'm sorry about the hassle but it sounds like they have been unsuccessful -- so that's good! Ghosting seemed scarier, tbh.


May 12, 2020
@smitcompton, sounds like the scammers infected your computer with a virus. I agree, if you know someone with IT experience, have them, or even Best Buy Geek Squad take a look and see if they can root it out and get rid of it. In the mean time, if you are in the US, please go to each website of the three credit reporting companies and put a credit freeze on your info/account so that no one can open a credit line in your name. Also, place a fraud alert with one of them (the one you choose will alert the other two.)

Daisys and Diamonds

Apr 30, 2019

The crooks are back. A newly designed pop=up is now in front of the brokerage telling me to call a telephone number. So much for nice criminals. I think the woman couldn't get the voice of the first pop=up to stop talking for thats when she hung up. I thought about it and I didn't push any buttons. She just kept asking me to look for certain buttons on my computer, but not to push them. She said, let s stop the noise, and did ask me to push escape button. The voice kept on speaking. Thats when she hung up.
Called the brokerage again. No-one got in my account and this person said his scam is going around big-time. She told me how to get around it.

My faith in human nature has been lessened Why are the skeptics always right.?


im 'loving' this post because you did not get scammed


Jun 7, 2014
I just read an article and thought of you @smitcompton. Daily Mail has an article today on a their site regarding scams. The article is titled “Journalist shares incredible story of how she tracked down identity thief who stole $5K from her bank account - and astonishing words the frail woman said to her in court”.

My husband recently spent months sorting thru everything to ensure a family member was safe after someone targeted them. Thankfully their bank was extremely helpful in helping get this resolved but it took a few months. A police report was also filed. My husband also immediately notified the Federal Trade Commission.

I don’t think people that do this have a heart. I think they are horrible people who belong in prison. A good person would never put someone through this. I’m so sorry you went thru this.

Okay, I’m jumping off my soap box.


Jun 23, 2005
Annette, critics are generally right because they are skeptical of things happening online. There are many scams attempting to be performed every day. We are all aware now that the IRS, Social Security Administration, etc. will not contact you via phone or email. Assume the same of everyone else. Just immediately disconnect from anyone via phone or online asking you to do anything. Some of these scams originate in the US and some from overseas. Just assume that anyone trying to connect with you via phone or email should be totally disregarded. These scammers are persistent and are out for one thing - money.

That being said, I don’t think the majority of people in this world are bad or mean harm to others. We are just more aware of the bad actors than we are the every day decent human beings. I am hyper vigilant against anything that raises suspicion, but I will never subscribe to the theory that most people are bad. That would create a world that most would not want to exist in, and would create a very small living space. While we watch our backs, I feel it is important to keep cynicism in check too.
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