
Yesterday cancer took our Melanie

Daisys and Diamonds

Apr 30, 2019
sorry, i just need someone to talk to

Gary's daughter finally succumbed to breast cancer yesterday
she had beaten it once before and had been given the 5 year all clear
but it came back in her spine, then her liver
she was doing ok
she was on her 5th and final public health system funded round of chemo, it had spread to her lungs

she had been doing so well, keeping it at bay, working, being a mum, being worried about her dad

she came to visit with her brother for Gary's birthday in August
she sent us this big meat pack a few weeks back worring how we were doing
we sent her flowers for her birthday at the end of September, at that stage her prognosis wasn't great, weeks or months if we were lucky but she was optimistic as once before the cancer had disapaired from her lungs
she gave up work and work gifted her her company car
Dylon took unpaid leave from work

then last week she sounded breathless on the phone
she went to hospital for a few days but they didn't have oxygen for her to take home which we all think was total BS and they must just be stock piling it for covid

then on Monday she went into the hospice, just to get her breathing right (they had plenty of oxygen for her to take a unit home)
we saw her on tuesday as we were in Wellington for Gary's eye appointment at Wgtn hospital so we were staying right accross the road and by some miricle 600m from the hospice
She looked so tired, her eyes were very sunken in kind of like darling Tibby looked when we had to take him to the vet on the way to rainbow bridge
Mel was sitting up in a chair, falling asleep momentarily as she had slept baddly for days because of her breathing trouble

she hands were red and sore looking
but she was talking and making conversation sure she would go home on friday

Wednesday we had Gary's apoinment and Mel's hubbie Dylon spent the day with her and brought the kids in (14 & 10)
We knew she'd be tired so we stayed away
Thursday we were on our way home and called in to see her as we left town

they wern't going to let us in because she wasn't up to visitors
Gary had to say this might be the last time he sees his daugter

we were quick, we exchanged i loves yous, her hands were so cold

we knew things were now very bad
as we were driving away Gary's son rang to say to get in their quick as she wasn't expected to last out the day
Gary explained we had just left her so we knew
it was dreadful, he was talking on the phone and driving and crying

As we drove into Porirua 20min latter he started crying at the thought of driving away from here

we got home and waited
(Her brother) Aaron rang latter that night to say Kaleb and little Kiera had been in and she had purked up at seeing them
they were all staying the night with her in the hospice accommodation

we sat at home and waited
i texted work to say i had better stay home on friday

the next morning we had toast for breakfast and waited
Aaron rang just before lunch to say she was gone
Poor Gary
and also her poor Hubbie, her kids, her own mum

i dont know what to do to help Gary, he's ok most of the time
i make cups of tea and serve food
yesterday after his nana nap he woke up crying
today i feel alot more tearful, like its really sinking in she's gone

she was certainly at least as close to me as my sister (but a lot more freindly)

there is no one to visit us here, just the two of us and Borris and Fluffa Duffa who are giving their daddy love

i wish my mum was here because she'd know what to do
she would have had the good cups and saucers out

yesterday i forgot to brush my teeth even though i had unpacked the toothpaste
today i did a load of towels

i just did the grocery delivery order 3 days early so we could have some snacky things for Gary

Gary rang to tell his sister and brothers after he had heard but we havn't heard from anyone today

maybe he should call his ex wife ? (they have no ill feeling towards each other but we only see them at Christmas or the grandkids birthdays)

i guess ill just wait to see what tomorrow brings

its a long weekend here


Mar 26, 2006
Biggest hugs outgoing to you and Gary and to Melanie's family. This is such a difficult time and I wish I could offer you more.


May 16, 2020
Hi Daisy and Diamonds. I read your post, and I just wanted to write a quick note to say I am so sorry. This sounds so hard. She sounds like a wonderful person, and like she had a lot of people who loved her. That’s very special. So too is your own love for your husband. Your love and concern and care for his well being is very evident throughout your post. I don’t think parents are supposed to bury their children. It is supposed to be the other way around.

I don’t want to make this post about me but I just want to say I understand a little bit of what you are feeling. My cousin died a week ago and I have been so sad. I think I am ok and then I find myself crying at inconvenient times.

So I guess from one stranger to another I just want to send some love to you over the internet. It is ok if you don’t brush your teeth. Or don’t use the best China. Your efforts to love and support your husband, while dealing with and feeling your grief and sadness at this loss at the same time demonstrate your own love and good heart. Be gentle and forgiving of yourself.

As to whether or not to have your husband call his ex-wife—I have no advice. I know talking to others about someone you love who has passed can help. On the other hand I have learned that people grieve in different ways, and not always ways we would expect. He should do what he feels comfortable with, and keep an open mind on how his former wife may respond or is dealing with her own grief.
My heart goes out to you Daisy. I pray you and your family will be able to find comfort.


Aug 17, 2015
Sometimes it’s hard to find the right words to say in moments like like these, @Daisys and Diamonds …it‘s the most unnatural thing in the world- to outlive your child is beyond devastating.

I‘ve learned that it’s ok to not be ok…to just sit with your sadness and sorrow whether it’s in a dark corner of your room, or in a midst of a room full of people. People who care about you and Gary will not mind your silence at all. Sometimes having and knowing people who care around you is enough, as is the case with Gary having you around…and sometimes it isn’t…but let me say that you and Gary are indeed lucky to have each other. I will be thinking of you in the days ahead. Take care, @Daisys and Diamonds ❤️


Jan 22, 2014
Sending hugs @Daisys and Diamonds such awful news for you and Gary and the rest of the family.
so hard and so not fair.
She sounds like she was a wonderful lady who will be deeply missed by all.
Wish there was a magic wand or something I could wave to make it better again.
grief is a long journey and slow and hard. Just do you best to support Gary as you can, he needs time to process. Talk about her, remember her, shed a few, or a lot of tears and know that eventually the intense soul stabbing pain recedes, though never goes, and life goes on.
plant a tree in her memory, often it helps to have a special place to sit and think and mourn.
lots of hugs.


Jun 8, 2008
Oh Nicky, I am so sorry :(
My deepest condolences to you and Gary.
Sending you gentle hugs.
I am keeping you and Gary in my thoughts and prayers.

My thoughts about calling his ex wife are that yes someone should tell her.

Nicky, my heart goes out to you and Gary.

Made in London

Sep 11, 2020
I'm so sorry to read your devastating news. Even though it was expected it doesn't make it easier to bear. May you & Gary take comfort in each other Xx


Jun 2, 2018
I’m so sorry for your loss. I hope you are able to take some comfort in having been able to say goodbye.


Nov 9, 2018
Thinking of you from across the Tasman…. I’m so sorry for your loss…. .



Dec 17, 2008
Awe, I am so very sorry @Daisys and Diamonds . Such a difficult loss. Take care of yourself and your Dear hubbie. I know
you are heartbroken and I am so sorry.


Jun 23, 2005
Oh, I am so terribly sorry to hear of this passing. All you can do is simply be there for him and allow yourself the time to grieve as well. Such a huge, heartbreaking loss - many warm thoughts coming your way.


Apr 19, 2013
@Daisys and Diamonds, I am so sorry for your family's loss of such a special young woman. It's unimaginable. I hope you and Gary can hold each other close as you make your way through these next days.


Aug 18, 2013
@Daisys and Diamonds - I'm so sorry, N. My sincerest condolences to you and Gary and all of Melanie's family and friends. I wish I could give you a hug and make you a cup of tea and sit next to you and hold your hand and ask you all about her. I'm sure you have so many wonderful memories of her.

Praying for the time when this pain is at least counter-balanced with memories of happier times. ox


Feb 24, 2017
I am so sorry @Daisys and Diamonds, Melanie was a very brave woman and it’s tragic that she’s succumbed to this horrible disease. I can’t begin to imagine how Gary is feeling, it’s all wrong you don’t expect your child (no matter how old they are) to die before you. It’s just not the natural order of things.

You are helping him by being there, a calm, reassuring presence, all you can do is let him talk about her and listen, share stories about the good times you enjoyed together and remember her as the loving daughter, wife and mother she was.

I’m glad you had a good relationship with her, that must’ve meant a great deal to Gary that you and she got on well, and I’m sure you’re feeling devastated and saddened by her death.

Take care of each other.


Sep 17, 2008


Feb 2, 2016
So sorry for your loss, sending a big hug across the miles.


This is heartbreaking. I hope that you have the time and space to grieve as you need to. I know breast cancer well, but I can't imagine losing a child. My condolences to you and Gary.


Jun 17, 2009
I am so sorry @Daisys and Diamonds. My deepest sympathies to you, Gary, and Melanie's family. Sending comfort and love as you all suffer this terrible loss. XXX


Oct 2, 2014
@Daisys and Diamonds I am so, so sorry! This is so very sad. It's hard to believe when it actually happens, isn't it? I'm sorrier than I can say for your loss. You and Gary and his family are in my thoughts. I really can't express how sorry I am. Breast cancer is such an evil disease, the way it can come back after it seemed gone. So terribly unfair.

Sending you big, big hugs across the miles.


Aug 4, 2008
Prayers are outgoing.


Mar 8, 2021
sorry, i just need someone to talk to

Gary's daughter finally succumbed to breast cancer yesterday
she had beaten it once before and had been given the 5 year all clear
but it came back in her spine, then her liver
she was doing ok
she was on her 5th and final public health system funded round of chemo, it had spread to her lungs

she had been doing so well, keeping it at bay, working, being a mum, being worried about her dad

she came to visit with her brother for Gary's birthday in August
she sent us this big meat pack a few weeks back worring how we were doing
we sent her flowers for her birthday at the end of September, at that stage her prognosis wasn't great, weeks or months if we were lucky but she was optimistic as once before the cancer had disapaired from her lungs
she gave up work and work gifted her her company car
Dylon took unpaid leave from work

then last week she sounded breathless on the phone
she went to hospital for a few days but they didn't have oxygen for her to take home which we all think was total BS and they must just be stock piling it for covid

then on Monday she went into the hospice, just to get her breathing right (they had plenty of oxygen for her to take a unit home)
we saw her on tuesday as we were in Wellington for Gary's eye appointment at Wgtn hospital so we were staying right accross the road and by some miricle 600m from the hospice
She looked so tired, her eyes were very sunken in kind of like darling Tibby looked when we had to take him to the vet on the way to rainbow bridge
Mel was sitting up in a chair, falling asleep momentarily as she had slept baddly for days because of her breathing trouble

she hands were red and sore looking
but she was talking and making conversation sure she would go home on friday

Wednesday we had Gary's apoinment and Mel's hubbie Dylon spent the day with her and brought the kids in (14 & 10)
We knew she'd be tired so we stayed away
Thursday we were on our way home and called in to see her as we left town

they wern't going to let us in because she wasn't up to visitors
Gary had to say this might be the last time he sees his daugter

we were quick, we exchanged i loves yous, her hands were so cold

we knew things were now very bad
as we were driving away Gary's son rang to say to get in their quick as she wasn't expected to last out the day
Gary explained we had just left her so we knew
it was dreadful, he was talking on the phone and driving and crying

As we drove into Porirua 20min latter he started crying at the thought of driving away from here

we got home and waited
(Her brother) Aaron rang latter that night to say Kaleb and little Kiera had been in and she had purked up at seeing them
they were all staying the night with her in the hospice accommodation

we sat at home and waited
i texted work to say i had better stay home on friday

the next morning we had toast for breakfast and waited
Aaron rang just before lunch to say she was gone
Poor Gary
and also her poor Hubbie, her kids, her own mum

i dont know what to do to help Gary, he's ok most of the time
i make cups of tea and serve food
yesterday after his nana nap he woke up crying
today i feel alot more tearful, like its really sinking in she's gone

she was certainly at least as close to me as my sister (but a lot more freindly)

there is no one to visit us here, just the two of us and Borris and Fluffa Duffa who are giving their daddy love

i wish my mum was here because she'd know what to do
she would have had the good cups and saucers out

yesterday i forgot to brush my teeth even though i had unpacked the toothpaste
today i did a load of towels

i just did the grocery delivery order 3 days early so we could have some snacky things for Gary

Gary rang to tell his sister and brothers after he had heard but we havn't heard from anyone today

maybe he should call his ex wife ? (they have no ill feeling towards each other but we only see them at Christmas or the grandkids birthdays)

i guess ill just wait to see what tomorrow brings

its a long weekend here

I am so sorry for you and your family’s loss.
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