
Wow, Can Leon be Any More Unprofessional?

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Jan 26, 2003
smitcompton|1364409665|3414687 said:
I don't agree with the notion that any attention is good attention.

Wow. I completely agree. When did everyone decide that all members of society had to act in accordance with the basest instincts of the worst of its members? I would have expected that Pricescope members and others who bothered to read about specific cuts of diamonds to educate themselves were a bit more thoughtful than people who believed that any publicity was good publicity.

I'm not sure that I believe that one should have his name in the newspaper only three times in his lifetime: when he is born; when he is married; and when he dies, but I don't think it should be there a great deal more often unless he is a Supreme Court Justice or a Nobel Prize winner.



Jan 11, 2006
Jealous, yes. Rude, extremely. That was totally uncalled for. But this is not a surprise. There are two vendors here I will no longer use and he is one.

And I think it is especially bad for a PS vendor to do that to another. Speaks volumes to character.


Aug 25, 2009
I have to say I'm not surprized at all. I have gone to Leon for 2 quotes. He was ok the first time, but the second time I asked for a quote he pretty much blew me off and suggested I was wasting his time- fine I took my business to other vendors. Leon does beautiful work but I would never work with him even if he did have a nicer personality. i want someone with great customer serivce who will insure I'm happy with my custom piece. And with Leon he doesn't do that all the time and I'm going to spend money there and hope I get the happy Leon.


Oct 5, 2010
Harpertoo|1364406635|3414633 said:
aviastar|1364402175|3414568 said:
Harpertoo|1364393778|3414477 said:
At least it's just FB. I would think he could actually lose business putting that verbiage in an actual ad.
I don't think anyone really appreciates that type of advertising...outside of politics, that is... :lol:

Oh, Facebook IS a real ad...print that in a newspaper and maybe half the people reading even see it before they throw it out the next day, put it on Facebook and hundreds of people have seen it within an hour, it's shared, screen captured, and here we are on a completely different site already talking about it.

I just think expectations are quite low on FB.
I doubt we'll see that quote on a banner ad run on PS.

I agree, it can be a much more informal setting, but any business that makes the mistake of assuming that it's not going to have impact is behind the times and dead wrong. It's not formal, but it's VERY important in today's overall marketing strategies to maintain your brand in ALL of your interactions, and digital and social interaction is taking over- if it hasn't quite killed print yet, it's on it's way. I'm even reading about the coming death of statically placed banner ads (we'll see), in favor of things like adwords.

Now, some might argue that rudeness IS Leon's brand, in which case this post is maintaining it fairly well. :lol: And, well, he's still is business so far :rolleyes: , so he apparently thinks this attitude either works in his favor or has no negative impact against him.


Oct 7, 2004
AGBF|1364411246|3414707 said:
smitcompton|1364409665|3414687 said:
I don't agree with the notion that any attention is good attention.

Wow. I completely agree. When did everyone decide that all members of society had to act in accordance with the basest instincts of the worst of its members? I would have expected that Pricescope members and others who bothered to read about specific cuts of diamonds to educate themselves were a bit more thoughtful than people who believed that any publicity was good publicity.
I'm not sure that I believe that one should have his name in the newspaper only three times in his lifetime: when he is born; when he is married; and when he dies, but I don't think it should be there a great deal more often unless he is a Supreme Court Justice or a Nobel Prize winner.


Deb, is this insult directed at me? Since I was the first to mention the attention aspect, I have to ask.

I didn't say that any attention is good attention, Kenny assumed I said that, and you guys ran with it. I said that he's getting attention. Good or bad, it doesn't matter because it's free publicity, and that's what he wanted. Afterall, he didn't even have to advertise the "new" cut here, and we're here talking about it.

Everyone already knows that Leon's a diva and kind of a jerk. He has been this way for years. I have not seen anyone encouraging anyone else to act this way. Where are you getting this?


Nov 19, 2011
This stone has nothing to do with bogus vintage cushion diamonds mostly peddled around certain areas of Long Island.

LMAO! ^ That statement needs to be immediately followed up by "No, Siree, these are MY VERY OWN bogus vintage cushion diamonds."

I certainly hope the Long Island folks were chortling with uproarious laughter. I know I am. :lol:


Oct 4, 2011
TC1987|1364417120|3414790 said:
This stone has nothing to do with bogus vintage cushion diamonds mostly peddled around certain areas of Long Island.

LMAO! ^ That statement needs to be immediately followed up by "No, Siree, these are MY VERY OWN bogus vintage cushion diamonds."

I certainly hope the Long Island folks were chortling with uproarious laughter. I know I am. :lol:
:lol: :lol: :lol:

:appl: :appl: :appl:

Good one, TC!!


Mar 5, 2009
Enerchi|1364418778|3414809 said:
TC1987|1364417120|3414790 said:
This stone has nothing to do with bogus vintage cushion diamonds mostly peddled around certain areas of Long Island.

LMAO! ^ That statement needs to be immediately followed up by "No, Siree, these are MY VERY OWN bogus vintage cushion diamonds."

I certainly hope the Long Island folks were chortling with uproarious laughter. I know I am. :lol:
:lol: :lol: :lol:

:appl: :appl: :appl:

Good one, TC!!

Exactly! Best chuckle I've had all day! :lol: :lol: :lol:


Jan 26, 2003
ForteKitty|1364415975|3414772 said:
AGBF|1364411246|3414707 said:
smitcompton|1364409665|3414687 said:
I don't agree with the notion that any attention is good attention.

Wow. I completely agree. When did everyone decide that all members of society had to act in accordance with the basest instincts of the worst of its members? I would have expected that Pricescope members and others who bothered to read about specific cuts of diamonds to educate themselves were a bit more thoughtful than people who believed that any publicity was good publicity.
I'm not sure that I believe that one should have his name in the newspaper only three times in his lifetime: when he is born; when he is married; and when he dies, but I don't think it should be there a great deal more often unless he is a Supreme Court Justice or a Nobel Prize winner.

Deb, is this insult directed at me? Since I was the first to mention the attention aspect, I have to ask.

Absolutely not! Such a thing never occurred to me! On the contrary, I was saying that I thought on Pricescope we did not usually behave the way that others in society might who followed the adage that any publicity was good publicity, because we-all of us posting here-were above the standards of Hollywood and Barnum & Bailey! The insult was directed at popular culture, at Hollywood.


Apr 2, 2010
I love both GOG/Jon and Leon.

Jon and I couldn't be any more different in terms of politics and we are still friends AND I love GOG, their products and their customer service. I am a happy current and future customer.

Leon and I couldn't be more different in terms of ballsiness (to put it politely). But we are still friends and he still has my most favorite designs and execution ever. I am a happy current and future customer.

I also like music from some artists that I wouldn't hang out with. And blah blah blah.


Jul 25, 2008
I don't have to agree with everyone I do business with or even with all my friends. In fact, it is good for society to have people with differing view points. However, I do draw a line at a certain point. Today, I blocked a gem cutter (that has never been mentioned on PS, just to avoid speculation). He has some luscious stones however his post today crossed a serious line (the equality symbol that is going around turned 90 degrees, so it looks like the Twin Towers, with a plane flying towards it, captioned as "That is genius!"). I don't care if he is for or against marriage equality but I don't want anything to do with someone that publicly defends an act of terrorism against people for their legal sexual preferences.


Sep 10, 2003
There is tasteful and tasteless advertising. Mege's statement is the latter. On a par with the cool whip abused cake commercial which mocks animal abuse commercials.


Jul 7, 2004
Lets see how long that comment stays on his FB about his bogus cushions. Someone commented on gold vs platinum too.


Jan 1, 2007
I guess I'm used to his comments by now, so this doesn't surprise me at all! Like when he posted a channel set ring on his website and said he didn't like it but the client made him do it. :lol:

cygnet, if Leon is charming and easy on the phone, I don't see why you wouldn't work with him. I mean Jon at GOG got all butthurt over Victor Canera selling his own cushions and won't send his AVCs to him anymore. Seems like this is just standard vendor competition, but LM just says it out loud...with snark.


Apr 12, 2011
Lady_Disdain|1364432562|3414963 said:
He has some luscious stones however his post today crossed a serious line (the equality symbol that is going around turned 90 degrees, so it looks like the Twin Towers, with a plane flying towards it, captioned as "That is genius!"). I don't care if he is for or against marriage equality but I don't want anything to do with someone that publicly defends an act of terrorism against people for their legal sexual preferences.

Seriously? Good Lord!


Mar 18, 2009
rubyshoes|1364438571|3415044 said:
Lady_Disdain|1364432562|3414963 said:
He has some luscious stones however his post today crossed a serious line (the equality symbol that is going around turned 90 degrees, so it looks like the Twin Towers, with a plane flying towards it, captioned as "That is genius!"). I don't care if he is for or against marriage equality but I don't want anything to do with someone that publicly defends an act of terrorism against people for their legal sexual preferences.

Seriously? Good Lord!

Wow. Just wow.


Jan 11, 2006
There have been a couple of comments now regarding his remark, so it will be interesting to see if they remain.


May 11, 2009
thing2of2|1364436837|3415021 said:
I guess I'm used to his comments by now, so this doesn't surprise me at all! Like when he posted a channel set ring on his website and said he didn't like it but the client made him do it. :lol:

cygnet, if Leon is charming and easy on the phone, I don't see why you wouldn't work with him. I mean Jon at GOG got all butthurt over Victor Canera selling his own cushions and won't send his AVCs to him anymore. Seems like this is just standard vendor competition, but LM just says it out loud...with snark.

Exactly. It seems no one is above a bit of periodic butthurt.

Having worked with Leon, I got zero attitude and all class from him. I wouldn't hesitate to use him again. It seems to take me a lot more than others to be turned off a vendor for good.


Apr 30, 2005
justginger|1364441929|3415092 said:
thing2of2|1364436837|3415021 said:
I guess I'm used to his comments by now, so this doesn't surprise me at all! Like when he posted a channel set ring on his website and said he didn't like it but the client made him do it. :lol:

cygnet, if Leon is charming and easy on the phone, I don't see why you wouldn't work with him. I mean Jon at GOG got all butthurt over Victor Canera selling his own cushions and won't send his AVCs to him anymore. Seems like this is just standard vendor competition, but LM just says it out loud...with snark.

Exactly. It seems no one is above a bit of periodic butthurt.

Having worked with Leon, I got zero attitude and all class from him. I wouldn't hesitate to use him again. It seems to take me a lot more than others to be turned off a vendor for good.

Yup, people vary. :lol:


Jan 11, 2006
His artiste attitude never bothered me. But this kind of tasteless rudeness is not something I will support with my money. Not to mention 2 rings coming apart and reports of lost melee, bent shanks, etc. I can find much better quality.


May 31, 2007
smitcompton|1364409665|3414687 said:

I don't agree with the notion that any attention is good attention. Leon mege made a mistake here. He posted it to cause damage to another dealer. Instead he has exposed himself to declarations of "I wouldn't use Leon" no matter what. He'll remove it once he gets wind of the criticism. It will back fire.

No one ever said that!! I said attention is attention! Good or bad, it's there for people to see and people will do their research. That's all that was said.


Nov 25, 2010
what a childish dig from Leon. i dont think i will ever work with him after all the bad publicity hes been getting. he sounds like a spoilt child. Jon comes across as a genuine down to earth guy who will go out of his way for his customers and i for one can't wait to get some of his bogus antique stones


Feb 28, 2012
They're humourists these jewelers. Leon appears to love irony - apparently you "sell' your brand of old world charm cushion in the most charmless fashion imaginable. While Jon sells me one of his scrumptious .37 AVR diamonds, that I'm using as the main stone for a gorgeous ring, under the cheerful heading of Melee August Vintage Rounds on his site. My jeweler, here in OZ is busy reassuring me how BIG the diamond is.


Jan 11, 2006
Polished|1364464226|3415181 said:
They're humourists these jewelers. Leon appears to love irony - apparently you "sell' your brand of old world charm cushion in the most charmless fashion imaginable. While Jon sells me one of his scrumptious .37 AVR diamonds, that I'm using as the main stone for a gorgeous ring, under the cheerful heading of Melee August Vintage Rounds on his site. My jeweler, here in OZ is busy reassuring me how BIG the diamond is.

How exciting! And I am hoping to join you as an AVR owner eventually!

(And for those who mentioned Jon and Victor and that situation, it couldn't be more different than this. And in no way can it be used to excuse Leon's behavior.)


Jan 1, 2007
diamondseeker2006|1364473762|3415210 said:
Polished|1364464226|3415181 said:
They're humourists these jewelers. Leon appears to love irony - apparently you "sell' your brand of old world charm cushion in the most charmless fashion imaginable. While Jon sells me one of his scrumptious .37 AVR diamonds, that I'm using as the main stone for a gorgeous ring, under the cheerful heading of Melee August Vintage Rounds on his site. My jeweler, here in OZ is busy reassuring me how BIG the diamond is.

How exciting! And I am hoping to join you as an AVR owner eventually!

(And for those who mentioned Jon and Victor and that situation, it couldn't be more different than this. And in no way can it be used to excuse Leon's behavior.)

I'm not using it to excuse anything, because I don't think Leon really needs excusing. It's clear that all vendors are competitive and display periodic butthurtness (LOVE THAT justginger. :cheeky: ), and this was Leon showing it. Jon at GOG showed it by not letting VC set his stones anymore.

It takes a lot more than that to get me to start clutching my pearls.


Sep 30, 2010
DBL was so great to me. He has nothing to do with this, so why some are bringing up his name is :???:
And, although some may disagree with what he says, he usually makes a good point, IMO. He brings different viewpoints and shows that there isn't always one right answer, especially not just to follow the crowd, and go along with the consensus just because.

He bends over backwards for his customers, is truthful, honest, and to the point.
He will definitely have my business in the future.

This is between Leon and whoever he feels like ripping on at the moment.


Jan 11, 2006
thing2of2|1364479588|3415261 said:
diamondseeker2006|1364473762|3415210 said:
Polished|1364464226|3415181 said:
They're humourists these jewelers. Leon appears to love irony - apparently you "sell' your brand of old world charm cushion in the most charmless fashion imaginable. While Jon sells me one of his scrumptious .37 AVR diamonds, that I'm using as the main stone for a gorgeous ring, under the cheerful heading of Melee August Vintage Rounds on his site. My jeweler, here in OZ is busy reassuring me how BIG the diamond is.

How exciting! And I am hoping to join you as an AVR owner eventually!

(And for those who mentioned Jon and Victor and that situation, it couldn't be more different than this. And in no way can it be used to excuse Leon's behavior.)

I'm not using it to excuse anything, because I don't think Leon really needs excusing. It's clear that all vendors are competitive and display periodic butthurtness (LOVE THAT justginger. :cheeky: ), and this was Leon showing it. Jon at GOG showed it by not letting VC set his stones anymore.

It takes a lot more than that to get me to start clutching my pearls.

Well, Jon didn't stop sending Victor his stones to be mean or because he was jealous. That is why that example simply doesn't relate at all to this thread. I won't get into that controversy here, though.


Dec 29, 2004
thing2of2|1364479588|3415261 said:
diamondseeker2006|1364473762|3415210 said:
Polished|1364464226|3415181 said:
They're humourists these jewelers. Leon appears to love irony - apparently you "sell' your brand of old world charm cushion in the most charmless fashion imaginable. While Jon sells me one of his scrumptious .37 AVR diamonds, that I'm using as the main stone for a gorgeous ring, under the cheerful heading of Melee August Vintage Rounds on his site. My jeweler, here in OZ is busy reassuring me how BIG the diamond is.

How exciting! And I am hoping to join you as an AVR owner eventually!

(And for those who mentioned Jon and Victor and that situation, it couldn't be more different than this. And in no way can it be used to excuse Leon's behavior.)

I'm not using it to excuse anything, because I don't think Leon really needs excusing. It's clear that all vendors are competitive and display periodic butthurtness (LOVE THAT justginger. :cheeky: ), and this was Leon showing it. Jon at GOG showed it by not letting VC set his stones anymore.

It takes a lot more than that to get me to start clutching my pearls.

Ditto. Leon is just Leon. I'm used to it. And yes, he's said doofy things to me too, so it's not all glitter farts here either. But in all these years, he's never come here to say anything...he just goes about his own business in his nutty way. I can respect that.


Apr 19, 2010
TravelingGal|1364512965|3415582 said:
thing2of2|1364479588|3415261 said:
diamondseeker2006|1364473762|3415210 said:
Polished|1364464226|3415181 said:
They're humourists these jewelers. Leon appears to love irony - apparently you "sell' your brand of old world charm cushion in the most charmless fashion imaginable. While Jon sells me one of his scrumptious .37 AVR diamonds, that I'm using as the main stone for a gorgeous ring, under the cheerful heading of Melee August Vintage Rounds on his site. My jeweler, here in OZ is busy reassuring me how BIG the diamond is.

How exciting! And I am hoping to join you as an AVR owner eventually!

(And for those who mentioned Jon and Victor and that situation, it couldn't be more different than this. And in no way can it be used to excuse Leon's behavior.)

I'm not using it to excuse anything, because I don't think Leon really needs excusing. It's clear that all vendors are competitive and display periodic butthurtness (LOVE THAT justginger. :cheeky: ), and this was Leon showing it. Jon at GOG showed it by not letting VC set his stones anymore.

It takes a lot more than that to get me to start clutching my pearls.

Ditto. Leon is just Leon. I'm used to it. And yes, he's said doofy things to me too, so it's not all glitter farts here either. But in all these years, he's never come here to say anything...he just goes about his own business in his nutty way. I can respect that.

I agree. I don't really see what the big deal is, that's just Leon's sense of humor. I'm sure both vendors will continue to do just fine...


Oct 30, 2002
Thritto TG. I am not a Leon fan at all, but I actually can respect someone speaking their mind on their own biz page. His prerogative. Plus he's prob not hurting for biz so I'm sure he'll just keep doing what he always has. PS has seen its share of knock down drag out vendor fights, so this seems almost understated and classy, haha!
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