
Would you be afraid to fly during this pandemic?

Would you be afraid to fly during this pandemic?

  • Yes

    Votes: 21 38.2%
  • No

    Votes: 34 61.8%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .

Dancing Fire

Apr 3, 2004
Would you fly in a plane w/o knowing if the person sitting next to you is vaccinated or not?


May 17, 2014
I hate flying at the best of times. The air is so stale in there!!!!

I don't think I'll be flying until we're back to normal and people are catching Covid but recovering easily and not dropping off like flies.

I say that because I don't think Covid will ever go away!


Jul 7, 2013
I seldom fly unless there is no viable alternative, like going to Vancouver to visit my folks.

IMHO, being on a plane is no worse than being on a packed train or coach, and I have used both since the restrictions started to ease.

So no.

However, I am not looking forward to the hurdles ahead as in arranging and taking paid fit to fly PCR test before, and probably after the trip!

DK :roll2:


Feb 24, 2017
I flew to the US and back a couple of weeks ago. Yes, it was a faff going for the PCR tests, before during and after the trip. But surprisingly, I didn’t feel overly worried as everyone had to be double vaxxed and present a negative Covid test before checking in. Wearing a mask on the flight, except for eating and drinking, and being in the airport felt reasonably normal.

The biggest worry was that our homeward flight got cancelled because of the weather in Houston. BA told us we’d get dispensation on our Covid test so the day’s delay didn’t affect that.

BA had removed a lot of seating in the lounge so it was possible to keep a good distance away from other people, and people were respecting space whilst waiting to board.


Sep 1, 2009

I did fly recently. Three major airports each way. Two planes each way.

There were no empty seats on the airplanes. The airports were crowded. Most people were a bit more aware about personal space than my last time flying, but still uncomfortably close. While the airline required fully vaccinated or negative tests, we were never once asked for either. I wasn't required to answer while booking and it was never mentioned anywhere. People in the airports and on the flights were eating and drinking. Many times the flight attendant would remind people to put their masks back on while not actively drinking. The lady behind us was sipping a single glass of wine through the flight and tried to leave her mask off.

So I am not afraid to fly now and would do so again if I needed to, but I am uncomfortable by the crowded indoor spaces at a time when there are various strains, breakthrough cases in the vaccinated, and people getting less careful to stay home while sick.


May 23, 2016
Honestly I’m less worried about Covid and flying than about technical problems on planes that have largely just been sitting around for the past 18 months. Our car always has more niggles when it’s comparatively underused. I hope airlines have adjusted their maintenance schedules to take account of the changed flying patterns of their planes, especially at a time when the travel industry in general is presumably trying to be cost efficient to make up for revenue lost during the pandemic.

Daisys and Diamonds

Apr 30, 2019
I hate flying at the best of times. The air is so stale in there!!!!

I don't think I'll be flying until we're back to normal and people are catching Covid but recovering easily and not dropping off like flies.

I say that because I don't think Covid will ever go away!

where can we fly to anyway ?


Jun 8, 2008
Not a fan of flying in general.

I am not planning on flying during the pandemic unless it is an emergency.

We all have different risk tolerances.
So while I would like to say that everyone should refrain from needless travel I won't say that.
Instead I say do what makes you comfortable but please get vaccinated (and wear your mask properly) to keep others safe and to protect yourself as well.

But since you are asking me. No, I cannot see myself taking a commercial airline flight anytime soon.
It's not flying I dislike as much as crashing. :)



Jan 25, 2020
The ordeal of flying can be a hassle. Dealing with the airport lines, the waiting, the herding into and off a plane…. I’m not afraid to fly during the pandemic. We have chosen to multiple times. It’s worth it to me, as the memories we make on those trips are priceless, IMO.


Aug 14, 2018
I hate flying no matter what (turbulence frightens me) but I do it frequently bc driving 2+ days is worse. It was better in the early pandemic days bc the planes are empty and now they are not! The air on a plane is safer than “office” air as it continues to circulate. So I’m a bit nervous but no more so than a regular flight pre-pandemic.


Feb 2, 2016
I’m not afraid, I just refuse to fly, I have in the past and it wasn’t something I enjoyed and now would probably be even less so.

If I can’t get there by car or train then count me out.


Jun 26, 2007
My parents are elderly and live in another state. I frequently worry about getting the call that they need me right away.
In which case I will be flying. I guess if everyone else is doing it, then I will, too. I'm not a big fan of flying, but unfortunately it is a necessary evil these days to get where you need to be.
I don't have time to be worried.
Apr 22, 2020
I’m okay with flying, as the only time I will be taking flights right now is international flights and there everyone is required to show proof of vaccination and/or negative COVID tests. Plus, I double mask and wear a face shield for the duration of the flight. It’s uncomfortable, but doable.


Sep 17, 2008
I'd be OK with flying now, just not extensively. Will be in DC in November/December time frame for a few work sessions.


Jul 27, 2005
I've flown twice (domestic) since the pandemic began and both times it was unavoidable. I felt fairly safe with my double masks in the airport and on the plane, plus I'm vaccinated, which helps with peace of mind. I'm about to get on a plane again in a couple days for another 4-hour domestic flight....again, an unavoidable trip. Ah well!


Aug 23, 2020
I’ve flown for work including internationally. At this time I am going to hold off on flying with my young children who haven't been vaccinated yet. It's all weighing risk/benefit. For necessary work or emergent family travel, sure. But for non-essential travel I'm putting that off a little longer. We are able to drive to see family, but it's pretty far, so we have done that a few times but once my little ones can be vaccinated and case rates go down we will likely fly.


Jul 5, 2012
I'm dipping my toes back into travel and flying to the USA later this year to see my daughter in a play. I'm less worried about exposure on the plane than I am of getting mixed up with the ever-moving goalposts of the documentation (PCR tests, proof of vaxes, vaccine passports, etc., passenger locator forms, etc.) a person needs to fly these days.


Aug 4, 2008
My wifey is heading to Canada soon on a plane to see her mom and visit her dad's and her aunts graves. She was not able to get there for the funerals.


Aug 23, 2020
My wifey is heading to Canada soon on a plane to see her mom and visit her dad's and her aunts graves. She was not able to get there for the funerals.
I’m so sorry for her losses :( glad she will be able to go be with her mom.


May 19, 2020
I’m fine with it. I’ve been flying multiple times per year during the pandemic. But my job also takes me to large buildings with thousands of workers every day. Every day is a risk unless you hide at home. Even then it’s a risk. I know people hid at home and still got Covid and died. Life goes on and I gotta go where I gotta go. So yes, I am comfortable flying.


Apr 19, 2004

Taking trips ain't what is used to be. We cancelled our Hawaii trip (due to my Mother's hospitalization) and I am not upset. The hoops one has to jump through just to get on a plane these days is mind boggling. I had stress related to downloading the appropriate travel apps!



Dec 18, 2014
International flights seem to still be ok at the moment. We flew very early in the pandemic and ended up with a business class cabin entirely to ourselves. It was a very busy route and yet there was no one on the plane. My parents flew to us 3 weeks ago and said the same -- half the business class cabin to themselves and no one arround. Trouble is as others said the ever moving goal posts for the documentation -- apparently 2 others got turned away while they were checking in for lack of pandemic related additional documents and although we'd called a lot of people and had everyone including a law firm trying to sort out my parents documents the airline still asked them for something which we knew for a fact was not required.

Also as others have said I wouldn't take my unvaccinated children which would be a problem. Actually my work wants to send me to San Francisco in December but my children are unvaccinated and very small to leave for such a long time so I've said no even though I'd like to go.


Jan 29, 2015
My job requires me to fly all over the places (all domestic. I remember during busy season, I used to fly every week and I didn't like it. I didn't hate it at the time, because it was just part of the job and it did give me some down time for me to catch up work at the airport or on the plane. Then later on, I had to book flights that are late afternoon/evenings, and when I get home it's past midnight or I had to book first flight in the morning so when I arrive, I still have the rest of the day. I started to hate it because it is eating into my personal space. I feel like I am using my personal time to travel while it should be part of working hours. I honestly felt resentment that my company would imply that should be the norm. Then COVID puts everything on halt, the whole office was on zoom and no one was flying. Now as office is opening up, it is a huge political issue, some people are not afraid of flying (or getting sick). Many of them are single, no kids, or they are less worried about COVID. Or they are laser focus on getting advance with their career, climbing the corporate ladder, or whatever. Anyhow, as the office opened up , they had no issues back onto to frequent flying. However, some of us have young kids who are not vaccinated, they are super vulnerable and for me, I don't want to expose my kids to this risk because of my job and just because my boss would like me to fly....

I have been struggling with this for a long time now, I do love what I do, but being reluctant to fly is hurting my brownie points, you know what I mean?

I actually would appreciate your thoughts. Maybe it's a deal breaking point for me and my company and I should look for a new job where I don't have to fly so frequently.


Jun 30, 2014
Flying and vaccination status doesn't worry me as much as sitting next to someone who is not wearing their mask properly. It's been noted that airplane air filtering is better than many indoor places. I also make sure I wear a KF94 mask when traveling (whereas I will often make do with a cloth mask when going to indoor places where there is more distancing).

I've flown once (so far) cross country and felt as safe as I do going into any indoor public place with a mask. Those in my row were properly masked and considerate enough to only lift their masks slightly when sipping their beverages.

That being said, when getting off the the planed, I noticed a guy a few rows back who was standing close to everyone waiting to get off - talking away with his mask pulled down. It was clear, he didn't care and given the things you read about mask-rage would be uncomfortable saying anything to him. I was relieved not to be standing near him.

Unfortunately, I am going to need to fly back/forth to my mom's every couple of weeks for the rest of the year. And I am a bit anxious about the thought of sitting next to someone like him.


Apr 19, 2004

Taking trips ain't what is used to be. We cancelled our Hawaii trip (due to my Mother's hospitalization) and I am not upset. The hoops one has to jump through just to get on a plane these days is mind boggling. I had stress related to downloading the appropriate travel apps!


Notwithstanding the active volcano. Talking about a wave.....


Aug 16, 2007
I did fly, to Texas actually, during the height of Delta to boot. I wore my K95 throughout the flight, pulling it down briefly to sip my drink through a straw. Everyone else on the flight (that I could see) was similarly respectful. I went and came back COVID free.


May 28, 2017
My last vacation by plane was up to the arctic circle less than 2 weeks ago to see the lights and play in the snow before it goes 100% dark for the winter up there. I don't care a tiny bit if the other people on the plane are vaccinated.

I had a great trip! My plane rides I was blessed to be able to have the whole row I was in to myself on each leg of air travel. Covid of course changed my plans more than I'd like but I would never want to endanger others or myself. I wore a VERY tight fitting n95 mask any time I was indoors regardless of whether or not I was near another person. I brought an air filtration setup and shut all the incoming vents for the hotel room so I could sleep without a mask. I also have been fully vaccinated and got my booster before the trip as Alaska was having an outbreak. To say I am careful is an understatement, but it is worth it to be able to get out once in a while.

I had face shields and lots of sanitizer and clorox wipes in case I needed them. For the safety of the people in my household when I returned I then self quarantined for 7 days upon returning and received a PCR test both before and after returning.

I really enjoyed the trip and frankly I would have travelled in a full hazmat suit if I had needed to. I used to vacation several times a year. Covid has made me appreciate the many good things that are in my life.

It was truly FUN to wake up on Wednesday and decide out of the blue to go someplace new that I have never been. Thursday, I was on the first plane and by Thursday night I was out of the insane heat and humidity at home and loving the wind, freezing air and snow falling on my head.


Dec 18, 2014
My job requires me to fly all over the places (all domestic. I remember during busy season, I used to fly every week and I didn't like it. I didn't hate it at the time, because it was just part of the job and it did give me some down time for me to catch up work at the airport or on the plane. Then later on, I had to book flights that are late afternoon/evenings, and when I get home it's past midnight or I had to book first flight in the morning so when I arrive, I still have the rest of the day. I started to hate it because it is eating into my personal space. I feel like I am using my personal time to travel while it should be part of working hours. I honestly felt resentment that my company would imply that should be the norm. Then COVID puts everything on halt, the whole office was on zoom and no one was flying. Now as office is opening up, it is a huge political issue, some people are not afraid of flying (or getting sick). Many of them are single, no kids, or they are less worried about COVID. Or they are laser focus on getting advance with their career, climbing the corporate ladder, or whatever. Anyhow, as the office opened up , they had no issues back onto to frequent flying. However, some of us have young kids who are not vaccinated, they are super vulnerable and for me, I don't want to expose my kids to this risk because of my job and just because my boss would like me to fly....

I have been struggling with this for a long time now, I do love what I do, but being reluctant to fly is hurting my brownie points, you know what I mean?

I actually would appreciate your thoughts. Maybe it's a deal breaking point for me and my company and I should look for a new job where I don't have to fly so frequently.

I'm sorry this sounds super rough. I can imagine how unhappy it would make me to continually have to knock things back and insist that I should be passed over because I had kids -- while watching others jump on it. The only thing I can think to say is that usually work relationships are built over a long period of time and have plenty of durability. A surprising number of people will also likely see what youre currently doing as the more responsible action.


Oct 23, 2011
I’m fully vaccinated. Flew in June and July in regular mask. My loved ones fly for work all the time. And I teach in a classroom with 40 kids daily. So I guess I’m not afraid of much these days. I’m grateful to be vaccinated.


Jan 29, 2015
I'm sorry this sounds super rough. I can imagine how unhappy it would make me to continually have to knock things back and insist that I should be passed over because I had kids -- while watching others jump on it. The only thing I can think to say is that usually work relationships are built over a long period of time and have plenty of durability. A surprising number of people will also likely see what youre currently doing as the more responsible action.

Thanks for chiming in. You see, this is another great thing about this forum. There is no way I can talk about this, not even with my own family because they love me so much and will be torn to see what I am going thru at my work. I always try to put up a tough face, so they can be less worry about me and just do their own thing.

Anyhow this is probably the wrong thread to continue on this topic (sorry), but I will just say this, I have been with this company for almost 10 years and been thru a lot of challenging times with my boss and team. However, working in the corporate office is cut throat, it is not so much what I have done in the past or yesterday. It is about what you are going to do for me TODAY or TOMORROW only. They don't care you went out your limp to put in the extra time, it's about face time and if you are not flying to meetings/ corporate office/satellite offices, then you are not doing the job.
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