
Worst Wedding Gift


Dec 8, 2011
What is the worst wedding gift you received?

I'm not sure if I mentioned this before but DH's family probably tied on a few wedding gifts that were just a mess! My all-time favorite of the worst was a stand up photo album (one of those that hold 4*6 photos that you flip). The part that made it the worst is that the the album said 'Prom 2005 On the Edge Of A Dream' or something like that. We didn't see that right away (it was in a gift basket full of other crap that we have either thrown out or tossed in our 'to yard sale' pile), but when we did see it we thought it was the most hilarious thing! Clearly they were running around their house thinking of what they could pile in a 'gift' basket for us at the last minute! Love it!

So what is your worst?


Jan 24, 2013
Cannot top the 'Edge of a Dream" prom album.....not sure anyone can! :appl:

but my husband's rather old-school, wealthy grandmother sent us a single silver spoon.
To be fair, we eloped and were not expecting gifts, but she made it very clear she did not approve.
It's pretty funny now, but at the time I was young and a little intimidated. Probably the point.


Apr 19, 2004
Harpertoo|1365799702|3425738 said:
Cannot top the 'Edge of a Dream" prom album.....not sure anyone can! :appl:

but my husband's rather old-school, wealthy grandmother sent us a single silver spoon.
To be fair, we eloped and were not expecting gifts, but she made it very clear she did not approve.
It's pretty funny now, but at the time I was young and a little intimidated. Probably the point.

But was it a Tiffany or Jensen silver spoon? I might think it was a nice gift! :saint:



Aug 22, 2009
We got stiffed by a few families (DH's cousins). Not even a card. Not sure if that counts or not, since it was really the absence of a gift...

FPS, pretty sure you're gonna win this one. I was LOLing at your Prom album! :lol:


Dec 8, 2011
Harpertoo, a spoon?! That's funny! Maybe that was a great gift in her wealthy circle?

VC10um, that happened with us too. The gift I receive from the friend who's wedding I'm in in June gave us this crappy picture frame (one of those 'faith, hope, love' things to hold a 4x6 picture) that I'll never use. It's in our yard sale pile. I got a text from them ON MY WEDDING DAY, asking where I was registered :rolleyes: :-o Um, NO. I guess it's my fault for not answering that text lol...I was a little busy prepping for my damn wedding!

The prom album is pretty hysterical though! At first we were like :-o and then we realized that we couldn't make this stuff up and it would be a fabulous story!


Jan 24, 2013
canuk-gal|1365806153|3425824 said:
Harpertoo|1365799702|3425738 said:
Cannot top the 'Edge of a Dream" prom album.....not sure anyone can! :appl:

but my husband's rather old-school, wealthy grandmother sent us a single silver spoon.
To be fair, we eloped and were not expecting gifts, but she made it very clear she did not approve.
It's pretty funny now, but at the time I was young and a little intimidated. Probably the point.

But was it a Tiffany or Jensen silver spoon? I might think it was a nice gift! :saint:


It is silver and quite old, maybe antique!?
I would have loved more Jensen Acorn silver, but this was not a recognizable pattern for me. We still have it somewhere. Odd, but nice enough for an elopement gift I suppose.

Guilty Pleasure

May 16, 2008
My mother's best friend hosted a shower for the neighborhood ladies to attend, and I received a used crystal picture frame with the back missing... So there's no way to stand it up. It was clearly used, no doubt about it, but i really did not care. The funny part was that when the host of the shower asked in private if she had the back, the lady acted very offended and insisted that the frame must have come that way.


Oct 5, 2010
I think we managed to avoid our worst one. We're restoring an old house and DH has a crazy uncle, so we hear from his parents that said crazy uncle wants to get us a wood stove for the wedding and wouldn't you know it, he found a used 4 ft. tall, round, stand out in the middle of the room, don't know if it even works one on craigslist- don't we want that?!?! Um, no. But here's the kicker- our chimney doesn't work. It has to be restored or we will burn the house down, so we couldn't have used it anyway.

We asked for a hammock instead, and we use it every day all summer long :praise:


Jul 23, 2012
I'm not married yet. But my sister got a hand made LARGE driftwood plaque with their last name burned into the wood. Maybe for a front door decoration? Who knows.

She also got a cactus :lol:


Mar 8, 2010
We didn't get many gifts. Most were just cash in cards. We got one that was a bridal shower card, another that was a princess fairytale card (from my dad, no less :lol: ), and a funny one form my uncle with a $1 million bill.


Oct 2, 2008
I'm not married yet, but when my sister got married our grandmother got her "crystal" candlestick holders. She got married right out of high school and was only 19, her husband a year older. What do a couple of barely 20 year olds need with crystal candlestick holders? Fancy dinners, anyone?

The kicker -- she packaged them in a box that said crystal candlestick holders. But there was a sticker on the bottom of each that said 2% lead crystal. Hah.

ETA: AND grandmother didn't even attend (health wise, perfectly capable of doing so).


Mar 31, 2010
We got a spatula and a turkey baster from a couple of DH's friends. I mean, they're practical gifts, I guess. I'm sure we can use them at some point. But I really felt weird writing "thank you so much for the spatula and turkey baster" on their thank you note. Whatever.

I was also surprised by how many of our guests didn't give gifts at all. Several of my friends actually gave cards without gifts, which shows me that they did not forget, but actively chose not to give a gift. I still appreciate their coming and their taking the time to get a card, but I thought that was weird. In most cases, these were married friends whose weddings I had attended, and whom I had, of course, given gifts. I can't imagine going to a wedding and not giving some kind of gift. Even as a poor college student, I'd always find a way to give something. But I know gifts are not what it's all about. I know the economy's rough. It is what it is, I guess.

We also got three identical Lenox "Our First Christmas" ornaments and four identical Wedgwood "Our First Christmas" ornaments. Lol. I guess that's what you get for getting married at Christmastime. Our tree this year will be very...thematic.


Dec 8, 2011
blacksand|1367601214|3439675 said:
We got a spatula and a turkey baster from a couple of DH's friends. I mean, they're practical gifts, I guess. I'm sure we can use them at some point. But I really felt weird writing "thank you so much for the spatula and turkey baster" on their thank you note. Whatever.

I was also surprised by how many of our guests didn't give gifts at all. Several of my friends actually gave cards without gifts, which shows me that they did not forget, but actively chose not to give a gift. I still appreciate their coming and their taking the time to get a card, but I thought that was weird. In most cases, these were married friends whose weddings I had attended, and whom I had, of course, given gifts. I can't imagine going to a wedding and not giving some kind of gift. Even as a poor college student, I'd always find a way to give something. But I know gifts are not what it's all about. I know the economy's rough. It is what it is, I guess.

We also got three identical Lenox "Our First Christmas" ornaments and four identical Wedgwood "Our First Christmas" ornaments. Lol. I guess that's what you get for getting married at Christmastime. Our tree this year will be very...thematic.

I found this happened to us as well. I didn't even care really, but it was kind of odd for me. I did tell the wedding party that they did NOT need to give gifts, simply because they spent money on things to be in the wedding. Most did anyway but I wasn't expecting anything. One of DH's friends said they couldn't come to the wedding since they were broke and wouldn't have a gift. That made me sad because I would have rather they came and enjoyed themselves!

Oh and we only received ONE ornament, but that was Christmas gift and not at the actual September wedding...I really, really wanted an 'our first Christmas' ornament too lol...the one we did receive was really cute with wedding pictures and everything. I LOVED it!


Mar 31, 2010
FancyPants, if you still want an ornament, I can definitely hook you up! Lol.

Funny, I told the wedding party not to give us gifts, either, but they all did anyway. The friends who did not give gifts were almost all recently married couples whose weddings we had attended. I don't really care about gifts, and I'm certainly glad they came, but I just thought it was weird, and really surprising, that these couples who were recently married (and surely received lots of gifts, including ones I gave!) would think it appropriate not to give anything. Weird. But oh, well. Most of our guests were very generous, and I certainly can't complain.


Dec 8, 2011
blacksand|1367612556|3439795 said:
FancyPants, if you still want an ornament, I can definitely hook you up! Lol.

Funny, I told the wedding party not to give us gifts, either, but they all did anyway. The friends who did not give gifts were almost all recently married couples whose weddings we had attended. I don't really care about gifts, and I'm certainly glad they came, but I just thought it was weird, and really surprising, that these couples who were recently married (and surely received lots of gifts, including ones I gave!) would think it appropriate not to give anything. Weird. But oh, well. Most of our guests were very generous, and I certainly can't complain.

Yeah, I think this part would bother me the most. It's very strange indeed!

I have the opposite thing happening now. I received a $10-15 frame as a gift from a friend who's wedding I will be in next month. I have well exceeded the costs of what they spent on the frame (which I don't like lol) just on the dress, but I have to pay for a hotel to stay in with the bride the night before the wedding, hair and makeup and a gift. I'm kind of at a loss and a little resentful that I'm having to spend to damn much! I wouldn't have cared about the cheap frame if I wasn't having to shell out over $200 for wedding costs (thankfully my dress was cheap), but I also have to give a gift. What should I do?


Oct 5, 2010
FancyPantsSparkles|1367613565|3439806 said:
blacksand|1367612556|3439795 said:
FancyPants, if you still want an ornament, I can definitely hook you up! Lol.

Funny, I told the wedding party not to give us gifts, either, but they all did anyway. The friends who did not give gifts were almost all recently married couples whose weddings we had attended. I don't really care about gifts, and I'm certainly glad they came, but I just thought it was weird, and really surprising, that these couples who were recently married (and surely received lots of gifts, including ones I gave!) would think it appropriate not to give anything. Weird. But oh, well. Most of our guests were very generous, and I certainly can't complain.

Yeah, I think this part would bother me the most. It's very strange indeed!

I have the opposite thing happening now. I received a $10-15 frame as a gift from a friend who's wedding I will be in next month. I have well exceeded the costs of what they spent on the frame (which I don't like lol) just on the dress, but I have to pay for a hotel to stay in with the bride the night before the wedding, hair and makeup and a gift. I'm kind of at a loss and a little resentful that I'm having to spend to damn much! I wouldn't have cared about the cheap frame if I wasn't having to shell out over $200 for wedding costs (thankfully my dress was cheap), but I also have to give a gift. What should I do?

Wrap that frame up and give it back!


Dec 12, 2006
I got married 29 years ago and to this day I remember the worst gift was a garlic press...I was 23 years and I remember thinking what the hell was a garlic press how and why would I ever use it :lol: Now I understand but back then I was lucky I could make hamburger helper! I also had several step family members came to the wedding but brought nothing! one was my step sister is was very wealthy she married into a very rich family and yep she is the one that bought nothing...guess you cant buy class :wink2: (she is deceased now hence using the term was versus is)


Oct 11, 2011
So far, a ridiculous crystal basket. Unreturnable. The worst part? It was given by two friends I quite like (as opposed to, like, my mom's friends who were invited, who have an excuse for not knowing my style), so I feel even more horrid about not liking it! However they are often very busy, and were super-busy with work that day and couldn't even make it to the wedding until 8:30 (and after an 11-hour workday, I am flattered that they made it at all instead of going home and sleeping!), so I imagine they just flipped out and grabbed the first thing that looked wedding-gifty that they saw at a store between the office and the wedding.


Dec 8, 2011
aviastar|1367689316|3440310 said:
FancyPantsSparkles|1367613565|3439806 said:
blacksand|1367612556|3439795 said:
FancyPants, if you still want an ornament, I can definitely hook you up! Lol.

Funny, I told the wedding party not to give us gifts, either, but they all did anyway. The friends who did not give gifts were almost all recently married couples whose weddings we had attended. I don't really care about gifts, and I'm certainly glad they came, but I just thought it was weird, and really surprising, that these couples who were recently married (and surely received lots of gifts, including ones I gave!) would think it appropriate not to give anything. Weird. But oh, well. Most of our guests were very generous, and I certainly can't complain.

Yeah, I think this part would bother me the most. It's very strange indeed!

I have the opposite thing happening now. I received a $10-15 frame as a gift from a friend who's wedding I will be in next month. I have well exceeded the costs of what they spent on the frame (which I don't like lol) just on the dress, but I have to pay for a hotel to stay in with the bride the night before the wedding, hair and makeup and a gift. I'm kind of at a loss and a little resentful that I'm having to spend to damn much! I wouldn't have cared about the cheap frame if I wasn't having to shell out over $200 for wedding costs (thankfully my dress was cheap), but I also have to give a gift. What should I do?

Wrap that frame up and give it back!

Ya know, I thought about this! lmao...I think I'm going to make a wreath for their door. I have the supplies and it comes to under $10 total. Who cares if they hate it! Bahahaha!


Aug 25, 2009
We didn't get many gifts but one of my co-workers truly pissed me off. He was orginally not invited to my small wedding but then one day out of the blue said I can't wait to attend your wedding and watch all you girls get married (2 other girls were also engaged in the office and we had many of the same co-workers come to all 3 weddings). On the invite which was addressed to him and his wife only- he RSVP for him, his wife AND their 2 daughters PLUS the daughter's boyfriends!!! Um how did it go from 2-6. After working that out on my wedding he showed up with a bottle of barefoot wine as the gift saying he wouldn't have to open it since we were generous enough with the open bar. It wasn't really the gift that made it the worst it was just him in general. Still can't even look at Barefoot without thinking about him.


Dec 8, 2011
SB621|1372301808|3472974 said:
We didn't get many gifts but one of my co-workers truly pissed me off. He was orginally not invited to my small wedding but then one day out of the blue said I can't wait to attend your wedding and watch all you girls get married (2 other girls were also engaged in the office and we had many of the same co-workers come to all 3 weddings). On the invite which was addressed to him and his wife only- he RSVP for him, his wife AND their 2 daughters PLUS the daughter's boyfriends!!! Um how did it go from 2-6. After working that out on my wedding he showed up with a bottle of barefoot wine as the gift saying he wouldn't have to open it since we were generous enough with the open bar. It wasn't really the gift that made it the worst it was just him in general. Still can't even look at Barefoot without thinking about him.

On our invitations I clearly wrote "we have saved ___ seats for you'. I had one person cross out my number and add an additional person (her teenage sone who I didn't know) and I immediately reached out to her via facebook (it was a distant relative and i had no phone number or email, only fb) and let her know that I rote that number in there for a reason and we allotted only 2 seats for them, NOT 3. She asked why that was and I basically had to say in a nice way 'it doesn't matter why, it's my damn wedding' lol They still said they would come, but ended up being no shows. The *******s.


Dec 3, 2011
blacksand|1367612556|3439795 said:
FancyPants, if you still want an ornament, I can definitely hook you up! Lol.

Funny, I told the wedding party not to give us gifts, either, but they all did anyway. The friends who did not give gifts were almost all recently married couples whose weddings we had attended. I don't really care about gifts, and I'm certainly glad they came, but I just thought it was weird, and really surprising, that these couples who were recently married (and surely received lots of gifts, including ones I gave!) would think it appropriate not to give anything. Weird. But oh, well. Most of our guests were very generous, and I certainly can't complain.

Even more shocking is the *lack of gift*...

My DH was a groomsman in a fraternity brother's wedding about seven months prior to our wedding. We gave a really nice gift that was almost $200 (in addition to the cost of being in the wedding... tux, hotel, etc...) - and they knew that, because it came straight from their registry. This couple RSVP'ed and came to our reception (we had a destination wedding prior...), but did not give a gift. Not a single card to say "Congrats" or anything.

We are not all about the gifts, but we found that very strange, as both people are from very affluent families and seemed to follow exact "proper etiquette" when it came to their wedding events. I just don't get it. :confused: DH was pi**ed and wanted to say something, but [thankfully] I talked hime out of it. :???:

I have never, EVER been to a wedding and not given some type of gift -- so this floored me! I have always been under the impression that guests give gifts (or cards with well-wishes), and in return, the newly married couple provides an evening of entertaiment. LOL


Dec 3, 2011
SB621|1372301808|3472974 said:
We didn't get many gifts but one of my co-workers truly pissed me off. He was orginally not invited to my small wedding but then one day out of the blue said I can't wait to attend your wedding and watch all you girls get married (2 other girls were also engaged in the office and we had many of the same co-workers come to all 3 weddings). On the invite which was addressed to him and his wife only- he RSVP for him, his wife AND their 2 daughters PLUS the daughter's boyfriends!!! Um how did it go from 2-6. After working that out on my wedding he showed up with a bottle of barefoot wine as the gift saying he wouldn't have to open it since we were generous enough with the open bar. It wasn't really the gift that made it the worst it was just him in general. Still can't even look at Barefoot without thinking about him.

This. Is. Unbelievable. :lol: :lol:

I have been cracking up over this!! Barefoot. LMAO :lol: :lol:


Dec 3, 2011
FancyPantsSparkles|1372358066|3473298 said:
On our invitations I clearly wrote "we have saved ___ seats for you'. I had one person cross out my number and add an additional person (her teenage sone who I didn't know) and I immediately reached out to her via facebook (it was a distant relative and i had no phone number or email, only fb) and let her know that I rote that number in there for a reason and we allotted only 2 seats for them, NOT 3. She asked why that was and I basically had to say in a nice way 'it doesn't matter why, it's my damn wedding' lol They still said they would come, but ended up being no shows. The *******s.

For real!!! I didn't want ANY children at our reception (destination wedding prior...), and I had family make this known well before the invitations went out. I mean, the invitation was formal and clearly stated cocktail attire... are you gonna put your 4 year old in a cocktail dress?? ...because that's the dress code, Jack!! :roll:

I actually had a party of two RSVP that they were attending AND PHYSICALLY DREW IN EXTRA LINES AND WROTE IN THE NAMES OF THEIR FOUR CHILDREN -- FROM 18 MONTHS TO 12 YEARS OLD!!! OH. MY. GOD. :angryfire: :angryfire: And this was pretty close family, who my mother had made it clear about the "adults only" request! :angryfire: :nono:

I didn't specify the number of seats, but I did indicate exactly who was invited by inner envelope. Our venue was at least 3 hours away for the majority of our family and a lot of guests, so I didn't think anyone would dream of hauling kids that far...
Well, they ended up bringing the 9 and 12 year old only, and it really wasn't that bad -- it was the principle of the thing that bugged me.

Here's the kicker:

NO GIFT WHATSOEVER. Really. :rolleyes: C'mon guys... really??!! :shock: :lol:


Apr 10, 2013
I think the worst thing about all these stories is the lack of etiquette people have. It's so sad. My boyfriend's really good friend got married this summer and he asked me to design the wedding invitations as her gift (which is what I do, and ended up being a very expensive gift). We still gave them a card and I actually felt guilty about not having a gift for them when we went to the wedding. :-o


Oct 21, 2007
DH's cousin regifted one of her wedding gifts to us....the box was sealed with masking tape and when we opened it up it still had the original card to cousin and her hubby inside....this happened at our couple's shower and I wanted to run out of the room!

At the same couple's shower, another cousin of DH had a beautiful framed letter with our names on it and it talked about love and marriage...only one problem....she spelled my name wrong....I'm Lori and she spelled it Laurie!



Dec 8, 2011
loriken214|1376435864|3502400 said:
DH's cousin regifted one of her wedding gifts to us....the box was sealed with masking tape and when we opened it up it still had the original card to cousin and her hubby inside....this happened at our couple's shower and I wanted to run out of the room!

At the same couple's shower, another cousin of DH had a beautiful framed letter with our names on it and it talked about love and marriage...only one problem....she spelled my name wrong....I'm Lori and she spelled it Laurie!


Please tell me you called them out on this at the shower!! That is pretty funny! At our shower one of the gifts was a wedding guest book...and it already had signatures in it! Bahahaa! Same people who gave the prom frame!


Oct 21, 2007
FancyPantsSparkles|1376437055|3502413 said:
loriken214|1376435864|3502400 said:
DH's cousin regifted one of her wedding gifts to us....the box was sealed with masking tape and when we opened it up it still had the original card to cousin and her hubby inside....this happened at our couple's shower and I wanted to run out of the room!

At the same couple's shower, another cousin of DH had a beautiful framed letter with our names on it and it talked about love and marriage...only one problem....she spelled my name wrong....I'm Lori and she spelled it Laurie!


Please tell me you called them out on this at the shower!! That is pretty funny! At our shower one of the gifts was a wedding guest book...and it already had signatures in it! Bahahaa! Same people who gave the prom frame!

Oh YES...I called BOTH of them out on least get my name right! I offered the original gift card to DH's cousin, too!



Sep 1, 2009
I hate this whole wedding gift thing! I just want people to come celebrate with us. No gift needed! (Of course I can't say that because that would be tacky.)

We just got a card in the mail today from a guest who declined our invitation. It was a generic "congratulations" card with a message written inside that started nice (Congratulations. Sorry I can't make it. Many years of happiness.) and turned strange. She included a check in the card and the last half of her note explained how she didn't know what we would want so is sending us a tacky check because it would be even tackier to not send a gift -- yes, she used the word "tacky" that is not my interpretation. (I can't turn it down because that would be rude so I'll just send a thank you note and move on)

We also got a gift from FI's ex-wife's sister! FI and she NEVER liked each other and it got worse as she's been a contributing source to our years struggling to get "A" out of that unhealthy life. This woman comes to town on the most inconvenient of days (major holiday that she doesn't celebrate and father's day just to name a couple) and even e-mailed to ask me if she could "crash" on our couch for a couple of days when she came to town :-o
Anyway.... she showed up on one of her disruptive visits carrying a kitchen gadget as a wedding gift. Apparently TSA confiscated the box it came in but was kind enough to take the bow off the box and carefully tie it around the gadget before letting her continue to lug it through several airports.
Same as the other one -- we'll be writing a thank-you and moving on with life.


Dec 8, 2011
TooPatient|1378881637|3518486 said:
I hate this whole wedding gift thing! I just want people to come celebrate with us. No gift needed! (Of course I can't say that because that would be tacky.)

We just got a card in the mail today from a guest who declined our invitation. It was a generic "congratulations" card with a message written inside that started nice (Congratulations. Sorry I can't make it. Many years of happiness.) and turned strange. She included a check in the card and the last half of her note explained how she didn't know what we would want so is sending us a tacky check because it would be even tackier to not send a gift -- yes, she used the word "tacky" that is not my interpretation. (I can't turn it down because that would be rude so I'll just send a thank you note and move on)

We also got a gift from FI's ex-wife's sister! FI and she NEVER liked each other and it got worse as she's been a contributing source to our years struggling to get "A" out of that unhealthy life. This woman comes to town on the most inconvenient of days (major holiday that she doesn't celebrate and father's day just to name a couple) and even e-mailed to ask me if she could "crash" on our couch for a couple of days when she came to town :-o
Anyway.... she showed up on one of her disruptive visits carrying a kitchen gadget as a wedding gift. Apparently TSA confiscated the box it came in but was kind enough to take the bow off the box and carefully tie it around the gadget before letting her continue to lug it through several airports.
Same as the other one -- we'll be writing a thank-you and moving on with life.

I don't think it's weird or tacky to state that you don't want gifts. I still think you'll get some, but if you're ok with not having any, then that is perfectly ok in my book! It sounds like you already have a life together and aren't starting out fresh, so it makes a ton more sense that you'd want to forgo gifts in the first place. People will take that into consideration, so I wouldn't worry about that sounding funny.

As far as the ex SIL, what a crazy lady! But at least she thought of you lol :???:
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