
Will appaisers review 3 diamond then chose best

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Dec 14, 2005

Thanks for continuing to give guidance on the big picture, your posts provide good objective thinking providing balance to my thoughts. All my knowledge is based on what I have read here and GOG (for the technical stuff). From my research I''ve built up the impression that the whole appraisal service was very well established and regulated to the extent that diamonds passed freely from seller to appraisers and this was a standard procedure the way things are done. I have not appreciated that sellers would have real security issues with releasing unpaid for diamonds.

It might be a cultural thing or even unique to me but my view is when I pay my money I take my chances. Although it is written on everything we buy "30 day return policy" I would say 99% of the time goods are never returned in Ireland unless there is a very serious problem. Is it common in the US to return goods just because you don''t like them? Obviously I know you are legally entitled to a return but is it a common occurance, part of normal busness shall we say. I am getting into something bigger than my little dilema or even buying diamonds but what about all that exercise equipment with 30 day return that is bought from tv ads. A lot of this does not get used after day one and ends up gathering dust. (Yes we get those bloody infomercials in Ireland direct from Santa Monica playing on rotation on very late night TV). I suppose I am using too many words to say: are 30 return policies generally honoured without much fuss.

In all this I would be looking to have a very trustworthy well regarded individual selling me a diamond, or if I am not so sure about the seller then I would like to use an appaiser to ensure that I am not getting a diamond with good dimensions that is just dull in real life.

You know I''ve seen more than a few diamonds in shops over the past few months and I know enough to know I know very little. I think when you are spending a few $$$ its good to know what you are doing and if not bring in a consultant (appraiser), (The world has developed to the point where there is a specialist for almost everything, including what I do).

"It’s entirely possible that DoW will agree to sell you a mounting and either agree to set a different stone into it or you can have the piece assembled by an entirely separate jeweler. I have no idea what their policies are on this kind of deal but I presume that they would be happy to discuss it with you."

Maybe I have been too hard on DoW and not given them a proper chance to demonstate their capabilities. Remember it is the site which absorbs some of the cost of tax. However, I like to deal in facts and the fact is that I didn''t find DoW catered for my type of request. They seem like a big business dealing in high volumes but this is good because it means they are successful. If I hadn''t found Pricescope I might have been happy to chose the setting my GF wants and take DoW''s advice on a diamond. I would have got a good price and would probably have been happy. The problem is I have a little knowledge and that can throw up unnecessary problems in ones thinking. Would I be better off with the view that "ignorance is bliss"?

I would like to think I can make a reasonable judgement on certain issues and my feeling is DoW have a business model which is different to what I have read of sellers listed on this site. I''m sure DoW provide a good one stop shop but I do not think they would provide the kind of flexibily you describe in yourquote shown above. I would be surprised if DoW would provide a setting and then mount a stone from another seller, and then would DoW still absorb some tax cost in this situation?

"When it all comes down to dust" I think my options are:

1) Go with DoW and get the desired setting, pick a diamond, pay the money and take what I get. Returning after paying import tax would be a headache. (another possibility would be to get DoW to send the finished ring to an appaiser who would then send it back to DoW for shipping - could be woth checking this out).

2) Go with WF, GOG, NiceIce or whoever if they can provide the correct setting and just pay the extra tax.

"Think of it as a security deposit instead of as a sale and it makes more sense"

This is a new concept to me but I''ll give it some thought. Your help is very much appreciated.



Jul 21, 2004

I know very little about DoW and I''m certainly not endorsing them. I''m just trying to keep you on track and observing that your criticism of their policies may not be as severe as you think. I fully agree that the tax thing has clearly not been thought through. This may be a reason to avoid them (because they''re idiots) or it may be a reason to patronize them (because you have an advantage) and, as has been pointed out above, it''s not really all that big a deal either way if you find another dealer that suits your fancy for other reasons. That''s for you to decide, not me. Will they give you the tax subsidy anyway? Surely not. I can''t imagine that they pay the taxes associated with a diamond that they didn''t sell, even if they are the exporter. It''s almost certain that they will agree to sell you a mounting that you like and it''s not out of the question that they would agree to set a stone that you provide into it, for a fee of course. It''s also fairly likely that someone else will be able to sell you the same or a very similar mounting who would be happy to set it up for you. I didn''t actually look at your chosen mounting for the same reasons that I and the other appraisers haven''t answered your original question about choosing a favorite diamond - It would be both wildly inappropriate and it would be doing you a disservice for any of us to do so. There are plenty of consumers here who love to help shoppers with this kind of question and you''ve received some good advice on this front.

In the internet age, the return issue has become pretty common. Perhaps one of the dealers can comment on what percentage of the diamonds ordered are actually returned but I would expect it to be considerable. 30%? It''s just part of the problem of selling things like diamonds to customers sight unseen. The good dealers are better at getting all of the questions answered up front and I''m sure this reduces the problem but it''s definitely a standard part of the program.

Neil Beaty
Professional Appraisals in Denver
Dec 14, 2005
Go raith mile maith agat Jennifer

That''s very kind of you. I don''t know if you have read my posts, they''re a bit long winded. I''m deciding on what seller to use at the moment based on a few criteria as discussed in this thread. Once I pick a seller I will be chosing a diamond so I could do with all the help I can get.

Slan leat agus adh mor ort!
Dec 14, 2005

Thanks for the advice. Your comments on the ways of this site are appreciated. I have been primarily interested in gathering information. I am now only grasping the dynamic which exists between the different elements who inhabit Pricescope. I can see more clearly, now that I have lifted my head up from what I am sniffing for, that their is a system to how information flows and how different parties conduct themselves.

I also think the site is quite special. It is a great resource to learn and it is fantastic that so many individuals give time to making it what it is.
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