
Who''s creepier?

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Dec 9, 2002
Hee hee...the Real Housewives thread got me thinking:

Who''s creepier?

Slade Smiley on RHOC or Dr. Rey from "Dr. 90210" ??????????

ew ew ew ew ew



Feb 17, 2007
Ohh man. That is one of those "Who would you rather sleep with: your dad or your brother" type of questions.

I think I might have to say Dr. Rey, but only if my arm is twisted to make a choice. But only because of those horrible suits and his sleeveless scrubs. Ewww!

Siamese Kitty

Feb 3, 2006
I think Slade. I do find him attractive, but something about the obvious age difference between Jo and him puts me off. I have nothing against a May/December romance, but they just look strange together IMO. The first time I saw the show, she was singing with his son and I honestly thought it was the son''s girlfriend.

Then again, Dr. Rey was a total perv the time he did those three sisters'' breast augmentations at the same time. I don''t know-this is a hard call

Tacori E-ring

Aug 15, 2005
ohhh....I think they are pretty even. They are both VERY creepy!


Sep 24, 2004
Dr. Rey
ha, such arrogance
those scrubs make me sick
are his operating rooms that hot?


Jun 15, 2006
I''ve only watched the Dr. Rey show once, but it just so happened to be the episode where he explained his cut off scrubs. He claims to have done so as the sleeves of normal scrubs get in the way.


Jun 29, 2006
wow....great question!

i would have to say slade b/c i think he so condescending to Jo....not that she is a rocket scientist or anything. if he really cared about her and trusted in their relationship, you would think he wouldn''t feel the need to be so "controlling".

dr. rey pretty much hits on every patient he has though.....which is pretty weird.


Nov 18, 2004
I gotta go with Dr. Rey...


Nov 24, 2006
I don''t know who Slade is but Dr. Rey is icky. I feel bad for his wife and kids. He seems self absorbed.


Jun 17, 2005
Dr. Rey might be self absorbed but the wife is a miserable whinny anoxeric pain. And scrubs usually have short sleeves, so I fail to see how they impede him...


Jan 8, 2007
Date: 3/18/2007 11:25:58 PM
Author: diamondfan
Dr. Rey might be self absorbed but the wife is a miserable whinny anoxeric pain. And scrubs usually have short sleeves, so I fail to see how they impede him...

Quoted for truth!

I swear, his wife has got some ISSUES. You can tell that she is not at all happy with her life, and she takes it out on her body! She is a total train wreck. I thought I was the only one who noticed it. I''m afraid she''s either going to starve herself to death or commit suicide another way because she is just miserable.


Jan 1, 2007
Date: 3/18/2007 6:46:30 PM
Author: Siamese Kitty
I think Slade. I do find him attractive, but something about the obvious age difference between Jo and him puts me off. I have nothing against a May/December romance, but they just look strange together IMO. The first time I saw the show, she was singing with his son and I honestly thought it was the son''s girlfriend.

Then again, Dr. Rey was a total perv the time he did those three sisters'' breast augmentations at the same time. I don''t know-this is a hard call

Hahaha...that episode is like the only one I saw! He is disgusting! And I HATED how he kept comparing the they want to hear their one sister''s new fake boobs look better than theirs!

I think I''d have to pick Dr. Rey because I think he is just so inappropriate for a doctor...yuck. Slade''s gross, too, though.


Jun 17, 2005
Hailey is decidedly NOT happy. No matter what happens, (and I agree sometimes she has a right to be annoyed with his work hours etc, but she seems to like the perks)...she is always complaining and rolling her eyes at him. I know she misses him and maybe feels neglected, and is jealous and tries to protect him from himself, BUT, she is not a happy girl by a long shot. I do think she seems to be an involved mom, I never see a nanny around, but boy, she is a sour puss for sure. She weighed about 88 pounds on one of the shows, sooo skinny...


Jan 21, 2006
Date: 3/18/2007 5:07:08 PM
Hee hee...the Real Housewives thread got me thinking:

Who''s creepier?

Slade Smiley on RHOC or Dr. Rey from ''Dr. 90210'' ??????????

ew ew ew ew ew

bleh...they both insist on their women keeping house all day and not doing anything...nothing wrong with it except that they are insistent about their wives not working...

Dr. Rey is really arrogant and doesn''t come home and see his kids enough, and instead goes to martial arts classes all the time...while slade is really cocky and is really immature about relationships and gets with a woman three days after breaking up with a serious gf.

they are both icky in my book...not so much creepy though.


Feb 18, 2006
LOL!!! This is so funny!!!! Dr. Rey is creepier for sure. I think Slade is just shallow. Dr. Rey is yuck!


Jun 29, 2006
when I read this I swore it was going to be "tom cruise or michael jackson" and I hadn''t decided yet when I clicked LMAO!!! (though I think its michael!!!)

I know of dr rey but not the other guy so no vote... I think dr rey''s wife is whack though.


Jan 20, 2006
IMO Slade is just sweaty creepy. However Dr Rey is radar going off CREEYPY!.
I read (again I obviously have not lilfe) that Dr Rey operated on his OWN BROTHER and caused him to become brain injured. And now his OWN family is suing him for neligance.
Go figure!


Dec 9, 2002
LOL the replies are cracking me up.

as for me, its Dr. Rey hands down. Slade is just a bonehead IMO...trying to control Jo, and he is definitely into himself.


Dr. Rey is a freak, flat out freak IMO. LOL...I have to turn the show off sometimes because he gives me the heebies. Did you guys see the episode where he went to Brazil to find out why the women are so beautiful? OH COME ON NOW!

And yes, his wife is a whiney, anorexic pain in the neck...but man, married to him would do that to anyone. She needs to eat a meatball sandwich....

my .02



Jun 17, 2005
Jeannine, I agree. I think she did not start out like that, but she is married to a self absorbed womanizing odd ball who seems off his nut, so that is bound to have messed with her!


Jul 23, 2006
dr. rey definately...he flirts and medically "gropes" his patients...his wife is a wreck of a walking skeleton and all he cares about is looking good and working out and buying from the look of it---expensively bad fashion. he''s a total perv. he tries to gain points by crying over his estranged father and such, but it doesn''t


Jan 21, 2006
Date: 3/19/2007 12:19:57 PM
Author: divergrrl
LOL the replies are cracking me up.

as for me, its Dr. Rey hands down. Slade is just a bonehead IMO...trying to control Jo, and he is definitely into himself.


Dr. Rey is a freak, flat out freak IMO. LOL...I have to turn the show off sometimes because he gives me the heebies. Did you guys see the episode where he went to Brazil to find out why the women are so beautiful? OH COME ON NOW!

And yes, his wife is a whiney, anorexic pain in the neck...but man, married to him would do that to anyone. She needs to eat a meatball sandwich....

my .02

I felt the same thing about the brazilian episode...I thought it seemed like a good excuse for Dr. Rey to check out butts and boobs LOL.

As far as the wife thing...I think she is really neglected by Dr. Rey and I actually really feel for her. She seems to be a very caring mom and a nice person, but definitely in need of some love and attention. I think she also needs a part time job or something, because I think she is jealous of all of her husband''s activities. She definitely has eating issues...but walking down beverly blvd the other seemed pretty common in the neighborhood, how sad.


Apr 4, 2006
I think Rey''s wife needs to work in his office. They''d see each other more.


Nov 19, 2006
Did anyone see the Carl''s Jr. commercial with Dr. Rey in it?

It shows him talking to someone in a hospital gown, saying "There''s nothing wrong with small breasts...but if I were you, I would go bigger...a LOT bigger!"

And then they cut to his "patient" and it is a CHICKEN...

Apparently it was advertising their new giant chicken breast sandwich.

Anyone who would let themselves be operated on by a guy in a fast food commercial is an idiot.


Dec 18, 2004
Have you talked to a lot of surgeons? Scrubs is humorous, but actually pretty accurate in all its portrayals. Doctors tend to have God complexes. Surgeons think they''re the gods of gods.

Yes, Dr. Rey seems a bit self absorbed. However, he''s a Beverly Hills plastic surgeon. Many of his colleagues are as conceited or even more so. Dr. Diamond actually bothers me more than Dr. Rey.

Dr. Rey''s wife is a bit neglected, but she got better once she started doing her own activities. If she''d take up her own hobbies on a consistent basis, she''d be a lot happier. She really seemed to be better once she was taking those acting classes. I can''t remember for sure, but I believe she used to work for Dr. Rey before marrying him. Now she doesn''t have to work. Hard to feel all that sorry for her.

I find Slade creepier. Just things he does. I dunno. Hard to describe. I dunno. I just find him a lot more conceited than he really has a right to be. Maybe it''s just cuz I''m too familiar with both areas (being from SoCal) as well as with both their professions.

Dr. Rey is actually fairly normal for who he is: a beverly hills plastic surgeon who lives in BH.

All the Real Housewives people I find hilarious b/c they act all rich and snobby when they''re actually not. I mean, don''t like two of the wives work as insurance sales people (no offense, but plastic surgery requires a lot more education and skill)? Bragging about Tahoes and H2 Hummers (Slade''s car). Hahaha, please. Just check out the local shopping centers. South Coast, Laguna Hills Mall, Fashion Island, etc. Those cars they''re showing off are cheap compared to what you find in the parking lots of the fancier shopping places in OC. When I was at UCI, there were students with much better cars than them. I knew a couple of brothers at UCI who had a purple Lamborghini Diablo and a Mercedes SL600. Slade wishes he could sniff the exhaust of cars like that.

Dr. Rey has an odd taste in clothing, but my aunt shops on Rodeo Drive. Let''s just say, high fashion is much different than what us "regular" people consider to look good. I like the black plastic surgeon on the show. That guy has some really good taste in cars and clothes.


Mar 5, 2006
I don''t watch either show that often, but I saw an episode of Dr. Rey''s show in which he really, really tried to talk this very attractive younger mom into getting a C or D cup implant, rather than the B cup she asked him to do. She was a very flat A cup and just wanted to be a bit more enhanced. I thought the B cup was perfect on her- very proportionate and realistic. She clearly knew what she wanted and stuck with it, thanks goodness, but even during her surgery as he was putting in the implants Dr. Rey commented on what a "shame" it was that she had gone with such small implants when she could have done more. I understand that a lot of woman like the larger look (I''m large chested myself naturally) and that''s wonderful as long as it''s your choice and not something that a doctor talked you into doing. His insistence just creeped me out and I don''t think I''ve watched the show since.


Jun 17, 2005
He seems grope-y to me, even with the cameras on, and he seems to love himself too much. He is in the PERFECT field for his personality. I do not blame the wife for being jealous, but it does not seem like they have the best marriage, and she seems more annoyed and jealous than anything else. Not that I blame her with that husband, but I am sure he has not changed too much in terms of his behavior, he is just an E channel celeb grabbing his 15 minutes...and I have to say I think most of the people on the show are a bit weird, I like watching it but they are not too normal. I grew up in Beverly Hills and there are some odd folks, but still, they seem to have a preponderance of them right on that show!


Jun 11, 2005
I have to say that in the context of the show he is on, Dr. Rey is pretty much how alot of Beverly Hills plastic surgeons it or not. Yes, his fashion sense is questionable and he seriously could afford an image consultant or stylist. Yes, his wife has some serious issues and yes, he is out of touch with how much his life as a surgeon is distracting him from the issues at home. On that, I agree.

Creepy? Icky? I think that is obviously only based on what one is prone to see as a result of the show and how it is edited. He, Dr. Rey, has done alot of pro-bono work in Mexico and other countries on people and kids who really need help and could never EVER get the kind of surgery he provides them.

I have been to many and I mean MANY plastic surgeon''s offices and his office is the norm from my experience. As for whether or not he is actually "hitting" on certain patients...erh...I see it as he is so passionate about making sure they feel beautiful that he plows them with compliments to make them feel safe and reassured that he has their best interest at heart. He has never been inappropiate on the show and I researched him further to see if he has ever been accused of anything perv-like and he has not.

His personality may not come across like one thinks a doctor should be but for plastic surgery, its a whole different ballgame.

As for Slade...He and Jo in my opinion never went together, I thought. And yes, I thought the age difference was just a huge part of things. She is self absorbed to the max and he is looking for someone to exist mostly for him and that is NOT Jo. I think I felt he was a loser cuz he smothered Jo in stuff and never saw what the two of them lacked as a couple.

I detest Jo and I truly hope she is off the show. Yuck...

After reading all of the views shared here, I had to share my own. Whether anyone agrees with me or not, is irrelevant to me. We each have our own take on this and that''s fine with me.


Jun 17, 2005
I agree that the one thing I like about Dr. Rey is his willingness to go to poor countries and help people. I watched the episode about the guy with the cleft palate selling fruit on the corner and Dr. Rey did the surgery for free, and I was in tears. The man could barely speak with his issue, and was so shy and had suffered so much from it, and Dr. Rey made a real significant change to his daily life, this was not about implants or sucking out fat, this was about real healing and helping someone who was in need and suffering, not some woman who wanted bigger boobs...


May 24, 2005
Date: 3/19/2007 6:51:03 PM
Author: codex57
I find Slade creepier. Just things he does. I dunno. Hard to describe. I dunno. I just find him a lot more conceited than he really has a right to be. Maybe it''s just cuz I''m too familiar with both areas (being from SoCal) as well as with both their professions.

Dr. Rey is actually fairly normal for who he is: a beverly hills plastic surgeon who lives in BH.

All the Real Housewives people I find hilarious b/c they act all rich and snobby when they''re actually not. I mean, don''t like two of the wives work as insurance sales people (no offense, but plastic surgery requires a lot more education and skill)? Bragging about Tahoes and H2 Hummers (Slade''s car). Hahaha, please. Just check out the local shopping centers. South Coast, Laguna Hills Mall, Fashion Island, etc. Those cars they''re showing off are cheap compared to what you find in the parking lots of the fancier shopping places in OC. When I was at UCI, there were students with much better cars than them. I knew a couple of brothers at UCI who had a purple Lamborghini Diablo and a Mercedes SL600. Slade wishes he could sniff the exhaust of cars like that.

Dr. Rey has an odd taste in clothing, but my aunt shops on Rodeo Drive. Let''s just say, high fashion is much different than what us ''regular'' people consider to look good. I like the black plastic surgeon on the show. That guy has some really good taste in cars and clothes.
I don''t watch the plastic surgery show, so I cannot comment on Dr. Rey, and I''ve never been to a plastic surgeon, so I''m really ignorant of the whole profession.

Too funny your observations highlighted! ITA! There was an episode awhile back where Slade went to do a sales pitch and he tried to impress the man with where he lived (and why would you start a sales pitch like that anyway???). It had the opposite effect and the man pretty much shut him down and had him escorted out. Apparently the man he was pitching to was far more well off than Slade. Slade was just too big a bafoon to figure out he''d already blown it before he''d sat down.

And where does Slade have his hair done? He''s way too old and in the wrong profession for the "hair caught in blender" quaf, and PLEASE, the unshaven look just looks gross and unclean. I hate to be mean, but, eh, not in this case.


Jun 11, 2005
Date: 3/19/2007 4:11:49 PM
Author: justjulia
I think Rey''s wife needs to work in his office. They''d see each other more.
I think this is too true and sadly enough, she still wouldn''t really be with him. She needs her own identity AND be happy as a mom. Hayley Rey seems too reliant on her successful hubby for her own happiness.
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