
Who has been here since the beginning?


Jul 17, 2008
And when was the beginning? How did PS start? What was the first post?
I lurked several years before I got up the guts to join. ( lots of fights at the time and many of those posters long gone).
I think Lawmax was. And, of course, the founders among whom were Garry as well as Leonid and Irina. I think I remember some of the early jewelers. You could look them up by membership number and starting date. One of the earliest consumers still posting now was, I think, Alistra.

It started because Leonid wanted to start a forum that was different from what was already on the 'net which was, primarily, Diamond Talk. Diamond Talk was very informative, but was supported by vendors who chimed in and were a part of daily banter and discussion with consumers. The early days of Diamond Talk were like the Wild West. When someone says that Pricescope was once like the Wild West, I often think, "everything is relative"!!!

AGBF has a good memory. I lurked back in 2003 before finally signing up in 2004.
Chrono|1384874720|3559167 said:
AGBF has a good memory. I lurked back in 2003 before finally signing up in 2004.

Yeah, well I first met Leonid before there was a Pricescope! I met him on Diamond Talk! At least that is how I now recall it.

I remember the days of Diamond Talk, I even used to post ocassionally, and then the mass exodus over to PS. When I first began lurking here, maybe 10 years ago (!), I remember finding Mara's posts so fascinating, along with far too many others to name. A lot of people have passed through, and thankfully, some are still around! PS was very different then. I have learned alot over the years, especially that there is a lot more to learn!
AprilBaby|1384835090|3558954 said:
And when was the beginning? How did PS start?

Your first question was, "Who has been here since the beginning?" Your next questions were, "And when was the beginning? How did PS start?".

I already mentioned a few of the early posters above and what I thought was Leonid's motivation in starting Pricescope. Garry Holloway was a part of Pricescope since its inception, if I am not mistaken. Although I believe that Pricescope was officially launched on December 31, 1999, I am sure that its planning took many months if not years before that.

The reason I believe that Pricescope was launched on December 31, 1999 is that that that is the first date listed as a start date for any poster, among them the owner and founder, Leonid. It is also the start date for lawmax and for the jeweler from South Carolina, Steve Livingston who went by SteveL. I am sure there are others who joined that day as well. Other people who joined very early were the Finnish jeweler Sibelius (Iiro Suokko) who had been a very strong presence on the Internet; he joined on September 7, 2000 and the Iceman (Corey of Midwestern Gems) who joined on August 25, 2000; Dave (Oldminer) who joined on September 3, 2000; and RockDoc who joined on August 15, 2000.

I joined on 10 November 2002 and read a lot about the forum on the other diamond board first. Think it was running about two years
before I joined anway. I have seen the 1999 dates too. Don't know if it was live then though.

The forum was great in the days of the cut arguments, some people nearly fell out but always kind of made the peace, it was amusing and educational too. Great to learn about the diamond cutting and about things like die struck and hand forged. Far more technical place back then. Great education from people like the late Rockdoc, he was here all the time answered every question he had time to. Rockdoc, Joe (?name), SteveL, Dave Atlas, Garry Holloway, Paul from Infinity, Rhino, Barry from Excel Diamonds, Brian Gavin, John Pollard, Wink, Van Graff spring to mind as early contributors.
How could I forget Iceman, wish he would come back, he was great. nuff said.
That's right, DT started first, then PS. Wow, PS has come a long way.
I was actually registered on DT long ago on another name. I kinda remember this spin off as lots of people were banned from DT. Like I said, I didn't register here for quite a while but read both at the time.
Pyramid|1384884513|3559295 said:
Rockdoc, Joe (?name) , SteveL, Dave Atlas, Garry Holloway, Paul from Infinity, Rhino, Barry from Excel Diamonds, Brian Gavin, John Pollard, Wink, Van Graff spring to mind as early contributors.

Are you thinking of Joe Bacon? Van Graff was Juan Lozano. Juan Lozano of Van Graff. He was in Mexico. He was the one who made up four beautiful gold rings for me for four stones I had acquired on eBay! He was a pilot and on September 11, 2001 he and I were both on Diamond Talk when the planes hit the World Trade Center. He knew immediately that something was wrong, before the media was sure.


Richard Sherwood (2002) and Valeria 101 (2003) were avid and accomplished posters--always read their substantive posts.

I've been here for about 10 years, most often lurking :wavey:
canuk-gal|1384889721|3559360 said:
Richard Sherwood (2002) and Valeria 101 (2003) were avid and accomplished posters--always read their substantive posts.

Yes...but not among the earliest posters. At least in my estimation of, "early". I limited myself to December 31, 1999 through 2000 and maybe 2001!

AGBF|1384890081|3559365 said:
canuk-gal|1384889721|3559360 said:
Richard Sherwood (2002) and Valeria 101 (2003) were avid and accomplished posters--always read their substantive posts.

Yes...but not among the earliest posters. At least in my estimation of, "early". I limited myself to December 31, 1999 through 2000 and maybe 2001!


OK, then. Oldies (but not the oldest) but goodies! :bigsmile:

To get a taste of "the old days of Pricescope" (but not of its inception!) take a look at this old thread. I had forgotten that this was the sort of thing that we used to get up to! I was just looking to see when Juan joined (it was in 2002) and stumbled across this.


Link to thread from the old days...[URL=''][/URL]
Chrono|1384874720|3559167 said:
AGBF has a good memory. I lurked back in 2003 before finally signing up in 2004.

In 2002, I was lurking, and joined Feb of 2003. I recall some of the early members, but would have to poke around for specific names to pop up. There's just been too many people coming and going and also people changing their user names, which adds to the blurr of people...(I changed mine yrs ago!)
I must have been lurking then because I remember Juan not taking orders to do his rockets. That ring is gorgeous, I wonder how much it was and how much it would cost now?
I also remember a very generous poster either here or DT named Mercier who passed away after surgery?
AprilBaby|1384925958|3559716 said:
I must have been lurking then because I remember Juan not taking orders to do his rockets. That ring is gorgeous, I wonder how much it was and how much it would cost now?
I also remember a very generous poster either here or DT named Mercier who passed away after surgery?

Yes, that was Shannon aka Mercier. He lived in Singapore. He had elective surgery for weight reduction, but there were complications and he died from them. He was a honey. He sent me a strand of pearls in a quilted packet and a package of curry mix to accompany it. He had taken the names of a lot of us women on Diamond Talk and just wanted to be friendly to everyone. He was one of those people who was not thanked enough while he was among us, and now it is too late to make amends.

You are so lucky to be a beneficiary of his kindness! He was the most wonderful man ever on the forums.
AGBF|1384886796|3559325 said:
Pyramid|1384884513|3559295 said:
Rockdoc, Joe (?name) , SteveL, Dave Atlas, Garry Holloway, Paul from Infinity, Rhino, Barry from Excel Diamonds, Brian Gavin, John Pollard, Wink, Van Graff spring to mind as early contributors.

Are you thinking of Joe Bacon? Van Graff was Juan Lozano. Juan Lozano of Van Graff. He was in Mexico. He was the one who made up four beautiful gold rings for me for four stones I had acquired on eBay! He was a pilot and on September 11, 2001 he and I were both on Diamond Talk when the planes hit the World Trade Center. He knew immediately that something was wrong, before the media was sure.


Yes Joe Bacon. I remember Van Graff had all the ladies eating out of his hand (in humour I mean), they always commented he was
tall, dark and handsome etc. I remember being worried about feathers in diamond and I said 'well I don't like a crack in a pane of glass' and he said it was not the same thing in diamond and shouldn't be thought of like that as a diamond is a cube so the feather isn't at risk in the same way. I remember him building rockets too with his son I think. I loved the look of the rings he made back then, think they maybe were all cast with engraving, lots of people bought rings from him. Remember another old poster Cassandra, (maybe on Diamondtalk) she designed her own ring and he made it for her.