
Which type of jewelry poses no temptation to you?


Oct 23, 2011
Given that most of us are bling addicts, which type of jewelry poses no temptation and thus, no threat of spending money for you? An explanation would help us understand why.
I’ll start:
1. Earrings—any type—bc my ears can’t handle them!
2. Pearls. I don’t know how to appreciate them.
3. Watches. I have a Rolex and Michelle diamond deco and rarely wear them— but I know that because I own them—I don’t need more of them.
4. Brand name jewelry. I just know that I won’t pay retail prices for a brand name—so absolutely no temptation.
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16” chains with small pendants. Much prefer longer and larger pieces. I also wear a watch daily and I love it so I’m not interested in others:)
I really do like most jewelry, but these few things are not on my list!

Anything on a leather/silicone cord or strap.

Anything with the makers name or symbol as the main motif, like the Chanel C or the Gucci G

Black diamonds
Women's watches. Don't like them, don't wear them. I like watches on men though.

Necklaces. Loathe the feeling of anything touching the throat area - jewellery, turtleneck sweaters, scarves... I recently purchased a DBTY rope and I'm hoping it'll work for me because it hangs down so low. We'll see.

"Changeable" jewellery - pendants that convert into rings (and vice versa) seem to be most common. Practically - more moving parts means less durability. Aesthetically - a piece that must serve multiple purposes will always be less suited to a particular context than a piece that's devoted to one form and function.
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Pearls, hoop earrings, black or 'chocolate' diamonds, and ring with diamonds going more than halfway down the side, rose gold anything.
Pearls. I love them on other people but not me. My husband bought me a gorgeous strand of pearls from Tiffany’s when we were dating and they just don’t appeal to me. Actually, I should probably list them on Loupetroupe now that I think about them.
Irradiated blue diamonds. Black, pink, yellow and brown diamonds. Rose cut diamonds as well as pears, Princess, radiant, and marquise cuts. Pave. Any orange stone such as citrines and mandarin garnets. Non-blue sapphires. Big watches. Branded items except for the Alhambra necklace in MOP. Halo and bezel settings. Anything by David Yurman. Mixed colored metals in a single piece. Cameos and lockets. Black and rose gold. Titanium and steel metals. Pandora charms. Large hoop earrings. Nose rings, ankle bracelets and toe rings. Mother’s rings with gemstones of kids’ birth months. Wood, cork and shell jewelry. I am sure I am forgetting a bunch more.
Contemporary fashion/logo metal-only jewelry -- even if from Tiffany, VCA, Cartier, etc. Too commoditized and does not seem "special." Expensive for sure, but not special. Oh -- but I do like the Cartier Clash stuff -- like the studs on Valentino shoes.
Ditto “name” jewelery, my preference is to buy pre loved and there are just so many fakes and replicas out there it’s not worth the risk at the premium asking price.
Pearls, I have them but no longer wear them.
Jade, because I will never see enough good stuff to gain experience to understand the nuances. I can’t tell why one bangle cost $500 and the other $50,000!
Coloured diamonds - I don’t love or desire them enough to pay the huge prices applicable to quality examples.
Black, brown and “Galaxy” diamonds - just a no from me.
Anything Turquoise, Coral or Shell, the normal setting styles for such gems doesn’t do it for me.
Fashion jewellery, alas, I have a severe nickel allergy so no matter how pretty and special, can’t wear it.
Big Hoop earrings, long length necklaces, high set rings.. I’m a clutz, I’d be either accidentally ripping said pieces off my body or accidentally smacking the pieces into things.
My taste has narrowed considerably over the last 5 years. White gold & platinum don’t work for me, learned the hard way! Diamond cuts dating from the transitional style and forward to modern don’t work for me, and I have strong distaste for princess cuts (long story). Modern stones, even the most glorious ones, aren’t meant for me, as much as I appreciate them on others.

Most colored stones don’t hold appeal for me, but I expect that would change if I met them in person. Solitaires don’t tempt me. Bullet prongs either. Gosh I’m narrowing down my taste even further! Ack!
DBTYs for multiple reasons - firstly, I don’t like the feeling of the culets on my skin, secondly, I rarely like bezels, and thirdly, I like substantial bling and DBTYs are too small and delicate. If I got a DBTY or station necklace I would need to make sure the basket is deep enough that the stone doesn’t touch my skin, and the individual stones are big enough that they really stand out (like 0.5 each type size!)

In general I’m not a big necklace or pendant wearer, but I’m not opposed to pendants in general or anything. Just have to really love it and I usually can better justify that money to be spent on other things lol.
Look beautiful on others but just not for me

Diamond tennis bracletes

Most Tahitian pearls

Most halos

The Cartier love ring or

Tiffany anything - just not into paying for a name

Thin bands of any kind

and teeny little necklases - not into minimalism or the understated look

Diamond wedding bands and diamonds all over an ER's band

Ladies watches
I am not interested in certain cuts of diamonds as rings, such as MRB, Radiant, Princess, Marquise and Pear.

Not interested in large hoops or long dangling earrings as they do not suit me.

Any ring that is claw or prong set.

Any ring that sits high on my finger, unless they are pearls and unavoidable.

And no secondhand anything, unless they are hand-me-downs.

DK :))
Name brand jewellery. Even second-hand it's just too expensive and I don't see the appeal. I really don't get rolex at all. A friend has one which she told me everything about because she knows I love jewellery. I totally faked enthusiasm-ed my way through that exchange.

Princess cut diamonds. The sharp corners make me cringe with fear of chips. I don't feel the same way about marquise or pears though so this isn't logical.

Blinding diamonds on everything wedding sets. There's no space for the eye to rest and actually appreciate the stones.

Large rose cut diamonds. They're too bland when you can see your finger through the stone.
Most name brand jewelry. There might be one or two exceptions.

Rose cut diamonds. I appreciate them on others but they don't do anything for me.

Layering necklaces. I rarely wear any necklaces and certainly cannot pull off the layering look though I appreciate it on others.

More watches don't tempt me. I have two classic watches I never wear but if I start wearing watches again I would just wear the gorgeous ones I already own.

Heavy earrings. I cannot do more than 2 grams per ear. Max.
Big earrings that can get tangled in my hair or caught in my sweater/top/shirt.

Most modern diamonds as I prefer old cut diamonds no question.

I love and own a number of pearl pieces. I don't wear them and am not tempted to buy more and if I start wearing pearls again I will wear what I own which are beautiful pieces.

Delicate small rings. They get lost on me.

Bracelets. I have a few lovely ones and don't wear them and don't see myself wearing them anymore. If I wanted to start I would wear what I already have. I don't like wearing a lot of jewelry and for me that means two pieces generally is enough. Earrings and ER/WB is my usual go to and the max number of pieces I wear at once.
Gem rings with a tiny center stone. If it's not at least four carats, even if haloed, it just doesn't look like anything on my man hands.

Small pearls, unless they're in a rope, or obviously deliberately small, like so tiny they look more like a chain than a pearl strand. Or tiny pearl stud earrings.

Women's watches. I don't think most of them are pretty these days because they're so large. And I feel like they're pretty obsolete anyway since everyone has a clock on their cell phone now.

Large hoop earrings.

I like my jewelry to be what I consider in pleasing proportions to the body. Not so large that I feel like the piece commands attention for no real reason (I'd make an exception if there was a real reason, like if it was a giant diamond!) or so small that it looks like I took it from a child.

I also don't like the trend of stacking everything, unless it looks like there was a coherent plan where the pieces complement each other rather than a jumble of unrelated pieces.
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I won't say no to named brand high end jewellery, however, I don't want to pay through the nose for brands and designs. I know exactly where to spend my money if and when I win big money in the lottery! :lol-2:

I am not keen on anything in yellow or rose gold except for accent.

DK :))
Generally earrings and watches. Earrings because one of my holes is closed and I need to get it redone at some point. So why bother with earrings until then? Watches because I just don't wear them. They pinch my skin and I don't like it. Plus I always have my phone so no need for time anyway.

Bracelets are my half interested and half not interested. I really just wear the plain bangle from my aunt and that is all at this point. I might look into bracelets at a later date though. Some of the tennis bracelets I have seen here are lovely. But I have ring and necklace projects to get done first since those are the 2 pieces I wear the most.
Earrings because no pierced ears

Not typically a fan of cabochons

Brown/yellow/orange stones

invisible set diamonds, not vintage illusion settings, the modern kind

galaxy diamonds

I’m sure there’s more....
All of it at the moment, because I just don’t care. The only thing I want is the vaccine.
Given that most of us are bling addicts, which type of jewelry poses no temptation and thus, no threat of spending money for you? An explanation would help us understand why.
I’ll start:
1. Earrings—any type—bc my ears can’t handle them!
2. Pearls. I don’t know how to appreciate them.
3. Watches. I have a Rolex and Michelle diamond deco and rarely wear them— but I know that because I own them—I don’t need more of them.
4. Brand name jewelry. I just know that I won’t pay retail prices for a brand name—so absolutely no temptation.

I have almost the same list as yours @nala with the exception of number 1. I will pretty much only buy inexpensive earrings because I lose
them. I cant wear studs because my holes are stretched out. I do have a hankering for a pair of diamond hoops but not sure if I trust myself with them.

Just not a pearls kind of girl. Too feminine for me!:lol:

Watches - I wear a 2 tone Seiko that I've been wearing for the last 10 years. Suits me just fine. I dread having to replace it when the time comes. (no pun intended!)

Brand name jewelry - doesnt fit in my bling budget.

Rings with diamond halos - as pretty as I think they are, I just dont think they suit me. It could be that they are too blinky or too feminine for
Necklaces with thin chains.

Colored stones rings where the main stone is under 8mm unless it is in a halo or three stone ring..

Bracelets and watches. I love to look at them, but find them annoying to wear.

Brand names- especially Logo items.

I'm on and off with pearls. Six months of the year I fawn over them, 6 months of the year I feel indifferent towards them.

Most MRB diamonds. They all look the same to me for the most part. I prefer OECs and Transition cuts.

Expensive earrings. I never wear my diamond or Tahitian pearl earrings. I prefer fashion earrings.

Marquise cut diamonds- except big chubby ones.

Invisible set diamonds. They become really invisible when they fall out of the setting.
It is ALL a temptation :lol: I love mixing up styles, colors, types...and like pushing myself outside of my comfort zone in what I wear.

There are a few things that I can be tempted by but use to talk myself down from because they generally do not look good on me (and save me a lot of money as a result).

- Earrings that are one-sided/flat and/or don't twist/swing- my ears lay flat to my head so all I see is the sides of them (sadly all my studs seem to sit in the box for that reason and I can't wear most hoops as they stick out like clown ears.). Saves me a TON of money since most earrings fit this category--but if I find some that I can wear, it's almost impossible to resist.

- Small dainty pieces worn designed to be worn alone - get lost on me. Chains must be at least 18" (but there are always extensions, lol)

- Brown/Orange/yellow stones (although I've halo'd a few to make them work)

- Rose gold - the color doesn't do well on me - although I've made exceptions when it accentuates the stone colors and it's okay for the setting to fade in the background.

- Watches - love them but know in reality won't wear one (except my fitbit because I have to for insurance reduction)

The one thing that doesn't tempt me at all is department store or jewelry store chain stuff - not just because they are overpriced but it all looks alike to me (I do wear costume jewelry but prefer things from vintage or artisan shops.)
I feel like i really should invest in a nice watch, but I don't know that I would really wear it.

I don't like earrings to be too big, dangly or heavy and usually stick to studs (esp now with masks) or small hoops or drop types.

I am not a fan of brown, black, orange or yellow stones.
I don't care for Rolexes, even if they are given to me for free.

Not too bothered about watches, and have 3 good ones that I really like. I am very fussy about watches, and don't like that many.

However, I saw a Chaumet Liens watch with a metal strap and a diamond halo not so long ago, and would love to get one if I win the lottery.

DK :))
All y’all Not So Much On The Pearls Thing folks - come hang out in the Pearls forum for a bit, we might just change your minds :bigsmile:
I finally have a bit of downtime to read over this thread and add some more of my thoughts - made a post earlier about my dislike for DBTYs but ran out of time to say everything I was thinking. It’s a very interesting question!

It interests me that there are some things on here that clash so strongly with my preferences, kind of underscores how we are all so different. One man’s trash is another’s treasure, as they say :D

I’ll chime in and add the following:

- most name brand jewelry (someone else said this upthread as well): I find a lot of it pretty or well made, but the premium is just too high to stomach for me!

- name/letter jewelry: it’s just not my style!

- three stone rings where the side stones are very close in size to the center stone: I only like three stone rings where the side stones are very obviously “side” stones (eg traps or baguettes, or EW pears or marquis; rounds can work if the rounds are much smaller than the center). It’s just a personal preference, I don’t know why.

- OECs: it’s not like I haven’t seen some super pretty OECs on here, but my preference still lies in the MRB space. I don’t like visible culets much! If someone gave me a pretty OEC I wouldn’t turn it down, but it wouldn’t be my first choice. I also don’t want an OEC for my ering but I don’t want a round at all for my ering so :eh:

- if we’re talking diamond shapes, probably cushions: I would say cushions are probably my least favourite diamond shape, so I’m unlikely to be tempted by a cushion unless it’s really beyond spectacular. In general I’m not as big a fan of square stones, but I do like the sharp corners in a princess (especially a kite set princess) and the faceting on an Asscher. I don’t like the pillowy-ness of cushions!

- a satlada: this is probably not something that people around these parts come into contact with much, but there’s this specific kind of necklace (a traditional indian style) called a satlada (translates to “seven lines”). It comprises seven lines of tiny pearls with pendant spacers (between sections of pearl and between the lines). It’s great if you like bold jewelry because it takes up a lot of real estate more inexpensively than other options, and it looks really cool even if worn with a blouse and pants, not just with indian clothes; but I just don’t like them, despite the fact that both those things would be right up my wheelhouse. No idea why.