
Where to buy metal ring sizers?


Dec 27, 2017
So for her birthday and Christmas, my daughter has asked for rings. (Cue happy dance as the PS bug bites another generation!!!)

She struggles with metal allergies but we have been experimenting with her wearing some old rings of mine that I don’t wear anymore. It seems that she is able to tolerate gold and white gold as long as it is not in ear piercings. So it looks like earrings will need to remain platinum, but rings may have a bit more latitude. BUT I’m not certain yet, because my ring size is bigger than hers so we have been using those plastic ring snuggies so she can wear the rings.

My goal for her b-day and Christmas would be to figure out her proper ring size and have some rings sized to let her enjoy them properly, and also to see if she can tolerate the full metal contact with her skin before we go making an investment in any more rings.

With Covid, I don’t want to take her into our jeweler to get sized. I would rather figure out her size and drop off the rings at a local bench. Where can I purchase metal ring sizers? I have seen plastic ones, and knowing her, I don’t think she would do well with those (she’s a texture person and they wouldn’t mirror real rings).

Thanks in advance!


Jul 7, 2013
I bought my two sets from findingking on eBay, plus a sizing rod.

The first set is for rings with thin shanks, and I discovered it was not suitable for rings with a thicker band due to my chubby fleshy fingers, so I bought an another set with 5mm or so bands. Link to their ring sizers below:

Ring Sizers from findingking on eBay

DK :))


May 3, 2001
@dk168 gives good advice, as well as a link to actually order.

I have found that wide rings need to be bigger, how much bigger depends on the client. Having a larger knuckle, a frequent issue with older clients with arthritis or younger clients who have had a sports injury, will often require a larger adjustment to get the ring on.

You will also find that nearly all sizer sets come in gradations of half sizes, ie 5, 5.5, 6, and so on. So, in addition to narrow and wide rings, you must be able to interpret how tight a size is and how loose the next higher size is to decide whether or not to ask your chosen jeweler to make the ring a quarter size.

So, my advice is, look at the rings you are wanting to potentially give your daughter and see if they are narrow, I,e, 2 to 3mm wide or larger, such as 4 to 6mm. Just know the wider the ring, the larger it will need to be to fit over the knuckle.

Good luck with the sizers, and here is hoping that your daughter can tolerate the gold rings you are wanting to give her.



Dec 27, 2017
Thank you both, @dk168 and @Wink for the advice!

The rings are mostly fairly narrow shanks, so that at least should be easy enough. Hopefully this will only require one set of sizers. I didn’t realize they wouldn’t come in quarter sizes, so that is helpful.

Is there a standard system jewelers use beyond the numerical sizes? I guess what I’m asking is, is there a certain brand of sizers that would be more reliable than others?


Jul 7, 2013
Thank you both, @dk168 and @Wink for the advice!

The rings are mostly fairly narrow shanks, so that at least should be easy enough. Hopefully this will only require one set of sizers. I didn’t realize they wouldn’t come in quarter sizes, so that is helpful.

Is there a standard system jewelers use beyond the numerical sizes? I guess what I’m asking is, is there a certain brand of sizers that would be more reliable than others?

Different countries/regions have different sizing systems, and the sizing gauge/rod that I purchased has multi-system on it (US, UK, European and Circumference in mm).

The narrow set of ring sizer I purchased also has US, UK, European, and circumference in mm on them. It came with a conversion chart (now lost), however, the information is widely available on the internet.

The wider set for wedding bands only has US ring sizes stamped on them.

The bench I work with in China prefers to work with US ring sizes.

Concur with Wink about size difference between a thin and thick band ring. I had to have my Amethyst Bombé ring remade as it is a very wide band, and I had to go up nearly 2 sizes for it to fit my fleshy chubby finger!


DK :))
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