
What's going on with DanielM?

Your questions are answered in the many pages of this thread. It's a lot to read but well worth the time to avoid heartache.
Hello, I wanted to post an update: Daniel M has given me a full refund. I hope he continues to do the right thing with customers to regain their trust because his work is very good. I hope the other people who have had problems get resolution very soon.
CaraMish, Thanks for the update. Did you have to pester for the refund? And did you get any explanation?
Sorry for the third degree; I just can't make any sense of this situation.
And I'm still pretty mad because I've got stones I wanted set and now I don't know who to go to. (Not to mention all the stones and $$$ of koolchicken's they still have.)
Another here who appreciates CaraMish's update. I'm very happy for you that you got your money back.
Me too. Let's hope this is the beginning of a trend.
I've been meaning to thank everyone for all the information in this thread!

I had a pendant done and was not happy with the bezel - it's "wonky" (or maybe I'm too fussy?!)... They said I could send it back to be fixed but it took 3+ months from the time I sent my stone until I received the finished product so I didn't want my spinel gone that long again after I'd just gotten it back.

I was still thinking about sending it back when this thread was started so thank you all v much... I'd much rather have it with the wonky bezel than not have it! I am so sorry for everything so many of you have gone through! I hope you get your gems back ASAP!!

PS, I first contacted them last October so it wasn't recently... I received the pendant in March.
texaskj|1413945565|3770759 said:
And I'm still pretty mad because I've got stones I wanted set and now I don't know who to go to.

How do you want them set? Is there a thread? Start a thread!
How about these other Etsy vendors?

Adzia -
Sally of Heart of Water -
Kyleanne -
Maddie of OneGarnetGirl -
Jill of janishjewels -
JuliaB -
CvB Inspired Design (Caysie van Bebber) -
Yvonne Raley of Cecile Raley Designs -
Chrono|1413990468|3770987 said:

I would also add to the list David Klass

One thing about Caysie of CvB... she is not the "typical" Etsy type cost of her pricing -don't get me wrong, I have a piece from her, and I truly love working with her but I find her more along the line of jewelers pricing like Whitelfash, Brian Gavin.
CaraMish said:
Hello, I wanted to post an update: Daniel M has given me a full refund. I hope he continues to do the right thing with customers to regain their trust because his work is very good. I hope the other people who have had problems get resolution very soon.

Yay!! :appl:
Thanks so much for the update. Hopefully now things will start moving in the right direction for everyone.

Thanks also to Chrono, and DandT for the super helpful info!! =)
DandT said:
Chrono|1413990468|3770987 said:

I would also add to the list David Klass

One thing about Caysie of CvB... she is not the "typical" Etsy type cost of her pricing -don't get me wrong, I have a piece from her, and I truly love working with her but I find her more along the line of jewelers pricing like Whitelfash, Brian Gavin.

Don't forget IDJewelry in NYC. They've set 3 rings for me, plus they have made lots of bezeled DBTY necklaces for PSers. Their prices are very reasonable, and they are professional and quick. :appl:
texaskj|1413945565|3770759 said:
CaraMish, Thanks for the update. Did you have to pester for the refund? And did you get any explanation?
Sorry for the third degree; I just can't make any sense of this situation.
And I'm still pretty mad because I've got stones I wanted set and now I don't know who to go to. (Not to mention all the stones and $$$ of koolchicken's they still have.)

I did get an explanation and an apology. I did have to email one last time asking for the finished product or a refund, and he gave me the refund.
Thanks for the info CaraMish.

And a huge Thank You to everyone for all the suggestions. :appl:

I got a surprise two weeks ago and had to have my appendix out. I still want my stones set, but now I really need to wait to find out what the bills are going to be like. (Boo Hiss)
That's one of the things I loved about Dan and Caren. It didn't matter what price point you wanted; they were happy to work with you and the finished product was great.
Cara Mish, what was the explanation? I'll take it with a grain of salt anyway but sure am concerned & curious as to what they say.

--- Laurie
JewelFreak|1414015555|3771223 said:
Cara Mish, what was the explanation? I'll take it with a grain of salt anyway but sure am concerned & curious as to what they say.

--- Laurie

Apparently, the stones were damaged while being set. It was a tricky semi bezel setting and these stones (cz's) were easily damaged by heat. I was compensated for the stones, btw. I probably should have chosen white topaz, but these earrings were intended as a gift for DS20's girlfriend and she loved these particular OEC's. I know we are not supposed to talk about synthetics here, but the thread is not about that particular topic, and I thought the information was necessary to answer the question and so that no one would think this vendor was incompetent because the stones were damaged. He is a very competent bench jeweler, and if he can get his customer service issues straightened out, then his business should continue to thrive.
Hmmmmm...... damaged stones? Did he return the stones to you? I was expecting something relevant to the unfulfilled orders in general, but I do appreciate the explanation CaraMish!
You provided the CZs? Hmmm, even if damaged, it shouldn't have taken this long to get back to you. So, in the end, there is still no explanation for the unnecessarily long delay but I'm still glad at least there is closure for you.
I'm glad everything worked out & actually, kind of pleased that Dan owned up to the damaged czs. It may have taken ages but the right thing happened in the end, which is more than several people here can say. Thanks for the answer, CaraMish.

--- Laurie
digdeep|1414084756|3771602 said:
Hmmmmm...... damaged stones? Did he return the stones to you? I was expecting something relevant to the unfulfilled orders in general, but I do appreciate the explanation CaraMish!

No, I did not ask for them back, as I was just happy for the refund.
I'm glad you got your refund too!!
I'm so sorry it's taken me forever to get back with an update on my stuff. A LOT of stuff has gone on over the last couple of months and I haven't had much time for anything. In fact between travel, getting sick, and a crisis with a friend I actually forgot about the whole DanielM debacle (if you can imagine). When I realized a whole month had gone by with no contact with him I got right on it. There were some tense words exchanged but ultimately it looks like my stuff will ship out on Saturday. I've seen photos of almost everything and he does have one last thing to set. Apparently he chipped my tourmaline when attempting set it. Something about the style of cut making it prone to chipping. I know this particular stone was cut by a hobbyist who hasn't done many. So there's probably some truth to it. In any case he told me he could set it anyways, or replace it. He's actually replacing it at his cost and I've told him I want my stone sent back to me. He was fine with that. He said he'd set it tomorrow as he's home with his kids today by himself. In fact it seems like he's running everything by himself these days. He said he was taking the photos, he's setting the stones, he's doing all the emails. I could be very much mistaken, but perhaps Caren's absence is the reason everything's taking so long.

I will update if they do actually ship out this weekend. Please everyone, cross your fingers for me. I figure it's only a couple more days and he promised he'd have photos and stuff by the 25th, but sent them a day early. I'm trying to tell myself he wouldn't have made all this stuff if he was planning to just run off with everything. I'm just hoping I'm right. I really don't want to have to go down the road of prosecution. But I'll do what I have to, to get my stuff back. Sigh... :blackeye:
Good to hear from you koolchicken.
I'm keeping my fingers crossed you get your stuff. This whole thing just keeps getting stranger and stranger.
I hope the common theme of damaged stones is purely coincidental.
Chrono|1414166391|3772103 said:
I hope the common theme of damaged stones is purely coincidental.

Exactly what popped into my mind after reading the recent posts above... (frankly, I'd be worried if he had any of my loose stones)
Ditto re the chipped stones. Then there's this:
koolchicken said:
He said he'd set it tomorrow as he's home with his kids today by himself. In fact it seems like he's running everything by himself these days. He said he was taking the photos, he's setting the stones, he's doing all the emails. I could be very much mistaken, but perhaps Caren's absence is the reason everything's taking so long.

I know I'm beating a dead horse, but guess I'm getting mushy again, which I always do when it's unneeded. But dependable skilled people don't just turn into clumsy crooks overnight. Something is dreadfully wrong and I feel very sorry about it. That does not mean that it's ok not to communicate with clients or to keep their possessions & payments without advising them -- I do not excuse that. I'm simply curious and hoping he manages to get help somewhere. (And finish jobs he took on, or return stuff.)

--- Laurie
Laurie, what I don't understand is that if he and his wife are going through something horrible/traumatic why are they taking on new projects? That is what I cannot fathom nor forgive.

Sending satisfactory resolution dust to all that need it!
+100 missy
And why are some projects getting finished, but not others? :angryfire:
texaskj, I think that's becoming my problem.

I totally get life being chaos. Anyone running a small business on top of other jobs and kids is a hero to me, because with one job and kid I can barely keep my house clean, let alone organize and run a creative business. Work/life/health balance is tough, especially when unforeseen events happen. On the one hand, I would hate for my silly little ring to take away very limited time with the kids during a stressful time. I am totally OK with that even if it means it's going to take months vs. weeks. I get these things. But seeing a project that was taken on months after mine get completed first (and surely not any less complicated than mine), I start to have trouble maintaining calm. I am glad he's making it right one way or another for people, hopefully that bodes well.

(That said I don't feel comfortable talking much about the ring at this point, until it's all resolved one way or another).
JewelFreak|1414177121|3772166 said:
Ditto re the chipped stones. Then there's this:
koolchicken said:
He said he'd set it tomorrow as he's home with his kids today by himself. In fact it seems like he's running everything by himself these days. He said he was taking the photos, he's setting the stones, he's doing all the emails. I could be very much mistaken, but perhaps Caren's absence is the reason everything's taking so long.

I know I'm beating a dead horse, but guess I'm getting mushy again, which I always do when it's unneeded. But dependable skilled people don't just turn into clumsy crooks overnight. Something is dreadfully wrong and I feel very sorry about it. That does not mean that it's ok not to communicate with clients or to keep their possessions & payments without advising them -- I do not excuse that. I'm simply curious and hoping he manages to get help somewhere. (And finish jobs he took on, or return stuff.)

--- Laurie
The above would be correct.

I am still here and reading, but things got a bit nasty there for me for a bit, and I wanted to highlight the above.

I am hopeful for them to turn things around and I very much hope that the health issues they are still enduring get better.
It would take Daniel or Caren or their appointee less than 5 minutes to update their etsy site with a general announcement, such as: "To our current and potential customers, due to extraordinary circumstances, please know we are experiencing a backlog of X weeks/months. Though we continue to accept new orders, we must also complete these prior orders. Please be aware orders are being completed in non-queue order. Thank you for your understanding and patience. We appreciate our customers and value our reputation and goodwill."