
What year did PS start and who were the first members.?


Jul 17, 2008
I see Old Miner joined in 2000. I didn't realize it had been that long. I was reading another forum at the time where people split for here and I lurked for a long time so I know lots of old timers are long gone. Is anyone an "old timer"?
"cut nut" Garry ?
2008! Can't believe it was that long ago.
2002 but remember reading for about 1 year before I joined from the other board. It seemed all about angles and degrees which was never mentioned on the other board which was more about color etc.
Seem to think Lawmax was one of the first in 1999, maybe started the board I think.

Most days I feel pretty old! :lol: It is interesting to go through certain threads and see posters of yore. Names like Valerie101 pop up and I think...whoa!!

I joined ~2005 and don't qualify as an old-timer.

I was quite young back then and remember being struck by widget's wonderful collection of antique jewelry (I've always loved old stones and pieces).

February 2004.
Pyramid|1467453000|4050744 said:
2002 but remember reading for about 1 year before I joined from the other board. It seemed all about angles and degrees which was never mentioned on the other board which was more about color etc.

Lots of fights back then too! :shifty:
I remember coming frequently to PS back around 2003 or 2004. There wasn't a lot of info on what I was looking for at the time, but I've been back to ogle many times over the years. A few years ago I realized that I was reading threads daily for like 2-3 years. I figured I might as well join and participate. I don't have a lot to bring to the table, but I enjoy being on PS. :wavey:
I first found the site probably around 2001 or 2002. There were very few people at that time, not sure if there were even 50 on the board at that time. I asked a question and didn't receive an answer, so after a week, didn't come back. There was very little talk on the board back then. I don't even think it was decided into sections, but not sure.

The second time I found the board was probably 2004 or 2005.

Then, I came back a few years ago.
I joined in 2005 but had been lurking for a good year or more. The reading was fascinating and the sparkles were wow! I miss a lot of the old members that have left us for greener pastures!!
Is there a "greener pasture" they are all at or has everyone just quit? I'm not familiar with another pasture. I notice diamonds are getting smaller than they use to be. Ah, the economy.
I joined in 2003 but went away in 2004. Ideal cuts were around $4k for 1 carat G/H. Old cuts were unheard of. Forgot my screen name and had to re-register in 2008. What I remember most about that time was Todd at Nice Ice. His website to me, was revolutionary and very personal. I followed him through the tragic loss of his step-daughter and a year later, his business partner and wife. By the time I returned in 2008 I think he had re-married, closed Nice Ice and moved on to greener pastures. Nice Ice was a real trailblazer before it's time and probably the catalyst for macro imaging of diamonds. In 2005 I briefly stopped in for a few months as I was newly engaged. Back then Mara and Reena (she came back recently under a new name...something like OCmomof3?) had the most coveted rings (cushions were the hot shape) and it was Leon everything. Maytal Hannah had just begun on the scene (I'm surprised that she didn't last that long here). Also around that time, the "name that shall not be mentioned" pretty much introduced me and everyone else on PS to old cuts. I think her thread was one of the longest at the time. I do miss seeing the photos.

After a jeweler offered to buy my OEC right off my finger during a party (mid-2012), I came back to PS to see what was going on and to my surprise, everyone was into antique cuts!

Nowadays, I stop in to check Pre-loved in case there's a deal. I'd rather post on the PS FB page but I'd admit that I really enjoy living vicariously through Phoenix's SMTB thread!
AprilBaby|1467599227|4051220 said:
Is there a "greener pasture" they are all at or has everyone just quit? I'm not familiar with another pasture. I notice diamonds are getting smaller than they use to be. Ah, the economy.

Yes, I think some folks have moved on to FB - there is a PS page I believe. Took a lot of the 'chat' away from this sight although I'm sure many still check out the SMTB thread from time to time as they pop up to post now and again. Back in the day there was private messaging here so you could be here and have chat time. I think others have said the tone of the place changed and some of the back and forth arguments - ahem discussions - ceased to exist or at least everyone would pile on someone and call them 'mean'.

Everything in time changes - nothing ever stays the same - but PS does still exist for those who love diamonds and jewelry. Must be doing something right!!
There is at least one other thread about this topic, maybe more than one. If I can find it, I will link it. Lawmax did help to start this board, but in an unofficial capacity. The founder, Leonid, used to post on anther forum where some of us posted before Pricescope existed. Some of us knew each other from back there.

I signed on in Feb. 2003, but I didn't post for years. I was too afraid too. The group was held together by a few dozen core members back then and they scared me.
You see, this is what makes me feel like a total newb, even now- who the heck is "the name that must not be mentioned" and how do you get to the Facebook group??? :angryfire: :angryfire: :angryfire:
Snowdrop13|1467916499|4052680 said:
You see, this is what makes me feel like a total newb, even now- who the heck is "the name that must not be mentioned" and how do you get to the Facebook group??? :angryfire: :angryfire: :angryfire:
You need to know the secret password.. :wink2:
I joined Nov 2004. I lurked before I joined. So glad I did. It was very active and very informative. I made many friends and still enjoy checking in.
jerichosmom|1467615725|4051276 said:
Also around that time, the "name that shall not be mentioned" pretty much introduced me and everyone else on PS to old cuts. I think her thread was one of the longest at the time. I do miss seeing the photos.

I'll go ahead and name her. I really enjoyed Surfgirl's posts and was sorry to see her get chased off. Pandora and I were the only ones who came in to defend her in that thread. The piling on and the wolf-pack nastiness toward her really changed my opinion of the reigning queen bees at the time and I left PS for a couple of years. The queen bees are mostly gone now, but whenever I see a wolf pack look like it's starting to form, I speak up. That kind of behavior is rarely okay.
I joined in 2005. When I'm on PS, I often think of TravelingGal, Monnie (who I know still posts :)), Robbie, Laila, Hudson Hawk, Blenheim, Haven, and Kaleigh are doing. :)
As I read those names I could see their avatars in my mind.
I joined in January 2006. I think a good many people who left did maintain friendships outside of PS. I think that's great! I prefer to stay on PS because it is my hobby and I do enjoy the people here, and I have PS friends off the forum as well. I am so glad there are still many old members still active here!
Feb03Bride|1467948228|4052862 said:
I joined in 2005. When I'm on PS, I often think of TravelingGal, Monnie (who I know still posts :)), Robbie, Laila, Hudson Hawk, Blenheim, Haven, and Kaleigh are doing. :)

Memories! Hello, old friend! :wavey:
I always wondered why there weren't more appraisers active on the forums. I honestly think that the high level of consumer knowledge was intimidating for some. I'm hoping to stick around for many years to come. I've met many PS trade and consumer members over the years and I've always enjoyed my conversations with them.
Modified Brilliant|1468184042|4054075 said:
I'm hoping to stick around for many years to come.

Until I looked at your join date I didn't realize you had been here since 2005. You have already been here forever. Thank you!

Dancing Fire|1467916898|4052682 said:
Snowdrop13|1467916499|4052680 said:
You see, this is what makes me feel like a total newb, even now- who the heck is "the name that must not be mentioned" and how do you get to the Facebook group??? :angryfire: :angryfire: :angryfire:

You need to know the secret password.. :wink2:

Snowdrop, if you know anyone on Pricescope privately, that person can help to get you in. We don't exchange our email addresses here on the board. The board can still be read by just anyone and your privacy would not be protected. Short of knowing someone outside of here, you can write Ella and she can connect you to someone who can help you. You can have Ella connect you with me if you'd like to.

DF, I'd love to give your arm a good pinch after ALL of the years of you kidding newbs!
I have never had a Facebook account and do not belong to the Pricescope Facebook group. I have never read the group. Recently I was asked to be a moderator (one of several since they have several) of a Golden Retiever forum and I had to turn it down because the moderators have their meetings on Facebook. I know I miss out on a lot of inside discussion by not belonging to the Facebook group, but I labored over the decision over whether to join in order to moderate my Golden Retriever forum. :((