
what to do when nothing fits anymore...

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Jan 15, 2009
i know so many of you have lost weight, and so i wanted to know when you updated your wardrobe? did you buy new clothing items as you were losing, or did you wait until you reached your goal?

as of today i''ve lost a total of 25lbs and i''m feel pretty proud of myself! although rather than feeling fit and excited to show off my accomplishment, i feel rather sloppy since my clothes just hang loose on me. i''ve refrained from buying any new clothes (well except for some new bras and belts) since i don''t really have a specific goal weight in mind, and i''ve also been spending money on holiday gifts instead.

also, has anyone had to resize their rings because of a dramatic size difference? i''m afraid to get my rings resized since i can''t tell if it''s because of my weight loss or the cold weather. i now wear my rings on a bigger finger, but i might just get a small "security" band so i can wear them on the correct fingers.


Dec 31, 2008
I would go out and buy 1 or 2 pants that fit now.. and 1 or 2 tops that fit now, that can be mixed and matched.

You''ll find that wearing clothes that actually FIT even if in the interum will make you feel better about yourself... more confident - and will help keep your momentum going. Sometimes when you are drowing in your clothes - and no one can see your figure - you actually look BIGGER than you actually are.

So start to retire pieces gradually and slowly just get a couple pieces here and there. I think it makes a nice reward for every 10 pounds lost - and then as you get closer to your goal weight maybe every 5 pounds a new top and pant/skirt.

Congrats on your weight loss so far!

Mrs Mitchell

Sep 22, 2006
I''m in much the same position- lost a big chunk of weight, but still have a little more to go. I''m in no hurry, so I bought some ''interim'' outfits. A black dress to dress up or down with accessories, some dress pants, some jeans and a few tops and sweaters. They''ll be ok when I lose a bit more too, so I should be able to wear them for a good while. I had to get a new winter coat too- my old one was comically large. Even the sleeves were too long and yet I''m sure my arms are thinner rather than shorter...

Oddly, my shoe size has gone down too, so I got some insoles for my boots and casual shoes and one new pair of ''good'' shoes.

My rings could do with being sized down two sizes at least, but I''m wearing them with a smaller band on ''top'' until I''m sure my finger size won''t change again in the short term. Weightloss, pregnancy then weightloss again has seen my ring size go up and down a fair bit recently and I don''t want them worked on more often than absolutely necessary.

Sorry to hear you''re feeling sloppy, and I know exactly what you mean, but I''ll bet you look fantastic really! Get a couple of nicely fitted, well cut pieces and celebrate your achievement over the holiday season!



Apr 30, 2008
See your local tailor. They can do wonders for your favorite items at a fraction of the cost of purchasing new clothing.


Aug 25, 2004
I had lost ~50lbs before I replaced really any of my clothes. Then at ~85lb I replaced most everything and threw the old out. That was about two years ago. I still have ~20lb to lose but am comfortable now. I replaced size 24 or 22 jeans with size 16 or 18''s and then again replaced the 16/18s wth 10/12s. While I undestand the viewpoit of replacing things more frequently to motivate yourself, I felt like replacing things and getting fab outfits would be like celebrating the fact that I was 1/2 or 1/4 the way there---seemed premature for me. I hadn''t reached my goal and I shouldn''t be celebrating(in MY MIND... others feel differently).

My ring size went from a tight 8 or 8.5 to a fairly loose 6. Big knuckles though. Ugh.

As for tailoring... I only did this with high end items. For me it wasn''t that cheap of an option.


Apr 27, 2007
I have recently lost 58 pounds (2 to go), and went clothes shopping when I had lost 30 pounds because my co-workers were making fun of my baggy pants! I bought too many things and ended up not being in the size I bought for very long, and I''m feeling really guilty. If I could do it over again, I would buy a few pairs of very basic color pants and only one or two pairs of jeans. I bought too many complete outfits for work, and ended up losing weight faster than I thought I would so the outfits didn''t last long. It still shocks me how many clothes sizes I went down, and I have only bought 2 pairs of pants in the size I am now. I''m going to wait until I hit my goal and then go wild!

My rings are so huge that they fall off. I didn''t want to have anything done with them until I get to my goal, so I plan to take care of that shortly. I have had links taken out of my watch 3 times and could stand to have it done again. I have also lost a full shoe size. I have had to replace everything in my closet, including jammies, belts, undies, winter coat ... everything!

Congratulations on the weight loss!!


Feb 27, 2007
Congratuations on the weight loss!

I think it is good for your ego to have clothes that fit you as you go along. Baggy clothes are great but won''t show off what you''ve accomplished so far. What I did as I lost weight was buy inexpensive clothes (the "marts") to wear and then once they got too big I replaced them with more inexpensive clothes. It was kind of a waste of money but it was nice to buy smallers clothes. You can get by with a few pairs of pants and tops. Many people on Sparkpeople found clothes at garage sales or second hand stores as well. I had to replace hats and shoes as well. I went from ring size 8 to 5.5 / 6. Luckily most of my rings are covered for free resizing so I had them done a few times along the way.


Jun 25, 2007
I tried to refrain as much as possible until I reached my goal. I think if you don''t have a specific goal, then it''s good to go ahead and get a few things that fit, and you will be better able to decide if you are happy where you are. I knew where I wanted to be. I am now completely remaking my wardrobe to fit my new size, and I''m enjoying every minute of it... even if I am going broke
lol. Having fitting clothes, that make you feel nice and look nice is a big big plus. I have a promise ring, and it did have to be resized as well as my fashion rings I wear.


Nov 2, 2006
I chose to wait until I absolutely couldn''t get away with wearing the same stuff and then I bought one or two pairs of pants that were neutral and fit. I didn''t want to get so much in the in between sizes that I''d be inclined to wear it because for me that''s part of the drive to maintain once you''ve reached your goal.


Jun 22, 2007
I have lost about 20lbs so far (half way to my goal) and I have only purchased 2 pairs of smaller jeans. I have not purchased work clothes because I had a few pairs "left over" from my lighter days that I am currently wearing again (and boy does that feel good). I am hoping that I can hold out from buying new clothing until I get to my goal weight, but we will see. I can no longer wear 75% of my work pants because I am literally swimming in them.

Congrats to everyone on the weight loss!


Nov 24, 2006
Congratulations!!!! Wow, that is wonderful news!!!
I lost 35 lbs about 7 mo ago and what I did in between was bought a couple of pairs of inexpensive pants and that worked. On the ring, mine is super lose and lose in the summer too so I need to send it in sometime and resize it.


Nov 24, 2004
I lost 15lbs two years ago and that was enough to get back into my normal clothes. I lost 15lbs last year and I''ll admit I bought a considerable amount of pants and skirts and four pair of jeans. I''m large chested so my shirts don''t really need replaced. This year I have another 15lbs goal that I''m on track to complete in 11 weeks which will make me a size 6/8. All the pants and skirts I bought last year are 10/12.

I guess my point is I wish I hadn''t bought SO MANY clothes. I was smart about it and only bought them if they were $30 or less, but once again I''m going to have a hard time ridding myself of them. The one thought in the back of my mind is if I become pregnant, will those pants/skirts/jeans fit me for a while instead of buying maternity clothes? Maybe I''ll just box em up for a while.

Just buy one pair of jeans that look great on the weekends, one pair of black and one neutral pair of work pants, and replace your basic shirts if needed - white dress shirt, black sweater and most flattering color sweater.

Maria D

Jan 24, 2003
What an uplifting thread! From the title I thought the question was going to be a sad one...what to do when nothing fits anymore because everything''s too *tight*!

Congratulations to everyone that needed to go out and buy smaller clothes!


Dec 9, 2008
Ditto- depending on the number of dress sizes smaller it can be reletivly cheap and easy to get your "good" peices taken in- any good quality dresses, jakets etc that you would like to keep are worth altering rather than spending the money to replace.

Same goes if you buy somthing that fits you now that you really like, if you loose another dress size just have it taken in. You deserve to have clothes that fit and look good on you now so you can enjoy your acomplishment.


Nov 17, 2009
Date: 1/14/2010 9:03:05 PM
Author: Maria D
What an uplifting thread! From the title I thought the question was going to be a sad one...what to do when nothing fits anymore because everything''s too *tight*!

Congratulations to everyone that needed to go out and buy smaller clothes!
Hahha, this is exactly what I thought! What a way better thread!


Nov 13, 2008
Good for you!!! I agree with what the others say- get a couple of fairly inexpensive items now and then buy the rest when you reach your goal.
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