
What is something weird you like to eat, that you think no one else would like?

Oh for sure! I didn't know people had chili *without* it! :)

Haha I used to never have it. Then one day we had Wendy's and I was just like hmm I wonder if this would taste good and dumped my sour cream in. It did! And pretty much anyone I have ever done this in front of has been like Why are you doing that you wierdo??? Of course I did eventually win over a couple of them when i made my homemade chili with it and they get it now lmao. But the rest are still like o.O
This thread is honestly horrifying. But I still love you all :)

Me too! I’ll stick to my eggbeaters cinnamon French toast with peanut butter! OMG :lol-2:
Lettuce sandwiches. Super fresh whole grain bread, buttered, then filled with LOTS of iceberg lettuce. Salt to taste. Watercress filling is equally delicious.

Raw egg and orange juice smoothies. Put an egg and a glass of OJ into a blender and blend till it's gone a creamy apricot color with froth on top.

Delicious sandwich!

I am a huge fan of radish sandwiches prepared the same way. I slice my radishes thickly and sprinkle them with salt just before eating. I prefer soft white bread, though, because it holds the radishes in the sandwiches well.
Spam!!! I looooooove spam! Fried rice just isn't the same without it!

My group of friends and I consider it a treat to indulge in a few slices of fried spam with packet noodles!
Spam!!! I looooooove spam! Fried rice just isn't the same without it!

My group of friends and I consider it a treat to indulge in a few slices of fried spam with packet noodles!

My husband loooves spam fried rice or spam musubi. I don’t mind eating it (once fried up crispy) but I have to leave the kitchen when it’s cooking haha. Cannot stand the smell!
Mix semi-sweet chocolate chips with peanuts. I only do handfuls at a time - lol!
This thread is fun and interesting! I can't think of anything that I eat that is too off the beaten path.

@MissGotRocks I like to eat bittersweet chocolate chips with raw almonds or cashews - hits the sweet spot with a little protein!

I drink black coffee now but when I sweetened it, i used maple syrup (real, local, dark amber).

I know someone who enjoys bread&butter pickles with Tostitos.
My father-in-law eats a pickle and peanut butter sandwich everyday for lunch.
Must be dill hamburger slices. On yukky cheap white bread. Eeek!
I love dried shrimp.


Nom delish, umami!
I love smoked oysters and I eat them straight out of the can as well, with some crackers on the side to eat alternating with the oysters. Maybe I'll buy some today, now that you reminded me. I don't have them often, but I do really like them.

I recently had canned razor clams and yum.
My long-departed grandad's favorite food, which I have an incredible soft spot for, but only have about once a decade - Dark Karo syrup creamed with butter, spread on white Wonder bread. He was a farmer, and thin as a rail his whole life, and would eat at least 4 slices of this stuff every day with breakfast.

My mother used to make something similar to this, using bacon drippings (liquid or hardened) and golden syrup. Probably due to her family’s farm roots too - waste not, want not. I remember liking it as a child, but I haven’t had it in many decades now.
A melange of pan-fried red potatoes and Brussels sprouts, topped with grated Parmesan and served with mayonnaise. I love this combo - could easily eat it once a week!

Campbell’s Bean with Bacon soup, prepared with milk or 1/2 milk and 1/2 water.
not all that weird but raw swede
it would probabky go really well with a slice of cheese
A melange of pan-fried red potatoes and Brussels sprouts, topped with grated Parmesan and served with mayonnaise. I love this combo - could easily eat it once a week!

Campbell’s Bean with Bacon soup, prepared with milk or 1/2 milk and 1/2 water.

I haven't seen or eaten this soup in decades! I loved it!!!!!
I like vegemite with avocado on toast.

i like it under a poached egg
or in a lettuce cheese sandwhich
or in potato chip sandwhich for the ultimate indulgence
bit that's not un-normal here
i like it under a poached egg
or in a lettuce cheese sandwhich
or in potato chip sandwhich for the ultimate indulgence
bit that's not un-normal here
I need to try it in a potato chip sandwich, sounds interesting.

While grocery shopping the other day I saw vegemite hot cross buns...:shock:
Breakfast if champions. Costco crab and corn chowder with 2 poached eggs in the soup :)

Perfect for a cold rainy day.
I need to try it in a potato chip sandwich, sounds interesting.

While grocery shopping the other day I saw vegemite hot cross buns...:shock:

Haha it's a thing here in Australia!!!