
What Hillary is Hiding

Tekate|1473694297|4075526 said:
momhappy|1473694024|4075524 said:
Tekate|1473686341|4075497 said:
momhappy|1473681998|4075473 said:
Tekate|1473647354|4075375 said:
momhappy|1473643325|4075353 said:
So, first they say she was overheated and now they say it's pneumonia :confused: Why not just come out and say she was diagnosed with pneumonia? It breeds more confusion, mistrust, etc.

I have had pneumonia 3X in the last few years.. Once on a cruise after a week long tour of Spain, once in New Zealand after a week on a cruise ship crusing thru NZ and AUS, and once after a trip to Maine to visit friends, I had a 103 fever then, all involved travel... I coughed and coughed and coughed through Spain, it was horrible.. It makes you very hot when your fever spikes.. All 3 times my physician(s) gave me steroid, antibiotics, inhaler and the last time I was given codeine cough syrup, as i said to my sons - Mom's leanin'! doing her sizzurp! they do sometimes think I'm funny... all 3 times I had either been flying and out of the country or traveling throughout the USA.. all 3x my husband got nothing.. on the NZ cruise 3/4 of the ship was sick.. when I returned from my last trip I went to my physician and begged for the pneumonia vaccine - since I was under 65 I had to pay for it myself... so far I've not had pneumonia and have travelled to Austin a few times, but I've not flown and cruised in a while, next year.. we shall see. McCain had melanoma, no one questioned him.. he did release a lot of his records, but Trump has released nothing other than a letter, at least Clinton has released her tests. Trump takes cholesteral lowering drugs... no one's perfect, the great Reagan fell off a horse and had a clot in his brain.. old people.. as far as we know, Obama has never been sick (that we know).. when you get older, you get sicker.

Yes, I get it and I don't spite Hillary for having pneumonia. My point was why lie about the condition of her health? Sure, any candidate could have health issues, but that doesn't change the fact that her campaign added to the confusion by making two different statements about the fainting incident. That has nothing to do with other candidates and their health because yes, they are all susceptible to illness/poor health. I'd question ANY candidate who had this type of issue.

lie? I dunno if I would classify it as such, but look, here we are talkin' 'bout Hillary's health, maybe that is why she keeps her health to herself, I mean every little minutia of her sneezing, coughing, fever, whatever is torn, dredged through the mud and dissected.. we are doing it here.. I don't blame her. It seems a several+ of her staff are also sick with this bug. Since I'm 63, had pneumonia 3x (actually more if we go back to when my boys were little but that was 20 years ago)... she has allergies, she either segued into pneumonia or has bacterial pneumonia.. I'm here (I hope :) ) I would think she will be here also.

It's interesting how the tables have turned ;)
Typically, every little thing Trump does or says is dredged through the mud and dissected :lol: And it's not that I care (I don't support Trump or Clinton), but the never-ending Trump dialogue gets old (even if he deserves some of it). Again, this isn't about Hillary. It's about a health issue and no matter which candidate was experiencing it, we'd still be talking about it. I do blame her (and her campaign) because it was a dumb move to put out conflicting statements. For Pete's sake, trust issues have been at the forefront of her entire campaign, so you'd be smart enough to avoid any confusion if given the opportunity :confused: So maybe it wasn't technically a lie (or maybe it was), but it was an inconsistency and that breeds more distrust, which is something that you'd think the Clinton campaign would want to avoid.

How can she avoid it? it's her health? If she had said she had pneumonia then the press pounces on it, either way she was going to lose, it's a given.. I think the media would not pounce on Trump if he didn't say such outrageous things.. calling women pigs, fat, ugly, making fun of disabled people.. if he just shut up and spoke mostly about his polices he'd be in better shape. Unfortunately for Clinton, she has 30+ years of republicans slanting everything she has done, said or will do. She just needs to speak the issues.

It's not just republicans that have criticized her for the last 30+ years :lol: I know Democrats that won't vote for her (just like I know republicans who won't vote for Trump, so I'm not picking sides here).
And I don't disagree that a health issue was a lose-lose situation, but they could have at least avoided some additional feelings of mistrust by coming out right away and saying that she had pneumonia. That's all. I appreciate the discussion, Tekate =)
Peace Momhappy! :wavey:
JoCoJenn|1473700657|4075561 said:
As someone who has had pneumonia 3x in ONE year and is VERY susceptible to getting it again with just about any allergy/cold/bronchial illness I get, even after having the pneumonia vaccine - I am beyond disgusted that she would knowingly have this illness and risk exposing others to it, taking antibiotics or not, which would have barely had time to really be effective at preventing exposure if just diagnosed on Friday.

That memorial service was cramped to the gills, and there is no telling how many people were exposed thanks to her ... people who - like me - manage to get it more easily than others.

Just brings to the forefront another reason I don't/can't trust her - if she'll risk putting others' health directly at risk with her poor choices and insistence at hiding what was wrong with her, what/who else will she put at risk with her decision making, if elected?

I'm very susceptible to pneumonia also, and most times you catch it from someone who doesn't know they are contagious.
Tekate|1473719009|4075666 said:
I'm very susceptible to pneumonia also, and most times you catch it from someone who doesn't know they are contagious.

Of course, because most reasonable people who KNOW they are infected with it and contagious or just starting meds wouldn't go into public places and risk infecting others, let alone a campaign trail where she is in direct contact with hundreds of people. And they follow doctors orders to rest.

IMO there is something even bizarre about this pneumonia diagnosis ... why didn't they come out with it on Friday? Why did it take so long to get it diagnosed (she has been coughing for a long time so I doubt it just began in the last 5 days)? Is she always going to let her health take a back-burner to her political aspirations? People would have certainly understood had her team issued a statement, cancelled her appearances for a few days/week, etc. Instead, they created more reason to question her truthfulness and transparency.

Just more examples of her and/or her campaign's poor judgment IMO.
JoCoJenn|1473722240|4075684 said:
Tekate|1473719009|4075666 said:
I'm very susceptible to pneumonia also, and most times you catch it from someone who doesn't know they are contagious.

Of course, because most reasonable people who KNOW they are infected with it and contagious or just starting meds wouldn't go into public places and risk infecting others, let alone a campaign trail where she is in direct contact with hundreds of people. And they follow doctors orders to rest.

IMO there is something even bizarre about this pneumonia diagnosis ... why didn't they come out with it on Friday? Why did it take so long to get it diagnosed (she has been coughing for a long time so I doubt it just began in the last 5 days)? Is she always going to let her health take a back-burner to her political aspirations? People would have certainly understood had her team issued a statement, cancelled her appearances for a few days/week, etc. Instead, they created more reason to question her truthfulness and transparency.

Just more examples of her and/or her campaign's poor judgment IMO.

When I was diagnosed on the cruise ship, I had to go out, when I was diagnosed in Austin I went home and slept for days (leanin' with my drank!)... On the cruise ship in Australia/NZ I went out to eat, although so many people were coughing on that ship that no one noticed me I'm sure.. The worst was on the trains in Spain though... Once when we were pulling out of our driveway in Atown to go to get on a plane to Hawaii (9 years ago this was).. I felt like I was getting a sore throat, by the time I pulled into Maui, I was sick, but I got better once I coughed my brains out (not a bad place to lose your brain, Maui!) and went swimming in the Pacific.. American's don't like to stay home, they either get threatened by their management to come in, or they feel they are letting someone down (coworker) and our ethic is to tough it out. I feel this shows Cinton's tenacity.. her being able to stick to it! it's all in a person's background, intuition, belief set, morals, values on how one views Clinton or Trump.