
What has been putting you in a bad mood lately?


Jun 8, 2008
dragonfly411|1456353121|3995140 said:
You know, your skin can drive you insane, it can make you hurt, it can make you itch, it can make you uncomfortable. People take for granted that skin is there and is a huge part of our bodies. I hope you get to feeling better.

I'd say I have two. One - my insecurity and lack of self confidence.

Two. My effing house! We had a slab leak last month and are having to renovate our ENTIRE downstairs. I currently have no kitchen, no dining room, and our entire lower story is concrete slab. No floors. My poor bugga boo son is having to find entertainment in strange ways b/c his toys are all upstairs full time. We climb the stairs a lot right now, and throw things up and down them, and roll balls across the cement. Omg. I just want to cook again.

Thanks Dragonfly. I appreciate that. So many people don't get the discomfort and yes even pain (not just emotional but physical too) I experience with my skin issues.

I'm sorry you are going through this and I hope your renovations are done soon. That is so stressful especially with children. Hoping you get your whole house back and are cooking in your beautiful renovated kitchen very soon.


Jun 8, 2008
Lil Misfit|1456354089|3995148 said:
Lately what's been putting me in a bad mood is my 15 year old niece. She's a typical teenage girl and while I know this, her actions/words still upset me. She lives 400 miles away from me and is the only family I have besides her mother and her brother (who live in the same town). As such, I'm trying to maintain a relationship with her and help guide her through her teen years but she thinks I'm the big bad evil aunt who only criticizes her behavior and doesn't respect her. See, she has this boyfriend who she stared seeing right before she turned 15 last year who also happens to be the best friend of a boy she "dated" for almost 2 years - from age almost 13 until almost 15, and believes that he is the greatest thing since sliced bread. She is constantly posting pics/videos of the 2 of them in his room or the bathroom, alone, embracing, laying on the floor, rolling on the floor, him grabbing her butt, etc, on Instagram and I think it's very inappropriate. My sister is no help because she "trusts her" (and is very naive), but she is on the pill and I'm 100% convinced she is having unprotected sex with this boy although she claims to be a virgin and gets extremely upset if anyone suggests otherwise. Because I mentioned something to my sister via text (which my niece read because apparently my sister lets her read my private texts - another thing really pissing me off :angryfire: ) she blocked me on all social media and is just acting like a royal b*tch to me. Even before that, whenever I would try to make conversation with her via text she would respond with one word responses or "I'm busy", "I'm sleeping and you're keeping me up. Stop texting me" but would be active on social media sites at the same time, or asking me to remove a comment to one her posts on Instagram or Twitter because "you do it all the time and all my friends see it", even though I'm just saying something like she looks pretty or I like her photo. I feel like she's embarrassed of me and it really hurts my feelings. :(sad

Lil Misfit, I'm sorry she is being like this but you are a great aunt and she is lucky to have you. That is a hugely difficult age. I know when she gets older she will really appreciate having you in her life.


Jun 8, 2008
Sandeek, December Fire, GK-2, Blingbunny, April, Stracci, Pinto Bean, Cheryl, Naty, tyty, momhappy, Elliot, nala, Chrono, Lyra, DK, Kenny and packrat, thank you all for sharing. And I hope that things putting us in the bad mood improves for everyone very soon. Banes of our existence be gone! :wall:


Nov 16, 2008
Thanks missy. Today what's putting me in a bad mood is the custom made anniversary gift I ordered for DH finally shipped on Tuesday and was supposed to be delivered today, but now because of the snowstorm the delivery has been delayed and will need to be rescheduled. It's halfway here and I just pray that UPS doesn't "lose" it, as they've tended to do with my packages over the years. :angryfire:


Jun 25, 2007
Lil Misfit|1456401812|3995469 said:
Thanks missy. Today what's putting me in a bad mood is the custom made anniversary gift I ordered for DH finally shipped on Tuesday and was supposed to be delivered today, but now because of the snowstorm the delivery has been delayed and will need to be rescheduled. It's halfway here and I just pray that UPS doesn't "lose" it, as they've tended to do with my packages over the years. :angryfire:

Lil Misfit, you're having a week! I'll keep my fingers crossed on your package. I'm sorry about your niece, but being there and talking to her and even teaching her will help her so much. I took a lot a lot of my mom, but there are so many ways I am like my aunt, and it is because she and I were very close and talked so much all the time and she really embraced my passions and helped me to make them blossom. She isn't afraid to lecture me and set me straight either. Your niece will appreciate you as she grows!

We get our new cabinets and counters today! YAY!


Jun 7, 2014
Lil Misfit|1456354089|3995148 said:
Lately what's been putting me in a bad mood is my 15 year old niece. She's a typical teenage girl and while I know this, her actions/words still upset me. She lives 400 miles away from me and is the only family I have besides her mother and her brother (who live in the same town). As such, I'm trying to maintain a relationship with her and help guide her through her teen years but she thinks I'm the big bad evil aunt who only criticizes her behavior and doesn't respect her. See, she has this boyfriend who she stared seeing right before she turned 15 last year who also happens to be the best friend of a boy she "dated" for almost 2 years - from age almost 13 until almost 15, and believes that he is the greatest thing since sliced bread. She is constantly posting pics/videos of the 2 of them in his room or the bathroom, alone, embracing, laying on the floor, rolling on the floor, him grabbing her butt, etc, on Instagram and I think it's very inappropriate. My sister is no help because she "trusts her" (and is very naive), but she is on the pill and I'm 100% convinced she is having unprotected sex with this boy although she claims to be a virgin and gets extremely upset if anyone suggests otherwise. Because I mentioned something to my sister via text (which my niece read because apparently my sister lets her read my private texts - another thing really pissing me off :angryfire: ) she blocked me on all social media and is just acting like a royal b*tch to me. Even before that, whenever I would try to make conversation with her via text she would respond with one word responses or "I'm busy", "I'm sleeping and you're keeping me up. Stop texting me" but would be active on social media sites at the same time, or asking me to remove a comment to one her posts on Instagram or Twitter because "you do it all the time and all my friends see it", even though I'm just saying something like she looks pretty or I like her photo. I feel like she's embarrassed of me and it really hurts my feelings. :(sad

Lil Misfit, I am so sorry. I can hear the sadness and frustration in your post. I also have no children but am close to my nieces. Please know this is just a phase she is going thru. She will one day realize you were correct in the advise you gave her. I have been where you are with one of my nieces and please trust me when I say that she loves you. She will tell you in the coming years how correct you were about many things. She does listen to what you say and she will realize how much you love her again. One day you will be equally surprised when you hear the wonderful things she says to and about you.


Jun 7, 2014
The thing that has put me in a bad mood lately is all my brother has been going thru and will continue to go thru. I want to fix this so badly and know that I cant. It just makes me so sad and breaks my heart. Thank you so much Missy and Kristie for all the love and support you have given me the past few months. There were days when talking to you literally kept me sane.


Sep 23, 2008
I might as well share what's keeping me in a bad mood. Since May of last year, my husband's best friend has lived with us. He's unable to work due to a pending criminal investigation and has no money. We've been "lending" him money for the past 10 years (probably over 20k by now) and have received one nominal repayment of 2k. He eats here, he sleeps here. I feel sorry for him and we give him as much emotional support as we can....but my husband has enough stress due to work and I'm trying to keep the house and kids running smoothly while trying to revive my career. Our housemate is on anti-depressants and sleeps most of the day. So that's what keeps us in a bad mood everyday. Thanks for letting me vent...::::)


Aug 12, 2005
LilMisfit, it's so great that you want to have a healthy relationship with your niece. A word of advice: maybe keep your communication with her to just phone and email. The social media stuff is just serving as a point of contention in your relationship and she is a teenager who is sharing for other teenagers, not for her mom and aunt. I doubt if you are seeing her snaps, Kik, vines, etc. so you are probably not aware of even half what she's doing online. It's going to do nothing but drive you crazy and push her even farther away for the next year or so before she gets her license and hopefully a job and doesn't have time for all the social media nonsense. This too shall pass!


Jun 17, 2009
Calliecake|1456419601|3995580 said:
The thing that has put me in a bad mood lately is all my brother has been going thru and will continue to go thru. I want to fix this so badly and know that I cant. It just makes me so sad and breaks my heart. Thank you so much Missy and Kristie for all the love and support you have given me the past few months. There were days when talking to you literally kept me sane.

Callie, I'm so sorry for all you, your brother, and your family are going through. It is all so very difficult and it is really frustrating to want to fix things that you don't have any control over. I have been keeping you and your brother in my thoughts and I'm sending lots of thoughts of comfort and strength to you. Please take care of yourself. (((hugs))))

I'm glad to see you're posting a little! Your PS friends are here for you anytime you need us!


Nov 16, 2008
monarch64|1456422051|3995592 said:
LilMisfit, it's so great that you want to have a healthy relationship with your niece. A word of advice: maybe keep your communication with her to just phone and email. The social media stuff is just serving as a point of contention in your relationship and she is a teenager who is sharing for other teenagers, not for her mom and aunt. I doubt if you are seeing her snaps, Kik, vines, etc. so you are probably not aware of even half what she's doing online. It's going to do nothing but drive you crazy and push her even farther away for the next year or so before she gets her license and hopefully a job and doesn't have time for all the social media nonsense. This too shall pass!

Thanks Monnie. That's exactly what I have been doing for the past 8 months or so. After she had a fit and asked me to delete a tweet I decided not to communicate with her on social media at all. But I still wanted to be her "friend" on those sites to see her pics (well, the ones without her climbing all over her boyfriend), because the only other pics I get are her school pics from my sister every year. The problem is she never calls or texts me. I'm always the one making the effort and when I do she never has time for me. That's what hurts. I see her maybe 1-2 a year, if I'm lucky and I just want to be a part of her life. And God knows what she is posting on snapchat, Kik or vines! :-o :-o Of course my sister believes that my niece shows her "everything" on her phone/ipad and didn't even know what those apps were. :roll: :roll: That's what I mean about her being naive about what's really going on...


Nov 16, 2008
jerichosmom|1456421663|3995591 said:
I might as well share what's keeping me in a bad mood. Since May of last year, my husband's best friend has lived with us. He's unable to work due to a pending criminal investigation and has no money. We've been "lending" him money for the past 10 years (probably over 20k by now) and have received one nominal repayment of 2k. He eats here, he sleeps here. I feel sorry for him and we give him as much emotional support as we can....but my husband has enough stress due to work and I'm trying to keep the house and kids running smoothly while trying to revive my career. Our housemate is on anti-depressants and sleeps most of the day. So that's what keeps us in a bad mood everyday. Thanks for letting me vent...::::)

That sounds terribly frustrating and I can imagine it would put a strain on you and your DH's relationship. One of my DH's friends lived with us for a few months a few years ago and I couldn't wait for him to leave, so I can definitely feel your pain. I hope your situation gets better soon and his legal issues get resolved so he can get a job and hopefully pay you back. Hugs.


Nov 16, 2008
Calliecake|1456419601|3995580 said:
The thing that has put me in a bad mood lately is all my brother has been going thru and will continue to go thru. I want to fix this so badly and know that I cant. It just makes me so sad and breaks my heart. Thank you so much Missy and Kristie for all the love and support you have given me the past few months. There were days when talking to you literally kept me sane.

Thanks for your kind words, Callie. I'm sorry for what you and your family are going through. It does help to have an outlet like PS to express your feelings. Hugs to you, too!

Madam Bijoux

Jul 15, 2005
Same thing that has always put me in a bad mood:
Cruelty to animals


Apr 19, 2004
Calliecake|1456419601|3995580 said:
The thing that has put me in a bad mood lately is all my brother has been going thru and will continue to go thru. I want to fix this so badly and know that I cant. It just makes me so sad and breaks my heart. Thank you so much Missy and Kristie for all the love and support you have given me the past few months. There were days when talking to you literally kept me sane.

Oh my goodness CC--take care of yourself (and family)! Healing vibes across the miles....

kind regards, Sharon


Apr 19, 2004
jerichosmom|1456421663|3995591 said:
I might as well share what's keeping me in a bad mood. Since May of last year, my husband's best friend has lived with us. He's unable to work due to a pending criminal investigation and has no money. We've been "lending" him money for the past 10 years (probably over 20k by now) and have received one nominal repayment of 2k. He eats here, he sleeps here. I feel sorry for him and we give him as much emotional support as we can....but my husband has enough stress due to work and I'm trying to keep the house and kids running smoothly while trying to revive my career. Our housemate is on anti-depressants and sleeps most of the day. So that's what keeps us in a bad mood everyday. Thanks for letting me vent...::::)

You are kind and generous friends--and in these circumstances sound like you are burning out. Take care of yourselves!!

kind regards--Sharon


Jun 8, 2008
jerichosmom|1456421663|3995591 said:
I might as well share what's keeping me in a bad mood. Since May of last year, my husband's best friend has lived with us. He's unable to work due to a pending criminal investigation and has no money. We've been "lending" him money for the past 10 years (probably over 20k by now) and have received one nominal repayment of 2k. He eats here, he sleeps here. I feel sorry for him and we give him as much emotional support as we can....but my husband has enough stress due to work and I'm trying to keep the house and kids running smoothly while trying to revive my career. Our housemate is on anti-depressants and sleeps most of the day. So that's what keeps us in a bad mood everyday. Thanks for letting me vent...::::)

jerichosmom, I am sorry you are going through what is a very challenging and difficult situation. You are being so generous to do this for your dh's best friend and kudos to you for that. I couldn't handle this situation that I know for sure. I hope that your dh's best friend gets his life together sooner rather than later so you can get your life back to the way you want it. And I echo Sharon's wise advice. Please take care of yourselves OK? And good luck with your career. (((Hugs))).

Madam Bijoux said:
Same thing that has always put me in a bad mood:
Cruelty to animals

Huge ditto.

Lil Misfit said:
Thanks missy. Today what's putting me in a bad mood is the custom made anniversary gift I ordered for DH finally shipped on Tuesday and was supposed to be delivered today, but now because of the snowstorm the delivery has been delayed and will need to be rescheduled. It's halfway here and I just pray that UPS doesn't "lose" it, as they've tended to do with my packages over the years. :angryfire:

Hope the anniversary gift has arrived by now or arrives very soon and that your dh loves it.

Calliecake said:
The thing that has put me in a bad mood lately is all my brother has been going thru and will continue to go thru. I want to fix this so badly and know that I cant. It just makes me so sad and breaks my heart. Thank you so much Missy and Kristie for all the love and support you have given me the past few months. There were days when talking to you literally kept me sane.

Callie sweetheart you know how much we love you and would do anything for you. We are always here for you no matter what. Here's hoping for much better days.(((Hugs))).
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