
What camera do you use?


Apr 26, 2007
I know we have a few incredibly talented pros with amazing equipment (hi, Kenny!), but I also know that some of the self-proclaimed low-tech people are taking some AMAZING photographs. What're you all using? High-end, low-end, if you love it, brag on it here!


Apr 19, 2010


Aug 14, 2009
I have the precursor to stargurl's ::) I got an s95 as soon as it came out and I'm still using it. I'd love to move up the ladder to a DSLR but I know myself, I'd go bananas with equipment and lenses and... one expensive hobby is more than enough :bigsmile: Well, that and the fact that if it isn't (actually) pocketable it'll never come with me.

I got a handful of filters for it - nothing fancy, just some B+W closeups/circular polarizer/ND4,8, they're small enough to carry around. I do also usually carry two memory cards, one with the CHDK scripts ( and one without. It lets you play with some REALLY neat stuff - extreme shutter speeds, time lapse - but I hate the UI and I find that to actually use any of it you need the perfect setup (enough light since aperture *is* capped, can't forget to stop and start the script when it's time to replace the battery) and none of that is going to happen unless you're devoting an afternoon to Taking Cool Pictures, so... can't say I use it much.

I want this:


Jan 9, 2004
I got a Canon T2i DSLR for Christmas a couple of years ago. My husband thought I'd play with it for a few weeks and then it would gather dust. Instead, I completely fell in love with photography and have taught myself pretty much everything there is to know about that camera and shooting in manual. I love it becuase I'm learning more every day. I desperately want to upgrade cameras but just can't justify the cost right now becuase it's a hobby. Hopefully sometime later this year!


Apr 30, 2005
Circe|1371039041|3464074 said:
I know we have a few incredibly talented pros with amazing equipment (hi, Kenny!), but I also know that some of the self-proclaimed low-tech people are taking some AMAZING photographs. What're you all using? High-end, low-end, if you love it, brag on it here!

Hi. :wavey:

Can't keep my mouth shut about one thing regardless of the price point of cameras ...
I know I've posted about this before; please don't hate me. ;(

Sensor Size

When shopping for you next camera get the largest sensor you can afford.
Sensor size is like Cut in diamonds in that it's the most important characteristic, yet it is the least understood.

People focus only on number of pixels, as in 12 MB vs 18 MB.
That has nothing to do with the size of the sensor.
Think of one box and how many oranges can fit in it vs. how many grapes.
The box is like the sensor and the pixels are the fruit.
In photography you want the largest box, for many reasons.
For certain pictures, especially low-light, a 24 megapixels from a small sensor will look worse than 16 pixels from a larger sensor.

Unfortunately sensor size in cameras is hard to compare because companies have all kinds of confusing names for sensor sizes.

Here's a graphic with the names and size comparison of some of the sensor sizes, and if you want to geek out here's a good read on sensor sizes.
The below link has a better chart with more sizes listed.
(Cellphones use the smallest sensors. :knockout: which are fine for easy pics like sunny day shots that you don't want to enlarge or crop tighter later.)

Lastly, PS's software reduces the size and resolution of all pics, so the difference between cameras is not really discernible ... other than close-focus ability.
When you see a good pic on PS it has more to do with the photographer's skill and lighting than the equipment used.



Aug 1, 2011
Although I have a Nikon DSLR with some pretty nice auxillary lenses- my "go to" camera is my Leica d-lux 4. It's small, but has some really nice features, works well in low light, and generally has very easy to use controls. I think they are on the d-lux 6 now which has a few more features than mine. But I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE this little camera!!!! Did I mention I love it??!! :lol:


Apr 19, 2010
Yssie|1371045911|3464130 said:
I have the precursor to stargurl's ::) I got an s95 as soon as it came out and I'm still using it. I'd love to move up the ladder to a DSLR but I know myself, I'd go bananas with equipment and lenses and... one expensive hobby is more than enough :bigsmile: Well, that and the fact that if it isn't (actually) pocketable it'll never come with me.

I got a handful of filters for it - nothing fancy, just some B+W closeups/circular polarizer/ND4,8, they're small enough to carry around. I do also usually carry two memory cards, one with the CHDK scripts ( and one without. It lets you play with some REALLY neat stuff - extreme shutter speeds, time lapse - but I hate the UI and I find that to actually use any of it you need the perfect setup (enough light since aperture *is* capped, can't forget to stop and start the script when it's time to replace the battery) and none of that is going to happen unless you're devoting an afternoon to Taking Cool Pictures, so... can't say I use it much.

I want this:

Yssie, that Sony was the camera I reeaaaallllllllyyy wanted to buy when I was searching for a camera but I just didn't want to spend that much (Circe - go for that one if you're willing to spend that much!). And your S95 was actually rated better than the S100 for the most part from what I read but I got a great price on S100 so I couldn't pass it up (hey, what can I say, I needed to save the difference for future bling purchases :wink2: )


Feb 21, 2010
I have a Nikon D60 that I bought about 5 years ago when I was still in college. Not terribly fancy by current standards but it is a DSLR and has allowed me to learn and play a bit. I'd love a few more lenses, but can't afford anything right now, especially as DH and I have just made the slightly terrifying decision to continue to live on pretty much 1 income while my student loans go into repayment so that I can focus on writing full time. Ahhh! :shock: :D Can't find a good emoticon for happily insane here... Anyway, I guess my photography hobby is going to have to stay more or less at its current level for a while.
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