
What are you wearing today?!

Me Too ... Me Too ... Me Too FlyGirl, Newberry and all LOL :wavey: :wavey: :wavey: :appl: :appl: :appl: :love: :love: :love:
4Ranch Girl|1437016310|3903429 said:
Fly Girl|1437015406|3903420 said:
CRDKeshi|1436929482|3902962 said:
Kay, my collection is also still small enough to transport :) Can't wait to see those new pieces, and old favorites. I do plan to bring my new "special" pieces you mentioned ... now the wardrobe is a much more difficult dilemma, sigh ... :)
So looking forward to seeing you and Kay at the ruckus. And your amazing pearls! I just selected my pearls tonight, and then worked on outfits for them. Isn't that how everyone dresses? :bigsmile: But, the Rikitea round blues and drop greens, as well as the multicolor rounds, are coming. I've worn the round Tahitian multicolor bracelet so much this past year, I'm thinking of leaving it for restringing after the ruckus. It seems to go with everything. And, of course, the Sea of Cortez mabes that I picked out last year and had set. I also have a couple of loose SoC rounds that need another pearl or two to go with them. :))
It is almost that wonderful time again. I look forward to seeing all of you and I can't wait to see all of everyones pearls :wavey: It will be three days of heaven :D

Just 8.5 more days! I can't wait to see you all again. :D :wavey: :appl: :dance:
My hope is that all of you attending the Ruckus will post with lots of pictures!
Frost Me|1437052853|3903524 said:
My hope is that all of you attending the Ruckus will post with lots of pictures!

Today is my Ripple and black spinel tin cup doubled

I am wearing a long awaited PP White Freshadama double strand bracelet. A birthday gift from DH. I love it, and him so much!

That is so classic and beautiful Frost Me!!
Thanks ckrickett, is so comfortable and the clasp doesn't fall forward it stays back very well.

FrostMe what a beautiful and classic bracelet. Your husband has good taste with his choice of both you and pearls. Happy anniversary and may this one only be the first of many more happy years to come.
That's lovely, Frost Me. What mm size are the pearls?
Thank you for your sweet comments 4Ranch Girl and Seaurchin. The pearls are 7.5 to 8.0.
Spectacular bracelet FrostMe! Congratulations :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl:
Thank you CRDKeshia. I would love to see your PP special metallics Kay was writing about!
FrostMe, that's a wonderful double strand bracelet! That type of bracelet is on my wish list. Happy anniversary :appl: .

Ckrickett, I'm always impressed when I see the strands you put together! The ripple and spinels look beautiful together and against the green of your top.
First time poster in pearls over here!!! :wavey:

I am pretty sure these will be the smallest pearls ever posted in this thread too! :lol:

But, these are so much fun! I just got them today as I wanted something for my second hole to go with my diamond studs.

These are the 3.5-4mm akoya studs from PP...I am dipping my feet in the pearl world and the water is warm...

valmanin, I love the twist! I wear a diamond in my second piercing, and a pearl in the first.

Btw, I love your ring! :drool:
Baby Nurse, thank you I just love it!

Valmanin, the Akoyas are perfectly petite, nothing like diamonds and pearls!
Just wanted to say that I like the look with the diamond studs. Very good idea!
valmanin|1437442467|3905453 said:
First time poster in pearls over here!!! :wavey:

I am pretty sure these will be the smallest pearls ever posted in this thread too! :lol:

But, these are so much fun! I just got them today as I wanted something for my second hole to go with my diamond studs.

These are the 3.5-4mm akoya studs from PP...I am dipping my feet in the pearl world and the water is warm...

Welcome, valmanin. I moved from diamonds and colored stones to the pearl world a few years ago. I think you will like it here. :wavey:

One terrific thing about pearls is that, besides being incredibly beautiful, they give you so much more size, or number, for the price. You could probably never afford 12mm diamond studs, for example, but you could have several pairs of gorgeous South sea or Tahitian earrings. Or, you can stay small. Designer Hisano Shepherd, in her little h line, has lots of smaller pearls.

Yes, the water is warm. :appl:

Frost Me, you asked to see my pink metallic color change pearls ... here they are :) A very soft, mysterious warm pink, but can look lavender, or even green overtones at times. Thanks for asking :)
Ckrickett, I love your pearl and spinel creations. (My autocorrect really wants to call you "Crockett.")

FrostMe, what a lovely anniversary gift. Congratulations and I hope you enjoy many more happy years together.

Valmanin, those are very sweet little pearl studs and they go so well with your diamonds. We often see larger pearl studs in the 1st hole with smaller diamond studs in the 2nd hole; it's nice to see the reverse too.

CRD, you scored big time with those metallic beauties. I look forward to seeing them on you.
valmanin|1437442467|3905453 said:
First time poster in pearls over here!!! :wavey:

I am pretty sure these will be the smallest pearls ever posted in this thread too! :lol:

But, these are so much fun! I just got them today as I wanted something for my second hole to go with my diamond studs.

These are the 3.5-4mm akoya studs from PP...I am dipping my feet in the pearl world and the water is warm...


Valmanin - I LOVE your pearls! They are so dainty and gorgeous, perfect for your second piercings.

Gorgeous pearls CRDKeshi!

Wearing my new 50" rope from the PP sale today, trying out different styles!




CRDKeshi|1437449303|3905496 said:

Frost Me, you asked to see my pink metallic color change pearls ... here they are :) A very soft, mysterious warm pink, but can look lavender, or even green overtones at times. Thanks for asking :)

WOW, those are reflective mirrors, the color shifting is just beautiful! What size are your drops on the earrings? :love:
Lots of beauties posted lately.

ckrickett, lovely necklace and goes perfect with that top.

Frost Me, I love your bracelet; classic and so chic.

Valmanin, the tiny pearls look great next to your diamond studs (which look pretty big next to the pearls, haha).

CRDKeshi, wow! beautiful earrings and necklace, the luster is to die for.

ricezo, your new rope looks beautiful on you, I like all the options but my favourite is the first one.
CRDKeshi|1437449303|3905496 said:

Frost Me, you asked to see my pink metallic color change pearls ... here they are :) A very soft, mysterious warm pink, but can look lavender, or even green overtones at times. Thanks for asking :)

Wonderful. Like padparadscha colors!
riczezo, Beautiful choice from the sale,it's fabulous on you. My pick is the second photo!
Beautiful everyone!
when I got those inexpensive ripple pearls little bit ago some of them were missing nacre, and one had a large missing portion near the hole, most of them I just tossed but this one had the most beautiful colors, I was determined to find a way to save it.

I came across some oxidized silver and pave diamond floral bead caps and bought a few, sure enough they fit the pearl like a glove and only the teeniest bit of the missing nacre shows through. so I made a little pendant and was wearing it today.

I tried taking a pic with it on but didn't come out good, so here it is n a piece of cloth.


reminds me of the types of pendants that Sarah offers at Kojima
Stunning pearls ladies! :clap: :love:
wow -- those color shifters look amazing!