
What a night, 2 robberies, a questionable neighbor and a racoon.

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Jan 13, 2006
To make a long story shorter, the 2 houses directly behind us were broken into last night. At 11 PM. That''s weird enough, way too early one would think, and both people were gone, how did they know?? (the one neighbor has 2 cars, so they couldn''t go by no car being there, but he works as a fireman, 24 hours on, then I think 48 off) We think they must have been casing the area. Luckily a neighbor came out to get his trash cans, saw who we think was the "look out", thought it was one of the neighbors that was getting robbed (it was dark) and said hi. When the guy didn''t respond, the neighbor went and called the cops.

They got some stuff from the new neighbor, who has only lived there 5 days, and who the cops were aquainted with. They said he''s not right, and won''t be there long, he''s renting.

We know they had gotten in the other house, because they tried to pry the side door open (deadbolt) from the inside, but didn''t get anything. They must have just started when the neighbor came out.

Swell, 19 years in this house (we live in one of the best neighborhoods) with basically nothing, and now this.

We did however catch another culprit, the one who''s been getting in our garbage every night for almost 2 weeks. Hubby even used bungee cords to keep the cans from getting opened, to no avail. So he borrowed a trap and set it up last night, and bingo. Hubby''s going to release it in the country. Cute, but enough is enough.

So, how was your night?



Nov 24, 2006
I am sorry about the break ins; I am glad they didn't get your house. Our neighborhood had a few break ins so we now have an alarm. Wow, what a cute guy; are you going to take him into the woods or make him your new pal?

ETA: oops, I see you are taking him to the country. Are you sure you don't want to keep him?!?! hehehe


Jan 13, 2006
Date: 8/11/2007 10:55:51 AM
Author: Skippy123
I am sorry about the break ins. Wow, what a cute guy; are you going to take him into the woods or make him your new pal?

ETA: oops, I see you are taking him to the country. Are you sure you don''t want to keep him?!?! hehehe
No, we are not keeping it.
It really is cute, but.... hubby is convinced there''s more where that came from, as it seems rather young. So, we''ll see.

Now, if I could train it to attack "would be" robbers.....


Jun 17, 2005
Ellen, not sure where you live but we have had a couple of follow home car jackings in the last couple of weeks and it is really scary. After that home invasion in Connecticut it is awful what is going on. Be safe and be vigilant and call the cops for whatever is suspicious. Do not worry about bothering them, that is their job. Better to be safe than sorry. Also that little guy could have rabies, be very careful!!!


Jan 13, 2006
Date: 8/11/2007 11:17:49 AM
Author: diamondfan
Ellen, not sure where you live but we have had a couple of follow home car jackings in the last couple of weeks and it is really scary. After that home invasion in Connecticut it is awful what is going on. Be safe and be vigilant and call the cops for whatever is suspicious. Do not worry about bothering them, that is their job. Better to be safe than sorry. Also that little guy could have rabies, be very careful!!!
I live in the midwest (IL) df, although I''m beginning to think it doesn''t matter WHERE you live anymore, unless it''s a gated community maybe. It''s just so maddening (now we must double check everything if we''re all gone), and sad, and creepy, to think people are watching you, and waiting....And yeah, we''ve all decided, if we see anybody that doesn''t "belong" around here, the cops are getting called, period.

I hear you on the rabies thing too. Hubby just went to check on Rocky, and he was putting his claws through the cage and digging up the yard, so he moved him to another area and he hissed at him, so I told he to wear heavy gloves when he takes him for the ride.

That is SO scary about the follow home car jackings.....I really hate this, I wanna go back 40 years....


Nov 24, 2006
No, not even gated communities
. A friend of my husbands lived in a very affluent gated community here in my city and was murdered in his own home. It is scary and very sad!!! It was all over the local news too!


Mar 26, 2006
Date: 8/11/2007 11:36:08 AM
Author: Ellen
Date: 8/11/2007 11:17:49 AM

Author: diamondfan

Ellen, not sure where you live but we have had a couple of follow home car jackings in the last couple of weeks and it is really scary. After that home invasion in Connecticut it is awful what is going on. Be safe and be vigilant and call the cops for whatever is suspicious. Do not worry about bothering them, that is their job. Better to be safe than sorry. Also that little guy could have rabies, be very careful!!!
I live in the midwest (IL) df, although I'm beginning to think it doesn't matter WHERE you live anymore, unless it's a gated community maybe. It's just so maddening (now we must double check everything if we're all gone), and sad, and creepy, to think people are watching you, and waiting....And yeah, we've all decided, if we see anybody that doesn't 'belong' around here, the cops are getting called, period.

I hear you on the rabies thing too. Hubby just went to check on Rocky, and he was putting his claws through the cage and digging up the yard, so he moved him to another area and he hissed at him, so I told he to wear heavy gloves when he takes him for the ride.

That is SO scary about the follow home car jackings.....I really hate this, I wanna go back 40 years....

Ellen, wow, what a wild night in your neighborhood! Glad you and your house are OK though.

About the gated community, LOL. I do live in one and we actually had someone shimmy under the gate (at the end of the complex without the guardhouse, but there is a security camera so they could look at the tape afterwards and see what had happened) and break into a few cars several months ago. So I guess you just ain't safe anywhere...

ETA: I just came home from picking up a check from a client and realized that I left the garage door open the whole time I was gone. But anyone who looked in our garage would promptly (and correctly) determine that we probably don't own anything worth stealing and keep on going!

Independent Gal

Nov 12, 2006
So sorry to hear that! In terms of the time of day, statistically, the overwhelming majority of housebreaking occurs DURING the day when people are at work, or when people area away on vacation, not at night when there''s a higher risk of waking someone / getting shot. Housebreakers are very rarely the seriously macho, violent type. (Rare doesn''t equal never of course). They look for empty houses to break into, sometimes watching the place, or get info from kids at school inadvertantly (someone mentions they''re family is going away on holiday... it makes its way to someone else...)

An alarm system is always a good idea because even though the chances of being broken into are fairly slim, it acts as a deterrent, and, like insurance, just knowing you have it makes you feel safer! I have a 24 hr doorman, but if I didn''t, I''d definitely get an alarm system.

Cute bandito you caught! hey, here''s another random interesting fact. Did you know that racoons sense of touch is as senstivie as our sense of sight? As, in, they get as rich a sensory picture from their hands as we do from our eyes. Isn''t that cool? They are also very, very smart. And fluffy!


Jan 13, 2006
Oh Skippy, that''s so sad.

Dee, we leave (or rather, left) our garage door open a lot, especially in the summer when it''s 5000 degrees out like it is now. There''s a fridge in there, so we kept it open so the thing didn''t overheat. Now we''ll just crack it I guess...

This was just such a nice, safe neighborhood, it really pizzes me off.


Jan 13, 2006
Date: 8/11/2007 11:43:36 AM
Author: Independent Gal
So sorry to hear that! In terms of the time of day, statistically, the overwhelming majority of housebreaking occurs DURING the day when people are at work, or when people area away on vacation, not at night when there''s a higher risk of waking someone / getting shot. Housebreakers are very rarely the seriously macho, violent type. (Rare doesn''t equal never of course). They look for empty houses to break into, sometimes watching the place, or get info from kids at school inadvertantly (someone mentions they''re family is going away on holiday... it makes its way to someone else...)

An alarm system is always a good idea because even though the chances of being broken into are fairly slim, it acts as a deterrent, and, like insurance, just knowing you have it makes you feel safer! I have a 24 hr doorman, but if I didn''t, I''d definitely get an alarm system.

Cute bandito you caught! hey, here''s another random interesting fact. Did you know that racoons sense of touch is as senstivie as our sense of sight? As, in, they get as rich a sensory picture from their hands as we do from our eyes. Isn''t that cool? They are also very, very smart. And fluffy!
I know!! That''s why we were so surprised at the time of day (or night rather) they did it, it wasn''t like it was 3 or 4 in the morning when people would be asleep, it was when people would be coming home, or could still be up.

We have been discussing an alarm system, as we don''t have one. Just never felt the need before. Guess we''ll have to start researching those....

Wow, facinating fact about racoons, I had no idea! And smart is right.

It was playing with the plastic cup hubby had put the bait in, and I really was marveling at how agile it''s hands were.


Mar 14, 2005
That''s really scary Ellen and I''m just glad that nothing happened at your place. I think the others are right that none of us are safe these days no matter where we live. These are frightening times and that horrible event with the family in Connecticut really brings home how vulnerable we all are. Even alarms and gated communities are no guarantee, but I do think it is important to lock up the house at all times and to be aware of your surroundings to at least reduce the risk somewhat. As for the raccoon at least it is better than a skunk!!!


Jul 14, 2006
Wow, so much activity.

I know what you mean about the scary burglary thing. We had nothing at all for years and years and then, whammo, we got a whole streak of them. Cops say this is normal, apparently when they go to rob, they go for multiple properties if they can.

Our whole neighborhood got very involved with the problem and we look out for each other now. I also got a "dispatch" number for the police. This is a number you can call if you see someone odd in your neighborhood and you want to alert authorities but it is not an emergency that you would want to call 911 for. I loaded it onto my cell so I have it very handy! You might want to try this.

As for your furry friend....maybe it is best to call animal control and let them move him to an area they feel is appropriate. Handling him could be very dangerous and putting him and the cage in your car could even be an issue as he may have parasites or other pathogens that could get into your car.

Plus, for his own happiness, you want to move him somewhere that might be "friendly" for him. I do not know about how racoons are socialized to each other or how they establish territories, but just dropping him somewhere could prove fatal for the little guy.


Feb 17, 2006
I agree with Beacon re: calling Animal Control. They can handle him safer and know where he could be safely released. He could be in danger if your hubby takes him to an unfriendly area.

We''ve had a few home invasions in our area lately, but in inner-city Baltimore, it''s not that unusual. Unfortunately most of the recent ones have been due to people leaving 2nd floor windows open because of the heat... A guy climbs up (or down from the roof) and in and the people are being woken up at night by a man on top of them with a knife. So far, they''ve all been able to convince him to leave... seems more like a robbery, but there have been attempted rapes. No reports of successful rapes yet. We think he''s a kid that doesn''t know what he''s doing... It''s not comforting though. We never open our windows, EVER.


Jun 17, 2005
A lot of times there are inside jobs with these killings. Not the random robberies for drug money, but there are times when it is a set up. Still scary, but less random at that point. I even worry in gated communities, you never know who these rent a cops are who are "guarding" access to your neighborhood. That is what is so hard...anyone can infiltrate anywhere they want to, if they really desire to do so. We all must be very aware and vigilant.

in Beverly Hills many years back there were a lot of rolex robberies, and they really went after people, even killing them in public in broad daylight. Also there were many follow homes, where wealthy people were followed home after black tie events, when they had their jewels on...they would be watched exiting hotels and be followed driving home. As they waiting for their gates to their homes to open, someone would run at them and rob them in the driveway. This was rampant for years. I think in Dallas too when there was a lot of oil money and women went out in fabulous jewels, they were being robbed in front of the restaurant as they were leaving. You never know if the valet sees you going in, has a buddy, describes what you are wearing and the car you drive, and tells their accomplice about you and alerts them as to when you have left the place. It is just too scary.

Skippy, I am sorry about your friend. But it can happen so easily, a delivery van is let in, workers, etc, no place really has top notch security these days, and if there is a will there is always a way for a criminal to figure out a way in.


Oct 30, 2002
freaky night!!! the racoon looks ashamed.

recently one of the houses up the street on the corner was robbed, during broad daylight, the ownder is an old man, they tied him up while robbing him, and told him to just sit there and he''d be fine.
just horrible, how scary. he already is making it alone and probably doesn''t have that much longer on this earth and then this happens. seriously at times like that you really wonder what this world is coming to (and if we want to bring a child into it at some point!).

i always am paranoid about people watching our houses or our routines etc to know when we are in or out...we have an alarm and the portia rat and nosy neighbors all around, but sometimes you just really never know about being safe.

door knob solitaire

Jun 26, 2005
Time or light or lack of light means nothing today. You and your stuff are no longer safe in the day time.

My mother is a hospice worker. Had spent years at the side of a precious little lady. 4 months in a home during those months mothers house was robbed. She entered her house to feel cold air across the floor-the cold air was the other door just closing. They were brazen enough to remain inside until she had closed the garage door and was safe inside. They left through the front door. Had to be someone at the home who knew she lived alone...and that she would return at 11:20.

A heads up, and I am ashamed I have never posted this. Cell phones are being using in my city as criminal tools...and they got me!

I had gone into B&N for a book, as I walked through the front door I noticed a guy on the phone...he sort of looked at me...while talking...and I thought it was odd, as most people are so tuned out while on the phone. Then I looked back and he was at the window watching me. Then he came inside and grabbed the first magazine he came to. Peered over the top at me. I was thinking I should go to security-this guy had no interest in that magazine.

What was he doing with the cell phone? He was talking to the thugs in the parking lot and describing the car I got out of. If was his job to watch me to give them enough time to get my stereo, and all things inside my compartments.

When your antennae tell you something is awry, listen. I wish I had. Be a trained observer always. Just like this neighbor who didn't get a hello from the neighbor. He rocks! Many would just walk away and sulk.


Oh that little sticker raccoon. He is also a bandit. My evening was uneventful...thanks for asking!


Jul 14, 2006
Holy cow DKS, that is the scariest story! What a scheme and I can see how it is effective. That is really terrible.

May I ask, what kind of car do you have? Is it one that attracts attention or just something simple?

Your advice regarding following your intution/inner voice is excellent. We all need to be as observant as possible. Wow your story is frightening. At least they only bothered your car and not you.


Jan 13, 2006
Sundial, thanks. And yes, frightening times indeed. I hate it, I really do.

lol Yes, a skunk would have been an entirely different story!

Beacon, I will try and look into that "dispatch" number. That would be much better than calling 911 for sure. Thanks for the info!

Hubby went ahead and took him to some woods, but he did put a big hard plastic sheet down in the trunk first. And then vacumed it out afterwards.

I''m sure it will be alright where he put it, they are all over the place here, and the only "predators" we have are coyotes that run on the bluffs, which isn''t where he took it.

Sumbride, how scary! And sad, that you can''t ever open your windows. I would move, I just refuse to live like that.

Mara, lol! I thought the exact same thing, he looked ashamed.
And well he should have, for all the garbage he dragged out.

What a shame about that old man. I loathe robbers to begin with, but my feelings go to a whole other level when they attack older, truly defenseless people.

DKS, wow. What a bummer. I''m just glad they didn''t do anything to you!

And yes, listening to ones instincts are crucial. They are rarely wrong. I learned that long, long ago, and always listen to mine. And not just in this type of situation, but in all types. It has served me well.

Actually, I think I''m more worried now about the new neighbor than the robbers. I heard a bit more about him from the neighbor who called the police. He sounds like a bit of a loose cannon....I hope the cops are right and he''s gone soon. Frankly, I wonder if he deals drugs. He''s renting the house and doesn''t work.....


Nov 24, 2006
Did you set him out in the wilderness? hehehe


Jan 13, 2006
Date: 8/12/2007 11:20:30 AM
Author: Skippy123
Did you set him out in the wilderness? hehehe
Yes, he took him to some woods nearby.

This morning there was a kitten in there. There''s a family of wild cats that live up the alley. He let it go and it ran right home. We think they''ve been munching on the leftovers after the racoons get done.


May 24, 2005
Date: 8/11/2007 2:25:14 PM
Author: door knob solitaire
Time or light or lack of light means nothing today. You and your stuff are no longer safe in the day time.

My mother is a hospice worker. Had spent years at the side of a precious little lady. 4 months in a home during those months mothers house was robbed. She entered her house to feel cold air across the floor-the cold air was the other door just closing. They were brazen enough to remain inside until she had closed the garage door and was safe inside. They left through the front door. Had to be someone at the home who knew she lived alone...and that she would return at 11:20.

A heads up, and I am ashamed I have never posted this. Cell phones are being using in my city as criminal tools...and they got me!

I had gone into B&N for a book, as I walked through the front door I noticed a guy on the phone...he sort of looked at me...while talking...and I thought it was odd, as most people are so tuned out while on the phone. Then I looked back and he was at the window watching me. Then he came inside and grabbed the first magazine he came to. Peered over the top at me. I was thinking I should go to security-this guy had no interest in that magazine.

What was he doing with the cell phone? He was talking to the thugs in the parking lot and describing the car I got out of. If was his job to watch me to give them enough time to get my stereo, and all things inside my compartments.

When your antennae tell you something is awry, listen. I wish I had. Be a trained observer always. Just like this neighbor who didn''t get a hello from the neighbor. He rocks! Many would just walk away and sulk.


Oh that little sticker raccoon. He is also a bandit. My evening was uneventful...thanks for asking!

OMG, what happened? Did they take your purse or something? I think you''re right -- any time I''ve ignored my intuition I''ve been sorry.

Ellen, it really is scarey and I''m sorry this happened in your neighborhood. I''m glad it didn''t happen to you, but I''m sorry for your neighbor. The racoon is something else!


Jan 13, 2006
Thanks lump!

This one''s a lot bigger. Two down, how many to go?

Oh, and while we thought the cats were eating after the racoons, my son came home late the other night, and said the cats were eating WITH the racoons. I''m surprised at that, I wouldn''t picture them getting along.



Apr 22, 2004
Woah! That 2nd racoon is a big one. I guess the Koons and Kats families are friendly neighbours.


Apr 30, 2005
Glad you and yours are ok EL.


Jan 13, 2006
Date: 8/13/2007 12:01:25 PM
Author: Chrono
Woah! That 2nd racoon is a big one. I guess the Koons and Kats families are friendly neighbours.
lol After hearing another odd story about the new neighbor, I think we can add Kook to those.

Thanks Lorelei!
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