
What’s your cool ‘finding hidden “treasure”’ story?

Apr 22, 2020
Like stories of things you just found while cleaning that you didn’t know existed, or on the beach etc.

One of the coolest things I found was a few years ago, a couple years after my grandmother passed away. At the time when her personal effects were handled a lot of her things (Not willed) were taken or donated by family members and I was not in the country so I didn’t get a chance to do so. Her wedding sari could not be found back then though, I remember. After some time when I was visiting my grandfather he asked us to help him spring clean, and while spring cleaning we found her wedding sari, carefully wrapped up in pristine condition, amongst old unused crockery in a loft. I got to keep it and after some minor restoration it is as good as new and just incredibly beautiful.

An even better story happened to a family friend - he has a girlfriend he plans to propose to soon, but he couldn’t afford a nice engagement ring and was planning to propose without (wouldve done so this year but he wants to now wait till post Covid). He lost his grandparents a couple years ago and some of his grandmother’s jewelry was never found, and his mother told him that if any of them ever find it, they can split it between him and his brother, but it was nowhere - not in her own cupboard, not the grandmother’s old cupboards, not in the bank etc. Literally just the other week his mom was going through her mother in law’s stuff boxed in the attic to start finally sorting it through and donating things almost 3y post, and she found an old sewing kit, and inside the sewing kit was a small pouch with a pair of 2ish ctw diamond earrings, and some other things! They got the earrings tested, and they actually are diamond and gold, and his mom gave him one earring and has kept the other for his brother when he wants to propose.

Any cool stories you all have to share?
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