
Well, no more ebay stones....

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Nov 10, 2009
I havnt had a problem with the stones lately, but paypal froze my account. Dont know why, except they thought "I was high risk". I am super teed off about it expecially sence I had $480 in my paypal account that I now cannot touch. I have 190 100% feedback, no bid clue what put me into the high risk catagory. Anyone have an idea? The only way they will release my funds is if I fax them a TON of personal information, give them a detailed description and tracking number of the past 15 purchases and my bank account/routing number.

Sence I do not feel like having my identity stolen (the amount of info they want is enough to get a social security card and birth cirtificate made...and I dont trust some over seas outsourced worker with that information) I guess I am out $480 and no more ebay stones. I have gotten some GREAT deals on my stones and I am sad I will find deals no more on there.

My tanzanite supplier is paid via paypal too, so I am hoping he got paid (I paid him right before the paypal nazis froze me). I havnt been able to get into contact with him.

Did you call paypal to find out if this is legit? Someone might be trying to steal your identity/paypal infor and make it look like it''s really paypal. I would call their hotline.
Date: 12/12/2009 11:31:45 PM
Author: tourmaline_lover
Did you call paypal to find out if this is legit? Someone might be trying to steal your identity/paypal infor and make it look like it''s really paypal. I would call their hotline.

Ditto. Something similar happened to me about 5 years ago and it turned about to be a scam. Sounds like this might be too.
Yes, I found it out after I went to my pay pal to WITHDRAWL the money in it. SURPRISE, I cant do it! I sold a necklace on ebay and now paypal stole my money I got for it. I have no complaints from the buyer, and no negitive balance.

I called paypal and gave them a piece of my mind. I told them how I was scammed with 2 fake stones by a thai seller, and they are STILL in business with multiple negitive 'fake' feedbacks, yet ME with 100% feedback, and no problems what so ever is now frozen out of the blue. He told me in order to get my money out and my account un frozen I need to give him all the information they ask for, and it can take 90 days after that to un freeze it. Like I said, the information is VERY personal (they want me to mail in/fax my utility bills, copy of my ID, copy of my SS card, bank info ect) and I refuse to do it.

SO it is very real. And I am very ***** about it.
Is it possible that someone has have already stolen your identity and used it for suspicious activity and that's why ebay is suspicious? If I were you I would be checking my credit rating and making sure nobody's using my ID.
eBay has different policies for buyers and sellers. When you become a seller there is additional scrutiny. The documentation you''ve been asked to provide is standard for all sellers.
--- but paypal froze my account. Dont know why, except they thought "I was high risk".----

Oh, no. I had this recently too. But, all it was is that they were updating the security and they just wanted me to reaffirm my name, address and all. Try logging in again and seeing if you get any messages. Also, PayPal had sent me an e-mail about it. See if you have an e-mail and read it carefully.
I''m sorry, but I don''t believe this kind of thing happens for no reason..?
I would be calling the hotline asking "why" not to give them a "piece of my mind"..
(unless I already knew why)..

Perhaps trying phoning back with a different employee and the aim of gaining more info..catch more flies with honey and all that..
Yes, it happens for a reason.

When you buy on eBay, you''re a consumer and you''re entitled to your privacy, beyond the banking or credit card information you need to provide to obtain a PayPal account.

When you become a seller, you''re now in business and PayPal requires you to register your business. You might see yourself as just selling the odd item, but PayPal doesn''t distinguish between casual sellers and those who are earning their livelihood from eBay. There is a whole range of business and tax laws that come into play in this situation. Don''t blame PayPal.
Paypal don''t do this for fun because obviously it harms their business so there must be an underlying issue.

If you''re selling jewellery/gemstones on Ebay it may well be that you''re regarded as a Seller but as you haven''t registered as a Seller then you''re "high risk".

If that''s not the issue then Paypal are just doing their normal verification checks. Every now and again they do this. Just go with the flow and as AJ suggested speak to them and see if there''s any other ID that they would accept that would give you more comfort about providing it.
PayPal is easy to deal with. Understand that you''re dealing with a vast financial entity with more than 180 million customer accounts. They have well-defined procedures so just give them what they need and everything will go smoothly. Just keep in mind when you contact them that you''ll be dealing with a low-level clerical employee who has a checklist of required documentation. When you supply everything on the list they take action on your account. The people that you talk to have zero discretionary powers, so don''t expect to "negotiate" with them. Taking out your frustration on them is equally useless, since they are just doing paperwork as instructed.
Date: 12/13/2009 1:26:19 AM
Author: morecarats
eBay has different policies for buyers and sellers. When you become a seller there is additional scrutiny. The documentation you've been asked to provide is standard for all sellers.

"they want me to mail in/fax my utility bills, copy of my ID, copy of my SS card, bank info ect)"

Nope, I'm a seller there, since 2000 - 2001, with rather frequent sales of items costing $800 - $2000 but not jewelry. I have never been asked to supply that information to PayPal.
Date: 12/13/2009 8:21:45 AM
Author: HVVS
Date: 12/13/2009 1:26:19 AM

Author: morecarats

eBay has different policies for buyers and sellers. When you become a seller there is additional scrutiny. The documentation you''ve been asked to provide is standard for all sellers.

''they want me to mail in/fax my utility bills, copy of my ID, copy of my SS card, bank info ect)''

Nope, I''m a seller there, since 2000 - 2001, with rather frequent sales of items costing $800 - $2000 but not jewelry. I have never been asked to supply that information to PayPal.

I''ve been asked to submit all of the above documentation to qualify as an eBay seller (in 2006). It was a one time event, not a recurring requirement. Maybe the rules have changed you started selling there 10 years ago.
I was never asked to submit anything as a seller, but to be fair I''ve only sold clothing/accessories and other "low-risk" type items.

Considering just the fraudulent stories we have heard here on PS from various ebay victims (speaking more about diamonds now), I''m not surprised they are more closely scrutinizing new gem and jewellery sellers..
Actually when I called, I DID ask why. I was told it was because my account was high risk. They wouldnt give me any more information. When they then told me they needed highly personal information AND it would take 90 days to get my money, that is when I gave them a piece of my mind. I understand needing additional information (maybe an ID, and a utility bill) but my SS card (All I need to get a new birth cirtificate is ID, SS card and a utility bill)? Any John Doe can work at paypal, and come into contact with this information. Paypal is completely outsourced. I am not giving someone in another country this information. And the fact they are holding my money for a legitimate item Tees me off. I was happy, buyer was happy, what is the problem?! I can understand if I had a complaint but not for absolutely nothing. Like I said, the scam seller selling synthetic spinels as tanzanites is apparently doing business with no problem.

I havnt sold any gems...I sold 1 gold necklace. My husbands used one that I wasnt happy with the gold trade in amount. My previous sales were low risk items as well (kids clothing lot, toys, household junk ect.)

I did some research and apparently they will freeze your account for any number of reasons. Adding a new credit card, removing a credit card, change of address, recieving a large amount of money (over 200$), sending over 200$...and a whole list of reasons.
I actually added a new credit card about 3 hours before the account was frozen. So I am thinking that is what did it (again they wont give me the reason). Treating a good reliable customer this way is absolutely absurd. And I wont be giving them my money any more.
Is it possible to have one paypal account strictly for buying and one for selling?
Well, I'm sorry you feel that way.
I've added a credit card on Paypal, changed contact details and sent *way* more than $200 in numerous transactions. Maybe I've been lucky.
Perhaps you've been unlucky.

But as more carats said, you are dealing with a bottom-rung employee who is just following instructions - once you give them what they ask for everything should be fine.
Or if you aren't content with their request, ask to speak to someone in a higher authority and perhaps negotiate what level of content you need to send them?

Just as an aside, I'm not sure if your assertion that just because Paypal's services are "outsourced to foreigners" it means your identity will automatically be stolen. This is pretty narrow-minded.

And in fact, if you have a credit card with any major bank, all of their services and hence your sensitive information is BPO'd and already in the hands of some "over seas outsourced worker", so it's really not much different, yanno?

I guess if you're simply not willing to budge on the matter, than you will need to forfeit a reasonable amount of money, and buying through Ebay (or many other sites), could become quite troublesome for you.
I know from my POV as a seller, a buyer without a Paypal acct. always threw up a "red flag" for me, personally.
I guess you could start a new account just for purchases? But I doubt that is allowed, I'm not sure..

I think right now you are just mad and frustrated, but I would rethink your reasoning if I were in your shoes..
Thats just weird. I have sold stuff on ebay before and I''ve NEVER had my paypal account frozen. I''ve had my paypal acct since 1999. I''ve had a couple of disputes too. I would certainly call back and go as high up the chain as you can.

Heck, call every day and bug them, this is your account and if you know you haven''t done anything wrong, then get them to make it right!

Date: 12/13/2009 10:13:57 AM
Author: arjunajane
Well, I'm sorry you feel that way.
I've added a credit card on Paypal, changed contact details and sent *way* more than $200 in numerous transactions. Maybe I've been lucky.
Perhaps you've been unlucky.

But as more carats said, you are dealing with a bottom-rung employee who is just following instructions - once you give them what they ask for everything should be fine.
Or if you aren't content with their request, ask to speak to someone in a higher authority and perhaps negotiate what level of content you need to send them?

Just as an aside, I'm not sure if your assertion that just because Paypal's services are 'outsourced to foreigners' it means your identity will automatically be stolen. This is pretty narrow-minded.

And in fact, if you have a credit card with any major bank, all of their services and hence your sensitive information is BPO'd and already in the hands of some 'over seas outsourced worker', so it's really not much different, yanno?

I guess if you're simply not willing to budge on the matter, than you will need to forfeit a reasonable amount of money, and buying through Ebay (or many other sites), could become quite troublesome for you.
I know from my POV as a seller, a buyer without a Paypal acct. always threw up a 'red flag' for me, personally.
I guess you could start a new account just for purchases? But I doubt that is allowed, I'm not sure..

I think right now you are just mad and frustrated, but I would rethink your reasoning if I were in your shoes..
You are taking my words and twisting them. Would you send you SS card, ID and vital information to a person over seas you spoke to over the phone and never met in person? A bank is federally insured. Paypal is NOT. Apples to oranges. The only card I use with paypal is a prepaid visa card to prevent fraudulant charges. Any time I have given my SS and vital information together is when I am face to face with a person in a secure setting (a bank or federal/state office).

I HAVE had my indenity stolen in the past, and it cost me alot of money and stress. I am sorry, I do not trust handing this information over to someone I spoke to over the phone.

Please dont twist my words either. I never said "just because Paypal's services are 'outsourced to foreigners' it means your identity will automatically be stolen". If you are going to quote me, quote my exact words. Giving my information to someone I spoke to over the phone in another country increases my risk for sure. I do not know their screening process for their employees or their privacy measures in countries other then the US.

I plan on calling again today. Yesterday I spoke to some guy in disputes. After reading about other peoples issues with paypal (apparently it is happening enough to cause a class action lawsuit against paypal) I am not feeling very good about getting this resolved without giving in to their requests. If I cant get anywhere, I guess I will just consider it a loss (as much as it sucks). Merry christmas paypal...enjoy my money. Anyone who sells with paypal, just be careful because there are alot of people who have had paypal for years and sold, then all of a sudden their accounts are frozen and money is frozen for no reason. Many do what they say and their accounts arnt unfrozen. Very poor business practices.
Do a google on "paypal frozen" and "paypal limited"
I am not sure. I know if they freeze one paypal account, they wil freeze any others linked to it. My mother also uses my ebay account, and has her own paypal. I am waiting for her to say her account is frozen because they linked it though ebay.
I wasn't twisting your words - ok, here is your direct quote:

"Sence I do not feel like having my identity stolen (the amount of info they want is enough to get a social security card and birth cirtificate made...and I dont trust some over seas outsourced worker with that information"

Do you know the screening process for employees and the privacy measures for every financial company you deal with in the US?
Sorry, I'm not trying to be argumentative just pointing out that your reasoning for not cooperating doesn't necessarily make sense..

Good luck with resolving your situation.
Thank you correctly quoting me. And as I said, employment screening and personal security measures are different and regulated differently overseas.Yes I do. I have worked with vital information and here in the US (and taken a years worth of college classes for it), by law you must shred or destroy written information or secure it in a locked cabinet. The places that hold this information is regularly audited to make sure they are protecting peoples information. Sending my information to some country (I have no idea where it will be forwarded to) where I dont know what laws are in place to protect me isnt going to happen.
They did something similar to me when I was selling several events tickets on Ebay. I asked to speak to a manager, told them I had no interest in continuing to be registered as a seller but if they didn''t unfreeze my account I would complain to the BBB, the Internet mail fraud department, etc and I would make a commercial claim in my home state and sue them in small claims court. Unsurprisingly, the money was returned to me in 24 hours.
I will try that today! Thanks! I will look up the names of the internet fraud departments so I can give them names. Something just doesnt seem legal about them freezing my money without any court orders or higher power outside of paypal.
For goodness sake this thread is waaayyyyyyyyyyyyyyy out of hand. This isn''t criminal, it isn''t going to result in a class law suit AND foreigners (since I am one) CAN be trusted.

Try to resolve it. If you can''t, like many of us have done, then that''s a shame but don''t attack others when you''ve used such defamatory phrases as "...and I dont trust some over seas outsourced worker with that information"

Please bear in mind that this board is full of overseas participants who will have found your comments obnoxious.
I cant believe so many people have taken what I said completely out of context. People interpret anything they can in order to make it offensive and thats a shame. You are twisting what I said to mean I dont trust over seas workers, when I mean (and clarified) that I dont trust the laws and screening used in an unknown country where my information is being sent. If that is obnoxious of me and wrong...then I guess I am a horrible person for it. So be it. I have worked in areas where this type of information is handled and it is VERY easy to let one piece of paper slip and be given to the wrong person w/o proper guidelines. Can you tell me what the federal guidelines for customer privacy are in russia, china, japan, india, greece, dubia, mexico, germany, and spain are? If you cant give them to me for every country (the main countries of outsourcing, and sence I dont know what country my information is being sent to) then you cant tell me I am being narrow minded or 'obnoxious'.
And I hate to tell you, but there IS a class action lawsuit being filed against paypal for their practices. Again, google it.

Trust who ever you want to trust I guess, and willingly give out your information to unknown sources. Its not my money, I dont care. I hear there is a man in nigeria willing to give money just gotta give him some of your personal information/bank account information.
Read the words you used again. They are offensive. "I dont trust some over seas outsourced worker..." If you use words as you have, don''t be surprised if foreigners find it obnoxious.

This forum is about gemstones and quite frankly discussing Paypal and whether you can use it or not isn''t exactly enthralling.
Then dont post on it. Whats not enthralling is taking everything someone says and twisting it into something else to create drama, or turning it into something offensive in nature. THe post was origionally about not being able to buy stones of ebay anymore, but was turned into a mess about not trusting people from other countries and not using paypal. That is why people cant even sneeze today w/o offending someone because society is so wrapped up making EVERYTHING someone says or does into something it isnt. I try not to associate with people like that because while taking offence to something, they are i n reality creating the tention that causes the drama in the first place.

So with that, I wish you the best of luck in your stone buying. Im outtie.
I don''t know, I would also be very wary about giving out (faxing!) such critical personal information without a) knowing why it''s needed, and b) knowing how the particular company handles such secure information. I agree with others though, arguing with the customer rep certainly won''t get you anywhere, they''re simply doing their jobs and following procedures. And risk is a risk whether a company outsources or not, personally I would be just as wary even if the company was in the states. I would however ask to speak to someone higher up to at least understand the reason behind this and how it can be resolved in a way that makes you feel more comfortable. I don''t think it''s unreasonable to demand reassurance when they''re asking for your personal information, when the risk of identity theft is so high.
I buy very little off ebay [swarovski beads] still got my account frozen for two weeks, I knew it wasn't me, turned out my seller had 4-5 disputes simultineously, unfortunately paypal didn't want to discuss that with me when I called
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