
Weight Loss


Sep 1, 2009
@Loves Vintage looks good. Quinoa is yummy! Broccoli for dinner sounds good. I've had a big plate for breakfast or lunch in past but DH says a plate of broccoli is not a complete dinner.

I just remembered I tucked fruitcake in the kitchen cupboards somewhere since it was too fresh. Grandpa said it needed to sit longer before eating. Now I don't remember where I put it or if we already ate it.:roll:wall:


Jun 9, 2017
Thanks, Jambalaya! He was really in bad shape, and this diagnosis (less than two weeks ago) has thrown us for a loop.

But, on the upside, there is no better motivator for eating right!

There are so many things with sneaky fat and calories! I'm amazed, I thought we were eating well all these years. :nono: But even white tortillas are carb and calorie bombs! I made him a romaine lettuce, tomatoes, beans and rice burrito with salsa (a free food!) using these Smart and Delicious Low Carb Tortillas and they were a hit. So good for him, not a weird taste. Again, at Costco.

Low carbs (which your body turns into fat if you don't exercise a ton), low sugar (more fat), low fat (self-explanatory :bigsmile: ) food. High fiber fills you up. Veggies, fruits (NOT juice!) are free food.

He's dieted tons of times over the years, just yo-yos back up. This high fiber stuff is keeping him full, apples & fruits for sweetness, no fat cheeses, lots of chicken/tuna/shrimp/pork chops. I think we might have a shot this time. :)

I realise this thread is old! But just to clarify, healthy fats in moderation such as avocado and eggs (they are calorie dense) can actually lower your cholesterol and have many other health benefits, as well as keep you fuller for longer. Eliminating all fats from your diet will be detrimental. Eliminating bad fats is the way to go.

Portion control and eating a calorie deficit is the key. Try having a big drink of water before meals/often.

Don’t starve yourself or you will end up binging.


Sep 1, 2009
I've been bad about the treadmill this week. Diet has been mostly very good. Haven't gotten on the scale all week. We got hit with snow this week so I feel all out of sorts. It is too cold downstairs with the treadmill but turning the furnace up at all leaves me feeling ready to collapse. I have done some snow shoveling so that makes up for some?

Ally T

Oct 24, 2012
I've been bad about the treadmill this week. Diet has been mostly very good. Haven't gotten on the scale all week. We got hit with snow this week so I feel all out of sorts. It is too cold downstairs with the treadmill but turning the furnace up at all leaves me feeling ready to collapse. I have done some snow shoveling so that makes up for some?

Snow shoveling is huge exercise! I feel your lack of motivation this last week. I came down with my first cold of the winter towards the end of the week before, which left me with a banging head, totally blocked nose & bad chest. I am on the right side of it now, just a bit of a cough & sticky throat, so i’ll be doing the next 3 mornings in the gym to make up for lying on the sofa eating chocolate digestives for a week! I shall take it easier tomorrow though, with just a 25-30 minute run & 10 minute row, which hopefully my chest will allow me to do, and get things moving again.


Jun 9, 2017
Cold weather is certainly unmotivating! And yes, any activity, counts. Shoveling snow isn’t as good as a weights session at the gym, but without a doubt hard work and good use of energy. The treadmill is good, but in order to see the best benefits you need to challenge your body (and mind - it’s a mental battle too). Walking on 4 for 2 hours a day will not yield the results most people are looking for. You are better doing a 20-40min workout (depending on fitness and intensity). Depends what you’re goals are.

It is hard to fit it all in! I now do stretching, rolling and Physio exercises in front of the tv lol.


Jun 9, 2017
As a woman I cannot endorse the programming of weights (heavy and light) into a fitness routine. It burns fat, builds muscle, increases all aspects of fitness, and puts curves in all the right places. Not to mention makes you feel strong and is fun! It’s funny, a lot of people think that heavy weights will make them look like one of those bulky bodybuilders, but the reality is no normal woman will ever look like that without performance enhancing drugs.


Aug 7, 2013
Haven’t updated for a couple of weeks—my gym’s challenge is ending this week! I’m motivated to finish strong. :halo:

Weight is down after not moving much for a couple of weeks (I know I have been gaining lots of muscle, though!). I’ve lost about 15 pounds since Jan 1, and I am proud of that! Final weigh-in is Sunday at 10:00–I was lucky to score the first time slot available! My family is headed to a favorite Italian restaurant to celebrate for lunch that day. :dance: Then on Monday, it’s right back to it—I am looking forward to dropping the next 15 this spring.


Sep 1, 2009
Dinner last night—acorn squash with turkey sausage and spinach filling. A big hit with the kids!

That looks amazing! I need to do something with spaghetti squash this week. Used up my acorn squash stash last week.

I have been struggling physically. I'm trying to at least keep my food choices healthy!


Dec 12, 2006
my weight is still holding the same, its a every day struggle sometimes I get very discouraged and just want to say to heck with it...I get so tired of being hungry and I get tired of walking every night, but I force myself to do both..I still have 1 pound to go to get back to where I was before the holidays, I realize it is only 1 pound but to me its a real struggle...I think my current situation both workwise and personal wise it getting in the way of my caring...oh well...I will soldier on, you all keep up the good work


Jun 8, 2008
my weight is still holding the same, its a every day struggle sometimes I get very discouraged and just want to say to heck with it...I get so tired of being hungry and I get tired of walking every night, but I force myself to do both..I still have 1 pound to go to get back to where I was before the holidays, I realize it is only 1 pound but to me its a real struggle...I think my current situation both workwise and personal wise it getting in the way of my caring...oh well...I will soldier on, you all keep up the good work

Hi there @diamondringlover I am not following the thread per se and have missed posts so forgive me if I am overstepping but when you are hungry have you tried to make yourself a cup of herbal tea? That might be all you need to satiate your hunger as long as you are getting enough calories throughout the day that is. Sometimes we are just thirsty when we feel hungry and we just need to drink a glass of water or have a cup of tea. I find herbal teas relaxing and satiating. Anyway just wanted to mention it in case it can help you at all. And also remember it is OK to backslide as long as you get back to it. Don't let temporary setbacks get you down. Sending you lots of good wishes for continued success.


Sep 1, 2009
my weight is still holding the same, its a every day struggle sometimes I get very discouraged and just want to say to heck with it...I get so tired of being hungry and I get tired of walking every night, but I force myself to do both..I still have 1 pound to go to get back to where I was before the holidays, I realize it is only 1 pound but to me its a real struggle...I think my current situation both workwise and personal wise it getting in the way of my caring...oh well...I will soldier on, you all keep up the good work

Don't give up! You are so close.

Every body is different, but I have found that if I am feeling hungry it helps to see what I am missing in my meals. If I'm drinking plenty of water and herbal tea, I shouldn't feel hungry. It is usually too little protein or not enough carb with the protein. Adding a handful of tomatoes to my two eggs at breakfast made a huge difference in feeling full until lunch. Same with having half an apple along with the ounce of almonds. (I also have a couple of go to snacks that are healthy to grab and make me feel full again until the next meal -- apple/almonds, tomatoes/cheese -- just make sure to keep portions small so you don't lose all your calorie intake to snacking.)


Dec 18, 2007
I have been away for a long time on this thread - over the fall, I really cleaned up my diet, and lost about 17 lbs. It was from September to December, but then of course the holidays hit and I promptly gained at least 9 back. I'm back on track now and I am within about 4 lbs of where I was in late November, so that's good. Having said that, I have about 20 more at least to lose to get where I need to be health wise.

I was doing great about exercise all Fall, but now am finding it really hard to go back - I cannot figure out why. I actually love the gym, when I'm going regularly - I look forward to it all day, and I feel great when I'm done. But once I fall off the wagon, I find it terribly hard to go back. Perhaps it's because when I go back, I feel like I cannot do nearly what I used to be able to do, and that feels discouraging. I don't know.

I am finding for me, that when I cut out alcohol and salt (two things I love), it's easier for the pounds to come off. I'm trying to avoid those things anyway, because I have mildly high blood pressure and I'm trying to get it under control with diet and exercise. Meal prep is also key for me - if I have already prepared good food in the house, I will eat well and pack lunch. If I don't, my diet goes to crap. This week I've prepped homeade chicken soup, pork stir fry with rice and veggies, and spaghetti squash with a homemade turkey meat sauce. I'm hoping I'm back on the right track!


Sep 1, 2009
@Loves Vintage how are you doing?

I'm seeing the weight loss specialist at the medical center in just a couple of hours. Hoping they can help me figure out the balance of nutrients/calories my body needs and suggest some good meal ideas or at least help me figure out a good system for planning and prepping that I will be able to stick with. Also hoping for some help finding a good exercise routine for my body. Treadmill is not working great as just several days in a row causes swelling and pain then I am down for a week.


Jun 8, 2008
@Loves Vintage how are you doing?

I'm seeing the weight loss specialist at the medical center in just a couple of hours. Hoping they can help me figure out the balance of nutrients/calories my body needs and suggest some good meal ideas or at least help me figure out a good system for planning and prepping that I will be able to stick with. Also hoping for some help finding a good exercise routine for my body. Treadmill is not working great as just several days in a row causes swelling and pain then I am down for a week.

Good luck @TooPatient. Re the exercise do you have access to a Cybex Arc Trainer? They are very low impact and not traumatic on our joints. They are superior workouts IMO and good for those of us who need gentle but effective workouts. Many gyms have them. They are not the same as the elliptical trainers.


Sep 1, 2009
Good luck @TooPatient. Re the exercise do you have access to a Cybex Arc Trainer? They are very low impact and not traumatic on our joints. They are superior workouts IMO and good for those of us who need gentle but effective workouts. Many gyms have them. They are not the same as the elliptical trainers.

Thanks Missy! I don't have one but have been considering purchasing one. I'm hoping the medical center has one I can try and see if it works for me. (If not, the MS center does but I'd rather not have to go into Seattle several days in a row if I can avoid it!)


Jun 8, 2008
Thanks Missy! I don't have one but have been considering purchasing one. I'm hoping the medical center has one I can try and see if it works for me. (If not, the MS center does but I'd rather not have to go into Seattle several days in a row if I can avoid it!)

For me it was a worthwhile purchase no question. Try it out first and see what you think. I absolutely love my Cybex arc trainers.


Sep 1, 2009
Long story short (see the Random Comments thread for long version!), I am going in for additional blood work because she is suspicious of some hormonal thing especially since my thyroid is borderline.

She has me trying 5 small meals per day with a certain balance of fat/protein and carbs to see how I do with that and we'll adjust from there.

Minimal exercise for this month. Walk through the day and treadmill lightly. Until the blood work is back and she is comfortable that my blood pressure (also borderline -- though sometimes low and sometimes high) and all that is okay to do more.

Loves Vintage

Nov 19, 2007
Thanks for checking in with me, TooPatient. It's tough times over here! I decided to go back to the gym 3X week vs. just 2X because I haven't been working out at home. I'm down maybe 2.5 real pounds since I've been keeping a closer eye on food, but I can't even remember what happened last week and I I just started eating too much again -- something stressful with work no doubt. Definitely a stress eater.

I decided to start replacing my evening meal with a protein shake instead of food. I can do really well all day and then at night I overeat, so thought maybe I could retrain my brain with a shake. One night on so far. I drink massive amounts of water, esp'ly on days that I drive to work and back.

I listened to a podcast about weightloss and even though it amounted to another advertisement like everything else in our world today, I think continuing to look at and here positive messages about weight loss will help me. So, I will seek out more positivity, which is not my natural way of thinking.

I can do this.
You can do this too!

Keep us posted on what the bloodwork comes back as. I often wonder if I have something else going on, but any testing I've had done in the past has come back ok. I'll go read the other thread too. Keep on keeping on.


Sep 1, 2009
Thanks for checking in with me, TooPatient. It's tough times over here! I decided to go back to the gym 3X week vs. just 2X because I haven't been working out at home. I'm down maybe 2.5 real pounds since I've been keeping a closer eye on food, but I can't even remember what happened last week and I I just started eating too much again -- something stressful with work no doubt. Definitely a stress eater.

I decided to start replacing my evening meal with a protein shake instead of food. I can do really well all day and then at night I overeat, so thought maybe I could retrain my brain with a shake. One night on so far. I drink massive amounts of water, esp'ly on days that I drive to work and back.

I listened to a podcast about weightloss and even though it amounted to another advertisement like everything else in our world today, I think continuing to look at and here positive messages about weight loss will help me. So, I will seek out more positivity, which is not my natural way of thinking.

I can do this.
You can do this too!

Keep us posted on what the bloodwork comes back as. I often wonder if I have something else going on, but any testing I've had done in the past has come back ok. I'll go read the other thread too. Keep on keeping on.

It is a long term process. Noticing what you do and don't stick with and making small changes is great! Good work recognizing that and going to the gym that 3rd day each week. It is also big progress to recognize that you eat when stressed.

How is the protein shake? Which one do you like? (With FIVE "meals" per day, I am tempted to have a shake for one of them!)

Loves Vintage

Nov 19, 2007
@TooPatient - I have some pea protein powder from TJs that I've added to just milk or water or blended with berries for more of a smoothie. When I was doing that, I was drinking on my way to work and just really adding calories to my day! I've been using Fairlife milk, hoping the extra protein makes a difference. Anyway, that's what I had last night because I hadn't been able to get to Target yet to pick up this: , which I finally got today. Cheaper at Target than on line. Anyway, I've always steered away from protein powders because of the ingredients. I avoid any type of fake sugar, but this time, I am just going to try it out to see if it makes a difference to me. Oh, and the serving scoop is HUGE, 2x regular size, which now explains how they get to 28g protein! But, considering that I don't get enough protein, or at least I don't think I do, I am willing to try it for now. Also, 8g fiber, which I am hoping helps with feeling full. I just had some, and it was good, would be better if blended in blender vs. me mixing by hand with a little whisk.

Do you like cottage cheese? I am really fond of the little pre-portioned breakstones 2% cottage cheeses. Maybe with a small portion of carbs? Might be a good mini-meal - 10 gr protein, but I know not everyone loves it.


Sep 1, 2009
@TooPatient - I have some pea protein powder from TJs that I've added to just milk or water or blended with berries for more of a smoothie. When I was doing that, I was drinking on my way to work and just really adding calories to my day! I've been using Fairlife milk, hoping the extra protein makes a difference. Anyway, that's what I had last night because I hadn't been able to get to Target yet to pick up this: , which I finally got today. Cheaper at Target than on line. Anyway, I've always steered away from protein powders because of the ingredients. I avoid any type of fake sugar, but this time, I am just going to try it out to see if it makes a difference to me. Oh, and the serving scoop is HUGE, 2x regular size, which now explains how they get to 28g protein! But, considering that I don't get enough protein, or at least I don't think I do, I am willing to try it for now. Also, 8g fiber, which I am hoping helps with feeling full. I just had some, and it was good, would be better if blended in blender vs. me mixing by hand with a little whisk.

Do you like cottage cheese? I am really fond of the little pre-portioned breakstones 2% cottage cheeses. Maybe with a small portion of carbs? Might be a good mini-meal - 10 gr protein, but I know not everyone loves it.

Let me know how you like the new one as you try it.

I've never cared for cottage cheese but do love other cheeses. The lady wants me to go ahead and eat cheeses and see how my body does with them. (Yay!) I need to get some portioned out for my 2 ounce servings she wants to see.

My breakdown to follow for each of the 5 meals:
15-30g protein
5-15g fat
20g> carbs


Sep 10, 2003
This is the protein powder I use. I've tried the chocolate flavors and they're quite palatable. I've been whizzing it up in the blender with an assortment of stuff depending on what the meal plan is for that day: berries, peanut butter, oats, banana, chia seeds, ground flax. When I don't want a shake but need more protein, I mix it into plain greek yogurt.

Screen Shot 2019-02-27 at 3.53.19 PM.png


Sep 1, 2009
5 meals a day is taking some learning. I'm getting used to it and seeing where I should improve. Wednesday was the first day of this for me. It was rough and I ended up with way too many calories (1600). Yesterday felt much better and came in at 1400 calories. I'm making tweaks and learning with the aim to be at 5 meals, plenty of energy, not hungry, and calories in 1,000-1,200 range.

One awesome positive already is that my heartburn is far less severe eating more often. That means fewer calcium tabs and less temptation to eat ice cream (the cold creaminess gets rid of acid when nothing else works for me).

Veggie delivery last night is perfect for this. I have a refrigerator stuffed with spinach, zucchini, brussel sprouts, asparagus, and lettuce. (Plus various other veggies, but those were the main focus of my order.)


Sep 1, 2009
Super easy recipe:

Brown half a chicken breast, about 3-4 oz (cut into small pieces) in a bit of olive oil. Toss in sliced up bok choy (big pile as it cooks down, has almost no calories or carbs, and is packed with nutrients). Stir periodically until a bit browned and caramelized. Add juice of one lime.

I had this done in under 20 minutes (prep time included). Great 200 calorie meal. DH loved it too and suggested it could even be done with tofu or mushrooms instead of chicken.

ETA that for two people, I did one whole chicken breast.


Sep 10, 2003
5 meals a day is taking some learning.
Great news from you about meals! You goooo girl! And kudos to you for figuring out the protein/fat/carb ratios on your own. I'm too lazy to do that which is why I'm paying someone when, in fact, if I weren't so fond of taking the easy way, I could be saving some money for other stuff. I haven't decided yet how much longer I'll train with the trainer. He'd like me to do 3 full months which would be the end of April and then he'll just send me maintenance workouts but won't be in the gym with me. He actually works out with me and we're uber competitive with each other so I'll miss that part when I'm on my own. I'm down 6 lbs in the past month and still losing inches and building muscle.

Getting rid of heartburn is such a relief isn't it. I had it really bad when I was literally killing myself with junk food. Ate way too much fatty salty junk and was miserable all the time. It's such a joy to be on the other side of that darkness. However, with Easter approaching, I'm going to be confronted with those damn solid milk chocolate Cadbury mini-eggs which I don't even want to try to avoid. So the challenge will be to treat myself to a few a day rather than an entire bag a day :lickout:


Sep 1, 2009
Great news from you about meals! You goooo girl! And kudos to you for figuring out the protein/fat/carb ratios on your own. I'm too lazy to do that which is why I'm paying someone when, in fact, if I weren't so fond of taking the easy way, I could be saving some money for other stuff. I haven't decided yet how much longer I'll train with the trainer. He'd like me to do 3 full months which would be the end of April and then he'll just send me maintenance workouts but won't be in the gym with me. He actually works out with me and we're uber competitive with each other so I'll miss that part when I'm on my own. I'm down 6 lbs in the past month and still losing inches and building muscle.

Getting rid of heartburn is such a relief isn't it. I had it really bad when I was literally killing myself with junk food. Ate way too much fatty salty junk and was miserable all the time. It's such a joy to be on the other side of that darkness. However, with Easter approaching, I'm going to be confronted with those damn solid milk chocolate Cadbury mini-eggs which I don't even want to try to avoid. So the challenge will be to treat myself to a few a day rather than an entire bag a day :lickout:

Thanks! I am working with a nutrition/weight loss person. (Blessed with very good health insurance!) I have a packet of main meal ideas and another with mini-meals. Plus a book with common foods so I can swap what I want in place.

Heartburn (mostly) gone is awesome. Been dealing with this for years. Triggered by wheat but now I see it is more with meal spacing.

Having someone to work out with and keep each other pushing is huge! I hope you are able to find someone to do that with whenever you go to just maintenance. I miss that since the group I exercised with all moved away. (Not that I could keep up now, but was looking forward to being back with them.)


Sep 1, 2009
I came in at under 1100 calories today between 4 meals and a small glass of coconut almond milk. We slept late this morning so getting 5 in just wasn't going to happen. Feeling pretty good today.

Prepped five large bunches of spinach so I have a bunch ready to add for easy meals the next couple of days. I will definitely be buying the prewashed baby spinach next time! It took me half an hour to trim all of the thick stems off this morning.

Yummy recipe of the day:
Slowly caramelize several cloves of garlic (more or less to taste) in a spot of olive oil then toss in as much spinach as your pan will hold. Cook until spinach is cooked down. Add that to two eggs in a bowl. Whisk together. Pour into lightly oiled pan. Bake at 350 until knife comes out clean.


Sep 13, 2018
I was about 50 pounds overweight until my mid-thirties, and was 200 pounds when my son was born (I’m 5’1”).

I tried everything.

And then I did the simplest thing ... I started eating anything I wanted, whenever I wanted, just not very much at a time. I don’t mean to make this sound easy - it always sounds easier than it is. But once you get used to small portions and never go through the psychology of depriving yourself, there are no more diet and binge cycles, no more diet yo-yo.

I remember planning diets. There was always the diet that I was going to start tomorrow, where I could not have chocolate, or cookies, or ice cream ... and so the night before, I would binge on those things, knowing that I would not be allowed the next day. Or being on a diet and “blowing it” ... so for the rest of day, it’s a free for all, to start clean again the next day. Always a cycle of diet and binge. Once I started eating part of the chocolate bar and knowing that I can have chocolate the next day and the next and the next, I just stopped doing those types of things.

Measuring food and constantly planning the next meal ... diets made me think food all the time. Stopping the diets ended the food obsession. During my initial weight loss, I did try to limit my total calories per day to 1000, computed roughly in my head. I would always come in over that, but it was close enough, and over time, the pounds just slowly fell off.

I stopped cleaning my plate. That’s a tough one, especially when you go out for dinner. We’re not to waste food, right? But if you think it’s wasted on my hips just as it’s wasted in the garbage, it becomes easier to leave food behind. And eat your favourite things first - you’ll eat less.

I haven’t had to think about my weight for 20 years. I can’t tell you what will work for you, and I hope that I’m not coming across as a know-it-all. All I can do is tell you what has worked for me.

Good luck to you all - weight can be one tough struggle!
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