
Weekly Workout Thread 9th April till 15th April

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Oct 30, 2002
kudos gail on the interview and loose clothes!! i had the same experience when i was interviewing and i realized omg my clothes all look ridiculous on me!! But i didn't want to buy a bunch of stuff since I was kind of in the middle of where I wanted to get to. Somehow i managed to find a few things in my closet that looked okay when pulled together.

walked over to Whole Foods at lunchtime with my girlfriend here...walking there, walking around the store, and back was 1.5miles. so that was a nice afternoon jaunt. while there i got some Fage, meyer lemons (for some aioli tonite), a salad, fat free balsamic (theirs is not nearly as good as TJs though), and some of their pre-pack lemon rice (love this stuff, it's lemon, white and brown rice, some bulgur wheat i think and parsley with some yummy). just have to get the shrimp on the way home from the gym tonite and we're all set to do some grilling when i get home.

lunch was the WF salad with the ff balsamic...this salad is one of my faves, it has candied walnuts, dried cranberries, blue cheese and mixed green. i tossed 1/2 the walnuts and blue cheese since it's a fair amount and that is some serious cals just right there in those two things. then for snack about an hour ago i had 0% fage mixed with a few fresh diced strawberries and some sugar free cocoa powder i found in the kitchen, and splenda. yum. and right now i just had my last snack for today which was a vanilla crisp 100 cal balance bar. that was my last one so i have to get more!!

i'm heading off to the gym in about 30 minutes to do about an hour on the elliptical. mrs salvo kudos to hubby for dropping a few lbs, sometimes men make it look so easy huh?! DJ hope you are feeling okay. rod hope you guys are home (or getting home) safely...please check in soon!

hope everyone had a GREAT friday..and is looking fwd to the weekend as much as we are! it's been a busy week for both of us, and we are looking forward to some down time to recouperate.


Mar 26, 2006
Happy Friday night everyone!

I was very good today and planned on coming in at about 1245 cals, but some friends stopped by unexpectedly so substitute wine for 100 cal pack of Lorna Doone cookies, and now some baby carrots beause I wanted something crispy and I''ll probably be closer to 1300. (Actually, half of any baby carrots go to The Demon, so I''m saving a few cals there.

Waiting for the HH to get home from the airport (he just called and said he''s in a cab but he has no $$$ -- what am I, an ATM? LOL!) and them I''m going to bed so I can get up bright eyed and bushy tailed to print out all the things for my Saturday clients.

Rod, are you home yet?


Nov 8, 2005
hi everyone!
Merrijoy thanks for your note earlier. Yeah my family has said some unkind things about my weight before, which is really detrimental I think. We live in different states and when we see eachother I can''t believe they ruin our time together by being so negative. We were at a family event a few years ago and I took a piece of cake (not even planning to eat the whole thing) and my grandma really harped on me for it. My family consists of people who watch their eating extremely carefully and are thin, and people who don''t and are heavy. I know my family is concerned about me but the way they show it can just be so hurtful, I won''t even repeat some of the things they have said. They''ve backed off recently though, I think after they watched one of my triathlons and saw how much I can DO and how healthy I eat most of the time.

Oh, SO HAPPY MY HOUSE HAS SOLD! We went to one of our favorite places to celebrate. I did enjoy a big ole margarita and some chips and guac, but I ordered a grilled fish dish and ended up saving half of it to take home. These are the kind of small lifestlye chances that I am hoping will add up, b/c it was tempting to order something rich and cheesy and eat the whole thing, but as it turns out I enjoy the healthier fare nearly just as much.

I hear we will have a great salad bar place just a stone''s throw from my new house and that will be a great place to go for quick weeknight suppers.

Tomorrow I plan a day of very light eating so I can enjoy a great piece of cake at the baby shower I''m co-hosting. Maybe even talk the DH into sushi for dinner. I''m also going to get up early and do cardio sculpt class and a run.

I made myself skip the gym today, even though I felt like going, I realized it had been more than a week since I''d taken a rest day and it is important to take them so you don''t get injured.


Jun 15, 2006
YAY GAIL!! The house selling is great news!

DeeJay, how are you feeling????


Dec 28, 2005
WE'RE HOME!!!! We got home safely, after a loooooong 12 hour drive from Raleigh, to Tampa. We only stopped for restroom and food (to which Rod ate horrendously both at lunch and dinner. Because we had the kitties in a carrier and they needed to get home, all we could do was stop at Wendy's. And I know they have healthier items, I wasn't in the mood to be healthy. I wanted fat and carbs, darn it, so I had fries and fried chicken sandwiches both times. I'm sure my indescretion won't harm me long term, and I did enjoy it. Charlie ate salads, but not moi that's for sure.

Before I get into this, just a couple comments:

Lorelei, I'm so sorry for your loss. Losing a beloved pet is so tough, and I want you to know my heart, thoughts and prayers are with you.

DeeJay, I'm glad you had a steady heartbeat, but sorry you don't have anything definitive and have to wait for a stress test, which can be "stressful" all by itself. I'm sure you're going to be fine, but I'm glad you're having the test to be sure.

Mrssalvo, YOU GO GIRL! Three workouts in a row, puts you on a whole new fitness level. Keep it up!!

Mara, so glad you're loving the new job. Maybe my next job will bring me as much pleasure as it seems yours is brining to you. And, the only thing that is regretful about not being in Raleigh, is missing the opportunity to meet you in person. We've been such good pals through PS that I WOULD LOVE TO MEET YOU AND GREG IN PERSON. Are you sure, you don't want to take a quick swing through Tampa??

And, you are most welcome Emeraldlover. I'm glad having a trainer has been a good thing for you.

So, as I commented earlier, we're home. And for both of us, it's truly wonderful. Our condo is so much more beautiful than we remembered, and the view so much nicer. We have unpacked our clothes. Put most of our kitchen back together and are watching our 'uber' wonderful 50" Plasma High Definition system, which I missed so much. Tonight, we went to our favorite Sushi restaurant (just around the corner from our home) and I was immediately reminded of how special this place is. While you've heard me go on about Mura in Raleigh, I'm afraid (other than atmosphere) it simpy can't hold a candle to this place. The sushi was just indescribably wonderful. And I'd forgotten how affordable it was here. Our bill with tip was less than 1/2 of what we were spending at Mura. Plus, the welcome we got from the people in the restaurant was just wonderful. As a matter of fact, everywhere we went today, was like a homecoming. The carwash people hugged us. We had bowl of Seafood Chowder (unbelieveably good btw) at Monstah Lobstah for lunch and they were so happy to see us. Then, we had coffee under the century old oak tree at Starbucks and the manager came out to hug us both. We saw so many people at Starbucks we knew, it was really fun.

I can't tell you how wonderful it was to sleep on our Tempur-Pedic mattress last night. Our bedroom is a wonderful place. And to shower in our wonderful bathroom and have coffee and eat a scone on our terrace overlooking the bay, just so fantastic, words don't adequately describe it all. What I do know, is sometimes you get do-overs and this is one opportunity I'm so blessed to have. I'm going to treasure every moment I have in this wonderful place. Neighbors have seen us and hugged us. The manager of our condo building rang our door early this morning to give us a hug. Our next door neighbor had a spectacular orchid and wonderfull heartfelt welcome card waiting for our return.

It's just been so wonderful and touching to be home and realize we don't have to leave again. Now, I just need to find a way to pay for this lifestyle, but I have no doubt that I'll find a way and we'll be ok.

Oh, one final note. Tonight, Charlie commented that if we're going to be back in Tampa, one of us should have a convertible again, so me thinks we'll be driving a new Mercedes SLK by tomorrow night (assuming they have a color combination Charlie likes). That would just be icing on the cake. And exactly what we should be doing, even though one of us doesn't make a dime. LOL.

Thank you all for the good wishes as we were heading home. You've all been there for me and I won't ever forget it.

Thanks again and good job everyone on keeping up with your workouts and eating healthy. Oh, I forgot to mention we already reactivated our membership at our gym too and tomorrow, we'll be working out where the rebuilding program all began. I'm so excited about everything.

Your friend,


Nov 8, 2005
Thanks KimberlyH! Good luck on your test tomorrow!

I am feeling "chatty" today evidently. wanted to tell you all about the bling I saw during the job interview: The first woman had an awesome round diamond with sapphire sides set in plat. She had a cool eternity w-band with diamonds and sapphires. She also had some great diamond studs. Later in the day I was interviewed by someone with a Claude Thibedeax style (sp?) e-ring. I wanted to ask her who made the setting but I thought that might be too forward for an interview. If I get the job, maybe it will come up in conversation later on.

DH says I should forget a job in my field and go to work in the jewelry industry :)



Dec 28, 2005
Date: 4/13/2007 11:00:58 PM
Author: gailrmv
Thanks KimberlyH! Good luck on your test tomorrow!

I am feeling ''chatty'' today evidently. wanted to tell you all about the bling I saw during the job interview: The first woman had an awesome round diamond with sapphire sides set in plat. She had a cool eternity w-band with diamonds and sapphires. She also had some great diamond studs. Later in the day I was interviewed by someone with a Claude Thibedeax style (sp?) e-ring. I wanted to ask her who made the setting but I thought that might be too forward for an interview. If I get the job, maybe it will come up in conversation later on.

DH says I should forget a job in my field and go to work in the jewelry industry :)

Thansk Gail and CONGRATS on your house selling. That''s great!!!


Nov 18, 2004
So glad you and Charlie are home Rod!!!! Hey if you get the convertible, take some pics for me!! And the way you work out, you deserved some carbs at Wendy''s!!! Welcome back, but more importantly, welcome home!!! WOOHOOO!!!!


Apr 30, 2005
Date: 4/14/2007 12:26:22 AM
Author: Kaleigh
So glad you and Charlie are home Rod!!!! Hey if you get the convertible, take some pics for me!! And the way you work out, you deserved some carbs at Wendy''s!!! Welcome back, but more importantly, welcome home!!! WOOHOOO!!!!
Just popping in to welcome you and Charlie and the kits back home Rod


Oct 30, 2002
yay Rod so happy you are home!! and yes we are sad we won''t get to meet up with you and charlie in raleigh for sure. i don''t know if i told you but greg has family in the tampa area so we may be out there again in the next year or two and if we are, we will defnitely let you know!! good luck finding the right convertible tomorrow and don''t worry about a few wendy''s dinners...!!

so hit up the gym after work and burned 525 cals in 58 minutes..then went to the store and got some shrimp and a few other things, new green tea (mango pineapple), trying out the 100 cal chips ahoy packs (figured chocolate chip cookies can''t be bad lol). then came home and started getting dinner ready. we had grilled tandoori jumbo shrimp along with garlic polenta fries with cocktail sauce for dipping, and the lemon rice from Whole Foods which i sauteed up in a pan with some shiitake mushrooms. yummy! it all turned out very good...but i realized after we were done eating that the dinner was actually not that many portions added up to only about 450ish and i had a really light day today (mental remnants of yesterday''s gorgefest!), and a hard workout so i didn''t want to be too light i just ate a sliced pear (i LOVE a sweet cold pear) and greg and i are sharing a small raspberry cream egg.

tomorrow it''s supposed to rain but hopefully not til the afternoon so we''ll see how chipper i feel in the morning. i have a salon appt at noon then dentist at 2pm so if i don''t do it in the morning it won''t happen til like 4pm and who knows what the weather will be like then.

hope everyone is looking fwd to a nice weekend!!


Nov 25, 2002
Date: 4/13/2007 12:11:55 PM
Author: Mara
actually kim it really does help me to hear about or read about others struggling with the same thing because sometimes i think ''god i am just such a dork!!''
........yep, and you should just go with this.

J/K - proud of all you''ve accomplished, Robin!


Nov 25, 2002
Gail - YAY - congrats on the house and the smaller clothes! What a relief on the happy for you!

Mrs. a good feeling you're showing are going to pan out, too. Fairy dust in your direction.

Rod....YAY. I'm GIDDY reading your post. Your joy is just overflowing and infectious. I can totally appreciate how you're 10, my family had to move to the Caribbean for my dad's job, and I was *miserable* there. Left all my friends (which for a girl at age 10 is beyond catastrophic and tragic!), and hated it there.

2.5 years later, we moved back home. Upon landing at the airport, we went to stay with aunt/cousins in a neighboring state for a week and then embarked on the 2-hour car trip to get home. Home....for the first time in over two years. The closer we got to our city, the more antsy I got, and the longing to finally be there was absolutely incredible and overwhelming. You can just imagine my jubilation when we finally arrived. At a very young age, I had a new appreciation for home and familiar surroundings.

SO happy for your chance to 'do-over'. Make the best of it and enjoy. Don't sweat the job thing......I'm sure your newfound appreciation for home and things familiar with inspire and motivate you to find a job handily.

Went to a friend's for dinner tonight....grilled chix breast and scant bit of steak tip with salad. Dessert was a splenda cake with fresh strawberries.....yum. Unfortunately indulged in COFFEE with that dessert----hence my being wide-awake posting at 3:45 am!
Oh, and my new Fage trick (2 splendas and a spoonful of sugar-free low-carb Big Train hot cocoa powder).......TO DIE FOR! tastes like choc. cheesecake! YUM. definitely going to be doing THAT again this weekend.

3-day weekend up here (gotta love Patriots Day - LOL). Enjoy, all.


Jun 15, 2006
Oh my goodness...I got all of about 2 hours sleep last night and I my tests start at 8 on the other side of the city and I don''t know how I''m going to do this....please send me tons of good test vibes as my ability to student teach rides on passing both tests....argh!!!



Jan 3, 2005
Welcome home ROD!!!

and thanks Gail and Alj for the house selling dust. it''s raining here today so I''d be surprised if we have any showings. the rain also prevented me from getting up for a 7 am spinning class. both my kids slept in which never happens so I decided to stay in bed too. we''re going to hit the gym later today though.

I hope everyone has a super day!!


Jan 13, 2006
Kim, thanks for the order.

Gail, congrats on the house, woohooo!

Rod, I can just feel how much you appreciate being home, being in your home. And you''re so right, life doesn''t offer too many "do overs", so bask in this while you can.


Mar 26, 2006
Morning all! This morning when I got off the scale I was so happy that I did a little dance (naked of course!) around the bathroom. The Demon stopped drinking out the toilet, looked at his crazy momma, turned furry tail, and left the bathroom. What does he care--he''s always just under 60 pounds?!

Anyway, for those of you who have posted that losing weight is 90% diet and 10% exercise I really am starting to believe it. It''s when I''m strict with my cals, whether I work out or not, that I seem to lose.

I just had some whole wheat pasta for breakfast (but cooked it too long while I was drying my hair), probably a peanut butter sandwich for lunch since I''ll be in the car on my way to get clients, and then we''re going to China Town for dinner. Not really looking forward to that from a calorie standpoint, but we planned this with a bunch of people a long time ago so I''ll just suck it up and try to be somewhat good.

Rod, I''m so glad you''re home and happy again!

Congrats on the house Gail!

And don''t worry Kimberly, you''ll do smashing on your test!


Apr 19, 2004
Date: 4/13/2007 10:58:36 PM
Author: Rod
I can't tell you how wonderful it was to sleep on our Tempur-Pedic mattress last night. Our bedroom is a wonderful place. And to shower in our wonderful bathroom and have coffee and eat a scone on our terrace overlooking the bay, just so fantastic, words don't adequately describe it all.

Thanks Your friend,

Rod: sounds fantastic--congrats on your homecoming! With your abilities and attitude Rod, you'll be employed in no time!

KIm: good luck on your exams!

Enjoyed a long walk yesterday afternoon with my husband, it was only about 15 degrees (C) outside, but enjoyable compared to what we';ve endured lately. And most of the snow is gone and the grass is getting green! We'll go out again today and walk, maybe even cycle, altho my DH would rather be golfing but it is too early for that just yet (here anyway).

Enjoy your day folks!!



Dec 28, 2005
Oh Thank You Thank You Thank You EVERYONE!!

I slept like a baby for the second night in a row. It's just amazing how being home has changed us both. Even Charlie who had feared coming back to some extent is so happy to be home. We just had coffee, a scone and a bowl of fresh fruit on our terrace overlooking the bay and read the newspaper. It's a breezy morning in Tampa, but it's just so beautiful being here and I never want to take it for granted ever again.

We're putting the rest of the stuff we had taken to Raleigh away and then we're going to go workout in OUR gym for the first time since last November. I'm pretty excited about being back there. We did go in yesterday, just to reactivate our member and I did see many familiar faces, but today it's a real 2.5 hour workout. Tonight, we're going to a wonderful restaurant, which sits directly on Tampa bay. It's called Rattlefish Grill and it's one of our all time favs., so we're really looking forward to that. Maybe, we'll have a new convertible to enjoy on the way?? Who knows.

Anyway, hope you all have a great Saturday. And Mara, you and Greg need to come visit your family in Tampa soon.

Thanks again everyone for the welcome home.



Jul 23, 2006
sorry about your loss beloved dog died over the summer at 17 and it still hurts.

deejay drink up
drs orders.

congrats gail!!

i was eating well until dinner yesterday when i ate 3 slices of thin crust pizza
. it was delicious and sooo worth it.
i plan on pilates and a nice 3-4 mile walk today, because tomorrow we are suppossed to be getting a big storm
. i''m done with this crapy weather...WHERE IS SPRING? i''m still wearing sweaters--i want to show off my toned arms...hehehe
. anyways i''m glad all is well in workout and food land. happy saturday.


Dec 9, 2002
Hi everyone....I''m Jeannine...aka Divergrrl and was wondering if it would be ok if I joined your group here.

See....I''m pregnant & having a hard time staying motivated to workout. (first trimester sickness made working out impossible...hard to want to pump iron when you want to hurl)

I just need a little motivation (which you THINK would be easy since I''m still teaching yoga & have to teach 2 cardio salsa classes this in the next 2 weeks) so that my weight gain doesn''t spiral out of control, but instead stay within that 25 to 35lb recommended range.

Ever since I had my son 2 yrs ago, workout motivation has eluded me & I really miss being fit. I''d just like to stay relatively healthy while pregnant so I can recover faster afterward. (and yeah, my doc is ok with it...he encouraged me to keep running ---what I do when I''m not pg---but I laughed at him...obviously he''s never had a baby on his bladder....oh yea, that''d feel good).




Oct 30, 2002
morning all...yes alj i know i am a dork.. and you LURVE me!
welcome DG!

so got up at 8:45 today, which is sleeping in for me now, and it wasn't raining yet and greg was still asleep so i took P out for a 1.5m brisk walk. it was pretty nice but not cold. then by the time we came back in and got breakfast ready, clouds moved in and it's raining. so i don't know what the afternoon holds for me, but now that i got 1/2 the walk out of the way, i can always do a bootcamp inside or go to the gym or something if the rain doesn't let up. today is a lighter day anyway so as long as i just get some 'activity''s fine.

now that i am working out basically daily in the form of walking or legs get stiff and sore if i do not do something with them daily. like this morning when i woke up, part of the reason i wanted to walk is because my legs were kind of stiff and achy feeling. but a 1m walk is all i need to kind of warm them up, stretch them out and make them feel better. is my body addicted to workouts too ? hehee.

breakfast today is egg mcmuffins with bacon, egg, 2% american and the 100 cal high fiber english muffins, yummy!! i gave greg his favorite velveeta cheese for his hehe. i love my new egg rings..they work way better than this round biscuit thing i was using before. lunch will be a turkey wrap with some avocado on a high fiber wrap with sprouts and feta..mmm. i have been thinking about this one all week since i didn't get to have it this week for lunch. and then dinner i think we are talking about going to get burgers at our fave local place. yummy. we'll see how the day shapes up.

hope everyone is having a great saturday!!


Nov 24, 2006
Welcome Divergrl!

I went walking with my hubby for 3.5 miles. It snowed in the mountains so it is chilly. I want warm weather; it was in the 70's the other day.

Okay, I got to get exercising and eating better. Gosh, the eating part is hard. I tend to want to eat more now that I am not working. What are some good snacks for when you want to munch?

Thanks all. Glad you are home safe and sound Rod. Fantastic you are having fun at work Mara. Sounds like you are getting lots of walking in and meeting lots of wonderful people. I like when you can be friends with the people you work with; it makes working easy.


Oct 30, 2002
oh skippy your post reminded me...DJ you said earlier that it is 90% eating and 10% working out...and that you see that in your scale etc. i totally agree. sometimes i like to think oh i will just work out harder but in reality it's mostly about the eating for me. when i have 2 light days, i see it right away in the scale. when i have 2 heavier days, i see it right away in the scale (on 3rd day typically). no matter how hard i work out it typically is not enough to combat bad eating habits. so in kind of thinking about it, i am not going to deny myself any huge splurges BUT when i do that, i am going to have to scale it back for the next day or two and eat lightly. i think that is how i have maintained so far and realizing that is kind of helping me mentally. so like eating all those desserts the other day...not a big deal after all considering i had a really light day yesterday (and my body was fine with it). but it would be eating like that all the time that gets you into trouble kinda thing.

and skippy yes it totally makes it easier to go to work when you have a good work environment. people spend so much of their lives at work should be a happy place. honestly this place is stellar so far. everyone i talk to seems to really like what they do and that comes across in their attitude and personality when they talk to you. everyone is SO welcoming to me and friendly and accepting. people are interested in me, what i did before, what my life is like, about sharing what their lives are like, etc. and a lot of them do hang out together outside of work or have team lunches or this or that and it feels so nice to be part of that again. i really think i could love it here.
i noticed also that most of the days pretty much flew by this week. i spent about 8.5 hours at work daily and it wasn't even a big deal...whereas at my old job spending like 7 hours there was like a punishment.

eta interesting article about being 'cardio free' and losing weight. don't know that i agree entirely about the 'no cardio' plan, since i believe there's no 'one size fits all' workout program for people. some might benefit from more or less cardio, more or less strength training, more or less diet changes, or a combo of all three etc.


Nov 25, 2002
Date: 4/14/2007 1:26:37 PM
Author: Mara

yes alj i know i am a dork.. and you LURVE me!
Yes, I DO luuuuuuuuuuurve you.....and I''ve got my own dork-dom issues going on! Chief among them right now? I think I need to find an FA.....Fage Anonymous!

Ever since the ''chocolate-y'' sinful hot-cocoa mix-in discovery (did I mention it tastes JUST like CHOCOLATE CHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEESECAKE!?), I find myself fixating on it. Strung out, even.........counting the minutes until I can have it again! *SOB*

Hi, my name is Alj..........and I''m STRUNG OUT on chocolate-y Fage!

TG, this is all your fault! LOL


Jan 3, 2005
ha, i''m eating some peanut butter fage right now. I will definitely have to try the cocoa mix in, I''m in on anything that involves chocolate!!


Nov 24, 2006
I bought the fat free fage. I am going to mix cocoa in it now see if I like it. Gosh, I went for another quick walk 1 mile. It is so nice this afternoon.

I love this thread!!!! No wonder it is so addicting. Chocolate cheese cake ideas (Fat free) and kind people.
Plus the motivation to get my butt moving.heehee


Jun 15, 2006
I survived my tests, but who knows if I passed. I''m definitely glad to be was a long day. 200 mulitiple choice questions and 4 essays written in total.

I''m thinking we''ll go for a walk in a few minutes, I need to get outside and stretch.

John is making steak, fruit salad and Soluntos DELICIOUS bread for dinner. Hopefully I''ll get some sleep tonight.

Hope everyone is having a great Saturday!

Becky P

Sep 7, 2006
Rod- Glad you''re home safe and sound!

Mara- I TOTALLY understand about chocolate or something sweet every night! My mind won''t let my body feel full unless it gets some little treat at the end of the night. But, I''ve found a few ways around that... First, I''ve got a bag of dried pineapple, which is very sweet, so usually 2-3 pcs of that and I''m good. Or, I''ve got a bag of Hershey kisses in the fridge (I like ''em cold), and I''ll have 2 or 3 of them.

Gail- SO happy your house sold!!! Now, send some of that house-selling fairy dust my way!!! We''ve got one final showing tomorrow and it''s supposed to be super cold and snowing all day! EVERY single open house we''ve had has had horrible weather, so hardly anyone has shown up, and if people would just see this place, they would LOVE it! I keep reminding bf that it only takes 1 offer. But, this is our last ditch effort before we take it off the market and rent it out for a year. Which would get us another year of equity, but we''re talking about buying our own place early next year, and it''ll suck to not have the money from the old place for a downpayment. But, all in good time, if it''s meant to sell, it will sell...

Didn''t work out yesterday or today. My rump was SOOOO sore from that spinning class. Not my muscles, but my actual bones from that little tiny seat on the bikes!! I can finally walk again today, but bf is officially moving to Raleigh RIGHT NOW and we''ll be hauling an entire Uhaul of stuff up 3 flights of stairs into his new place. So, tomorrow will be a HUGE workout lifting boxes, couches, etc and climbing stairs...

oh, i really, really hope 1 person shows up at the open house tomorrow, falls in love with the place and just writes out a check for the asking price!!!!


Oct 30, 2002
lol at the idea of a FAA (fage addicts anonymous...or not so anonymous?!)...

ran some errands today and had some appts...then went to target and wandered around and came home with some goodies (picture frames for the office, 1/2 price emergenC...also found 'bite rites' snack packs for 100 cals, they have the little mini fudge striped cookies, yum...i shared a pack with greg and they taste just like the real cookies but are TINY and about 10 in a def a splurge for something so small...also found some south beach cookies in peanut butter, 2 cookies for 100 cals and 4g not bad when you need a PB tasty fix and want fiber too, but the cookies are not large hehe). lol gosh i just realized that is like the longest and most incorrect run on sentence ever. oh well.

came home and watched a movie with greg, then went for a walk with P was sunny for about an we did a 1.5m jaunt. now it's cloudy again. my pedometer jumped off my pants this morning and broke on the ground so i had to get a new one today, i found a pilates 10 and 30 minute toning dvd at target, and it came with a pedometer that does everything i want it to for $14 total so i was like woo hoo. i have been wanting to try some pilates again for ab toning, and i can't find the other dvd that i had. so tried out the new pedometer on this afternoon's a little less accurate than the other one, which was pretty accurate (i've worn it while on walks where they write the miles on the ground so i tested how accurate it was)...but i will take this one out for a test when i have a chance to get an idea of just how accurate or inaccurate it is. really i just want a general sense of what i am doing as i can estimate pretty well now on my walks having done them so often in the same areas. so did about 3m today in 2 walks...and then i also did a set of 230 jumping jacks earlier today. i am going to do another set of 230 and then some leg lifts and exercises before we head off to dinner.

we're getting burgers tonite at our fave local place with our neighbor (his wife is out of town so we invited him) which will be YUMMY. then we're hoping to go in our jacuzzi tub with some champagne later...we have 4 bottles of champagne we realized, people keep giving it to us! so greg wants to drink some...typically i have like 1/4 of a small flute as i am really not a champagne fan but he loves it. so we'll share some dark chocolate and drink some champagne later for dessert and hopefully the super hot water will rejuvenate my tired muscles!!

eating today has been good. after breakfast...i had a sliced pear, and then a later lunch of turkey wrap with avocado and ff feta on a high fiber wrap, a 10 cal jello cup and then shared the pack of 100 cal cookies with greg. i'm actually hungry, but we are going for dinner in 30 minutes so i can wait!! mmmm!

becky (and mrs salvo) here's some PS fairy house dust for ya'll. kimberly i've got fingers crossed you did well on your tests.

hope everyone had a great saturday and is looking fwd to sunday. we don't have much planned so it's the gym for me, and trader joes for weekly stocking up and then we're bbqing at home for dinner...i think a herb rubbed steak and grilled artichoke with meyer lemon aioli is on the menu so far.


Dec 28, 2005
Kimberly, my fingers are crossed that you aced the tests, which I'm sure you did!!

DG, welcome to our healthy fit family on this thread. May this thread provide healthful ideas and friendship like it has to so many of us!!

Congrrats on the scale accomplishment DeeJay!!! It's something to be really proud of and I now have this mental image of you dancing in the buff around your bathroom!! LOL

So today was just the best day we've had in so long. You're going to think I'm a broken record, but coming home is the absolute best thing we could have EVER done. I wrote earlier about having coffee on the terrace overlooking the bay. Then we went to Panera for lunch and sat out under the palm trees (on one of our favorite streets in Tampa), had coffee at Starbucks, then went to OUR GYM. So, we walk in and didn't see anyone at first. Then we changed and headed out and our trainer was there with the guy he always trained just after us on Saturday afternoons. And the look on his face.......PRICELESS. He was so glad to see us and shocked that we're home for good. Then we met so many people we'd worked out with during our rebuild ourselves campaign and it felt so great being back. Golds Gym in Raleigh was a really nice gym, but while our gym in Tampa is a little smaller, the equipment is definitely better (they have the top of line LifeFitness Ellipticals) that we didn't realize how much we enjoyed working out at OUR GYM. Then, our trainer saw me doing what I could not do before we left Tampa.........UNASSISTED CHINUPS and he was floored by how well I was doing them. In fact he came over and challenged me to start from a full down position, pull myself all the way up, hold for five seconds in the up position, lower myself halfway and hold for five more seconds and repeat that 10 times. He was amazed (as was I) that I had progressed to a point that I could actually do exactly what he wanted and it was exciting to say the least. We finished our workout with our 35 minutes on the ellitptical, which was just so much fun.

Then, we went to our Mercedes dealer, where we've bought a zillion cars over the last 12 years and we test drove the SLK 280 and SLK 350. Of course we preferred the 350 (much more power), but they don't have any inventory with the options or colors we want so, they'll do a search of the country and see what they can find and get back to us on Monday. The juries still out on getting the car, it just depends on how much money (we don't finance cars), so we'd have to pay the difference out of pocket, which shouldn't be too bad, but we'll just wait and see.

Then for dinner we went to Rattlefish Grill, which is just a really fun place direclty on the bay. Charlie had Blackened Fish Taco's and I had Steamed Shrimp and Barbequed Chicken Wings. The wings are the most incredible wings I've ever had. They slow cook them on a smoker grill, then finish them up with an incredible barbeque sauce and serve them with celery and carrots with Blue Cheese dressing. They're sooooooooo good. And the weather was just spectacular tonight. Blue skies, with breezy conditions and the palm tree fronds were swaying and the water was just so pretty. The restaurant is west facing, so we got to see the sun set over the bay. Finally, we finished our evening with coffee and coffee cake at Starbucks, where we ran into several people who were so glad to see us.

All in all, a picture perfect day. Tomorrow, we'll go to the gym again, then we're going to our favorite family run grocery store in South Tampa, called Whaley's, where they have the best beef and seafood and produce in town. I'm going to grill filets on my own grill on my own terrace overlooking the bay tomorrow for dinner. WOO HOO, life doesn't get much better than this.

Oh and I think I mentioned that Charlie was a bit skeptical about returning to Tampa. He's just as happy as I am, which makes me so happy. We have the chance to make this really good this time around and we're going to make the absolute best of this opportunity!!

I hope everyone had a day as fantastic as I did!!!
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