
Weekly Workout Thread 25th June till 1st July

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Apr 30, 2005
Bleh - popping in finally as more computer troubles kept me offline since Monday, but I have got some workouts in and used my time profitably! I will have to have a good read through and catch up.


Oct 30, 2002
morning all! hope everyone is having a good morning!!

i''m not going to really do the weekly weigh in, as i have decided to boycott the scale til it shows me more acceptable numbers! haha. i actually haven''t weighed myself since i think last friday...and i''m certainly not posting that # hehee. i am toying with different things to see if the scale #''s go down but it just might be additional muscle that i have built and is now showing up, who knows. it seems like suddenly the scale jumped up a bit. my measurements are pretty much the same, the only difference to my everlasting chagrin is my hips which are now basically 37.5 instead of 36 like they were a month ago. how hips grow that quickly i have no idea but it perpetually irritates me. it definitely is partially the return of my butt which is highly lauded by greg, but i''m not SO jazzed hahaa. anyhow, now that i am doing more walking i am interested to see if the hip measurement goes down a bit but since i am HIKING it might stay the same as my butt continues to build muscle!

quite honestly i don''t care if it stays the same or goes down as apparently to everyone else i look the same and it does give me a bit more of a curvy body than the sticky shape i had for a few months and i feel better with a few more lbs on me, BUT my jeans are tighter!! and that drives me nuts..and they are i''m certainly not going to not wear them. so i have to find a happy medium with my jeans and my hip/butt measurements, that is my priority right now haha. but anyway, my other measurements are basically the same as last week and the week before, small changes in arms and legs, like 1/2" back and forth are typical for me.

kimberly it''s funny you say your hips keep shrinking because that is totally what mine were doing. i was not doing one thing differently but my hips kept going down and down and i was like what is going on. then they stayed that way for about a month or two and then boom, now they are trying to get bigger again! so watch out for that...hehe.

so anyhow, this morning i am pretty darn sore from my workout/hike yesterday and i was so tired last nite and this morning, i needed more sleep! these early morning calls are wearing on me for sure, i think we need to go to bed earlier tonite. breakfast was all bran, cinnamon, honey, berries, and coffee. i am supposed to go to the gym tonite and i am thinking i will just do a mini workout like 300 cals max. i may not even go, we''ll see. i feel like i need a rest, but i also feel like i should do something mentally, but my body is crying for a day off. so we''ll see how i feel later, i''d rather do a mini than nothing at all. i guess i could also maybe finally do that pilates dvd i got like 3 months ago too. that''s low impact. cals came in light yesterday at about 1375 as well. today is another similar kind of light day. funny but last nite i did not have that weird super belly bloating at all.

also work has a big celebratory dinner on thursday night at a very tasty popular place, but i have i declined...i am much happier to do what i intended rather than go gorge and eat with coworkers.

have a great afternoon all.


Jan 3, 2005
mara, I wonder if some of your hip/butt return is just because your not exercising near as much as you were when you were off work for that little bit and your body is just catching up and finally settling into it's real comfort place? I mean for a few weeks you were ironwoman and cranking on the calories burned plus still loosing and trying to find the balance for the maintaining thing. The added muscle could be some of it too. I know I've gained a couple of lbs from my low when I was walking in the morning then hitting the gym and walking again at night. not a huge gain, maybe 3lbs but my jeans feel just a touch tighter too which I don't like. I was thinking today about it actually b/c although I'm walking a lot further and still burning calories I guess I'm just doing something different because that is the only thing I've changed in recent weeks. I'm going to try and squeeze back in my gym workouts b/f I take the kids swimming and see if i can go back down. I always gain around my hips and thighs and a couple of extra lbs there is no fun
Have you had your bf tested lately? that might it least help you feel better when you see it's still aroun 17% or whatever yours is now.

anyway, normal walk for me this morning with Zoe. I've also noticed that when I don't count calories I tend to snack a little bit more, especially when I'm at the pool with the kids and pack snacks for them. everything is fairly healthy but a calorie is a calorie and I need to do a better job of budgeting them. I think that has also added to my couple lbs. that and too many walks to the dairy dip for icecream

deejay, I hope your head feels better...headaches are just the worst!!


Jan 6, 2005
Hi all - just checking in, I''ve had an insane couple of weeks at the lab so haven''t been posting much but I''ve been reading up as often as I can!

Rod - I really hope you can get both the health issues and the insurance issues resolved. I think healthwise you really will be OK - remember how much of it is mental, i.e. thinking positive and living a healthy lifestyle, and you have proven that you have an amazing ability to do that. I''m a worrier too though, so I completely understand where you are coming from and how hard it is not to worry even when you know its not doing any good. The insurance stuff is super-stressful as well - I actually make the DH deal with most of that stuff because it gives me such a headache and gets me so riled up to deal with it myself that its easier for both of us if he does it most of the time lol. Do keep us posted - I''ll be sending good thoughts your way.

Dee - I hope your migraine gets resolved soon - those can be completely miserable

Kim - glad you had a good vacation and posting those week 1 stats really shows how far you''ve come, even though you were in such a good place to begin with. I''m continually inspired by your ongoing commitment to your health.

Mara - I thought the same thing as Marcy, that food allergies/intolerances might be causing the bloat you''re describing. One that''s really common, especially as you get older, is lactose intolerance. Anyway, definitely worth a trip to the doctor, but mabe also try cutting out common culprits, like Dairy or wheat for a few days at a time and see if that helps.

Welcome to all of the new members and lurkers - this thread is a continuing inspiration for all of us and I hope you all will find it as helpful in your healthy lifestyle changes as I have.

Lorelei - great opener to the week, and something I''ll have to keep in mind in 10 days when we leave for our 5 day trip up to Wine Country for our anniversary (I can''t believe its been a year already!!!). I''m SUPER excited about the trip, but paranoid about all that time without a lot of exercise and with lots of good food to tempt me. But I''ve resolved that I won''t count calories the whole time I''m there and I''ll focus on enjoying myself without doing anything ridiculous - I''ve really gotten to a much better place mentally of knowing that I don''t enjoy things more just because I eat more of them, and so I just have to remember that and hold on to it.

I''m happy to report that I''m still exercising and keeping up with my eating plan. My little blip a couple of weeks ago (suddenly seemed to have gained 3 lbs) does seem to have been from them re-calibrating the scale at the gym (it was broken), after talking to a few people about it. In any case, I''ve taken off 2.5 more lbs since then, which makes for a total loss to date of 38.5 lbs. Which is nice because the new sparklies I hope to receive on Friday can be, in addition to an anniversary gift, an almost 40 lbs lost gift (and I''m sure 40 will come soon, or at least I really hope it will).

I''ve had a really rough couple of weeks in my lab and with graduate school in general, but I feel like that''s a little more back on track now as well, although I''m still a bit in the doghouse so to speak. But I''m determined to try to work through it - I did have a really good talk with my lab boss and we''re putting together a plan for how much more research I have to do to graduate, which he estimates at 12-18 months. That''s a long way off still, but it feels do-able, and I think at this point its worth it to stick it out to get the PhD. Anyway, I hope to have happy reports of my progress in graduate school to match my reports of my (hopefully continued) weight loss. And I really look forward to continuing to read about everyone else''s progress as well - you guys are an amazing inspiration!


Dec 28, 2005
Thanks Amber. I checked the HIPPA regs and it appears DeeJay and Gail were right about the continuous coverage possibility. the HIPPA regulation says as long as you had coverage within 63 days of your last continuous coverage period, an insurance company can not claim something is excluded for pre-existing conditions. I just barely made it as my policy with the company in Raleigh stopped on April 3, and my coverage with my new (old) plan began again on June 4, which is exactly 58 days. So, we''ll see what the doctors office says when they call today to schedule the procedure and whether I''ll need to deal with this or not.

Mara, I''m with you on the scale monster. My weight has recently gone up a little, but my clothes are fitting looser, particularly around my waist. I figure if my waist is getting smaller, but my weight is increasing, I''ve built more muscle. Lord knows I work hard enough 5 days a week at the gym to build heavier muscle.

DeeJay, so sorry to hear about your Migraine. I hear they can be so debilitatingly painful. I hope you got some pain relief quickly.


Apr 19, 2004

Rod: I''m rooting for you (sounds lame, but you know what I mean!). Health vibes your way!



Feb 21, 2005
welcome stephanie. my scale has been stuck for a few months now too, despite doing all the right things, and it is frustrating. i remind myself that there are lots of other benefits to a healthy lifestyle besides the scale, and that not gaining is a victory in and of itself!

mara, i'm not sure if you saw my suggestion about gluten intolerance or not, but i went back and looked at your dinner menu last night, since you said you didn't have the bloating, and it looks like all you had was a small serving of wild rice (which is ok on a gluten-free diet). you could try eating gluten-free for a few days and see if it's consistent...

rod, i hope you get your health and insurance worked out soon. try not to stress in the doesn't serve a productive purpose.

dj, i hope your migraine resolves quickly. i get them too and they are awful. i sometimes joke that i should have bought stock in excedrin since i take so much. about 3 months ago i did some research and found that there are a couple vitamins (riboflavin and magnesium) that have been shown to reduce frequency and severity of migraines in clinical trials. i started taking both and i think it helps. let me know if you want more info.

kimberly, you made me want pizza for dinner! sounds yummy...

so yesterday i did not want to go to the gym at all, but i forced myself - it helps that my gym is right next door to my office. i actually ended up having a really good workout with about 400 calories burned. made some zucchini-feta pancakes for dinner, yum, and snacked on a bunch of fresh blueberries and a fudgesicle. it was a super light calorie day, i barely made it to 1100. it's been so hot here, eating is just not appealing.

today i had fage with blueberries for breakfast and the leftover zucchini pancakes and some broccoli slaw for lunch. snack is a clif z bar brownie, which i love! dinner is probably going to be the frozen white CPK pizza that's been lurking in my freezer...i am really trying to make a conscious effort to eat through some of the food that's in my freezer and pantry rather than buying more stuff. i'll probably make a small salad to go with it.


Oct 30, 2002
haha sb i did see the suggestions about wheat and gluten but i refuse to consider any of that ... mostly because there's no way i want to live a life without gluten or wheat so if i am allergic i'll just have to deal and i'd almost rather not know.

SO, i'm having one of THOSE mornings...where a few things go wrong and you just end up really flustered and irritated...i hate it. i am more calm now but i had a few minutes where i was definitely feeling a black mood. first off the jeans i chose to wear are so friggin tight, my butt is like a balloon. and yes i know it's muscle but it just drives me nuts. so i ended up tearing off a belt buckle trying to get them to fit better.
so then i was all flustered and hot from struggling with the jeans and had to drive to work and drop portia off and rush in here for a 9:30 call. so then i felt like a hot angry sausage. ugh.

some days i am okay with how i feel or look but other days i just feel like it's so unfair. i eat well 90% of the time if not more and it seems like sometimes it's such a struggle to stay where i am. sometimes it's easier and other days it's harder. i hate the inconsistency. it makes things like clothes buying super hard. a lot of my smallest clothes don't really fit my very comfy anymore but i hate wearing or buying larger sizes, that's like admitting defeat. now mind you my smallest sizes are like 2 and 4 so buying a 6 shouldn't be such a big deal but somehow some days it really IS!

mrs salvo, it may be that i am working out less but i was able to do that and maintain for a good while. now suddenly in the last 3-4 weeks it's crazy with how my body decided to just start changing again. also in the last 2 weeks i have bumped up workouts again and am doing like 2500-2800 cals a week which is like what i was doing when i was losing before (not the 3000+ cal weeks when i wasnt working) and eating less and i still am not seeing any changes which really irritates me. then i remind myself i am more muscular in general, i can SEE it. but then i did get my bf tested and it was 18.5 instead of 17 so that depressed me too even though 18.5 is still really low..and firmly on the lower end of lean. but STILL. definitely not a mental boost since i feel like i am more muscular but bf went up a bit.

so anyway i am all over the place mentally. i actually feel like i LOOK good visually...i am HAPPY with how i look. so it is a struggle mentally for me because i am happy with where i am at, my husband likes my body now even better than before where he felt i was too thin, but my clothes don't fit as well anymore and the scale is all over the place and my measurements show a more curvy me. so i find myself struggling with what is more important. and i want to be sure and LIVE and enjoy my life and it's not about being uber skinny or anything. i just wish that my body HADNT let me get down to 129 with 36 inch hips or whatever because it kind of set this mental expectation that's what i could go to and now that i am not there, i feel like i have this need to get back down to it, but then again, i feel like i look really good and i get compliments on my shape all the time...and people still tell me i am 'so small'. so where's the mental balance. i could get larger jeans and clothes but then i think oh my god do i really want to go there??? isn't that a slippery slope? or is it just acceptance on where my body wants to be.

rambling now!! but yeah i know we all have these days or weeks or is just mine i guess. but yeah really irritated on the tight jeans. i feel like a serious sausage. and i have been eating really lightly the last 2 days so that irritates me even more. then i wonder 'am i not eating enough?'...but then i think well i ate this much when losing before. but maybe my body isn't happy with that anymore? should i eat more? and then i think well i don't want to eat more! hahaa. vicious mental cycle for sure. anyway...hope everyone is having a better day than me.


Nov 24, 2006
I think maintaining weight is the hardest; that is the part I struggled w/the most!! I think it is much easier to lose it but to keep it at a certain point is hard. I am sorry you are dealing w/this. Hang in there! The pics you posted are proof on how fab you look!!!! I guess what I am saying is that I empathize.

ETA: Just an FYI, whenever I read your posts about squeezing walking in or hiking. . . they really inspire me!
Same w/DeeJay walking to Tiffany's.


Feb 15, 2007
I just wanted to sign on to say that thanks to Mara''s lovely Chipotle calculator, I will now be leaving work to pick up a chicken bol (sans sc and cheese) for lunch! (Oh, and a "bol" is just a cardboard bowl, and all the fixings are thrown inside, it''s like a tortilla-less burrito.)

Dee, I''m so sorry to hear about your migraine, but your weight loss sounds fabulous! It would be easy to miss the globes if you weren''t looking for them, so don''t worry about that!

To everyone else, thank you for sharing all your stories and frustrations and successes--they really are inspiring! I''d like to lose about 15 pounds, maybe 20, and it sounds like an enormous amount of weight to me. Reading your stories makes it seem more fathomable, that''s for sure, so thanks!


Nov 8, 2005
hi! I just got done with an awesome workout - ran hard for 6.5 miles, took just over an hour. I burned over 800 cals! I treated myself to a low fat mango smoothie for lunch (well, I will also have some cottage cheese also in a few minutes). Glad I inquired about the calorie count for the smoothie - 400 for the small, 800 for the large! Yeah, I had a small. It was excellent. Still I''m only at 600 for the day and will be about 700 after my cottage cheese. Am meeting a friend for sushi tonight and I plan to eat about 500 cals there - maybe 700 if we have a glass of wine.


May 25, 2007
Thanks everyone for the welcome! And I have signed up for - I have enjoyed what I have seen thus far.

I do know that calorie intake is my weak point. I think that I have always just ate what I wanted, when I wanted and that has gotten me into this situation of unhealthy eating. In March, I gave up my job because it wasn't healthy for me (emotionally) and with that I gave up eating out for breakfast and lunch. Seriously, I used to be the poster child for fast food - fried fast food to be exact. I never had time for exercise either. So I am not sure how I didn't gain more weight than I have. I have put on approx. 15 pounds in a year. I think that I chalked all the weight gain up to being in school and working full time. I don't want to make excuses anymore. I am going to be making a serious life change.

Date: 6/27/2007 1:02:14 PM
Author: Mara
i just wish that my body HADNT let me get down to 129 with 36 inch hips or whatever because it kind of set this mental expectation that's what i could go to and now that i am not there, i feel like i have this need to get back down to it, but then again, i feel like i look really good and i get compliments on my shape all the time...and people still tell me i am 'so small'. so where's the mental balance. i could get larger jeans and clothes but then i think oh my god do i really want to go there??? isn't that a slippery slope? or is it just acceptance on where my body wants to be.
Mara, you have hit the nail on the head. I think that this is one of my issues. When I went off to college, I didn't gain weight - I lost it. I actually got down to 125 (I'm 5'6') and the way that people responded (positively) to that weight loss has made me think that is where I need to be and where my body looked the best. It's like that number is permanently engraved into my brain. There are of course circumstances that contributed to that weight loss (depression was a big one), so I know that it wasn’t a healthy weight for me. But I still can’t get people’s reaction out of my head when I think about my weight and what I want to lose.

Anyway. It's great to see that people are in the same boat that I am (I like the feeling that I am not alone). I don't feel in such a rut today - but it's nice to know that the support is here!


Jun 15, 2006
Maintenance can be such a total letdown for lots of different reasons depending on the person. My first round of weight loss left me at 132 lbs, totally unsure what to do with this new body and struggling with the idea of being a relatively small person. And I managed to stay that weight for about a minute. And then I bounced between 136-142 for several years before starting to count calories and land where I am today. It's a fine line to walk and can be very frustrating. Sometimes we need to accept that it is what it is, and sometimes we need to push ourselves a bit.

Thanks so much for the kind words, Amber, you're too sweet!

Shortblonde, the pizza was delicious, and 434 calories for a rather large serving (you cook it in a 13X9 pan and divide the pan into 6 pieces)>


Nov 24, 2006
Hey All!

I just found these yummy Fiber One Bars during my grocery shopping trip. The have 9grams of fiber, 140 calories and 4 g fat; I just wanted to share a good snack in addition to fruit, carrots, celery, etc. They are very filling and chocolately(perfect for the candy bar craving)!

Tonight is step class.
I didn't lose or gain weight; oh well.

DeeJay, sorry about the migraine; a cold towel on my head helps. Also, massaging the back of your head. I get them too. I hope you feel better soon.

Kimberly, yah for maintaining!

Good to see you Lorelei!!!

Gail, that is awesome doing 6.5 miles!!! WOW!

Rod, think good thought; I am sending good vibes your way.

Shortblond, glad you got a good workout in!

MRSS, yah for taking Zoe for a walk!

AG, good to see you back and glad you are still exercising!

Glad to see you Haven and Stephanie!




Oct 30, 2002
well after a trip to nordstrom rack i am a few hundred dollars lighter and a few pairs of nicely fitting jeans richer. i got a pair of paige fairfax, joes honey and a pair of stretchy juicy jeans that all fit me wonderfully and are flattering. i was all about comfort on this visit! the joes are a little big but i think they will shrink in the dryer to perfection, and i changed into the juicy ones in the car...they were amazingly enough hemmed to about 31.5" which is perfect for the small 2" heels i had on today...i was like woo hoo. and my coworker said 'cute jeans' when i got back. haha.

as my darling husband said earlier today during my hissy fit 'honey your body is a living breathing thing and it will fluctuate, it's normal'...(i told him that was too rational and didn't make sense to me!)...i realized that i just needed better fitting clothes for days or weeks that i am not going to be my 'smallest' size. and that's okay too!! so now i have a few pairs of jeans that work for me today at a more muscly-me shape, and a few pairs of jeans that work for me still but not quite as comfy on this shape, so i feel more covered on all bases now!

i also got a few really cute tops and two hoodie sweaters..woo hoo. thanks for the positive words skippy, maintaining is very hard...i think because sometimes the 'recipe' doesn't always work and you keep messing with it and can get frustrated. in any case, i feel much better now!! shopping is the best remedy for all ailments, lol.

for snack i had a light n'fit then after getting back from my shopping spree i had some progresso vegetarian barley soup, i love this stuff. the whole can is only 200 cals and has 8g fiber. for snack it's watermelon and maybe yogurt...or a fruit. and dinner we are talking about walking into downtown and getting amicis or maybe sonoma chicken coop which has a great fresh fruit salad with avocado and nuts etc. we shall see!! but i would like to get out tonite and do something a little mentally fun for us to break up the week.

hope everyone is having a good day! skippy those fiber one bars are awesome, there are a bunch of us that were addicted to them a few months ago. i still have one or two floating around.


Nov 24, 2006
Just had to pop in and say Whoooo hoooooo Mara! Yah for shopping and being comfortable


Jan 3, 2005
ditto and the YAY for shopping mara and I''m glad your mood is better. sounds like you got your attitude back on track too although I know the rollercoaster of feelings we get about our size/weight. You do look good girl and most important healthy living and eating as become apart of your life which is what really matters in the long run. gotta love any reason to get new paiges and joe''s too

so tonight my big kids are coming for dinner with friends so it''s burgers for us. Total comfort food BBQ but i''m so looking forward too it. I also bought some low-fat brownies for dessert. I figure with so many of us here there probably won''t be any leftovers and everyone''s portions will be controlled.

Once the sun starts going down i plan on taking Zoe for her evening walk.


Apr 19, 2004

Has anyone been doing upper chest exercises lately? My plastic surgeon wants me to build my pecs a bit before my final surgery (stage two reconstruction) and I am finding it tough. Am VERY sore from using just 1 pound weights.....



Mar 26, 2006
OK. I feel a little better. I *almost* went to the gym but the HH was like, honey, you'll still only one step from puking--don't do it. I did eat a little whole wheat pasta with the sauce that he made last night, but really I haven't had much else to eat today. I *might* be able to work out first thing tomorrow morning because I have a client that I'm not meeting until 9:45, but my migraines usually last for several days and they're worst in the mornings so I'm not taking any bets on how I might feel come 7:30 am tomorrow...

Thanks all for the well wishes today with my headache; I really appreciate it!


Aug 12, 2005
Hello all! I think this is my first time checking in this week, I''ve been forcing myself to buckle down and get things organized around the house and really get my job search going. I''ve done a few workouts here and there, yesterday it was storming on and off all day and night and then today it was super hot and humid so I haven''t been able to get outside! Good news, though, the cicadas are definitely almost gone.
They''ve been the bane of my existence the past month or so, I hate to say it but I''m glad they''re mostly d-e-a-d. Now I feel like I can get outside and get some nice long walks in during the day.

I went on my first job interview this was a group interview with 3 other people and lasted almost two hours! Definitely not a situation I''ve been in before, so it was unique but a fun experience overall. I learned a great deal more about the company and I''m definitely interested in pursuing the opportunity should they call me back for another interview. In the meantime I''m mailing out lots of resumes this week and doing some networking with friends and ex-coworkers I''ve kept in touch with in search of new opportunities.

I had the same issue of being sort of in between sizes when I went to get dressed for the interview. I have several button down oxford shirts that used to fit me perfectly, however I seem to have gained about a half inch in the bust since I last wore them so there is a nice little gap between the buttons in that area and I was getting so upset trying on shirts and having to worry about that. I''m not busty at all, probably a full C at this point, so I was finding it very strange to have this issue, I felt like I needed a minimizer bra! I ended up just wearing a tank underneath so no one got a peep show, and things were fine, but yeesh.
Pants were a whole other can of worms. I''m too big for my favorite dress pants, but too small for my "fat" pants. I would really like to buy a new suit, but I don''t want to spend money on something I may not be able to wear a month from now because i hate getting things taken in, etc. Ah well, I''ll figure something out.


Feb 12, 2006
hello all. went to the beach monday and ran for 45 minutes. even though i had my 30 spf on i came out a little crispy :( i was really p.o''ed. i like my skin tone where it is and didn''t want to get any more tan. oh well, it''ll fade. yesterday was too hectic to even breathe and my dh was having a difficult day, so i took it easy to talk to him and to just be for a few minutes. this morning i hit the gym at 5:30 a.m. it was awesome! i must say that i miss getting up early (i usually wake up at 6:30 now which is late to me). waking up at 5 was nice :) i felt energized all day too. :) calories are in check (minus the most delicious five bites of a 6 layer italian chocolate cake. to die for! ttom is calling for sure), workouts are in check. lost 1.5 pounds last week. very happy as i''d been on a plateau. it sucks because i have to really watch my intake and workouts now that i''m a lower weight. it sounds ridiculous but the first 20 pounds were nowhere near as difficult as this 20 pounds in proving to be. this was the first week that i didn''t want to kick to the scale. it''s hard going from 1-2 pounds down every week to .5 or lower. it''s nice to see it back at a good steady loss again :) 20 more pounds and i''ll be healthy and hopefully even more vibrant.

i fit into my juicy couture jeans today. i got these on sale from ron herman two years ago (marked down from $325 I got them for $100). they were a special cut and style and i haven''t seen them since. size 29 with no stretch (which is nice because the 29''s with stretch from seven''s fit well, so i expected to be a 30 with no stretch). i couldn''t even get my thigh into these 20 pounds ago.

so much for a short post!

yay for shopping mara. dh is right (yes i know you don''t want to hear that. lalalalala. hehe). our bodies fluctuate and as someone said, maybe it''s settling right now. i know how you feel about wishing your body hadn''t gotten so small because it sets a vicious mental precendence. when i was in high school i had a terrible eating disorder and was pin thin and in hospital often. even though there is no way possible that i want to be that thin again, sometimes on those days when those jeans that fit yesterday are suddenly tight, i get that frustration in my head that i used to be "so good at this."
and that i know what i look like at certain low weights and it''s hard setting a goal that is a good 40 pounds above my lowest weight (though i know it''s healthy!). my dh always says that it''s better to be healty (duh, but you need to hear it right?) and my body is just trying to pick a point in which it feels healthy. and i saw your pictures from the wedding last week or the week before, you look fantastic. listen to your body, it certainly knows where it wants to be. and it looks good doing it. :)


Jun 15, 2006
DeeJay, so sorry you''re still not feeling well. Ugh!

Monnie, glad the interview went well.

Cello, way to go on food and workouts in check!

I spent 30 minutes on the elliptical this afternoon, it felt really good. I didn''t even look at calories; I was getting really uptight about not working out enough and I need to just be content in spending a decent amount of time exercising and not worry so much about the cals.

John made beef brisket, corn and baked beans for dinner...DELICIOUS! He''s such a good chefie. The brisket was only 371 calories per serving with some onion bread that we didn''t eat included. He got the recipe from the NYTimes.

Have a wonderful evening all!


Feb 27, 2007

Hi everyone.


Rod, your book sounds funny. I find your posts entertaining and fun to read. I’d buy one of your books.

Dee, I hope your migraine goes away quickly.

Kimberly, that you for the kind words about my weight loss. Your 6 month stats look great! Congratulations on your terrific success.

Mara, your comments on the different size clothes you have and how they fit brought a smile to my face. That’s because so many of my clothes are so big on me that when I buy something that fits it’s kind of uncomfortable at first. I think it will take time for your body to find where it’s comfortable. The most important thing is you like where you’re at and how you feel. I am glad you bought some new comfortable clothes.

Monarch, you interview sounds like it went well. If they weren’t interested in you, I doubt they would spend that much time with you. Good luck!

Cello, glad to hear the scale budged again. That does get frustrating.

I made sure to take extra long walks around work today to work off some of my pizza from yesterday. I met some friends for supper tonight and passed on the mudslide since I went over on cals yesterday; I had some wine since it is much lower in calories. I brought home ½ of my sandwich so I’ll have it for lunch tomorrow.

Have a great evening.


Dec 28, 2005
Thanks for the kind thoughts everyone!! I didn't hear a peep from the urologist today, but for whatever reason, I've decided to not stress over this. I just don't think there's anything wrong with me. And since I found out the insurance company can't really deny the surgery (though I may have to fight with them to prove they can't deny the surgery), it will happen when the time is right.

I had a good day at work and then I hit the gym for a really great workout. I was concentrating on my upper body tonight (so yes Sharon, Rod definitely does upper body work, but you may be hoping one of the ladies will chime in). And I did more than 100 pushups (Sharon, they are still the best upper body exercise one can do and you need no equipment and you can do them anywhere anytime). Then I did assorted machines and lot's of sets of unassisted chinups. I was working in with a 20 something guy who looked like he was in good shape, but he was definitely struggling with chinups. At one point he asked me how old I was and when I told him I was 52 he 'High Fived' me. He thought it was something I could do so many sets of unassisted chinups at my "old" age. LOL Of course I ended the workout with my usual intense 35 minutes on the ellitptical.

When we came home our next door neighbor had been waiting for us (she is in her 50's and works out and looks fabulous) to have a glass of wine and just find out what's been happening with us since we came back to Tampa. We love our neighbor a lot. She took care of our place when we were gone for the five months in Raleigh, so there's an extra bond between us. She's going to join us for Sushi Friday night and then have coffee under our oak tree at Starbucks afterwards. I'm really looking forward to that.

Tomorrow, we'll have our third day at the gym and I usually work harder on Thursday nights since we get Friday off. YAY.

Good deal on the Nordstrom Run Mara. Glad the jeans took your blues away!

I hope you hear some positive news from the interview Monnie. Don't forget to send personal thank you notes if you are truly interested in this opportunity. Actually, the purpose of an interview is to get an offer. That doesn't mean you have to accept the offer, but that's the goal (and remember I'm in the staffing business) so I'd recommend thank you notes even if you don't think the job's the right job.

Good deal on not losing or GAINING weight Skippy. As you've seen from some of the threads it's hard to maintain. Hope the step class was good and made you work hard!!

Yay for running 6.5 miles Gail. That's hard work for sure!

Woo hoo on fitting into the expensive jeans Cello. It's a wonderful feeling when you buy something, but you know it's too small when you buy it and you know you'll be able to wear it soon. Today, I wore a new pair of pants I bought In Raleigh, just a couple months ago, which were a little snug when I bought them, but may wind up on the donate to charity pile as they were actually too large when I put them on this morning. YAY YAY for that.

DeeJay hope you're feeling better!

Dinner as usual sounded terrific Kimberly. We're still waiting for John to land on our doorstep. You can visit him as often as you like once he's here!!!

Marcy, I'm going to hold you to the promise that you'll buy my book when I finish it!! I'm glad you find my posts intertaining too!


Aug 12, 2005
Thanks everyone for the kind words about my interview!

Rod, I do intend to send a thank you to the interviewer tomorrrow. I appreciate the reminder, though, those little gestures do go a long way and even if I do not end up with this company in the near future I definitely want them to know I was grateful for the opportunity. Actually when my DH was hired for the job he''s had for the past 6.5 years his boss told him what sealed the deal was that he sent a TY, so there''s further evidence that it helps!

Also, hope nothing is wrong with you physically! However, if it does turn out that you have a medical issue that needs attention, you are in such great health that you will bounce back in no time. That''s the beauty of living a healthier lifestyle, when things happen to us physically that are not so great our bodies recover more quickly. I''m so glad I was living pretty healthfully for the past couple years, and that I quit smoking finally before I had my oral surgery (it''s been almost 4 months now!), I feel like I healed SO much faster and I had an easier time throughout the recovery process because my mind and body were in a pretty good place. I frequent another board specifically for adults with braces and those going through orthognathic surgery, and some people who had the same surgical date as me are still experiencing a lot of swelling and other issues whereas my body has progressed quite a bit faster in its recovery. In fact, I went to see my oral surgeon about a week ago, and I was under the impression I would see him every month this summer. Instead he told me I was doing so well that he didn''t need to see me again until September unless I had any problems! I was amazed, and pleased, and mostly happy b/c the drive out there is a PITA!


Oct 30, 2002
evening all! sounds like everyone had a good day. good luck on hearing back from the interview monnie.

thanks for the commiserating on my bad jeans day, wwters...i was so irritated with those jeans, DEFINITELY not wearing them anymore. not like i could fit into them comfortably anyway. the funny thing was after i had my freak out, later i realized that i had fit comfortably into that particular pair of jeans for all of like 2 minutes. they were too small when i bought them a while ago, then suddenly they fit for like 3 weeks and i was all happy because they were so nightmarish before, and boom back to nightmarish. so while they were a good deal at the time (and are super cute with butterflies in a subtle white embroidery along the butt pockets), they are so not meant for me.

tonite i met up with greg at this outdoor cafe we love to eat at sometimes. it's in a town about 30 min from our house, but greg takes the train through there on his way home from work so i just drove up to meet him...the drive was pretty enjoyable in my new mini, vroom...and the road we take is this long big mountain freeway that is a really pretty's very scenic. it can take you all the way from our house area to SF if you want, we drive it often as it's much preferrable to the other road from SJ to SF which is really industrial and trafficy, shorter distance wise but so not as enjoyable. we'd rather drive for an extra 10 min on a really pretty freeway. for dinner i had the salad special which was a salad of mixed greens, avocado, bleu cheese, cranberries, walnuts, and vinaigrette (which unfortunately was like 90% oil and 10% flavored herbs...i tried to use all the herbs and only like 1/3 of the oil) which was really tasty, we split a bowl of corn chowder which typically i adore but tonite it did not taste that appealing so i only had some...i got the toasted baguette with butter for my salad accompanyment and greg got his fave italian sausage melt sandwich, not healthy at all but then again he never needs to be, to my everlasting chagrin! the big thing was that we typically get dessert at this place, they have about 15 different things in this huge glass case and cakes from all over, cookies, pastries, tiramisu, puddings, cheesecakes, etc. and it's a coffee house as well and they have fabulous coffee ice cream dessert drinks too etc. there were like 10 things i could have easily gotten. but i said okay lets go and we left with no dessert. i thought maybe i'd have something when i got home but really overall i don't *really* want anything. i could sure think myself into something, but i don't really want anything sweet right now. actually what i ended up doing when we got home was watering the garden and then making some cherry applesauce bran muffins which are in the oven now. so i might have one of those when it comes out of the oven, with a bit of honey before bed.

oh also when we got home we took portia for a 1m walk..and while walking greg said he loved my butt now that it was perky again, that he didn't want a stick figure, and that if i had had my 'flat butt' when he met me he never would have married me so fast...haha. i got a good kick out of that esp since we dated for 2 years then were engaged for 1.5 then got married. he has always loved my butt (it's a persian butt) and so it was a big deal to him when it floated away. so he could care less that i have to wear a slightly larger size now because of my butt making it's appearance again. in fact he's jazzed. gotta love it...and yes cello he is right, i know it. i did tell him i was over my panic attack ... he was like 'you do the right things, you work out, you look great, just relax'...and he is so right. so phhbbbttt to evil jeans and slightly expanding hip measurements.
oh and he was so sweet earlier when i was moaning online to him about the jeans, he said 'just remember that portia and i love you just the way you are...and the mini loves you too'...haha. that made my day.

anyhow, i decided no workout today, my legs are really sore from yesterday's hike and i am doing it again tomorrow with my mom so figured i'd rest up. hope everyone had a wonderful day...!!


Mar 20, 2003
Kimberly, that''s awesome that you lost another inch in your hips. And I agree that women need a certain amount of fat. My sister got her BMI down to 22 and wasn''t conceiving, and then when she went up to 24.5 she did, and that''s on the cusp of being considered overweight. So I''m prepared to need to gain weight to be fertile when the time comes, but I''m not worrying about that too much right now.

AmberGretchen, that''s so awesome . . . almost 40 pounds! And baubles to celebrate too!

Stephanie, I know what you mean about getting hung up on a magic number. But 125 for your height is definitely the low end of where you need to be. I remember in college my overexercising, undereating roommate who lost her period and got that weird facial hair assured me that the doctor said she was just "model thin" as though this was a good thing. So people might have been reacting to the fact that you looked really skinny, like a model, and not necessarily that you had the healthy glow of someone who is balancing exercise and eating and looking her best.

Mara, I''m glad you got some jeans that you can enjoy wearing in your muscled form. Buying clothes is always fun, no matter what the reason.

Monarch, perhaps you could get a cheap pair of pants to fit you now? You might find that different brands have their sizes slightly different and there might be something in more of that in between size for you.

Cello . . . congrats on getting in those skinny jeans! So much fun! My coworker and I were laughing that we were wearing really old, probably out of style clothes because we were so excited that we fit into them again. Not that your jeans are out of style, but fitting into old clothes you''d outgrown is somehow sweeter than buying new clothes in a smaller size because you''re sure of your progress.

OK, so the scale has been fluctuating since the low of 122 last week . . . from 123 to 126 or so. When I have a bad few days (like too much wine on Sunday or travelling), it''s at the top of that, and then it comes back down. So perhaps this is where I''ll stay from now, especially until I stop being in flux in terms of traveling.

My sister''s baby is due any day now, so I''m expecting to be up with her for the better part of a week. I was there yesterday helping her set up the baby''s room. She seemed to be a in a bit of denial that the baby was coming because the room wasn''t anywhere near ready. She heard me say that the room needed a lot of work on the phone with our brother, and I think that made her realize, "Ooops, I should really get this done." She''s had contractions two separate nights as well.

So anyway, getting the room ready involved a lot of heavy lifting. Obviously my sister couldn''t do it so my brother-in-law and I did most of it . . . carried a full size mattress and box spring down two stories, carried a filing cabinet up one story, carried a dresser from a neighbor''s house. Luckily the neighbor, who is moving overseas and getting rid of a lot of furniture, came over to help after that. Before he came over, I protested that I appeared to be larger than he is so I should probably continue doing the lifting (he had to be no more than 5''3" and 120 pounds), but I was told that he is a personal trainer and is much stronger than he looks. So all of that counted as my workout for yesterday. When I wasn''t lifting heavy objects, I was moving things from the second floor to the basement and organizing closets.

Last night was a business dinner with DH, you know, the expense account type. It wasn''t a great success, but I guess it wasn''t a disaster. I had about half of my salad, one bite of bread, two bites of appetizers, about half my dinner (salmon with spinach, green beans, and potatoes . . . I had very little of the potatoes) which I asked to have boxed up, and unfortunately maybe 40% of this chocolate dessert that DH ordered. That was the only really bad choice I think. One of DH''s coworkers complimented me on getting some of my meal boxed and said that although he ate all of his, he shouldn''t have. Then he told me that he weighs 238 (TMI perhaps) and wants to lose ten pounds. But he was average height . . . 6 ft. or so . . . so perhaps he is in denial about how much he needs to lose. I was too, so I shouldn''t judge. When he complimented me on boxing up my food he said, "Of course, not that you need to," so I said, "Well actually I recently lost fifteen pounds," which is always fun.

Another wife there was in her young 40''s and looked amazing. She was wearing this halter type top that made her shoulder muscles really stand out. It turns out she is an aerobics instructor.

Other good news is that my father-in-law and his wife told me that I have inspired them, and they''ve joined Weight Watchers. Together with the wife''s daughter they''ve lost almost 25 pounds. It''s neat how it just takes seeing one person getting in shape to make you think, "Hmmm. I should do that!" They were already very active, but as I learned in this very thread, while exercise is irreplacable in terms of your health, what you eat is a critical factor in weight loss and maintanence. I''m not sure if they know what my particular "diet" is (lots of veggies, lots of fruit, lots of whole grains, lots of good fats, and reduce animal products, particularly red meat). I know they tried the South Beach Diet before (we still kid them about this terrible ricotta cheese dessert they tried to pass off as a substitute for ice cream or mousse). But anything that gets you keeping track of how much you''re eating helps, and I know WW certainly does that. I''m especially excited for my step-sister-in-law. Whereas my FIL and his wife could certainly lose weight, they are more in the normal range for somebody their age, but the daughter is in college and has gained significant weight in the four years we''ve known her, and she was already overweight or close at that point. So for her I think this is something that she will always battle with, and also something that is critical in determining her long-term health. She''s already lost over 10 pounds!


Feb 27, 2007

Happy Thursday, everyone.


Rod, that’s great news to hear that your jeans are too big already. I think there is a good book in all of us; of course you’ve at least started yours. I will buy your book, I swear.

Mara, your drive sounds wonderful. I am sure you had fun zipping around in your new mini. I am glad you aren’t stressing over your evil jeans anymore because you are doing everything right and taking care of yourself. Greg sounds very sweet and supportive, too.

Amber, congrats on loosing 40 pounds and getting some new sparkles for your anniversary. Our anniversary is Friday as well. 16 years for us.

PG, that’s great you seem to have settled around you low weight, yeah! And that you are inspiring your family to loose weight as well that is awesome. Congratulations on being a new aunt soon.

Today is my 1 month anniversary of loosing 100 pounds. I wish I’d lost more than 6 pounds this month, but it goes in spurts. I will have to take a new picture tonight of myself in the same clothes I had on for my 100 pounds photo so I can “see” the difference.

Have a great day!


sevens one

Apr 14, 2004
Hey Rod
just wanted to chime in
to say that I''m thinking of
you and hope that all is well.


Apr 30, 2005
Good wishes outgoing to you also Rod. Monnie I also wanted to congratulate you again on your achievement with not smoking!!!!! I am so proud of you!!!

Great job everyone, Dee I hope you feel better soon.
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