
Weekly Workout Thread 17th Sept till 23rd Sept

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Aug 12, 2005
Checking in to say tonight was our 4th wedding anniversary....we went out to dinner with another couple who share our anniversary date...will tell the whole story when I have more time (and fewer cocktails/glasses of wine in me, lol!) Just couldn''t go to bed without getting a word in on the WWT!


Nov 24, 2006
Happy Anniversary Monnie!!!!


Jan 3, 2005
Happy Anniversary Monnie....

hope everyone is having a great weekend. Not much to report here. Did my usual sat. magic mountain hike which was great.

skippy, did you hike this am too?


Oct 30, 2002
wah it''s raining here!! which i don''t really mind actually as i''d love to just cuddle up on the couch and relax...but we have to go for our hike. we COULD do it tomorrow i guess. actually ding ding, okay so we are going tomorrow hahaha. it''s going to be sunny tomorrow and like 75, a no brainer. and my legs are still kind of sore, strangely, from thursday''s workout. my body is probably going into shock what with all this intense workout stuff i am doing with the trainer. i asked them how many cals i might be burning...the online estimates are totally unclear. i end up doing like 40 minutes of weight and resistance training and about 20 min of interval heart-rate up cardio. i imagine it might be kind of hard to estimate, i put it at 250 but it might be more. and i know the more muscle i build, the more cals it burns in general over carrying fat.

okay so now that we are not going hiking...i have a salon appt at 11:45 and we have friends coming to visit at 2pm but other than that our day is our own. i may have found us a chair and ottoman at macy''s last nite (good ole macys, when in doubt by too many other options at stores, go visit macys!) and best of all it''s on clearance which means it''s cheaper than it would have been by like 30% AND it''s in stock in their warehouse so it means we could have it within a week. part of why i have been dragging my feet on the chair thing is because all the places make you order it and it''s like 8-10 weeks. and seriously when you want something like a chair and ottoman or even a couch, you want it NOW. not 2 months from now. why don''t places realize that? so we have to go check out the chair and ottoman so greg can see if he likes it..and then we can just buy it.

last nite went the mall and walked around for a good while, did some fall shopping as well as the macys jaunt. i got a super cute dream hoodie cashmere blend sweater at jcrew...did i mention their sizing is SO way off because i ended up getting an what do real XS gals wear? cuz with these linebacker shoulders i am NOT an XS. so weird. and also at nordstrom i found the cutest very fine cord gray jacket in the jean jacket style with a fleecey sherpa lined hoodie on the back, love those things. and again i ended up getting an XS in that too. tried the M then the S and the S fit perfectly on my shoulders but too loose in bust and waist area big time. so the XS fits perfectly everywhere but a little tight on shoulders. however since it''s a cord material it''ll stretch so i figured i''d just do that. i would rather it cramp the shoulders a bit than give me a faux preggo belly. so anyway i figured i walked a fair amount last nite which felt so good on my legs since they were pretty sore from thurs, mostly in the upper hip and joint area probably from lunges and squats.

then we got sushi to go on my way home and we went over to our neighbors to have dinner with them. so yummy. gail you''ll appreciate this but they are huge sushi eaters...and this place''s rolls are not tiny. with them we end up getting EIGHT 8 piece specialty rolls...most with some type of raw fish on top of them as well, and then 2-3 pieces of nigiri and 2-3 pieces of sake salmon sashimi for me. miso soup and edamame for all. and we eat it all. i end up eating about 10-12 rolls sans the rolls do end up being really tiny for me..but that''s okay. but yeah they surely love their sushi, even more than we do! then i had 1/2 a piece of toblerone (my neighbor always has chocolate around, she has a bigger sweet tooth than me hehe) and when we came home i had a 1/2 portion of slow churned.

this morning we had our typical breakfast, cereal mix with berries and coffee with ff milk. lunch will probably be egg white salad on a pita or toast and some smoked chicken breast..yummy. for dinner we are still mulling things over, if we want to go out and spend some alone time, we like the idea of driving somewhere fun we haven''t been in a while but really the weather might dictate that...not sure if we want to go out in the rain cuz staying in sounds so appealing! so we''ll see. and we found out about another breakfast place near us that is a competitor with the one we went to last weekend so now we are thinking we''ll try that tomorrow morning hahaa. before our

anyway hope everyone is enjoying a nice saturday!! happy anniversary monnie! oh and i saw your photos of you and DH in your other thread, you two are so cute. you look so thin woman.


Nov 8, 2005
Tdiddy, I was reading your posts thinking "man, that sounds like me!" I do triathlons and half marathons and am having a HECK of a time losing weight. Anyway, No answers for you, but then I happened upon your dress thread and you are so thin! You look amazing and FIT. Maybe you are not dropping weight because you don''t have excess fat to lose? Just a thought! Good luck on your upcoming race! Which marathon are you doing?

Rod, sorry for the stressful day at the office with the layoffs.... that sounds really bad. Feel free to keep calling me the old name, no problem!

Skippy, your 5 mile walk sounds great!

Marcy, thanks for the suggestions for beating the hunger... good ideas!

Mara, hope you got your chair! Your sushi dinner sounds great.

Hope everyone is having a great weekend.


Nov 24, 2006
Date: 9/22/2007 4:03:20 PM
Author: TanDogMom
Tdiddy, I was reading your posts thinking 'man, that sounds like me!' I do triathlons and half marathons and am having a HECK of a time losing weight. Anyway, No answers for you, but then I happened upon your dress thread and you are so thin! You look amazing and FIT. Maybe you are not dropping weight because you don't have excess fat to lose? Just a thought! Good luck on your upcoming race! Which marathon are you doing?
Tdiddy that is what I thought when I saw your thread. I had to do a double take and see you were the same Tdiddy! Seriously you are tiny
That dress is a size 4 and almost zips up!!!!


Nov 24, 2006
Rod, you and Mara should have met for sushi!!
Rod, I hope you had a gorgeous fun filled day!!!

Kimi, when do you get back? I am glad you checked in and are having a blast!

Mara, sorry it is raining; we had crazy rains on Thursday (lasted all day). Tomorrow it will be gorgeous; the air will be so crisp and same w/the sky. You will have a fantastic hike for sure
Have fun w/your friends!

Mrs. Salvo, you rock for all your good workouts. Whooo hooo to spin and hiking. I didn't hike but I will walk this evening. In 2 weeks I will be going hiking w/some girlfriends that are athletic so that will be fun. Hubby went for a long bike ride this morning. You are always so sweet and thoughtful Mrs. S. How is your little bun? I bet the girls get more and more excited as time goes bye.

TanDogMom, I bet you look great too! I am sure of it! You are the marathon woman, whooo hooo!

Marcy, what are you up to? I missed your post.

Monnie, how was your anniversary?? How many years? Hope it was wonderful!! I can't believe it will be 8 yrs for us next yr.

I am sooooo loving the cooler weather! It is fantastic and I love walking and not dying in the heat! I will be walking tonight. For lunch hubby and I had Indian food (like from India). I ate 2 of those naughty syrup covered doughnut holes and I think 4 pieces of naan. I will behave the rest of the weekend. Eeeek, that stuff is too yummy, Happy Saturday my sweets!


Feb 27, 2007
Hi everyone. Is everyone having a great weekend? I met a friend for breakfast this morning. I am relaxing this afternoon waiting for my husband to get home. I got the house cleaned last night and have my laundry done (until I get the clothes out of my husband’s suitcase) so I plan on goofing off and knitting today.
Lorelei, I am glad to hear your treadmill should be fixed next week. Sorry to hear you are so tired this week. I hope you relax a lot this weekend and feel better.
Mara, that is great you get to see different trainers. I am sure each one of them can give you different areas to work on and try. Your chair and ottoman from Macy’s sounds like a great deal. I love their sales.
Skippy, the walk in the rain sounds really fun. Is the rain cold there? It is very cold here. I will go check out your bling shots. Your shots from Vegas were great. Your long walk last night sounds great. I did not post last night because I cleaned house until I left for my astronomy meeting then continued finishing up house work when I got home. I like getting my house work done before Saturday so I can goof off.
ChargerGirl, Happy 1st Anniversary.
Tdiddy, I think that is a good idea to try and cut calories for a while to see what happens. It is worth a shot. Your work out so much it is hard to believe you aren’t loosing on the amount of calories you eat now.
Kimberly, I am glad the concert was amazing and you are having so much fun. The dresses from Macy’s sound nice.
Basil, sorry your hours and food availability make it difficult for you on food choices. Good luck on finding ways to avoid some of the tempting foods.
Rod, I am sure you’ll be glad to get your rings back. It sounds like you are having a great weekend.
Monarch, Happy 4th Anniversary.
Hi MrsSalvo, I am glad you got in your favorite morning walk today.
TanDogMom, I hope my tips help. I hate trying to sleep when I am so hungry.
Take care everyone!


Jun 27, 2006
Thanks for the encouragement, everyone!

It would be OK if the unhealthy work cafeteria food was actually good tasting, but it''s also pretty nasty to eat. I hate it wasting calories on something that doesn''t even taste that good. But just about the only thing worse than being busy, stressed out, and sleep deprived is being busy, stressed out, sleep deprived AND hungry!

I got home this morning at about 10, so I slept for a while after that. I did about 45 minutes of strength training. My total eating for the day is two slices of toast (TJ''s 40 cal high fiber bread) with a slice of low-fat havarti, and two slices of toast with low-fat cream cheese and salmon. Which is good cause my friends want to go out to dinner tonight. Don''t know where we''re going, hopefully they have some healthy menu choices!

Tomorrow I''m going to the gym, doing laundry, and grocery shopping. Exciting.

Hope everyone has a great Saturday night!


Mar 26, 2006
Hello from hot buggy Orlando!

I talked my dad into going to the workout facility at the resort this afternoon out of sheer bordome. He has NEVER been to a gym in his life and was kind of incredulous that he was at one then, but bordome will make you try anything once, LOL. I did only 35 mins on the treadmill (there is more to this story but I don't have time to write it all out now), but I guess that's better than nothing. Tomorrow the HH and I are going to try going to one of the other gym facilities on the property together and I'll be able to get a longer work out in.

***ROD*** I just realized today that we're less than an hour from you on this vacation. Would you and Charlie be willing to let the HH and me join you for Sushi on Monday night? If so, just post the name of the restaurant, the address, and the time and we'll meet you there. If you are up for it and post all that just assume we'll be there unless you hear otherwise (if we can't make it for some reason I'll post on this thread). We had to find an internet cafe to post this message because the business center at the resort won't let me log into PS but I can access the site via my blackberry and see your reply even though I won't be able to answer. Let me know--it would be great to meet you in person!

Miss you all very much! Gotta go but I'll write more when we get back!

ETA: Happy Anniversary Monnie!!


Feb 27, 2007
Basil, it sounds like you are busy but maybe you can pack your meals and keep healthy snacks at work to eat. That way you are controlling what you eat and when there are tempting things around to eat you can pull out one of your healthy snacks. I keep assorted 100 calories snack packs in my desk at work and even take some with me to parties. I will also take a bag of baked lays with me to parties so if I snack it won’t be that bad. When we eat at a restaurant I try to order things that I think are fairly low calorie and eat only ½ of it. I cut my meals in ½ the minute I get them and eat only one half. I find that eating smaller amounts spaced through out the day keeps me from being hungry so I am not tempted to overeat. Good luck.

DeeJay, Orlando is buggy, huh? Aak. That is great you went to the gym; a new experience for you dad, huh? I hope you guys get to have dinner with Rod and Charlie. That would be so neat.


Nov 24, 2006
Hey all! I had a busy day. I visited w/the neighbors, went to Lowe's (hardware store) and the fabric store. I am taking up sewing and I start my class on Tuesday so I needed fabric. I can't wait; it will be fun!

I went walking for 35 mins and now hubby grilled some chicken and burgers, yummo!

Marcy, cool to catching up w/a friend and doing laundry! Enjoy your knitting!

Rod and DeeJay, I am so jealous in a good happy way that you all get to meet. Whooo hooo. DeeJay, please take pics. hehee

Basil Yay for healthy foods!

Sweet dreams all until tomorrow


Feb 27, 2007
Skippy, you''ll enjoy sewing. I think it''s fun. I was thinking of making myself some skirts and jumpers since I have many old patterns already I would only have to buy the fabric. I really enjoy knitting; I am making scarfs for Christmas gifts. We had burgers on the grill for supper too followed up by some cherry chocolate chip slow churned. Yummy!


Nov 24, 2006
Date: 9/22/2007 10:56:21 PM
Author: marcyc
Skippy, you''ll enjoy sewing. I think it''s fun. I was thinking of making myself some skirts and jumpers since I have many old patterns already I would only have to buy the fabric. I really enjoy knitting; I am making scarfs for Christmas gifts. We had burgers on the grill for supper too followed up by some cherry chocolate chip slow churned. Yummy!
Yay for a burger and grilled chicken (what I ate) night!!! Sweet dreams honey! What sweet presents Marcy; I bet they will love the scarfs!


Dec 28, 2005
So, I was just reading through the posts for the day and WOW.....just saw your cool note DeeJay!! It would be wonderful to meet you and HH for Sushi!! I wish Favorite Sushi place #1 was open Monday, but Favorite Sushi pace #2 is also really good. It's not a fancy sushi place, it's small, quaint but with super good sushi. Anyway, we go to SoHo Sushi Monday nights around 6ish if that works for you. The address and phone number is:

311 S Howard Ave
Tampa, FL 33606
(813) 251-1475

Probably best if you mapquest it from Orlando. But from Orlando you would take I-4 and go quite a distance towards Tampa. Once you're near Tampa, you'd get on I-275 South. You would stay on I-275 South, where you would take the Howard/Armenia exit (you go through a light and stay in the left hand lane) and turn left on Armenia (it's a one way street). You'll take Armenia till you hit Swann Avenue, where you would have to turn right or left. You would turn left on Swann and go to the intersection of Swann and Howard (Panera on the right - yep the one we hit like every Saturday and Sunday) and CVS Pharmacy on the left. Turn left on Howard and go about 1/4 mile and SoHo Sushi will be on your left. It would be so Terrific to meet you both!! We'll definitely take you to the Frozen Yogurt place and even Starbucks where you could see the Oak Tree I write so much about in person!!

Of course if something comes up, I'll understand, but would be disappointed for sure!!

Skippy, I'm sorry you and HH can't be here too! Great job on your 5 mile hike!!

Happy Anniversary Monnie!! Hope your dinner with your friends was terrific!

Congrats on finding a chair and ottoman you like Mara. Yep, when all else fails Macy's usually has just the right thing!

We got our rings today (so they'll be nice and clean and sparkly when we meet DeeJay!). It rained most of the day, which was kind of pleasant to us. It wasn't too hot. After getting our rings, we had turkey burger sandwiches at Fat Burger, then we had a really good 2.5 hour session at the gym. We ended up at the same place we ate last Saturday called the Wine Exchange, which has such a nice outdoor terrace and we had fresh cream of spinach soup and we each had a big salad, mine with grilled shrimp and scallop and Charlie's with grilled chicken. was so good and pleasant sitting out there. Of course we followed that with Frozen Yogurt and coffee under our oak tree (only we had to go inside because it started to rain) at Starbucks.

Anyway, that was our day. Still super excited about the opportunity to meet you and HH DeeJay!!

Sleep tight everyone!!

BTW.......Charlie had his physical this week and you have to love what eating healthy and exercising can do for one's life. Charlie's doctor is amazed that at 59 years old he takes no medication of any kind and his bloodwork came back absolutely fantastic. He has the cholesterol of someone in their 20's. Yay to taking care of yourself and good health!!


Jun 29, 2006
skippy, marcyc, and tandogmom: thanks for visiting my wedding dress thread and for the encouragement. i''m up about 5-8 pounds from then, so that''s just where i''d at least like to get back to. tandog mom, i am sure you can relate to how much it sticks to lug an extra 5-10 lbs around on a 26 mile race. so really for me, besides feeling better in general that''s part of my motivation.

mara: i started my "healthy" eating gig today officially and will see how it goes.

tonite my sister and i entertained family from out of town and fortunately they chose mitchell''s fish market for dinner. so i was able to eat well and had a delicious piece of grilled swordfish and grilled veggies. it was fantastic. the weather here is gross again....back in the 90''s and humid. i cannot wait for the fall. so tomorrow i will do my long run either early or late to avoid the heat. and we are hosting a grill out tomorrow night. i had the butcher make these yummy turkey burgers that he puts diced red and green pepper in. really good.

hope everyone had a great saturday!


Feb 27, 2007
Thanks, Skippy. I hope you have sweet dreams too. I’m always pretty cold so I think of ways to keep warm. I like knitting a scarf because you can just knit on it without paying attention to a pattern and finish it when it looks long enough. Speaking of sewing I am going to have to mend my new pj''s top - one of the little buttons got caught in my washing machine and ripped about 2 inches when I pulled it out. Rats.
Rod, look out for all those calls to your cell phone. I like the name of “Fat Burger”. My husband goes to a place in Arizona called “Cardiac Arrest” – they fry everything in lard but everyone says their burgers and fries are great. That is marvelous news that Charlie’s report card came out A++ from the doctor. I figure every day I do this; I am adding months if not years to my life.
Tdiddy, good luck with your new eating program. Your turkey burgers sound great! You mentioning knowing what it feels like to lug around 5 to 10 pounds. Here is a great list I found referenced on sparkpeople to put weight in perspective. I’ve almost lost a newborn giraffe – cool!

Your weight loss =

1 pound = a Guinea Pig
1.5 pounds = a dozen Krispy Kreme glazed donuts
2 pounds = a rack of baby back ribs
3 pounds = an average human brain
4 pounds = an ostrich egg
5 pounds = a Chihuahua
6 pounds = a human’s skin
7.5 pounds = an average newborn
8 pounds = a human head
10 pounds= chemical additives an American consumes each year
11 pounds = an average housecat
12 pounds = a Bald Eagle
15 pounds = 10 dozen large eggs
16 pounds = a whale’s brain
20 pounds = an automobile tire
23 pounds = amount of pizza an average American eats in a year
24 pounds = a 3-gallon tub of super premium ice cream
25 pounds = an average 2 year old
30 pounds = amount of cheese an average American eats in a year
33 pounds = a cinder block
36 pounds = a mid-size microwave
40 pounds = a 5-gallon bottle of water or an average human leg
44 pounds = an elephant’s heart
50 pounds = a small bale of hay
55 pounds = a 5000 BTU air conditioner
60 pounds = an elephant’s male organ (yep, weights more than his heart!)
66 pounds = fats and oils an average American eats in a year
70 pounds = an Irish Setter
77 pounds = a gold brick
80 pounds = the World’s Largest Ball of Tape
90 pounds = a newborn calf
100 pounds = a 2 month old horse
111 pounds = red meat an average American eats in a year
117 pounds = an average fashion model (and she’s 5’11”)
118 pounds = the complete Encyclopedia Britannica
120 pounds = amount of trash you throw away in a month
130 pounds = a newborn giraffe
138 pounds = potatoes an average American eats in a year
140 pounds = refined sugar an average American eats in a year
144 pounds = an average adult woman (and she’s 5’4”)
150 pounds = the complete Oxford English Dictionary
187 pounds = an average adult man
200 pounds = 2 Bloodhounds
235 pounds = Arnold Schwarzenegger
300 pounds = an average football lineman
400 pounds = a Welsh pony

Sleep well my WWT PS friends! Remember, a calorie saved is one you won''t have to burn.


Jun 27, 2006
Date: 9/22/2007 9:15:10 PM
Author: marcyc
Basil, it sounds like you are busy but maybe you can pack your meals and keep healthy snacks at work to eat. That way you are controlling what you eat and when there are tempting things around to eat you can pull out one of your healthy snacks. I keep assorted 100 calories snack packs in my desk at work and even take some with me to parties. I will also take a bag of baked lays with me to parties so if I snack it won’t be that bad. When we eat at a restaurant I try to order things that I think are fairly low calorie and eat only ½ of it. I cut my meals in ½ the minute I get them and eat only one half. I find that eating smaller amounts spaced through out the day keeps me from being hungry so I am not tempted to overeat. Good luck.

If it were just snacking, it would be OK. But if I''m there for 30 hours at a time, baked lays aren''t really going to sustain me, you know? I need a meal. I''m guilty of temptation as much as the next person, but at work it''s not about temptation. It''s about "it''s 8pm and I haven''t eaten since breakfast and I have 20 minutes to eat or else I''ll go all night without eating". Eating small frequent meals is good in theory, but if you''re busy and you can''t, you have to make do.

Went out tonight with a friend to a sushi bar. I feel good because we definitely did not pig out...we got a few maki rolls to split and a glass of wine each. So I never felt stuffed or full, but I don''t feel hungry either. Then I had just one gin and tonic at the bar later on. Good conversation and food and alcohol intake in moderation. Phew!


Jun 29, 2006
Date: 9/23/2007 12:37:45 AM
Author: marcyc

Thanks, Skippy. I hope you have sweet dreams too. I’m always pretty cold so I think of ways to keep warm. I like knitting a scarf because you can just knit on it without paying attention to a pattern and finish it when it looks long enough. Speaking of sewing I am going to have to mend my new pj''s top - one of the little buttons got caught in my washing machine and ripped about 2 inches when I pulled it out. Rats.
Rod, look out for all those calls to your cell phone. I like the name of “Fat Burger”. My husband goes to a place in Arizona called “Cardiac Arrest” – they fry everything in lard but everyone says their burgers and fries are great. That is marvelous news that Charlie’s report card came out A++ from the doctor. I figure every day I do this; I am adding months if not years to my life.
Tdiddy, good luck with your new eating program. Your turkey burgers sound great! You mentioning knowing what it feels like to lug around 5 to 10 pounds. Here is a great list I found referenced on sparkpeople to put weight in perspective. I’ve almost lost a newborn giraffe – cool!

Your weight loss =

1 pound = a Guinea Pig
1.5 pounds = a dozen Krispy Kreme glazed donuts
2 pounds = a rack of baby back ribs
3 pounds = an average human brain
4 pounds = an ostrich egg
5 pounds = a Chihuahua
6 pounds = a human’s skin
7.5 pounds = an average newborn
8 pounds = a human head
10 pounds= chemical additives an American consumes each year
11 pounds = an average housecat
12 pounds = a Bald Eagle
15 pounds = 10 dozen large eggs
16 pounds = a whale’s brain
20 pounds = an automobile tire
23 pounds = amount of pizza an average American eats in a year
24 pounds = a 3-gallon tub of super premium ice cream
25 pounds = an average 2 year old
30 pounds = amount of cheese an average American eats in a year
33 pounds = a cinder block
36 pounds = a mid-size microwave
40 pounds = a 5-gallon bottle of water or an average human leg
44 pounds = an elephant’s heart
50 pounds = a small bale of hay
55 pounds = a 5000 BTU air conditioner
60 pounds = an elephant’s male organ (yep, weights more than his heart!)
66 pounds = fats and oils an average American eats in a year
70 pounds = an Irish Setter
77 pounds = a gold brick
80 pounds = the World’s Largest Ball of Tape
90 pounds = a newborn calf
100 pounds = a 2 month old horse
111 pounds = red meat an average American eats in a year
117 pounds = an average fashion model (and she’s 5’11”)
118 pounds = the complete Encyclopedia Britannica
120 pounds = amount of trash you throw away in a month
130 pounds = a newborn giraffe
138 pounds = potatoes an average American eats in a year
140 pounds = refined sugar an average American eats in a year
144 pounds = an average adult woman (and she’s 5’4”)
150 pounds = the complete Oxford English Dictionary
187 pounds = an average adult man
200 pounds = 2 Bloodhounds
235 pounds = Arnold Schwarzenegger
300 pounds = an average football lineman
400 pounds = a Welsh pony

Sleep well my WWT PS friends! Remember, a calorie saved is one you won''t have to burn.
That one cracked me up! Pretty funny list....puts things in perspective for sure.

Rod - just saw your post about Charlie''s doctor visit. That is great news - esp. the cholesterol results. That''s a tribute for sure to the program you two stick to with working out and eating right.


Oct 30, 2002
morning all!! i read posts last nite but was too lazy to here's my morning encapsulation post hehe.

yesterday ended up being rainy and gray so we just did some stuff around home, had a salon appt, did grocery shopping, and then went and finally bought our chair and ottoman at macys, woo hoo!!! we both love it and it's a classic style but with a bit of an updated look to it with seaming in the leather and a super dark espresso color...yay. and best of all it's a discontinued style so they have them in stock so it's being delivered next sunday, rather than us having to wait 6-8 weeks which we love. also got a new mattress pad and down pillows at macys since they were having a sale. then we went to dinner...took the train into a town 30 min from here and ate at this awesome indoor outdoor cafe we love. we shared minestrone and then i had a basil melt which is a special item at this place for summer, i love it and i have it maybe 2x a year because it's so seasonal. i didn't really want to eat a lot of bread last nite, but when i saw the basil melt on the specials i was like oh i have to have it!! then we went for a walk around the downtown area for 20 min and then came back, got lattes to go and shared a choco chip cookie, hit the bookstore next door and then caught the train home. i picked up the Abs Diet small supplemental recipe and tip guide for $7 and the Intuitive Eating book that someone posted on here about previously. they didn't have the trim your mind book that i really wanted to get, oh well! next time. i've got some reading to do for now.

then breakfast this morning...we were mulling around going out to this other breakfast place someone recommended we try that is a competitor to the one we went to last weekend. but then i thought well i want pancakes but i want healthy ones, so we decided to eat at home. i made buttermilk pancakes for greg (who cried for 'normal' pancakes heehe) and made myself swedish oatmeal pancakes and put blueberries in them both...yummy. so, much better than going out to a diner for sure...and we got to spend time at home with portia listening to our satellite jazz station and there was no 'wait' or loud people next to us. hehee.

so now we are talking ourselves into hiking since it's still gray out...i think we are going to make spaghetti at home, our famous recipe that we use for the lasagna as the crockpot, yummy. i'll do a turkey lean beef blend with mushrooms and we'll use dreamfields spaghetti and i found these awesome slightly underbaked TJ's mini baguettes that are only 120 cals each! i love that they are pre portioned since i never quite understand what one serving of bread is. and they are pretty long, about 10-11 inches and skinny. so def a good portion of bread for not many cals. the rest of the day we'll just hang inside and cuddle.

hope everyone is enjoying a happy sunday.

tdiddy i agree woman you look tiny in your wedding dress!! and good for you for starting on the tracking. i have been using fitday again and watching my carbs to see what i am eating, interesting stuff for sure.

marcy i love that list you posted. so i lost 20 lbs (more like 17 now but 20 originally) which is an automobile tire, gosh that seems so darn heavy huh? and a small giraffe, wow! congrats!

basil you really should pack some healthy granola bars and things you can keep in your desk or whatever at work. i have a bunch of things i can eat if i need to if i can't get to a meal for a while...great plane food, like healthy low sugar trail mix or granola fiber cereal or luna bars or similar. i would rather eat that stuff all day long than cafeteria food that didn't even taste good for sure.

skip good for you on a nice long walk!

rod, yeah we got our couch 4 years ago from macys and it's holding up excellently so we know they have good quality for not too expensive prices which works for us. last nite we were walking in some ritzy downtown area and we saw a chair that wasnt' even as good looking as ours for 2500 just for the chair!! crazy prices out there for sure...and for what?! a piece of furniture.

rod and dj i hope you guys get to meet up, how fun will that be!!! come back and tell us stories.


Feb 27, 2007

Happy Sunday WWT friends. We got up pretty early. I used up our frozen waffles from camping for BF and had low cal syrup on mine. I made us scrambled eggs with 2% cheese and fixed hubby some bacon. For lunch we had raw veggies, chicken nuggets (left from camping) and mashed potatoes. I picked up some lite bites brownies today and tried them; they are not bad but I’d rather eat 2 snack well devils food cookies for the same calories but my favorite 100 cal treat is slow churned ice cream. We are going to a BD party tonight but my friend is watching out for me; she said she will have raw veggies, fresh fruit and picked up baked lays for me. I will naturally have to eat a cupcake though – at least one of those is very controlled so I won’t get a big piece of cake or be tempted to eat more.

We went to Sams club this morning and I picked up 2 more sets of pj’s. Now I have 3 to pick from; it is so nice to have something to sleep in that fits me. I have another stack of big clothes by the dining room table that will be given to needs or goodwill. I am begrudgingly parting with some of my favorite cotton tops; they are getting pretty gappy on me. Rats.

Mara, your trip downtown yesterday sounds really fun and a very nice way to spend a rainy day. It looks like we are going to have drizzle and clouds most of the day here. Yes, a car tire seems heavy to me; I would whine and have my husband pick it up for me. When I was minus 118 I saw that I’d lost an entire set of encyclopedias. The funny that about that is if I was moving a set of encyclopedias from one place to another; I doubt I would carry more than 2 of them at a time. Just think I carried around an entire set over a year ago. Wow! I am glad you both like your new chair.

I hope everyone has a great day!


Nov 24, 2006
More from the French being thing.

How do these Frenchies do it? Here are a few tips: here


Jun 27, 2006
Mara - With all due respect, I don''t have a desk in which to keep snacks, and it''s honestly impossible for me to snack during work. Not to mention unhygenic
. When I rejoined this thread, I also realized that a total change would be impossible for me right now - there are just certain allowances I need to be able to give myself in order to not completely lose focus. Every meal is not going to be healthy and I''m going to end up missing workouts, but the goal is to get in some workouts and eat mostly healthy meals. Honestly, the job is more important to me than eating 100% healthy and working out every day.

That said, I did go out and buy a few Lean Cuisine''s to take with me my next overnight. I think they are a little small (280-300 cals each) to keep me going all night, but I suppose it''s better than a nasty chicken patty. It may be kind of on the verge of what I consider "going too far" for me right now, but I''ll guess we''ll see. It also irks me that I have to pay for a meal that they would give me for free at work, but oh well.

Anyway, enough on that. Had a pretty nice day today - I went to the gym this morning. Apparently, college kids don''t go to the gym at noon on a Sunday, so it was pretty empty, which was nice. I had a low-cal toast, egg, and low fat havarti sandwich for breakfast; grilled chicken breast with mustard and arugula salad for lunch; snack of apple slices and a low-fat cheese stick and a starbucks skim latte; and I''m having brown rice with TJ''s palak paneer and fage yogurt for dinner.

Maryc - Wow, you''ve lost an amazing amount of weight! You have incredible self-control, too. A party is just about the hardest thing for me!


Nov 24, 2006
Hi all! Hubby and I packed a picnic of salad, grilled chicken sandwiches and pineapple w/raspberries. We went to the foothills (Elena Gallegos Park) and ate our meal and watched an awesome storm roll in or else we would have hiked but when jumped in the car and it poured! It was cool to watch the whole city get rain from the foothills. I am going to change clothes now and go for a nice long walk since the rain stopped! Yay!!!

Marcy, wow, that is an awesome list. I like that! Glad you had a nice breakfast!

Basil, yay for the gym. If I recall correctly you are a doctor? My friend is an Emergency room doc and he says those nurses always have bad goodies around. Maybe you could bring in carrots and celery; sounds like a busy job. The hygenic part is important, eeek. . . all those germs.

Mara, enjoy your hike!!!! The basil soup sounds good! Glad you got a lot done yesterday!

Rod, I don't mean to be nosy but you forgot to tell DeeJay what time to meet you for sushi! I am excited for you two to catch up
Have fun; I bet it will be a blast!!!! Yay for Charlie being in his 20's healthwise. You two rock!!!


Dec 28, 2005
Hey everyone.

Thanks Skippy..........So DeeJay, we get there around 6 PM on Monday's. You do have the address and phone number of the restaurant, so worst case call them and leave a message if you need to change your plans, or if you're runniing late, we'll be there at 6 PM and you can just ask for us. It will be so nice to meet you both in person!!

Today was a nice day. I washed my car after driving in the rain yesterday. Then we had a quick lunch at Panera, then hit the gym for our standard Sunday afternoon workout. I really didn't feel like going, but Charlie pushed me (yay for having a partner to push me) to go and I'm glad I did. We had a really good workout. I'm sure I'll be sore tomorrow, as we did a lot of weighted squats today and may have used a bit much on the weight side, so I'm expecting my but to be sore tomorrow morning. LOL

We went from the gym to the specialty grocer around the corner and just picked up snacky things for dinner, which included shrimp salad (they make this spicey Key West style shrimp salad with pecans, So Good!), fresh steamed Old Bay seasoned shrimp, veggie salad, baked chicken legs and sliced tomato. It was a nice variety of foods and pretty healthy too.

We're hoping to take a nice long walk, but the weather's just not cooperating. The rainy season should be winding down by now, but it's been pretty darn active the last week. They say tomorrow will be a drier day. Maybe my car can stay clean for a whole 24 hours.

Anyway, that's the news from our side of the planet. DeeJay, I hope you get this and see the time.


Feb 27, 2007
NGEO had a program on about morbid obesity this afternoon. I missed the first 20 minutes. They said since metabolism is so slow in a really obese person that over 30 pounds of food can still be in your digestive tract most of which is rotten and toxic from being there so long. YUK! The program is repeating on Tuesday at 5 p.m. ET. I am going to record it so I can watch the entire program. At least I won’t be making a big batch of buttered popcorn to watch the show. Ha Ha. You know, get out a coke, some candy, eat popcorn and watch TV. That used to be our Saturday night routine. Poor hubby has lost enough weight now that a pair of his loose shorts fell off him yesterday. It was way funny. He feels bad eating in front of me so he doesn''t ask for things like popcorn anymore when we are watching movies. We think he''s lost about 20 pounds.

Basil, I hope the LC work for you at night. Yeah for finding the gym mostly empty. I did find it in myself to have tremendous self control and I sure am glad I did. Parties are difficult but I make sure to take things I can eat – it’s funny my baked chips and low cal snacks are as popular as regular food.

Skippy, your picnic sounds like a wonderful way to spend the afternoon. I love to watch storms from afar – especially lightning. I hope you enjoy your walk this afternoon. I am glad you enjoyed the list. It is interesting.


Dec 28, 2005
Oh Dear Skippy........Thanks for looking out for me!!!


Nov 24, 2006
Date: 9/23/2007 6:06:12 PM
Author: Rod
Oh Dear Skippy........Thanks for looking out for me!!!
Yay, glad you got the times figured out


Jan 3, 2005
marcy, that is one crazy list when you think about lbs that way...

Rod i hope you and deejay to get to meet up. She and the HH are just the nicest people ever, as i''m sure you and charlie are as well, and I know you all will have a fantastic time at dinner.


Dec 28, 2005
Date: 9/23/2007 6:41:13 PM
Author: mrssalvo
marcy, that is one crazy list when you think about lbs that way...

Rod i hope you and deejay to get to meet up. She and the HH are just the nicest people ever, as i''m sure you and charlie are as well, and I know you all will have a fantastic time at dinner.
Oh thanks Mrssalvo........I''m sure we''ll have a wonderful time!!
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