
Weekly Workout Thread 12th Feb till 18th Feb

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Apr 30, 2005
Date: 2/15/2007 1:14:36 AM
Author: Mara
whhheeee so dinner was amazing! we chose from the regular menu since the prix fixe was too limiting...and shared fresh crab cakes and a warmed arugula and frisee salad with bleu cheese, roasted bacon and vinaigrete which is super yummy. then i had the new york steak and greg had a manicotti..their steak is always really awesome, and tonite did not disappoint. we also ordered a side of their specialty herb tossed yummy. with a buttermilk dip sauce.

i also noshed hard core on wheat bread with butter...their bread comes from this bakery nowhere near here but it's wonderful. the wheat is stone ground so it's a very fine taste. i also had two of their specialty martinis for tonite which was a raspberry martini with lime and a scoop of orange sherbert...seriously yum. and so strong, hahaa. i had to ask for the 2nd one to be slightly less deadly. we didn't get dessert since greg got a box of truffles from schurra's and i also got us some things from there today as well so we have a serious amount of specialty chocolate at home....haha. so we walked back home and made some espresso and then snacked on double dipped chocolate covered cherries (yum), and a few of the truffles.

the funniest thing is that i was not really 'hungry' when i got there i basically ate everything i was served. and greg was cracking up because i kept eating the bread after my steak and the fries were done, the bread was so good!! he's like 'aren't you full yet'...but i wasn't!! finally about 10 min after we stopped eating i was full, but not painfully so. hehe.

so we walked there and walked home which was fun...and totally easy..we loved how easy it was for vday this year! hope everyone had a wonderful day...whether you celebrated or not. it was really nice to break up the week and do something different...and take the time to get out of the 'weekday' regular grind, and appreciate each other and have some fun together!!

it's back on the healthy wagon tomorrow, even though i never ate my cupcake from today...and we have a bunch of truffles. i figure we'll eat them slowly over time...they are pretty rich so we can easily share one of the dark ones with liqueur as a dessert a few nights a week.
In a restaurant, I could easily ignore the other courses ( apart from dessert) and just scoff the contents of the bread basket, with proper butter of course!

All your food sounds yummy chaps!!!!!!!! I had vegetable rice which was microwavable.....

I did 45 mins on the treadmill carefully and it went well, glad I made myself do it.

Lisa I am sorry you never got to marry Shawn Cassidy!

Hey - anyone remember Leif Garrett????
* ducks* OW!


Apr 30, 2005
Sorry if this is TMI - I just wanted to ask the fish oil takers a question.

Do the fish oil capsules ever make you feel nauseous or make you actually be sick? I am curious as I don''t think they are agreeing with me. I have felt this way on taking them in the morning on occasion ( I am not pg), I don''t feel sick the rest of the time and can eat no problem the rest of the day, it just seems they can make me feel ill first thing in the morning....


Mar 26, 2006
Date: 2/15/2007 8:48:41 AM
Author: Lorelei
Sorry if this is TMI - I just wanted to ask the fish oil takers a question.

Do the fish oil capsules ever make you feel nauseous or make you actually be sick? I am curious as I don''t think they are agreeing with me. I have felt this way on taking them in the morning on occasion ( I am not pg), I don''t feel sick the rest of the time and can eat no problem the rest of the day, it just seems they can make me feel ill first thing in the morning....

Lorelei, I actually had a similar experience with just my regular daily vitamin. For years I used to take it first thing, on an empty stomach, right after I brushed my teeth. I wouldn''t eat anything for a least an hour after that because I have breakfast at work. But then I ran out one time and it took me several days to get some more and I went back to my normal routine of taking them on an empty stomach. The first two mornings I felt so nauseaus I had to sit down. The third morning I actually puked (sorry if that''s TMI). I actually wondered if I might be PG (
) but then I linked it to the vitamins, stopped taking them first thing in the morning (now I have it right after lunch when I have food in my stomach) and I''m fine. So I don''t know if they changed the formula of the vitamin from one bottle to the next or whether taking them again after being off of them for a few days was a shock to my system or what. So, Lorelei, try taking them with food (if you don''t already) or even after a different heavier meal (like lunch) and see if it makes any difference.

Anyway, the old batch of pumpkin muffins (one of which I''m eating right now!) came out fine, but the new batch with the heart shaped tins didn''t get done the whole way through and we had to scrap them.
The happy hubby said he''d try again, but probably not until he gets back from his trip.

My backside doesn''t feel nearly as sore as I imagined it would today after raising the incline so much, but my knees are staging a protest, so tonight''s workiout will be an easy one.

Mara, your dinner sounds marvelous!


Apr 30, 2005
Date: 2/15/2007 9:30:47 AM
Author: Dee*Jay

Date: 2/15/2007 8:48:41 AM
Author: Lorelei
Sorry if this is TMI - I just wanted to ask the fish oil takers a question.

Do the fish oil capsules ever make you feel nauseous or make you actually be sick? I am curious as I don''t think they are agreeing with me. I have felt this way on taking them in the morning on occasion ( I am not pg), I don''t feel sick the rest of the time and can eat no problem the rest of the day, it just seems they can make me feel ill first thing in the morning....

Lorelei, I actually had a similar experience with just my regular daily vitamin. For years I used to take it first thing, on an empty stomach, right after I brushed my teeth. I wouldn''t eat anything for a least an hour after that because I have breakfast at work. But then I ran out one time and it took me several days to get some more and I went back to my normal routine of taking them on an empty stomach. The first two mornings I felt so nauseaus I had to sit down. The third morning I actually puked (sorry if that''s TMI). I actually wondered if I might be PG (
) but then I linked it to the vitamins, stopped taking them first thing in the morning (now I have it right after lunch when I have food in my stomach) and I''m fine. So I don''t know if they changed the formula of the vitamin from one bottle to the next or whether taking them again after being off of them for a few days was a shock to my system or what. So, Lorelei, try taking them with food (if you don''t already) or even after a different heavier meal (like lunch) and see if it makes any difference.

Anyway, the old batch of pumpkin muffins (one of which I''m eating right now!) came out fine, but the new batch with the heart shaped tins didn''t get done the whole way through and we had to scrap them.
The happy hubby said he''d try again, but probably not until he gets back from his trip.

My backside doesn''t feel nearly as sore as I imagined it would today after raising the incline so much, but my knees are staging a protest, so tonight''s workiout will be an easy one.

Mara, your dinner sounds marvelous!

Thanks Dee, that helps to hear your experience! I actually puked ( sorry!) too and it seems coincidental, also I took a vitamin pill at the same time as the fish oil, so it could even have been that! Thanks so much for your answer


Jul 6, 2005
Hey gals and guys

last night, despite wanting to get home to have a nice evening with my husband, i made it to the gym. only stuck around for 30 minutes of ellipitcal, but the gym was empty
just the way i prefer it.

while i do pilates as my "strength training" i''m thinking of incorporating some arm exercises into my routine. maybe with light weights. does anyone have any favorites to suggest?

also, TG -- you have to suggest some great wines. I
wine, but have a pretty novice palette. i''m definitely open to new ones, especially good ones and reasonably priced ones are always nice
. i''m certainly intrigued by the rockford sparkling red.


Jun 15, 2006
Morning All!

So last night was the food-fest I predicted it would be. I started off with Caesar salad, which the restaurant is famous for, but ended up being a bit disappointed as they forgot my croutons! Oh well, the dressing is still the Caesar dressing I've ever tastes. Then I had rigatoni with sausage olives and capers in a tomato sauce and we split chocolate mouse for dessert. The presentation was terrific, there were two pieces of chocolate, one white the other rasperry flavored, shaped like hearts with the raspberrys and mousse in between, so it was like eating a raspberry mousse cookie. YUM! And I had 2 glasses of Aquinas Cabernet, which was decent wine, but not as full bodied as I'd expected in a Cab, but it went nicely with the rigatoni.

So I ate too many calories yesterday (and the day before with all those stupid fries!) so I'll be cutting back for the rest of the week (less snacks!) to make up for it. No big deal, which is the whole point...finding the balance between eating well and enjoying special treats.

Kimberly: Don't let the plateau get you down. It happens to everyone ho works out regularly. The body will fight hard to maintain a certain level. Plus, I'm pretty convinced that colder weather makes our bodies either retain more fluids or our metabolisms slow down to naturally put our bodies in build fat mode because naturally, our bodies should need extra blubber to stay warm during the cold months. Just a hypothesis mind you, but it does seem that it's happened with both myself and Charlie, even though we work out hard and eat healthy.

Rod, thanks for the encouraging words! I am actually at peace with my body now, as is. If I don't lose a single pound more I'm really okay with it as I know that now I am really doing the best things for my body. If I do lose a few more, well that is great and groovy but I'm not going to get fixated on it. All to often we tell ourselves we haven't done enough which undermines all of the positive things we do (a good job at work, taking care of our health, being kind to others, etc.). One of my new goals is to work on celebrating the things I do right and well instead of always looking for ways to improve myself as I am, like most, my own worst critic and it's really sad that I don't relish in my accomplishments.

ETA: That pesky winter weight, I call it my winter coat. I say we gain a bit to shield ourselves from the cold weather in the winter (I live in San Diego, so it doesn't really work here but it did when I lived in Sacramento!) and then during the spring it's time to shed the winter coat. Your hypothesis makes sense, though, is my point. Our bodies respond to the environments we live in, and that includes weight gain to stay warm!

I hope everyone is having a terrific day and enjoyed their evenings.

Keep up the great work!!!


Apr 19, 2004
Date: 2/14/2007 9:48:54 PM
Author: Rod

Date: 2/14/2007 1:36:58 PM
Author: canuk-gal

Date: 2/13/2007 5:31:55 PM
BTW Rod--I know you love dark chocolate--have you tried any Coppeneur?

I haven''t Sharon. Is it Canadian chocolate? I''ve never seen it here, but it''s not a name I would necessarily look for, but now I will! Thanks
HI Rod:

German actually. They have taken single origin chocolate making to an art from what I''ve read. (think cocoa beans like grapes for wine--different regions produce different tasting products). Anyway, I bought one 72% dark (cannot recall the origin--Equador??) and it is very good--a banana and ginger combo. My DH adored it. They had one bar that was 82% pure, maybe I''ll buy it next. No soy lethecin or preservatives and at $5 a bar (70 gms) I thought it was pretty fine for haute chocolate!.



Apr 19, 2004
Date: 2/15/2007 8:48:41 AM
Author: Lorelei
Sorry if this is TMI - I just wanted to ask the fish oil takers a question.

Do the fish oil capsules ever make you feel nauseous or make you actually be sick? I am curious as I don''t think they are agreeing with me. I have felt this way on taking them in the morning on occasion ( I am not pg), I don''t feel sick the rest of the time and can eat no problem the rest of the day, it just seems they can make me feel ill first thing in the morning....

LL, is it perhaps the type and brand of fish oil combo you take? Cod liver oil did this to me and hence I stopped taking it. I now take a wild fish oil combo (omega three long chain fatty acid 180EPA/120 DHA) twice a day, that is enteric coated. Maybe you need a coating on the capsule.



Oct 30, 2002
lulu i am not sure if you have a BevMo by you but we have them here and Greg LOVES them. i find them pretty handy too. they are a liquor store but it's more like a huge warehouse and they always have huge sales, they also have these amazing '20 under $20' sections and '10 under $10' as well as their showcased ones for the month which are typically based on Wilfred Wong or Wine Spectator reviews so it makes it easy. the best part is that they focus mostly on cheaper wines that taste really good. Greg is a huge fan of not paying more than $20 for a great bottle of wine and we have found some total winners there at this place. He really loves the strong red, especially shiraz and syrah. But we keep white on hand for when my Dad comes over, he's a chardonnay lover.

Also sometimes they have 'buy one get the second for 1 cent' so we totally go and stock up our wine fridge then. hehe. anyway if you don't have one of those, maybe you have something like it, but for me, a total wine novice (i actually like buying wines based on how much i like the label images which actually works pretty well 90% of the time believe it or now), i have been able to get Greg some stuff he loved with relatively little effort. Oh and you can shop online with them and then pick up your completed order at the local store which is so awesome if you are crunched for time (I do this at the holidays because then I just spend 20 min online ordering and then go in for 5 min to pick up). Anyway that was probably WAY more than you wanted to know about this place but I figured I'd throw it out there.

So can I just say .... indulgences suck the next morning!! While our dinner was fantabulously divine...I woke up in the middle of the night sooo thirsty and full..I drank almost a whole glass of water (which just makes you feel more full) and this morning I am not even remotely hungry. But I am eating 2 multi-grain eggo waffles with spray butter and no syrup and having coffee. Today is a light day for me. I don't even think I will eat my cupcake at work (but maybe..hehe)...I feel like I need to detox after all that chocolate and sweets. I think my body is just really not used to all kinds of crappy food anymore. I feel like it's working overtime to digest everything and I'm sure my big new york steak (which was yummy though) did not help as meat takes even longer for your body to break down. I'm having a smoothie and pumpkin muffin for snack (DJ you have to cook the modified recipe I posted much longer than the original, I think maybe even longer than I posted, I think we cooked ours 40 min, use the toothpick method for doneness! Oh and also if they come out not done, don't scrap them! I put them back in the oven, even if it's an hour or two later and cook them bottom up for another few minutes and typically it works) and soup for lunch. Snacks this afternoon will be Fage with honey and a banana. And then dinner will be something light...I don't know what. But maybe veggies and chicken. Or soup. Or boxed mac and cheese but made with just 1 tbl butter, and 3/4c milk (surprisingly low in cals when done this way and very creamy). Or something...easy!! And low-cal. And I'm thinking no chocolate today. At all. Maybe this wkd...but we have one more banana cream pudding in the fridge, and that's nice and creamy and 100 cals and won't give me chocolate nightmares. lol.

Anyway hope everyone had a great time yesterday, we surely did and it was a great Vday for us...we got each other the CUTEST cards...Greg's were the best I thought...and our chocolate strawberries were super fun...dinner was divine and we even got a booth in this place since they accidentally gave our table away, booths are super coveted so we scored ...bonus!

Have a great Thursday!

Oh and Lorelei, we found out where they get the wheat bread and I looked it up's about a 40 min drive for us but this place participates in a farmers market in the summer in this small town so we are like okay we are going soon and getting a loaf of their wheat bread. yikes!!


Apr 30, 2005
Thanks Sharon for sharing your experience with the fish oil too! It is so rare that I feel nauseous, apart from when my back is bad, but I normally have guts of steel, so this was really weird for me. You could have a point that I need ones with an enteric coating on.

The reason I started taking them regularly was it said in a fitness mag that they can increase calorie burn, but even if they do it isn''t worth feeling like that, EVER.

Mara - I would stock up on that bread and freeze some!


Apr 19, 2004
Date: 2/15/2007 11:42:41 AM
Author: Lorelei
Thanks Sharon for sharing your experience with the fish oil too! It is so rare that I feel nauseous, apart from when my back is bad, but I normally have guts of steel, so this was really weird for me. You could have a point that I need ones with an enteric coating on.

The reason I started taking them regularly was it said in a fitness mag that they can increase calorie burn, but even if they do it isn''t worth feeling like that, EVER.

Mara - I would stock up on that bread and freeze some!

I just wanted to add LL, that there is an alternate source for DHA (omega 3 fatty acid), that is dervied from a vegetarian source--algae. It is called Udo''s DHA Oil Blend (from the Udo''s choice line of health products, which I have used and are of very high quality). This might work, as you get the great oil and no fish after taste (don''t know about algae tho....)



Apr 30, 2005
Thanks for the tip Sharon, I will have to look out for that.


Jul 6, 2005
hey mara,

thanks for the bevmo tip, unfortuantely i don''t think they have them out here on the east coast. my go-to-place for decent cheap wine has been world market. they have a similar selection it sounds like -- lots for under $20 that are apparently worthy of being a "good" wine. i''ve been doing well there.

on christmas eve my mother-in-law opened a bottle of Pahlmeyer 2003 Red and it was the first super wine i''d had. really delicious flavors. too bad it costs something like 100 dollars a bottle...


Dec 29, 2004
Mara, I woke up with the exact same feeling. I went to bed before TGuy and he came pretty late and I jolted awake just parched! I asked him to get me a bottle of water and drank over half of it before falling back asleep. I''m still thirsty this morning, but in no way hungry.

Lulu, I am not a wine expert by any stretch. I think wine is for most people knowing what they like and what they don''t like. The Rockfords is pretty well impossible to get here. I think we saw it at one wine store and it was $100 - it''s half that in Oz. We have bottles of it because TGuy''s parents always try to bring a bottle or two when they come over for us to drink on special occasions. Also, while I have been to many wineries in Oz, I have not been to Napa or Sonoma...and I live in California! Central coast wines are the farthest I have gotten up in the state.

Do you know what style of wine you like? Big and bold or softer wines? Lately I have enjoyed sauvingnon blancs from new zealand for a white. I''ve also been drinking more pinot noirs. But last night''s Jarvis was was a cab but had mellowed out alot and was so soft - almost like a merlot. Yum!

Mara, if Greg likes shiraz, you should really try some australian stuff...they do great shiraz! Also if you like champagne, bevmo has had a charles heidsieik blue label on sale for 29.99. It''s over-priced there to start anyway (I think they marked it at $45) but it is a lovely champagne. Photo below!

Also Trader Joe''s a good place to get reasonably priced wine. They just started carrying the BR Cohn silver label cab for 14.99. It''s decent...we love the gold label, but it''s a lot more than 15 bucks!

OK, back to workout and health stuff...I need to exercise today! I''ll take a noontime walk, as it''s gorgeous today, and have a gyrotonics class later in the day. I can''t get myself to eat breakfast yet, but think a salad for lunch will work, followed by dinner out tonight since it''s TGuy''s birthday. I think this is the first time in a long time where I am NOT looking forward to eating out. Don''t want to eat period. Wonder if the restaurant serves grass...

Have a great day everyone!



Oct 30, 2002
yeah i am really not feeling the urge to eat today, i mean i feel kind of hungry and i will eat, but i''m sticking with basic stuff that won''t be too flavorful lol. my stomach feels a little weird. and my boss wants to go to lunch, i swear that woman is going to be the death of me. i told her i couldn''t go and she''s like why not?! i was like sorry i need to just chill out today and STOP going to lunch. haha. i guess it depends on where they go but i really don''t feel the urge to eat out again.

cost plus/world market does have awesome wines!! lulu also you might want to check out because they have recommendations on there also for their top 20 under 20 and that whole thing, so maybe you can take some notes on stuff that intrigues you then try it out locally.

oh and TG yes greg has tried a few of the australian shiraz''s. he''s pretty adventurous when it comes to wine!


Mar 26, 2006
Well apparently I have lost my ability to consume any caffine whatsoever. Last week I think Starbucks gave me caffinated rather than decaffinated coffee and I spent four hours thinking I was having a heart attack. This morning I asked for half regular/half decaf because The Demon spent most of the night actively yipping and twitching as he chased squirrels in this sleep so I thought a bit of caffine might do me some good, and I still got a little shakey from only half-and-half. Oh well, it''s probably better for me not to have it anyway, but every once in a while I do enjoy a nice cuppa joe...


Jul 6, 2005

cost plus/world market does have awesome wines!! lulu also you might want to check out because they have recommendations on there also for their top 20 under 20 and that whole thing, so maybe you can take some notes on stuff that intrigues you then try it out locally.

mara: i''ll definitely do this. great idea!


Jun 15, 2006
I just burned 500 calories on the treadmill and then did 100 sit ups, my second time this week doing core work, YAY FOR ME!!

Sounds like everyone is having a recovery day. I didn''t overeat yesterday, thank goodness. I did eat more than normal but I managed to temper my desire with visions of pounds appearing on the scale later!

DJ, I''m so sorry you''re having issues with caffiene intake!


Oct 30, 2002
lol kimberly, my preventative vision of appearing pounds on the scale didn''t really work, because i was like hmmm okay one lb means 3500 cals and i ate like an extra maybe 1k calories yesterday, so that''s not even 1/3 of a lb appearing.


Dec 29, 2004
Well, I about to get that extra 1/3 lb...

I had a wee bit of leftover pasta for lunch...and the rest of the coconut cake. Can anyone say "carb overload"? Argh.

At least I am not shamed into avoiding you guys. Gotta keep plodding along....


Jul 10, 2006
the fish oil I take is coated, so you don''t get the "fish burp". I only take one a day. I don''t take them ever on an empty stomach, I would probably feel sickyness too! Same with my vitamin.

We ate out at a nice seafood restaurant here in town, and man was it good! Hubby got crab legs and I got a parmesan encrusted sole with jumpo lump crabmeat. Oh YUM. The bread was really the best part too! They had these wonderful green onion garlic biscuits also - so good!

Today I met my friend, and we walked on the tredmill for about an hour, not really sure how many calories I burned, but today I normally don''t do cardio anyways, so it was nice to just take a break and try to burn off a little bit of my indulgement dinner.

We then did a powerflex body toning class, and wow, those are great!! I think it''s greats mainly for endurance, but its switches it up from my normal lifting routine.

hope everyone had a nice V Day!


Oct 30, 2002
lol well i am well on my way to the 1/3 lb...i ended up going out for lunch with my boss and coworker because i wanted to hear the juicy gossip she wanted to share with us, and we went to this french californian place that i really love...and i got their fabulous tuna nicoise which has 2 slices of perfectly seared tuna on lettuce, along with variegated tomatoes, avocado, green beans, sliced egg and olive tapenade, it''s so yummy. i poured out 3/4 of the oil they used in the ''vinaigrette'' (seriously people do you really need like 12 tablespoons of olive oil in a dressing???? i hate that!) and it was SO yummy. and fresh and good. hehe. i didn''t eat all the avocado, but i did have 2 pieces of yummy wheat bread with a bit of butter, and snitched about 5 pommes frites from my coworker''s dish. so while overall the meal was pretty healthy, i ended up eating my cupcake from yesterday,''s white cake with white frosting as a snackie...not quite too bad. but dinner tonite will probably just be soup for us or something easy and low-cal.

tomorrow night typically we would go out again to dinner but now i am thinking maybe we might want to chill out at home with some TJ pizzas and banana cream pudding or something! i am kind of burnt out on eating out for right now (though by tomorrow that can change lol). on saturday night we are having dinner at my parent''s house which will most likely not be healthy esp as my mom loves dessert. and sunday i think we are visiting grandma who is making us chorizo and eggs ... another yikes. so any way we can chill at home for some lighter fare would be nice...though i updated my cal spreadsheet and even with yesterday''s splurge and all that, i am still okay with intake etc based on my calorie burn at the gym. bonus!

speaking of gym, i''ve got a workout tonite, 500 is my goal but hopefully i can get a few more in there, hehee. anyway hope everyone is having a great day!!


Jan 20, 2006
Date: 2/15/2007 8:48:41 AM
Author: Lorelei
Sorry if this is TMI - I just wanted to ask the fish oil takers a question.

Do the fish oil capsules ever make you feel nauseous or make you actually be sick? I am curious as I don''t think they are agreeing with me. I have felt this way on taking them in the morning on occasion ( I am not pg), I don''t feel sick the rest of the time and can eat no problem the rest of the day, it just seems they can make me feel ill first thing in the morning....
lorelei i take salmon oil 3 at a time first thing in the morning . i don''t feel nauseous with them nor do I get the dreaded fishy reflux. Maybe its the brand or something else?


Mar 26, 2006
Argh--I''m so p!ssed off! 699 cals!!! If I would have stopped watching whatever total drivle was on the stupid TV and just done the math one more time I would have made 700. Argh!!!

Anyway, I am quite a bit under my cals for the day and there''s reallying nothing more I want to eat. I''m sure I''ll manage to choke down a truffle, but I just had a LC pizza dipped in Classico sauce and I''m perfectly full.

OK, kids, fill me in on the fish oil. What benefits am I missing? Do you really burp fishy? The last thing I need is to walk around belching up something that smells like the Jersey shore, LOL.


Jun 15, 2006
So I decided to make a low-cal casserole for dinner and it''s currently in the oven cooking, 337 cals and 10 g of fat per serving (it''s the green chile and cheese recipe in the WWT recipe thread) except that i just realized I left out one of the main ingredients...the sour cream! No wonder the sauce seemed sparse. We''ll see how it turns out, but it''s even lower calorie now, ha ha ha. I''ll be at about 1200 calories for the day, which is great!

Tomorrow I''m meeting a friend for lunch, we''re going to a fast food Greek place, I can get out of there for under 400 calories, so I just won''t snack and I''ll be in good shape for another low-cal day tomorrow.

I''d like the answer to the fish oil question too, it just sounds icky!


Jun 27, 2006
Hi All,

I don''t post much to this thread, but I do read along and lurk. Just a quick question - I started tracking my calories through Sparkpeople because I wasn''t making any progress on the last 5 lbs. They recommended 1200-1550 calories per day. But I am starving! I''m tracking very carefully, eating ~250-280 calories for breakfast (7:30am) which lasts til 11 am. Then I am starved until 12 when I eat lunch. I am eating around 400-450 calories for lunch, but then am starved again at 3 pm! Then I generally eat around 500-600 calories for dinner at 5 pm, and a snack of 100 calories at 8 pm. Then at bedtime I''m usually hungry again. Last night I was so hungry at 10:30 pm that I literally could not sleep, and I had to get up and eat a cottage cheese. My average has been about 1350 calories per day over the past 6 days, and it''s been working because I''ve already lost 2 lbs. But I don''t know how much longer I can keep this up. More frequent meals or snacks really aren''t an option for me because of my work schedule.

How do those of you who eat <1500 calories per day manage? Do you feel uncomfortably starved for significant portions of the day, or is that just me?


Dec 28, 2005
Date: 2/15/2007 8:48:41 AM
Author: Lorelei
Sorry if this is TMI - I just wanted to ask the fish oil takers a question.

Do the fish oil capsules ever make you feel nauseous or make you actually be sick? I am curious as I don''t think they are agreeing with me. I have felt this way on taking them in the morning on occasion ( I am not pg), I don''t feel sick the rest of the time and can eat no problem the rest of the day, it just seems they can make me feel ill first thing in the morning....
Lorelei......I take 1000 mg of fish oil with omega 3 fatty acids twice a day, plus triple lecithin, and about a 15 other supplements daily and I no longer ever feel any nausea, but when I started the healthy supplement lifestyle a year and a half ago, I suppose I was nauseous at first. Of course I make sure I take my supplements after I''ve ahd my breakfast, which as you know consists of a high fiber cereal, fresh berries and fat free milk. It''s not a good idea to take supplements in an empty stomach. So eat first, then take your pill(s).


Dec 28, 2005
Date: 2/15/2007 9:53:35 PM
Author: basil
Hi All,

I don''t post much to this thread, but I do read along and lurk. Just a quick question - I started tracking my calories through Sparkpeople because I wasn''t making any progress on the last 5 lbs. They recommended 1200-1550 calories per day. But I am starving! I''m tracking very carefully, eating ~250-280 calories for breakfast (7:30am) which lasts til 11 am. Then I am starved until 12 when I eat lunch. I am eating around 400-450 calories for lunch, but then am starved again at 3 pm! Then I generally eat around 500-600 calories for dinner at 5 pm, and a snack of 100 calories at 8 pm. Then at bedtime I''m usually hungry again. Last night I was so hungry at 10:30 pm that I literally could not sleep, and I had to get up and eat a cottage cheese. My average has been about 1350 calories per day over the past 6 days, and it''s been working because I''ve already lost 2 lbs. But I don''t know how much longer I can keep this up. More frequent meals or snacks really aren''t an option for me because of my work schedule.

How do those of you who eat <1500 calories per day manage? Do you feel uncomfortably starved for significant portions of the day, or is that just me?
Basil, If you''re hungry most of the time, you''re probably not eating enough and your body could be in deprivation mode and that could be one reason you may not losing the weight you want to lose. Since I don''t know your height or weight, 1500 calories a day could be enough, but for most of us, that''s probably not enough, particularly if you''re regularly exercising. Use sparkpeople and sites as a help, not the gospel. Don''t starve yourself. I used to do that and it''s not a good thing to do.


Jun 27, 2006
Date: 2/15/2007 10:24:23 PM
Basil, If you''re hungry most of the time, you''re probably not eating enough and your body could be in deprivation mode and that could be one reason you may not losing the weight you want to lose. Since I don''t know your height or weight, 1500 calories a day could be enough, but for most of us, that''s probably not enough, particularly if you''re regularly exercising. Use sparkpeople and sites as a help, not the gospel. Don''t starve yourself. I used to do that and it''s not a good thing to do.

Hi Rod,

I''m about 5''5" tall and as of this afternoon, 123.5 lbs. I did lose 2 lbs in 6 days averaging 1350 calories per day and burning around 500 calories daily for exercise. I''m thinking maybe I should aim for the upper end of the range, around 1450-1500 calories and hopefully continue to lose.


Dec 28, 2005
Happy Thursday Everyone!!

It was a cold day in Raleigh, but actually quite invigorating. I had my normal healthy breakfast, (including my daily regimen of supplements). Then I met Charlie for lunch at Panera and I had 1/2 a turkey sandwich on soudough (love Panera''s sourdough bread) and a cup of low fat vegetarian vegetable soup (really yummy btw). My side was a baguette, but I wrapped that up to have as toast with dinner. I did have a Tart Cherry scone with a cup of coffee from Starbucks (such a treat and it''s nice to be able to have treats now!). Then I worked till past 6, stopped at the store and picked up a salad and hit the gym. I was just energized for some reason and I worked out really hard. I''m up to 10 unassisted chin-ups. WOO HOO!! But I didn''t get out of the tym til after 9 PM. Still, I had my salad, toast, 3 squares of chocolate and an apple for dinner.

Tomorrow''s Friday and yep, you know it means SUSHI night for Rod and Charlie. Can''t wait. I work really hard to get to Friday night and Sushi, plus being able to sleep past 7 AM on Saturday morning. YEAH!!

I hope you all had a great Thursday!!

Mara: I''m a breadaholic too. Sometimes, I''d rather have the bread with butter (I''m not fond of olive oil dips for bread) than the meal. There''s just something about really good bread. For a long time, I denied myself bread altogether, but thanks to your advice, I have allowed certain NEEDED treats back into my life!!

Ellen: Thanks for vote of confidence. I do enjoy my life a lot and I hope it shows how utterly wonderful it is at this time in my life to have found the courage and desire to lead a really healthy life.
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