
Weekly Workout Thread 11th June till 17th June

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Aug 8, 2005
Thank you everyone... Mara-- I am overweight and I have 50 pounds to loose... I just have a very small frame and I hide the weight a bit.. but I'm still overweight.

I know 50 pounds is going to be hard... and I'm very worried about it. I'm ready to make lifestyle changes. And will definitely keep reading this thread... thanks all for making me feel welcome.

Here's the thing though... the new medication for my panic attacks (Cymbalta) has been known to cause weight lose of 8-18 pounds in the first couple of months. Is this safe? Not really. But neither was putting on 15 pounds while I was sick with phnemonia and not eating thanks to the paroxitine I am currently on
. This current drug is flat out horrible. I've GAINED 50 pounds in the time I've been on it.

SO... I am very worried.

But my gynocologist said I have to loose it and pretty fast to avoid surgery (don't ask) and to get my endocrine and hormones back in line... and my doctor has said that my sudden spike in cholesterol is also a big problem.

I've TRIED very hard to lose weight on paroxitine ... but it's a miserable uphill battle-- much worse than the normal 'tortiose' plotting.

And according to the doctor IF this drug works for me... it should help me keep the weight off too.

IF it works for me. Big if.

So I'm considering working out with a work friend in the mornings, every morning. I'm already dieting... and will make more modifications to the diet as I read this thread.

I will do this ASAP" i'd start working on cardio to burn the fat, then you can add in weight resistance and training once you have started dropping weight."

I'm so happy to have your support guys... I really appreciate it. Great link! THANK YOU.


Jan 13, 2006
Date: 6/14/2007 11:32:44 AM
Author: Dee*Jay
Yanno, I start off each day with the best of intentions, and things just go straight downhill from there! This morning I was going to have a whole grain bagel with fat free cream cheese to the tune of 300 cals, but then one of the portfolio managers brought in these fabulous donuts from a little mom and pop bakery near his house and I gave in to a boston cream. Based on the info I can find on line I actually didn''t take in any more cals that I would have with the bagel, but from a nutrition standpoint it wasn''t such a great choice. Oh well, if I stick to the rest of my plan today I should stll come in at 1195 cals, and I''m working out tonight for the third night in a row.

Monnie, one of my coworker''s dogs likes to eat the exoskeletons that the cicadas shed. As if that isn''t gross enough, my colleague said those skeletons seem to, um, come out the other end pretty much intact. I guess the dog''s system can''t really break down whatever the shells are made of so they just pass right through. GROSS!!!

Ellen, I envy your dent free car. Ours is all dinged up from people opening their doors too close and grocery carts and who knows what else. Not to mention my parallel parking skills haven''t exactly helped the situation (can you say ''park by feel''!).
Great choice in donuts.

I think I could have gone my whole life without knowing what shape a cicadas exoskeleton appears as it exits the canine world.

Don''t envy me, notice, I said free of dents from cars. I have one very small ding from something a kid threw out of his car at me on purpose. Why? I guess because he could, I have no idea who he was.
And all I could think at the time was, I''ve parked in the south 40 ALL this time for THIS?? Oh well.

Gypsy, welcome. I''m sorry you''re having so much trouble, I hope you get everything worked out ok.


Mar 26, 2006
Date: 6/14/2007 2:24:51 PM
Author: Ellen

I think I could have gone my whole life without knowing what shape a cicadas exoskeleton appears as it exits the canine world.

From what I hear they look pretty much the same coming out as they did going in. No firsthand experience with this though--and I'd like to keep it that way!!!

OK, stupid question of the day time. What does it mean if you're frequently a little bit hungry? Most often, say, like when you get into bed. I'm not talking about HUNGRY hungry, just a teeny tiny bit of tummy grumbling. This isn't a time when I would normally eat anyway, so it's not like my stomach is just rumbling in expectation because it's used to getting food at this time. Am I taking in too little food? Am I taking in too few calories? (Not to confuse *food* with *calories* -- you could eat something small in size/volume that had a lot of cals vs. eating a whole head of lettuce, which is a large volume of food by not many calls; does that make any sense?) Am I taking in the wrong kind of food? Is this slight hunger some sort of danger sign that my metabolism is operating at a slower rate because it thinks I'm starving it? (I am a little hungry at other times too--like right now for instance, LOL.)

Help me understand...


Jan 6, 2005
Gypsy - welcome to the WWT. I''m sorry to hear you are having so much trouble with all of your medications and health issues. Sparkpeople is a fantastic resource to track your calories, and will hopefully take some of the guilt out of your weight loss battle. I know for me it has - its just an objective number that you are trying to stay within each day, so its not about "oh, I ate that I''m such a bad person" its more "OK, I want something high-cal, so what can I cut elsewhere in the day to make my total stay within my range." I''ve lost about 35 lbs doing this and exercising since January. Also, if you are tracking your calories and are staying in a reasonable range but not losing, its easier to go to your Dr. with that as evidence and have them work with you on figuring out what the alternatives might be for you.

So I''ve been MIA for a few days because I had a bit of a freak-out on Monday. The scale at my gym was broken all last week so I couldn''t weigh myself. On Monday it was fixed so I got back on and it said I was 3 lbs heavier than the last time I weighed myself on it
I haven''t changed ANYTHING (actually I did have a little tummy bug last week and so I had two really light days, like 1000 cals each, and then one splurge day at 1470 cals over the weekend), but nothing that would explain 3 lbs!!!!!!
So I started feeling really discouraged and down about that, because I''ve been so good and so careful and that was a blow to me. And the weight was still there on Tuesday, with only 0.5 lbs of it gone on Wednesday. I''ve been thinking about it (constantly) since then, and I talked to my weight training class instructor and she said they probably just re-calibrated the scale when they fixed it. Since I don''t have another scale I use I can''t verify that, but since my measurements and my clothes are saying I''m still getting smaller, and I feel smaller, I''m going to have to try to believe that''s what it is. I also thought a little of it might be muscle from adding those weight training classes a few times a week. So I''m trying not to feel too down about it, but its still kind of frustrating and I thought I''d vent here because everyone here will hopefully understand. I have to say, these last 10 lbs are the hardest!!!

Mara - congrats on the new car!!!
I can''t wait to see pictures!

Rod - I hope your work troubles get resolved...those people sound like real jerks at your old company


Nov 24, 2006
Hi Friends!!!!

I did pretty good w/eating yesterday! My clock is all messed up. I think going to Virginia for a week and then Hawaii and now to New Mexico (home) has me dealing w/jet lag. I couldn't sleep till 2 and I woke up at 10. I hate that! I like waking early. Hubby said to go outside first thing in the morning so my clock gets fixed.

Gypsy welcome!!!! I lost weight w/weight watchers but I am here too! You can use some free tools on WW and get low cal recipes there too. They also have inspriational story's. Just a thought. Hang w/us and you will get the wonderful support of these WONDERFUL PS'ers for sure!

Monarch I only seen those bugs a few times and thought they were gross. . . I can't imagine lots of them. Yucko!

Mara! How exciting! Mini's are very cool looking. Congrats. I love reading that you guys want kids in the near fututre. . . you all will be great parents!

DeeJay 17 lbs is awesome!!!!!

Rod great workout!
Hi AG! Maybe it is water. Everyone sounds like they are doing great. . . Ellen, Shortblond, Gail!


Oct 30, 2002
amber, i feel your pain sister!!! so since i got back from our trip, the scale has registered about 134 lbs. when i left it was like 130-131. well last week i basically ate about 1250 cals per day during the week, about 1700 on friday and who knows what on sat and sun. on monday the scale was still at 133-134. this week i have done basically the same, eating about 1200 cals per day, last nite was about 1700 and today will be about 1300, fri and sat we are going out, sunday we are BBQing. i am anticipating the scale will probably still say 134. my measurements are basically the same though my bootie is getting a bit more fit and shapely so it's perking out a bit, but visually i look really good. my stomach is flat when i eat well, my arms are toned and thin, my legs, etc. overall i am very proportioned.

so i could be discouraged about the fact that the scale is 133-134 now instead of 131 like it was for a month + earlier. or i could remind myself that i am doing more arm weights which means most likely that i am building more muscle. my body fat at least check was only i am definitely carrying more muscle than fat right now. so i don't think i have gained 3-4 lbs of fat considering my bf has gone down. so when i think oh 134 i try not to let it get me upset, because i know i look fabulous and i feel good as well. and i am doing all the right things. but yeah sometimes when you are really good for a week or two weeks and you don't see the change register on the scale you are like WHAT. plus i had the scale drop to like 130 right before our trip doing everything i am doing right now, so i naturally think, well why did it drop then and not now.

but i try to remember the bottom line is that our bodies are constantly in a state of flux. water in, water out, food in, food out, ttotm, bloating, heat, sodium, what you ate last nite, etc it all makes a difference. so really keep that in mind, i know we say it all the time but it is hard to really FEEL it...i think the longer you do this the more you will feel it. the scale sometimes still gets me down but i don't let it get me down for long. i think okay well that sucks but whatever. i know i look good, feel good, the pictures i take tell me i look good, my husband is happy with me, i am happy with me, that's all that matters. at some point it has to be mentally enough for you or else you will drive yourself crazy you know? day is plugging along. lunch was a LC for 180 cals and i'm having a peach citrus fresca as well. i have cherries for snack and will have some wow cow most likely. for dinner we have TJ pizzas even though greg had pizza for lunch, darn!!! i think i will still make them as they will spoil otherwise. tomorrow night we are talking about going up to SF or HMB for dinner so we can take the car for a ride!

and yes TG...thinking today is friday then finding out it isn't SURE does suck lol.!! skippy, you are sweet to say we'd make great parents, i think we would too but the thought of actually becoming a parent at some point sure is skeerry!!!


Jan 3, 2005
Hi all and welcome gypsy

mara, so cool about the new car. I can only dream of what that must feel like. I''m stuck in the land of the minivan for a few more years
. I''m hoping hubby will get a new car soon so at least one of us can have a cool car and we can enjoy dressing up and going out on dates and not having to get into a Van.

Deejay, I don''t notice being hungry as much but hubby definitely has days where he just feels hungry all the time. he really has to suck it up to not just blow his calories for the day. Maybe try eating a piece of fruit or something high in fiber, low cal when those urges come, that way you''re filling your belly and getting the nutrients too.

so today was another 4 mile early am walk with Zoe..busy running errands the rest of the day and getting ready to head out of town for the weekend. I went to the store though and bought more fage, fresh fruit and larabars and fiber one bars for us to take along on our trip. We should be able to get in some walks though and stay kinda ontrack foodwise. however, I will not deny myself Skyline Chili or Graeter Icecream my two hometown favorite places, since we only get it 2-3 times a year


Aug 12, 2005
DeeJay, I think if you''re feeling a little hungry before bed it probably is your body telling you it needs you to stoke the fire calorie-wise. Not a lot, like you said, but something higher in bulk and low in caloric content. If you''re already at your caloric plan for the day by that time of night, maybe you could start parceling out your calories per meal a little differently so you have 50-100 calories for the bedtime snack thing? Otherwise, I''d say if your stomach isn''t growling and keeping your hubby awake, and you''re not getting lightheaded when you get up in the morning it''s probably not that your body is feeling starved.


Nov 24, 2006
DeeJay, what about a Vitamuffin! They are feeling and low calorie and the blueberry ones are yummy!!!
their website.


Oct 30, 2002
DJ i feel hungry sometimes at night when we go to bed, typically on lighter calorie days....but i have read it''s good for your body to be hungry sometimes so that it doesn''t get lazy and used to always being ''full'' which means it might slow metabolism as well. if it''s right before bed and i am STARVING which means i didn''t eat enough for dinner volume wise, then i try to eat a handful of corn bran or something for low-cal but filling...or a handful of berries. something low cal yet with some nutrition to it. but if i am just a little tiny bit hungry, i won''t eat anything...because i know i am going to sleep and my metabolism will slow crazily at that point anyway so why bother eating something.


Dec 28, 2005
DeeJay, I definitely have days where I seem to feel hungry all the time. And if you''re feeling hungry at bedtime, EAT SOMETHING. In fact, I often have my Fuji Apple (high in fiber and fiber helps make you feel full) about 1/2 hour before I go to bed. I also have raw almonds and raisins in a container in my desk and I make sure I have some mid morning and mid afternoon as a small meal. I''m not sure we can tell if you''re not taking in enough calories or food, but I feel pretty confident your body is speaking to you when your stomach grumbles and it''s saying give me something. I usually listen to my stomack and if it wants something, I let it have something. A couple crackers or a piece of fruit may be all you need.

Amber, you can''t get upset over minor weight variances and three pounds is actually pretty minor. And like Mara commented (Rod is learning about you ladies through this thread - LOL) it could be TTOTM (did I get that right?), or water weight or even muscle gain. And since the scale was fixed, it is likely it was recalibrated. Instead of letting it get you down, get a good digital scale (from somewhere like Sharper Image for example) for your home and weigh yourself the exact same time of day (but not every single day or you''ll go crazy and succumb to the evil scale monster) each time you weigh yourself.

Ellen, I truly laughed outload over your thought of the cicada''s and dog poop comment. TOO FUNNY!

Mara, so glad you''re enjoying that new car. Although I''m not a big fan of leasing cars (I resent the mileage restrictions and the mental disconnect over someone else owning my car), it seems you made a good choice since you and Greg are hoping to start a family and will likely need that X5 in a couple years. I hope you guys go for a nice drive up some windy roads tonight and have a blast in the car!!

Today''s been a calmer day. I haven''t given much thought to the psycho boss from H#!! in Raleigh. I''ll deal with that situation next week. Tonight, we''re going to the gym as usual. I''m not feeling overly motivated at the moment, but I''m sure once I get there, I''ll work out hard. I do have to mention one thing about last night''s workout. I ran into an old gym friend (lady) I hadn''t seen since before we went to Raleigh. She could not get over the difference in me since she saw me last November. She kept patting my flat stomach and feeling my arms and shoulders and going on an on about how good I looked. I know I''ve made some progress, but I see myself every day, so to me the differences are incremental. But, to her, I was a completely different person. If ever I need motivation to keep going, I will continue to remember how utterly excited she was about how I looked.

So, I''ll check in after my workout. Have a nice evening everyone!


Nov 24, 2006
Date: 6/14/2007 5:38:38 PM
Author: Rod

Today''s been a calmer day. I haven''t given much thought to the psycho boss from H#!! in Raleigh. I''ll deal with that situation next week. Tonight, we''re going to the gym as usual. I''m not feeling overly motivated at the moment, but I''m sure once I get there, I''ll work out hard. I do have to mention one thing about last night''s workout. I ran into an old gym friend (lady) I hadn''t seen since before we went to Raleigh. She could not get over the difference in me since she saw me last November. She kept patting my flat stomach and feeling my arms and shoulders and going on an on about how good I looked. I know I''ve made some progress, but I see myself every day, so to me the differences are incremental. But, to her, I was a completely different person. If ever I need motivation to keep going, I will continue to remember how utterly excited she was about how I looked.

So, I''ll check in after my workout. Have a nice evening everyone!
That is so AWESOME!!!!


Oct 5, 2006
Just thought I''d pop in to say hi quickly, no weight loss for moi this week but this didn''t come as a surprise. I had a few indulgences, tsuk tsuk!! BUT yesteray, I did work out on 75 mins at level 7 on this newish machine they have at the Club. Not sure what it''s called but it mimics the movements of skiing and I tell you, boy, my butt and legs hurt so much afterwards I could hardly walk! LOL.


Dec 28, 2005
Thanks Skippy!!

I''m guessing Mara and Greg are in that ''uber'' cool new Mini, wind blowing in their hair with the windows down, sunroof open and they''re driving up some fabulous California twisty roads and having such a good time. At least that''s what I hope they''re doing!!

So, I pushed extra hard at the gym tonight, which I typically do on Thursday nights since Friday is one of only 2 non-gym days. I worked out nearly 3 hours. Some of that was waiting for a couple machines and I''ll spare you a Rod Rant, but man it burns me when people buddy up on a machine, when they know someone is waiting and they don''t offer to either let you work in, or at least acknowledge you are waiting. Ooops, I guess I can''t spare you a Rod Rant. These two girls were on a machine that was to be my last leg machine. They knew I was waiting. I even asked how many sets they planned to do. And they just ignored me and laughed and spoke in Spanish and they were just so rude. They took a lot of time between sets and they slowed up on the machine and kept talking and talking. They seemed to enjoy making me wait. So, the new more confident Rod decided to walk up to one of the girls and I said.........(please don''t hate me for this ladies), "If my ass was as big as yours, I''d spend extra time on this machine too. That said......You''re very rude to make somone wait while you and your girlfriend laugh and have a long conversation of, I''m sure great importance." And then I just walked away. Again, I''m sorry, but they were so incredibly rude. I never never make someone wait for a machine. I always offer to let someone work in with me. And even though Charlie and I work out together, we never buddy up because it can take a machine off-line for others to use and it''s just not fair when they''re so many people trying to get in a workout. OK.....Rod Rant Over. Anyway, I did get in a really good workout. When I decided to do arm curls, I usually use this one semi-free weight machine. And over time I''ve gotten up to like 75 pounds, which for arm curls is pretty good. But there was a really big guy using it and he offered to let me work in, but he was using over 150 pounds of weights and for curls, I just am not at that level. So a friend was nearby and he suggested I use a free weight curl bar with weights and since I had never used this bar, he set it up for me, but when I went to pull the curl for the first time, I thought it would have been much heavier, but it was too light and I actually hit my mouth with the full weight of the bar and cut my lip. It was actually pretty funny. I didn''t cut it badly and it was almost a badge of honor, so I just added more weight and continued on curling. Then of course I finished my workout with my usual 35 intense minutes on the elliptical. I''m now operating the elliptical at a calorie burn rate of 1000/hour and traveling a mile in less than 7 minutes, so I''m really pushing hard. But when I''m done, it feels soooo good.

We had another of those frozen entre''s from On The Go Bistro. This time it was chicken breasts with a marsala mushroom sauce and we had some frozen spinach as a vegetable. The entire dinner which was actually quite filling was 210 calories total. That''s actually really good. So, I had 4 Lindt Dark Chocolate Squares (220 calories there) and I''ll finish the night with my Fuji Apple soon.

Tomorrow''s Friday.....YAY. There''s a Sapporo Beer and Sushi just waiting for me at our favorite Sushi place in Tampa. Enjoy the rest of your evenings. And please accept my apologies if my Rod Rant offended anyone.


Jan 20, 2006
Chiming in too today (v.boring at work). I got the dreaded weight gain of 2lb from a weekend of fine dining in a beautiful country house in the riesling district of Souh Australia. My mother's family comes from here and I used to play amongst the vines as a child. I returned with my husband and 4 couples for a 3 day weekend of fine food and wine tasting in a country house that has won rave reviews by the gourmet magazine . We had an amazing time.
I walked the first morning (it was bitterly cold) amongst the cattle reminsicing about my time there as a child. On Sunday we all hired bikes and did a 15 km ride along the riesling trail which is a path through the vineyards and wineries. I hated every minute of it as I HATE BIKES but managed to complete the ride and felt that I had done something.
Back to working out with my Bodyflex which I love and the elliptical so hopefully I will get rid of the final 4 kgs I want to . But I have iron defiency anaemaia that was picked up AFTER i donated blood last week and sort of expplains the extreme tiredness I have felt.
I am going to Kula Lumpur in 2 weeks so want to be able to buy some new threads
so I will push on with my careful eating and exercise.


Mar 26, 2006
Well I''ve just spent HOURS loading music from my CDs onto the computer so I can eventually get them onto my new ipod. What a process this is! I''m sure it will all be worth it in the end, but I''m worn out from all this, LOL. Not to mention I can only find 68 songs that I even want to listen to, most of which are 70s love song that don''t have a great workout beat. Oh well, I''m sure I''ll figure it out over time.

I went to the gym tonight but had to stop near the end of my elliptical session (57 minutes into it) because the pain in the back of my knee was getting pretty sharp by then and I didn''t want to hurt myself long terms over three more lousy minutes of one workout. I''m taking tomorrow night off, but hopefully it will be rested and find by Saturday morning.

Cal wise I did pretty good today, despite the donut, and tomorrow I''m going to be good for breakfast and lunch because we''re going out to dinner. No place fancy, but I''m sure it will be more cals than what I would take in at home.

Off to bed with the pups!


Nov 24, 2006
Wow, those girls were so RUDE Rod. Want me to kick their butts?
No, honest it was rude, I had some one take my step after I set it up. People only think of themselves sometimes and it is horrible!

I ate healthy today; I am glad to be on track w/eating. I just need to exercise more. I have an appt to walk w/my cousin tomorrow!

Have a great evening everyone
I too could see Mara and Greg enjoying the new super cute Mini! Hey Mara my friend has a mini and they sent her funny mini things in the mail all the time. She gave me a little note pad that said for Mini thoughts. I thought it was cute and funny
Those cars are super cute!


Aug 12, 2005
Well thanks to LadyCiel''s thread about ExerciseTV, I have discovered a new way to work out at home! It''s available on our Comcast On Demand, and there are tons of great workouts, short or long, so I''ll be taking advantage of the feature, for sure. I "watched" an 11 minute bellydance cardio workout tonight, it looks perfect for a short little workout session which i could comfortably manage when I come home on my lunch break, and still have time to eat and freshen up afterwards, so very cool. So no gym membership for me just yet, we''ll see how long it takes me to get burned out on the at-home workouts!

I''m a wee bit disappointed in myself today, I had one of those fast food cravings that hit me outta nowhere while I was at work this afternoon, for *gasp* Taco Bell. I have no idea where it came from, but I hightailed it there right after work and picked up a bean burrito and nachos bell grande with no meat. got home and only had half of each and I have no desire to know how many calories were in either item, but they were damn good and I''m satisfied now. Unfortunately I am supposed to go to dinner and do a little shopping with a girlfriend tomorrow night and she''s dying to go to the Cheesecake Factory (which I''m not a huge fan of, but won''t turn up my nose at, lol), so I''ll have to do a little research before we go tomorrow and figure out what I want to order before we get there so I don''t get all tempted by more junky stuff.

Rod, your Rod Rant was hysterical, I can just imagine how your comment went over, lol!

AG, and everyone else who''s experiencing that 1-3 lb. fluctuation on the scale for no apparent reason: I was just reading an MSN article today (and of course I can''t find it now to post) in which there was a paragraph devoted to that very subject. The author blamed it on bulk waste not having passed through the body yet...I know we love to blame these inexplicable fluctuations of weight on water retention, but I think there is definitely truth to the fact that sometimes your body is just holding onto extra material that will be passed over the next day or so. Obviously this is no profound revelation, but I think it''s something we forget about or maybe are just too polite here on PS to mention, LOL!



Oct 30, 2002
lol skippy that's so funny about the mini note pad!! rod sorry to hear about your gym trials...i can't believe you actually said that to those girls!!
. monnie, i think about taco bell all the time but somehow i hardly ever get over there, it's def one of those cravings for me when typically if i wait it out then i end up not wanting it as much as i thought i did. and i don't mind getting it because a beef burrito supreme with no sc and a regular taco is only like 550 cals so it's not like it's some crazy calorie bank-breaker, but i just somehow don't indulge that often. kfc is another seriously guilty pleasure but i know that what i like to eat there is like 1k cals so i always think hmmm this or a burger and fries or indian or something, and typically other more fresh types of food win out hehe.

so we DID go for a ride tonite...hehee. we said we would save it til tomorrow but then greg said he was kind of sad we weren't going for one, so we went for one after all. when we got home we had TJ pizzas for dinner, watched some of Big Love, then went for a 2mish walk around the neighborhoods. then we came home, put P up in the house, and then took the car out for a spin!! i drove us up to this really curvy highway toward santa cruz, a little 2 lane road and then greg drove the was so much fun!! and interesting to be in the passenger side...hehe. so then we came back down the road again and then down further into town and onto a highway to take us home. it was about 93 again today so the evening is about 75ish right now so it was the perfect weather to be riding with the sunroof open and the windows down hehee. greg LOVES this car. he keeps talking about how powerful it is, i guess he did some research on it today and it's even more powerful and sporty than we thought. and taking some of these curves with the sport setting on was WOW. i'm not quite that brave on driving but he is used to his sports car so he knows how to drive the curves with ease.

so now i am having some slow churned mint choco chip and then it's bedtime. tomorrow is friday woo hoo !!! oh and so far i am a picture slacker, i meant to take some pictures tonite when i got home but then we just got distracted hehe. so definitely this wkd sometime!! oh and monnie i agree re: the body holding onto things and stuff. our bodies are constantly doing things, so i don't know why we expect it to always weigh or look the same, i guess that is pretty unrealistic huh?!


Jan 3, 2005
Happy Friday everyone

Rod, your Rod Rant was too funny, and I''d be annoyed too.

Mara, sounds like you are surely having a blast with your new car and driving the cal. curves sounds so fun!! the mint choc. chip icecream sound good too

Deejay, glad you stopped b/c of the knee. Knees are one of those body parts that rarely completely recover if injured or damaged to you were smart to quit and glad you''re taking the day off too.

skippy, have fun on your scheduled walk. I''m meeting up with my sister and a girlfriend to do *the hike* early tomorrow morning. it''s so much more fun when you have a buddy and someone to talk to. the time passes so quickly as well. we laugh though b/c to get to the trail you''ve got to hike up what seems like 1000 stone stairs. if i think of it, i''ll take my camera tomorrow so I can show you guys. We''re winded b/f we even start the actual trail and it''s just so funny to try to talk while panting.

hi leintn: we all have those weeks...sounds like you got a good workout it to get you back on track...

monarch: taco bell really isn''t that bad like mara said. my girls LOVE taco bell and it''s just an easy place to get them chicken soft tacos so we end going a few times a month. I just always plan ahead and stick to what I want to order. you''ve gotta have those splurges every now and then.

we''re heading out of town in the morning and i''m not sure how much time I''ll have to check in. I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend.


Dec 28, 2005
Morning everyone. Actually, I wish I hadn't let the rude girls get to me. I shouldn't have made the comment I made and two wrongs rarely make a right. Oh well. I had a boss once, who wasn't the greatest boss, but he did teach me something pretty valuable in life. He always said that if what you are about to say is intended to ONLY make you feel better, it's probably the wrong thing to say. I've always tried to use that in my life and for the most part I do. Last night excepted.

It's Friday!!! YAYYYYYYYYYY!

Glad you and Greg had such fun in the Mini last night. Sounds like I was right on when I wrote that I hoped you and he were driving up some twisty road, with the windows down and the sunroof open and the wind blowing your hair!!

Have a great Friday everyone!!


Jun 15, 2006
Happy Friday!

Rod, I can''t picture you talking to anyone like that, your rant made me laugh.

Mara, glad you had fun in the car.

DeeJay, you have more patience than I do...that''s a long time to be downloading music! So sorry your knee is hurting. Hope you feel better today. Re: feeling a bit hungry before bed, my understanding is that when you have that little twinge of hunger your body is actually in fat burning mode and it''s a good thing not to feed it.

Skippy, enjoy the walk with your cousin, how fun!

katebear, your trip sounds fabulously fun (both of them actually!).

Monnie, I so wouldn''t worry about the taco bell indulgence! It''s so fun to fulfill a craving and have the food live up to your expectations! I hate when it doesn''t.

So we went to the play last night and then out to dinner at a steak/seafood place. We split monterrey artichoke hearts and I had fried shrimp, coleslaw and french fries. It''s amazing how full I can be and, like TG said the other day, put french fries in front of me and I''ll eat them all.

We''re taking the kids to the beach today, this will be an adventure for sure! I think John will be cooking tonight.

Happy day all!


Oct 30, 2002
lol kimberly, fries are like the food of gods. and 0 cals dontcha know? if a restaurant has fries or pommes frittes it's hard for me not to get them!! esp garlic fries mmm.

haha rod i actually was reading PS lat nite before dinner and i saw your post about hoping we were driving and i thought nope we are just having dinner...because we thought we were not going to go for a drive but then later when we were out i thought about your post and laughed because that is exactly what we were doing!! also, i am glad that you realized that saying that to the gal was probably not the smartest route, but i def understand heat of the moment kind of reactions to things. blame it on your adrenaline rush hehe.

so happy it's friday. work has been fine and i still love it, but my boss is now very confident with the level of my skills which means, yikes, lots of new projects and responsibilities. i just have to be sure she doesn't load me up too much as i do not want to be working til 7pm each day. but i like the new projects and i love responsibility hehee. but i am looking fwd to this wkd because we have not had a real weekend home since we left for east it will be nice to hang out and relax a little and clean the house and stuff. we are also hosting the fathers day BBQ at our house on sunday so that will be fun to cook a little for family.

tonite it's the gym and then we are going to go to half moon bay for dinner, yummy....fresh seafood (and big steak cut fries!), and the road up there is lots of twisty turny so greg is all excited. today i think i am going to lunch with some team members but i will try to steer towards a healthy option...and eat lightly. breakfast is the same ole, fiber one, yogurt, berries...and snack will be something small. anyhow, hope everyone is having a fabulous friday, everyone's plans for today sound way more fun than being in an office. hehee.


Dec 28, 2005
Date: 6/15/2007 10:33:53 AM
Author: Mara
lol kimberly, fries are like the food of gods. and 0 cals dontcha know? if a restaurant has fries or pommes frittes it''s hard for me not to get them!! esp garlic fries mmm.

haha rod i actually was reading PS lat nite before dinner and i saw your post about hoping we were driving and i thought nope we are just having dinner...because we thought we were not going to go for a drive but then later when we were out i thought about your post and laughed because that is exactly what we were doing!! also, i am glad that you realized that saying that to the gal was probably not the smartest route, but i def understand heat of the moment kind of reactions to things. blame it on your adrenaline rush hehe.

so happy it''s friday. work has been fine and i still love it, but my boss is now very confident with the level of my skills which means, yikes, lots of new projects and responsibilities. i just have to be sure she doesn''t load me up too much as i do not want to be working til 7pm each day. but i like the new projects and i love responsibility hehee. but i am looking fwd to this wkd because we have not had a real weekend home since we left for east it will be nice to hang out and relax a little and clean the house and stuff. we are also hosting the fathers day BBQ at our house on sunday so that will be fun to cook a little for family.

tonite it''s the gym and then we are going to go to half moon bay for dinner, yummy....fresh seafood (and big steak cut fries!), and the road up there is lots of twisty turny so greg is all excited. today i think i am going to lunch with some team members but i will try to steer towards a healthy option...and eat lightly. breakfast is the same ole, fiber one, yogurt, berries...and snack will be something small. anyhow, hope everyone is having a fabulous friday, everyone''s plans for today sound way more fun than being in an office. hehee.
When I told Charlie how angry they had made me and what I said, he commented that I''d better not head to the parking garage alone as she might have her BF waiting for me and I could get beat up. I guess in the heat of the moment I wasn''t thinking some big burly guy might want to hit me, but it surely could happen.


Jan 20, 2006
Hi everyone!

I''ve been horrible about posting but I am just crazy busy between work and wedding planning !!

I''ve been very good this week!!!!. Exercised everyday, tried a new kickboxing class and loved it!....that really works the abs!!!!!!!!!. Not soo much exercise planned for this weekend as my sister is here and we''re going wedding dress shopping, once again!

I just wanted to pop in and say hello!



Mar 26, 2006
So I spent half the night playing with my new ipod. I also wore it work this morning, but I''m not sure that''s such a good idea with every taxi cab and all the late-for-work-drivers cutting corners and running redlights. I might need to pay more attention to my surroundings so I don''t get hit!

Today I''ll be good so tonight I can be a little bad. Nothing major; I just want to be able to order something reasonable off of the menu guilt free, LOL.


Dec 28, 2005
Date: 6/15/2007 9:21:37 AM
Author: KimberlyH
Happy Friday!

Rod, I can't picture you talking to anyone like that, your rant made me laugh.

Mara, glad you had fun in the car.

DeeJay, you have more patience than I do...that's a long time to be downloading music! So sorry your knee is hurting. Hope you feel better today. Re: feeling a bit hungry before bed, my understanding is that when you have that little twinge of hunger your body is actually in fat burning mode and it's a good thing not to feed it.

Skippy, enjoy the walk with your cousin, how fun!

katebear, your trip sounds fabulously fun (both of them actually!).

Monnie, I so wouldn't worry about the taco bell indulgence! It's so fun to fulfill a craving and have the food live up to your expectations! I hate when it doesn't.

So we went to the play last night and then out to dinner at a steak/seafood place. We split monterrey artichoke hearts and I had fried shrimp, coleslaw and french fries. It's amazing how full I can be and, like TG said the other day, put french fries in front of me and I'll eat them all.

We're taking the kids to the beach today, this will be an adventure for sure! I think John will be cooking tonight.

Happy day all!
Yummmmmm!!!! Sounds sinfully good Kimberly. At least I'm having some shrimp tempura as an appetizer with Sushi tonight. Isn't it 5 PM yet????? And sorry you had to imagine me being mad enough to say something unkind to someone, regardless of their selfish insensitivity or not.


Aug 12, 2005
Well, I got some bad news position at work was eliminated effective immediately and now I''m unemployed, wah!
Actually I''m really not that broken up about it, I will miss the people but it wasn''t exactly my dream job so I''m looking at this as an opportunity for positive change, which kind of excites me. Really the only negative is going through the hassle of changing insurance carriers since DH and I were both on my policy through my company and now we''ll have to switch to his, which is way more expensive and not as good, plus he doesn''t have dental, so in my upcoming job search that will be a primary concern as far as benefits packages. My two bosses who delivered the news were really cool about it and offered letters of recommendation and references, one even gave me his card with his home # which was really nice. I started at this company as a temp a couple years ago and was permanently hired, but I had a feeling it might not last forever so it''s not a complete shock, plus I''ve been toying with the idea of finding something new and more challenging anyway. I''m definitely a glass-half-full kind of gal.

So, I guess I''ll have a little more time on my hands to work out now, hee hee!

I''m really looking forward to going out with my girlfriend for dinner and some retail therapy tonight. I think mama deserves a new pair of shoes to offset the morning''s negative energy, LOL!


Nov 24, 2006
Sorry about the job Monnie. Yah for new shoes and fun w/a friend. I bet you will find something in no time!

Hey all! I am excited for my walk w/my cousin. I haven't seen her for 3 weeks. We walk once in awhile but she has twins and they keep her busy; she actually lives 5 mins up the street from me.

Glad you had a cool drive Mara.

DeeJay sounds like the IPOD is fun; I love mine. hehee

MRSS have a fun trip and fun walk. I wanna see a pick of all those step, whoooo weeee you go!


Jan 25, 2005
Oh gosh Monnie - sorry about the job. You will find something better!!

DJ, have fun with your ipod! I have got to find mine - I haven't found it since we moved. It's amazing I can find anything at this point!

Congrats on the car Mara, it's been a long time that you've been driving around the last one so I'm sure you'll love every minute of your NEW car!

I found a great new way to use FAGE, though I haven't tried just using regular yogurt for this but wonder if it would work as well...but I have been in love, massively in LOVE with Trader Joe's artichoke ravioli...and I make a sauce for it with half a lemon, some chicken broth, and some fage to thicken up the's heavenly!!! The tartness of the fage accentuates the lemon in the sauce (and the fluffiness of the fage makes the sauce very light), which goes heavenly with the artichoke in the ravioli! Divine!!! One serving of the ravioli is 250 cals and there are approx 2.5 in the package...the sauce itself is NOTHING but the cals from the fage, and I hardly ever finish half the sauce. A godsend. Mmmmmmmmmm!!!

Hope everyone's doing well!! I am supposedly going to be 'out of town' this weekend, as DH is planning a birthday surprise (my bday is on Father's Day this year) I will try to be 'good' while away! It's temptingly difficult!
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