
Wedding Band Size?? Large knuckle dilemma

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Feb 10, 2010
Okay ladies...those of you with knuckles larger than the base of your finger, I need your input!

I had my e-ring sized to 6.25 because I used to take it off a lot and wanted it to slide over the knuckle comfortably. But after a year of being engaged, I literally never take it off anymore unless I'm at the jeweler for some reason or cleaning it. Because the base of my finger is smaller than the knuckle, it spins a lot, and in cold weather it is kinda scary how easy it is to get it over my knuckle.

For my wedding band, there will be even less reason to take it off.

I have a size 5.5 ring that is hell to get over my knuckle, but it fits the base of my ring finger very nicely, not loose at all, and still allows some wiggle-room for temperature/time-o-the-month changes. But to get it over the knuckle, I have to run my hand in cold water and then soap my finger and the ring up, and it still takes some tugging.

I could go down to a 6 and still be able to get a ring over my knuckle comfortably, but it would still be loose once on. Or I could go with a 5.5 or 5.75, have some issues the few times I need to take it off, but have a very nicely fitting ring once it's on.

So what have you ladies done? (or what would you do?)


Aug 19, 2009
I don''t have any advice, but I just wanted to say that we''re currently having this issue with my FI .. he''s got big bony knuckles, and skinny fingers otherwise


Sep 27, 2008
Date: 2/25/2010 8:10:16 PM
Author: lilyfoot
I don''t have any advice, but I just wanted to say that we''re currently having this issue with my FI .. he''s got big bony knuckles, and skinny fingers otherwise

Good thing, you guys are figuring this out now! We made the mistake of measuring DH''s ring size with a piece of thread and measuring it.

Never tried a ring on in the size we were looking to buy (he tried on several that were way too big)...we just ordered it according to the piece of thread....

Day of the wedding comes and we get to the ring exchange and I cannot get the ring on his hand! We never accounted for the knuckle! He had to get it himself!

Of course once it was on, it was very comfortable, but he struggles almost daily when he is at the gym taking it off and putting it back on....


Oct 28, 2009
I am having the same dilema. My ering is a size 6 and it is fine most of the time, but I think I could go down to a 5.75 and get it over my knuckle. I dont mind the spinning and I actually like it a little looser (weird, I know). My problem is that on cold days it is almost like I could shake it right off my finger (eek!). Of course I''m considering getting an eternity band, but I have only been engaged since November so I havent experienced how my ring feels at the peak of summer and getting an unsizeable band is freaking me out a little.

Should I be wearing a 5.75???


Jun 27, 2008
have you thought about getting a horse shoe insert, or a beaded instert? i know i am using the wrong names, but they expand to go over the knuckle, then contract to fit the finger better.


Nov 9, 2007
I have somewhat bigger knuckles, and my e-ring is 5.75, my wedding band a 6. I''m happy with my ring sizes because I wanted the e-ring snugger than the band because of spinning issues. I don''t mind the wedding band spinning, since it looks the same all around. They fit just right in the summer, a little on the snug side if it''s really humid, and a little loose in the winter. We really feel the four seasons where I am.

This is hard to explain, but my e-ring comes off smoothly with minimal resistance when I flex my finger just so when I''m trying to take it off, but when I try to gently yank it off without stretching my ring finger, it doesn''t come out at all. I get just a little less resistance with the wedding band, but it doesn''t matter since it''s usually protected by the e-ring anyways.

Another thing to consider is if you''ll be wearing the two rings together, because as a general rule of thumb, the thicker the ring, the bigger in size it should get.


Feb 10, 2010
Date: 2/26/2010 9:26:21 AM
Author: brown_eyes
My problem is that on cold days it is almost like I could shake it right off my finger (eek!). Of course I'm considering getting an eternity band, but I have only been engaged since November so I havent experienced how my ring feels at the peak of summer and getting an unsizeable band is freaking me out a little.

That's exactly the problem I have with my 6.25! Especially in the shower on those cold days, it's pretty freaky and I try to remember to take it off beforehand...but 5am isn't exactly when my brain is working the best.
I'm thinking I'll go with either a 6 or a 5.75, since I think the 5.5 is probably too small considering all the trouble I have getting it over the knuckle.

Full eternity bands freak me out because of the whole sizing thing! Have you considered having yours made with a sizing bar? It is basically a little bit of solid metal at the base of the eternity ring to allow for resizing. I was admiring Tacori_E-ring's eternity ring the other day, which features a sizing bar:



Jun 8, 2008
Not sure I am going to be much help here but I called my mom because she has the same problem. She had her ering retrofitted years ago to change size over her knuckle and then go back to the smaller size once the ring was over her knuckle. Her regular jeweler couldn't do it so they sent it to some place in Florida and they retrofitted the ring so now the ring opens up and she can place it over her knuckle and then closes it to fit her finger. I just called my mom but she doesn't remember where it was done or what it is called

I'm really sorry I cannot give you more info but I thought maybe this will ring a bell with someone here and they could chime in. It is really cool as the ring just expands and then closes. Her finger is tiny like a 3 and I am a 6 and I can even put her ring on because of this device.

Good luck!
(and sorry I can't be of more help)



Dec 14, 2007
Have you done a search? There are a lot of options for you. The easiest and most popular is probably sizing beads, but there are other options, and there are threads all over PS.


Dec 10, 2008
Sounds like sizing beads might help. (Can''t recall whose lovely ring this is, but it is an excellent example of sizing beads.)

Plus, keep in mind that when you add your wedding band WITH your engagement ring, you may find that because of the extra room taken up by the second ring, that they fit nicely when they aren''t sized too small. Especially if you also plan to stack an eternity band in with your engagement ring and wedding band some day too!



Dec 22, 2008
I'm sorry I can't add anything in the way of options for you. But I wanted to let you know that I can empathize.

I too have a big knuckle and that, along with the occasional swelling means that I can wear ring size 5 to 5.75 (possibly even 6 sometimes).

I got my e-ring last April and was sized 5.75 (the SA estimated up based on what she thought would be finger swelling in Summer). It was comfortable but very loose all of the time except on a hot day when it fit just right. Honestly though, there weren't that many instances of that because even in the Summer, when you walk into an air-conditioned building, it's cooler again. It drove me crazy, but I waited through the Summer before I had the ring sized down to a 5.5. The thing is, I can still shake it off most days and at certain times it is snug, but not tight. I also ordered my wedding band in the same size 5.5 because if and when they spin, I'd rather them spin together rather than one spinning and the other still. Also, I don't believe in sizing rings for what may or may not be - pregnant, gaining weight, etc.. I'd rather size so it fits now the way I want and deal with whatever later.

So, you can try to pick the best middle of the road size that works for you, taking into account enough give to get the ring on, but not falling off. Based on your post, it sounds like you could try a size 5.75. I think after a year, you probably know what works best for you and if you're not in the habit of taking it off a lot, then you can just focus on the best comfortable fit.
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