
WED 7/27 Daily Workout Thread

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Mar 6, 2005
Morning Ladies! How is everyone doing! I was thrilled to see how many lovely ladies posted yesterday. AG- half a pound left!!!
That is fantastic, you must be wroking really hard and sitcking to your plan. Congrats.
I focused on cardio and abs today so I did 65 minutes on the interval training on the eleptical machine and sit ups on the the ab ball. It feels great to get up and move every morning...I just dont get the same out of it when I had switched my routine to mid day and evening. I have made it through two days of Atkins so far and while I am thinking of holding up the Petridge Farm store I think this plan will work for me. I love lean meats (girlled chicken and steak) and eggs so this is not asking me to give up everything all at once. I hope everyone else woke up in a good mood too!


Feb 4, 2005
Good morning all!

Matatora- you are kicking butt lady! 65 minutes on the elliptical is HARD! Do you watch tv during the workout? I always liked watching movies when I had my elliptical trainer at my parent''s house (my apartment was too small to bring it)
You''re doing so well on atkins- I guess its easier to deal with when you think of what you can have vs what you can''t....

and congrats to AmberG! Have you gotten your WW keychain yet? I was so happy when I earned mine long ago....

I ended up working up 8:30 last night but kept the nighttime munchies at bay and did very well with eating yesterday. My doctor has suggested Behavior Modification therapy to try and conteract my compulsive tendencies. I need to do some research and see where I can find someone good. I am suprised how well the food journal is going- its helping me keep control.

I haven''t worked out yet today but scheduled myself to leave work at 5 to get an hour in (I needed some extra zzzs this morning, since I didn''t fall asleep until after 11
) I''ll post back later to keep myself in line!

Hope everyone has a great day!


Mar 6, 2005
I love to listen to music and watch my dog swipe at her ears while I sing...appreantly I will not be the next American Idol.
I go in at 3 today so I have been trying to be productive. I was making cookies for a friend of mine from school who has been serving to mail to his parents house for when he gets home. Without thinking about it I ate some of the dough to see in the cookies (ginger snaps) needed more sugar. I didnt even realize what I had done for like five minutes. Ekkk.
However I didnt eat anymore and I wont. He better like his cookies... So now I have to start over and count tommorow as day one. It is a little bit upsetting to me (down 3lbs in 2days) but I really think it is worth it. I just need someone to bake with me so I dont need to quality control the cookies. So for those of you who do please pray for me to have the strength and the awareness to stay on this diet. Please.
Has anyone heard anything about sleep and weight loss my father (he is an MD) told me that I would do better losing weight if I got more sleep. I typicaaly between 4-6 hours sometimes less. He said an even 8 would help me lose weight and make me feel better in general. I just cant decide if that was coming from Daddy the father or Daddy the DR...sometimes it is hard to tell. (Like when they tell you to go to be at (9:30pm


Dec 23, 2004
Hi all.
So, I still haven''t exercised, but I took the step and hired a new trainer. I haven''t actually met with her yet, but I have met with the owner/president of the company. It''s a whole new approach -- very mental. There was a 9 page evaluation that I had to fill out. The owner met me yesterday morning for my assessment... we went over the paperwork I filled out and then she looked at my legs (she''s a former dancer) since I have shin splints. She taught me some massage therapy to help alievate the pain. We spoke for an hour and forty five minute -- and we still weren''t finished. She''s coming back on Friday to finish up.

I really am so excited about starting this new process. I told her all the things I do when I start to give up so she knows my signals and will do what they can to keep me going. All of the trainers take a phychology course as well.

She also suggested some reading. I''ve only read a bit of the book so far, but it''s so fantastic that I''ve actually started putting stars next to the paragraphs that are relavent to my life. It''s amazing. The book is called ''When Food Is Love'' by Geneen Roth. I recommend it to everyone!

I meet with my new trainer next week. I''m so jazzed!


Jun 16, 2005
Mata- way to go for 65 minutes on eliptical- that is awesome! And Atkins or South Beach (what I did) is great. I lost 28 pounds on it and have kept it off for months. I did 45 minutes on the bike last night and will focus on weight training tonight. Mata- your Dad is absolutely right about sleep- you need to get more to help with your weight loss. 7-8 is a good number to shoot for. Reason being is that your body is working over time to stay awake and needs more fuel (sleep) in order to burn fat.


Dec 15, 2004
Date: 7/27/2005 11:12:52 AM
Author: Matatora

Has anyone heard anything about sleep and weight loss my father (he is an MD) told me that I would do better losing weight if I got more sleep. I typicaaly between 4-6 hours sometimes less. He said an even 8 would help me lose weight and make me feel better in general. I just cant decide if that was coming from Daddy the father or Daddy the DR...sometimes it is hard to tell. (Like when they tell you to go to be at (9:30pm
Yeah, thats true...they usually mention it in the fitness magazines when they talk about the best keys to weight loss, and they had it on some news story a while back that there was a study that said the less you slept the heavier you were. Like for 6 and under they said there was a considerable difference between those who consistantly recieved 8 hours of sleep.


Jan 4, 2005
Wow! you guys are all kicking butt!!!

Amanda, that new thing you are doing sounds serious! It really sounds like it may totally work for you - so much of getting healthy and excercising is mental. Let us know how it is going!

I may go to the gym today, I don''t know, I have some errands to run. My arms are still sore from my workout on monday! I need to get like matatora and stay on the elliptical for an hour!! I only do 35 minutes right now, then I get bored and too sweaty. I''m going to try to up it to 45 minutes, then gradually get to an hour. I really do love the elliptical, it''s so good on my knees, my big chest doesn''t flop all over the place
and my legs and thighs are really shaping up. In fact, I noticed yesterday that for the first time since I got back from basic training 4 and half years ago, MY THIGHS DON''T BRUSH TOGETHER ANYMORE!!! woo hoo!!! They are getting so small, I''m so happy because my thighs are my problem area. Yea!!

Keep it up everyone! You are all doing so well, I''m so excited!


Jun 24, 2005
AmandaPanda - That new trainer sounds awesome! It seems completely personalized & I think we all need that; you are lucky to have found them. Good luck!!!!!

Matatora & FountainFairFax - congratulations on your success so far!!! Keep up the good work!!!!!

IrishEyes: EEEEEEEEE!!!! NOT having your thighs rub together is an AWESOME achievement!!! Congrats!!

I''m heading over to the gym immediately after work today. I''m all packed up, so I have no excuses today. My plan is arms & abs, plus a little cardio today. Hopefully it will go well!

Have a great evening ladies!


Sep 10, 2003
Can anyone join in?

I''m doing the SouthBeach again (slightly modified) and have lost a stone so far. Hit a plateau so thought I''d better start exercising again. I joined a local class with a friend and we did 30 mins fast aerobic stuff then 30 mins body sculpting stuff. Then we went to the steam room and then swam for 30 mins. I won''t be able to walk tomorrow.


Dec 7, 2003
You ladies are inspiring.

I walk 3 miles every day but for the past several months I've been stuck at my highest weight. I do not have a weight problem, but I'm heavier than I like to be. I know that I often eat for the wrong reasons. If it was only b/c of hunger, I'd still be skinny!

AmandaPanda, I've read a couple of Geneen Roth's books and they are very good. She has a unique approach and it makes sense although I think that it might not work for everyone. She basically says you should not deny yourself any foods. That by making some things off limits, you cause yourself to later binge on them. I just passed my two books onto a friend. We were talking about how we KNOW how to be reasonable and eat right, but how it's still hard.

I do well on low carbs but of course, the thing I crave the most is carbs! I know that if I can get past the first day or two of cutting out the sugar, the cravings will let up. But I really like my chocolate chip cookies in the afternoon.


Jan 6, 2005
Hey ladies - way to go everyone keeping it up, and its fun to see some new "faces" in this post.

I didn''t go the the gym yesterday - I was just too stressed out and emotionally exhausted after taking my mom to Dr. appointments all day. She had a blood clot in her leg and was hospitalized over the weekend, and that on top of her hip replacement recovery is really getting her down. Its really hard for her because she has always been very independent and now she feels like she is losing that. And since I am the only one helping right now (my brothers have somehow managed to be completely unavailable, and most of her friends are out of town), I''m the one who gets all the venting and who she makes snide comments and guilt trips to. I know its because she''s frustrated but it makes it hard to keep giving up so much time out of my life to take care of her right now. Fortunately, she did get an OK to drive from the Dr., so that will help a lot because it means I don''t have to keep taking her to all her appointments, which were eating up at least one full day per week out of my schedule at the lab. Hopefully this will allow me to focus more fully on my thesis research too, which is important. I feel like a bad daughter saying these things, but I am just so annoyed that no one else has stepped up to help the way I have (and my FI has helped too) and yet we get the brunt of things from her because we are mostly the only people she sees. OK, done venting, just had to get that off my chest.

I will be going to the gym today (I think I packed myself too much food for lunch - feeling kind of overfull right now, hopefulyl the gym will help work that off). I am going out to dinner tonight (girls'' nite) and tomorrow night (FI''s team at work), but will try to be disciplined about what and how much I eat at those. I also have cake tastings coming up in my future, but I just have to keep thinking about the overall goal, and that I can enjoy three bites just was much as a whole piece...

Keep it up ladies!


Sep 3, 2004
wow! everyone is so active and inspiring!

i''m trying to cut back on carbs & sugars, but i''m not following any sort of plan nor am i being too rigid with myself. i''ve been packing my lunches for the past week and feel much better already. mostly big filling salads. i think i''ve lost about 4 lbs but that may also be muscle mass since i stopped working out with my trainer a few weeks before that.

i went to the gym monday night with my bf''s ipod shuffle and ran. all i could do was 20 min! but i guess it''s a start. i''m going to try and go 4 days a week with Tuesdays being my off days since i have my small group meetings on that night.



Mar 6, 2005
Everyone is welcome here Bagapuss!!! If you are dieting, exercising or just trying to make your lifestyle more healthy over all then please come and join us. I know there are some who have it 100% figured out. I wish I did. But for anyone looking for motivation, encoragment or just someone to listen and talk to this a great daily thread. The more the merrier.


Oct 30, 2002
Congrats girls!
I''m still loving the walking thing and it''s still working so I''m still going. I''ve been pretty good with the food still, lots of fish and veggies and a few nights out to splurge (tonite we had sushi!).


Sep 10, 2003
Date: 7/27/2005 10:06:27 PM
Author: Matatora
Everyone is welcome here Bagapuss!!! If you are dieting, exercising or just trying to make your lifestyle more healthy over all then please come and join us. I know there are some who have it 100% figured out. I wish I did. But for anyone looking for motivation, encoragment or just someone to listen and talk to this a great daily thread. The more the merrier.
Thanks for the warm welcome, Matatora.

I can''t say I''ve got it all figured out, but I know pretty much what I should be doing. It''s doing it and sticking to it that''s the problem. Anyway, I was right, I''m stiff as a board now after the unaccustomed exercise
Never mind, I''ll do some gentle walking to keep supple until next week''s class.
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