
We will rebuild STL. We have the technology.


Jul 7, 2004
So, you've likely seen on the news that St. Louis and surrounding suburbs (Valley Park, Fenton, South County, South City, Arnold, Eureka, Union, Ste. Genevieve/Cape Girardeau, West Alton--a confluence point, Kimmswick, St. Charles/St. Peters, I can go on for a while) are basically under up to 50 feet of water. That's no exaggeration. This is worse than 1982. This is worse than 1993. We have almost all of our interstates closed in at least one location, if not multiple locations. Two counties are basically shut off from the rest of the area and those two counties make up a big portion of our city. First responders worked tirelessly through the day and night yesterday to try to keep the last remaining path into one county open for the MILES of traffic backed up trying desperately to get to their homes last night, it was down to ONE lane in, and they were going one car at a time, before they couldn't do it anymore.

Just about a mile from my home is obliterated, I am safe. My sister is trapped in her subdivision, surrounded by water. She is safe. My parents are safe, away from water entirely. Many family members of mine are safe, however I did have a couple that were evacuated due to proximity and don't know for sure what they're going back to. Others are trapped and cut off. My brother in law sat for 4 hours last night on 55 just to try to get to my parents who aren't even near the closure because all the routes to get to their house were backed up for miles (he nearly bailed and came to my house, I am closer!)

This is just a tiny snippet of MAJOR roads closed.
Interstate 70 has been closed (I believe it's reopened, may be closed in spots)
Interstate 44 is closed for many miles in many places
Interstate 55 is closed
Hwy 141 is closed
Hwy 21 is closed
Hwy 61/67 is closed
Hwy 50 is closed
Hwy 100 is closed
Hwy 109 is closed
Hwy 30 is closed
Hwy 47 is closed

Two huge school complexes are underwater right now that I know of, at the very least (and one narrowly missed it in Valley Park, one building might have taken a hit, but it will likely be ok to reopen.)

People who were told they were ineligible for Flood Insurance because they were not in "floodplains" and were too high up to ever flood are literally under water right now, and are basically f'cked. They've lost everything.

I don't pray, I don't believe in religion or deities, but even I am unintelligible right now. This is worse than 1993. The locals will understand this part: All I can think is THANK THE GODS that Chesterfield and the Missouri River levee is holding--can you even imagine the Valley going under right now!?!! For the non locals--that means that Interstate 64 would be gone as well, as would TONS of development in a goddamn floodplain--that was all gone in 93.

I was over the Meramec on 44 before it was cut off at 270 (I had to go to St. Clare for a dr appt for the locals. They sent me off at the soccer park outer road, over Mraz and through Horan and I went back out thru the Horan Rd way to get back to the hwy...the water was like 6-8 feet if that from the highway at that point, and I bet it got higher by the end of the day.)

So keep them in your thoughts. All of these displaced people who have lost it all. It only takes a few days of heavy rain, or in some cases ONE day of heavy rain, a few hours.

Any just FYI--UPS, USPS and FedEx are not going anywhere. They can't get through here.


Aug 14, 2009
Good ****

I've been out of the country... I had no idea. Apparently the Meramec rose 35 feet (35!!!) in three days ;( :errrr:
You, your family, and the residents of STL will be in my thoughts - please stay safe ame!!!


Sep 1, 2009
Wow! I have been reading the news, but I had no idea...

Stay safe! Please keep us updated as you can.


Jul 7, 2004
Yssie|1451580467|3968926 said:
Good ****

I've been out of the country... I had no idea. Apparently the Meramec rose 35 feet (35!!!) in three days ;( :errrr:
You, your family, and the residents of STL will be in my thoughts - please stay safe ame!!!
We got nailed with rain over a few days and it really only took a few hours for the damage to occur. It's at about 50 feet now, I haven't heard that it crested yet in all the areas. Near me is the city and county, and I am going nowhere near it. But there is a lot of serious damage there. A really nice casino is over there, and I have no idea if that is damaged but you couldn't get to it if you wanted to find out.

I went out this morning to hit Costco for gas and the one nearest me is where they shut down 55 before the flooding--about 4 miles short of it if that. Right at 270. It is the most eerie thing to see NO TRAFFIC on that interstate. I felt that way yesterday on 44 as well. It gives you chills.

That shows Valley Park this morning. The 10:45 mark shows the base of my sister's subdivision, and how it's all flooded in. But the major intersection by the hotels and stuff is Hwy 141 at Interstate 44. (141 goes under 44) I gasped. I was just shocked. All of those businesses are just a loss.



Jan 26, 2003
I had no idea until I read this, either, ame. This reminds me of Katrina. I do pray, but I really believe that working smart and working hard is a great supplement to prayer. I will, now, try to stay informed and be helpful. Good luck to all of you.


Maria D

Jan 24, 2003
AGBF|1451588062|3968972 said:
I had no idea until I read this, either, ame. This reminds me of Katrina. I do pray, but I really believe that working smart and working hard is a great supplement to prayer. I will, now, try to stay informed and be helpful. Good luck to all of you.


I had no idea either! Off to check some news...

Thoughts are with you Ame!


Jun 6, 2010
Holy moly Ame! I can't imagine what you and your fellow Missourians are going through right now. I will keep you in my safe!


Jul 7, 2004
I saw that Cape is supposed to crest over 50 ft, but not til this weekend. They're working FEVERISHLY down there to sandbag.

MoDOT is working their perverbial balls off to try to clear Lemay Ferry (61/67) and 55 right now, to get through traffic. Obviously bridge inspections cannot happen until the water recedes so people will be passing at their own peril. But they're pumping and pumping water back off the bridge as much as possible to clear it. It crested in both VP and Arnold today, so it should be receding but I don't know that it's doing so at any sort of reasonable speed. It's basically just going to end up elsewhere, like the Mississippi. 44 and 141 won't clear for many days. 21 is starting I THINK to recede. But there was a MASSIVE crack where the bridge was separating at the road from the water rushing and that won't likely reopen. I don't know if the crack was on 21 or on 141 at 21.


Aug 27, 2011
I feel for you and hope everyone stays safe. We've had some terrible and unusual flooding here after heavy rainfall, parts of northern England and Scotland are badly affected. Apparently it's all due to a strong El Niño which has caused the North Pole to heat up above freezing.......


Dec 12, 2008
Yikes! Flooding is no joke. We live in a river valley-we flood often, and we categorize them according to year also--'93 being one of the worst, and then just a few years ago (2012?), places that never been in trouble, even in '93 were flooded. It breaks my heart to think of the amount of loss. Not just the property damage, the houses/cars and such, but the animals, and the parts of people's histories and their lives, that are ruined. The sense of hopelessness, and helplessness..I can't imagine.

That much water will take a while too, to go down..the damage to the city systems, the roads etc..horrible.


Jul 7, 2004
Snowdrop13|1451597569|3969051 said:
I feel for you and hope everyone stays safe. We've had some terrible and unusual flooding here after heavy rainfall, parts of northern England and Scotland are badly affected. Apparently it's all due to a strong El Niño which has caused the North Pole to heat up above freezing.......
Yes! You guys are in trouble too! I saw videos and photos of your flooding as well! Thoughts with you.


Jul 7, 2004
packrat|1451598225|3969054 said:
Yikes! Flooding is no joke. We live in a river valley-we flood often, and we categorize them according to year also--'93 being one of the worst, and then just a few years ago (2012?), places that never been in trouble, even in '93 were flooded. It breaks my heart to think of the amount of loss. Not just the property damage, the houses/cars and such, but the animals, and the parts of people's histories and their lives, that are ruined. The sense of hopelessness, and helplessness..I can't imagine.

That much water will take a while too, to go down..the damage to the city systems, the roads etc..horrible.
93 was an all around bad year. We've got a few bad years since but nothing like this. They're working feverishly trying to get routes open to the other counties.

I really feel so much for these people.


Jul 27, 2011
Thanks to your thread, I checked with my friend Jenn to make sure she's ok. She's in Creve Coeur and said they are dry. Phew!

Stay safe, Ame!


Jan 26, 2003
This article from, "The New York Times" is actually quoting some people as suggesting that there are now areas near you where it is too unsafe to live. Which, once again, makes me think of Hurricane Katrina and southern Louisiana, specifically New Orleans. Many people questioned whether it would ever be safe to live there.



Jun 2, 2013
What heartache... even upon looking at photos and videos, it's hard to grasp the extent of it all. Do you think, ame, this would be a good way to make a donation to local relief efforts:

ETA this link to St. Louis Post-Dispatch article on how poor planning & development contributed to this disaster, I.e., this isn't simply an "act of God" (to borrow insurance lingo); man played no small role.


Nov 22, 2010
I saw the news last night and it was heart wrenching--showing someone's house floating down the river and homeowners trying to keep the water out with sandbags and water pumps, roads flooded with 20 feet of's just unimaginable. My prayers are with STL and that you all stay strong and stay safe.

I wanted to add (FWIW) that according to government studies: 75% of homes that have flooded in the US ARE NOT located in a flood plain/ zone. If you live in a flood plain/ zone, your mortgage company will more than likely require you to buy flood insurance. But, last time I checked, you can purchase flood insurance even if you don't live within a flood plain/ zone. Flood insurance is pricey and I imagine that's why not many have it. Home owner's insurance does not cover flood damage. :(


Aug 16, 2007
Having lived through Sandy my heart goes out to you all. I can only hope that funds will be made available to those who did not have coverage and that any rebuilding is done smarter for the future.


Jul 7, 2004
That seems to be one safe bet for donations. Hopefully they will make sure that money gets to those in need.

It's hard to say that many of these people "did it to themselves." As in they were in harms way. Not all of the people who were flooded are in a flood plain. Hwy 70, which flooded the other day, that is not in a flood plain. A levee broke a little further up and took that out. The people affected by that have never had such an issue. Many of the people who were affected in Brentwood, which flooded in a flash the other day, again, never flooded before, as that is also not a flood plain. Some of this stuff was flash flooding, and not flood plain, and other stuff only flooded because the water reached ridiculous levels that it's never reached before. So to say that some of them are in harms way because it was built there is not really true.

But there are others who are in flood plains, and it's hard to know if they built there because they wanted to be near water, or because the population here grew and that's where the developers could get the land either cheaply or it was simply available.

When I mentioned Chesterfield Valley. THAT is a floodplain and one hell of one. If that gets flooded again, that will be catastrophic. There has also been a dispute along the Mississippi on the Illinois side about land along one levee.

The good news, water is starting to recede rapidly here, and they've been able to clear 55 and 44 and inspect them to allow traffic.


Apr 2, 2006
Thank you for painting such a vivid picture of the flooding in your area and its impacts on residents. Its such a small thing in the abstract, but the thought of not being able to reach your family, or even your own home, in an emergency is frightening - as is of course the thought of the damage and loss of lives caused by the flooding. I hope the worst of the rainfall and flooding is now behind you.


Aug 12, 2005
Ame, what a horrific situation. I hope the floodwaters continue to recede quickly and that all those displaced are able to find homes again. Glad you and your family are safe.


Jul 7, 2004
Thanks guys. That post above from the STLToday site--regarding how there were "warnings" about how we did this to ourselves--I totally agree with most of that. It's totally true. I will just use the Gumbo Flats area as a perfect example--It is seriously lucky that the Missouri was not any higher in that area. That alone wouldve been epic disaster. But for what WAS bad this time...unreal. As high as it was, that is a result of what they did, but at the same time, we have unbelievable amount of residency--they're moving farther out, and they have to go somewhere, because I guess the city isn't good enough, though there are places that got flash flooding that are NOT low lying and are NOT flood plains. They just had nowhere to put the water. Sewer systems on overload, etc.

My sister said she can finally get back out of her area via one end. I know that downstream will be a nightmare, obviously the water goes somewhere, and right now the next stop is Cape Girardeau and Ste. Genevieve. The crest above 50 ft (!!!) tomorrow and the 3rd I believe. And then, expect massive messes further down.


Aug 8, 2005
I had no idea till I read this. Holy sh*t. Ame I am grateful you and your family are safe. The state of my faith is shaky bit I do prau some, and I will pray for you all foe whatever thats worth. Please stay safe, and if you nees anything let me kbiw, seriously. Please be safe!


Jan 13, 2006
Ame, glad to hear you and your family are ok. Hard to believe I have seen 3 big floods in my life already. I'm not that old.... :/


Jul 7, 2004
Gypsy|1451685490|3969380 said:
I had no idea till I read this. Holy sh*t. Ame I am grateful you and your family are safe. The state of my faith is shaky bit I do prau some, and I will pray for you all foe whatever thats worth. Please stay safe, and if you nees anything let me kbiw, seriously. Please be safe!
Thank you! And thankfully it's receding QUICKLY now, though rushing downstream to Cape and Ste Gen and will wreak havoc on them. They can't handle it either. Those numbers of 50+ feet will level them.

I know there are a few clothing drives being held by a couple local school districts. I am waiting for more specifics, and if I can bring stuff there I will, if not I'll send money where needed.

Ellen|1451686396|3969392 said:
Ame, glad to hear you and your family are ok. Hard to believe I have seen 3 big floods in my life already. I'm not that old.... :/
Thank you! Seriously! I mean, I've now lived through what, three 100 year floods? Or would these be 500 year floods? Who knows. Im only 37, and how many will I see in my life now? 2008 wasn't great either. I worked on the landing for years and it was always a hot mess in the Spring. But this is otherworldly.

I assume based on your posting that all is well up in your neck of the woods, too. I heard your area was pretty well spared,which is a relief.

My sister was elated to escape today. My brother in law went over there after work yesterday, he got out around 1pm, and wormed his way around from Manchester to park in a subdivision a ways over and walked up to their house through the subdivisions. Good thing too, their neighbors noticed serious water issues from both the roof line and basement areas, they backed up to where it had flooded along the backside of the subdivision at the TOP of the hill. (That drone video from youTube showed how it backed up the hill by the railroad tracks.) So he was helping them out all day today.

The mess this left behind...unreal. Where do we go from here?


Jan 13, 2006
We got some flooding, but nothing real major. They moved the water plant after 93 so it's mainly some parking lots and a few business that get it. Not that it isn't bad for them, I don't mean to make light. It's just not a huge area.

Who actually did the controls on that drone video, do you know? Sure did give a birds eye view of everything.

So glad your sister got out! I bet that was a relief to not feel trapped anymore. :/


Jul 7, 2004
Ellen|1451738473|3969587 said:
We got some flooding, but nothing real major. They moved the water plant after 93 so it's mainly some parking lots and a few business that get it. Not that it isn't bad for them, I don't mean to make light. It's just not a huge area.

Who actually did the controls on that drone video, do you know? Sure did give a birds eye view of everything.

So glad your sister got out! I bet that was a relief to not feel trapped anymore. :/
She was so glad. She said they were fine but knowing that they couldn't leave was making them all stir crazy. I had sent her that video and she was just devastated seeing all that damage.

I think it was some web design company flying it. I've seen a few more, one or two from Arnold, a couple over West Alton, etc. He's lucky he got away with it, actually. I know that they were told repeatedly not to fly any of them over flooding because of safety concerns to first responders, and that they would be removed from airspace with force and if they identified the owner they'd likely be prosecuted. So a lot of them are being taken out by the police if they were in the airspace, because the police and national guard helicopters are flying low right now, and they're interfering with the helicopters. I am hoping that Cape and Ste. Gen are doing ok. They crest today and tomorrow over 50 ft. They were already really high before that water.

I went to Fox today to drop of a trunk full of donations--the donation line is insane. I think there's another one going at Edwardsville. They need clothing and personal care items and non-perishable food, things they can pass out to people who lost their homes, etc. Fox is a pretty huge campus and it was madness on Jeffco, just to get in, and then the campus was PACKED with volunteers to sort the donations, and people donating. I think it took me an hour from Jeffco to dropoff and I felt like that was not bad at all. I suspect they'll distribute it north and south as needed. Driving there, I took Lemay Ferry because it turns into Jeffco, seeing how bad Arnold was hard. All the businesses wiped out, and going back over 55 to see all those god.

Amber St. Clare

Dec 15, 2009
Hugs, dust and prayers to all.


Jan 26, 2003
Ellen|1451738473|3969587 said:
We got some flooding, but nothing real major. They moved the water plant after 93 so it's mainly some parking lots and a few business that get it. Not that it isn't bad for them, I don't mean to make light. It's just not a huge area.

Who actually did the controls on that drone video, do you know? Sure did give a birds eye view of everything.

So glad your sister got out! I bet that was a relief to not feel trapped anymore. :/


Why does everyone else know where you are when I do not? Did you specify your location in this thread?



Jul 7, 2004
AGBF|1451774328|3969781 said:
Ellen|1451738473|3969587 said:
We got some flooding, but nothing real major. They moved the water plant after 93 so it's mainly some parking lots and a few business that get it. Not that it isn't bad for them, I don't mean to make light. It's just not a huge area.

Who actually did the controls on that drone video, do you know? Sure did give a birds eye view of everything.

So glad your sister got out! I bet that was a relief to not feel trapped anymore. :/


Why does everyone else know where you are when I do not? Did you specify your location in this thread?

I've met her. I know where she lives.


Jun 23, 2005
It is so sad to watch the continuing coverage of these floods. Your heart really goes out to so many people in a terrible situation. I imagine the real devastation is yet to come when the waters finally recede and you see what is left. I am glad to hear that all of you near the situation are personally untouched by the flood waters but I really feel for those that have simply lost everything. It is hard to wrap your mind around the loss of life as well. One day you are fine and the next you are living in a nightmare.

Thanks for all of the updates Ame - keeps us all mindful of how fortunate we are and to remember those that are suffering.
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